1. Introduction
The search for conditions ensuring the existence of Hamiltonian cycles in graphs has been one of the main themes in graph theory. For graphs, several classical results exist, starting with the tight condition by Dirac [Reference Dirac6] stating that every graph
on at least
vertices and with minimum degree
$\delta (G) \geq \vert V\vert/2$
contains a Hamiltonian cycle. Pósa [Reference Pósa15] improved this result to a condition on the degree sequence:
Theorem 1.1.
be a graph on
$n\geq 3$
vertices with degree sequence
$d(1) \leq \dots \leq d(n)$
. If
$d(i) \geq i+1$
for all
$i \lt (n-1)/2$
and if furthermore
$d ( \lceil n/2 \rceil ) \geq \lceil n/2 \rceil$
is odd, then
contains a Hamiltonian cycle.
Finally, Chvátal [Reference Chvátal4] achieved an even stronger result: A graph
$n\geq 3$
vertices with degree sequence
$d(1) \leq \dots \leq d(n)$
contains a Hamiltonian cycle if for all
$i \lt \frac{n}{2}$
we have:
$d(i) \leq i \Rightarrow d(n-i) \geq n-i$
. On the other hand, for any sequence
$a_1\leq \dots \leq a_n\lt n$
not satisfying this condition, there exists a graph on vertex set
$a_i\leq d(i)$
, for all
$i\in [n]$
, that does not contain a Hamiltonian cycle. The aim of this article is to take a first step towards a generalisation of Chvátal’s result to more general structures, namely hypergraphs, by proving an analogue of Pósa’s result above for
-uniform hypergraphs.
-uniform hypergraph (or
-graph) is a pair
consisting of a (vertex) set
and an (edge) set
$E\subseteq V^{(k)}=\{A\subseteq V \;:\; \vert A\vert =k\}$
. We sometimes write
$v(H)=\vert V(H)\vert$
$e(H)=\vert E(H)\vert$
. In the following let
be a
-graph. For
$U\subseteq V$
, we define
$H[U]\;:\!=\; ( U,E(U) )$
$E(U)\;:\!=\; \{e\in E \;:\; e\subseteq U\}$
. For vertices
$v,w \in V$
, we denote by
$d(v,w) \;:\!=\; \vert \{x\in V \;:\; vwx \in E\} \vert$
the pair degree of
, where for convenience we write an edge as
instead of
. In addition, it is also common to study the vertex degree
$d(v) \;:\!=\; \vert \{ e\in E \;:\; v\in e\} \vert$
. The minimum pair degree is
$\delta _2 (H) \;:\!=\; \min _{vw \in V^{(2)}}d(v,w)$
, and the minimum vertex degree is
$\delta _1 (H) \;:\!=\; \min _{v\in V}d(v)$
. Often it is useful to consider something like a
-uniform projection of
with respect to a vertex
$v\in V$
; we define the link graph
as the graph
$ (V, \{xy \;:\; xyv \in E \} )$
We will follow the definition of paths and cycles in [Reference Reiher, Rödl, Ruciński, Schacht and Szemerédi16], suggested by Katona and Kierstead in [Reference Katona and Kierstead10]. A
is a tight path of length
, if
$ \vert V(P) \vert = \ell +2$
and there is an ordering of the vertices
$V(P) = \{x_1,\dots, x_{\ell +2}\}$
such that
$E(P)=\{x_ix_{i+1}x_{i+2} \;:\; i\in [\ell ]\}$
. The tuple
$ ( x_1,x_2 )$
is the starting pair of
, the tuple
$ ( x_{\ell +1},x_{\ell +2} )$
is the ending pair of
, both are the end-pairs of
, and we say that
is a tight
$ ( x_1,x_2 )$
$ ( x_{\ell +1},x_{\ell +2} )$
-path. All other vertices of
are called internal. We sometimes identify a path with the sequence of its vertices
$x_1,\dots, x_{\ell +2}$
. Accordingly, a tight cycle
of length
$\ell \geq 4$
consists of a path
$x_1,\dots, x_{\ell }$
of length
$\ell -2$
together with the two hyperedges
$x_{\ell -1}x_{\ell }x_1$
$x_{\ell }x_1x_2$
. A tight walk of length
is a hypergraph
$V(W)= \{x_1,\dots, x_{\ell +2} \}$
, where the
are not necessarily distinct, and
$E(W)= \{ x_ix_{i+1}x_{i+2} \;:\; i\in [\ell ] \}$
. Note that the length of a path, a cycle or a walk is the number of its edges and we will use this convention for cycles, paths, and walks in graphs as well.
One might also consider degree conditions for loose Hamiltonian cycles in
-uniform hypergraphs, in which consecutive edges intersect in less than
vertices. Loose Hamiltonian cycles have been, for instance, studied in [Reference Buß, Hàn and Schacht2, Reference Czygrinow and Molla5, Reference Han and Zhao8, Reference Kühn and Osthus11]. From now on, we only consider tight paths and cycles, and consequently we may omit the prefix “tight”.
In recent years, there has been some progress to achieve Dirac like results for hypergraphs. Rödl, Ruciński, and Szemerédi [Reference Rödl, Ruciński and Szemerédi18] started by showing that for
$\alpha \gt 0$
, there is some
such that every
-graph on
$n\geq n_0$
vertices with minimum pair degree at least
$\left(\frac{1}{2} + \alpha \right) n$
contains a Hamiltonian cycle. Actually, in [Reference Rödl, Ruciński and Szemerédi19] they improved the result to the following.
Theorem 1.2.
be a
-graph on
vertices, where
is sufficiently large. If
$\delta _2(H) \geq \lfloor n/2 \rfloor$
, then
has a Hamiltonian cycle. Moreover, for every
, there exists an
such that
$\delta _2 ( H_n ) = \lfloor n/2 \rfloor - 1$
does not have a Hamiltonian cycle.
More recently, Reiher, Rödl, Ruciński, Schacht, and Szemerédi [Reference Reiher, Rödl, Ruciński, Schacht and Szemerédi16] proved the following asymptotically optimal result concerning the vertex degree.
Theorem 1.3.
For every
$\alpha \gt 0$
, there is an
$n_0\in \mathbb{N}$
such that every
$n\geq n_0$
vertices with
$\delta _1 (H) \geq \left ( \frac{5}{9} + \alpha \right ) \frac{n^2}{2}$
contains a Hamiltonian cycle.
Since the first version of this article, this has been generalised to all
independently by Lang and Sanhueza-Matamala [Reference Lang and Sanhueza-Matamala12] and by Polcyn, Reiher, Rödl, and myself [Reference Polcyn, Reiher, Rödl and Schülke14].
In this work, we study a new pair degree condition that forces large
-graphs to contain a Hamiltonian cycle. Call a matrix
Hamiltonian if every
$H= ([n],E )$
$d(i,j)\geq d_{ij}$
, for all
$ij\in [n]^{(2)}$
, contains a Hamiltonian cycle. It would be very desirable to get a result for
-graphs similar to the one by Chvátal for degree sequences in graphs, that is, a characterisation of all Hamiltonian matrices. For the graph case, Pósa’s result (Theorem 1.1) was a step towards the characterisation by Chvátal. In a sense, our main result can be seen as a
-uniform (asymptotic) analogue of the theorem by Pósa.
Theorem 1.4 (Main result). For
$\alpha \gt 0$
, there exists an
$n_0\in \mathbb{N}$
such that for all
$n\in \mathbb{N}$
$n\geq n_0$
, the following holds. If
$H= ( [n],E )$
is a
-graph with
$d(i,j)\geq \min\!\left ( i,j,\frac{n}{2}\right ) + \alpha n$
for all
$ij \in [n]^{(2)}$
, then
contains a (tight) Hamiltonian cycle.
This result strengthens the asymptotic version of Theorem 1.2 achieved in [Reference Rödl, Ruciński and Szemerédi18].
Let us remark that recently there have also been related results on degree sequences for other spanning subgraphs in graphs. For example, Treglown [Reference Treglown22] gave a degree sequence condition that forces the graph to contain a clique factor and Staden and Treglown [Reference Staden and Treglown20] proved a degree sequence condition that forces the graph to contain the square of a Hamiltonian cycle. Since the first version of this article, Bowtell and Hyde [Reference Bowtell and Hyde1] obtained a degree sequence condition for perfect matchings in
Note that in the proof of Theorem 1.4 (and the proofs of the lemmas) we can always assume
$\alpha \ll 1$
. Before we start with the outline of the proof of Theorem 1.4 in the next section, we give the following examples showing that our result is asymptotically optimal in some sense.
Example 1.5.
1. Consider the partition
$X \dot \cup Y = [n]$ with
$X = \left [\left \lceil \frac{n+1}{3}\right \rceil \right ]$ and let
$H$ be the hypergraph on
$[n]$ containing all triples
$e\in V^{(3)}$ with
$ \vert e\cap X \vert \neq 2$ . Then we have
