One of the starting points of tropical geometry is the observation that there is a deep analogy between the classical geometry of Riemann surfaces and the geometry of metric graphs, or more generally, (abstract) tropical curves.
Let X be a Riemann surface and let
$B\subseteq X$
be a finite set. Ramified covers
$X'\rightarrow X$
that are branched over B are topological coverings of
$X_0=X\setminus B$
, and the Galois correspondence classifies such covers in terms of the fundamental group
for some base point
$x_0\in X_0$
. This beautiful and classical story is explained in many standard textbooks on Riemann surfaces, such as [
Reference Cavalieri and MilesCM16, Reference MirandaMir95, Reference SzamuelySza09
]. In particular, given a finite group
, Galois covers with deck group
(not necessarily connected) are in one-to-one correspondence with monodromy representations
$\pi_1(X_0,x_0)\to \mathfrak{G}$
. If
is abelian, the universal coefficient theorem implies that the set of such covers is equal to

with their étale counterparts, this correspondence holds over any algebraically closed field k whose characteristic is zero or relatively prime to
The natural tropical analogue of a non-constant holomorphic map of Riemann surfaces is a finite harmonic morphism
of metric graphs (or tropical curves), which is a continuous map with finite fibers that pulls back harmonic functions on open subsets of
to harmonic functions on their preimages in
. Contrary to the algebraic case, a harmonic morphism need not be a topological covering map (even after finitely many points are removed), as harmonic morphisms allow for dilation along edges. Namely, via the natural identification of edges with real intervals, the restriction of a harmonic morphism
to an edge
is given by

The coefficient
is known as the dilation factor of
along e
′. The behaviour of a harmonic morphism at a vertex
$v'\in \Gamma'$
is controlled by another phenomenon that we call dilation at vertices, which assigns a dilation factor to each vertex as well (see Section 1 below). We also note that dilation should not be confused with the distinct phenomenon of ramification for morphisms of weighted graphs, which we discuss at the end of Section 1.
Dilation phenomena are inherent properties of morphisms of metric graphs, and arise naturally in tropicalisation constructions. For this reason, the fundamental group of a metric graph (specifically, its underlying topological space) cannot be used to classify its harmonic covers, and this classification problem is, to the best of our knowledge, currently open.
Classification of abelian tropical covers
Our first goal in this paper is to classify abelian harmonic covers of a fixed metric graph
. Given a finite group
, a harmonic
-cover of
is a harmonic morphism
$\phi\;:\;\Gamma'\to \Gamma$
together with a fiberwise
-action, such that the dilation factor of
at a point
$p'\in \Gamma'$
is equal to the order of its stabiliser group. If
is abelian, then
admits a convenient cohomological description. Namely, for any
$p\in \Gamma$
the stabiliser groups of two points of
are equal, hence the cover determines a family of subgroups
$D(p)\subseteq \mathfrak{A}$
indexed by
$p\in \Gamma$
, an object which we call the
-dilation datum of the harmonic cover. Choosing a graph model for
, the
-dilation datum D determines (by taking quotients) a sheaf of abelian groups
that we call the codilation sheaf.
Theorem A (Theorem 2·3).
be a metric graph or tropical curve, let
be a finite abelian group, and let D be an
-dilation datum on
. There is a natural bijection between the sheaf cohomology group
and the set of harmonic
-covers with
-dilation datum D.
We refer to
as the dilated cohomology group of
with respect to the
-dilation datum D. One may consider Theorem A as a first step towards a tropical analogue of geometric class field theory.
From algebraic to tropical covers (and back again)
There is a natural tropicalisation procedure that associates to a finite cover
$F\colon X'\rightarrow X$
of smooth projective algebraic curves over a non-Archimedean field a harmonic morphism
$\phi\colon \Gamma_{X'}\rightarrow\Gamma_X$
between the dual tropical curves. In the literature one may find at least two ways to describe this process: one by restricting the associated map
$F^{\textrm{an}}\colon X'^{\textrm{an}}\rightarrow X^{\textrm{an}}$
of Berkovich analytic spaces to the non-Archimedean skeletons, as in [
Reference Amini, Baker, Brugallé and RabinoffABBR15a, Reference Amini, Baker, Brugallé and RabinoffABBR15b
], the other from a moduli-theoretic point of view, as in [
Reference Cavalieri, Markwig and RanganathanCMR16
], using the moduli space of admissible covers. In Section 3 below we recall the latter approach, paying extra attention to the role of a finite automorphism group
. In particular, we describe how to associate to a
$F\colon X'\rightarrow X$
of algebraic curves a harmonic
of tropical curves.
Describing finite harmonic covers that arise as tropicalisations of finite algebraic covers is a highly non-trivial task, known as the realisability problem. We refer the reader to [
Reference CaporasoCap14
] and [
Reference Cavalieri, Markwig and RanganathanCMR16
] for details, including the connection to the still-open Hurwitz existence problem from the classical topology of Riemann surfaces (see [
Reference Pervova and PetronioPP06
] for a survey). In the abelian case, however, this problem admits a convenient homological solution, which we describe in Section 4. Given a tropical curve
and a finite abelian group
, we introduce the extended homology group
whose elements encode local monodromy data of harmonic
-covers of
. In particular, a class
$\eta \in H_1^{\textrm{ext}}(\Gamma,\mathfrak{A})$
determines an associated
-dilation datum
, and the realisable covers are exactly the ones that have such
-dilation data:
Theorem B (Theorem 4·4).
A harmonic
$\Gamma'\to \Gamma$
of tropical curves is realisable over a non-Archimedean field of residue characteristic zero or coprime to
$\vert \mathfrak{A}\vert$
if and only if its
-dilation datum is associated to a class in the extended homology group
In Section 5, we specialise to the case of cyclic covers of prime order. It turns out that our realisability criterion is closely related to the so-called nowhere-zero flow problem from graph theory. In particular, Tutte’s 5-flow conjecture has an equivalent formulation in terms of the existence of everywhere-dilated
We briefly mention how our results may generalise to the case of a non-abelian group
. A harmonic
$\Gamma'\to \Gamma$
determines the structure of a graph of groups on a model of
, and Bass–Serre theory classifies such covers in terms of an appropriately generalised fundamental group [
Reference SerreSer80, Reference BassBas93
]. However, there is no convenient generalisation of the homological realisability criterion, and the difficulties stemming from the Hurwitz existence problem cannot be avoided.
Earlier and related works
Graphs and tropical curves with group actions have been studied by a number of authors. The simplest example is the case of tropical hyperelliptic curves, which are
-covers of a tree (see [
Reference Amini, Baker, Brugallé and RabinoffABBR15b, Reference Bolognese, Brandt and ChuaBBC17, Reference Baker and NorineBN09, Reference CaporasoCap14, Reference ChanCha13, Reference LenLen17, Reference PanizzutPan16
]). Expanding on this, Brandt and Helminck [
Reference Brandt and Alexander HelminckBH20
] consider arbitrary cyclic covers of a tree. Helminck [
Reference Alexander HelminckHel17
] looks at the tropicalisation of arbitrary abelian covers of algebraic curves from a non-Archimedean perspective, as in [
Reference Amini, Baker, Brugallé and RabinoffABBR15a, Reference Amini, Baker, Brugallé and RabinoffABBR15b
]. Our Section 3 provides a moduli-theoretic approach to the same topic (with possibly non-abelian group) in the spirit of [
Reference Cavalieri, Markwig and RanganathanCMR16
In a different direction, Jensen and Len [
Reference Jensen and LenJL18
] consider
-covers of arbitrary tropical curves, and define the tropical Prym variety associated to such a cover. This object is equipped with a canonical polyhedral decomposition, leading to a combinatorial formula for its volume [
Reference Ghosh and ZakharovGZ23, Reference Len and ZakharovLZ22
]. A tropical version of Donagi’s n-gonal construction is investigated in [
Reference Röhrle and ZakharovRZ22
]. Applications to algebraic Prym–Brill–Noether theory are studied in [
Reference Len and UlirschLU21
] and [
Reference Creech, Len, Ritter and WuCLRW22
]. See [
Reference LenLen22
] for a survey on tropical Prym varieties. In a similar vein, Song [
Reference SongSon19
] considers
-invariant linear systems with the goal of studying their descent properties to the quotient.
In [
Reference Alexander HelminckHel21
] Helminck studies the fundamental group of a metrised curve complex in the sense of Amini and Baker [
Reference Amini and BakerAB15
] (which are also crucially used in [
Reference Amini, Baker, Brugallé and RabinoffABBR15a, Reference Amini, Baker, Brugallé and RabinoffABBR15b
]). In his framework he proves a result that amounts to identifying the fundamental group of a metrised curve complex with the étale fundamental group of the generic fiber of its smoothing. Theorem B could have been proved using this framework, but we decided to use the moduli-theoretic approach of [
Reference Cavalieri, Markwig and RanganathanCMR16
] via
-admissible covers in the sense of [
Reference Abramovich, Corti and VistoliACV03
Helminck’s result provides a new perspective on an older result of Sadi [ Reference SaïdiSaï97 ], which identifies the étale fundamental group of the generic fiber with the profinite completion of the fundamental group of a suitable graph of groups (in the sense of Bass and Serre [ Reference BassBas93, Reference SerreSer80 ]) that encodes the fundamental group of a metrised curve complex. From a moduli-theoretic perspective, a similar observation seems to be inherent in both [ Reference Bertin and RomagnyBR11 ] and [ Reference EkedahlEke95 ].
From a moduli-theoretic perspective, studying degenerations of
-covers of algebraic curves is equivalent to studying the compactification of the moduli space of
-covers in terms of the moduli space of
-admissible covers, as constructed in [
Reference Abramovich, Corti and VistoliACV03
] and [
Reference Bertin and RomagnyBR11
]. In [
Reference Bertin and RomagnyBR11
, section 7] the authors have already introduced a graph-theoretic gadget to understand the boundary strata of this moduli space: so-called modular graphs with an action of a finite (not necessarily abelian) group
This idea seems to have appeared independently in other works as well: Chiodo and Farkas [
Reference Chiodo and FarkasCF17
] study the boundary of the moduli space of level curves, which is equivalent to a component of the moduli space of
-admissible covers for a cyclic group
, and look at cyclic covers of an arbitrary graph. Their work has been extended to an arbitrary finite group
by Galeotti in [
Reference GaleottiGal19a, Reference GaleottiGal19b
]. Finally, in [
Reference Schmitt and van ZelmSvZ20
], Schmitt and van Zelm apply a graph-theoretic approach to the boundary of the moduli space of
-admissible covers (for an arbitrary finite group
) to study their pushforward classes in the tautological ring of
In [
Reference Cavalieri, Markwig and RanganathanCMR16
] Cavalieri, Markwig and Ranganathan develop a moduli-theoretic approach to the tropicalisation of the moduli space of admissible covers (without a fixed group operation). In [
Reference Caporaso, Melo and PaciniCMP20
], Caporaso, Melo and Pacini study the tropicalisation of the moduli space of spin curves, which, in view of the results in [
Reference Jensen and LenJL18
], is closely related to our story in the case
The problem of classifying covers of a graph with an action of a given group (not necessarily abelian) was studied by Corry in [ Reference CorryCor11, Reference CorryCor12, Reference CorryCor15 ]. However, Corry considered a different category of graph morphisms, allowing edge contraction but not dilation. To the best of our knowledge, no author has considered the problem of classifying all covers of a given graph with an action of a fixed group.
1. Harmonic covers of metric graphs and tropical curves
In this section, we recall a number of standard definitions concerning graphs, tropical curves, harmonic morphisms and group actions on graphs.
1·1. Finite graphs and harmonic morphisms
We use a modified version of Serre’s definition of a graph [ Reference SerreSer80 ] that allows for legs, which are a type of extremal edge with no end vertex.
Definition 1·1. A graph with legs G, or simply a graph, consists of the following data:
(i) a finite set X(G);
(ii) an idempotent root map
$r\;:\;X(G)\to X(G)$ ;
(iii) an involution
$\iota\;:\;X(G)\to X(G)$ whose fixed set contains the image of r.
The set X(G) is the union of the vertices V(G) and half-edges H(G) of the graph G, where V(G) is the image of r and
$H(G)=X(G)\backslash V(G)$
is the complement. The involution
preserves H(G) and partitions it into orbits of sizes 1 and 2; we call these respectively the legs and edges of G and denote the corresponding sets by L(G) and E(G). The root map assigns one root vertex to each leg and two root vertices to each edge (each vertex is rooted at itself). A loop is an edge whose root vertices coincide. An orientation on G is a choice of order (h,h
′) on each edge
of G and defines source and target maps
$s,t\;:\;E(G)\to V(G)$
. We note that a leg does not have a vertex at its free end and is thus distinct from an extremal edge, and that legs do not require orienting.
Graphs with legs naturally appear in tropical moduli problems, where a leg represents the tropicalisation of a marked point. An extremal edge, on the other hand, represents an irreducible component attached to the rest of the curve at a single node.
The tangent space
$T_v G$
and valency
$\textrm{val} (v)$
of a vertex
$v\in V(G)$
are defined by

