1. Introduction
Normalisation by evaluation for typed lambda calculus was first considered by Berger and Schwichtenberg (Reference Berger and Schwichtenberg1991) from a type and proof theoretic viewpoint, and later investigated from the point of view of logic (Berger, Reference Berger1993), type theory (Coquand, Reference Coquand1994), category theory (Altenkirch et al., Reference Altenkirch, Hofmann and Streicher1995; Čubrić et al., Reference Čubrić, Dybjer and Scott1997; Reynolds, Reference Reynolds1998) and partial evaluation (Danvy, Reference Danvy1998; Filinski, Reference Filinski1999). This work gives a new categorical and algebraic perspective on the topic.
Outline. Normalisation by evaluation will be broadly viewed as the technique of giving semantics in (metalanguages for) non-standard models from which normalisation information can be extracted (Martin-Lof 1975). In this light, we will investigate the following problems.
I. Extensional normalisation problem: To define normal terms and establish that every term
$\beta\eta$ -equals one in normal form.That is, writing
$\mathscr{L}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ for the set of terms of type
$\tau$ in context
$\Gamma$ , to identify a set of normal terms
$\mathscr{N}_{\tau}(\Gamma) \subseteq \mathscr{L}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ and show that for every term
$t\in\mathscr{L}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ , there exists a normal term
$N\in\mathscr{N}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ such that
$t ={}_{\beta\eta} N$ .
II. Intensional normalisation problem: To define, and prove the correctness of, a normalisation function associating normal forms to terms. More precisely, to construct functions
\begin{equation*} \mathsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma}: \mathscr{L}_{\tau}(\Gamma) \rightarrow \mathscr{N}_{\tau}(\Gamma)\end{equation*}
(1) For all normal terms
$N\in\mathscr{N}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ , the syntactic equality
$= N$ holds.
(2) For all terms
$t\in\mathscr{L}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ , the semantic equality
$\mathsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma}(t) ={}_{\beta\eta} t$ holds.
(3) For all pair of terms
$t,t'\in\mathscr{L}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ , if
$t={}_{\beta\eta} t'$ then
$\mathsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma}(t) = \mathsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma}(t')$ . In the context of normalisation by evaluation, the correctness condition (1) has seldom been considered – the exception being (Reynolds Reference Reynolds1998). However, it is both natural and interesting. For instance, together with the correctness condition (3) it implies that
$\beta\eta$ -equal normal terms are syntactically equal, which in turn, together with the correctness condition (2), entails the stronger version of extensional normalisation that every term
$\beta\eta$ -equals a unique normal term.
These problems will be, respectively, dealt with in Parts I and II of the paper. Part I provides a unifying view of definability and normalisation leading to an extensional normalisation result. This analysis, besides unifying the two hitherto unrelated problems of definability and normalisation, motivates and elucidates the notions of neutral and normal terms, which are here distilled from semantic considerations. Part II shows that an intensional view of Part I amounts to the traditional technique of normalisation by evaluation. This development leads to a treatment of normalisation by evaluation via the Artin–Wraith glueing construction, finally formalising the observation that normalisation by evaluation is closely related to categorical glueing (Coquand and Dybjer, Reference Coquand and Dybjer1997).
More in detail, the paper is organised as follows. Section 2.1 briefly recalls the syntax and categorical semantics of the typed lambda calculus. Section 2.2 presents an analysis of the lambda definability result of Jung and Tiuryn via Kripke logical relations (Jung and Tiuryn Reference Jung and Tiuryn1993) leading to an extensional normalisation result. Section 3.1 describes the rudiments of a theory of typed abstract syntax with variable binding which is used to put the typed lambda calculus in an algebraic framework. This algebraic view is exploited in Section 3.2 to structure the development of an intensional version of Section 2.2 culminating in the technique of normalisation by evaluation.
Related work. The treatment of extensional normalisation presented here is similar to Tait’s approach to strong normalisation via computability predicates (Girard, Reference Girard1972; Tait, Reference Tait1967) for the typed lambda calculus and also to Krivine’s approach to normalisation Krivine, (Reference Krivine1993), Chapter III for the untyped lambda calculus. The precise relationships need to be investigated.
The analysis of normalisation by evaluation pursued here is categorical and, as such, is related to Altenkirch et al. (Reference Altenkirch, Hofmann and Streicher1995); Altenkirch et al. (Reference Altenkirch, Dybjer, Hofmann and Scott2001), Čubrić et al. (Reference Čubrić, Dybjer and Scott1997), Reynolds (Reference Reynolds1998).
The approach of Čubrić et al. (Reference Čubrić, Dybjer and Scott1997) is in the context of so-called
-category theory; which is, roughly, a version of category theory equipped with an intensional notion of equality formalised by partial equivalence relations. The intensional information needed for the purpose of normalisation will be captured here in the context of traditional category theory via Artin–Wraith glueing.
In Altenkirch et al. (Reference Altenkirch, Hofmann and Streicher1995), normalisation by evaluation is reconstructed categorically in a model obtained via an ad hoc twisted-glueing construction. This model embodies objects with both syntactic and semantic components and translations between them essentially encoding a correctness predicate. In contrast, we adopt a purely semantic view, working with intensional logical relations in models given by the traditional categorical-glueing construction (Wraith, Reference Wraith1974).
Another important point of departure between this work and the other categorical ones is the algebraic treatment of the subject, which led to a deeper understanding of the normalisation function.
2. Part I
2.1 Typed lambda calculus
For the purpose of establishing notations, we briefly recall the syntax and semantics of the typed lambda calculus. For details see, e.g., Lambek and Scott (Reference Lambek and Scott1986), Crole (Reference Crole1994), Taylor (Reference Taylor1999).
Syntax. The types of the simply-typed lambda calculus are given by the grammar
ranges over base types. We write
for the set of simple types generated by a set of base types T.
The grammar for the terms is
where x ranges over (a countably infinite set of) variables. The notion of free and bound variables are standard. As usual, we will identify terms up to the renaming of bound variables.
Typing contexts, with types in a set
, are defined as functions
$V\rightarrow \mathcal{T}$
where the domain of the context, V, is a finite subset of the set of variables. Under this view, for a variable x, a type
, and a context
, we let
$(x:\tau) \in \Gamma$
stand for
$\Gamma(x) = \tau$
. For distinct variables
), we use the notation
for the context
$\{ x_1,\ldots, x_n \} \rightarrow \mathcal{T}$
. For a context
, a variable x, and a type
, the notation
$\Gamma, x:\tau$
$x \not\in \mathrm{dom}(\Gamma)$
and denotes the context
$\mathrm{dom}(\Gamma)\cup\{x\} \rightarrow \mathcal{T}$
mapping every
$y \in \mathrm{dom}(\Gamma)$
, and x to
The well-typed terms
$\Gamma \vdash t: \tau$
in context (where
is a typing context, t is a term and
is a type) are given by the usual rules; see Figure 1.
Figure 1. Well-typed terms.
