As a result of the advent of the Journal of Glaciology and a certain amount of publicity the Society has grown considerably. In November the number of members was 128; members and subscribers to the Journal now total about 360. It is not our purpose to rest at this figure. The size and scope of the Journal depend upon the size of its circulation, from which it follows that this must be further increased. Members will help the Society and increase its usefulness to themselves by making its existence known to any of their friends and colleagues who are likely to be genuinely interested in its work. Particulars and a prospectus will be found on the last page of this issue.
The reception given to the first number of the Journal of Glaciology has been gratifying. Several dozens of letters have been received and it is clear that it fills a real want. Appreciations have been sent from Switzerland, the United States of America, Canada, Sweden, Norway, France, Belgium, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Eire and several other countries.
It is satisfactory to the Committee and to the Editorial Committee that the Journal of Glaciology has been launched and appreciated.