$d(i,j)\geq \min\!\left ( i,j,\frac{n}{2}\right ) - 1$ for all
$ij \in [n]^{(2)}$ . However, if there was a Hamiltonian cycle in
$H$ , it would contain at least one edge with at least two vertices from
$X$ . But such an edge can only lie in a cycle in which all vertices are from
$X\subsetneq [n]$ . Hence,
$H$ does not contain a Hamiltonian cycle.
2. Next, look at the partition
$X \dot \cup Y = [n]$ with
$X = \left [\left \lfloor \frac{n}{2}\right \rfloor \right ]$ and let
$H$ be the hypergraph on
$[n]$ containing all triples
$e\in V^{(3)}$ such that
$ \vert e\cap Y \vert \neq 2$ . Then for all
$ij \in [n]^{(2)}$ , we have
$d(i,j)\geq \frac{n}{2} - 2$ . But a similar argument as above shows that
$H$ does not contain a Hamiltonian cycle.
The two examples show that Theorem 1.4 does not hold when replacing the degree condition with
$d(i,j)\geq \min\!\left ( i,j,\frac{n}{2}\right ) -1$
(not even when replacing it with
$d(i,j)\geq \min\!( i,j ) -1$
) and neither when replacing it with
$d(i,j)\geq \min\!\left ( i,j,\frac{n}{2}-2\right )$
. Note that this means that Theorem 1.4 cannot (asymptotically) be improved on by decreasing the requirement on the degree of every pair and neither by “capping” at a lower value than at
. Generally, it seems very difficult to obtain a Chvátal like characterisation of all Hamiltonian matrices. For instance, it is not difficult to see that there are Hamiltonian matrices with
$\Omega (n^2)$
choices of
$i,j\in [n]$
. Thus, the Pósa like result given by Theorem 1.4 serves as a significant step in understanding Hamiltonian matrices.
In the following, we will omit rounding issues if they are not important, for example, we will assume that
$\alpha n$
etc. are natural numbers. Further, for
$A,B\subseteq \mathbb{R}_+$
, we write that a statement
holds for all
$a\in A$
$b\in B$
$a\ll b$
, to say that for every
$b\in B$
, there exists an
$a_0\in \mathbb{R}_+$
such that for all
$a\in A$
$a\leq a_0$
, the statement
In the next section we give an overview of the proof, state the auxiliary results for each step and finally deduce the main result Theorem 1.4 from these. Sections 3–6 are devoted to the proofs of the auxiliary results. We conclude by discussing some interesting related problems in Section 7.
2. Overview and final proof
The proof of Theorem 1.4 uses the absorption method introduced by Rödl, Ruciński, and Szemerédi in [Reference Rödl, Ruciński and Szemerédi18], which helps to reduce the problem of finding a Hamiltonian cycle to the problem of constructing a cycle containing almost all vertices.
This strategy proceeds by constructing a cycle containing almost all vertices of the hypergraph
and a special subpath into which we can “absorb” any small set of vertices, meaning we can integrate the left-over vertices into this subpath to obtain a Hamiltonian cycle. For that, we use that for every vertex
$v\in V(H)$
, there exist many absorbers in
, where absorbers in this setting are a structure consisting of several paths which can be restructured into paths containing
while keeping the same end-pairs. Then, utilising probabilistic ideas, we can construct an absorbing path, a path containing many absorbers for every vertex. Lastly, we build a long path in the remainder of
, consisting of almost all vertices, and connect it with the absorbing path to a cycle into which the left-over vertices can be absorbed.
For these constructions, we often need to connect two paths, that is, find a path from an end-pair of one to an end-pair of the other. Hence, we begin by showing that given two distinct ordered pairs of two vertices,
, there are many paths of the same fixed length with end-pairs
Lemma 2.1 (Connecting lemma). Let
$\alpha,\vartheta \gt 0$
$n,L\in \mathbb{N}$
$1/n\ll \vartheta \ll 1/L\ll \alpha$
. If
is a
-graph with
$d(i,j)\geq \min\!\left ( i,j,\frac{n}{2}\right ) + \alpha n$
, for all
$ij \in [n]^{(2)}$
, then for all disjoint ordered pairs of distinct vertices
$(x,y), (w,z)\in [n]^2$
, the number of paths of length
is at least
$\vartheta n^{L-2}$
See Section 3 for the proof of Lemma 2.1.
Later, we will use this result whenever we need to connect different paths that have already been constructed. However, when we want to connect paths after almost all the vertices are covered by paths, we need to ensure that there still exist paths which are disjoint from all previously built paths. To this end, we will take a special selection of vertices – the reservoir – aside, with the property that for every pair of pairs of vertices, we still have many paths of fixed length connecting them, where all internal vertices of those paths are vertices of the reservoir. The existence of such a set will be shown by probabilistic arguments.
Lemma 2.2 (Reservoir lemma). Let
$\alpha,\vartheta \gt 0$
$n,L\in \mathbb{N}$
such that
$1/n\ll \vartheta \ll 1/L\ll \alpha$
. If
is a
-graph satisfying
$d(i,j)\geq \min\!\left ( i,j,\frac{n}{2}\right ) + \alpha n$
, for all
$ij \in [n]^{(2)}$
, then there exists a reservoir set
$\mathcal{R} \subseteq [n]$
$\frac{\vartheta ^2}{2}n \leq \left \vert \mathcal{R} \right \vert \leq \vartheta ^2 n$
such that for all disjoint ordered pairs of distinct vertices
$(x,y),(w,z)\in [n]^{2}$
, there are at least
$\vartheta \vert \mathcal{R} \vert ^{L-2}/2$
paths of length
which connect
and whose internal vertices all belong to
It follows that removing a few vertices from the reservoir will not destroy its connectability property.
Lemma 2.3 (Preservation of the reservoir). Let
$\alpha,\vartheta \gt 0$
$n,L\in \mathbb{N}$
such that
$1/n\ll \vartheta \ll 1/L\ll \alpha$
. If
is a
-graph satisfying
$d(i,j)\geq \min\!\left ( i,j,\frac{n}{2}\right ) + \alpha n$
, for all
$ij \in [n]^{(2)}$
is given by Lemma 2.2
, and
$\mathcal{R}' \subseteq \mathcal{R}$
$\vert \mathcal{R}'\vert \leq 2\vartheta ^4 n$
, then for all disjoint ordered pairs of distinct vertices
$(x,y),(w,z)\in [n]^2$
, there is an
-path of length
with all internal vertices belonging to
$\mathcal{R}\setminus \mathcal{R}'$
See Section 4 for the proof of Lemma 2.2 and Lemma 2.3.
After formally defining absorbers, we will show that for each vertex there are many such absorbers. We make use of this fact when we show that a small random selection of tuples still contains many absorbers for every
$v\in V(H)$
. With the Connecting Lemma we can afterwards connect all the small paths in that selection to a path that can absorb any small set of vertices.
Lemma 2.4 (Absorbing path). Let
$\alpha,\vartheta \gt 0$
$n,L\in \mathbb{N}$
such that
$1/n\ll \vartheta \ll 1/L\ll \alpha$
. If
is a
-graph satisfying
$d(i,j)\geq \min\!\left ( i,j,\frac{n}{2}\right ) + \alpha n$
, for all
$ij \in [n]^{(2)}$
, and
is given by Lemma 2.2
, then there exists a path
$P_A \subseteq H\setminus \mathcal{R}$
$v(P_A) \leq \vartheta n$
and with the (absorbing) property that for each
$X\subseteq [n]$
$ \vert X \vert \leq 2\vartheta ^2 n$
, there is a path with vertex set
$X \cup V(P_A)$
and the same end-pairs as
See Section 5 for the proof of Lemma 2.4.
By using weak hypergraph regularity and then an explicit result to obtain an almost perfect matching in the reduced hypergraph, we show in Section 6 that in every hypergraph
satisfying the degree condition in Theorem 1.4, there exists a path which contains almost all vertices of
(see Proposition 2.5).
Proposition 2.5 (Long path). Let
$\alpha,\vartheta \gt 0$
$n,L\in \mathbb{N}$
such that
$1/n\ll \vartheta \ll 1/L\ll \alpha$
. Let
$H= ([n],V )$
be a
-graph with
$d(i,j)\geq \min\!\left ( i,j,\frac{n}{2}\right ) + \alpha n$
, for all
$ij \in [n]^{(2)}$
, let
be as in Lemma 2.2
, and
as in Lemma 2.4
Then there exists a path
$Q\subseteq H\setminus P_A$
such that