so that a leg is counted once for valency, while a loop is counted twice.
A morphism of graphs
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
, is a set map
$f\;:\;X(G')\to X(G)$
that commutes with the root and involution maps and that sends vertices to vertices, edges to edges, and legs to legs. By abuse of notation, we denote by f the corresponding maps on the vertices, half-edges, edges, and legs. We note that our graph morphisms are finite and do not allow edges or legs to contract to vertices. Non-finite morphisms are relevant to tropical geometry, but do not occur as quotients by finite group actions; so we do not consider them.
Let G and G
′ be graphs. A harmonic morphism
consists of a graph morphism
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
and a degree assignment
$d_f\;:\;X(G')\to \mathbb{Z}_{>0}$
such that
for each edge
$e'=\{h'_{1},h'_{2}\}\in E(G')$
(a quantity that we denote by
), and such that

for every
$v'\in V(G')$
and every
$h\in T_{f(v)}G$
. In particular, the quantity appearing on the right-hand side of (2) does not depend on the choice of
$h\in T_{f(v)}G$
. The degree
is also called the dilation factor of f. If G is connected, then the global degree of f is defined as

for any choice of
$v\in V(G)$
$e\in E(G)$
$l\in L(G)$
. A harmonic morphism
is called free if
for all
$x\in X(G)$
; a free harmonic morphism is a covering space in the topological sense.
1·2. Group quotients and harmonic Galois covers
An automorphism of a graph G is a morphism
$f\;:\;G\to G$
that has an inverse; such a morphism can be made harmonic by setting
everywhere. A priori, a non-trivial automorphism may flip edges, in other words exchange the two half-edges making up an edge. Such automorphisms do not give rise to a quotient, however, since we do not allow an edge to map to a leg. Hence we exclude them from consideration.
Definition 1·2. Let G be a graph and
a finite group. A
-action on G is a homomorphism from
to the automorphism group
$\textrm{Aut} (G)$
, such that, for every
$g\in \mathfrak{G}$
and every
$e=\{h,h'\}\in E(G)$
, we have
$g(h)\neq h'$
(so that either
, or
$g(e)\neq e$
Given a
-action on a graph G, we can naturally form the quotient graph
in such a way that the quotient map
$f\;:\;G\to G/\mathfrak{G}$
is harmonic of degree
Definition 1·3. Let G be a graph and let
be a finite group. Given a
-action on G, we define the quotient graph
by setting
. The root and involution maps on G are
-invariant and descend to
. It is clear that
, and by assumption the
-action does not identify the two half-edges of any edge of G. Therefore
, and the quotient map

