1. Introduction
It is a classical problem in analysis and mathematical physics, more precisely Quantum Chaos, to bound the
-norm of certain eigenfunctions on manifolds. In the most basic situation one considers a Riemann surfaces X of finite volume and eigenfunctions
of the Laplace–Beltrami operator
. A sup-norm bound in the spectral aspect is then an estimates of the form

is the Laplace–Beltrami eigenvalue of
. The local bound corresponds to
and is known in great generality. The sup-norm problem asks for improved bounds featuring some
. The sup-norm problem has only been solved for very special surfaces X and is hopeless in general. Indeed there is a well-known obstruction to the sup-norm problem coming from large eigenspaces
given by the inequality

This observation is enough to establish the well-known fact, that the local bound (i.e. (1) with
) can not be improved for the sphere
. So far we have only described the most basic version of the sup-norm problem which, is already very interesting on its own. In addition it admits many variations which have been studied throughout the years. An example for such a variation is the so called level aspect where the base manifold changes in some convenient family
and one keeps track of this change in the sup-norm bound (1) using a suitable parameter called the level. Another generalisation that should be mentioned allows X to be a manifold of higher dimension and rank.
Essentially any progress that has been made towards the sup-norm problem as introduced above relies on the arithmeticity of X. The basic idea introduced in the monumental paper [
Reference Iwaniec and Sarnak14
] is to employ additional symmetries (in the form of Hecke operators) to build a spectral projector that is sharper than the one constructed with only the Laplace–Beltrami operator at hand. Morally this might be thought of as forcing a multiplicity one situation even if the Laplace–Beltrami eigenspaces can not be rigorously controlled. The result of this method is a bound as in (1) with
for compact quotients
$X=\Gamma\backslash \mathbb{H}$
constructed from maximal orders in quaternion algebras.
Since its appearance the method from [
Reference Iwaniec and Sarnak14
] has been tweaked, modified and generalised, see for example [
Reference Assing1
Reference Blomer and Holowinsky6
Reference Blomer and Maga7
Reference Saha21
Reference Templier23
] and the references within. Much work is concerned with congruence quotients
$X=\Gamma_0(N)\backslash \mathbb{H}$
on which so called Hecke–Maaß newforms are considered. Since these newforms enjoy a nice multiplicity one property they are natural candidates for the sup-norm problem. In this paper we are going beyond the case of newforms and consider situations where the dimension of the underlying eigenspace grows. In other words, we solve the sup-norm problem in the dimension aspect. This aspect is a new facet of the sup-norm problem which seems extremely interesting and is not yet well studied. While our result is the first in p-adic setting it is only preceded by [
Reference Blomer, Harcos, Maga and Milićević5
] where an archimedean version of this aspect is discussed.
To explain our result and its connection to the work of Blomer, Harcos, Maga and Milićević it will be most convenient to leave the classical world of Hecke–Maaß-newforms behind and work in the language of automorphic forms and automorphic representations.
The sup-norm problem we will consider is connected to small
-types in cuspidal automorphic representations
, where
is prime. Comparing this to the recent work [
Reference Blomer, Harcos, Maga and Milićević5
] we are replacing the archimedean place
by a finite place p and the minimal U(2)-type of some automorphic representation by a suitably chosen
-type. Note that in order to afford interesting K-types at the archimedean place it is necessary to work over fields admitting complex places or in higher rank. In the p-adic world we already meet interesting cases when working with automorphic forms for
1·1. Set-up and main result
Before we continue our discussion we need to fix some notation. Let
for some ring R and let
be the adele ring over
. We will be working with cuspidal automorphic representations
with unitary central character
. Abusing notation we will write
$\pi \subset L_0^2(G(\mathbb{Q})\backslash G(\mathbb{A}),\omega_{\pi})$
assuming that
acts on an irreducible subspace of cuspidal automorphic forms by right translation. Given a compact subgroup H we write
for the space of H-invariant elements in
for primes l. Combining these we get the compact subgroup
$K=\prod_v K_v\subset G(\mathbb{A})$
. Given a prime
we consider the smaller compact subgroup

Note that
is normal and of finite index in K.
Throughout we restrict ourselves to the situation where
is unramified (i.e. spherical) away from p. In particular it is spherical at
and one associates the spectral parameter
. Set
. Further, we have

We set
and observe that
endows V with the structure of a K-module. It turns out that, if
is twist minimal, V is irreducible (see Lemma 2·2 below). Set
, choose an orthonormal basis
for V with respect to the
$L^2_0(G(\mathbb{Q})\backslash G(\mathbb{A}),\omega_{\pi})$
inner product. Define

which is independent of the choice of the orthonormal basis
. We are concerned with the sup-norm of
and obtain the following theorem which is a close analogue to [
Reference Blomer, Harcos, Maga and Milićević5
, theorem 1].
Theorem 1·1. Let
be prime and suppose
is twist minimal. In the notation above we have

If the (arithmetic)-conductor of
is a perfect square (i.e. the exponent-conductor of the p-component
is even) or the p-component
is not supercuspidal, then we have the better bound

While in the spectral aspect (i.e. the T-aspect in our statement) we only recover the local bound, the key feature of our theorem is the sub-local exponent in the dimension aspect d. Given the obstruction to the sup-norm problem coming from growing eigenspaces the aspect under consideration may seem counter intuitive. However, we are letting the dimension of the eigenspace vary in a controlled manner and manage to show that one can still achieve a considerable power saving in d on average over any orthonormal basis.
Note that the sup-norm bound given in the theorem holds globally. Thus, unlike the one in [
Reference Blomer, Harcos, Maga and Milićević5
, theorem 1], no restriction to a compact domain is necessary here. As usual when proving global sup-norm bound the argument consists of two steps. First, a bound via the Whittaker expansion takes care of the regions close to the cusps. This part of the argument is fairly standard but requires some new computations of ramified Whittaker vectors. Second, a bound obtained from the amplified pre-trace inequality is used to handle the bulk. At this point it becomes crucial that we are only treating the average function
. Indeed, this allows us to identify the test function on the geometric side as a character of a finite group. The analysis of this character is carried out in Lemma 4·4 below and relies on character tables given in [
Reference Kutzko15
]. This is the only place where the assumption
is used.
To end this section let us briefly discuss the numerology of the exponents in the d-aspect. For simplicity we restrict this discussion to the cases in which our result gives the strong bound (3). Let us start by talking about the local- (not to say trivial-) bound (in the bulk). To obtain this we can follow Marshall’s strategy (see [
Reference Marshall18
]) which leads to the following. Let F be any cuspidal automorphic form so that the translates
$\phi(\!\cdot k)$
$k\in K$
, generate an irreducible K-module
. Then choosing certain K-matrix-coefficients as test functions in the pre-trace inequality yields