$ \vert V(Q) \cap \mathcal{R} \vert \leq \vartheta ^4 n$
See Section 6 for the proof of Proposition 2.5.
Now we are ready to prove our main result, Theorem 1.4 (see also Figure 1).

Figure 1. Overview of the proof.
Proof of Theorem
1.4. Let
$\alpha,\vartheta \gt 0$
$n,L\in \mathbb{N}$
such that
$1/n\ll \vartheta \ll 1/L\ll \alpha$
. Now let
$H= ( [n],E )$
be a
-graph satisfying the degree condition
$d(i,j)\geq \min\!\left ( i,j,\frac{n}{2}\right ) + \alpha n$
for all
$ij \in [n]^{(2)}$
. Lemmas 2.2, 2.4, and Proposition 2.5 provide a reservoir
, an absorbing path
$P_A\subseteq H\setminus \mathcal{R}$
and a long path
$Q\subseteq H\setminus P_A$
$ \vert \mathcal{R}\cap V(Q) \vert \leq \vartheta ^4 n$
. Let
be the end-pairs of
and let
be the end-pairs of
(note that they are disjoint since we have
$Q\subseteq H\setminus P_A$
). Since
$ \vert \mathcal{R}\cap V(Q) \vert \leq \vartheta ^4 n$
$P_A\subseteq H\setminus \mathcal{R}$
and by Lemma 2.3, we can choose a path
of length
with all internal vertices in
$\mathcal{R}\setminus (V(Q)\cup V (P_A ) )$
. Further, by the hierarchy of constants, we also find a path
of length
with all internal vertices in
$\mathcal{R}\setminus ( V(Q)\cup V (P_A )\cup V ( P_1 ) )$
. That leaves us with a cycle
which satisfies
$v(C) \geq ( 1-2\vartheta ^2 ) n$
$P_A \subseteq C$
. The absorbing property of
guarantees that for
$X\;:\!=\;[n] \setminus V(C)$
, there exists a path
$V ( P'_{\!\!A} ) = V ( P_A ) \cup X$
which has the same end-pairs as
(which are connected to
), and hence there is a Hamiltonian cycle in
3. Connecting lemma
Before we start with the actual proof of Lemma 2.1, let us take a look at the strategy. Say we want to connect two (ordered) pairs
in a hypergraph
satisfying the conditions of Theorem 1.4. We will show that one can easily reduce the case of both pairs being arbitrary to that of both having pair degree at least
$\frac{n}{2} + \alpha n$
by “climbing up” in the degree sequence (see the beginning of the proof of Lemma 2.1). Then
$N ((x,y),(w,z) )$
, the set of common neighbours of
, is non-empty because of the high pair degrees of
. Assume that there are many (
-paths in the link graphs of elements in
$N ((x,y),(w,z) )$
. Roughly speaking, we then proceed as follows. First, we find a set
of vertices in
$N ((x,y),(w,z) )$
which share some
-paths in their links. Subsequently, we insert the vertices of
at every third position of each such
-path (viewed as a vertex sequence), thereby obtaining many
-uniform walks from
. So we could indeed connect two pairs if the link graphs of vertices in
$N ((x,y),(w,z) )$
inherit the right degree condition, that is, if the vertices are large relative to
. However, since we cannot control how large the elements in
$N ((x,y),(w,z) )$
are, the degree condition that the link graphs of vertices in
$N ((x,y),(w,z) )$
inherit may not be strong enough to let us connect two vertices by “climbing up” the degree sequence. The idea to insert a middle pair
, as done in [Reference Reiher, Rödl, Ruciński, Schacht and Szemerédi16], overcomes this problem. If
has some large common neighbours with
and some with
, we can find enough
walks passing through
by applying the strategy explained above. The number of those walks will depend on the number of large common neighbours that
has with each
. So roughly speaking, if the sum over all
of large common neighbours of
and of
is large, we can indeed prove the Connecting Lemma. This last point (in its accurate form) will follow from the observation that two link graphs of large vertices have many common edges.
Note that this strategy can be used in the seemingly different settings of our pair degree condition and the minimum vertex degree condition in [Reference Reiher, Rödl, Ruciński, Schacht and Szemerédi16], since in both cases we have “well-connected” subgraphs in every link graph and each two of these subgraphs intersect in many edges: In [Reference Reiher, Rödl, Ruciński, Schacht and Szemerédi16] those subgraphs are the robust subgraphs and in our case we can just consider the link graphs of large vertices. Since the first version of this article, this idea has also been used extensively in [Reference Polcyn, Reiher, Rödl and Schülke14].
Proof of Lemma
2.1. Observe that when we show that there exists an
$L\in \mathbb{N}$
and a
$\vartheta \gt 0$
such that the statement of Lemma 2.1 holds for these, it easily follows that it holds for all
$L\in \mathbb{N}$
$\vartheta \gt 0$
$1/n\ll \vartheta \ll 1/L\ll \alpha \ll 1$
. Hence, let the hierarchy and
be as described in the lemma and let
$(x,y),(w,z)\in [n]^2$
be two disjoint ordered pairs of distinct vertices.
First, we will show that it is possible to “climb up” along the degree sequence in (relative to
) few steps, starting from the pairs
and ending with pairs of vertices
$\geq \frac{n}{2}$
In the second step, we will connect these two pairs by utilising an analogous “climb up” argument in the link graphs of neighbours of a pair and slipping in an additional connective pair. We first look for walks rather than paths and conclude by deducing that many of them will actually be paths.
First step. By induction on
$\ell \geq 3$
, we will prove the following statement: There exist at least
$\left ( \frac{\alpha }{5} \right ) ^{\ell -2} n^{\ell -2}$
$x_1=x, x_2=y, x_3, \dots, x_{\ell }$
such that for
$i\geq 3$
we have:

We will first show the statement for
$\ell =3$
$\ell = 4$
and then deduce it for any
$\ell \geq 5$
given that it holds for
$\ell -1$
$\ell =3:$
By the degree condition on
we have
$d(x,y) \geq \min\!\left ( 1,2, \frac{n}{2}\right )+\alpha n$
. Hence, there exist at least
$\frac{\alpha }{5}n$
possible vertices
such that
is a walk and
$x_3 \geq \frac{\alpha }{4}n+\frac{\alpha }{4}n$
$\ell =4:$
be one of those
$\frac{\alpha }{5} n$
walks satisfying the condition (3.1) that we get by the previous case. We then have
$d(x_2,x_3) \geq \min\!\left (1,\frac{\alpha }{2}n, \frac{n}{2}\right )+\alpha n$
, so there exist at least
$\frac{\alpha }{5}n$
possible vertices
such that
is a walk and
$x_i \geq \frac{\alpha }{4}n(i-2)+\frac{\alpha }{4}n$
$\ell \geq 5:$
$x_1,x_2,x_3, \dots,x_{\ell -1}$
be one of the
$\left ( \frac{\alpha }{5} \right ) ^{\ell -3} n^{\ell -3}$
walks satisfying, for
$i\geq 3$

that we get by induction. Then our pair degree condition implies that

which in turn gives rise to at least
$\frac{\alpha }{5}n$
possible vertices
$x_{\ell }$
such that
$x_1,x_2,\dots, x_{\ell }$
build a walk, and we have
$x_i \geq \min\!\left (\frac{\alpha }{4}n(i-2),\frac{n}{2}\right )+\frac{\alpha }{4}n$
for all
$i \in [\ell ], i \geq 3$
This leaves us with
$\left ( \frac{\alpha }{5}\right ) ^{ \frac{2}{\alpha }} n^{\frac{2}{\alpha }}$
possibilities for walks

$x_{\frac{2}{\alpha }+1},x_{\frac{2}{\alpha } +2} \geq \frac{n}{2}$
and an analogous argument for
with just as many possibilities for walks

$z_{\frac{2}{\alpha } +1},z_{ \frac{2}{\alpha } +2} \geq \frac{n}{2}$
Second step (Figure 2). Let
be the smallest even number
$\geq \frac{1}{\alpha } + 1$
. It now suffices to show that for some
$\vartheta '\gt 0$
$1/n\ll \vartheta ' \ll \alpha$
we have the following. For all ordered pairs
$(x^{\prime},y^{\prime}),(w^{\prime},z^{\prime})\in [n]^{2}$
for which the vertices within each pair are distinct and
$x^{\prime},y^{\prime},w^{\prime},z^{\prime}\geq \frac{n}{2}$
, the number of
walks with
internal vertices is at least
$\vartheta ' n^{3m+4}$

