1 Introduction
Let L be an ample line bundle on an n-dimensional projective variety X over a non-Archimedean field K. The non-Archimedean analog of the famous Calabi–Yau problem asks for a given Radon measure
$\mu $
on the Berkovich analytification
${X^{\mathrm {an}}}$
$\mu ({X^{\mathrm {an}}})=\deg _L(X)$
whether there exists a continuous semipositive metric
${\|\hspace {1ex}\|}$
of L, unique up to scaling, such that

using the non-Archimedean Monge–Ampère measure introduced by Chambert–Loir on the left. We call (1.1) the non-Archimedean Monge–Ampère equation. The analogous problem over the complex numbers was solved by Yau for Radon measures given by smooth volume forms within the class of smooth metrics. Uniqueness was shown before by Calabi. Later Kołodziej used pluripotential theory to treat more singular measures and solutions [Reference Kołodziej14].
Yuan and Zhang proved uniqueness up to scaling for solutions of the non-archimedean Monge–Ampère equation [Reference Yuan and Zhang23]. In a groundbreaking work, Boucksom, Favre, and Jonsson solved the non-Archimedean Monge–Ampère equation over a complete discretely valued field K of residue characteristic zero assuming that X is smooth and that the support of the Radon measure
$\mu $
is contained in the skeleton of an SNC-model (a projective regular model with special fiber having simple normal crossing support) [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson5]. They assumed also that K is a completion of the function field of a curve at a closed point. This geometric condition was later removed by Burgos, Jell, Martin and the last two authors of this paper [Reference Burgos Gil, Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin8]. Boucksom, Favre, and Jonsson used a variational approach to solve (1.1) which relies crucially on the continuity of the semipositive envelope of a continuous metric of L. They show continuity of this envelope by using multiplier ideals on SNC-models [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson6]. In their arguments, Hironaka’s resolution of singularities plays an important role in order to have sufficiently many SNC-models at hand. Apart from the multiplier ideals, it is precisely here where residue characteristic zero is used again.
In equicharacteristic
, the following existence result was shown by Jell, Martin and the last two authors of this paper [Reference Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin10]. Similarly as above, it is assumed that K is a completion of the function field of a curve over a perfect field k of characteristic
. It is also assumed that resolution of singularities and embedded resolution of singularities hold in dimension
, see Section 6.1 for precise definitions. Then existence of a solution of (1.1) is shown in [Reference Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin10] if the support of
$\mu $
is contained in the skeleton of an SNC-model. The proof is along the same lines as in [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson5], [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson6] replacing multiplier ideals by test ideals. Note that this result is unconditional for
by using resolution of singularities for three-folds proved by Cossart and Piltant.
If K has mixed characteristic, then there are results about the non-archimedean Monge–Ampère problem for varieties like curves, abelian varieties and toric varieties based on their special geometry [Reference Burgos Gil, Gubler, Jell and Künnemann7], [Reference Liu15], [Reference Thuillier22].
In this paper, we deal with the Monge–Ampère problem for arbitrary smooth projective varieties over a complete discretely valued field K of mixed characteristic
. For a complete local noetherian domain R of mixed characteristic, a theory of test ideals was introduced by Ma and Schwede based on perfectoid ideas [Reference Ma and Schwede17], [Reference Ma and Schwede18]. Using perfectoid methods, prismatic techniques, and a p-adic Riemann–Hilbert correspondence, Bhatt was able in 2020 to show a variant of Kodaira vanishing ‘up to finite covers’ in mixed characteristic [Reference Bhatt2]. Applications to the minimal model program were given by Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron, and Witaszek [Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek3] and independently by Takamatsu and Yoshikawa [Reference Takamatsu and Yoshikawa21]. For projective normal schemes over R, these ideas were extended by Hacon, Lamarche, and Schwede. They introduced
-test ideals and showed global generation results [Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13]. Their construction, which replaces spaces of global sections by so-called spaces of
-stable sections from[Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek3], [Reference Takamatsu and Yoshikawa21], is recalled in Section 3. Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede conjecture that subadditivity holds for their
-test ideals [Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13, Conjecture 8.3]. Observe that subaddivity is well known for multiplier resp. test ideals in the equicharacteristic case. While this conjecture remains open, a modified version of
-test ideals, which we call perturbation friendly global test ideals in this article, was introduced by Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron, and Witaszek [Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek4], again benefiting from a p-adic Riemann–Hilbert correspondence. These perturbation friendly test ideals enjoy properties as nice as the
