Alcoholic Korsakoff's syndrome (KS) is marked by remote memory
impairment together with characteristic profound anterograde memory
deficits. Despite previous studies of memory processes in KS, questions
remain regarding the nature and severity of these impairments and
identification of brain systems that underlie these different memory
impairments. This study examined remote and anterograde memory function
in 5 KS patients in comparison with 8 patients with Alzheimer's
disease (AD) and 24 normal control subjects (NC). In addition,
relationships between memory performance and regional brain volumes
were examined in the KS group. Overall, the KS group showed severe
impairment on both remote and anterograde memory measures, performing
at the level of the AD group on most measures. Differences were
observed on the pattern of temporal gradient for verbal recognition,
with KS exhibiting a more steeply graded rate of decline over the most
recent period examined. Severity of the remote memory deficit in KS was
not associated with severity of anterograde memory deficit. Examination
of brain structure–function relationships in the KS subjects
revealed that photo naming of remote historical information was related
to posterior cortical white matter volumes but not hippocampal volumes;
sequencing was related to prefrontal but not hippocampal volumes. By
contrast, a measure of anterograde memory for nonverbal visual material
showed a relationship to hippocampal but not regional cortical white
matter volumes. This set of dissociations, which parallels that
observed in our earlier study of AD, is now documented in KS and
provides further evidence that these separate cortical and limbic brain
systems are principal neural substrates of the remote and anterograde
memory and sequencing deficits in KS. (JINS, 2004,
10, 427–441.)