Figure 2. Idea of the second step, the picture is similar to [Reference Reiher, Rödl, Ruciński, Schacht and Szemerédi16, Fig. 4.1].
$d(x^{\prime},y^{\prime})\geq \frac{n}{2} + \alpha n$
, there exists a set
$U_{x^{\prime}y^{\prime}}= \{u_1, \dots, u_{\alpha n} \} \subseteq [n]\setminus [n/2]$
such that
$x^{\prime}y^{\prime} \in E ( L_{u_i} )$
, for all
$i \in [\alpha n]$
(recall that
denotes the link graph of
). Similarly, there exists
$U_{w^{\prime}z^{\prime}}= \{v_1, \dots, v_{\alpha n} \} \subseteq [n]\setminus [n/2]$
such that
$w^{\prime}z^{\prime} \in E ( L_{v_i} )$
, for all
$i \in [ \alpha n]$
$(a,b) \in [n]^2$
, let
$I_{ab} = \{i\in [\alpha n ] \;:\; ab \in E (L_{u_i} ) \cap E (L_{v_i} ) \}$
. Since all vertices
$\geq \frac{n}{2}$
(apart from
$u_i, v_i$
) have in both
at least
$\frac{n}{2} + \alpha n$
neighbours, and therefore
$2\alpha n$
vertices that they are adjacent to in both
, there are at least
$\frac{\alpha n^2}{4}$
edges in
$L_{v_i}\cap L_{u_i}$
. Thus, by double counting we have

Next, for fixed
$(a,b)\in [n]^2$
, we find a lower bound on the number
-uniform walks of the form

$y^{\prime}r_1r_2\dots r_{m-1}r_ma$
is a
-uniform walk in
$i(k) \in I_{ab}$
, for all
$k \in \left [\frac{m}{2}+1\right ]$
To this goal, first observe that for all
$i\in [ \alpha n]$
, the number of
-walks of length
is at least
$\left (\frac{\alpha }{3}\right ) ^m n^m$
. Indeed, since
$u_i \geq n/2$
, we know that for
$j\in [n]$
, we have
$d_{L_{u_i}}(j)\geq \min\!\left (j, \frac{n}{2}\right )+\alpha n$
. Therefore, there are at least
$\left (\frac{\alpha n}{2}\right ) ^{m-1}$
walks of length
starting in
in which each vertex is either at least
$ \frac{n}{2} +\frac{\alpha n}{2}$
or at least
$\frac{\alpha n}{2}$
larger than the preceding vertex. Since we set
$m\geq 1/\alpha +1$
, each of these walks ends in a vertex
$\geq \frac{n}{2}$
and for at least
$\left (\frac{\alpha n}{3}\right )^{m-1}$
of them the last vertex is distinct from
. For each such walk
with its last vertex
$a_{T^{\prime}}\neq y^{\prime}$
, there are
$2\alpha n$
possibilities for common neighbours of
(note that the degrees in
of both
are at least
$\frac{n}{2} +\alpha n$
). In total, that gives us at least
$\left (\frac{\alpha n}{3}\right ) ^m$
-walks of length
Now for
$\vec r \in [n]^m$
, we set
$D_{ab} (\vec r ) \;:\!=\; \{ i \in I_{ab} \;:\; y^{\prime}\vec r a \text{ is a walk in }L_{u_i} \}$
. Again by double counting and by the previous observation, we infer

Note that for each
$\vec r \in [n]^m$
that is a
-walk in
for every
$k\in \left [\frac{m}{2}+1\right ]$
, we have that

is a
-walk of length
. Hence, with Jensen’s inequality we derive:

We define
analogously as the number of
-uniform walks of the form

$bs_1s_2\dots s_{m-1}s_mw^{\prime}$
is a
-uniform walk in
$j(k) \in I_{ab}$
, for all
$k \in \left [\frac{m}{2}+1\right ]$
, and get the same lower bound by an analogous argument.
At last, let
be the number of
$(x^{\prime}y^{\prime})\text{-}(w^{\prime}z^{\prime})\text{-walks of length }3m+6\text{ in }H$
. We apply Jensen’s inequality a second time to obtain:

In total, putting together the walks connecting
, and
, we get that the number of
-walks of length
$2 \cdot \frac{2}{\alpha } + 3m+6$
is at least

Since only
$\mathcal{O}\left (n^{\frac{4}{\alpha } +3m+3}\right )$
of these fail to be a path, we are done.
4. Reservoir
In this section, we will prove the existence of a small set, the reservoir, such that any two pairs of vertices can be connected by paths with all internal vertices lying in the reservoir. The probabilistic proof of this lemma as done in [Reference Reiher, Rödl, Ruciński, Schacht and Szemerédi16] works in almost the same way with different conditions as soon as the Connecting Lemma is provided. We will state two inequalities first that we will need for the probabilistic arguments.
Lemma 4.1 (Chernoff, see for instance Cor. 2.3 in [Reference Janson, Łuczak and Rucinski9]). Let
$X_1, X_2, \dots, X_m$
be a sequence of
independent random variables
$X_i \;:\; \rightarrow \{0,1\}$
$\mathbb{P} ( X_i = 1 ) = p$
$\mathbb{P} ( X_i = 0 ) = 1-p$
. Then we have for
$\delta \in (0,1)$
$\mathbb{P}\left ( \sum _{i\in [m]} X_i \geq \left ( 1+\delta \right ) pm\right ) \leq \exp\!\left (-\frac{\delta ^2}{3}pm\right )$
$\mathbb{P}\left ( \sum _{i\in [m]} X_i \leq \left ( 1-\delta \right ) pm\right ) \leq \exp\!\left (-\frac{\delta ^2}{2}pm\right )$
Lemma 4.2 (Azuma-Hoeffding, McDiarmid, Cor. 2.27 in [Reference Janson, Łuczak and Rucinski9] and Thm. 1 in [Reference McDiarmid13]). Suppose that
$X_1, \dots, X_m$
are independent random variables taking values in
$\Lambda _1, \dots, \Lambda _m$
and let
$f:\Lambda _1 \times \dots \times \Lambda _m\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$
be a measurable function. Moreover, suppose that for certain real numbers
$c_1, \dots, c_m \geq 0$
, we have that if
$J,J'\in \prod \Lambda _i$
differ only in the
-th coordinate, then
$ \vert f(J) - f ( J' ) \vert \leq c_k$
. Then the random variable
$X \;:\!=\; f ( X_1, \dots, X_m )$

We are now ready to prove Lemma 2.2.
Proof of Lemma
2.2. Let
, and
be given as in the statement. We choose a random subset
$\mathcal{R} \subseteq [n]$
, where we select each vertex independently with probability
$p=\left (1-\frac{1}{10L}\right ) \vartheta ^2$
. Since
$ \vert \mathcal{R} \vert$
is now binomially distributed, we can apply Chernoff’s inequality (Lemma 4.1) and utilise the hierarchy to obtain

We also have
$\vartheta ^2 n \geq ( 1+c(L) ) \mathbb{E} ( \vert \mathcal{R} \vert )$
for some small
$c(L) \in (0,1)$
not depending on
and therefore, again by Chernoff we get for large

By Lemma 2.1, we have that for all disjoint ordered pairs of distinct vertices
, the number of
-paths of length
is at least
$\vartheta n^{L-2}$
. Let
$X=X ((x,y),(w,z) )$
denote the random variable counting the number of those
-paths in
that are of length
and have all internal vertices in
. We then have
$\mathbb{E}(X) \geq p^{L-2} \vartheta n^{L-2}$
Now we apply the Azuma-Hoeffding inequality (Lemma 4.2) (with
$X_1,\dots, X_n$
being the indicator variables for the events “
$1\in \mathcal{R}$
$n\in \mathcal{R}$
”) which gives us, since the presence or absence of one particular vertex in
by at most
$ (L-2 ) n^{L-3}$
, that

By the union bound, also the probability that there is a pairs of pairs for which the respective number of connecting paths with all internal vertices in
is less than
$\frac{2}{3} \vartheta (pn)^{L-2}$
can be bounded from above by

large. Moreover, recalling our hierarchy we have

which together with (4.2) and (4.3) implies the following: With probability
$\gt 1/3$
the chosen set
$\vert \mathcal{R}\vert \leq \vartheta ^2 n$
and has the property that for all disjoint ordered pairs of distinct vertices
there exist at least
$\frac{\vartheta }{2}\left \vert \mathcal{R}\right \vert ^{L-2}$
paths of length
that connect those pairs and have all their internal vertices in
. Therefore, combining this with (4.1) ensures that there indeed exists a version of
that has all the required properties of our reservoir set.
It is not hard now to show the preservation of the reservoir, Lemma 2.3.
Proof of Lemma
2.3. Let
$H, \mathcal{R}, \mathcal{R}'$
be as in the statement of the Lemma. Consider any two disjoint ordered pairs of distinct vertices
. We have

by the lower bound we get from Lemma 2.2. Since every particular vertex in
is an internal vertex of at most
$(L-2) \vert \mathcal{R}\vert ^{L-3}$
of the
-paths of length
with all internal vertices from
, the Reservoir Lemma tells us that there are at least