Applying this to
upon noting that
$\Vert \Phi \Vert_2= d^{\frac{1}{2}}$
suggests the local bound

(The same bound can also be obtained from the Whittaker expansion coupled with a suitable generating domain.) Thus amplification allows us to improve the exponent from the local bound by
, which should be an familiar exponent. More suggestively we can write our main result as

One could say that Theorem 1·1 implies
$\Vert \phi_i\Vert_{\infty}\ll d^{\frac{1}{3}}$
on average. Note that if
agrees with the arithmetic conductor
, then this result is not very interesting. Indeed, in this case we can generate the elements
in V directly from the newform
. By now there are very good bounds for this newform (and thus also for the
’s) known in the literature. See [
Reference Templier23
] if
or [
Reference Comtat9
] in general. However, in the remaining cases (since
is assumed to be twist minimal these correspond to the situation where
is supercuspidal at p) our result provides new information in the sup-norm problem. Indeed one can still generate V from a translate of the newfom
. (This is precisely the strategy used in [
Reference Marshall18
Reference Saha21
] to derive local bounds for the newform of arbitrary level using (4).) Translated into the level-aspect our result now essentially says that the sup-norm of the
’s is bounded by
$p^{\frac{1}{3}\lceil \frac{n_{\pi}}{2}\rceil}$
on average. To the best of our knowledge this can not be derived from any known sup-norm results on the newform
Finally we want to compare our result to the guiding archimedean example [
Reference Blomer, Harcos, Maga and Milićević5
, theorem 1]. Recall that we need to replace the K-module V by some irreducible U(2) representation W. This representation W will occur as the minimal U(2)-type in some cuspidal automorphic
. Note that if
$\dim_{\mathbb{C}}W\asymp l$
we can think of
(or rather
) having spectral density
$\asymp l^2$
. This explains the local bounds

is constructed as an average over some suitable basis of W similar to our construction above. As result of an amplification process the authors of [
Reference Blomer, Harcos, Maga and Milićević5
] arrive at

Our notation suggests that in the result from [
Reference Blomer, Harcos, Maga and Milićević5
] the number
playes the role of our d. This can be explained via the spectral density of
and respectively
. Indeed while in the archimedean situation the spectral density is roughly
in our case the spectral density is linearly related to d. Thus in both cases the square root of the spectral density seems to determine the trivial bound. (This is only reasonable because we are considering minimal or close to minimal K-types in both cases.) Note that the quality of the saving
in the p-adic versus
in the archimedean case comes from slightly different behaviour of the spectral transform.
Finally, let us remark that if the exponent conductor of
is odd and
is supercuspidal, then our bounds for the spectral transform, which in this case are linked to certain badly-behaved characters of
over finite rings, are comparable to those used in [
Reference Blomer, Harcos, Maga and Milićević5
]. This explains that in this case we have matching numerology and obtain only a saving of
in the final exponent. Translated to the level aspect our result states that on average the
’s are bounded by
. Bounds of this quality are known for newforms only in the compact setting, see [
Reference Hu and Saha13
Remark 1·2. Questions of these type should be even more interesting when considered in higher rank. The reason is that in higher rank the analogously defined small K-types can not be generated from translates of the newform. For example if one considers a depth-zero supercuspidal representation
, then it has (arithmetic)-conductor
and the space
, where
is the principal congruence subgroup modulo p in
, is non-zero. However, it seems impossible to find a translate of the newform that generates
. Indeed this would mean finding
$g\in \operatorname{GL}_3(\mathbb{Q}_p)$

However, the question treated in this paper still makes sense and trying to answer it is work in progress.
2. Preliminary considerations
In this section we are putting in some ground work on which the following sections will rely.
Recall that
was a cuspidal automorphic representation. Since we are assuming that
is unramified for
$v\neq p$
, the (arithmetic)-conductor of
$n_{\pi}\in \mathbb{N}\cup\{0\}$
. When
we have
and our theorem reduces to the local bound in the spectral aspect, so that without loss of generality we can assume
$n_{\pi}\geq 1$
throughout. By Flath’s factorisation theorem we can fix an isomorphism
$\pi \cong \bigotimes \pi_v$
. Note that also the central character of
factors as
$\omega_{\pi}=\bigotimes_v \omega_{\pi_v}$
is the central character of
. For
$v\neq p$
we can fix a spherical (i.e.
-invariant vector)
$\phi_v^{\circ}\in \pi_v^{K_v}$
. This vector is unique up to scaling. Recall that
forms an orthonormal basis of
. Thus there is
so that we can identify

Since the spherical functions
are well understood much of our work boils down to understanding properties of an orthogonal basis

This a purely local problem, which we investigate in the following subsection.
2·1. Local considerations
We now focus on properties of the local representation
. We start by recalling the classification of local representations. But before we do so we need some more notation. Given a (quasi)-character
$\chi\colon \mathbb{Q}_p^{\times}\to \mathbb{C}^{\times}$
we write
for the (exponent)-conductor. Further write