Semantics. The appropriate mathematical universes for giving semantics to the typed lambda calculus are cartesian closed categories (Crole, Reference Crole1994; Lambek and Scott, Reference Lambek and Scott1986; Taylor, Reference Taylor1999); i.e, categories with terminal object, binary products and exponentials (for which we, respectively, use the notation 1,
, and
For an interpretation
$\textbf{s}: \mathrm{T} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
of base types in a cartesian closed category, we let
$\textbf{s}[\![_]\!]: \widetilde{\mathrm{T}} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
be the extension to simple types as prescribed by a chosen cartesian closed structure. That is,
$\textbf{s}[\![\theta]\!] = \textbf{s}(\theta)$
$\theta \in \mathrm{T}$
$\textbf{s}[\![\texttt{1}]\!] = 1$
, and
$\textbf{s}[\![{\tau*\tau'}]\!] = \textbf{s}[\![\tau]\!] \times \textbf{s}[\![{\tau'}]\!]$
$\textbf{s}[\![{\tau\texttt{=}\!\!\texttt{>}\tau'}]\!] = \textbf{s}[\![\tau]\!] \Rightarrow \textbf{s}[\![{\tau'}]\!]$
$\tau, \tau' \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$
). As usual, the interpretation of types is extended to contexts by setting
$\textbf{s}[\![\Gamma]\!] = \prod_{x\in\mathrm{dom}(\Gamma)} \textbf{s}[\![{\Gamma(x)}]\!]$
for all contexts
. Finally, the semantics of a term
$\Gamma \vdash t: \tau$
as a morphism
$\textbf{s}[\![\Gamma]\!] \rightarrow \textbf{s}[\![\tau]\!]$
is denoted
$\textbf{s}[\![{\Gamma \vdash t: \tau}]\!]s$
2.2 From definability to normalisation
Kripke relations were introduced by Jung and Tiuryn in (1993) for the purpose of characterising lambda definability. We will analyse this result and provide a corresponding extensional normalisation result.
Kripke relations. For a functor
$\boldsymbol{\sigma}: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
, a
-Kripke relation R of arity
over an object A of
is a family
$\{ R(c) \subseteq \mathcal{S}(\boldsymbol{\sigma}(c),A)\}_{c \in \mid{\,\mathbb{C}\,}\mid}$
satisfying the following condition.
(Monotonicity) For every
$\rho: c' \rightarrow c$
and every
$a: \boldsymbol{\sigma}(c) \rightarrow A$
in R(c), the map
$a \circ \boldsymbol{\sigma}(\rho): \boldsymbol{\sigma}(c') \rightarrow A$
is in R(c’).
In other words, a
-Kripke relation R of arity
over an object A is a unary predicate
over the
-variable set of A-valued morphisms
$\mathcal{S}(\boldsymbol{\sigma}(\_),A): \mathbb{C}^\mathrm{op} \rightarrow \textbf{Set}$
in the functor category
-variable sets, referred to as presheaves.
The category of Kripke relations
of arity
$\boldsymbol{\sigma}: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
has objects given by pairs (R,A) consisting of an object A of
and a
-Kripke relation of arity
over A, and morphisms
$f: (R,A) \rightarrow (R',A')$
given by maps
$f: A \rightarrow A'$
such that, for all
$a: \boldsymbol{\sigma}(c) \rightarrow A$
in R(c), the composite
$f \circ a: \boldsymbol{\sigma}(c) \rightarrow A'$
is in R’(c). Composition and identities are as in
Example 1. The category of
-Kripke relations of arity the unique functor to the terminal category is (isomorphic to) the complete Heyting algebra of subterminal objects of the presheaf topos
The following proposition is well-known (see, e.g., Alimohamed Reference Alimohamed1995; Ma and Reynolds Reference Ma and Reynolds1992).
Proposition 2. Let
be a small category and let
be a cartesian closed category. For a functor
$\boldsymbol{\sigma}: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
, the category of Kripke relations
is cartesian closed and the forgetful functor
$\underline{K}\langle{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}\rangle \rightarrow \mathcal{S}: (R,A) \mapsto A$
preserves the cartesian closed structure strictly.
The cartesian closed structure of
is given as follows.
(Products) The terminal object is
$(\top,1)$ where 1 is terminal in
$\mathcal{S}$ and where
$\top(c) = \{ \boldsymbol{\sigma}(c) \rightarrow 1\}$ for all c in
$\mathbb{C}$ . The product
$(R,A)\times(R',A')$ of (R,A) and (R’,A’) is
is the product of A and A’ in
, and where
$a: \boldsymbol{\sigma}(c) \rightarrow A \times A'$
is in
$(R \wedge R')(c)$
$\pi \circ a: \boldsymbol{\sigma}(c) \rightarrow A$
is in R(c) and
$\pi' \circ a: \boldsymbol{\sigma}(c) \rightarrow A'$
is in R’(c).
(Exponentials) The exponential
$(R,A)\Rightarrow(R',A')$ of (R,A) and (R’,A’) is
is the exponential of A and A’ in
, and where
${f: \boldsymbol{\sigma}(c) \rightarrow A \Rightarrow A'}$
is in
$(R \supset R')(c)$
iff for every
$\rho: c' \rightarrow c$
$a: \boldsymbol{\sigma}(c') \rightarrow A$
in R(c’), the composite
$\varepsilon \circ \langle{f \circ \boldsymbol{\sigma}(\rho) , a}\langle: \boldsymbol{\sigma}(c') \rightarrow A'$
is in R’(c’).
The Fundamental Lemma of logical relations is a consequence of Proposition 2
Lemma 3. (Fundamental Lemma (Plotkin Reference Plotkin1973; Statman Reference Statman1985)). For an interpretation of base types
$\mathcal{I}: \mathrm{T} \rightarrow \underline{K}\langle{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}\rangle: \theta \mapsto (\mathscr{R}_\theta,\mathcal{I}_0(\theta))$
, the interpretation
of a term
$\Gamma \vdash t: \tau$
yields a morphism
$\mathcal{I}[\![{\Gamma}]\!] \rightarrow \mathcal{I}[\![{\tau}]\!]$
; that is, for
$\mathcal{I}[\![\Gamma]\!]= (\mathscr{R}_\Gamma,\mathcal{I}_0[\![\Gamma]\!])$
$\mathcal{I}[\![\tau]\!] = (\mathscr{R}_\tau,\mathcal{I}_0[\![\tau]\!])$
, the following diagram
commutes in
(for a necessarily unique natural map
$\mathscr{R}_\Gamma \rightarrow \mathscr{R}_\tau$
Definability. The definability result of Jung and Tiuryn (Reference Jung and Tiuryn1993) uses Kripke relations varying over a poset of contexts ordered by context extension. Here, however, to parallel the development with the one to follow in Part II, we will consider Kripke relations varying over a category of contexts and context renamings.
Definition 4. For a set of types
, we let
be the category with objects given by contexts
with types in
, and with morphisms
$\Gamma \rightarrow \Gamma'$
given by type-preserving context renamings; that is, by functions
$\rho: \mathrm{dom}(\Gamma) \rightarrow \mathrm{dom}(\Gamma')$
such that for all variables
$x \in \mathrm{dom}(\Gamma)$
, the types
, and
$\Gamma'(\rho x)$
are equal. We write
With respect to an interpretation
$\textbf{s}: \mathrm{T} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
of base types in a cartesian closed category, we write
for the canonical semantic functor
$\mathbb{F}{}[\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}] \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
interpreting contexts and their renamings. This is explicitly given by
for all
$\rho: \Gamma \rightarrow \Gamma'$
For every type
$\tau \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$
, the definability relation
is an
-Kripke relation of arity
$\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]: \mathbb{F}{}[\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}] \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
, and the family of definability relations
$\{ \mathscr{D}_\tau\}s_{\tau \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}$
has the following logical characterisation.