-paths with all internal vertices in
$\mathcal{R}\setminus \mathcal{R}'$
5. Absorbing path
In this section, we will construct a short (absorbing) path
that can “absorb” every small set of arbitrary vertices: For each small set
$X\subseteq V$
, we can build a path
$V(P'_{\!\!A})=V(P_A)\cup X$
which has the the same end-pairs as
. Later, it will then suffice to find a cycle containing
and almost all vertices, and subsequently absorb the remaining vertices into
. Since we already have a Connecting Lemma, actually the only step left will be to find a long path.
In order to construct such an absorbing path, one first has to find many absorbers for each vertex
: In our case, an absorber is a “cascade” of small paths that allows us to build a new such cascade of paths with the same end-pairs, containing all vertices of the first two paths and in addition the “absorbed” vertex
(see Definition 5.1). This makes sure that we can maintain the path structure of
when absorbing a vertex since the linking pairs remain unchanged. Once we know that for every vertex
, there exist many such
-absorbers in
, probabilistic arguments provides a small set of disjoint paths with the property that for every vertex
, this set contains many
-absorbers. Lastly, we will simply connect all these paths via the Connecting Lemma and note that then we can absorb a small set of vertices by greedily inserting each vertex into a different absorber.
To construct the absorbers, we again utilise that we can “climb up” the degree sequence. More precisely, we define the following “absorbers”.
Definition 5.1.
$\alpha \gt 0$
$n\in \mathbb{N}$
, set
$s=s(\alpha )=2\cdot \frac{1}{\alpha }$
, and let
be a
$x \in [n]$
, a

of distinct vertices is called
$(x,\alpha )$
) if
$v_1w_1xy_1z_1$ is a path in
$H$ ,
2. for
$i\in [s-1]$ , we know that
$v_iw_iy_{i+1}z_{i+1}$ and
$v_{i+1}w_{i+1}y_iz_i$ are paths in
$H$ , and
$v_sw_sy_sz_s$ is a path in
$H$ .
is not important, we omit it in the notation, then simply speaking of
-absorbers. Note that we can absorb
into an
as follows, see also Figure 3. Before absorption, we consider the paths
, for all odd
$i\in [s]$
. After absorption, we consider the path
, the paths
for all even
$i\in [s-2]$
, and the path
. Note that the (ordered) end-pairs of the considered paths are the same before and after absorption.

Figure 3. Structure of the absorbers with hyperedges used before absorption of
in dark red and hyperedges used after absorption of
in light red.
Lemma 5.2 (Many absorbers). Let
$1/n\ll \vartheta \ll \alpha \ll 1$
. If
is a
-graph with
$d(i,j) \geq \min\!\left (i,j, \frac{n}{2}\right ) + \alpha n$
for all
$ij \in [n]^{(2)}$
is a reservoir set given by Lemma 2.2
, then for every
$x\in [n]$
, the number of
$(x,\alpha )$
-absorbers in
$ ([n] \setminus \mathcal{R} ) ^{4s(\alpha )}$
is at least
$(\frac{\alpha n}{3})^{4s(\alpha )}$
Proof of Lemma
5.2. Let
$1/n\ll \vartheta \ll \alpha \ll 1$
, let
be as in the statement, and let
$x\in [n]$
. There are at least
possibilities to choose a vertex
$w_1\in [n]\setminus (\mathcal{R}\cup \{x\})$
$w_1 \geq \min (x+\frac{\alpha n}{2},\frac{n}{2})$
. Then, there are at least
$\frac{\alpha n}{3}$
choices for a vertex
$v_1\in N(w_1,x)\setminus \mathcal{R}$
$v_1\geq \min (x+\frac{\alpha n}{2},\frac{n}{2})$
$\vert N(w_1,x)\vert \geq \min (w_1,x,\frac{n}{2})+\alpha n$
$w_1\geq \min (x+\frac{\alpha n}{2},\frac{n}{2})$
. Similarly, there are at least
$\frac{\alpha n}{3}$
choices for a vertex
$y_1\in N(w_1,x)\setminus (\mathcal{R}\cup \{v_1\})$
$y_1\geq \min (x+\frac{\alpha n}{2},\frac{n}{2})$
and at least
$\frac{\alpha n}{3}$
choices for a vertex
$z_1\in N(x,y_1)\setminus (\mathcal{R}\cup \{v_1,w_1\})$
$z_1\geq \min (x+\frac{\alpha n}{2},\frac{n}{2})$
Now assume that for some
$i\in [s-2]$
, vertices
, and
have already been selected, for all
$j\in [i]$
, in such a way that all edges required by Definition 5.1 are present and
$v_j,w_j,y_j,z_j\geq \min (x+j\frac{\alpha n}{2},\frac{n}{2})$
for all
$j\in [i]$
, and denote the set containing all these vertices, all vertices from
, and
. Note that for all
$i\in [s-2]$
, we have
$\vert A_i\vert \leq \frac{\alpha n}{7}$
. Therefore, there are at least
$\frac{\alpha n}{3}$
choices for a vertex
$w_{i+1}\in N(y_i,z_i)\setminus A_i$
$w_{i+1}\geq \min (x+(i+1)\frac{\alpha n}{2},\frac{n}{2})$
. Further, there are at least
$\frac{\alpha n}{3}$
choices for a vertex
$v_{i+1}\in N(w_{i+1},y_i)\setminus A_i$
$v_{i+1}\geq \min (x+(i+1)\frac{\alpha n}{2},\frac{n}{2})$
. Similarly, there are at least
$\frac{\alpha n}{3}$
choices for a vertex
$y_{i+1}\in N(v_i,w_i)\setminus (A_i\cup \{v_{i+1},w_{i+1}\})$
$y_{i+1}\geq \min (x+(i+1)\frac{\alpha n}{2},\frac{n}{2})$
and at least
$\frac{\alpha n}{3}$
choices for a vertex
$z_{i+1}\in N(w_i,y_{i+1})\setminus (A_i\cup \{v_{i+1},w_{i+1}\})$
$z_{i+1}\geq \min (x+(i+1)\frac{\alpha n}{2},\frac{n}{2})$
Assume that
, and
have been selected for all
$j\in [s-1]$
such that all edges required by Definition 5.1 are present and
$v_j,w_j,y_j,z_j\geq \min (x+j\frac{\alpha n}{2},\frac{n}{2})$
, for all
$j\in [s-1]$
, and denote the set containing all these vertices, all vertices from
, and
. Then there are at least
$\frac{\alpha n}{3}$
choices for a vertex
$w_{s}\in N(y_{s-1},z_{s-1})\setminus A_{s-1}$
$w_s\geq \min (x+s\frac{\alpha n}{2},\frac{n}{2})$
and at least
$\frac{\alpha n}{3}$
choices for a vertex
$y_s\in N(v_{s-1},w_{s-1})\setminus (A_{s-1}\cup \{w_s\})$
$y_s\geq \min (x+s\frac{\alpha n}{2},\frac{n}{2})$
. Note that by the choice of
we have
$v_{s-1},w_{s-1},y_{s-1},z_{s-1},w_s,y_s\geq \min ((s-1)\frac{\alpha n}{2},\frac{n}{2})=\frac{n}{2}$
. Thus, we know that

and so there are at least
$\alpha n$
choices for
$v_s\in N(w_{s},y_{s-1})\cap N(w_s,y_s)\setminus A_{s-1}$
and, similarly, we know that there are at least
$\alpha n$
choices for
$z_s\in N(w_{s-1},y_{s})\cap N(w_s,y_s)\setminus (A_{s-1}\cup \{v_s\})$
Observe that if the vertices
are chosen in the respective neighbourhoods as described above, they form an
$(x,\alpha )$
-absorber. Hence, the number of
$(x,\alpha )$
-absorbers is indeed at least
$(\frac{\alpha }{3}n)^{4s(\alpha )}$
We are now ready to prove Lemma 2.4.
Proof of Lemma
2.4. The proof proceeds in two steps. First, we will use probabilistic arguments, showing that with positive probability a randomly chosen set of
-tuples contains many absorbers for every vertex while being not too large. In the second part we connect all those paths using the Connecting Lemma (Lemma 2.1).
$1/n\ll \vartheta \ll \alpha$
, let
$L\in \mathbb{N}$
be given by the Connecting Lemma, let
$s=s(\alpha )$
, and let
be given as in the statement of Lemma 2.4.
$\mathcal{X} \subseteq ([n] \setminus \mathcal{R} )^{4s}$
be a random selection in which each
-tuple in
$ ([n] \setminus \mathcal{R} )^{4s}$
is included independently with probability
$p\;:\!=\;\frac{\vartheta ^23^{4s+2}}{\alpha ^{4s}n^{4s-1}}$
. Then
$\mathbb{E}\left [\left \vert \mathcal{X}\right \vert \right ] \leq pn^{4s} = \frac{\vartheta ^23^{4s+2}}{\alpha ^{4s}}n$
and by Markov’s inequality we get

Calling two distinct
-tuples overlapping if they contain a common vertex, we observe that there are at most
ordered pairs of overlapping
-tuples. Let us denote the number of overlapping pairs with both of their tuples occurring in
. We then get
$\mathbb{E}[D] \leq (4s)^2n^{8s-1}p^2=(4s)^2\big (\frac{\vartheta ^23^{4s+2}}{\alpha ^{4s}}\big )^2 n$
and Markov yields

