1. Introduction
For $r \gt 0,$ let
$\mathbb{D}_r:=\{z\in\mathbb{C}: |z| \lt r \}$,
$\overline{\mathbb{D}}:=\{z\in\mathbb{C}:|z|\leqslant 1\}$ and let
$\mathbb{R} T:=\{z\in\mathbb{C}:|z|=1\}.$ Let
${\mathcal H}(\mathbb{D}_r)$ denote the class of all analytic functions f in
$\mathbb{D}_r$ and let
$\mathcal{H}:=\mathcal{H}(\mathbb{D}).$ Then
$f\in {\mathcal H}(\mathbb{D}_r)$ has the following representation

Let $\mathcal {A}(\mathbb{D}_r)$ be the subclass of
${\mathcal H}(\mathbb{D}_r)$ of all f normalized by
$f(0)=0=f'(0)-1$ and let
${\mathcal A}:={\mathcal A}(\mathbb{D}).$ By
${\mathcal S}$ we denote the subclass of all univalent (i.e. analytic and injective in
$\mathbb{D}$) functions in
${\mathcal A}$.
Given $\alpha\in (0,1],$ let
${\mathcal S}^*_{\alpha}$ denote class of all functions
$f\in {\mathcal A}$ such that

and the so-called strongly starlike of order $\alpha.$ For
$\alpha:=1$ the class
$\mathcal{S}_1^*=:\mathcal{S}^*$ is the well-known class of starlike functions, i.e. functions f which map univalently
$\mathbb{D}$ onto a set which is star-shaped with respect to the origin. Then, the condition (1.2) can be written as

The class of strongly starlike functions was introduced by Stankiewicz [Reference Stankiewicz18] and [Reference Stankiewicz19] and independently by Brannan and Kirwan [Reference Brannan and Kirwan1] (see also [Reference Goodman6, Vol. I, pp. 137–142]). Stankiewicz [Reference Stankiewicz19] presented an external geometrical characterization of strongly starlike functions. Brannan and Kirwan found a geometrical condition called δ-visibility which is sufficient for functions to be strongly starlike. In turn, Ma and Minda [Reference Ma and Minda15] gave the internal characterization of functions in $\mathcal{S}_\alpha^*$ basing on the concept of k-starlike domains. Further results regarding the geometry of strongly starlike functions were presented in [Reference Lecko13, Chapter IV], [Reference Lecko14] and [Reference Sugawa20]. Since
$\mathcal{S}^*\subset \mathcal{S}$ (cf. [Reference Duren5, pp. 40–41]) and
${\mathcal S}^*_{\alpha}\subset \mathcal{S}^*$ for every
$\alpha\in(0,1]$, it follows that
${\mathcal S}^*_{\alpha}\subset \mathcal{S}$ for every
If $f\in\mathcal{S},$ then the inverse function
$F:=f^{-1}$ is well-defined and analytic in
$\mathbb{D}_{r(f)},$ where
$r(f):=\sup(\{r \gt 0:\mathbb{D}_r\subset f(\mathbb{D})\}).$ Thus

where $A_n:=a_n(F).$ By Koebe one-quarter theorem (e.g. [Reference Duren5, p. 31]), it follows that
$r(f) \geqslant 1/4$ for every
For $f\in\mathcal{S}$ define

a logarithmic function associated with $f.$ The numbers
$\gamma_n:=a_n(F_f)$ are called the logarithmic coefficients of
$f.$ It is well-known that the logarithmic coefficients play a crucial role in Milin’s conjecture (see [Reference Milin16], [Reference Duren5, p. 155]).
Referring to the above idea, for $f\in\mathcal{S}$, there exists the unique function
$F_{f^{-1}}$ analytic in
$\mathbb{D}_{r(f)}$ such that

where $\varGamma_n:=a_n\left(F_{f^{-1}}\right)$ are logarithmic coefficients of the inverse function
It follows from Equation (1.3) that (e.g. [Reference Goodman6, Vol. I, p. 57])

where $a_n:=a_n(f).$ Thus from Equation (1.4) we derive that

and next using Equation (1.5) we obtain

For $q,n\in\mathbb{N},$ the Hankel matrix
$H_{q,n}(f)$ of
$f\in\mathcal{A}$ of the form (1.1) is defined as