Lemma 5 (Definability Lemma (Alimohamed Reference Alimohamed1995; Jung and Tiuryn Reference Jung and Tiuryn1993)). Let
$\textbf{s}: \mathrm{T} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
be an interpretation of base types in a cartesian closed category. Setting
$\mathscr{R}_\theta = \mathscr{D}_\theta$
for all base types
$\theta \in \mathrm{T}$
and letting
be given by the cartesian closed structure of the category of Kripke relations
$\underline{K}{\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]: \mathbb{F}{}[\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}] \rightarrow \mathcal{S}}$
for the other types
$\tau \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$
, it follows that
$\mathscr{R}_\tau = \mathscr{D}_\tau$
for all types
$\tau \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$
The usual proof of the Definability Lemma is by induction on the structure of types using the explicit description of the cartesian closed structure in categories of Kripke relations given above; see Jung and Tiuryn (Reference Jung and Tiuryn1993), Alimohamed (Reference Alimohamed1995) (and Fiore and Simpson Reference Fiore and Simpson1999 for the case with sum types). However, there is a more conceptual argument based on establishing that the definability relations satisfy the following closure properties:
s which is, in effect, what the usual calculations really amount to.
The above analysis can be refined further. Indeed, the fact that neither of the following inclusions
in isolation is strong enough to re-establish the inductive hypothesis in the Definability Lemma, suggests considering a more general situation in which the Kripke logical relations
are bounded by possibly distinct Kripke relations (unlike the situation in (2)).
We are thus led to the following Basic Lemma. Notice the mixed-variance treatment of exponentiation. This is akin to Krivine’s approach to normalisation for the untyped lambda calculus using adapted pairs of subsets of lambda terms Krivine (Reference Krivine1993), Chapter III, pp. 33–39.
Lemma 6 (Basic Lemma). Consider an interpretation
$\mathcal{I}_0: \mathrm{T} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
of base types in a cartesian closed category
With respect to a functor
$\boldsymbol{\sigma}: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
, let
$\langle{ (\mathscr{A}_\tau,\mathcal{I}_0[\![{\tau}]\!])}\rangle_{\tau\in\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}$
$\langle{ ( \mathscr{B}_\tau,\mathcal{I}_0[\![{\tau}]\!] ) }\rangle_{\tau\in\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}$
be two families of Kripke relations in
indexed by types such that
For a family of Kripke relations
$\langle{ ( \mathscr{R}_\theta , \mathcal{I}_0[\![\theta]\!] ) }\rangle_{\theta\in\mathrm{T}}$
indexed by base types, let
$\langle{ ( \mathscr{R}_\tau , \mathcal{I}_0[\![{\tau}]\!] ) }\rangle_s{\tau\in\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}$
be the family of Kripke relations indexed by types induced by the cartesian closed structure of
$\mathscr{A}_\theta \subseteq \mathscr{R}_\theta \subseteq \mathscr{B}_\theta$
for all base types
$\theta \in \mathrm{T}$
, then
$\mathscr{A}_\tau \subseteq \mathscr{R}_\tau \subseteq \mathscr{B}_{\tau}$ for all types
$\tau \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , and thus
2. for all terms
$\Gamma\vdash t:\tau$ (with
$\Gamma=\langle{x_i:\tau_i}\rangle_{i=1,n})$ and morphisms
$a_i: \boldsymbol{\sigma}(c) \rightarrow \mathcal{I}_0[\![{\tau_i}]\!]$ in
$(1 \leq i \leq n, c \in \mid{\mathbb{C}}\mid)$ , we have that
$\mathcal{I}_0[\![{\Gamma \vdash t: \tau}]\!] \circ \langle{a_1,\ldots,a_n}\rangle: \boldsymbol{\sigma}(c) \rightarrow \mathcal{I}_0[\![{\tau}]\!]$ is in
$\mathscr{B}_\tau(c)$ .
Proof. The proof of the first part is by induction on the structure of types. This uses the facts that
and that, for Kripke relations
which follows from the functoriality of binary products and exponentials using the observation that, for (R,A) and (R’,A) in
The proof of the second part follows from considering the interpretation
$\mathcal{I}: \mathrm{T} \rightarrow \underline{K}\langle{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}\rangle$
mapping a base type
to the Kripke relation
$( \mathscr{R}_\theta , \mathcal{I}_0[\![\theta]\!])$
and noticing that, by the first part and the Fundamental Lemma of logical relations, the diagram below in
commutes, where for
$\Gamma = \langle{ x_i:\tau_i }\rangle_{i=1,n}$
$\mathscr{A}_\Gamma = \mathscr{A}_{\tau_1}\wedge\ldots\wedge\mathscr{A}_{\tau_n}$
$\mathscr{R}_\Gamma = \mathscr{R}_{\tau_1}\wedge\ldots\wedge\mathscr{R}_{\tau_n}$
The Basic Lemma yields the Definability Lemma by considering
$\mathscr{A}_\tau = \mathscr{D}_\tau = \mathscr{B}_\tau$
in the category of Kripke relations
$\underline{K}{\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]: \mathbb{F}{}[\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}] \rightarrow \mathcal{S}}$
for the given interpretation
$\textbf{s}: \mathrm{T} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
. We will now see that the Basic Lemma can be also applied to obtain an extensional normalisation result (see Lemma 9).
Normalisation. For an interpretation
$\textbf{s}: \mathrm{T} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
of base types in a cartesian closed category, we aim at defining families
$\{ ( \mathscr{DM}_\tau , \textbf{s}[\![{\tau}]\!] ) \}_{\tau\in\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}$
$\{ ( \mathscr{DN}_\tau , \textbf{s}[\![{\tau}]\!] )\}_{\tau\in\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}$
-Kripke relations of arity
$\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]: \mathbb{F}{}[\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}] \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
of definable morphisms such that
so that, by the second part of the Basic Lemma, we get (setting
$\mathscr{R}_\theta = \mathscr{DM}_\theta$
for all
$\theta \in \mathrm{T}$
, and
$a_i = \pi_i: \textbf{s}[\![\Gamma]\!] \rightarrow \textbf{s}[\![{\tau_i}]\!]$
$\Gamma = \langle{x_i:\tau_i}\rangle_{i=1,n}$
) that, for all terms
$\Gamma \vdash t: \tau$
The above will be achieved by distilling the semantic closure properties (i)–(vii) into two syntactic typing systems
with respect to which the definitions
will provide the required Kripke relations (see Proposition 8). The conditions (i)–(vii) amount, roughly, to the following properties.
The system
$\vdash_{\mathscr{M}}$ should contain variables (condition (vii)), and be closed under projections (condition (ii)) and under the application to terms in the system
$\vdash_{\mathscr{N}}$ (condition (iv)).
The system
$\vdash_{\mathscr{N}}$ should contain the unit (condition (i)) and should be closed under pairing (condition (iii)) and under abstraction (condition (v)).
Every term of base type in the system
$\vdash_{\mathscr{M}}$ should be in the system
$\vdash_{\mathscr{N}}$ (condition (vi)).
Formally, the systems are given by the rules in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Neutral and normal terms.
Thus, from purely semantic considerations, we have synthesised the notions of neutral normal forms (viz., those derivable in the system
) and of long
-normal forms (viz., those derivable in the system
), henceforth, respectively, referred to as neutral and normal terms, and characterised as follows.
Proposition 7.