$1/n\ll \vartheta \ll \alpha$
Next, we focus on the number of absorbers contained in
. For
$x\in [n]$
, let
denote the set of all
$(x,\alpha )$
-absorbers. Lemma 5.2 gives that for every
$x\in [n]$

$ \vert A_x \cap \mathcal{X} \vert$
is binomially distributed, we may apply Chernoff’s inequality to get for every
$x\in [n]$

Hence, by the union bound and (5.1), (5.2), and (5.3), there exists a selection
$\mathcal{F}_* \subseteq ([n] \setminus \mathcal{R} )^{4s}$
$\left \vert \mathcal{F}_* \right \vert \leq \frac{2\vartheta ^23^{4s+2}}{\alpha ^{4s}}n$ ,
$\mathcal{F}_*$ contains at most
$\vartheta ^2 n$ overlapping pairs,
$\mathcal{F}_*$ contains at least
$3 \vartheta ^2 n$
$x$ -absorbers, for every
$x\in [n]$ .
For each overlapping pair, we delete one of its
-tuples and thus, for every
$x\in [n]$
, we lose at most
$\vartheta ^2n$
-absorbers. Furthermore, we delete every
$A\in \mathcal{F}_*$
for which there does not exist an
$x\in [n]$
such that
is an
-absorber. Note that now every remaining tuple has all edges present as in Definition 5.1 and all its vertices are distinct. This deletion process gives rise to an
$\mathcal{F} \subseteq ([n]\setminus \mathcal{R} ) ^{4s}$
$\left \vert \mathcal{F} \right \vert \leq \frac{2\vartheta ^23^{4s+2}}{\alpha ^{4s}}n$ ,
for every
$x \in [n]$ , there are at least
$2\vartheta ^2n$
$x$ -absorbers in
$\mathcal{F}$ ,
the elements of
$\mathcal{F}$ (viewed as sets) are pairwise disjoint, and
for every
$4s$ -tuple
$A\in \mathcal{F}$ , there is an
$x\in [n]$ such that
$A$ is an
$x$ -absorber. In particular, all the vertices in
$A$ are distinct and there are edges present as in Definition 5.1.
Next, we want to connect the elements in
to a path utilising the Connecting Lemma. Let
be the set consisting of all the paths
for odd
and for each
$ (v_1,w_1,y_1,z_1,\dots,v_s,w_s,y_s,z_s ) \in \mathcal{F}$

We then have
$\vert \mathcal{G} \vert = 2\vert \mathcal{F}\vert \leq \frac{4\vartheta ^23^{4s+2}}{\alpha ^{4s}}n$
. Let
$\mathcal{G}^* \subseteq \mathcal{G}$
be a maximal subset such that there exists a path
$P^* \subseteq H-\mathcal{R}$
$P^*$ contains all paths in
$\mathcal{G}^*$ as subpaths
$V (P^* )\cap \bigcup _{P\in \mathcal{G}\setminus \mathcal{G}^*}V(P) = \emptyset$
$P^*$ satisfies
$v (P^* ) = (L+2 ) ( \vert \mathcal{G}^* \vert -1) +4$ .
First assume
$\mathcal{G}^* \subsetneq \mathcal{G}$
, and let
$Q^* \in \mathcal{G}\setminus \mathcal{G}^*$
. Notice that recalling
$1/n\ll \vartheta \ll \alpha, 1/L\ll 1$
, we have

Now Lemma 2.1 tells us that there are at least
$\vartheta n^{L-2}$
paths of length
connecting the ending-pair
with the starting-pair
(which are disjoint by the choice of
). By (5.4), at least half of those are disjoint from
$\mathcal{R}\cup \bigcup _{P\in \mathcal{G}\setminus (\mathcal{G}^*\cup \{Q^*\})}V(P)$
and (apart from the end-pairs) disjoint from
$V (P^* )$
$V ( Q^* )$
. Hence, there exists a path
starting with
and ending with
whose vertex set is disjoint from
$\mathcal{R}\cup \bigcup _{P\in \mathcal{G}\setminus (\mathcal{G}^*\cup \{Q^*\})}V(P)$
and for which we further have

$\mathcal{G}^* \cup \{Q^* \}$
contradicts the maximality of
and thus,
$\mathcal{G}^* = \mathcal{G}$
. Further, for
, the hierarchy
$1/n\ll \vartheta \ll \alpha, 1/L\ll 1$
gives us the required bound on
$v (P_A )$

Lastly, the structure and the number of the absorbers in
ensure the absorbing property: Let
$X \subseteq [n]$
$\vert X \vert \leq 2 \vartheta ^2 n$
. For each
$x\in X$
, we can choose one
such that all chosen absorbers are distinct, since for every
$x\in V$
, the number of
-absorbers in
is at least
$2\vartheta ^2 n$
. For every
$x\in X$
, we then “open”
at the paths
$i\in [s]$
odd and
$j\in \{0,1\}$
and reconnect it to a path containing
by instead considering the paths
, for all even
$i\in [s]$
$j\in \{0,1\}$
, and the paths
. That leaves us with a path
which satisfies
$V ( P' ) = V (P_A ) \cup X$
and has the same end-pairs as
6. Long path
In this section, we will prove the existence of a path that contains almost all vertices. To do so, we will need a weak form of the hypergraph regularity method, which we will therefore introduce briefly.
be a
-graph and let
$V_1,V_2,V_3 \subseteq V$
be pairwise disjoint; we write

$e ( V_1,V_2,V_3 ) = \vert E(V_1,V_2,V_3) \vert$
. Further, we write

$\delta \gt 0, d\geq 0$
$V_1,V_2,V_3 \subseteq V$
, we say that
is weakly
$(\delta, d)$
-quasirandom if for all
$U_1 \subseteq V_1, U_2 \subseteq V_2, U_3 \subseteq V_3$
, we have that

We say that
is weakly
-quasirandom if it is weakly
$ (\delta, d )$
-quasirandom for some
$d\geq 0$
. For brevity, we might also say that
are weakly
$ (\delta, d )$
-quasirandom (or
-quasirandom) (in
). Lastly, since we only look at weak quasirandomness in this section, we may omit the prefix “weakly”.
The regularity lemma is a strong tool in extremal combinatorics. Whilst the full generalisation to hypergraphs is more involved than the version for graphs, there is also a light version for hypergraphs that can already be useful and indeed it is for us:
Lemma 6.1 (Weak hypergraph regularity lemma). For
$\delta \gt 0, t_0 \in \mathbb{N}$
, there exists a
$T_0 \in \mathbb{N}$
such that for every
$H= ( [n],E )$
$n\geq t_0$
, there exists an integer
$t_0\leq t\leq T_0$
and a partition
$[n]=V_0\dot \cup V_1 \dot \cup \dots \dot \cup V_t$
such that:
$ \vert V_0 \vert \leq \delta n$ and
$ \vert V_1 \vert = \dots = \vert V_t \vert$
$i \geq 1$ , we have
$\max ( V_i ) \leq \max (V_{i+1} )$ and
$\max \left ( V_i\right ) -\min\!\left ( V_i\right ) \leq \frac{n}{t_0}$
there are at most
$\delta t^3$ sets
$ijk\in [t]^{(3)}$ such that the “triplet”
$V_i,V_j,V_k$ , also written as
$V^{ijk}$ , is not
$\delta$ -quasirandom in
$H$ .
For a proof of Lemma 6.1 see for instance [Reference Chung3, Reference Frankl and Rödl7, Reference Steger21]. The second bullet point regarding the ordering of the vertices is less standard. It can however be achieved by dividing the vertex set in intervals of length
and afterwards proceeding with the standard proof refining those sets. This has been remarked before, for example, by Reiher, Rödl, and Schacht in [Reference Reiher, Rödl and Schacht17].
We will apply (the conclusion of) the above lemma to
and then observe that a quasirandom triplet
with positive density can almost be covered with not too short disjoint paths. Then we can consider an auxiliary hypergraph, known as the reduced hypergraph, with the partition classes as vertices and edges encoding those “good triplets” that in
we can almost cover with paths. We will show that the degree condition is almost inherited by the reduced hypergraph. In Lemma 6.3, we prove that this degree condition will ensure an almost perfect matching in the reduced hypergraph. But that means that in
almost all vertices can be covered with paths, which we can then connect through the reservoir to a long path in
Lemma 6.2 (Good triplets). For
$\xi \gt 0, d\gt 0, \delta \gt 0, n \in \mathbb{N}$
$\frac{d\xi ^3 -\delta }{6}n \geq 1$
, the following holds. Let
$H= ( U\dot \cup V\dot \cup W, E )$
$\vert U\vert, \vert V\vert, \vert W\vert = n$
be a
-graph and suppose that
$ ( \delta, d )$
-quasirandom in
. Then at least
$(1-\xi )3n$
vertices of
can be covered by vertex-disjoint paths of length at least
$\frac{d\xi ^3 -\delta }{2}n -2$
Proof of Lemma
6.2. For convenience set
$c=\frac{d\xi ^3 -\delta }{6}n$
. Let
be a maximal set of vertex-disjoint paths of length
$3 c-2$
, where each path takes alternatingly vertices from each partition class, that is, each path is of the form

