This research communication aimed at assessing the microbial quality and preparation practices of dahi/thayir, a popular traditional fermented milk product, in households from two distinct agroecological zones in Kerala, India, namely the high-range and central midland, We highlighted the significant variations and potential food safety concerns associated with regional differences in production methods. The local climate significantly influenced the incubation temperature of dahi/thayir, thereby influencing the types of microflora involved in the fermentation process. Data on preparation practices and sensory preferences were collected from producers during the sampling process, covering 200 households. There were significant variations in preparation practices between the two regions, particularly concerning the type of container used, inoculation rate and incubation period. Samples from the high-range region exhibited significantly higher acidity and coliform count as well as yeast and mold count than the central midland region. The household fermentation of milk is often uncontrolled, causing increased acidity levels. This uncontrolled fermentation favored the growth of contaminants such as coliforms and yeast, posing a potential threat to food safety. This study underscores the importance of understanding microbial quality variations and preparation practices in dahi/thayir production, emphasizing the need for proper fermentation techniques and hygienic practices to ensure the safety and quality of this traditional fermented milk product.