-test ideals of Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede, and in addition satisfy the subadditivity property. We refer to Section 4 for details.
The contribution of this paper is to show that global
-test ideals and perturbation friendly global test ideals allow applications to the non-Archimedean Monge–Ampère problem in mixed characteristic. More precisely, we prove the following results.
Theorem 1.1. Let L be an ample line bundle on a smooth projective variety X over K.
(i) If
${\|\hspace {1ex}\|}$ is a model metric on the line bundle L induced by a model
$({\mathscr X},{\mathscr L})$ of
$(X,L)$ with
${\mathscr X}$ regular and if L has an ample model
$\mathscr A$ on
${\mathscr X}$ , then the semipositive envelope of the metric
${\|\hspace {1ex}\|}$ is continuous.
(ii) If resolution of singularities holds for projective
${K^\circ }$ -models of X, then the semipositive envelope of any continuous metric
${\|\hspace {1ex}\|}$ of L is continuous.
This follows from Theorems 5.1 and 7.1 by Remark 8.2. This result is the key to apply the variational method of Boucksom–Favre–Jonsson as we will see in Theorem 8.1.
Theorem 1.2. Let L be an ample line bundle on an n-dimensional smooth projective variety X over K. If resolution of singularities holds for projective models of X and embedded resolution of singularities holds for regular projective models of X, then the non-Archimedean Monge–Ampère equation (1.1) is solved by a continuous semipositive metric
${\|\hspace {1ex}\|}$
of L, unique up to scaling, if the positive Radon measure
$\mu $
has support in the skeleton of an SNC-model of X.
2 Model metrics, curvature forms, and psh envelopes
Non-Archimedean pluripotential theory in higher dimensions was introduced by Boucksom, Favre, and Jonsson [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson6]. We recall basic notions of non-Archimedean pluripotential theory following [Reference Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin10, Subsections 2.1–2.8].
Let X be a proper variety over a non-Archimedean field K. Recall that the topological space underlying the Berkovich analytification
$X^{\mathrm {an}}$
of X consists of pairs
$(p,|\phantom {a}|_p)$
$p\in X$
$|\phantom {a}|_p$
an absolute value on
$\kappa (p)=\mathcal O_{X,p}/\mathfrak m_{X,p}$
that extends
$|\phantom {a}|_K$
and is equipped with coarsest topology such that the map
$\pi \colon X^{\mathrm {an}}\rightarrow X$
$(p,|\phantom {a}|_p) \mapsto p$
is continuous and for all Zariski open subsets U of X and all regular functions
$f \in \mathcal O_X(U)$
the map
$|f|\colon U^{\mathrm {an}}=\pi ^{-1}(U)\rightarrow {\mathbb R},\,(p,| \phantom {a}|_p) \mapsto |f(p)| := |f+ \mathfrak m_{X,p}|_p$
is continuous as well.
A model of X is a proper flat scheme
${\mathscr X}$
together with an isomorphism h from X to the generic fiber
${\mathscr X}_{\eta }$
of the S-scheme
${\mathscr X}$
. The special fiber of
${\mathscr X}$
is denoted by
${\mathscr X}_s$
. Given a model, the valuative criterion of properness yields a natural reduction map
$\mathrm {red}_{\mathscr X}\colon X^{\mathrm {an}}\to {\mathscr X}_s$
. Let L be a line bundle over X. A model of
is given by a model
${\mathscr X}$
of X and a line bundle
${\mathscr L}$
${\mathscr X}$
with an isomorphism of L to
$h^*({\mathscr L}|_{{\mathscr X}_{\eta }})$
. A continuous metric
$\| \ \|$
of L associates with each section
$s\in \Gamma (U,L)$
on some Zariski open subset U of the variety X a continuous function
$\|s\|\colon U^{\mathrm {an}}\to [0,\infty )$
such that one has
$\|f\cdot s\|=|f|\cdot \|s\|$
for each regular function f in
${\mathcal O}_X(U)$
. It is furthermore required that
, if s is a nowhere vanishing section of L.
$({\mathscr X},{\mathscr L})$
be a model of
$(X,L^{\otimes m})$
for some
$m\in {\mathbb N}_{>0}$
. The model metric
$\| \ \|_{{\mathscr L}}$
of L over
$X^{\mathrm {an}}$
is determined by
$\|s\|_{{\mathscr L}}:= \sqrt [m]{|g|}$
$U^{\mathrm { an}}\cap \mathrm {red}^{-1}({\mathscr U}_s)$
, where
${\mathscr U}$
is open in
${\mathscr X}$
, s is a section of L over
, b is a nowhere vanishing section of
${\mathscr L}$
${\mathscr U}$
$g\in {\mathcal O}_X(U)$
is a regular function such that
$s^{\otimes m}=gb$
over U, and
$\mathrm {red}_{\mathscr X}\colon X^{\mathrm {an}}\to {\mathscr X}_s$
is the reduction map. A model metric
$\| \ \|$
${\mathcal O}_X^{\mathrm {an}}$
induces a so-called model function
$-\log \|1\|\colon X^{\mathrm {an}}\to {\mathbb R}$
. The
${\mathbb Q}$
-vector space of all model functions on X is denoted by
${\mathscr D}(X)$
$\mathfrak a$
be an ideal sheaf on a model
${\mathscr X}$
of X which is supported in the special fibre. The exceptional divisor E of the blowup
${\mathscr Y}$
${\mathscr X}$
$\mathfrak a$
defines a model
$({\mathscr Y},{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr Y}}(E))$
$(X,{\mathcal O}_X)$
. The associated model function in
${\mathscr D}(X)$
is denoted by
$\log |\mathfrak a|$
Given a model
${\mathscr X}$
of X one defines
$N^1({\mathscr X}/S)_{{\mathbb Q}}$
as the quotient of the
${\mathbb Q}$
-vector space
$\mathrm {Pic}({\mathscr X})_{{\mathbb Q}}:=\mathrm {Pic}({\mathscr X})\otimes _{\mathbb Z}{\mathbb Q}$
by the subspace generated by line bundles whose restriction to every closed curve C in the special fiber
${\mathscr X}_s$
has degree zero. Call
nef if
$\alpha \cdot C\geq 0$
for all such curves.
The space of closed (1,1)-forms on X is defined as