1. (Neutral terms)
2. (Normal terms)
$\Gamma\vdash_{\mathscr{N}} t:\texttt{1} \mathrel{\Leftarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\Rightarrow} t = \langle{}\rangle$
$\Gamma\vdash_{\mathscr{N}} t:\tau_1*\tau_2 \mathrel{\Leftarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\Rightarrow} [ \ \exists\ \Gamma\vdash_{\mathscr{N}} N_1:\tau_1\, , \Gamma \vdash_{\mathscr{N}} N_2:\tau_2 .\ t = \langle{N_1,N_2}\rangle \ ]$
$\Gamma\vdash_{\mathscr{N}} t:\tau\texttt{=}\!\!\texttt{>}\tau' \mathrel{\Leftarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\Rightarrow} [ \ \exists\ \Gamma,x:\tau\vdash_{\mathscr{N}} N:\tau'.\ t = \lambda{x:\tau}N \ ]$
$\theta$ a base type,
$\Gamma\vdash_{\mathscr{N}} t:\theta \mathrel{\Leftarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\Rightarrow} \Gamma\vdash_{\mathscr{M}} t:\theta$ .
Neutral and normal terms are closed under context renamings and thereby semantically induce Kripke relations.
Proposition 8. Let
$\textbf{s}: \mathrm{T} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
be an interpretation of base types in a cartesian closed category. For all types
, the definitions (5) and (6), respectively, yield
-Kripke relations
of arity
$\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]: \mathbb{F}{}[\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}] \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
satisfying conditions (i)–(vii).
Proof. The first part is a corollary of the facts that
The second part follows by the construction of the systems
From Proposition 8, we have (4) and therefore, from (6) and Proposition 7(2), we obtain the following Extensional Normalisation Lemma.
Lemma 9 (ExtensionalNormalisation Lemma). Let
be an interpretation of base types in a cartesian closed category. For every term
$\Gamma \vdash t: \tau$
, there exists a long
-normal term
$\Gamma \vdash_{\mathscr{N}} N: \tau$
such that
Specialising the Extensional Normalisation Lemma for the canonical interpretation of types in the free cartesian closed category generated by them, we obtain the following syntactic result (Streicher Reference Streicher1998).
Corollary 10. Every simply typed term is
-equal to one in long
-normal form.
The above does not give information about the long
-normal form associated to a term because Kripke relations are extensional predicates. What is needed instead for this purpose is a notion of intensional Kripke relation in which the extension of the predicate is witnessed (or realised). Technically, this amounts to revisiting the development in categories obtained by the Artin–Wraith glueing construction (Wraith Reference Wraith1974). This will be done in Part II. To do it at an appropriate abstract, syntax-independent level, we will first consider the typed lambda calculus algebraically.
3. Part II
3.1 Algebraic typed lambda calculus
We provide an algebraic setting for the syntax and semantics of the typed lambda calculus following and extending the theory of Fiore et al. (Reference Fiore, Plotkin and Turi1999). In particular, we describe the typed abstract syntax of simply typed and of neutral and normal terms as initial algebras and show how the usual semantics corresponds to unique algebra homomorphisms from the initial (term) algebras to suitable semantic algebras.
3.1.1 Syntax
Categories of contexts, which we study next, play a crucial role in describing abstract syntax with variable binding; see Fiore et al. (Reference Fiore, Plotkin and Turi1999) for further details.
Free (co)cartesian categories. The category of untyped contexts and renamings
with objects given by finite subsets of (the countably infinite set of) variables and morphisms given by all functions is the free cocartesian category on one generator.
More generally, the free cocartesian category over a set
can be described as the comma category
of contexts with types in the set
and type-preserving context renamings. (That is,
is the category with objects given by maps
$\Gamma: V \rightarrow \mathcal{T}$
where V is in
, and with morphisms
$\rho: \Gamma \rightarrow \Gamma'$
given by functions
$\rho: \mathrm{dom}(\Gamma) \rightarrow \mathrm{dom}(\Gamma')$
such that
$\Gamma = \Gamma' \circ \rho$
.) The initial object
$(0 \rightarrow \mathcal{T})$
is the empty context; whilst the coproduct in
As before, we write
. Further, we write
$\langle{\_}\rangle: \mathcal{T} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}{}[\mathcal{T}]$
for the universal embedding (mapping
$(1 \tau \mathcal{T})$
) and exhibiting
as the free cartesian category over
Typed abstract syntax with variable binding. The semantic universe on which to consider the algebras for the typed lambda calculus over a set of base types T is the functor category
-variable sets, referred to as (covariant) presheaves. (Recall that
has objects given by functors
$\mathbb{F}{}\!\downarrow\!\widetilde{\mathrm{T}} \rightarrow \textbf{Set}$
and morphisms
$\varphi: P \rightarrow P'$
given by natural transformations; that is, families of functions
$\varphi = \{ \varphi_\Gamma: P(\Gamma) \rightarrow P'(\Gamma)\}_{\Gamma\in\mid{\,\mathbb{F}{}\!\downarrow\!\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}\,}\mid}$
such that
$\varphi_{\Gamma'} \circ P(\rho) = P'(\rho) \circ \varphi_\Gamma$
for all
The structure of
allowing the interpretation of variables and binding operators is described below.
The presheaf of variables of type
$\tau \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ is
(9)in\begin{equation} \mathrm{V}_{\tau} = \textbf{y}\langle\tau\rangle\end{equation}
$\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}{}\!\downarrow\!\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}$ where
is the Yoneda embedding. Hence,
$\mathrm{V}_{\tau}(\Gamma) \cong \{ x \mid (x:\tau) \in \Gamma \}$ .
For every type
$\tau \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the parameterisation functor
${\_}\times\langle\tau\rangle: \mathbb{F}{}[\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}] \rightarrow \mathbb{F}{}[\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}]$ induces the following situation
(10)Thus, in$\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}{}\!\downarrow\!\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}$ , the exponential
$P^{\mathrm{V}_{\tau}}$ of the presheaf
$\mathrm{V}_{\tau}$ and a presheaf P can be explicitly described as
$P({\_}+\langle{\tau}\rangle)$ .
$P^{\mathrm{V}_{\tau}}(\Gamma) \cong P(\Gamma+\langle{\tau}\rangle)$
A typed lambda algebra over a set of base types T is a
-sorted algebra with carrier given by a family
$\{ \mathscr{X}_\tau\}_{\tau\in\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}$
of presheaves in
equipped with the following operations:
Informally, one thinks of the sets
$\Gamma \in \mid{\mathbb{F}{}\!\downarrow\!\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}\mid$
) as the
-sorted elements of the algebra
in the context
. Note that under this interpretation the abstraction operation corresponds to a natural family of mappings
associating an element of sort
in the context
(that is, the context
extended with a fresh variable of type
) with an element of sort
in the context
In the tradition of categorical algebra, the category of typed lambda algebras can be defined as the category of
-algebras for a signature endofunctor
. This endofunctor is induced by the above operations as follows, for
is the signature endofunctor corresponding to the projections and application operations onto
The initial
$\mathscr{L}_= \{ \mathscr{L}_{\tau}\}_{\tau\in\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}$
with its structure
can be explicitly described as the family of presheaves of terms
with presheaf action given by variable renaming (that is, by the mapping associating
$\Gamma \vdash t: \tau$
$\Gamma' \vdash t[^{\rho x}\!/_{x}]_{x\in\mathrm{dom}(\Gamma)}: \tau$
for any
$\rho: \Gamma \rightarrow \Gamma'$
), and with operations
corresponding to the typing rules in Figure 1.
