In many species with encapsulated larval development, the larvae play an active role in hatching. However, the factors that control when the larvae hatch from each egg-capsule within an egg-mass are largely unknown. Advanced egg-masses of the gastropod Crepipatella peruviana were used to determine the hatching time of capsules from each egg-mass. After each female was detached, the egg-mass was also removed from the substrate and all capsules were then counted and measured. All capsules were examined to determine the time of hatching and the order in which capsules hatched from each egg-mass. Larvae were collected from each hatched egg-capsule and the number, size and weight of larvae from each capsule were determined. After 50–60% of the capsules from each egg-mass had hatched, the same characteristics of the remaining unhatched larvae from sister capsules were documented. Larvae were found to have hatched when they reached a size of 354 ± 22 μm (n = 245). Larvae from capsules within the same egg-mass hatched over a period of up to 12-days. The order of hatching in capsules from the same egg-mass was determined by larval content: capsules with fewer larvae and smaller capsules with heavier larvae hatched first. The hatching from one capsule in any given egg-mass did not induce the hatching of its sister capsules. Furthermore, hatching also occurred successfully in the mother absence, suggesting that this process is largely or completely controlled by the encapsulated larvae, although a possible maternal role in synchronizing hatching cannot be excluded.