for an Iwahori subgroup. Let
be the normaliser of
. We also need the filtration

by normal subgroups. Finally given two quasi characters
$\chi_1,\chi_2\colon \mathbb{Q}_p^{\times}\to\mathbb{C}^{\times}$
we form the (normalised) induced representation on
$\operatorname{Ind}_B^{G(\mathbb{Q}_p)}(\chi_1\otimes \chi_2)$
as usual. If this representation is irreducible, then we denote the so obtained representation by
. We write St for the Steinberg representation which we may identify with the unique irreducible subspace of
$\operatorname{Ind}_B^{G(\mathbb{Q}_p)}(\lvert{\cdot}\rvert^{\frac{1}{2}}\otimes \lvert{\cdot}\rvert^{-\frac{1}{2}})$
. We are now ready to recite the following well-known classification.
Lemma 2·1. The representation
falls into one of the following three cases:
(i) Case 1 (Principal series): there are (quasi)-characters
$\chi_i\colon \mathbb{Q}_p^{\times}\to \mathbb{C}^{\times}$ such that
$\chi_1\chi_2=\omega_{\pi_p}$ ,
$a(\chi_1)+a(\chi_2)=n_{\pi}$ and
$\pi_p = \chi_1\boxplus \chi_2$ .
(ii) Case 2 (special): there is a (quasi)-character
$\chi\colon \mathbb{Q}_p^{\times}\to \mathbb{C}^{\times}$ with
$n_{\pi}=2a(\chi)$ if
$a(\chi)>0$ or
$n_{\pi}=1$ otherwise,
$\chi^2=\omega_{\pi_p}$ and
$\pi_p=\chi\otimes \text{St}$ .
(iii) Case 3 (Supercuspidal): the representation
$\pi_p$ is supercuspidal. In this case we can write
$\pi_p=\chi \cdot \pi_p'$ for a (quasi)-character
$\chi\colon \mathbb{Q}_p^{\times}\to\mathbb{C}^{\times}$ and some twist-minimal representation
$\pi_p'$ of conductor
$n_{\pi}'$ which is constructed in one of the following two ways:
(a) Case 3.1 (
$n_{\pi}'$ even): there is an irreducible representation
$\tau$ of
$Z\cdot K_p$ with
$\tau\vert_{Z} = \chi^{-2}\cdot \omega_{\pi_p}$ which factors through
$K_p({n_{\pi}'}/{2})$ so that
$\pi_p' = c-\operatorname{Ind}_{ZK_p}^{G(\mathbb{Q}_p)}\tau$ .
(b) Case 3.2 (
$n_{\pi}'$ odd): there is an irreducible representation
$\tau$ of
$K_p'$ which is invariant by
$K_p'(n_{\pi}'-1)$ with
$\tau\vert_Z=\chi^{-2}\cdot \omega_{\pi_p}$ such that
$\pi_p'=c-\operatorname{Ind}_{K_p'}^{G(\mathbb{Q}_p)}\tau$ .
With this classification at hand we continue to study the subspaces V in more detail.
Lemma 2·2. Suppose
is twist minimal and let
be as in (2), then
is irreducible as
-module and we have:
(i) the invariant
$m_{\pi}$ is given by
\begin{align*}m_{\pi}=\begin{cases} n_{\pi} &\text{ if } \pi_p \text{ is Case 1},\\ \lfloor \frac{n_{\pi}+1}{2}\rfloor & \text{ if }\pi_p \text{ is Case 2,3;}\end{cases}\end{align*}
(ii) the dimension of V is given by
\begin{align*}d= p^{m_{\pi}}\cdot \begin{cases} (1+\frac{1}{p}) &\text{ if $\pi_p$ is Case 1,}\\1 &\text{ if $\pi_p$ is Case 2,} \\ (1-\frac{1}{p}) &\text{ if $\pi_p$ is Case 3$\cdot$1 and }\\ (1-\frac{1}{p^2}) &\text{ if $\pi_p$ is Case 3$\cdot$2;} \end{cases}\end{align*}
Proof. This is not new and we only have to ensemble the pieces appropriately. Let us proceed case by case.
First, if
is in Case 1, then twist-minimality implies that
(or similarly
) is unramified. Thus we have
and the results on d and
follow from [
Reference Miyauchi and Yamauchi20
, proposition 4.3]. Irreducibility can be seen by direct computation.
Second, if
is in Case 2 and twist minimal, then
$\pi_p = \text{St}$
. The results on d and
follow again from [
Reference Miyauchi and Yamauchi20
, proposition 4.3]. In this case irreducibility follows from [
Reference Casselman8
, theorem 1].
Finally, if
belongs to Case 3, then the full statement is given in [
Reference Loeffler and Weinstein17
, theorem 3·5]. (See also [
Reference Miyauchi and Yamauchi20
, lemma 4·5, corollary 4·7] for the computation of
and d.)
2·2. A generating domain
We now switch to the global picture again and aim to produce a suitable set
$\mathcal{F}\subset G(\mathbb{A})$
which reduces our problem to studying

be the standard fundamental domain for
$\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})\backslash \mathbb{H}$
, which we identify with a subset of
by identifying
$n(x)a(y)\in B(\mathbb{R})\subset\operatorname{GL}_2(\mathbb{R})$
. Here

We further view
as a subset of
by identifying it with its image under the usual embedding
$G(\mathbb{R}) \to G(\mathbb{A})$
. The same series of identifications allows us to write
$z\in \mathbb{H}$
Lemma 2·3. We have

Proof. First we take
$g\in G(\mathbb{A})$
and observe that by strong approximation we can write

We directly obtain
by automorphy and the action of Z via a unitary character. However, we now observe that if
forms an orthonormal basis of V, then so does
$\pi(k)\phi_1,\ldots, \pi(k)\phi_d$
. Let us write
for the average constructed from the latter basis. Recall that
was independent of the choice of the underlying orthonormal basis, so that we have
. We conclude that

3. The Whittaker bound
We will now start the process of deriving a first bound for
which will be valid (high) up in the cusp. This is done by estimating
using the Whittaker expansions of the
’s. Throughout we will be working with an arbitrary orthogonal basis
and consider only
$g\in \mathcal{F}$
3·1. Reduction to a local problem
for some
$i=1,\ldots, d$
. The global Whittaker period is given by

is the standard character of
which has a factorisation
$\psi_{\mathbb{A}} = \bigotimes_{v}\psi_v$
$\psi_{\infty}(x_{\infty}) = e(x_{\infty})$
unramified for all primes l. Note that
is right
-invariant and transforms with respect to
when acted on by
from the left. Thus a standard trick shows that
$0\neq q\in \frac{1}{p^{m_{\pi}}}\mathbb{Z}$
. Indeed, for any x with
$n(x)\in K(p^{m_{\pi}})$
, one computes

we conclude that, if
$W(a(q)g_{\infty})\neq 0$
, then we have
for all such x. This gives precisely the condition
$q\in {1}/{p^{m_{\pi}}}\mathbb{Z}$
This observation leads to the Whittaker expansion