where the direct limit is taken over all isomorphism classes of models of X and the transition maps are induced by pullback between dominating models. For the model metric induced by a model
${\mathscr L}$
$L^{\otimes m}$
, its curvature form
$c_1(L,\| \ \|_{{\mathscr L}})$
is the image of
${\mathscr L}^{\otimes \frac {1}{m}}\in N^1({\mathscr X}/S)_{{\mathbb Q}}$
${\mathcal Z}^{1,1}(X)$
. By construction we have a map
$dd^c\colon {\mathscr D}(X)\to {\mathcal Z}^{1,1}(X)$
given by
$g\mapsto c_1({\mathcal O}_X,\| \ \|\cdot \mathrm {e}^{-g})$
. Call a closed
$\theta \in {\mathcal Z}^{1,1}(X)$
semipositive if it can be represented by a nef element in
$N^1({\mathscr X}/S)$
for some model
${\mathscr X}$
. Denote by
the quotient of
$\mathrm {Pic}(X)_{\mathbb R}:=\mathrm {Pic}(X)\otimes _{\mathbb Z}{\mathbb R}$
by numerical equivalence. The map
$\{\phantom {a}\}\colon {\mathcal Z}^{1,1}(X)\to N^1(X)$
induced by the restriction maps
$N^1({\mathscr X}/S)\to N^1(X)$
sends a closed
$\theta $
to its de Rham class
$\{\theta \}$
. A class in
is called ample if it is an
${\mathbb R}_{>0}$
-linear combination of classes induced by ample line bundles on X.
We fix
$\theta \in {\mathcal Z}^{1,1}(X)$
. A model function
$\varphi \in {\mathscr D}(X)$
is called
$\theta $
-plurisubharmonic (
$\theta $
-psh for short) if the class
$\theta +dd^c\varphi \in {\mathcal Z}^{1,1}(X)$
is semipositive. The space of all psh model functions is denoted by
$\mathrm {PSH}_{{\mathscr D}}(X,\theta )$
. For a continuous function
$u\in {\mathscr C}^0(X^{\mathrm {an}})$
, its
$\theta $
-psh envelope
$P_{\theta }(u)\colon X^{\mathrm {an}}\to {\mathbb R}\cup \{-\infty \}$
is the function defined by

$u\in C^0(X^{\mathrm {an}})$
$v\in {\mathscr D}(X)$
$t\in {\mathbb R}_{>0}$
we have

If the de Rham class
$\{\theta \}\in N^1(X)$
is ample, then
$\mathrm {PSH}_{\mathscr D}(X,\theta )$
is non-empty,
$P_{\theta }(u)$
takes value in
${\mathbb R}$
, and we have

for all
$u,u'\in C^0(X^{\mathrm {an}})$
. For further properties of
$\theta $
-psh model functions and the
$\theta $
-psh envelope we refer to [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson6] and [Reference Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin10, Section 2]
$\theta \in {\mathcal Z}^{1,1}(X)$
that has an ample de Rham class
$\{\theta \}$
, we consider
$\varphi \in \mathrm {PSH}_{\mathscr D}(X,\theta )$
and we assume that there exists a normal model
${\mathscr X}$
of X such that
$\theta $
$\varphi $
are induced by line bundles
${\mathscr M}$
${\mathscr L}$
${\mathscr X}$
. The Monge–Ampère measure
$\mathrm {MA}_\theta (\varphi )$
is the discrete measure

$X^{\mathrm {an}}$
where V runs through the irreducible components of
${\mathscr X}_s$
$x_V\in X^{\mathrm {an}}$
is the unique preimage of the generic point
$\xi _V$
of V under the reduction map
$\mathrm {red}_{\mathscr X}\colon X^{\mathrm {an}}\to {\mathscr X}_s$
, and
$\delta _{x_V}$
denotes the Dirac probability measure supported in
. For generalization of the Monge–Ampère measure to all
$\theta \in {\mathcal Z}^{1,1}(X)$
with ample de Rham class
$\{\theta \}$
and to more general classes of
$\theta $
-psh functions, we refer to [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson5], [Reference Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin10] and Section 8.
3 Global test ideals in mixed characteristic
In this section, we introduce the global
-test ideals defined and studied by Hacon, Lamarche, and Schwede in [Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13]. The
-test ideals form a mixed characteristic analog of the theories of multiplier ideals in characteristic zero and test ideals in positive characteristic. The theory is based on the notion of
-stable sections introduced in [Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek3], [Reference Takamatsu and Yoshikawa21].
$(R,{\mathfrak m},k)$
be a complete noetherian local ring of mixed characteristic. Let
denote the characteristic of the residue field k. Let
${\mathscr X}$
be a normal integral scheme which is proper over
. The canonical sheaf
$\omega _{\mathscr X}$
is reflexive ([20, Tag 0AWK] and [Reference Hartshorne12, Theorem 1.9]) and we fix a canonical divisor
$K_{\mathscr X}$
$\omega _{\mathscr X}={\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}(K_{\mathscr X})$
[20, Tag 0EBM].
Definition 3.1. For a reflexive sheaf
${\mathscr M}={\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}(M)$
associated with a divisor M and an effective
${\mathbb Q}$
-divisor B on
${\mathscr X}$
, the subspace of
-stable sections of the adjoint line bundle
$\omega _{\mathscr X}\otimes {\mathscr M}$
relative to B

is defined by

where an algebraic closure
$\overline {\kappa ({\mathscr X})}$
of the function field
$\kappa ({\mathscr X})$
is fixed, and f runs through the finite surjective morphisms
$f\colon {\mathscr Y}\to {\mathscr X}$
from a normal integral scheme
${\mathscr Y}$
together with an embedding
$\kappa ({\mathscr Y})\hookrightarrow \overline {\kappa ({\mathscr X})}$
[Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13, Definition 3.2 and Lemma 3.8].
Remark 3.2. If
${\mathbb Q}$
-Cartier, then Definition 3.1 holds as well if f runs through the alterations
$f\colon {\mathscr Y}\to {\mathscr X}$
from a normal integral scheme
${\mathscr Y}$
together with an embedding
$\kappa ({\mathscr Y})\hookrightarrow \overline {\kappa ({\mathscr X})}$
[Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13, Lemma 3.8].
For the rest of this section, we assume that the scheme
${\mathscr X}$
is regular and projective over S.
Definition 3.3. Take a very ample line bundle
${\mathscr H}$
${\mathscr X}$
. For an effective
${\mathbb Q}$
-divisor B on
${\mathscr X}$
and for each
$i\in {\mathbb N}$
the subspace

generates the subsheaf
${\mathscr N}_i\subset \omega _{\mathscr X}\otimes {\mathscr H}^i$
which defines

