Cotton tolerance of DPX-PE350 applied POST alone, mixed with acephate, carbaryl, or dimethoate applied at 220, 1100, or 280 g ai ha−1, respectively, or following aldicarb, disulfoton, or phorate applied in the seed furrow at 1.0, kg ai ha−1 was evaluated. DPX-PE350 at 170 g ae ha−1 did not adversely affect seed cotton yield, fiber length, fiber length uniformity, or micronaire but did decrease fiber strength. The insecticides did not alter cotton response to DPX-PE350. Entireleaf morningglory was controlled 92, 95, and 96% with DPX-PE350 applied POST at 56, 110, and 170 g ha−1, respectively. Mixing acephate, carbaryl, or dimethoate with DPX-PE350 did not affect control.