We need to exploit the factorisation of the Whittaker function
. To do so we first observe that we have the factorisation of Whittaker models

Using the factorisation of
will now determine distinguished elements in the local Whittaker models as follows. Starting at
we set

is the spectral parameter of
. Of course
is the spherical Whittaker function and is normalised so that

where dy is the normal Lebesgue measure.
We turn towards the finite places
$v\neq p$
given by some prime
$l\neq p$
. The spherical Whittaker function in
is then given by

is defined by

in analytic normalisation. We have set things up so that
Finally we turn towards
. Here we write
for an element in the image of
$\mathbb{C} \phi_p^{(i)}$
in the Whittaker model
such that

here dy is the Haar measure of
normalised so that
With these choices made there are constants
$C_{\pi}^{(i)}\in \mathbb{C}^{\times}$
so that

As shown in [ Reference Michel and Venkatesh19 , (4·16)] (see also [ Reference Lapid and Mao16 , section 4]) the absolute values of these constants satisfy

Note that we choose the global measure on
$Z(\mathbb{A})G(\mathbb{Q})\backslash G(\mathbb{A})$
to be the Tamagawa measure. In particular, the absolute value is independent of i and using [
Reference Hoffstein and Lockhart12
] we get

Combining everything we end up with

$x\in \mathbb{R}$
$y\in \mathbb{R}^+$
. Here
depends on whether
are even or odd.
$v_1,\ldots, v_d$
be an orthogonal basis of
. We fix a Whittaker functional and thus an embedding


Note that
is well defined as it is independent of the choice of Whittaker functional and the choice of basis
Lemma 3·1. For any orthonormal basis
we have

$g=n(x)a(y)\in \mathcal{F}$
Proof. To simplify notation we define

, and
otherwise. The Whittaker expansion now neatly reads

With this at hand we estimate

The claim follows by inserting the definitions of a(t) and
Before we can estimate this expression we need to investigate the size of the local average
. This is the content of the following subsection.
3·2. Computing the local averages
The computation of
involves a case study and each case will be treated using different techniques. Finally, combining all possible cases, will lead to the bound

See Lemma 3·3, 3·6 and 3·7 below.
3·2·1. The Steinberg representation
$V=\operatorname{Ind}_B^G(\lvert{\cdot}\rvert^{\frac{1}{2}}\otimes \lvert{\cdot}\rvert^{-\frac{1}{2}})$
. Then we can identify
with the unique irreducible generic subspace of V. Let
$V^{\vee}=\operatorname{Ind}_B^G(\lvert{\cdot}\rvert^{-\frac{1}{2}}\otimes \lvert{\cdot}\rvert^{\frac{1}{2}})$
. This is the dual space of V and the invariant bilinear pairing is given by

can be identified as the unique irreducible generic sub-quotient of
Next we choose a basis
. (In an analogous way one constructs the dual basis
.) This is done as follows: we first construct

. For consistency of the indices we put
so that we can identify

via the Bruhat decomposition of
. (Note that
.) Finally define
$v_i(g) = v_p(g\cdot \gamma_i^{-1})$
. This is the desired basis.
Now there is an (up to scaling) unique
-Whittaker functional
$\Lambda\colon V\to \mathbb{C}$
(resp. a unique
-Whittaker functional
$\Lambda^{\vee}\colon V^{\vee}\to\mathbb{C}$
). As usual we set

We will first consider the related average

Note that also this is independent of the choice of the particular basis
as long as one considers the corresponding dual basis of
We will write
for the stable integral as defined [
Reference Lapid and Mao16
, definition 2·1]. By [
Reference Lapid and Mao16
, lemma 4·4 and remark 4·6] we get

Knowing the exact shape of the
’s we can compute these integrals. First, we observe that a simple change of variables yields

The case
is somehow special and will be treated later. For now let us assume
$0\leq i<p$
. In this case we have

To take advantage of the support of
we have to investigate

In view of the Iwahori-factorisation of k we find that
$n(x)\in N(\mathbb{Q}_p)\cap K_p(1)$
is necessary for the integral to be non-zero. Thus one gets

With this at hand it is easy to compute

$0\leq i< p$
We turn towards
, so that
. Further we replace y by
and consider
. Recall that every
$k\in K_p(1)$
can be written as
$k=t_k\overline{n}_kn_k \in B(\mathbb{Z}_p)N(p\mathbb{Z}_p)^t N(p\mathbb{Z}_p)$
by using the Iwahori-factorisation. We obtain

Note that the integrand only depends on
. Therefore we start by discussing a suitable measure on
. Indeed using the Iwahori factorisation we can write

If we write
to be the re-normalisation of
, then we have

In the last step we simply made a change of variables in the x-integral. A simple matrix computation shows that

Inserting this and using the transformation behaviour of
one obtains

Both integrals can now be computed quite easily. Starting from the first one we obtain

Turning to the other integral we find

In particular we have

Note that this can be negative, but for non-unitary representations there is no expectation for these integrals to be non-negative.
Combining the computations above and swapping back to
$y\in p^{-1}\mathbb{Z}_p$
leads us to the following result.
Lemma 3·2. In the notation above we have

We will obtain the desired estimate by relating
Lemma 3·3. For
$y\in \mathbb{Q}_p$
we have

Proof. Recall that the definitions of
are independent of the choice of the underlying basis. Thus we can choose an orthogonal basis
. Viewing
as invariant subspace of V we can assume that the
’s are in V. We then have

Finally if we choose
$w_0^{\vee}\in (V^{\vee})^{K_p(1)}$
in the annihilator of the
and let
$w_0\in V^{K_p(1)}$
be the dual element then after renormalising we have

However, since there is a unique Whittaker functional on
which descents to the unique Whittaker functional on
when viewed as a sub-quotient we must have
. (Since the unique invariant subspace is non-generic.) Thus
$\mathcal{S}_V(y) = \mathcal{S}_{\pi_p}(a(y))$
and the desired estimate follows directly from the previous lemma.
3·2·2. Twist minimal principal series
Turning to this case we assume that
$\pi_p=\chi \cdot \lvert{\cdot}\rvert^{\rho}\boxplus \lvert{\cdot}\rvert^{-\rho}$
. Without loss of generality we can assume that
. (If we assume that
is unitary then it is tempered so that
$\rho\in i\mathbb{R}$
.) Now we can choose a basis in the induced picture essentially as above, but we need to find a suitable decomposition of
$B(\mathbb{Z}_p)\backslash K_p/K_p(n_{\pi})$
(since the Bruhat decomposition does not hold in
). First we start by defining

