1.1The existing (sub)systems and emerging niche-innovations that will be analysed
2.1Analytical framework to map techno-economic reconfigurations of existing systems
4.1Ownership of onshore wind power in 2004 by percentage capacity
4.3Successive cost-benefit estimates of smart meter introduction programme
4.4Mapping the winds of whole system reconfiguration in the UK electricity system
4.5Changes and lock-ins for actors in the electricity generation sub-system
4.6Changes and lock-ins for actors in the electricity consumption sub-system
4.7Changes and lock-ins for actors in the electricity grid sub-system
5.1Mode share of trips in passenger kilometres and number of trips in England in 2019
5.2Commuting trips in different areas by mode or multimode in percentage England, 2012–2016
5.3Percentage of fuel consumption in buses operated by local bus companies in 2019/2020
5.4Casualty and fatality rates per billion passenger miles by road user type in Great Britain
5.5Geographical distribution of public electric vehicle charging devices in July 2020
5.6Examples of car manufacturers’ commitments on electrification
5.8Range of MaaS packages in Birmingham and the West Midlands region
5.9Five levels of driving automation specified by Society of Automotive Engineers
5.10Mapping system reconfiguration opportunities in the UK passenger mobility system
5.11Changes and lock-ins for actors in the automobility system
6.1UK heat consumption (in thousand tonnes of oil equivalent) in different building types in 2018
6.2Direct financial support for users in vulnerable situations
6.4Number of insulation measures installed under EEC and CERT
6.5Average capital cost data for domestic low-carbon heating systems and conventional systems
6.8Mapping system reconfiguration opportunities in the UK heat domain
7.1Summary evaluations of the scope and depth of unfolding low-carbon reconfigurations in the UK electricity, passenger mobility, and heating systems