A full theory of typed abstract syntax with variable binding incorporating substitution along the lines of Fiore et al. (Reference Fiore, Plotkin and Turi1999) can be developed (see, e.g., Fiore and Hur Reference Fiore and Hur2010; Fiore and Szamozvancev Reference Fiore and Szamozvancev2022). This is however not necessary for the purposes of the paper.
The notions of neutral and normal terms are given by mutual induction (see Figure 2) and, as such, the associated algebraic notion corresponds to considering a signature endofunctor on the product category
$(\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}{}\!\downarrow\!\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}})^{\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}} \times (\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}{}\!\downarrow\!\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}})^{\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}$
. This endofunctor, with components
, is defined below:
We write
for the initial
-algebra with structure, for
, as follows:
Note that we have an isomorphism
for all
Explicitly, the presheaves
can be, respectively, described as the neutral and normal terms
with presheaf action given by variable renaming (recall (7) and (8)), and with operations
corresponding to the typing rules in Figure 2.
Note that every
induces a canonical
-algebra structure on the pair
and hence, by initiality, homomorphic interpretations
$(\mathscr{M},\mathscr{N}) \rightarrow (\mathscr{X},\mathscr{X})$
. Applying this observation to the initial
, we obtain the embeddings
$\mathscr{M} \rightarrowtail \mathscr{L}$
$\mathscr{N} \rightarrowtail \mathscr{L}$
of neutral and normal terms into terms.
Structural induction. Initial algebras have the following associated structural induction principle (Lehmann and Smyth Reference Lehmann and Smyth1981).
$\alpha: FA \rightarrow A$
be an initial algebra for an endofunctor F, if the subobject
$m: P \rightarrowtail A$
satisfies the closure property of being a sub F-algebra of A, in the sense that the diagram
commutes for a (necessarily unique) map
$FP \rightarrow P$
, then
$m: P \rightarrowtail A$
is an isomorphism.
For the initial
(resp. the initial
), the structural induction principle corresponds, in elementary terms, to proving a property of terms (resp. of neutral and normal terms) by induction (resp. simultaneous induction) on their derivation. The structural induction principle for the initial
features in the proof of Theorem 21.
3.1.2 Semantics
As we will see below, every interpretation of base types in a cartesian-closed category induces a canonical semantic typed lambda algebra with respect to which the unique algebra homomorphism from the initial (term) algebra is the usual semantics of simply typed terms.
Nerve functor. Every functor
$\boldsymbol{\sigma}: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
induces the following situation
$\langle\boldsymbol{\sigma}\rangle(A) = \mathcal{S}(\boldsymbol{\sigma}(\_),A)$
and where
$(\underline{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}_\Gamma)_{\Gamma'} = \boldsymbol{\sigma}_{\Gamma',\Gamma}: \mathbb{C}(\Gamma',\Gamma) \rightarrow \mathcal{S}(\boldsymbol{\sigma}(\Gamma'),\boldsymbol{\sigma}(\Gamma))$
. We refer to
$\langle\boldsymbol{\sigma}\rangle: \mathcal{S} \rightarrow \textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{C}^\mathrm{op}}$
as the
-nerve functor and to the presheaf
as the
-nerve of A.
Two important properties of nerve functors follow.
Proposition 11. For a functor
$\boldsymbol{\sigma}: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
is small, the nerve functor
$\langle\boldsymbol{\sigma}\rangle: \mathcal{S} \rightarrow \textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{C}^\mathrm{op}}$
preserves limits. Further, for
cartesian and
cartesian closed, it also commutes with exponentiation by representables in the sense that there is a canonical natural isomorphism
for all
$\Gamma \in \mid\mathbb{C}\mid$
Proof. The first part is well-known and follows from the canonical natural isomorphism
available for any diagram
$D: \mathbb{D} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
with limit
$\langle{\, \pi_\Delta: L \rightarrow D(\Delta) \,}\rangle_{\Delta\in\mathbb{D}s}$
For the second part, note that for we have the following situation (generalising (10))
from which it follows that
naturally in
. We thus obtain a canonical isomorphism
natural in
Initial algebra semantics. Using the nerve functor
$\langle{\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]}\rangle : \mathcal{S} \rightarrow \textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}{}\!\downarrow\!\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}$
induced by the cartesian extension
of an interpretation
of base types in a cartesian closed category, the operations
can be lifted to
to provide a semantic typed lambda algebra structure on the family
The operations are as follows:
(Note that item 1 relies on diagram (16) while items 2, 5, 6, and 7 rely on Proposition. Similar applications of this proposition will be used throughout without further reference.)
By initiality, the semantic typed lambda algebra induces semantic homomorphic interpretations
$\ell: \mathscr{L} \rightarrow \mathscr{C}$
$(m,n): (\mathscr{M},\mathscr{N}) \rightarrow (\mathscr{C},\mathscr{C})$
. These are related as shown below
Indeed, by the initiality of
, (19) directly follows from the fact that the homomorphism property of
$\ell: \mathscr{L} \rightarrow \mathscr{C}$
amounts to the commutativity of the diagrams in Appendix A and that the homorphism property of
$(m,n): (\mathscr{M},\mathscr{N}) \rightarrow (\mathscr{C},\mathscr{C})$
amounts to the commutativity of the diagrams in Appendix B.
Explicitly, for
, the mapping
$\ell_{\tau}: \mathscr{L}_{\tau} \rightarrow \mathscr{C}_{\tau}$
is the standard semantic interpretation of terms
$m_{\tau}: \mathscr{M}_\tau \rightarrow \mathscr{C}_{\tau}$
$n_{\tau}: \mathscr{N}_{\tau} \rightarrow \mathscr{C}_{\tau}$
are, respectively, the semantic interpretations of neutral and normal terms.
3.2 Normalisation by evaluation via categorical glueing
We will now see how, by working with intensional Kripke relations, the analysis of normalisation given in Section 2.2 amounts to normalisation by evaluation. As in that section, we will work with semantic models of (covariant) presheaves in
over nerves induced by interpretations
of the set of base types T in arbitrary cartesian closed categories (see (24)). This level of generality allows the definition of normalisation functions
$\textbf{s}-\textsf{nf}_{\tau}: \mathscr{L}_{\tau} \rightarrow \mathscr{N}_{\tau}$
) in
over the
-nerve of
(Corollary 20) that are parametric on the interpretation
. Crucially, the normalisation functions will be shown to be parametrically polymorphic, in the sense of being interpretation independent (Corollary 22). This is methodologically important. Firstly, as in Corollary 10, the consideration of the universal interpretation of base types into the free cartesian closed category over them leads to our solution of the intensional normalisation problem (see the discussions after Corollaries 20 and 22 in § Normalisation function below) stated in Introduction. Secondly, the consideration of the trivial interpretation of base types in the trivial cartesian closed category leads to a normalisation algorithm from which a normalisation program is synthesised (see § Normalisation algorithm below).