In recent years, there has been a great deal of attention devoted to finding bounds for the modulus of the second and third Hankel determinants $\det H_{2,2}(f)$ and
$\det H_{3,1}(f)$, when f belongs to various subclasses of
$\mathcal{A}$ (see [Reference Cho, Kowalczyk, Kwon, Lecko and Sim2, Reference Kowalczyk, Lecko and Sim10, Reference Kowalczyk, Lecko and Thomas11] for further references).
Based on these ideas, in [Reference Kowalczyk and Lecko8] and [Reference Kowalczyk and Lecko9], the authors started the study the Hankel determinant $\det H_{q,n}(F_f)$ whose entries are logarithmic coefficients of
$f\in\mathcal{S},$ that is, an in Equation (1.7) are replaced by
$\gamma_n.$ In this paper, we continue analogous research considering the Hankel determinant
$\det H_{q,n}(F_{f^{-1}})$ whose entries are logarithmic coefficients of inverse functions, i.e. an in Equation (1.7) are now replaced by
$\varGamma_n.$ We demonstrate the sharp estimates of

in the classes $\mathcal{S}_\alpha^*$.
2. Preliminary lemmas
Denote by ${\mathcal P}$ the class of analytic functions
$p\in\mathcal{H}$ with positive real part given by

where $c_n:=a_n(p).$
In the proof of the main result, we will use the following lemma which contains the well-known formula for c 2 (see, e.g. [Reference Pommerenke17, p. 166]) and the formula for c 3 (see [Reference Cho, Kowalczyk and Lecko3, Lemma 2.4] with further remarks related to extremal functions).
Lemma 1. If $p \in {\mathcal P}$ is of the form (2.1), then


for some $\zeta_1,\zeta_2, \zeta_3 \in \overline{\mathbb{D}}.$
For $\zeta_1 \in \mathbb{T}$, there is a unique function
$p \in {\mathcal P}$ with c 1 as in Equation (2.2), namely,

For $\zeta_1\in\mathbb{D}$ and
$\zeta_2 \in \mathbb{T}$, there is a unique function
$p \in {\mathcal P}$ with c 1 and c 2 as in Equations (2.2) and (2.3), namely,

Lemma 2. ([Reference Choi, Kim and Sugawa4])
For real numbers A, B, C, let

I. If
$AC\geqslant 0,$ then
\begin{equation*} Y(A,B,C)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} |A|+|B|+|C|, & |B|\geqslant 2(1-|C|),\\ 1+|A|+\dfrac{B^2}{4(1-|C|)}, & |B| \lt 2(1-|C|). \end{array} \right. \end{equation*}
II. If
$AC \lt 0,$ then
\begin{equation*} Y(A,B,C)=\left\{ \begin{array}{lll} 1-|A|+\dfrac{B^2}{4(1-|C|)}, & -4AC(C^{-2}-1)\leqslant B^2 \wedge |B| \lt 2(1-|C|), \\ 1+|A|+\dfrac{B^2}{4(1+|C|)}, & B^2 \lt \min\left\{4(1+|C|)^2,-4AC(C^{-2}-1)\right\}, \\ R(A,B,C), & {\rm otherwise} , \end{array} \right. \end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} R(A,B,C):=\left\{ \begin{array}{lll} |A|+|B|-|C|, & |C|(|B|+4|A|)\leqslant |AB|,\\ -|A|+|B|+|C|, & |AB|\leqslant |C|(|B|-4|A|), \\ (|C|+|A|)\sqrt{1-\dfrac{B^2}{4AC}}, & {\rm otherwise}. \end{array} \right. \end{equation*}
We recall now Laguerre’s rule of counting zeros of polynomials in an interval (see [Reference Jameson7], [Reference Laguerre12], [Reference Turowicz21, pp. 19–20]). We will apply Laguerre’s algorithm in the proof of the main theorem. Given a real polynomial

consider a finite sequence $(q_k), k = 0, 1,\dots, n,$ of polynomials of the form