From this element we can construct a basis of
as in the Steinberg case. Indeed, we fix a system of representatives
$B(\mathbb{Z}_p)\backslash K_p/K_p(m_{\pi})$
and set
In order to explicate this basis we need to compute a suitable coset decomposition for
$B(\mathbb{Z}_p)\backslash K_p/K_p(m_{\pi})$
. This is the content of the following lemma.
Lemma 3·4. We have


Proof. Take
$g=\left(\begin{matrix} a&b\\c & d\end{matrix}\right)\in K_p$
and set
. We treat several cases distinguished by the value of i.
First, if
, then we have

Second, for
$1\leq i<m_{\pi}$
we have

By right multiplication with elements in
we can view
${c}/{d} \in p^i\mathbb{Z}_p^{\times}/p^{m_{\pi}}\mathbb{Z}_p$
The critical contribution is given by the matrices with
. We can write

$v \in \pi^{K_p(n_{\pi})}$
we can compute the Jacquet Integral as follows. Without loss of generality assume
$v_p(y)\geq -n_{\pi}$
, since otherwise the Whittaker function
vanishes for trivial reasons. We compute

Note that
$wn(a) = \gamma_{0,a}$
. Now we will have a closer look at the remaining integral:

Note that
Since the v(1)-contribution is easily computed we arrive at the following lemma.
Lemma 3·5. For
$v_p(y)\geq -m_{\pi}$
we have


This supplies us with the necessary ingredients to show the required estimate for
Lemma 3·6. For
$\pi_p=\chi\lvert{\cdot}\rvert^{\rho}\boxplus \lvert{\cdot}\rvert^{-\rho}$
unitary and
$y\in \mathbb{Q}_p$
we have

Proof. Note that since all
’s are translates of
their Whittaker-norm all coincides. So it suffices to compute one of these norms and it is easy to see that

Next we observe that one can choose representatives so that
for some
. In particular, we can sort the terms of the sum
according to this i. We get

Applying the previous Lemma with
and taking support properties of
into account provides us with nice formulae for the
As soon as we can show that
$\mathcal{S}_i(y)\ll \lvert{y}\rvert_p$
for all i we are done. We start with
. Here we have the explicit formula

$y\in p^{-m_{\pi}}\mathbb{Z}_p$
We turn towards
$1\leq i \leq m_{\pi}-1$
. In this range we get

Thus we need to bound the integrals
, which are somehow incomplete Gauß sums in the sense that one sums only over a specific congruence class. These sums were essentially computed in the proof of [
Reference Assing2
, lemma 5·8]. Indeed one extracts

$z\in \mathbb{Z}_p^{\times}$
$k\in \mathbb{Z}$
$b(\chi)\in \mathbb{Z}_p^{\times}$
is determined by
. With this at hand we can easily evaluate
. For
$i\leq \lfloor {m_{\pi}}/{2}\rfloor$
we have

Similarly for
$i\geq \lceil {m_{\pi}}/{2}\rceil$
we have

Finally consider
. We have

Therefore it suffices to compute the remaining integral. By some basic Gauß sum evaluations one gets

Inserting this above concludes the proof since it implies
$\mathcal{S}_{m_{\pi}}(y) =\delta_{v_p(y)>0}\lvert{y}\rvert_p$
3·2·3. Supercuspidal representations
be the set of character
$\chi\colon \mathbb{Q}_p^{\times} \to\mathbb{C}^{\times}$
$a(\chi)\leq k$
. Note that

$\chi\in \mathfrak{X}_k$
$m\in \mathbb{Z}$
we will consider the functions
$\xi_{\chi}^{(m)} \in \mathcal{C}_c^{\infty}(\mathbb{Q}_p^{\times})$
given by

Given any representation
we write
for the corresponding
-Kirillov model. Note that this model contains the Schwartz functions so that we have
$\xi_{\chi}^{(m)}\in \mathcal{K}_{\psi_p}(\pi_p)$
. Note that by construction of the Kirillov model we have

Thus we compute

This suffices to compute
for supercuspdial representations
Lemma 3·7. Suppose
is a twist minimal supercuspidal representation with (exponent)-conductor
. Then the following is true:
(i) If
$n_{\pi}=2m_{\pi}$ , then
\begin{equation} S_{\pi_p}(a(y)) = \frac{p^{m_{\pi}}}{\zeta_p(1)}\cdot \delta_{y\in p^{-m_{\pi}}\mathbb{Z}_p^{\times}};\nonumber \end{equation}
(ii) If
$n_{\pi} = 2m_{\pi}-1$ , then
\begin{equation} S_{\pi_p}(a(y)) = \frac{p^{m_{\pi}}}{\zeta_p(1)}\cdot \delta_{y\in p^{-m_{\pi}}\mathbb{Z}_p^{\times}}+\frac{p^{m_{\pi}-1}}{\zeta_p(1)}\cdot \delta_{y\in p^{1-m_{\pi}}\mathbb{Z}_p^{\times}};\nonumber \end{equation}
In general we have the bound

Proof. We start with the case
$n_{\pi} = 2m_{\pi}$
. By [
Reference Miyauchi and Yamauchi20
, lemma 4·4] we find that a basis for
in the Kirillov model is given by

Note that we already took advantage of twist-minimality using that
$n_{\chi\pi} =n_{\pi}$
for all
$\chi\in \mathfrak{X}_{m_{\pi}}$
. Our computations above show that this basis is orthonormal (with respect to the Whittaker inner product). Thus we have

We turn towards the second case where
is odd. Then we get the orthonormal basis

It is again easy to compute the desired quantity:

The result follows directly.
3·3. Conclusion
We can now give a decent bound for
using the Whittaker expansion. We will use the bound (5) and follow the standard procedure.
Lemma 3·8. We have