is a finite morphism. By the orbit-stabiliser theorem, we can promote f to a harmonic morphism of global degree
by setting
, where
is the stabiliser subgroup of
$x\in X(G)$
We now define a harmonic Galois cover of a graph to be any harmonic morphism obtained in this way.
Definition 1·4. Let G be a graph and let
be a finite group of order d. A harmonic
-cover of G is a harmonic morphism
$f\colon G'\rightarrow G$
of degree d together with a
-action on G
′ such that following axioms hold:
(i) the harmonic morphism f is
$\mathfrak{G}$ -invariant, in other words
$f(g(x'))=f(x')$ and
$d_f(g(x'))=d_f(x')$ for all
$x'\in X(G')$ and all
$g\in \mathfrak{G}$ ;
(ii) for all
$x\in X(G)$ , the group
$\mathfrak{G}$ acts transitively on the fiber
$f^{-1}(x)$ .
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
be a harmonic
-cover, and pick a vertex or half-edge
$x\in X(G)$
. The group
acts transitively on the fiber
, so we can identify the latter with
, where
is the stabiliser of some
$x'\in f^{-1}(x)$
. On the other hand, for any
$x',x''\in f^{-1}(x)$
we have
. Since the degrees of f on the fiber
add up to
$\deg f=|\mathfrak{G}|$
, it follows that
for any
$x'\in X(G')$
. It follows that f is the quotient morphism
$G'\to G'/\mathfrak{G}$
1·3. Metric graphs
Let G be a graph and let
$\ell\;:\;E(G)\to \mathbb{R}_{>0}$
be an assignment of positive real lengths to the edges of G. The pair
, known as a model for G, determines a metric graph
by gluing a closed line segment
for each edge
$e\in E(G)$
and an open infinite interval
for each leg
$l\in L(G)$
in accordance with the structure of G. We equip
with the shortest-path metric. We note that the set of legs does not depend on the choice of model and that the metric graph
is compact if and only if G has no legs.
A model
of a metric graph
is called simple if G has no loops or multi-edges. Given a simple model
, we define the star cover

as follows. For each leg
$l\in L(G)$
, let
$U_l\subset \Gamma$
be the interior of the corresponding infinite segment in
. For each vertex
$v\in V(G)$
, let
$U_v\subset \Gamma$
be the union of v and the interiors of all legs and edges incident to v. The distinct
have empty intersections, and
$U_l\cap U_v=U_l$
if l is rooted at v and is empty otherwise. Finally, for distinct vertices v and w, the intersection
$U_v\cap U_w$
is either the open edge connecting v and w, if there is such an edge, or is empty otherwise. Hence each element of
is contractible, pairwise intersections are open intervals or empty, and all triple intersections are empty, making the star cover convenient for cohomological calculations.
We now define harmonic morphisms and Galois covers of metric graphs. Let
be metric graphs with models G and G
′, respectively. Let
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
be a harmonic morphism of graphs satisfying the condition

for all
$e'\in E(G')$
. We define an associated continuous map
$\phi\;:\;\Gamma'\to \Gamma$
of metric graphs by mapping vertices to vertices, edges to edges, and legs to legs according to f. Along each edge and leg of
, the map
is linear with positive integer slope, or dilation factor, given by the degree
(which we also denote
). Condition (3) ensures that
is continuous, and no condition is required along the infinite legs.
A harmonic morphism of metric graphs
$\phi\;:\;\Gamma'\to \Gamma$
is any continuous, piecewise-linear map obtained in this manner, with nonzero integer slopes given by the degree function
of a harmonic morphism of graphs
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
(and thus satisfying the balancing condition (2) at each vertex of
). This definition is equivalent to requiring that
pulls back harmonic functions on
to harmonic functions on
. We refer to the datum
$(G,G',f\;:\;G'\to G,d_f)$
as a model for
. We say that
is free if f is free, or equivalently, if
is a covering isometry.
We similarly define harmonic Galois covers of metric graphs.
Definition 1·5. Let
be a metric graph and let
be a finite group of order d. A harmonic
-cover of
is a harmonic morphism
$\phi\colon \Gamma'\rightarrow \Gamma$
of degree d together with an operation of
by invertible isometries such that following properties hold:
(i) the harmonic cover
$\phi$ is
$\mathfrak{G}$ -invariant, i.e.
$\phi(g(p'))=\phi(p')$ for all
$p'\in \Gamma'$ and all
$g\in \mathfrak{G}$ ;
(ii) for all
$p\in\Gamma$ , the group
$\mathfrak{G}$ operates transitively on the fiber
$\phi^{-1}(p)$ .
It is clear that a harmonic
of metric graphs admits a model
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
that is a harmonic
-cover of finite graphs (the models G
′ and G need to be sufficiently fine to avoid edge-flipping). For any
$p'\in \Gamma'$
, the degree
is equal to the order of the stabiliser group
1·4. Weighted graphs, tropical curves and ramification
Graphs and metric graphs that arise as tropicalisations of algebraic curves come equipped with an additional vertex weight function that records local genera. These weights allow us to capture the auxiliary phenomenon of ramification for harmonic morphisms. We recall the definitions.
A weighted graph is a pair (G,g), where G is a finite graph and
$g\;:\;V(G)\to \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$
is a function, where g(v) is called the genus of the vertex v. Similarly, a tropical curve
is a metric graph
together with a function
$g\;:\;\Gamma\to \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$
with finite support. When choosing a model
for a tropical curve
, we assume that each point
$x\in \Gamma$
corresponds to a vertex, and not to an interior point of an edge or a leg, so that (G, g) is a weighted graph. A harmonic morphism of tropical curves is a harmonic map of the underlying metric graphs.
Let (G, g) be a weighted graph. We define the Euler characteristic
of a vertex
$v\in V(G)$

Now let
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
be a harmonic morphism of weighted graphs (G
′, g
′) and (G, g). We define the ramification degree of f at a vertex
$v\in V(G')$
to be the quantity

We say that f is unramified if it satisfies the local Riemann–Hurwitz condition
for all
$v'\in V(G')$
, where we note that, in contrast to the algebraic setting, it is possible for the ramification degree at a vertex to be negative. A harmonic morphism
$\phi\;:\;\Gamma'\to \Gamma$
of tropical curves is unramified if it has an unramified model. Our definition of ramification was introduced in [
Reference Ulirsch and ZakharovUZ19
], and is equivalent to the standard definition found in [
Reference Amini, Baker, Brugallé and RabinoffABBR15a
] or [
Reference Cavalieri, Markwig and RanganathanCMR16
2. Dilated cohomology and finite harmonic abelian covers
In this section, we give a cohomological classification of harmonic covers of a given metric graph with abelian structure group. For the remainder of this section, we fix a finite abelian group
$\phi\colon \Gamma'\rightarrow \Gamma$
be a harmonic
-cover. For any point
$p\in \Gamma$
, the stabiliser subgroups of any two points in the fiber
are conjugate and hence equal. Therefore this group depends only on p, and we denote it by
$D(p)\subseteq \mathfrak{A}$
and call it the dilation group of p. Similarly, choosing a finite graph model
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
, we denote by
$D(x)\subseteq \mathfrak{A}$
the stabiliser of any element of
. The groups D(x) fulfil the semicontinuity property
$D(h)\subseteq D(v)$
for any half-edge
$h\in H(G)$
rooted at a vertex
$v\in V(G)$
. Furthermore, for any edge
$e=\{h,h'\}\in E(G)$
we have
, and we denote this group by D(e).
This motivates the following definition.
Definition 2·1. An
-dilation datum D on a finite graph G is a choice of a subgroup
$D(v)\subseteq \mathfrak{A}$
for every
$v\in V(G)$
$D(h)\subseteq \mathfrak{A}$
for every
$h\in H(G)$
, such that
$D(h)\subset D(v)$
if h is rooted at v and such that
for any edge
$e=\{h,h'\}\in E(G)$
. We note that if
$e\in E(G)$
is an edge with root vertices
$u,v\in V(G)$
, then
$D(e)\subseteq D(u)\cap D(v)$
. An
-dilation datum D on a metric graph
is an
-dilation datum on some model G of
, which defines a subgroup
$D(p)\in \mathfrak{A}$
for each
$p\in \Gamma$
-dilation datum on a metric graph
together with a choice of simple model naturally gives rise to a dual sheaf of abelian groups.
Definition 2·2. Let D be an
-dilation datum on a simple model G of a metric graph
. We define the codilation sheaf
as follows. For a vertex
$v\in V(G)$
, we denote
. Similarly, for a leg
$l\in L(G)$
we denote
, where
. Finally, for an edge
$e\in E(G)$
with root vertices v and w, we denote
$C(e)=D(v)+D(w)\subseteq \mathfrak{A}$
. We note that
$D(e)\subseteq C(e)$
for any edge
$e\in E(G)$
$D(l)\subseteq C(l)$
for any leg
$l\in L(G)$
. Now let
be the star cover of
associated to G. The sections of
over the open cover and the induced intersections are