For each $u_0\in\mathbb{R},$ let
$N(Q; u_0)$ denote the number of sign changes in the sequence
$(q_k(u_0)), k = 0, 1,\dots, n.$ Given an interval
$I \subset \mathbb{R},$ denote by
$Z(Q; I)$ the number of zeros of Q in I counted with their orders. Then the following theorem due to Laguerre holds.
Theorem 1. If a < b and $Q(a)Q(b)\neq 0,$ then


is an even positive integer.
Note that

Thus, when $[a, b] := [0, 1],$ Theorem 1 reduces to the following useful corollary.
Corollary 1. If $Q(0)Q(1)\neq 0,$ then


is an even positive integer, where $N(Q; 0)$ and
$N(Q; 1)$ are the numbers of sign changes in the sequence of polynomial coefficients
$(d_k)$ and in the sequence of sums
$(\sum_{j=0}^k d_j ),$ where
$k = 0, 1,\dots , n,$ respectively.
3. Main result
The main result of this paper is the following.
Theorem 2. Let $\alpha\in(0,1].$ If
$f\in {\mathcal{S}}^*_{\alpha},$ then

where $\alpha_0\approx 0.39059 $ is the unique root in
$(0,1]$ of the equation

All inequalities are sharp.
Proof. Let $f\in{\mathcal{S}}^*_{\alpha}$ be of the form (1.1). Then by Equation (1.2), there exists
$p\in\mathcal{P}$ of the form (2.1) such that

Putting the series (1.1) and (2.1) into (3.3), by equating the coefficients we get

Hence and from Equation (1.6) we obtain

and therefore

Since both the class ${\mathcal{S}}^*_{\alpha}$ and
$|\det H_{2,1}\left(F_{f^{-1}}\right)|$ are rotationally invariant, without loss of generality we may assume that
$a_2\geqslant 0,$ which in view of Equation (3.4) yields
$ c_1 \geqslant 0,$ i.e. by Equation (2.2) that
$\zeta_1\in[0,1].$ Thus substituting Equations (2.2)–(2.4) into Equation (3.5), we obtain

for some $\zeta_1\in[0,1]$ and
$\zeta_2,\zeta_3 \in \overline{\mathbb{D}}$.
A. Suppose that $\zeta_1=0.$ Then from Equation (3.6),

B. Suppose that $\zeta_1=1.$ Then from Equation (3.6),

C. Suppose that $\zeta_1\in(0,1).$ Since
$\zeta_3 \in \overline{\mathbb{D}}$, from Equation (3.6) we get



Observe that AC < 0 and therefore we apply only the part II of Lemma 2.
C1. Let’s consider the condition $|B| \lt 2(1-|C|),$ i.e.

The above inequality is equivalent to

which is equivalent to $(5\alpha+1)\zeta_1^2-4\zeta_1+3 \lt 0.$ However

for $\zeta_1\in(0,1)$, which shows that the inequality (3.7) is false.
C2. Since

for $\zeta_1\in(0,1),$ we deduce that the condition
$B^2 \lt \min\{4(1+|C|)^2,-4AC(C^{-2}-1)\}$ is equivalent to

which is equivalent to $(10\alpha^2-1)\zeta_1^2+135\alpha^2+9 \lt 0$ for
$\zeta_1\in(0,1).$ However, in the case when
$10\alpha^2-1\geqslant 0$ we have

and in the case when $10\alpha^2-1 \lt 0$ we have

for all $\zeta_1\in(0,1).$ Thus the inequality (3.8) is false.
C3. The inequality $|C|(|B|+4|A|)\leqslant|AB|$ is equivalent to

which is equivalent to

where for $t\in\mathbb{R} ,$

Observe that the equation $175\alpha^3-70\alpha^2+35\alpha-8= 0$ has only one real root α 1 in
$(0,1],$ where

and that the inequality (3.9) is false for $\alpha:=\alpha_1.$ Let now
$\alpha\in(0,1]\setminus\{\alpha_1\}.$ For φα, we have
$\Delta:=144(525\alpha^4 - 175\alpha^3 + 120\alpha^2 - 20\alpha + 4) \gt 0,$ which is true for all
$\alpha\in(0,1]\setminus\{\alpha_1\}.$ Hence the square trinomial φα has two roots