The sequence
$({\mathscr J}_i)_{i\in {\mathbb N}}$
is increasing and becomes stationary. Define the
-test submodule
$\tau _+(\omega _{\mathscr X},B)$
to be
${\mathscr J}_i$
$i\gg 0$
[Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13, Definition 4.3].
Remark 3.4. (i) Definition 3.3 does not depend on the choice of
${\mathscr H}$
[Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13, Proposition 4.5].
(ii) For
$i\gg 0$
we have
$H^0({\mathscr X},\tau _+(\omega _{\mathscr X},B)\otimes {\mathscr H}^i)= {\mathbf B}^0({\mathscr X},B,\omega _{\mathscr X}\otimes {\mathscr H}^i))$
[Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13, Proposition 4.7]. If
$B'\geq B$
, then
$\tau _+(\omega _{\mathscr X},B')\subset \tau _+(\omega _{\mathscr X},B)$
and if F is an effective Cartier divisor, then [Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13, Lemma 4.8]

(iii) Equality (3.3) allows one to define
$\tau _+(\omega _{\mathscr X},B)$
for a not necessarily effective
${\mathbb Q}$
-divisor B as
$\tau _+(\omega _{\mathscr X},B+F)\otimes {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}(F)$
where F is a Cartier divisor such that
is effective [Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13, Definition 4.14].
Definition 3.5. For an effective
${\mathbb Q}$
-divisor B on
${\mathscr X}$
, the ideal sheaf

is the called the +-test ideal associated with B [Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13, Definition 4.15, Lemma 4.18]. Using
$F=-K_{\mathscr X}$
in Remark 3.4(iii), this is indeed a coherent ideal sheaf.
We recall the subadditivity conjecture of Hacon, Lamarche, and Schwede [Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13, Conjecture 8.3].
Conjecture 3.6. Given effective
${\mathbb Q}$
-divisors D and E on
${\mathscr X}$
, we have

The above conjecture is still open, but Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron, and Witaszek prove subadditivity for their new perturbation-friendly test ideals which we will introduce in the next section.
4 Perturbation friendly global test ideals
In this section, we present the perturbation friendly global test ideals after Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron, and Witaszek [Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek4]. They are suitable for our purpose as subadditivity is known for them in contrast to the test ideals considered in the previous section.
$(R,{\mathfrak m},k)$
be a complete discrete valuation ring of mixed characteristic with field of fractions K. We fix a flat projective integral regular scheme
${\mathscr X}$
$S=\mathrm {Spec}(R)$
. We fix a canonical divisor
$K_{\mathscr X}$
$\omega _{\mathscr X}={\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}(K_{\mathscr X})$
Definition 4.1. Let B be a
${\mathbb Q}$
-divisor on
${\mathscr X}$
. By [Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek4, Proposition 7.14(f)], there is a unique perturbation friendly test module
$\tau (\omega _{\mathscr X},B)$
such that there exists an effective Cartier divisor
with the property that

for all divisors
$G \geq G^0$
${\mathscr X}$
and all
$0<\varepsilon \ll 1$
(depending on G).
We define the perturbation friendly test ideal

Both the test module
$\tau (\omega _{\mathscr X},B)$
and the test ideal
$\tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},B)$
are coherent [Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek4, Definition 7.12, Theorem 7.13]. If B is effective, then the fractional ideal sheaf
$\tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},B)$
is indeed an ideal sheaf in
${\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}}$
[Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek4, Definition 7.18].
Here are some properties of perturbation friendly test ideals
$\tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},B)$
including subadditivity which holds only conjecturally [Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13, Conjecture 8.3] for the test ideals
$\tau _+({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},B)$
Theorem 4.2 (Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron, Witaszek).
$B, B_1,B_2$
${\mathbb Q}$
-divisors on
${\mathscr X}$
(i) There exists a Cartier divisor
${\mathscr X}$
with the property that

for all divisors
$G \geq G^0$
${\mathscr X}$
and all
$0<\varepsilon \ll 1$
(depending on G).
(ii) If B is a
${\mathbb Q}$
-divisor and F is a divisor on
${\mathscr X}$
, then

