We consider heat or mass transport from a circular cylinder under a uniform crossflow at small Reynolds numbers,
$\mathrm{Re}\ll 1$. This problem has been thwarted in the past by limitations inherent in the classical analyses of the singular flow problem, which have used asymptotic expansions in inverse powers of
$\log \mathrm{Re}$. We here make use of the hybrid approximation of Kropinski, Ward & Keller [(1995) SIAM J. Appl. Math. 55, 1484], based upon a robust asymptotic expansion in powers of
$\mathrm{Re}$. In that approximation, the “inner” streamfunction is provided by the product of a pre-factor
$S$, a slowly varying function of
$\mathrm{Re}$, with a
$\mathrm{Re}$-independent “canonical” solution of a simple mathematical form. The pre-factor, in turn, is determined as an implicit function of
$\log \mathrm{Re}$ via asymptotic matching with a numerical solution of the nonlinear single-scaled “outer” problem, where the cylinder appears as a point singularity. We exploit the hybrid approximation to analyse the transport problem in the limit of large Péclet number,
$\mathrm{Pe}\gg 1$. In that limit, transport is restricted to a narrow boundary layer about the cylinder surface – a province contained within the inner region of the flow problem. With
$S$ appearing as a parameter, a similarity solution is readily constructed for the boundary-layer problem. It provides the Nusselt number as
$0.5799(S\,\mathrm{Pe})^{1/3}$. This asymptotic prediction is in remarkably close agreement with that of the numerical solution of the exact problem [Dennis, Hudson & Smith (1968) Phys. Fluids 11, 933] even for moderate