Note that for all $\alpha\in(0,1]\setminus\{\alpha_1\}$ we have
$-6(35\alpha^2-5\alpha+4) \lt 0.$ Now for
$\alpha\in(\alpha_1,1]$ we have
$175\alpha^3-70\alpha^2+35\alpha-8 \gt 0.$ Hence
$t_2 \lt 0$ because the inequality

is equivalent to

which is true for all $\alpha\in(\alpha_1,1].$ On the other hand, the inequality
$t_1 \gt 1$ is equivalent to

which is evidently true for $\alpha\in(\alpha_1,\alpha_2],$ where
$\alpha_2\approx 0.82155,$ since then the right hand side of Equation (3.10) is non-positive. For
$\alpha\in(\alpha_2,1]$ by squaring both sides of Equation (3.10), we equivalently get the inequality

which is true for $\alpha\in(\alpha_2,1].$ Thus we conclude that for
$\alpha\in(\alpha_1,1]$ the inequality (3.9) is false.
Let $\alpha\in(0,\alpha_1).$ Then
$175\alpha^3-70\alpha^2+35\alpha-8 \lt 0$ and therefore
$t_1 \lt 0$ evidently. Moreover, the inequality
$t_2 \lt 0$ is equivalent to

which is equivalent to

which is true for all $\alpha\in(0,\alpha_1).$ Thus we conclude that for
$\alpha\in(0,\alpha_1)$ the inequality (3.9) is false.
C4. The inequality $|C|(|B|-4|A|)\geqslant|AB|$ is equivalent to

which is equivalent to

where for $t\in\mathbb{R} ,$

For γα we have $\Delta:=144 (525\alpha^4 + 175\alpha^3 + 120\alpha^2 + 20 \alpha + 4) \gt 0$ for all
$\alpha\in(0,1].$ Hence the square trinomial γα has two roots

Note that $t_4 \lt 0$ evidently. Observe now that
$t_3 \gt 0.$ Indeed, this inequality is equivalent to

which is equivalent to the evidently true inequality

Moreover, $t_3 \lt 1$ is equivalent to

that after squaring both sides is equivalent to

which is true for all $\alpha\in(0,1].$ Therefore the inequality (3.11) is true for
$\zeta_1\in(0,\zeta_1^0],$ where
Applying Lemma 2 for $0 \lt \zeta_1\leqslant \zeta_1^0$, we get


We have


Note that for $\alpha\in(0,1/5]$ the equation

has no root in $(0,\zeta_1^0)$ and then evidently

For $\alpha\in(1/5,1]$, Equation (3.12) has a unique positive root, namely

It remains to check the condition $t_5 \lt \zeta_1^0$ equivalently written as

which is equivalent to

The last inequality is true for $\alpha\in(1/5,\alpha_3),$ where
$\alpha_3\approx0.812678$ is the unique root in
$(0,1)$ of the equation