(iii) (Subadditivity) The perturbation friendly test ideals satisfy the subadditivity property, that is, we have

for effective
${\mathbb Q}$
${\mathscr X}$
(iv) (Effective global generation) Let B be effective and let D be a divisor such that the
${\mathbb Q}$
$D-K_{\mathscr X}-B$
is big and nef, and let H be a globally generated ample divisor. Then
$\tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},B)\otimes {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}(nH+D)$
is globally generated by
$\mathbf B^0({\mathscr X},B, {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}(nH+D))$
for all
$n\geq \mathrm {dim}({\mathscr X}\otimes _Rk)$
(v) (
$\tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},0)$
is vertical) The ideal sheaf
$\tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},0)$
is vertical, that is, its support is contained in the special fiber.
Proof. Everything is shown in [Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek4]. We give precise references. Property (i) holds by [Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek4, Corollary 7.19(b)] and (ii) follows from (3.3), (4.1), and (4.2). Statement (iii) is the subadditivity property [Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek4, Theorem 7.20(e)] and (iv) is the effective global generation property [Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek4, Corollary 7.22]. Recall for (v) that a coherent ideal of
${\mathscr X}$
is called vertical if its support is contained in the special fiber. Let
denote the generic fibre of
${\mathscr X}$
, put
, and recall that the Grauert–Riemenschneider sheaf
$\mathscr {J}(X,\omega _X)$
on the regular scheme X equals
$\omega _X$
[Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek4, Definition A.1]. We conclude from [Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek4, Proposition 7.14(c)], and formula (4.3) above that

It follows that the ideal sheaf
$\tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},0)$
is vertical.
Definition 4.3. Let D be a divisor on
${\mathscr X}$
with linear series
$|D|\neq 0$
$\lambda \in {\mathbb Q}_{>0}$
. Define the perturbation friendly test ideal of the linear series
to be

Thanks to the Noetherian assumption, one can pick a finite number of elements
$D_1,\dots , D_r$
such that
$\sum _{i=1}^{r}\tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},\lambda \cdot D_i)$
agrees with (4.5).
Lemma 4.4. If D is a divisor on
${\mathscr X}$
with linear system
$|D|\neq \emptyset $
, then

where denotes the base ideal of the linear system
Proof. Our proof follows Hacon, Lamarche, and Schwede [Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13, Lemma 7.5(b)]. Using (4.4) and (4.5), one gets

which shows (4.6).
Definition 4.5. Let D be a
$\mathbb {Q}$
-divisor with Iitaka dimension
$\kappa (D)\geq 0$
, so
is a divisor such that
$|mD|\neq \emptyset $
for all large and sufficiently divisible
$m\in \mathbb {N}$
, and
$\lambda \in {\mathbb Q}_{>0}$
. Define the asymptotic perturbation friendly test ideal of

Lemma 4.6. The asymptotic test ideals satisfies the following properties:
(i) For large and sufficiently divisible
$m\in {\mathbb N}$ , one has
(4.8)$$ \begin{align} \tau({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},\lambda\cdot ||D||)=\tau\Bigl({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},\frac{\lambda}{m}\cdot |mD|\Bigr). \end{align} $$
(ii) If
$|D|\neq \emptyset $ , then
$\tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},\lambda \cdot |D|)\subset \tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},\lambda \cdot ||D||) $ .
(iii) If
$\lambda <\mu $ ,
$(\lambda ,\mu )\in {\mathbb Q}_{>0}^2$ , then
$ \tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},\mu \cdot ||D||)\subset \tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},\lambda \cdot ||D||)$ .
(iv) If
$k\in \mathbb {N}_{>0}$ , then
$ \tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},\lambda \cdot ||D||) =\tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},\frac {\lambda }{k}\cdot ||kD||)$ .
Proof. The stabilization property (i) follows from the Noetherian assumption if one observes that
$\tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},\frac {\lambda }{m}|mD|)\subset \tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},\frac {\lambda }{m'}|m'D|)$
for all
$m,m'\in {\mathbb N}$
where m divides
. Now Properties (ii)–(iv) follow as in [Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13, Lemma 7.5(a), (c), (d), (f)]. In fact (ii) holds by definition, (iii) is a consequence of Remark 3.4(ii) together with (4.1), (4.5), and (4.7), and (iv) follows immediately from (i).
One can show effective global generation and subadditivity also for the asymptotic perturbation friendly global test ideals.
Theorem 4.7. Let D be a
$\mathbb {Q}$
-divisor on
${\mathscr X}$
with Iitaka dimension
$\kappa (D)\geq 0$
(i) Let
${\mathscr H}={\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}(H)$
be a globally generated ample line bundle, E be a divisor, and
$\lambda \in {\mathbb Q}_{>0}$
. Let
$n=\dim {\mathscr X}\otimes _Rk$
. If
$E-K_{\mathscr X}-\lambda D$
is big and nef, then

is globally generated by a sub linear series of
$H^0({\mathscr X}, {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}(nH+E))$
for all
$n\geq {\mathrm {dim}({\mathscr X}\otimes _Rk)}$
(ii) For
$q,r\in {\mathbb N}_{>0}$
, we have

Proof. (i) follows from [Reference Bhatt, Ma, Patakfalvi, Schwede, Tucker, Waldron and Witaszek4, Remark 8.36]. For the convenience of the reader we give a proof following [Reference Hacon, Lamarche and Schwede13, Lemma 7.5(e)]. For sufficiently divisible
$m\in {\mathbb N}$
we conclude from (4.8) that

where we pick a finite number of elements
$D_1,\dots , D_r$
as in Definition 4.3. From Remark 4.2(iv) we conclude that

is globally generated by
$\mathbf B^0({\mathscr X},\frac {\lambda }{m}\cdot D_i, {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}(nH+E))\subset H^0({\mathscr X},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}(nH+E))$
for all
$n\geq \mathrm {dim}({\mathscr X}\otimes _Rk)$
. This finishes the proof of (i).
(ii) By homogeneity of asymptotic test ideals seen in Lemma 4.6(iv), we may assume
. For sufficiently divisible m, we deduce from (4.8) that