$U_e=U_v\cap U_w$
if e is the (unique) edge between v and w. The restriction maps are induced by the inclusions
$D(v)=C(v)\subseteq C(e)$
for an edge e or a leg l rooted at a vertex v. Given a connected open set
$U\subseteq \Gamma$
, we set
$v\in U\subseteq U_v$
for some vertex v, while
respectively if
$U\subseteq U_e$
$U\subseteq U_l$
. For larger open sets, we define the space of sections via the sheaf axioms.
The dilated cohomology group of the pair
is the sheaf cohomology group
. We note that the sheaf
depends on the choice of model (see Example 2·4 below), but the group
does not.
We now show that harmonic
-covers of
are in natural bijection with
-torsors. We first recall the definition of torsors over a sheaf of abelian groups, and their description in terms of Čech cocycles. Let
be a sheaf of abelian groups on a topological space X. We may view
as a sheaf of
-sets, with each group acting on itself by translation. An
on X is a locally trivial sheaf of
-sets, in other words a sheaf of
-sets such that X admits a cover by open sets U with the property that
are isomorphic as sheaves of
It is wellknown that the set of isomorphism classes of
-torsors on X is the sheaf cohomology group
. We explicitly calculate this group for a codilation sheaf
on a metric graph
as a Čech cohomology group. Choose an oriented simple model G for
, then the star cover
is acyclic for
. Let
be an
-torsor, then we can find trivialisations
$g_v\;:\;\mathcal{T}|_{U_v}\to \mathfrak{A}_D|_{U_v}$
. Each edge
$e\in E(G)$
corresponds to a nonempty intersection
$U_e=U_{s(e)}\cap U_{t(e)}$
, and the composed isomorphism
$g^e=g_{t(e)}|_{U_e}\circ (g_{s(e)}|_{U_e})^{-1}\;:\;\mathfrak{A}|_{U_e}\to \mathfrak{A}|_{U_e}$
is given by translation by an element of
, which we also denote by
. Hence the
determines a tuple
$(g^e)_{e\in E(G)}$
, where
$g^e\in A/C(e)$
. Choosing different trivialisations for
over the sets
determines a different tuple
, and composing the trivialisations produces elements
$g^v\in \mathfrak{A}_D(U_v)=A/C(v)$
$v\in V(G)$
such that
in the common quotient group
. All triple intersections are empty, so the cocycle condition is trivially verified and the tuple
determines an element of
$\check{H}^1\big(\mathcal{U}(G),\mathfrak{A}_D\big)\cong H^1(\Gamma,\mathfrak{A}_D)$
, and we can reverse the construction to obtain
We now state our main result, which shows that harmonic
-covers with fixed
-dilation datum D are classified by the dilated cohomology group
Theorem 2·3.
be a metric graph and let D be an
-dilation datum on
. There is a natural one-to-one correspondence between
-torsors on
and harmonic
-covers of
with associated
-dilation datum D.
Proof. Choose an oriented simple model G for
such that D is defined over G. Let
$\phi\colon \Gamma'\rightarrow \Gamma$
be a harmonic
-cover with
-dilation datum D and let
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
be a model for
. For any vertex
$v\in V(G)$
, the fiber
is naturally a torsor over
. The fiber
over an edge e, however, is a torsor over
, not over
. The latter group is a quotient of the former, and we replace
by its quotient by
. Similarly, for each leg
$l\in L(G)$
we take the quotient of
. In this way, we obtain an
-torsor on
. We observe that, generally speaking, the espace étalé of this torsor is not Hausdorff, since if
$D(v)\subsetneq C(e)$
then the vertex v has more preimages than the adjacent edge e.
Conversely, let
be an
-torsor over
. We construct a harmonic
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
by resolving the espace étalé of
in a canonical way. Let
$(g^e)\in \check{H}^1(\mathcal{U}(G),\mathfrak{A}_D)$
be a Čech cocycle representing
. We arbitrarily lift each
$g^e\in A/C(e)$
to an element
. For each vertex
$v\in V(G)$
, the fiber
is equal to
as an
-set. For each edge
$e\in V(G)$
with source and target vertices
, the fiber
. The gluing map
$f^{-1}(e)\to f^{-1}(v)$
is the natural quotient map
$\mathfrak{A}/D(e)\to \mathfrak{A}/D(v)$
, while the gluing map
$f^{-1}(e)\to f^{-1}(w)$
is translation by
followed by taking the quotient. Finally, for each leg
$l\in L(G)$
with root vertex v, we set
, and the root map
$f^{-1}(l)\to f^{-1}(v)$
is the quotient map
$\mathfrak{A}/D(l)\to \mathfrak{A}/D(v)$
One may now verify that these constructions are inverses of each other, thereby completing the proof.
Example 2·4. In the following picture, on the left, we illustrate a harmonic
-cover, for which the
-dilation datum is given by
, and
. In this case we have
and thus
, and
. The (non-Hausdorff) espace étalé of the associated
-torsor is illustrated on the right.

Consider now a subdivision of the base with extra vertex w. Then the espace étalé of the associated codilation sheaf is given as follows:

We point out that the dilated cohomology group
only depends on the dilation factors at vertices and not on the dilation factors along the edges. The interpretation of a class in
in Proposition 2·3, however, does depend on the dilation along edges. That is, different choices of dilation factors would lead to different edge lengths in the corresponding harmonic covers.
We now determine when a harmonic
$\phi\;:\;\Gamma'\to \Gamma$
of tropical curves is unramified. Let
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
be a model of
, where G
′ and G are weighted graphs, and let
$v'\in V(G')$
be a vertex lying over
. The number of half-edges
$h'\in T_{v'}(G')$
that are rooted at v
′ and that lie over a given half-edge
$h\in T_vG$
is equal to the order of the corresponding quotient
. A short calculation then shows that
if and only if

