About this Cambridge Elements series
Language teaching as a field of study straddles the disciplines of education and applied linguistics (and at times other disciplines such as applied psychology and applied sociology). As societies have become increasingly mobile, language teaching practices have changed to keep pace with changing learners’ needs. Globalisation has led to dramatic changes in language pedagogies, both in terms of the rise of global lingua franca such as English, Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic, as well as issues surrounding language teaching in immigrant communities.
As language teaching has developed as a distinct academic field, some scholars have observed a widening gap between researchers and practitioners, accompanied by limited exposure to research by teachers, and a disconnect between professional and academic publications. This elements series aims to close this gap by allying research with language teaching practices, in its exploration of research-informed pedagogy, and pedagogy-informed research. The series builds upon a rich history of pedagogical research in its exploration of new insights within the field of language teaching.
Contracted titles:
- Language teacher agency
- Language teacher reflexive practice
- Pedagogical translanguaging
- Teaching English as an international language
- Technology and language teaching
- Intercultural/transcultural awareness in language teaching
- Language testing research: implications for language teaching
- Autoethnography in language teaching
- Teaching young bilingual learners: key issues and new insights
- Integration of content and language in higher education
- Task based language teaching
- Mediating innovation through language teacher education
If you have ideas for titles not yet published or contracted, please contact the editors directly on the email addresses below.
Elements in this series
Heath Rose is Professor of Applied Linguistics and Deputy Director (People) of the Department of Education. Before moving into academia, Heath worked as a language teacher in Australia and Japan in both school and university contexts. He is author of numerous books, such as Introducing Global Englishes, The Japanese Writing System, Data Collection Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, and Global Englishes for Language Teaching.
Jim McKinley is Professor of Applied Linguistics at IOE Faculty of Education and Society, University College London. He has taught in higher education in the UK, Japan, Australia, and Uganda, as well as US schools. His research targets implications of globalization for L2 writing, language education, and higher education studies, particularly the teaching-research nexus and English medium instruction. Jim is co-author and co-editor of several books on research methods in applied linguistics. He is an Editor-in-Chief of the journal System.
Editorial Advisory Board
Gary Barkhuizen, University of Auckland; Marta Gonzalez-Lloret, University of Hawaii; Li Wei, UCL; Victoria Murphy, University of Oxford; Brian Paltridge, University of Sydney; Diane Pecorari, Leeds University; Christa Van der Walt, Stellenbosch University; Yongyan Zheng, Fudan University
Contact the Editors:
If you would like more information about this series, or are interested in writing an Element, please contact Heath Rose and Jim McKinley [email protected] and [email protected].
Each Element is written by a leading scholar in the field with a specific expertise on a topic which falls within one of the following categories:
- Teaching language in a globalised world, including topics such as multilingual classrooms, translanguaging, and teaching English as an international language.
- Approaches and models of language teaching, including topics such as Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education, English Medium Instruction, and technology enhanced language teaching.
- Teachers and Learners, including topics such as teaching young learners, learner agency, and language teacher identity.
- Language teaching in context, including topics related to specific regions or specific languages.
- Language curriculum, including topics such as materials, assessment issues, and evaluation.