For any effective divisor
$D_m \sim mD$
, using subadditivity in Remark (4.2)(iii) for the
${\mathbb Q}$
$\frac {1}{m}D_m$
, we get

and hence

proving the claim.
5 Continuity of the envelope of the zero function
Let K be a complete discretely valued field of mixed characteristic
. Let X be a n-dimensional smooth projective variety over K and L an ample line bundle on X. In the approach of Boucksom–Favre–Jonsson [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson5], [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson6] to pluripotential theory on
$X^{\mathrm {an}}$
, a model
${\mathscr L}$
of L on the model
${\mathscr X}$
induces a curvature form
$\theta $
$X^{\mathrm {an}}$
and we denote by
$P_\theta (u)$
$\theta $
-psh envelope of a continuous real function u on
$X^{\mathrm {an}}$
, see [Reference Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin10, Subsections 2.4–2.6] for details. We follow the strategy from [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson6] and [Reference Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin10] to show continuity of the envelope of the zero function
$P_\theta (0)$
Theorem 5.1. We assume that
has a model
$({\mathscr X}, \mathscr A)$
${\mathscr X}$
regular and with
$\mathscr A$
an ample line bundle on
${\mathscr X}$
. Let
$\theta $
be the curvature form on
$X^{\mathrm {an}}$
induced by any model
${\mathscr L}$
${\mathscr X}$
of L and let
${\mathfrak a}_{m}$
be the base ideal of
${\mathscr L}^m$
${\mathscr X}$
. Then
$({m}^{-1}\log |\mathfrak {a}_m|)_{m\in {\mathbb N}_{>0}}$
is a sequence of
$\theta $
-psh model functions which converges uniformly on
$X^{\mathrm {an}}$
to the envelope
$P_\theta (0)$
of the zero function. It follows in particular that
$P_\theta (0)$
is continuous.
Proof. Consider the graded sequence
$({\mathfrak a}_{m})_{m>0}$
of base ideals

associated with
${\mathscr L}$
. Write
${\mathscr L}={\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}(D)$
for some divisor D on
${\mathscr X}$
. Let

denote the associated asymptotic perturbation friendly test ideal of exponent m in mixed characteristic. Note that we denote base ideals by
$\mathfrak {a}$
and reserve
$\mathfrak {b}$
for test ideals, to keep the same notations as in [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson6] and [Reference Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin10]. Motivated by Lemma 4.6 and Remark 4.2(v), we consider also the coherent ideals

These ideals have the following properties:
(a) We have
${\mathfrak a}_m^{\prime } \subset {\mathfrak b}_m$ and these coherent ideal sheaves are vertical for m sufficiently large and divisible.
(b) We have
${\mathfrak b}_{ml} \subset {\mathfrak b}_m^l$ for all
$l,m\in {\mathbb N}_{>0}$ .
(c) There exists some
$m_0 \geq 0$ such that
$\mathfrak {b}_m\otimes {\mathscr A}^{\otimes m_0}\otimes {\mathscr L}^{\otimes m} $ is globally generated for all integers
$m>0$ .
Indeed these properties can be seen as follows: by definition of the asymptotic test ideals, we have
$\tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}, |mD|) \subset {\mathfrak b}_m$
. For sufficiently large and divisible m, we have

by Lemma 4.4, and the base ideal
${\mathfrak a}_m$
is vertical as L is ample. Since
${\mathfrak a}_m^{\prime }={\mathfrak a}_m\cdot \tau ({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},0)$
, Remark 4.2(v) yields that
${\mathfrak a}_m^{\prime }$
is vertical. This proves (a).
Property (b) follows from Theorem 4.7(ii). Property (c) is shown as follows. Choose a divisor H on
${\mathscr X}$
such that
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}(H)$
is ample and globally generated. We have
$n=\mathrm {dim}\,{\mathscr X}\otimes _Rk$
. As
${\mathscr A}$
is ample, we can choose
$m_0\in {\mathbb N}$
such that the line bundle

is globally generated. Given
$m\in {\mathbb N}$
we apply Theorem 4.7(i) to
. Since
$E-mD-K_{{\mathscr X}}=H$
is big and nef, we get that

is globally generated. Taking the tensor product of (5.1) and (5.2) we see that
$\mathfrak {b}_m\otimes {\mathscr A}^{\otimes m_0}\otimes {\mathscr L}^{\otimes m}$
is globally generated.
Finally (a), (b) and (c) imply our claim by the strategy of the proof of [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson6, Theorem 8.5]. For convenience of the reader, we give here some details. For
$m \gg 0$
, let

which is a super-additive sequence of
$\theta $
-psh functions as shown at the beginning of the proof of loc. cit. Then Step 1 of the quoted proof shows that
$P_\theta (0)= \sup_{m} \varphi _m = \lim _m \varphi _m$
on the quasi-monomial points of
${X^{\mathrm {an}}}$
. Using [Reference Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin10, Proposition 2.10], this holds pointwise on the whole
${X^{\mathrm {an}}}$
We also consider the functions

It follows from the above that the sequence
$\varphi _m^{\prime }$
also converges pointwise to
$P_\theta (0)$
${X^{\mathrm {an}}}$
Then Step 2 of loc. cit. works again in our setting using (a)–(c) above as follows. For m sufficiently large as above and for all
$l \in {\mathbb N}_{>0}$
, we have seen in (a) and (b) that
${\mathfrak a}_{ml}^{\prime} \subset {\mathfrak b}_{ml} \subset {\mathfrak b}_m^l$
for all
$l \in {\mathbb N}_{>0}$
and hence