Since g(v) and g(v
′) are non-negative integers, this condition imposes certain restrictions on the
-dilation datum of an unramified harmonic
-cover. As an example, we consider the simplest case of a cyclic cover of prime order.
Example 2·5. Let
be an unramified harmonic
-cover of tropical curves with Galois group
, where
$p\geq 2$
is prime, and let
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
be a model. For any element
$x\in X(G)$
we have either
, and we say that x is dilated or undilated, respectively. The set of dilated vertices and half-edges forms the dilation subgraph
$G_{\textrm{dil}}\subseteq G$
Now let
$v'\in V(G')$
be a vertex mapping to
. If v is undilated, equation (5) simply reads
. For a dilated vertex
$v\in V(G_{\textrm{dil}})$
, let
$d(v)=\big|\{h\in T_vG\mid D(h)=\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}\}\big|$
be the valency of v in
. Equation (5) then imposes the following conditions on g(v) and d(v):
(i) if
$p=2$ , then
$d(v)\geq 2$ or
$g(v)\geq 1$ , and in addition d(v) is even;
(ii) if
$p\geq 3$ , then
$d(v)\geq 2$ or
$g(v)\geq 1$ .
In other words, the dilation subgraph
is semistable, and additionally if
then each vertex of
has even valency (see [
Reference Jensen and LenJL18
, lemma 5·4]).
3. Moduli of admissible
-covers and their tropicalisation
be a fixed finite group, which, in this section, does not need to be abelian. In the following, we explain how harmonic
-covers of weighted graphs and tropical curves naturally arise as tropicalisations of algebraic
-covers from a moduli-theoretic perspective, expanding on [
Reference Abramovich, Caporaso and PayneACP15
] and [
Reference Cavalieri, Markwig and RanganathanCMR16
] (recall that unramified harmonic morphisms of tropical curves are called tropical admissible covers in [
Reference Cavalieri, Markwig and RanganathanCMR16
]). We always work over
$\textrm{Spec} \mathbb{Z}\big[{1}/{\vert \mathfrak{G}\vert}\big]$
to avoid the wild world of non-tame covers.
3·1. Compactifying the moduli space of
$X\rightarrow S$
be a family of smooth projective curves of genus
$g\geq 2$
with n marked disjoint sections
$s_1,\ldots, s_n\in X(S)$
. A
-cover of X is a finite morphism
$X'\rightarrow X$
together with an operation of
on X
′ over X that is a principal
-bundle on the complement of the sections, as well as a marking
$s'_{ij}\in X'(S)$
of the disjoint preimages of the
, indexed by
$i=1,\ldots, n$
$j=1,\ldots, k_i$
. Denote by
the moduli space of connected
-covers of smooth curves of genus g (see e.g. [
Reference Romagny and WewersRW06
] for a construction). There is a good notion of a limit object as X degenerates to a stable curve, as introduced in [
Reference Abramovich, Corti and VistoliACV03
Definition 3·1. Let
be a finite group and let
$X\rightarrow S$
be a family of stable curves of genus
$g\geq 0$
with n marked disjoint sections
$s_1,\ldots, s_n$
. Let
$\mu=(r_1,\ldots, r_n)$
be an n-tuple of natural numbers that divide
, and denote
$i=1,\ldots, n$
. An admissible
-cover of X consists of a finite morphism
$X'\rightarrow X$
from a family of stable curves
$X'\rightarrow S$
, an action of
on X
′, and disjoint sections
of X
′ over S for
, subject to the following conditions:
(i) the morphism
$X'\rightarrow X$ is a principal
$\mathfrak{G}$ -bundle away from the nodes and sections of X;
(ii) the preimage of the set of nodes in X is precisely the set of nodes of X ′;
(iii) the preimage of a section
$s_i$ is precisely given by the sections
$s'_{i1},\ldots, s'_{ik_i}$ ;
(iv) let p be a node in X and p ′ a node of X ′ above p. Then p ′ is étale-locally given by
$x'y'=t$ for a suitable
$t\in\mathcal{O}_S$ and p is étale-locally given by
$xy=t^r$ for some integer
$r\geq 1$ with
$(x')^r=x$ and
$(y')^r=y$ , and the stabiliser of
$\mathfrak{G}$ at p ′ is cyclic of order r and operates via
\begin{equation*}(x',y')\longmapsto (\zeta x',\zeta^{-1} y')\end{equation*}
$\zeta\in\mu_r$ ;
(v) étale-locally near the sections
$s_i$ and
$s'_{ij}$ , the morphism
$X'\rightarrow X$ is given by
$\mathcal{O}_S[t_i]\rightarrow \mathcal{O}_S[t'_{ij}]$ with
$(t'_{ij})^{r_i}=t_i$ for appropriate choices of
$t_i$ and
$t'_{ij}$ , and the stabiliser of
$\mathfrak{G}$ along
$s_{ij}$ is cyclic of order
$r_i$ and operates via
$t'_{ij}\mapsto \zeta t'_{ij}$ , for an
$r_i$ th root of unity
$\zeta\in \mu_{r_i}$ .
We emphasise that the
-action is part of the data; so, in particular, an isomorphism between two admissible
-covers has to be a
-equivariant isomorphism. As explained in [
Reference Abramovich, Corti and VistoliACV03
], the moduli space
of admissible
-covers of stable n-marked curves of genus g is a smooth and proper Deligne–Mumford stack over
$\textrm{Spec} \mathbb{Z}[{1}/{\vert \mathfrak{G}\vert}]$
that contains the locus
-covers of smooth curves of ramification type
as an open substack. The complement of
is a normal crossing divisor.
Remark 3·2. Although closely related, the moduli space
$\overline{\mathcal{H}}_{g, \mathfrak{G}}(\mu)$
is actually not quite the same as the one constructed in [
Reference Abramovich, Corti and VistoliACV03
]. The quotient

