This paper reports on a novel approach for producing high energy
femtosecond pulses without external amplification. The so-called
chirped-pulse oscillator (CPO) concept is based on an extended-cavity
oscillator, operating at small net positive intracavity group delay
dispersion (GDD), over a broad spectral range by the use of chirped
multilayer mirrors. The resultant chirped picosecond pulses are compressed
by a dispersive delay line external to the laser cavity. Utilizing this
technique, sub-30 fs pulses with an energy exceeding 200 nJ at a
repetition rate of 11 MHz were produced. The demonstrated peak power in
excess of 5 MW is the highest ever achieved from a cw-pumped laser and is
expected to be scaleable to tens of megawatts by increasing the pump power
and/or decreasing the repetition rate. The demonstrated source allows
micromachining of any materials under relaxed focusing conditions.