${X^{\mathrm {an}}}$
. We conclude that

${X^{\mathrm {an}}}$
. The remaining part of the proof of Step 2 is literally the same as in loc. cit. and even simpler as we have Step 1 on
${X^{\mathrm {an}}}$
and not only on the quasi-monomial points of
${X^{\mathrm {an}}}$
. Note that we use the global generation property (c) there.
6 Resolution of singularities
$K^\circ $
be a complete discrete valuation ring with field of fractions K and
. Let X be a smooth projective variety over K of dimension n.
Definition 6.1. We say that resolution of singularities holds for projective models of X if for every projective model
${\mathscr X}$
of X there exists a regular S-scheme
${\mathscr X}'$
and a projective S-morphism
${\mathscr X}'\to {\mathscr X}$
which induces an isomorphism on X.
Remark 6.2. If one chooses an immersion
$X\to {\mathbb P}_K^m$
, then the scheme theoretic image
${\mathscr X}$
of X in
${\mathbb P}^m_S$
defines a projective model of X over S. If resolution of singularities holds for projective models of X, then there is a regular projective model
${\mathscr X}'$
of X over S.
Resolution of singularities holds if
[Reference Artin, Cornell and Silverman1, Theorem (1.1)]. Cossart and Piltant have shown that resolution of singularities holds for
up to the projectivity of the morphism
${\mathscr X}'\to {\mathscr X}$
[Reference Cossart and Piltant9, Theorem 1.1]. It is only shown in loc. cit. that this morphism is locally projective.
It is essential to show that projective models are dominated by SNC-models. In order to prove this we are going to use the following assumption.
Definition 6.3. We say that embedded resolution of singularities holds for regular projective models of X if for every regular projective model and every proper closed subset Z of
${\mathscr X}$
, there is a projective morphism of S-schemes
$\pi \colon {\mathscr X}' \to {\mathscr X}$
such that the set
$\pi ^{-1}(Z)$
is the support of a normal crossing divisor and such that
$\pi $
is an isomorphism over
${\mathscr X} \setminus Z$
Lemma 6.4. Let
${\mathscr X}$
be projective model of X. We assume that resolution of singularities holds for projective models of X. Then for any ample line bundle L on X, there exists
$m\in {\mathbb N}_{>0}$
and an ample extension
${\mathscr L}'$
$L^{\otimes m}$
to a regular S-model
${\mathscr X}'$
of X with a projective morphism
${\mathscr X}' \to {\mathscr X}$
over S extending the identity on X.
Proof. The arguments are the same as for [Reference Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin10, Lemma 7.5]. In a first step, we start with a projective model
${\mathscr Y}$
of X such that L extends to an ample line bundle
${\mathscr H}$
${\mathscr Y}$
, possibly replacing L by a positive tensor power. By a result of Lütkebohmert [Reference Lütkebohmert16, Lemma 2.2], there is a blowing up
$\pi \colon \mathscr Z \to {\mathscr Y}$
in an ideal sheaf supported in the special fiber of
${\mathscr Y}$
such that the identity on X extends to a morphism
$\mathscr Z \to {\mathscr X}$
. A property of blowing ups [Reference Hartshorne11, Proposition II.7.13] shows that
$\pi ^*({\mathscr H}^{\otimes \ell }) \otimes {\mathscr O}_{\mathscr Z/{\mathscr Y}}(1)$
is an ample line bundle on
$\mathscr Z$
with generic fiber
$L^{\otimes \ell }$
for sufficiently large
$\ell $
. Replacing
${\mathscr X}$
$\mathscr Z$
and L by
$L^{\otimes \ell }$
, we conclude that we may assume that L extends to an ample line bundle
${\mathscr H}$
${\mathscr X}$
By a result of Pépin [Reference Pépin19, Theorem 3.1], there is a a blowing-up morphism
$\pi ' \colon \mathscr Z' \to {\mathscr X}$
centered in the special fiber of
${\mathscr X}$
such that
$\mathscr Z'$
is semi-factorial. So similarly as in the first step, replacing
${\mathscr X}$
$\mathscr Z'$
and L by a positive tensor power, we may assume that L extends to an ample line bundle
${\mathscr H}$
on a semi-factorial projective model
${\mathscr X}$
. This is the conclusion of the second step.
Then we apply resolution of singularities to
${\mathscr X}$
to get a projective S-morphism
$\pi \colon {\mathscr X}' \to {\mathscr X}$
which is an isomorphism on generic fibers and so we may identify the generic fiber of
${\mathscr X}'$
with X. Since
$\pi $
is projective, there is an
such that
is an ample line bundle on
${\mathscr X}'$
. However, we do not know if
$\pi $
is a blow up in an ideal supported in the special fiber and hence the restriction F of
$ {\mathscr O}_{{\mathscr X}'/{\mathscr X}}(1)$
to the generic fiber X of
${\mathscr X}'$
might be non-trivial. Since
${\mathscr X}$
is semi-factorial, F extends to a line bundle
${\mathscr F}$
${\mathscr X}$
and we can replace
$ {\mathscr O}_{{\mathscr X}'/{\mathscr X}}(1)$
$ {\mathscr O}_{{\mathscr X}'/{\mathscr X}}(1) \otimes \varphi ^*({\mathscr F}^{-1})$
. Then
${\mathscr L}'$
is a model of
$L^{\otimes \ell }$
proving the claim.
Remark 6.5. If we assume additionally that embedded resolution of singularities holds for regular projective models of X, then we can choose
${\mathscr X}'$
as an SNC-model in Lemma 6.4. Indeed, we replace
${\mathscr X}'$
in the above proof by applying embedded resolution of singularities to the closed subset
${\mathscr X}_s'$
of the regular projective model
${\mathscr X}'$
to get an SNC-model of X.
7 Continuity of the envelope
Let K be a complete discretely valued field of mixed characteristic
. Let L be an ample line bundle on a regular projective variety X of dimension n over K. Let
$\theta $
be a closed
-form on X with ample de Rham class
$\{\theta \}$
induced by a model
${\mathscr L}$
of L on a model
${\mathscr X}$
of X.
Theorem 7.1. Assume that resolution of singularities holds for projective models of X. If
$u\in C^0(X^{\mathrm {an}})$
, then
$P_\theta (u)$
is a uniform limit of
$\theta $
-psh model functions and thus
$P_\theta (u)$
is continuous on
$X^{\mathrm {an}}$
Proof. Using that u is a uniform limit of model functions on X, we may assume that u is itself a model function by [Reference Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin10, Proposition 2.9(v)]. The model function u is defined by a vertical
${\mathbb Q}$
-divisor on a proper model
${\mathscr X}$
of X over S. By [Reference Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin10, Proposition 2.9(7)], we may replace
$(\theta ,u)$
for the proof by
$(m\theta ,m u)$
for some
$m\in {\mathbb N}$
. Hence we may assume without loss of generality that u is actually defined by a vertical divisor on
${\mathscr X}$
. If we apply [Reference Lütkebohmert16, Lemma 2.2] to
${\mathscr X}$
and a projective model of X as in Remark 6.2, then
${\mathscr X}$
is dominated by a projective model of X. Hence we can assume without loss of generality that
${\mathscr X}$
is a projective model. Then we choose a resolution of singularities
${\mathscr X}'\to {\mathscr X}$
as in Lemma 6.4 such that some power
$L^{\otimes m}$
of L extends to an ample line bundle
${\mathscr A}$
on the regular projective model
${\mathscr X}'$
of X. As before we may assume that
. By [Reference Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin10, Proposition 2.9(4)], we get