which forgets about the order of the marked sections on
of X
′ over S for
, is equivalent to a connected component of the moduli space of twisted stable maps to
in the sense of [
Reference Abramovich and VistoliAV02, Reference Abramovich, Corti and VistoliACV03
], indexed by ramification profile and decomposition into connected components. Our variant of this moduli space
$\overline{\mathcal{H}}_{g, \mathfrak{G}}(\mu)$
, with ordered sections on X
′, has also appeared in [
Reference Schmitt and van ZelmSvZ20
] and in [
Reference Jarvis, Kaufmann and KimuraJKK05
] (the latter permitting admissible covers with possibly disconnected domains).
An object in
$\overline{\mathcal{H}}_{g, \mathfrak{G}}(\mu)$
is technically not an admissible
$X'\rightarrow X$
but rather a
$X'\rightarrow \mathcal{X}$
of a twisted stable curve
. A twisted stable curve
$\mathcal{X}\rightarrow S$
is a Deligne–Mumford stack
with sections
$s_1,\ldots, s_n\colon S\rightarrow \mathcal{X}$
whose coarse moduli space
$X\rightarrow S$
is a family of stable curves over S with n marked sections (also denoted by
$s_1,\ldots, s_n$
) such that:
(1) the smooth locus of
$\mathcal{X}$ is representable by a scheme;
(2) the singularities are étale-locally given by
$\big[\{x'y'=t\}/\mu_r\big]$ for
$t\in\mathcal{O}_S$ , where
$\zeta\in\mu_r$ acts by
$\zeta\cdot(x',y')=(\zeta x',\zeta^{-1}y')$ . In this case the singularity in X ′ is locally given by
$xy=t^{r}$ ;
(3) the stack
$\mathcal{X}$ is a root stack
$\big[\sqrt[r_i]{s_i/X}\big]$ along the section
$s_i$ for all
$i=1,\ldots, n$ ;
The two notions are naturally equivalent: given an admissible
$X'\rightarrow X$
, the associated twisted
-cover is given by
$X'\rightarrow [X'/\mathfrak{G}]$
. Conversely, given a twisted
$X'\rightarrow \mathcal{X}$
in the corresponding connected component, the composition
$X'\rightarrow\mathcal{X}\rightarrow X$
with the morphism to the coarse moduli space X is an admissible
-cover. We refer the interested reader to [
Reference Bertin and RomagnyBR11
] for an alternative construction.
3·2. From algebraic to tropical
We now explain how to construct unramified harmonic
-covers of weighted graphs and tropical curves from algebraic
Definition 3·3. Let
$F_0\;:\;X'_{0}\to X_0$
be an admissible
-cover of stable nodal curves over an algebraically closed field k with n smooth distinct marked points on
. The dual harmonic
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
is defined as follows:
(1) the graph G is the dual graph of
$X_0$ , namely the irreducible components of
$X_0$ correspond to the vertices of G, the nodes correspond to the edges, and the sections correspond to the legs. Similarly, G ′ is the dual graph of
$X'_{0}$ ;
(ii) the vertex weights
$g\;:\;V(G'_0)\to \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$ and
$g\;:\;V(G_0)\to \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$ are the genera of the normalisations of the corresponding irreducible components;
(iii) the legs of
$G_0$ are marked
$l\colon \{1,\ldots n\}\simeq L(G_0)$ according to the full order of the marked points;
(iv) the morphism
$F_0\;:\;X'_{0}\to X_0$ sends components to components, which defines the morphism
$f\;:\;V(G')\to V(G)$ on the vertices;
(v) every node
$p_{e'}$ of
$X'_{0}$ has a local equation
$x'y'=0$ , and maps to a node
$p_e$ of
$X_0$ with local equation
$xy=0$ via
$(x')^r=x$ and
$(y')^r=y$ . This defines the map on the half-edges, and
$r=d_f(e')$ gives the dilation factor;
(vi) let
$u'_{ij}$ be a uniformiser at
$s'_{ij}$ on
$X'_{0}$ . Locally near
$s'_{ij}$ , the morphism
$F_0$ is given by
$u'_{ij}=u_i^{r_i}$ for a choice of uniformiser
$u_i$ at
$s_i$ . The dilation factor
$d_f(l'_{ij})$ along the leg corresponding to
$s'_{ij}$ is equal to
$r_i$ .
The operation of
induces an operation of
on G
′ for which the map
$f\;:\;G'\rightarrow G$
-invariant. By Definition 3·1 (iii) and (iv), the stabiliser of every edge
and of every leg
is a cyclic group of order
, respectively. Since
$F_0\;:\;X'_{0}\rightarrow X_0$
is a principal
-bundle away from the nodes, the operation of
on the fiber over each point in
is transitive and so
$f\;:\;G'\rightarrow G$
is a harmonic
-cover. Applying the Riemann–Hurwitz formula to the restriction of
to each irreducible component of
, we observe that f is unramified.
Definition 3·4. Let X be a smooth projective curve of genus g over a non-Archimedean field K (whose residue characteristic is zero or coprime to
$\vert \mathfrak{G}\vert$
) with n marked points
$s_1,\ldots, s_n$
over K. Let
$(F\;:\;X'\rightarrow X,s'_{ij})$
be a
-cover of X, where
. By the valuative criterion for properness, applied to the stack
, there is a finite extension L of K such that
$X'_L\rightarrow X_L$
extends to a family of admissible
defined over the valuation ring R of L (with marked sections also denoted by
). The dual harmonic
$\phi\;:\;\Gamma_{X'}\to \Gamma_X$
is defined as follows:
(1) the graph models of the tropical curves
$\Gamma_{X'}$ and
$\Gamma_X$ are the dual graphs
$G_{\mathcal{X}'}$ and
$G_{\mathcal{X}}$ of the special fibers
$\mathcal{X}'_0$ and
$\mathcal{X}_0$ , respectively;
(2) the edge length function
$\ell\colon E(G_{\mathcal{X}})\rightarrow\mathbb{R}_{>0}$ associates to an edge e the positive real number
$r\cdot\textrm{val}(t)$ , where the corresponding node of
$\mathcal{X}$ is étale-locally given by an equation
$xy=t^r$ for
$t\in R$ . We similarly define the edge length function
$\ell\colon E(G_{\mathcal{X}'})\rightarrow\mathbb{R}_{>0}$ ;
(3) the restriction
$\mathcal{F}_0\;:\;\mathcal{X}'_0\to \mathcal{X}_0$ of
$\mathcal{F}$ to the special fibers is an admissible
$\mathfrak{G}$ -cover over k, and the underlying graph model for
$\phi$ is the dual harmonic
$\mathfrak{G}$ -cover
$f\;:\;G_{\mathcal{X}'_0}\to G_{\mathcal{X}_0}$ of
$\mathcal{F}_0$ .
We note that the models
depend on the choice of extension
, but the tropical curves
do not.
The map
$\phi\colon \Gamma_{X'}\rightarrow \Gamma_{X}$
may also seen to be harmonic by [
Reference Amini, Baker, Brugallé and RabinoffABBR15a
, theorem A] upon identifying
with the non-Archimedean skeletons of
, respectively. The morphism
$\phi\;:\;\Gamma_{X'}\to \Gamma_X$
is unramified because f is unramified.
3·3. A modular perspective on tropicalisation
Following the recipe in [
Reference Cavalieri, Markwig and RanganathanCMR16
, section 3·2·3] one may construct a tropical moduli space
as a generalised cone complex that parametrises isomorphism classes of unramified harmonic
-covers with dilation type
along the marked legs.
Let us now work over an algebraically closed non-Archimedean field K, whose residue characteristic is either zero or coprime to
$\vert \mathfrak{G}\vert$
. Denote by
the Berkovich analytic spaceFootnote 1 associated to
. The process described in Section 3·2 above defines a natural tropicalisation map

that associates to an admissible
$X'\rightarrow X$
of smooth curves over a non-Archimedean extension L of K an unramified tropical
$\Gamma_{X'}\rightarrow \Gamma_X$
of the dual tropical curve
of X.
Since the boundary of
has normal crossings, the open immersion
$\mathcal{H}_{g,\mathfrak{G}}(\mu)\hookrightarrow \overline{\mathcal{H}}_{g,\mathfrak{G}}(\mu)$
is a toroidal embedding in the sense of [
Reference Kempf, Faye Knudsen, Mumford and Saint-DonatKKMSD73
]. Therefore, as explained in [
Reference Abramovich, Caporaso and PayneACP15, Reference ThuillierThu07, Reference UlirschUli21
], there is a natural strong deformation retraction
$\rho_{g,\mathfrak{G}}\colon \mathcal{H}_{g,\mathfrak{G}}^{\textrm{an}}(\mu)\rightarrow \mathcal{H}_{g,\mathfrak{G}}^{\textrm{an}}(\mu)$
onto a closed subset of
that carries the structure of a generalised cone complex, the non-Archimedean skeleton
. Expanding on [
Reference Cavalieri, Markwig and RanganathanCMR16
, theorem 1 and 4], we have:
Theorem 3·5.
The tropicalisation map
${\textit{trop}}_{g,\mathfrak{G}}(\mu)\colon\mathcal{H}_{g,\mathfrak{G}}^{\textrm{an}}(\mu)\longrightarrow H_{g,\mathfrak{G}}^{{\textit{trop}}}(\mu)$
factors through the retraction to the non-Archimedean skeleton
, so that the restriction

to the skeleton is a finite strict morphism of generalised cone complexes. Moreover, the diagram