Intensional Kripke relations. The category of intensional
-Kripke relations of arity
$\boldsymbol{\sigma}: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
is defined as the glueing of
along the nerve functor
$\langle\boldsymbol{\sigma}\rangle: \mathcal{S} \rightarrow \textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{C}^\mathrm{op}}$
. That is, as the comma category
of objects given by triples (P,p,A) with
, and
$p: P \rightarrow \langle\boldsymbol{\sigma}\rangle(A)$
, and of morphisms
$(P,p,A) \rightarrow (P',p',A')$
given by pairs
such that the diagram
Example 12. The category of intensional
-Kripke relations of arity the unique functor to the terminal category is (isomorphic to) the presheaf topos
As it is well-known (see, e.g., Crole Reference Crole1994; Lambek and Scott Reference Lambek and Scott1986; Taylor Reference Taylor1999), for
cartesian closed, the glueing category
is also cartesian closed. Indeed, the cartesian closed structure of
is given as follows.
(Products) The terminal object is (1,t,1) where t is the unique map
. The binary product
$(P,p,A)\times(Q,q,B)$ of (P,p,A) and (Q,q,B) is
$(P\times Q,r,A\times B)$ where r is the composite
(Exponentials) The exponential
$(P,p,A)\Rightarrow(Q,q,B)$ of (P,p,A) and (Q,q,B) is
$(R,r,A\Rightarrow B)$ in the pullback diagram
(21)where the map$\langle\boldsymbol{\sigma}\rangle(A\Rightarrow B) \rightarrow (\langle\boldsymbol{\sigma}\rangle B)^{(\langle\boldsymbol{\sigma}\rangle A)}$ is the exponential transpose of the composite
Explicitly, one may take R(c) to be
with r projecting pairs onto their first component.
Proposition 13. Let
be a small category and let
be a cartesian closed category. For a functor
$\boldsymbol{\sigma}: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
, the glueing category
is cartesian closed and the forgetful functor
$\pi : {\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{C}^\mathrm{op}}\!\downarrow\!\langle\boldsymbol{\sigma}\rangle} \rightarrow \mathcal{S} : (P,p,A)\mapsto A$
preserves the cartesian closed structure strictly.
Remark. The category of
-Kripke relations
is a full subcategory of the glueing category
via the mapping
. On the other hand, every glued object (P,f,A) has an associated Kripke relation given by the extension of the map f (as shown in the diagram below, where
denotes the image of f)
and the mapping
$\mathrm{im}: (P,f,A) \mapsto (\mathrm{im}(f),A)$
as a reflective subcategory of
. For
cartesian closed, as can be readily seen from the explicit descriptions of finite products in
, the reflection
$\mathrm{im}: \underline{K}\boldsymbol{\sigma} \to \textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{C}^\mathrm{op}}\!\downarrow\!\langle\boldsymbol{\sigma}\rangle$
preserves the cartesian structure and, therefore,
is an exponential ideal of
(as can also be readily seen from the descriptions of exponentials in
). Thus, for (P,p,A) and (Q,q,A) in
, there are inclusions
These inclusions may be strict; as it happens, for instance, when
(the category of untyped contexts and renamings),
is the unique functor to the trivial cartesian closed category,
(for a singleton context 1),
, and
(the empty context). Indeed, in this situation,
$(\mathrm{im}(p)\supset\mathrm{im}(q))(c)=(P\supset P)(c)=\{\mathrm{id}\}$
. Thus, in general, the reflection
$\mathrm{im}: \underline{K}\boldsymbol{\sigma} \to \textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{C}^\mathrm{op}}\!\downarrow\!\langle\boldsymbol{\sigma}\rangle$
does not preserve exponentials.
Now, note that (16) induces the embedding
extending both the Yoneda embedding
and the functor
and satisfying the following extended form of the Yoneda Lemma (which we will use in § Normalisation function below).
Lemma 14 (Extended Yoneda Lemma). For a functor
$\boldsymbol{\sigma}: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
is a small category, the natural transformation
denotes the hom-functor of the glueing category
, is an isomorphism making the following diagram
Proof. Follows from the fact that, for
$\varphi: \textbf{y}(\Gamma) \rightarrow P$
$f: \boldsymbol{\sigma}(\Gamma) \rightarrow A$
, the diagram
commutes if and only if
$f = p_\Gamma(\varphi_\Gamma(\mathrm{id}_\Gamma))$
Proposition 15. For a functor
$\boldsymbol{\sigma}: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
is small,
are cartesian, and
is cartesian closed, we have that
preserves products and that the exponential
can be described as
$(P^{\textbf{y}(\Gamma)},p',\boldsymbol{\sigma}(\Gamma)\texttt{=}\!\!\texttt{>} A)$
where p’ is the composite
Proof. The first part follows from the commutativity of
for all
For the second part, since the exponential
is given by pulling back the map
$p^{\textbf{y}(\Gamma)}: P^{\textbf{y}(\Gamma)} \rightarrow (\langle\boldsymbol{\sigma}\rangle A)^{\textbf{y}(\Gamma)}$
along the composite
(recall (21)), where f is the exponential transpose of
it will be enough to show that the composite
is the identity. This is indeed the case as follows from the commutativity of the diagram below
denotes the counit of the adjunction
$\_ \times \textbf{y}(\Gamma) \dashv \textbf{Set}^{(\_\times\Gamma)^\mathrm{op}}: \textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{C}^\mathrm{op}} \rightarrow \textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{C}^\mathrm{op}}$
Glueing syntax and semantics. Let
be an interpretation of base types in a cartesian closed category. The embedding
restricted to types
yields the glued object
glueing the syntax and semantics of variables. In the same spirit, glueing the syntax and semantics of neutral and normal terms (see (19)), we obtain the glued objects
Having constructed the
-algebra structure on
by lifting the semantic operations in
(recall (17) and (18)), the homomorphism property of the semantic interpretation
$(m,n):(\mathscr{M},\mathscr{N}) \rightarrow (\mathscr{C},\mathscr{C})$
(see Appendix B) entails the two propositions below, which show how the algebraic operations on the initial
and on the semantic
can be glued to yield operations in
on the pair of families of glued objects
$( \{ \mu_{\tau}\}_{\tau\in\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}\ ,\ \{ \eta_{\tau}\}_{\tau\in\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}} )$
Proposition 16. Let
$\textbf{s}: \mathrm{T} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
be an interpretation of base types in a cartesian closed category
1. For
$\tau, \tau' \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the pair of maps
constitute a map$\nu_{\tau} \rightarrow \mu_{\tau}$ in
$\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}\downarrow\tilde{T}}\downarrow\langle\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]\rangle$ .
2. For
$\tau, \tau' \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the pair of maps
$\mu_{\tau*\tau'} \rightarrow \mu_{\tau}$ in
$\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}\downarrow\tilde{T}}\downarrow\langle\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]\rangle$ .
3. For
$\tau, \tau' \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the pair of maps
constitute a map$\mu_{\tau'*\tau} \rightarrow \mu_{\tau}$ in
$\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}\downarrow\tilde{T}}\downarrow\langle\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]\rangle$ .
4. For
$\tau, \tau' \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the pair of maps
$\mu_{\tau'\texttt{=}\!\!\texttt{>}\tau} \times \eta_{\tau'} \rightarrow \mu_{\tau}$ in
$\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}\downarrow\tilde{T}}\downarrow\langle\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]\rangle$ .
Proposition 17. Let
$\textbf{s}: \mathrm{T} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
be an interpretation of base types in a cartesian closed category.
1. For a base type
$\theta \in \mathrm{T}$ , the pair of isomorphisms
$\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}\downarrow\tilde{T}}\downarrow\langle\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]\rangle$ .
2. The pair of isomorphisms
$\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}\downarrow\tilde{T}}\downarrow\langle\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]\rangle$ .