Proof. Inserting (5) into Lemma 3·1 yields

Estimating the remaining n-sum as for example in [ Reference Templier23 ] or [ Reference Saha21 ] yields the desired result.
4. A bound via the pre-trace formula
The next bound will be derived from the pre-trace inequality. We start by discussing the local test functions. At the archimedean place we closely follow [
Reference Saha21
, section 3.5] and fix
so that it satisfies:
$f_{\infty}(g) = 0$ unless
$g\in G(\mathbb{R})^+$ and
$u(g)\leq 1$ ;
$\hat{f}_{\infty}(\sigma)>0$ for all irreducible spherical unitary principal series representations
$\sigma$ of
$G(\mathbb{R})$ ;
$\hat{f}(\pi_{\infty})\gg 1$ ;
$\lvert{f_{\infty}(g)}\rvert\leq T$ and if
$u(g)\geq T^{-2}$ , then
$\lvert{f_{\infty}(g)}\rvert\leq T^{\frac{1}{2}}u(g)^{-\frac{1}{4}}$ .
(The final property is not really necessary because we are ignoring the spectral aspect for now.) Note that
is the spherical transform (also Selberg/Harish–Chandra transform) of f and u(g) is the point-pair invariant on group level.
At the place
we define multiple test functions:

Lemma 4·1. For every irreducible admissible unitary representation
the operator
is non-negative and self-adjoint. Further we have
$\pi_p(f_p^{(i)})\phi_p^{(i)} = \dim_{\mathbb{C}}(\pi_p^{K_p(m_{\pi})})^{-1}\cdot \phi_p^{(i)}$
Proof. The proof is standard and relies on Schur’s orthogonality relations for irreducible representations of
. To apply this it will be important to keep in mind that
is irreducible.
The operators are self-adjoint since
. To see non-negativity we will show the convolution identity

Indeed we compute

and the claimed identity follows directly.
It remains to show the final claim. First observe that the image of
is obviously
-invariant. Thus it suffices to show that

for any
$w\in \pi_p^{K_p(m_{\pi})}$
But this follows again from the orthogonality relations since
is irreducible (as
-module) and

Finally we define the unramified part of the test function
by setting

for a set of primes S (to be determined) and normalised rth Hecke-operators
. This implements the usual amplification procedure. Finally we define the global test functions

We introduce

Further let
denote the irreducible representation of
through which the irreducible
factors. This is a representation of a finite group and we write
for its character. Finally we define the coefficients
by linearising the convolutions of Hecke-operators in the definition of
. More precisely we write

This can be compared to the analogous expression in [ Reference Saha21 , section 7].
The following pre-trace inequality provides the transition to the counting problem.
Lemma 4·2. For
$z\in \mathcal{F}$
we have

Proof. We start by considering the spectral expansion of the automorphic kernel
associated to the self-adjoint operators
and dropping all terms except
. The latter is possible by positivity. We obtain

We now sum this inequality over i to obtain

Recall that the test functions
are supported in
. Thus, after choosing a suitable representative for
, we can assume that
$\gamma\in K_p$
and write
for the image of
. For such
we get

The rest of the argument is standard and can for example be found in [ Reference Saha21 ].
By the choice of
we can already eliminate the archimedean influence from the right-hand side. (Note that we are not aiming to amplify in the T-aspect.)
Corollary 4·3. For
$z\in \mathcal{F}$
we have


This last corollary tells us that we need to control the character
and solve a counting problem estimating
To estimate the character we need to define certain level sets.

Note that
$K_{m,m} = \{1\}$
$K_{m,0} = G(\mathbb{Z}/p^m\mathbb{Z})$
Before we continue let us make a remark concerning notation. We will write
$A\neg B = A\cap B^c$
for the set-theoretic difference. We are not using
$A\setminus B$
, since it may be confused with the quotient when A and B are groups.
Lemma 4·4. Suppose
. Let
belong to Case 1, 2 or 3·1. Then, for
$0\leq \lambda < m_{\pi}$
$g\in Z\cdot K_{m_{\pi},\lambda}\neg Z\cdot K_{m_{\pi},\lambda+1}$
we have

belongs to Case 3·2 and
and g are as above, then we have the slightly weaker bound

Furthermore, let
$h\in G(\mathbb{Z}/p^m\mathbb{Z})$
be a diagonal matrix such that
$G(\mathbb{Z}/p^m\mathbb{Z})=Z\cdot \operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p^m\mathbb{Z})\sqcup hZ\cdot \operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p^m\mathbb{Z})$
. Then the same estimates hold for
$hZ \cdot K_{m_{\pi},\lambda}\neg hZ\cdot K_{m_{\pi},\lambda+1}$
, where
is not a square modulo
The representations of
over finite rings such as
and their characters are well studied but explicit estimates for the characters as needed here seem to be hard to find. We choose to use the character tables for
computed by Kutzko [
Reference Kutzko15
]. This makes it necessary to pass from
using Mackey Theory. Note that the character values in question were calculated in [
Reference Leigh, Cliff and Wen3
]. However, they remain hard to extract and we hope our approach is more transparent.
Proof. As mentioned above our starting point are well-known character tables for
. These are upgraded to
via a simple application of Mackey theory.
Recall that p is assumed to be odd, write
for the central character of
and let
be an irreducible component of
. Further, fix h such that
$\operatorname{GL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p^m\mathbb{Z}) = Z\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p^m\mathbb{Z})\cup h\cdot Z\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p^m\mathbb{Z})$
and write
$\tilde{\sigma}^h(g) = \tilde{\sigma}(hgh^{-1})$
. If
, then

In this case
and we have
$z\in Z$
$s\in \operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p^m\mathbb{Z})$
. Otherwise, if
, then

is another irreducible representation of
. Here we have
and obtain
$\chi_{\sigma}(zs) = \omega_{\sigma}(z)\chi_{\tilde{\sigma}}(s)$
The subgroups
are all normal in
, so that the sets
$Z\cdot K_{m_{\pi},\lambda}\neg K_{m_{\pi},\lambda+1}$
$hZ \cdot K_{m_{\pi},\lambda}\neg hZ\cdot K_{m_{\pi},\lambda+1}$
can be decomposed into (disjoint)
conjugacy classes. We focus on estimating