$u_i \in U, v_i \in V, w_i \in W$
Assume for a contradiction that
$\vert V\vert - \vert \bigcup _{P\in \mathcal{P}} V(P) \vert \gt 3\xi n$
. Then the sets

$ \vert U' \vert, \vert V' \vert, \vert W' \vert \gt \xi n$
Next, we will delete all the edges that contain vertex pairs of small pair degree. With the edges that still remain after this process we can build a path of the required length.
We start with
$F_1=H [ U',V',W' ]$
and set
, for
$i\geq 1$
, as the hypergraph obtained from
by deleting all edges containing a vertex pair
$d_{F_i}^{\times }(x,y) \leq c$
, where
$d_{F_i}^{\times }(x,y) = \vert \{e\in E (F_i )\;:\; x,y\in e, \vert e\cap U' \vert = \vert e\cap V' \vert = \vert e\cap W' \vert = 1 \} \vert$
. This process stops with a hypergraph
in which for all
$x,y \in V ( F_j )$
, we either have
$d_{F_j}^{\times }(x,y)=0$
$d_{F_j}^{\times }(x,y)\geq c$
. The deletion condition guarantees

$e^{\times } ( F_i ) = \vert E^{\times } (F_i )\vert$
$E^{\times } (F_i )= \{e\in E (F_i )\;:\; \vert e\cap U' \vert = \vert e\cap V' \vert = \vert e\cap W' \vert = 1 \}$
, and the quasirandomness of
gives that
$e^{\times }(F_1)=e (U',V',W' ) \geq ( d\xi ^3 - \delta ) n^3$
. Thus, there still exists an edge
$u_1\in U'$
$v_1\in V'$
$w_1 \in W'$
. But this means that there is a path of length
$3c -2$
: Let
$P^*=u_1v_1w_1 \dots u_kv_kw_k$
be a maximal path in
$u_i \in U', v_i \in V'$
$w_i \in W'$
, for all
$i \in [k]$
(note that
$k\geq 1$
). Assuming
$k\lt c$
for a contradiction, less than
vertices of
appear in
. But since
is contained in the edge
$u_kv_kw_k \in E^{\times } ( F_j )$
, we actually have that
$d_{F_j}^{\times } (v_k,w_k )\geq c$
, whence there is a
$u_{k+1} \in U'\setminus V ( P^* )$
such that
is a path in
. The same argument applied to
gives a
$v_{k+1} \in V'$
such that
is a path in
and finally applying the argument to
gives rise to a
$w_{k+1} \in W'$
such that the path
exists in
and thus contradicts the maximality of
, telling us that
actually contains an alternating path of length
. That, on the other hand, gives us another alternating path of length at least
$3 c -2$
that is vertex-disjoint to all paths in
and, therefore, contradicts the maximality of
. So we indeed have
$\vert V\vert - \vert \bigcup _{P\in \mathcal{P}} V(P) \vert \leq 3\xi n$
As mentioned before, we later want to find an almost perfect matching in a reduced hypergraph whose edges represent “good” triplets as in Lemma 6.2. Then “translating back” those edges in the matching will give us a set of (not too many) paths in
which almost covers all vertices. To find an almost perfect matching in a hypergraph satisfying the pair degree condition in Theorem 1.4 for almost all pairs, we look at a maximal matching in which the sum of the vertices not contained in it is also maximal. This should give us the best chance to enlarge the matching if too many vertices would be left over, deriving a contradiction. A similar maximisation idea has also been used in [Reference Treglown22] when a degree sequence condition was given for a graph. The following Lemma will later guarantee the existence of an almost perfect matching in the reduced hypergraph.
Lemma 6.3 (Matching). Let
$1/n\ll \alpha,\beta$
. If
$H= ( [n],E )$
is a
is a graph on vertex set
with maximum degree
$\Delta ( G_H ) \leq \beta n$
$d(i,j) \geq \min\!\left ( i,j, \frac{n}{2}\right ) + \alpha n$
, for all
$ij \in [n]^{(2)}$
$ij \notin E ( G_H )$
, then
has a matching
$v(M) \geq ( 1-3\beta ) n$
Proof of Lemma
6.3. Without loss of generality let
$\alpha \ll 1$
$\beta \lt 1/3$
and let
be given as in the statement. For matchings
$M_1,M_2\subseteq H$
of maximum size, we write
$M_1\prec M_2$
$[n]\setminus V(M_1)\leq _{\text{lex}}[n]\setminus V(M_2)$
, where
$\leq _{\text{lex}}$
is the usual lexicographic order on
, that is,
$A\leq _{\text{lex}} B$
$\min A\triangle B\in A$
. Now, let
$M\subseteq H$
be a matching of maximum size which is (subject to being of maximum size) maximum with respect to
. Assuming the statement is false, gives an
$A\subseteq [n]\setminus V(M)$
$\vert A \vert \geq 3\beta n$
. Let us call a pair of vertices in
true if it is not an edge in
. Since
$\Delta ( G_H ) \leq \beta n$
, we can find
$2\beta n$
distinct vertices
$v_1, \dots, v_{\beta n}, w_1,\dots, w_{\beta n}\in A$
such that all the pairs
are true. Without loss of generality assume that
$v_i\lt w_i$
. Notice that all the neighbours of each such pair lie inside
, otherwise adding the respective edge to
would lead to a larger matching. In what follows, we will show two properties and afterwards deduce the statement from them.
Firstly, we have that for each
, there are at least
$\frac{\alpha n}{3}$
edges in
in which
has at least two neighbours: Let us first consider a pair
$v_i \leq \frac{n}{2}$
. For any edge
of the matching with
$a \in N ( v_i,w_i )$
, we have that
$\min \{b,c\}\leq v_i$
as otherwise
$E(M) \setminus \{abc\} \cup \{av_iw_i\}$
would be the edge set of a matching
with the same size as
but with
$M\prec M'$
, contradicting our choice of
. This means that in each edge of
which contains only one neighbour of
there is at least one vertex
$\leq v_i$
. Thus, (and since all those edges are disjoint), at most
neighbours of
can lie in edges that contain no further neighbour of
. Hence, recalling
$d ( v_i,w_i ) \geq v_i + \alpha n$
, at least
$\frac{\alpha n}{3}$
edges in
contain at least two neighbours of
. For a pair
$v_i \geq n/2$
, there exist at least
$\frac{\alpha n}{3}$
edges in
containing more than one neighbour of
as well since
$d\left ( v_i,w_i\right ) \geq \frac{n}{2}+\alpha n$
$e(M) \leq n/3$
Secondly, note that any edge of
that contains at least two neighbours of one true pair
cannot contain a neighbour of any other true pair
: Assume for contradiction there were true pairs
together with an edge
$abc \in E(M)$
such that
$a\in N ( v_i,w_i )$
$ \vert \{abc\} \cap N ( v_j,w_j ) \vert \geq 2$
. Then
, without loss of generality
, is a neighbour of
$E(M) \setminus \{abc\} \cup \{av_iw_i, bv_jw_j\}$
is the edge set of a matching in
contradicting the maximum size of
Summarised, for each of the
$\beta n$
true pairs
$[n] \setminus V(M)$
, we get a set of at least
$\frac{\alpha n}{3}$
edges in
that contain more than one neighbour of the respective pair, and thus all those sets of edges are pairwise disjoint. Therefore, we have
$\frac{\alpha n}{3}\times \beta n$
distinct edges in
which is a contradiction to
$1/n\ll \alpha,\beta$
. So
was indeed a matching satisfying
$v(M)\geq ( 1-3\beta ) n$
We are now ready to prove Proposition 2.5. For that we will apply the Weak Hypergraph Regularity Lemma to
(actually to a slightly smaller subgraph), obtain a pair degree condition for the reduced hypergraph and hence find a matching in it by the previous Lemma. Lastly, we will “unfold” the edges of that matching to paths in
by Lemma 6.2 and connect these to a long path by the Connecting Lemma (Lemma 2.1).
Proof of Proposition
2.5. Let
be given as in the Proposition and set
$\alpha ' = \alpha - \vartheta - \vartheta ^2$
. Next choose
$\xi, \delta, t_0$
such that we have
$1/t_0\ll \delta \ll \xi \ll \vartheta \ll \alpha '$
. Applying the Weak Hypergraph Regularity Lemma 6.1 to
gives us a
and by the hierarchy in the Proposition, we may assume
$1/n \ll 1/T_0$
. Now let
, and
be given as in the statement. Notice that
$H'=H [[n]\setminus (\mathcal{R}\cup V (P_A ) ) ]$
after a renaming of the vertices can be seen as a
$H'= ([n'],E' )$
$n'\geq (1-\vartheta ^2 - \vartheta ) n$
and satisfying the usual degree condition:
$d(i,j) \geq \min\!\left ( i,j,\frac{n'}{2}\right ) + \alpha ' n'$
for all
$ij \in [n']^{(2)}$
, the statement of the Weak Hypergraph Regularity Lemma provides an integer
$t\in [t_0,T_0]$
and a partition
$V = V_0 \dot \cup V_1 \dot \cup V_2 \dot \cup \cdots \dot \cup V_t$
satisfying all three points of Lemma 6.1. Setting
$m= \vert V_1 \vert = \dots = \vert V_t \vert$
, we have that
$\frac{n'}{t}\geq m \geq \frac{1-\delta }{t}n'$
and recall that
$ \vert V_0 \vert \leq \delta n'$
. Note that for
$v_i \in V_i$
, we have
$v_i \geq i\cdot m -\frac{n'}{t_0}$
. Summarised, we have the following hierarchy:

