This study examines mortality of the Amur tiger Panthera tigris altaica caused by traffic collision incidents in the Russian Far East from 1980 to 2023. Forty-six per cent of mortality incidents occurred within the last 4 years of this period (2020–2023) following an outbreak of African swine fever, which led to a reduction of prey available for tigers. Using multiple regression analysis, we identify significant predictors of tiger mortality, including road type, biotope, and distances to settlements and federally protected areas. We identified five locations with concentrations of tiger mortality, with four of these near protected areas comprising 54% of all incidents. Asphalt roads have an elevated risk of tiger deaths during the winter, whereas unpaved roads have elevated risk during warmer months. Wildlife-friendly road planning, including crossings and enhanced night-time controls, is crucial for reducing mortality and ensuring the survival of this species amidst increasing development of human infrastructure. This study highlights the urgent need for targeted conservation efforts to reduce traffic-related risks to the Amur tiger.