The case
$g\in hZ\cdot \operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p^mZ)$
is similar.
Let us recall that non-trivial irreducible representations of
have dimensions
. If
, we are dealing with the representation theory of
which was for example studied by Schur in [
Reference Schur22
]. It turns out that, besides the normal representations of dimensions
, we have certain special cases. Indeed, we have the Steinberg representation
of dimension p and two irreducible representations
) of dimension
We now treat each case appearing in Lemma 2·1 separately.
(a) Suppose
$\pi$ belongs to Case 1. We recall from Lemma 2·2 that in this case
$\sigma$ has dimension
$p^{m_{\pi}}(1+{1}/{p})$ . We need to look into two sub cases:
(i) Suppose
$m_{\pi}=1$ . In this case two situations can occur. If
$\sigma$ stays irreducible when restricted to
$\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})$ , then we are in case (8) and
$\vert\chi_{\sigma}(zs)\vert =\vert \chi_{\tilde{\sigma}}(s)\vert$ with an irreducible representation
$\tilde{\sigma}$ of
$\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})$ of dimension
$p+1$ . On the other hand, if
$\sigma\vert_{\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})} = \rho_+\oplus\rho_-$ , then we have
$\vert\chi_{\sigma}(zs)\vert =\vert \chi_{\rho_+}(s)+\chi_{\rho_+^h}(s)\vert$ . In both cases one concludes by looking up the corresponding character values, for example in [ Reference Kutzko15 , table V]. (Alternatively one can compute the character of
$\sigma$ directly by observing that it can be realised as an irreducible parabolically induced representation of
$\operatorname{GL}(\mathbb{F}_p)$ .)
(ii) Suppose
$m_{\pi}>1$ . By looking at the possible dimensions of non-trivial irreducible representations of
$\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p^{m_{\pi}}\mathbb{Z})$ we see that
$\tilde{\sigma}$ must have dimension
$p^{m_{\pi}}(1+{1}/{p})$ as well. Thus
$\sigma$ remains irreducible when restricted to
$\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p^{m_{\pi}}\mathbb{Z})$ and we are in the situation of (8). We have
$\vert \chi_{\sigma}(zs)\vert =\vert \chi_{\tilde{\sigma}}(s)\vert$ and the relevant character values for
$\chi_{\tilde{\sigma}}$ can be found in [ Reference Kutzko15 , table III].
(b) Suppose
$\pi$ belongs to Case 2. Here we automatically have
$m_{\pi}=1$ and applying Lemma 2·2 yields that the dimension of
$\sigma$ is p. We conclude that we are in the situation of (8) and
$\tilde{\sigma}=\rho_{}$ is the Steinberg representation. We have
$\vert \chi_{\sigma}(zs)\vert = \vert\chi_{\tilde{\sigma}}(s)\vert = 1$ as can be seen from [ Reference Kutzko15 , table V]. (Alternatively one could note that
$\sigma$ itself is the Steinberg representation of
$\operatorname{GL}_2(\mathbb{F}_p)$ , whose character is also well known.)
(c) Suppose
$\pi$ belongs to Case 3·1. An application of Lemma 2·2 yields that
$\sigma$ has dimension
$p^{m_{\pi}}(1-{1}/{p})$ . As in Case 1 we need to distinguish two sub cases:
(i) Suppose
$m_{\pi}=1$ . We can have
$\sigma\vert_{\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})}=\rho_-\oplus\rho_-^h$ . In this case we estimate
$\vert\chi_{\sigma}(zs)\vert =\vert \chi_{\rho_+}(s)+\chi_{\rho_+^h}(s)\vert$ . Otherwise,
$\sigma\vert_{\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})} = \tilde{\sigma}$ for an irreducible representation
$\tilde{\sigma}$ of
$\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})$ of dimension
$p-1$ . Here we simply have
$\vert\chi_{\sigma}(zs)\vert =\vert \chi_{\tilde{\sigma}}(s)\vert$ . The desired estimate is produced by looking up the relevant character values. These can be found in [ Reference Kutzko15 , table V] for example. (Alternatively one can observe that
$\sigma$ is a cuspidal representation of
$\operatorname{GL}_2(\mathbb{F}_p)$ . It turns out that values of characters of cuspidal representations are even known for
$\operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{F}_p)$ , see for example [ Reference Green10 ].)
(ii) Suppose
$m_{\pi}>1$ . In this case we again must be in the situation of (8). In particular,
$\tilde{\sigma}$ is a representation of dimension
$p^{m_{\pi}}(1-{1}/{p})$ . The relevant character values can be found in [ Reference Kutzko15 , table III].
(d) Suppose
$\pi$ belongs to Case 3.2. Note that in this case we automatically have
$m_{\pi}>1$ . Furthermore, Lemma 2·2 tells us that the dimension of
$\sigma$ is
$p^{m_{\pi}}(1-{1}/{p^2})$ . Thus, taking the dimensions of (irreducible) representations of
$\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p^{m_{\pi}}\mathbb{Z})$ into account, we see that
$\sigma\vert_{\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p^{m_{\pi}}\mathbb{Z})}$ must be reducible, so that we are in the situation of (7). We estimate
$\vert\chi_{\sigma}(zs)\vert \leq 2\max(\vert\chi_{\tilde{\sigma}}(s)\vert,\vert\chi_{\tilde{\sigma}^h}(s)\vert)$ . Both representations
$\tilde{\sigma}$ and
$\tilde{\sigma}^h$ must have dimension
${1}/{2}p^{m_{\pi}}(1-{1}/{p^2})$ and the corresponding character values can be found in [ Reference Kutzko15 , table IV].Footnote 1
This exhausts all the cases and the proof is complete.
Before continuing we will discuss our choice of S. But first recall that
$d=\dim_{\mathbb{C}}\pi_p^{K_p(m_{\pi})} \asymp p^{m_{\pi}}$
. Further note that
$l_1,l_2\in S$
. Put
$\Lambda = d^{\frac{1}{3}}$
$\Lambda= d^{\frac{1}{6}}$
. This is a slight spoiler but for experts in amplification it should be no surprise that this is the optimal size of the amplifier in this setting. Let

By the prime number theorem (assuming d is sufficiently large, which is no problem) we have
$\sharp S \sim \Lambda/\log(\Lambda)$
, but for us the following crude bound suffices

Before we are ready to prove our key estimate we need to establish some counting results. Let