By construction the class
$\theta +dd^cu$
is induced by a line bundle
${\mathscr L}$
${\mathscr X}'$
whose restriction to X is isomorphic to L and Theorem 5.1 shows that
$P_{\theta +dd^cu}(0)$
is a uniform limit of
$(\theta +dd^cu)$
-psh model functions. This finishes our proof.
8 The Monge–Ampère equation
Let K be a complete discretely valued field with valuation ring R of mixed characteristic
. In this section, we consider a projective regular variety X over K. We assume that resolution of singularities holds for projective models of X and embedded resolution of singularities holds for regular projective models of X. It follows that every projective model of X is dominated by a projective SNC-model. By Lemma 6.4 and Remark 6.5, any ample line bundle on X extends to an ample line bundle on a suitable dominating SNC model after possibly passing to a positive tensor power. As explained in [Reference Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin10, Section 9], these assumptions are enough to set up a pluripotential theory for
$\theta $
-psh functions with respect to a closed
$\theta $
${X^{\mathrm {an}}}$
with ample de Rham class
$\{\theta \}$
. All the results of [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson6, Sections 1–7] hold. If we assume continuity of the envelope for ample line bundles on X, then monotone regularization [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson6, Theorem 8.7] holds as well in our setting which is crucial to extend the Monge–Ampère measure
$\mathrm {MA}_\theta (\varphi )$
$\theta $
-psh model functions to bounded
$\theta $
-psh functions on
${X^{\mathrm {an}}}$
. Then the results from [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson6, Sections 4–6] hold in our setting by the same arguments.
Theorem 8.1. Let X be a smooth projective variety over K of dimension n and let
$\theta $
be a closed
-form on
${X^{\mathrm {an}}}$
with ample de Rham class
$\{\theta \}$
such that resolution of singularities holds for projective models of X and embedded resolution of singularities holds for regular projective models of X. We consider a positive Radon measure
$\mu $
$X^{\mathrm {an}}$
of total mass
$\{\theta \}^n$
which is supported on the skeleton of a projective SNC-model of X. Then there is a continuous
$\theta $
-psh function
$\varphi $
${X^{\mathrm {an}}}$
such that
$\mathrm {MA}_\theta (\varphi )=\mu $
$\varphi $
is unique up to additive constants.
Proof. Uniqueness follows from a result of Yuan and Zhang, see [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson5, Section 8.1]. To prove existence of a
$\theta $
-psh solution
$\varphi $
, the variational method of Boucksom, Favre, and Jonsson is used. Continuity of the envelope for ample line bundles on X holds by Theorem 7.1. By [Reference Burgos Gil, Gubler, Jell, Künnemann and Martin8, Theorems 6.3.2, 6.3.3], we conclude that
$\theta $
satisfies the crucial orthogonality property (see [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson5, Definition 7.1] for the definition). Then existence of a continuous solution follows from [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson5, Theorem 8.1].
Remark 8.2. If L is an ample line bundle on X and if
$\theta $
is induced by a model
$({\mathscr X},{\mathscr L})$
, then there is a bijective correspondence [Reference Boucksom, Favre and Jonsson5, Section 2.6]

It follows that Theorems 5.1 and 7.1 imply Theorem 1.1 and that Theorem 8.1 implies Theorem 1.2.
We are grateful to Bhargav Bhatt, Huayi Chen, and Mattias Jonsson for remarks about previous versions of this paper. We are especially grateful to Karl Schwede for discussions and help about subadditivity of global
-test ideals and perturbation friendly global test ideals. We are grateful to the referee for helpful remarks and suggestions.
Y. Fang, W. Gubler and K. Künnemann were supported by the collaborative research center SFB 1085 Higher Invariants - Interactions between Arithmetic Geometry and Global Analysis funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.