3. For
$\tau, \tau' \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the pair of isomorphisms
constitute an isomorphismin
$\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}\downarrow\tilde{T}}\downarrow\langle\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]\rangle$ .
4. For
$\tau, \tau' \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the pair of isomorphisms
$\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}\downarrow\tilde{T}}\downarrow\langle\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]\rangle$ .
Proof. Items 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively, follow from (B1–B8), (B9), (B10), and (B11) (relying on Proposition 15) in Appendix B.
Note that the above operations on glued objects are given by pairs of syntactic operations together with their associated semantic meaning in the case of neutral terms (Proposition 16) and together with the identity in the case of normal terms (Proposition 17).
Normalisation by evaluation. Let
be an interpretation of base types in a cartesian closed category. Consider the interpretation
By Proposition 13, the semantics of terms induced by
extends the semantics induced by
; that is, the denotation
$\overline{\textbf{s}}[\![{\Gamma\vdash t:\tau}]\!]$
is a pair of the form
such that, letting
the diagram
commutes for all
We now aim at defining maps
such that
commutes; so that, for all terms
$\Gamma\vdash t:\tau(\Gamma=\langle{x_i:\tau_i}\rangle_{i=1,n}$
), the diagram below
will commute (diagram (3) of the Basic Lemma (Lemma 6)) and, hence, the evaluation of the horizontal top composite at the tuple
of the variables in the context
will yield a normal term in
with the same semantics as the given term t (compare the Extensional Normalisation Lemma (Lemma 9) and see Corollary 20 below). Moreover, as we will show below (see Corollary 19), the long
-normal forms associated to two
-equal terms will be the same.
The abstract way to define the maps in (25) – which in the literature on normalisation by evaluation are either referred to as unquote and quote or as reflect and reify – is by defining maps
that project in
onto identities (see Proposition 18 below). The definition of these maps is by induction on the structure of types relying on Propositions 16 and 17 as follows:
1. For a base type
$\theta \in \mathrm{T}$ , we define
$\text{u}_{\theta} = \mathrm{id}_{\mu_\theta}$ and
2. We let
$\text{u}_{\texttt{1}} = (\mu_\texttt{1} \rightarrow 1)$ and
3. For types
$\tau,\tau'\in\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , we define
and let
be the composite
4. For types
$\tau,\tau'\in\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , we define
as the exponential transpose of the mapand letbe the composite
$\mathrm{v}_\tau=(\textsf{var}_\tau,\mathrm{id}):\nu_{\tau}\rightarrow\mu_{\tau}$ .
Proposition 18 below yields (25) as a corollary.
Proposition 18. For every type
, we have the identities
the forgetful functor
$\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}\downarrow\tilde{T}}\downarrow\langle\textbf{s}[\![{\_}]\!]\rangle \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
Proof. The proof is by induction on the structure of types.
(1) For a base type
$\theta \in \mathrm{T}$ ,
by definition of
$\text{u}_{\theta}$ and
$\mathrm{q}_{\theta}$ .
$\pi(\text{u}_{\texttt{1}}) = \pi(\mathrm{q}_{\texttt{1}}) = \mathrm{id}_{1}$ by definition of
$\text{u}_{\texttt{1}}$ and
$\mathrm{q}_{\texttt{1}}$ .
(3) For types
$\tau,\tau'\in\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ ,
(4) For types
$\tau,\tau'\in\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ ,
Normalisation function. Every interpretation
$\textbf{s}: \mathrm{T} \rightarrow \mathcal{S}$
of base types in a cartesian closed category, induces a normalisation function
$\textbf{s}-\textsf{nf}_{\tau}: \mathscr{L}_{\tau} \rightarrow \mathscr{N}_{\tau}$
defined as the composite
denotes the semantics of terms induced by the interpretation
of (24) and where
for all terms
Having the same denotation,
-equal terms are identified by the normalisation function.
Corollary 19. Let
be an interpretation of base types in a cartesian closed category. For every pair of terms t,t’ in
, if
$t ={}_{\beta\eta} t'$
$\textbf{s}-\textsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma}\textbf{s}(t) = \textbf{s}-\textsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma}\textbf{s}(t')$
. Further, as a consequence of Proposition 18 (see also (25)), we have that a term and its associated normal form have the same semantics.
Corollary 20. For every interpretation
of base types in a cartesian closed category, the diagram
commutes for all types
Considering the universal interpretation
$\textbf{f}: \mathrm{T} \rightarrow \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{ccc}}[\mathrm{T}]$
of the set of base types T into the free cartesian closed category
over them, by Corollary, we have that
and hence, by Corollary 19, that
for all terms
. Thus, the normalisation function
is idempotent and therefore fixes some normal terms. In fact, as we will see below (see (29) in Theorem 21), all normalisation functions
fix all normal terms: that is,
This fixed-point property is important: from it and Corollary 19 it follows that
for all terms
$t\in\mathscr{L}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ and normal terms
$N\in\mathscr{N}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ , if
$t ={}_{\beta\eta} N$ then
$\textbf{s}-\textsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma}(t) = N$ , and
for every pair of normal terms
$N,N' \in \mathscr{N}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ , if
$N ={}_{\beta\eta} N'$ then
$N = N'$ ;
so that, further using Corollary 20 in the form (26), we have that
for all terms
$t\in\mathscr{L}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ ,
$\textbf{s}-\textsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma}(t) = \textbf{f}-\textsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma}(t)$ .
Thus, the fixed-point property (27) allows one to conclude that: all interpretations induce the same normalisation function
$\mathsf{nf}_\tau: \mathscr{L}_{\tau} \rightarrow \mathscr{N}_{\tau}$
such that, for every term
, one has that
is the unique normal term
-equal to t.
We now establish (27). The appropriate induction hypothesis to proceed by induction on the structure of neutral and normal terms is stated in the theorem below.
Theorem 21. For every interpretation
of base types in a cartesian closed category, the diagrams
commute for all types
$\tau \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$
Proof. The proof uses the induction principle associated to the initial
(see (15)) by considering the equalisers
is a sub
-algebra, from which it follows that
are isomorphisms and hence that (28) and (29) commute. The details are spelled out in Appendix 7.
Remark. In elementary terms, the above categorical proof amounts to establishing the identities
, by simultaneous induction on the derivation of neutral and normal terms (Reynolds Reference Reynolds1998).
The commutativity of diagram (29) amounts to property (27) and hence, as explained above, all normalisation functions coincide.
Corollary 22. For every interpretation
of base types in a cartesian closed category and for the universal interpretation
$\textbf{f}: \mathrm{T} \rightarrow \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{ccc}}[\mathrm{T}]$
of base types into the free cartesian closed category over them, the identity
Summarising, we have obtained normalisation functions
satisfying the correctness properties below.
For all context renamings
$\rho: \Gamma \rightarrow \Gamma'$ in
$\mathbb{F}{}\!\downarrow\!\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ ,
\begin{equation*}(\mathsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma}\ t)[\rho] = \mathsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma'}(t[\rho])\end{equation*}
$t \in \mathscr{L}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ .
For all normal terms
$N\in\mathscr{N}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ ,
\begin{equation*}\mathsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma}(N) = N.\end{equation*}
For all terms
$t\in\mathscr{L}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ ,
\begin{equation*}\mathsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma}(t)={}_{\beta\eta} t.\end{equation*}
For all terms
$t,t'\in\mathscr{L}_{\tau}(\Gamma)$ ,
\begin{equation*}\mathrm{if} t={}_{\beta\eta} t' \mathrm{then}\mathsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma}(t) = \mathsf{nf}_{\tau,\Gamma}(t').\end{equation*}
Normalisation algorithm. The simplest description of the normalisation function from which to extract an algorithm is the one induced by the trivial interpretation
of base types in the trivial cartesian closed category as, in this case, the glueing category
$\textbf{Set}^{\mathbb{F}{} \!\downarrow\!\widetilde{\mathrm{T}}}\!\downarrow\!\langle{\textbf{t}[\![{\_}]\!]}\rangle$
is simply (isomorphic to) the presheaf category
(recall Example 12). In fact, previous categorical analysis of normalisation by evaluation have centred around this interpretation (Altenkirch et al. Reference Altenkirch, Hofmann and Streicher1995; Reynolds Reference Reynolds1998).
Explicitly, the unquote and quote maps
, with respect to the interpretation of base types
$\textbf{s}: \theta \mapsto \mathscr{M}_\theta$
, are (in the internal language of
) as follows:
and the normalisation function is given by
for all terms
These functions can be directly implemented, for instance, in metalanguages supporting abstract syntax with variable binding, like HOAS (Pfenning and Elliot Reference Pfenning and Elliot1988), Fresh O’Caml (Fresh O’Caml www.cl.cam.ac.uk/ amp12/fresh-ocaml/), the Scope-and-Type Safe Universe of Syntaxes with Binding (Allais et al. Reference Allais, Atkey, Chapman, McBride and McKinna2021), and the SOAS Framework (Fiore and Szamozvancev Reference Fiore and Szamozvancev2022). Indeed, for concreteness, we here synthesise an elementary implementation in Agda considered as a dependently typed functional programming language. Footnote 1
Syntax. We consider simple types over a countably infinite set of base types (see (1)):
Typing contexts (Definition 4) are inductively generated by context extension from an empty context:
We then have a family of variable indices (recall (9)) given as follows:
for which context renamings (Definition 4) are considered:
The abstract syntax of simply typed terms (see (11)) is implemented by the inductive family below:
Analogously, the abstract syntax of neutral and normal terms (see (12) and (14)) is implemented by the following mutually inductive families:
Their presheaf actions (recall (7) and (8)) will be needed:
Note the treatment of abstraction guaranteeing fresh bindings.
Semantics. We implement the presheaf semantics of types induced by the interpretation of base types as neutral terms (see (24)). Note that for higher types, the implementation glosses over the naturality condition required of presheaf exponentials (see (22)).
The semantic interpretation of terms (see (20)) follows:
Normalisation by evaluation. The unquote and quote functions (see (30)) are implemented:
Remark. A technical point to note is that the implementation of
arises from the functorial action of presheaf exponentiation (in particular with respect to the evaluation map (23)), which in this case instatiates to the equivalent expression
Finally, the normalisation function (see (31)) is
4. Conclusion
We have given a new categorical view of normalisation by evaluation for typed lambda calculus, both for extensional and intensional normalisation problems.
Extensional normalisation was obtained from a basic lemma unifying definability and normalisation. Our analysis has the important methodological consequence of providing guidance when looking for normal forms. Indeed, a basic lemma based on the definability result of Fiore and Simpson (Reference Fiore and Simpson1999) via Grothendiek logical relations led to syntactic counterparts of the normal forms of Altenkirch et al. (Reference Altenkirch, Dybjer, Hofmann and Scott2001) and has been applied to establish extensional normalisation for the typed lambda calculus with empty and sum types (Balat et al. Reference Balat, Di Cosmo and Fiore2004). Along this line of research, one can study normalisation for other calculi for which definability results based on Kripke relations have been obtained – as classical linear logic (Streicher Reference Streicher2000), for instance.
The approach to normalisation by evaluation presented in the paper is novel, chiefly, in the following respects.
The refinement from the extensional setting to the intensional one leading to the formalisation of normalisation by evaluation via categorical glueing.
The use of an algebraic framework to structure both the development and proofs culminating in the definition of the normalisation function within a simply typed metatheory.
The synthesis of a normalisation-by-evaluation program in a dependently typed functional programming language.
The obtained abstract normalisation algorithm synthesises various concrete implementations. Its specialisation to particular implementations of abstract syntax directly yields normalisation programs for concrete syntactic representations. In particular, we have provided a normalisation-by-evaluation program for the type-and-scope safe, intrinsically typed encoding of typed lambda terms (Allais et al. Reference Allais, Atkey, Chapman, McBride and McKinna2021; Altenkirch and Reus Reference Altenkirch and Reus1999; Benton et al. Reference Benton, Hur, Kennedy and McBride2012). How the abstract setting is related to representations of binding based on generating globally unique identifiers, say as in Filinski (Reference Filinski2001), needs to be investigated.
The role of categorical glueing in our analysis is reminiscent of realisability. It would be interesting to understand whether there are connections to the modified realisability approach of Berger (Reference Berger1993).
The basis for this work, which was motivated by a question of Roberto Di Cosmo, was done during a visit to PPS, Université Paris 7 in July 2001 organised by Paul-André Melliès and supported by the CNRS. Discussions with Pierre-Louis Curien and Vincent Danos are gratefully acknowledged.
Appendix A. Homomorphism property of
Appendix B. Homomorphism property of
Appendix C. Proof of Theorem 21
the equalisers of (28) and (29), respectively, we show that
is a sub
-algebra of
. That is, that we have the following situation
Below, we will use the following conventions: (H) indicates commutativity by the homomorphism property; (I) and (J), respectively, indicate commutativity by the definition of
; and (Q) and (U), respectively, indicate commutativity by the definition of q and u.
(1) For
$\tau \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the map
equalises diagram (28), and hence factors through
because the diagram
(2) For
$\tau, \tau' \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the map
equalises diagram (28), and hence factors through
, as shown by the diagram below.
Analogously, for
$\tau, \tau' \in \mathrm{T}$ , the map
equalises diagram (28), and hence also factors through
(3) For
$\tau, \tau' \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the map
equalises diagram (28), and hence factors through
, as shown by the diagram below.
(4) For
$\theta \in \mathrm{T}$ , the map
equalises diagram (29) with
$\tau = \theta$ , and hence factors through
because the diagram
(5) For
$\theta \in \mathrm{T}$ and
$\tau' \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the map
equalises diagram (29) with
$\tau = \theta$ , and hence factors through
, as shown by the diagram below (which depends on the diagram in item 2 above with
$\tau = \theta$ ).
Analogously, for
$\theta \in \mathrm{T}$ and
$\tau' \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the map
equalises diagram (29) for
$\tau = \theta$ , and hence also factors through
(6) For
$\theta \in \mathrm{T}$ and
$\tau' \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the map
equalises diagram (29) with
$\tau = \theta$ , and hence factors through
, as shown by the diagram below (which depends on the diagram in item 3 above with
$\tau = \theta$ ).
(7) Diagram (29) with
$\tau = \texttt{1}$ commutes, and hence the map
factors through the equaliser
(8) For
$\tau, \tau' \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the map
equalises diagram (29), and hence factors through
as shown by the diagram below.
(9) For
$\tau, \tau' \in \widetilde{\mathrm{T}}$ , the map
equalises diagram (29), and hence factors through
, as shown by the diagram below.