The case
is easily handled using existing results. For example taking
in [
Reference Templier23
, proposition 6·1]. We follow standard procedure and write

Here the subscript
indicated that we are dealing with generic matrices
$A=\left(\begin{matrix} a& b\\ c&d\end{matrix}\right)$
$c\neq 0$
$(a+d)^2\neq 4r$
. On the other hand u stands for unipotent so that
$A\in M_{z,u}^{(\lambda)}(r)$
if and only if
. Finally,
$A\in M_{z,p}^{(\lambda)}(r)$
$c\neq 0$
$(a+d)^2= 4r$
. These are the parabolic matrices.
Counting the contribution of generic matrices is a standard lattice point counting argument. Note that, since we can take z in the classical fundamental domain for
, this argument can be simplified. Indeed, in contrast to [
Reference Harcos and Templier11
, 23] we do not need to invoke Atkin–Lehner operators here.
Lemma 4·5. For
$y\geq {\sqrt{3}}/{2}$
we have


We closely follow the argument in [ Reference Templier23 ].
Proof. Write
$A=\left(\begin{matrix} a&b \\ c & d\end{matrix}\right)$
. Since
$c\ll \sqrt{r}y^{-1}$
we have
$\ll {K^{\frac{1}{2}}}/{p^{\lambda}y}$
choices for c. Similarly, using the bound
, we have
$\ll K^{\frac{1}{2}}$
possibilities to choose
. Finally, we have the bound

and consider the lattice
$L=\langle z,p^{\lambda}\rangle$
. Note that L has cocolume
$\asymp p^{\lambda}y$
and first successive minima
$\gg 1$
$y\gg 1$
). Let B be the ball of radius
. Then we have

We have counted the number of possibilities for the admissible quadruples
. Since each of those quadruples uniquely determines a matrix A we have established

The case when we are only considering square matrices only needs a minor modification. Indeed, instead of counting
trivially as earlier we observe that

If the matrix is parabolic the right-hand side would be 0. Thus we now consider only generic matrices. For those we can fix the left-hand side first, so that we determine
essentially as solutions to a generalised Pell equation. There are at most
$\ll K^{\epsilon}$
Lemma 4·6. We have

Proof. The first estimate follows analogously to [
Reference Iwaniec and Sarnak14
, (A·10)] using
$p^\lambda\mid b$
. Recall the bound
$\lvert{b}\rvert\ll \sqrt{r}y$
used in the process.
The other bounds are derived elementary using only the fact that S contains only primes. (In contrast to [ Reference Harcos and Templier11 , lemma 2·4] we do not need a lattice counting argument, because we have an additional congruence condition on b that we can use.) We will only show the final estimate, since the others are derived similarly.
There are
$\ll \Lambda^2$
possible choices for
$r=l_1^2l_2^2\asymp \Lambda^4$
. Having fixed the determinant of this form we find that there are only
$\ll 1$
choices for (a,d) with
. Finally we observe that we can choose b in
$\ll 1+{\Lambda^2y}/{p^{\lambda}}$
ways, since
$p^\lambda\mid b$
$\lvert{b}\rvert\ll \Lambda^2 y$
. Putting these estimates together completes the proof.
Remark 4·7. Suppose
$y\geq {\sqrt{3}}/{2}$
. As in [
Reference Iwaniec and Sarnak14
, (A.7)] we have the bound

Thus if
$p^{\lambda}\geq 3,5\cdot\sqrt{r}$
, we must have
. This is because
$p^{\lambda}\mid c$
. In this case we obtain

Finally we need to consider the parabolic contribution.
Lemma 4·8. For
$\lambda\geq 1$
$y\geq {\sqrt{3}}/{2}$
we have

Proof. This follows along the lines of [
Reference Blomer, Harcos, Maga and Milićević4
, lemma 14]. We provide some details for the convenience of the reader. Let
$A=\left(\begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{matrix}\right)$
be a matrix contributing the the count
for some
$r\asymp K$
. We start by recalling the bounds

The first one is (10) and the second one follows from (9) when looking at the imaginary part.
Now, since A is parabolic, we must have

The latter equality can be rewritten as

This implies that, if c is fixed, then
has a fixed divisor of size at least
$\sqrt{\vert c\vert}$
. We conclude that there are
$\ll 1+{\sqrt{K}}/{\sqrt{\vert c\vert}}$
possible choices for
. By summing over all possibilities for
$c\neq 0$
$p^\lambda\mid c$
we find that

Finally, note that
$\vert a+d\vert = 2\sqrt{r} \asymp \sqrt{K}$
, so that there are
$\ll \sqrt{K}$
possible choices for
. Since
and c determine b we are done after gathering all the contributions.
We can now prove the main estimate of this section.
Lemma 4·9. Assume
. Suppose
belongs to Case 1, 2 or 3·1. Then, for
${\sqrt{3}}/{2}\ll y\ll \sqrt{d}$
we have

belongs to Case 3.2, then we have the weaker bound

Proof. We start with Cases 1, 2 or 3·1. Our starting point is Corollary 4·3. Breaking the g-sum up into pieces on which we can estimate the character using Lemma 4·4 we get

We first consider the contribution of
. In this case the counting problem is independent of p and relatively easy. Indeed we have

This is for example [
Reference Templier23
, proposition 6·1] with
so that
$y\gg 1$
Next we assume
. We summarise the results from Lemma 4·5, 4·8 and 4·6 in Table I below. Note that for the contribution of
we have used Remark 4·7.
Table 1. Summary of counting results

All together this gives a contribution of

Inserting these estimates in our (amplified) pre-trace inequality we get

This simplifies to


which directly implies the result for the non-exceptional cases 1, 2 and 3·1.
Finally if
belongs to Case 3·2, then the same analysis with the weaker character estimates yields

This prompts the choice
and we find

This completes the proof.
of Theorem 1·1: We are now ready to complete the proof of our main theorem. First of all note that it is enough to bound
. Next, if
$y\ll \sqrt{d}$
$y\ll d^{\frac{1}{4}}$
), then we are done by the previous lemma. For larger y the Whittaker expansion (see Lemma 3·8) gives even better result.
I thank Prof. Dr. V. Blomer for fruitful discussions and useful comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript. I would also like to thank the anonymous referees for pointing out several oversights and inaccuracies.