Then ρα attains its maximum value on $(0,\zeta_1^0]$ at t 5 with

If $\alpha\in[\alpha_3,1],$ then evidently,

C5. Applying Lemma 2 for $\zeta_1^0 \lt \zeta_1 \lt 1$, we get

where for $t\in[0,1],$

We have



Note that

Differentiating ψα leads to the equation

where for $s\in[0,1],$

Now we describe the number of zeros of Q in the interval $(0,1)$ by combining Descartes’ and Laguerre’s rules. To apply Descartes’ rule, we check the numbers of sign changes of coefficients of the polynomial
$Q.$ We have:
$ d_0(\alpha):=q_0(0)=4(35\alpha^2+1)(10\alpha^2-1) \gt 0$ iff
$ d_1(\alpha):=q_1(0)=3(175\alpha^4-315\alpha^2-4) \lt 0$ iff
$ d_2(\alpha):=q_2(0)=-18(1050\alpha^4+115\alpha^2-2) \gt 0$ iff
$\alpha\in\left(0,\alpha_4\right),$ where
\begin{equation*}\alpha_4:=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{1}{105}(\sqrt{865}-23))}\approx 0.12355,\end{equation*}
$d_3(\alpha):=q_3(0)= 2295\alpha^2+108 \gt 0$ iff
Thus there is one change of signs in $\left(0,1/\sqrt{10}\right)$, i.e.
$N(Q,0)=1,$ and two changes of signs in
$\left[1/\sqrt{10},1\right),$ i.e.
$N(Q,0)=2.$ According to Descartes’ rule of signs, the polynomial Q has one positive real root in
$\left(0,1/\sqrt{10}\right)$ and zero or two positive real roots in
To apply Laguerres’ rule, it remains to compute the number $N(Q,1)$ of sign changes in the sequence of sums
$\sum_{j=0}^ku_j(\alpha)$, where
$k=0,1,2,3.$ We have
$d_0(\alpha)=4(35\alpha^2+1)(10\alpha^2-1) \gt 0$ iff
$d_0(\alpha)+d_1(\alpha)=1925 \alpha^4 - 1045\alpha^2 - 16 \gt 0$ iff
$\alpha\in\left(\alpha_5,1\right),$ where
\begin{equation*} \alpha_5:=\sqrt{(209 + 3\sqrt{5401})/770}\approx 0.74683, \end{equation*}
$d_0(\alpha)+d_1(\alpha)+d_2(\alpha)= -5 (3395 \alpha^4 + 623\alpha^2 - 4) \gt 0$ iff
$\alpha\in\left(0,\alpha_6\right),$ where
\begin{equation*} \alpha_6:=\sqrt{(3\sqrt{49161} - 623)/6790}\approx 0.078806, \end{equation*}
$d_0(\alpha)+d_1(\alpha)+d_2(\alpha)+d_3(\alpha)= -(35\alpha^2 + 4) (485\alpha^2 - 32) \gt 0$ iff
$\alpha\in\left(0,\alpha_7\right),$ where
$\alpha_7:=4\sqrt{2/485}\approx 0.25686.$
Thus there are no changes of signs in $\left(\alpha_7,1/\sqrt{10}\right)$, i.e.
$N(Q,1)=0$, and one change of sign in
$\left(0,\alpha_7\right]\cup\left[1/\sqrt{10},1\right)$ i.e.
$N(Q,1)=1$. According to Laguerre’s rule, the polynomial Q has one root in
$[0,1]$ for
$\alpha\in\left(\alpha_7,1\right)$, and no roots in
$[0,1]$ for
$\alpha\in\left(0,\alpha_7\right].$ Therefore, for
$\alpha\in\left(0,\alpha_7\right]$, the function ψα is increasing for
$\zeta_1^0 \lt t \lt 1$ and hence

In turn, for $\alpha\in\left(\alpha_7,1\right)$, the function ψα has a unique critical point in
$[0,1],$ where by using jointly Descartes’ and Laguerre’s rules we state that ψα attains its minimum value. Thus