In other words, the restriction of
onto a cone in
is an isomorphism onto a cone in
and every cone in
has at most finitely many preimages in
. Theorem 3·5, in particular, implies that the tropicalisation map
is well-defined, continuous, and proper.
The proof is almost word for word the same as the one of [
Reference Cavalieri, Markwig and RanganathanCMR16
, theorems 1 and 4]. We need to observe that the construction in [
Reference Cavalieri, Markwig and RanganathanCMR16
] is compatible with the
-operation on both the algebraic and the tropical side. Moreover, using [
Reference UlirschUli21
, section 4·5], one can extend the construction of a non-Archimedean skeleton from [
Reference Abramovich, Caporaso and PayneACP15, Reference ThuillierThu07
] to a possibly non-trivially valued base field K. We leave the details to the avid reader, since the statement of Theorem 3·5 is not strictly used in the remainder of this paper.
4. Realisability of abelian harmonic covers
In this section, we return to the abelian case and fix a finite abelian group
. We show that the
-dilation datum of a harmonic
$\phi\;:\;\Gamma'\to \Gamma$
that is obtained by tropicalizing an algebraic
-cover has a simple cohomological description. Conversely, we show that any harmonic
-cover whose
-dilation datum admits such a description comes from an algebraic
-cover. This gives us an elementary necessary condition for realisability (see Corollary 4·5), and other similar conditions can be readily found.
We begin by giving the definition of realisability for weighted graphs and for tropical curves.
Definition 4·1. Let k be an algebraically closed field.
(i) an unramified harmonic
$\mathfrak{A}$ -cover of weighted graphs
$f\;:\;G'\to G$ is realisable over k if there exists an admissible
$\mathfrak{A}$ -cover
$X'_{0}\to X_0$ of stable nodal curves over k whose dual harmonic
$\mathfrak{A}$ -cover is f.
(ii) an unramified harmonic
$\mathfrak{A}$ -cover of tropical curves
$\phi\;:\;\Gamma'\to \Gamma$ is realisable over k if there exist a non-Archimedean field K whose residue field is k and a Galois
$\mathfrak{A}$ -cover
$F\;:\;X'\to X$ of smooth projective curves over K such that
$\phi$ is the tropicalisation of F.
4·1. From Galois covers to extended homology
Let K be a non-Archimedean field with valuation ring R and residue field k, whose characteristic p is either zero or coprime to
$\vert \mathfrak{A}\vert$
. Let
$F\colon X'\to X$
be a finite
-cover of smooth projective curves over K (where X
′ may be disconnected), which is ramified precisely at n
′ marked ramification points
$p'_{1},\ldots, p'_{n'}\in X'$
over a collection of marked branch points
$p_1,\ldots, p_n\in X$
. Let
$\mathcal{F}\colon\mathcal{X}'\to \mathcal{X}$
be an extension of
$X'\to X$
to a family of admissible
-covers over R (where we may have to replace K by a finite extension, as above). Let
$\phi\colon \Gamma_{X'}\rightarrow \Gamma_{X}$
be the induced tropical harmonic
-cover with model
$f\;:\;G_{\mathcal{X}'}\to G_{\mathcal{X}}$
(which depends on the choice of
extending F).
$v\in V(G_{\mathcal{X}})$
be a vertex, then the smooth locus
of the irreducible component
is a genus g(v) curve over k with
punctures. The
$\mathcal{F}^{-1}(X^*_v)\to X^*_v$
is determined by a monodromy representation
$m_v\;:\;\pi_1^{{\acute{e}t}}(X^*_v,x_0)\to \mathfrak{A}$
. Since
is abelian, the choice of base point is irrelevant, and the representation can be recorded by a tuple of elements of
in the following way. Let

be the fundamental group of a genus g(v) Riemann surface with
punctures, where the
are small loops around the punctures. By a theorem of Grothendieck (see e.g. [
Reference SzamuelySza09
, theorem 4·9·1]), the étale fundamental group
is the profinite completion of
and the prime-to-p profinite completion of
. Since
$\vert \mathfrak{A}\vert$
is coprime to p, every continuous homomorphism
$\pi_1^{{\acute{e}t}}(X^*_v,x_0)\rightarrow \mathfrak{A}$
is equipped with the discrete topology) is uniquely determined by a homomorphism
$\varphi\;:\;\Pi_{g(v),\textrm{val}(v)}\rightarrow \mathfrak{A}$
that factors as

Hence the monodromy representation
$m_v\colon \pi_1^{{\acute{e}t}}(X^*_v,x_0)\to \mathfrak{A}$
is uniquely determined by the images

of the
, which may be arbitrary, as well as the images

$h\in H(G_{\mathcal{X}})$
is the half-edge corresponding to the jth puncture on
. We note that
acts by multiplication by a primitive rth root of unity in an étale neighbourhood of
, where
. The unique relation in the group
implies that the elements

Furthermore, for each pair of nodes
we have
In other words, to an algebraic
$X'\to X$
we associate the following data on the graph
(1) an element
$\eta(h)\in \mathfrak{A}$ for each
$h\in H(G_{\mathcal{X}})$ , so that
$\eta(h)+\eta(h')=0$ for any edge
$e=\{h,h'\}$ in
$E(G_\mathcal{X})$ and
$\sum_{h\in T_v G_\mathcal{X}} \eta(h)=0$ for any vertex
$v\in V(G_\mathcal{X})$ ;
(2) an element
$\xi(v)\in \mathfrak{A}^{2g(v)}$ for every vertex
$v\in V(G_\mathcal{X})$ .
The collection of all
is nothing but a class
$\eta\in H_1(G_\mathcal{X},\mathfrak{A})$
in the simplicial homology of the graph
with coefficients in
. Similarly, each
can be thought of as the simplicial homology group (with coefficients in
) of an infinitesimal genus g(v) graph located at the vertex v. This motivates the following definition.
Definition 4·2. Let (G,g) be a weighted graph. The extended homology group of G with coefficients in
is the finite abelian group

Given a harmonic
$f\;:\;G_{\mathcal{X}'}\to G_{\mathcal{X}}$
of weighted graphs that is the tropicalisation of an algebraic
$F\;:\;X'\to X$
, the datum
$(\eta,\xi)\in H_1^{\textrm{ext}}(G_{\mathcal{X}},\mathfrak{A})$
defined above is called the
-monodromy datum associated to the cover.
We note that if
is coprime to p, then the group of continuous homomorphisms from
is naturally identified with
(see [
Reference MilneMil13
, example 11·3]), and hence the discussion above provides us with a natural homomorphism