Let us write
$e^{\times } (V^{ijk} ) = \vert \{e\in E' \;:\; \vert e\cap V_i \vert = \vert e\cap V_j \vert = \vert e\cap V_k \vert =1 \} \vert$
for the number of crossing edges in
, and we call a triplet
dense, if
$e^{\times }\left ( V^{ijk}\right ) \geq \frac{\alpha 'm^3}{2}$
Now we will show that we can almost “transfer” the pair degree condition to a reduced hypergraph. We will do this in two steps: First, we show that every pair
belongs to many dense triplets
, and second, we show that we can almost keep that up when restricting ourselves to quasirandom triplets.
Claim 6.4.
For every
$ij\in [t]^{(2)}$
, there are at least
$\min\!\left (i,j,\frac{t}{2}\right ) + \frac{\alpha 't}{3}$
$k\in [t]-\{i,j\}$
such that
is a dense triplet.
Suppose for a contradiction there is a pair
$ij\in [t]^{(2)}$
, belonging to less than
$\min\!\left (i,j,\frac{t}{2}\right ) + \frac{\alpha 't}{3}$
dense triplets
. Let
be the set of hyperedges in
that contain one vertex in
, one in
and a third vertex outside of
$V_i \dot \cup V_j$
. By invoking the pair degree condition of
and with the hierarchy (6.1), we get that

We will derive a contradiction by finding a smaller upper bound on
$\vert S\vert$
. To this aim, we split
into two parts. By
let us denote the set of those edges in
that lie in a dense triplet
, for some
$k\in [t]\setminus \{i,j\}$
, (we say an edge
lies or is in
if we have
$\vert e\cap V_i\vert = \vert e\cap V_j\vert = \vert e\cap V_k\vert = 1$
). Since in one triplet there are at most
edges and by assumption
does not belong to many dense triplets, we get

$S_2=S\setminus S_1$
be the set of edges in
lying in triplets that are not dense or that contain a vertex in
. There are less than
$\frac{\alpha '}{2}m^3$
crossing edges in each triplet that is not dense and
belongs to at most
triplets. Further, there are at most
$\delta \frac{{n'}^3}{t^2}$
edges containing one vertex in each of
, and
. Hence,

Summarised, we have

which is a contradiction.
From the Weak Hypergraph Regularity Lemma we also get that in total at most
$\delta t^3$
are not
Let us now complete the “reduction” of the hypergraph and notice that we can find an almost perfect matching in the reduced hypergraph. Denote by
the hypergraph on the vertex set
being an edge if and only if the triplet
is dense. Let, on the other hand,
be the hypergraph on the vertex set
being an edge if and only if
is not weakly
-quasirandom in
. In the following, we will remove a few vertices in such a way that
induced on the remaining vertices satisfies our pair degree condition for almost all pairs.
We call a pair
$ij \in [t]^2$
a malicious pair if it belongs to more than
$\sqrt{\delta }t$
edges of
. Since
$e(IR) \leq \delta t^3$
, there are at most
$3\sqrt{\delta }t^2$
malicious pairs. Let
be the graph on vertex set
in which the edges are given by the malicious pairs. We call a vertex
a malicious vertex if
$d_B(i)\gt \delta ^{1/4}t$
, that is, if it belongs to many malicious pairs. The upper bound on the number of malicious pairs implies that there are at most
$6\delta ^{1/4}t$
malicious vertices. Now we remove these malicious vertices and set
$D' \;:\!=\; D [[t]\setminus \{v\in [t] \;:\; v \text{ is malicious}\} ]$
$B'=B [[t]\setminus \{v\in [t] \;:\; v \text{ is malicious}\} ]$
The reduced hypergraph that we wished to obtain is now given by
, in which edges encode dense,
-quasirandom triplets. In
, every pair
$ij \in V(K)^{(2)}$
$ij \notin E(B')$

Thus, we have that the graph
on vertex set
being an edge if and only if
does not satisfy the degree condition
$d_K(i,j) \geq \min\!\left ( i,j, \frac{v(K)}{2}\right ) +\frac{\alpha '}{4} v(K)$
is a subgraph of
. Therefore, and since
$v(K)\geq (1-6\delta ^{1/4})t$
, we have

and we can apply Lemma 6.3 to
$\frac{\alpha '}{4}$
in place of
$2\delta ^{1/4}$
instead of
and obtain a matching
covering all but at most
$6\delta ^{1/4}t$
vertices of
Finally, notice that each triplet
being an edge in
$ (\delta,d_{ijk} )$
-quasirandom with
$d_{ijk}\geq \frac{\alpha '}{2} - \delta \geq \frac{\alpha '}{3}$
. Hence, we may apply Lemma 6.2 (with
as in (6.1),
$d_{ijk}\geq \frac{\alpha '}{3}$
in place of
) to each of the triplets
that corresponds to an edge in
. Doing so and recalling the definition of
, we notice that in
we can cover at least

vertices with paths of length at least
$\frac{\frac{\alpha^{\prime}}{3} \xi ^3 -\delta }{2}m-2$
that are all disjoint to
$V (P_A )$
. We can connect all those at most
$\frac{3t}{\frac{\alpha '}{3} \xi ^3 -\delta }$
paths in
to a path
by Lemma 2.3 since until we connect the last one we have still only used at most

vertices from
(recall the hierarchy (6.1)). In fact, we have that
has at most a small intersection with
, that is,
$ \vert V(Q) \cap \mathcal{R} \vert \leq \vartheta ^4 n$
and it covers many vertices, that is,
$v(Q) \geq ( 1-2\vartheta ^2 ) n -v ( P_A )$
. Hence,
is a path satisfying the claims in the statement.
7. Concluding remarks
We would like to finish by pointing to some related problems. Firstly, as mentioned in the introduction, our result can be seen as a stepping stone towards a complete characterisation of those pair degree matrices that force a
-graph to contain a Hamiltonian cycle.
Potentially, our proof could be generalised to show the following statement. For every
$\alpha \gt 0$
, there is some
such that for
$n\geq n_0$
, every
-uniform hypergraph
satisfying the
-degree condition

$d_{k-1}(i_1,\dots,i_{k-1})= \vert \{e\in E \;:\; \{i_1,\dots,i_{k-1}\}\subseteq e \} \vert$
, contains a Hamiltonian cycle.
Another interesting problem is to get a similar result for the vertex degree, strengthening the result by Reiher, Rödl, Ruciński, Schacht, and Szemerédi in [Reference Reiher, Rödl, Ruciński, Schacht and Szemerédi16]: What is the smallest
such that every
$d(i)\geq \left (\min\!\left (\max \left (\frac{i}{n},\gamma \right ),\frac{5}{9}\right )+\alpha \right )\binom{n}{2}$
contains a Hamiltonian cycle if
is large? The proof of Theorem 1.3 in [Reference Reiher, Rödl, Ruciński, Schacht and Szemerédi16] (which implies that
$\gamma \leq 5/9$
) depends on the existence of robust subgraphs for every vertex, for which one needs the factor
Lastly, one could try to improve Theorem 1.4 by lowering the pair degree condition to
$d(i,j)\geq \min\!\left (i,j,\frac{n}{2}\right )$
, that is, without the additional
$\alpha n$
term, as Rödl, Ruciński, and Szemerédi did for the minimum pair degree condition in [Reference Rödl, Ruciński and Szemerédi19].
This article is based on my master’s thesis at the University of Hamburg from summer 2018 which was supervised by Christian Reiher. I would like to thank him for introducing me to the absorption method and to this problem. Further, I would like to thank an anonymous referee for suggesting to try to improve the original result and for several suggestions that lead to an improved presentation.