Now we summarize results of sections C4 and C5.
(i) For
$\alpha\in\left(0,1/5\right),$ we compare
$\psi_\alpha(1)$ and
$\varrho_\alpha(0).$ Note that then
$\varrho_\alpha(0)\geqslant \psi_\alpha(1)$ since it is equivalent to
\begin{equation*}\frac14\alpha^2-\dfrac{1}{36}\alpha^2(35\alpha^2+4)=\frac{1}{36}\alpha^2(5-35\alpha^2)\geqslant 0.\end{equation*}
(ii) For
$\alpha\in\left[1/5,\alpha_3\right),$ we compare
$\psi_\alpha(1)$ and
$\varrho_\alpha(t_5).$ Note that the inequality
\begin{equation*} \frac{\alpha^2(15\alpha^2+5\alpha+2)}{35\alpha^2+30\alpha+7}\geqslant \frac{1}{36}\alpha^2(35\alpha^2+4) \end{equation*}
is equivalent to
\begin{equation*} \frac{1}{36}\alpha^2(1225\alpha^4+1050\alpha^3-155\alpha^2-60\alpha-44)\leqslant 0 \end{equation*}
which is true for
$\alpha\in[1/5,\alpha_0],$ where
$\alpha_0\approx0.390595$ is the unique root in
$(0,1]$ of Equation (3.2). Thus
$\varrho_\alpha(t_5)\geqslant \psi_\alpha(1)$ for
$\alpha\in[1/5,\alpha_0],$ and
$\varrho_\alpha(t_5) \lt \psi_\alpha(1)$ for
(iii) For
$\alpha\in\left[\alpha_3,1\right),$ we compare
$\psi_\alpha(1)$ and
$\rho_\alpha(\zeta_1^0).$ Note that the inequality
$\rho_\alpha(\zeta_1^0)\leqslant \psi_\alpha(1)$ is equivalent to
\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} &-18375\alpha^6-16625\alpha^5-10150\alpha^4-3775\alpha^3 -1025\alpha^2-150\alpha-12\\ &+(1050\alpha^4+700\alpha^3+320\alpha^2+80\alpha+10)\sqrt{525\alpha^4+175\alpha^3+120\alpha^2+20\alpha+4}\\ \leqslant& \frac{1}{72}(35\alpha^2+4)(175\alpha^3+70\alpha^2+35\alpha+8)^2, \end{aligned} \end{equation*}
equivalently written as
\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} &(1050\alpha^4+700\alpha^3+320\alpha^2+80\alpha+10)\times\sqrt{525\alpha^4+175\alpha^3+120\alpha^2+20\alpha+4}\\ \leqslant& \frac{1}{72}\left(1071875\alpha^8+857500\alpha^7+2045750\alpha^6 +1564500\alpha^5+881475\alpha^4+322200\alpha^3\right.\\ &\left.+85420\alpha^2+13040\alpha+1120\right), \end{aligned} \end{equation*}
which is equivalent to
\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} \frac{25}{5184}&(35\alpha^2+4)(175\alpha^3+70\alpha^2+35\alpha+8)^2\times\\ &\times \left(42875\alpha^8+34300\alpha^7+134750\alpha^6 +110460\alpha^5+17835\alpha^4 -7344\alpha^3\right.\\ &\left.-5036\alpha^2-1120\alpha-128\right)\geqslant 0 \end{aligned} \end{equation*}
which is true for
D. We now show sharpness of all inequalities by using the formula (3.5). In the first inequality in Equation (3.1), the equality is attained by the function $f\in{\mathcal{S}}^*_{\alpha}$ given by Equation (3.3) with

for which $c_1=c_3=0$ and
In the second inequality in Equation (3.1), the equality is attained by the function $f\in{\mathcal{S}}^*_{\alpha}$ given by Equation (3.3), where
$p\in\mathcal{P}$ is defined by Equation (2.5) with
$\zeta_1=t_5=:\tau$ and
$\zeta_2=1,$ i.e.

Here t 5 is described by Equation (3.13).
In the third inequality in Equation (3.1), the equality is attained by the function $f\in{\mathcal{S}}^*_{\alpha}$ given by Equation (3.3), where
$p\in\mathcal{P}$ is defined by

for which $c_1=c_2=c_3=2.$
This ends the proof of the theorem.
For α = 1, we have the following result:
Corollary 2. If $f\in {\mathcal{S}}^*,$ then

The inequality is sharp.