Note that we pass from cohomology to homology, as
is the dual graph of the special fiber
4·2. Extended homology, dilation and realisability
We now observe that the
-dilation datum of a harmonic
$f\;:\;G_{\mathcal{X}'}\to G_{\mathcal{X}}$
obtained by tropicalising an algebraic
-cover can be read off from the
-monodromy datum
. Indeed, let
$v'\in V(G_{\mathcal{X}'})$
be a vertex mapping to
. The restricted
$f^{-1}(X^*_v)\to X^*_v$
corresponds to the monodromy representation
$m_v\;:\;\pi_1^{{\acute{e}t}}(X_v^*,x_0)\to \mathfrak{A}$
, so an element of
preserves the irreducible component
$X^*_{v'}\subseteq f^{-1}(X^*_v)$
(in other words, fixes v
′) if and only if it is in the image of
, which is generated by the images of the
, and
. Similarly, the stabiliser of a node
$p_{h'}\in \mathcal{X}'_0$
mapping to
$p_h\in \mathcal{X}_0$
is generated by
$\eta(h)\in \mathfrak{A}$
. Hence we give the following definition.
Definition 4·3. Let (G,g) be a weighted graph, and let
$(\eta,\xi)\in H_1^{\textrm{ext}}(G,\mathfrak{A})$
be an element of the extended homology group of G with coefficients in
. The associated
-dilation datum on G is defined as follows:
(i) for a half-edge
$h\in H(G)$ , the dilation group D(h) is the cyclic subgroup of
$\mathfrak{A}$ generated by the element
$\eta(h)$ ;
(ii) for a vertex
$v\in V(G)$ , the dilation group D(v) is the subgroup of
$\mathfrak{A}$ generated by
$\eta(h)$ for all
$h\in T_vG$ and by the entries of
$\xi(v)$ .
We are now ready to state and prove our realisability criterion.
Theorem 4·4.
Let k be an algebraically closed field whose characteristic is either zero or is relatively prime to
(i) an unramified harmonic
$\mathfrak{A}$ -cover
$f\;:\;G'\to G$ of weighted graphs is realisable over k if and only if the
$\mathfrak{A}$ -dilation datum D of f is associated to some element
$(\eta,\xi)\in H_1^{\textrm{ext}}(G,\mathfrak{A})$ of the extended homology group of G with coefficients in
$\mathfrak{A}$ .
(ii) an unramified harmonic
$\mathfrak{A}$ -cover
$\phi\;:\;\Gamma'\to \Gamma$ of tropical curves is realisable over k if and only if it admits a realisable model
$f\;:\;G'\to G$ .
Proof. Let
$F_0\;:\;X'_{0}\to X_0$
be an admissible
-cover of stable nodal curves over k, and let
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
be the dual cover. The discussion in Section 4.1 produces an
-monodromy datum
$(\eta,\xi)\in H_1^{\textrm{ext}}(G,\mathfrak{A})$
that defines the
-dilation datum of f. Similarly, let
$F\;:\;X'\to X$
be a
-cover of smooth projective curves over a non-Archimedean field K with residue field k, then the dual cover
$\phi\;:\;\Gamma_{X'}\to \Gamma_X$
of tropical curves has a realisable model.
Conversely, suppose that the
-dilation datum D of an unramified harmonic
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
is associated to an element
$(\eta,\xi)\in H_1^{\textrm{ext}}(G,\mathfrak{A})$
. We reverse the procedure and construct an admissible
$F_0\;:\;X'_{0}\to X_0$
over k tropicalizing to f, as follows. For each vertex
$v\in V(G)$
, choose a smooth k-curve
of genus g(v) with
punctures. The monodromy element
induces a monodromy representation
$m_v\;:\;\pi_1^{{\acute{e}t}}(X^*_v,x_0)\to \mathfrak{A}$
at each
$v\in V(G)$
and hence an
-cover of each
. We then glue these covers according to the incidence data of the graphs G’ and G to obtain an admissible
$F_0\;:\;X'_{0}\to X_0$
, where the
are the irreducible components of
. Hence f is realisable.
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
is the underlying model for a harmonic
$\phi\;:\;\Gamma'\to \Gamma$
, then the admissible
$F_0\;:\;X'_{0}\to X_0$
can be smoothened to a family
$\mathcal{F}\;:\;\mathcal{X}'\to \mathcal{X}$
by the smoothness of the moduli space of admissible
-covers over
$\textrm{Spec} \mathbb{Z}[{1}/{\vert \mathfrak{A}\vert}]$
(see [
Reference Abramovich, Corti and VistoliACV03
, theorem 3·0·2]). Alternatively, one may also use the smoothening result for harmonic covers of metrised curve complexes from [
Reference Amini, Baker, Brugallé and RabinoffABBR15a
] and observe that their smoothing is compatible with group operations.
This criterion can be used to establish elementary graph-theoretic restrictions on realisable harmonic
-covers. First, we note that if the dilation group of any half-edge is not cyclic, then the cover is not realisable. Now let G be a weighted graph with a bridge edge
$e\in E(G)$
. Any
-monodromy datum
$(\eta,\xi)\in H_1^{\textrm{ext}}(G,\mathfrak{A})$
vanishes on e, so the dilation group of any realisable
-cover is trivial along e. Hence we have established the following necessary condition for realisability.
Corollary 4·5.
$\phi\colon \Gamma'\rightarrow\Gamma$
be a harmonic
-cover of metric graphs. If any bridge edge of
is dilated, then f is not realisable.
In the next section, we show that, for most simple abelian groups, this condition is in fact sufficient. Similarly, if G has a pair of parallel edges
, then the dilation groups of any realisable
-cover are equal on
, since
$\eta(e_2)=\pm \eta(e_1)$
for any
$(\eta,\xi)\in H_1^{\textrm{ext}}(G,\mathfrak{A})$
5. Cyclic covers and the nowhere-zero flow problem
In this section, we discuss unramified harmonic
-covers of a weighted graph (G,g) without legs in the case where
is a cyclic group of prime order. We show that the realisability problem for such covers is closely related to a classical problem in graph theory.
Let G be a graph and let
$n\geq 2$
. A nowhere-zero n-flow on G is an element
$\eta\in H_1(G,\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})$
such that
$\eta(e)\neq 0$
for all
$e\in E(G)$
. The problem is to determine sufficient conditions for the existence of a nowhere-zero n-flow on G. It is clear that G admits a nowhere-zero n-flow for any
$n\geq 2$
only if G has no bridges, and that it admits a nowhere-zero 2-flow if and only if
is even for all
$v\in V(G)$
. On the other hand, Seymour’s 6-flow Theorem [
Reference SeymourSey81
] states that any bridgeless graph admits a nowhere-zero n-flow for
, and it easily follows that this holds for any
$n\geq 7$
as well. The intermediate cases
, 4, and 5, however, are not currently known. Tutte’s conjecture states that every bridgeless graph has a nowhere-zero 5-flow [
Reference TutteTut54
, conjecture II].
Consider an unramified harmonic
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
of weighted graphs, where
$p\geq 2$
is a prime number. Let
$G_{\textrm{dil}}\subseteq G$
be the dilation subgraph, consisting of those vertices and half-edges whose dilation group is
. We now use the theory of nowhere-zero n-flows to show that the realisability of f is determined by the structure of
Theorem 5·1.
Let p be a prime number, and let
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
be an unramified harmonic
-cover of weighted graphs with no legs. If
, then f is realisable. If
$p\geq 7$
, then f is realisable if and only if the dilation subgraph
$G_{\textrm{dil}}\subseteq G$
has no bridges. If Tutte’s conjecture holds, the same is true for
Proof. We recall the results of Example 2·5. For
$v\in V(G_{\textrm{dil}})$
, denote its valency in
by d(v). We showed that the dilation subgraph
$G_{\textrm{dil}}\subseteq G$
is semistable: for each
$v\in V(G_{\textrm{dil}})$
, either
$d(v)\geq 2$
$g(v)\geq 1$
(in addition, d(v) is even if
). Unwrapping the definitions, Theorem 4·4 implies that the cover
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
is realisable if and only if there exists an element
$(\eta,\xi)\in H_1^{\textrm{ext}}(G,\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})$
satisfying the following conditions:
$\eta(e)\neq 0$ if and only if
$e\in E(G_{\textrm{dil}})$ ;
(ii) if
$v\in V(G)$ is a vertex with no adjacent dilated edges, then
$v\in V(G_{\textrm{dil}})$ if and only if
$\xi(v)\neq 0$ .
The first condition is always satisfied when
: setting
if and only if
$e\in E(G_{\textrm{dil}})$
gives a cycle
$\eta\in H_1(G,\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})$
, since d(v) is even for all
$v\in V(G_{\textrm{dil}})$
(see [
Reference Jensen and LenJL18
, lemma 5·9]). For
$p\geq 7$
, Seymour’s theorem implies that we can find such an
if and only if
has no bridges, and Tutte’s conjecture implies the same for
. The second condition, on the other hand, is trivially satisfied: if
$v\in V(G_{\textrm{dil}})$
is a dilated vertex with
, then
$g(v)\geq 1$
and hence we can pick
to be any nontrivial element of
, and similarly we can set
for all
$v\in V(G_{\textrm{dil}})\backslash V(G)$
. This completes the proof.
We note that our results allow us to restate Tutte’s conjecture in a purely algebraic form. Let G be a bridgeless graph, and let
be a nodal curve whose dual graph is G (over any algebraically closed field of characteristic not equal to 5). Suppose that
admits an admissible
$X'_{0}\to X_0$
that is ramified at each node of
. The dual harmonic
$f\;:\;G'\to G$
, hence the
-monodromy datum
$\eta(e)\neq 0$
for all
$e\in E(G)$
. Tutte’s conjecture is now equivalent to the following:
Conjecture 5·2.
Let k be an algebraically closed field with
$\textrm{char} k\neq 5$
. Every nodal curve over k with no separating nodes has an admissible
-cover that is ramified at each node.
The authors would like to thank Matthew Baker, Madeline Brandt, Renzo Cavalieri, Gavril Farkas, Paul Helminck, David Jensen, Andrew Obus, Sam Payne, Dhruv Ranganathan, Felix Röhrle, Matthew Satriano, Johannes Schmitt, Pedro Souza and Jason van Zelm for useful discussions. In addition, the authors thank the anonymous referee(s) for their helpful comments and suggestions.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie–Skłodowska–Curie Grant Agreement No. 793039. M.U. has received funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) TRR 326 Geometry and Arithmetic of Uniformized Structures, project number 444845124, by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) Sachbeihilfe From Riemann surfaces to tropical curves (and back again), project number 456557832, and from the LOEWE grant Uniformized Structures in Algebra and Geometry. Y.L. has received funding from the EPSRC New Investigator Award (grant number EP/X002004/1).