The Editor,
The Journal of Glaciology
Sir, Calorimetry
I have read with interest the paper by Mr. I. G. Halliday on “The liquid water content of snow” in the March 1950 issue of your journal. It is a very good paper but there are two little mistakes. First, I did not propose “to use a heating coil to bring the calorimeter and melted sample back to the temperature of the original hot water “(page 358, line 10). Secondly, I do not “distrust voltmeters and ammeters for power measurements” (page 360, 12th line from the bottom). Probably these mistakes come from translation which is always very difficult in scientific works.
I am very interested in the private communication from S. Sigurdsson. I should be pleased if you would lend it to me.
Karl Croce
(13b) Inzell, Germany 20 March 1950