1 Introduction
The aim of this Element is to provide an overview of abstractionism in the philosophy of mathematics.
As Cook (Reference Cook2021a) puts it,
[a]bstraction is a process that begins via the identification of an equivalence relation on a class of entities – that is, a class of objects (or properties, or other sorts of “thing”) is partitioned into equivalence classes based on some shared trait.Footnote 1
Suppose, for instance, that some straight lines are drawn on a board, and they are then divided into collections (i.e. classes) based on whether they are parallel – parallelism is an equivalence relation. By doing so, we abstract away other features those lines might have, such as color. By this abstraction procedure, (abstract) objects corresponding to each equivalence class are finally introduced, which capture “what members of each equivalence class have in common” – in the example, directions.Footnote 2
Along with Ebert and Rossberg (Reference Ebert, Rossberg, Ebert and Rossberg2016), we shall distinguish between mathematical and philosophical abstractionism. Mathematical abstractionism is the project of interpreting mathematical theories on the basis of abstraction principles (APs) and an underlying logic:
Definition 1 An AP is the universal closure of a biconditional sentence with the following form:
where and
are variables of the same sort,
is a term-forming operator (which informally reads “the abstract of”) that denotes a function from entities of the kind of
to entities of a (possibly) different kind, and
is an equivalence relation over entities of the kind of
Philosophical abstractionism is any view that attributes a significance to mathematical abstractionism for the foundations of mathematics. The past few decades have witnessed a renewed interest in this particular foundational research. The resulting debate has engendered a varied landscape of views both on mathematical and philosophical abstractionism.
Mathematical and philosophical abstractionism are mutually entwined. The former may influence the perspective on the philosophy sustaining it. Symmetrically, the philosophical significance attributed to APs may shape how mathematical abstractionism is carried out – and the (fragments of) mathematical theories that can be interpreted by abstraction.
Let’s give an example. One of the most celebrated results of (contemporary) abstractionism is Frege’s Theorem, which proves that the axioms of second-order Peano Arithmetic are derivable in second-order logic with Hume’s Principle as the sole nonlogical axiom:
The cardinal number of the s = the cardinal number of the
s if, and only if, there is a bijection between
As such, this theorem is a piece of mathematical abstraction: It shows that an alternative axiomatization of arithmetic is available, which conceives of natural numbers as finite cardinals rather than finite ordinals. At the same time, Frege’s Theorem is central to the (Scottish) Neologicist view in the philosophy of mathematics, which attempts to provide a (semantic, epistemological, and ontological) foundation for arithmetical truths on the basis of Hume’s Principle.Footnote 3 On the one hand, the success of Neologicism depends on Frege’s Theorem and analogous results. These results show that Neologicism can aspire to be a philosophical account of (fragments of) mathematics as we know it. At the same time, much of the significance of Frege’s Theorem comes from the philosophical views attached to it: Without these, second-order logic plus Hume’s Principle is just an axiomatization of arithmetic on a philosophical par with others.
The relation between these two facets is reflected in the structure of this Element.
Section 2 will provide an overview of the main mathematical theories that APs can interpret. In particular, we will focus on Frege’s original project, second-order Peano Arithmetic, real analysis, and set theory. The section will delve into further issues concerning the invariance of APs (Section 2.7) and the so-called Bad Company problem (Section 2.8).
Section 3 will present the main views on the semantics of abstract terms. We will focus particularly on the semantic role of numerical expressions, since the relevant literature concerns mainly them. Precisely, we will survey: the substantival view, ascribing singulartermhood to number words; the adjectival reading, which regards number words as modifiers of nouns; the quantificational perspective, conceiving of number words as numerical quantifiers. The section will provide also an overview of the Caesar Problem (Section 3.4).
Section 4 will concern the predominant conceptions related to the ontology of abstraction. APs are often defended along with Platonism concerning abstracts. The latter usually relies on the existence of a realm of abstract objects mathematical theories describe, and on the idea that the existence and nature of such objects is independent of mathematicians. We will first show how abstractionists defend the existence claim, and then consider various ways in which the independence claim can be cashed out.
In Section 5, the most salient epistemological issues in the debate around APs will be discussed. In particular, we will focus on how epistemic access to abstract objects can be attained, and how APs themselves can be known, or at least blamelessly believed, as a result of their stipulation – which figures prominently in the Neologicist project.
Finally, Section 6 takes stock of the preceding discussion and looks at new waves in the abstractionist literature with a special emphasis on the relation between abstractionism and structuralism in the philosophy of mathematics.
2 Mathematical Abstractionism
2.1 Introduction
In the debate on abstractionism, APs can be conceived of as tools to achieve philosophical goals – whether foundational or not. Philosophical motivations notwithstanding, every abstractionist program relies on APs to interpret significant portions of mathematics. In this sense, the mathematical project comes first, and so we will treat it first. The reader mostly or exclusively concerned with the semantics, epistemology, and ontology of abstraction can skip to the relevant sections.
The most influential project originates with Frege. However, the axiomatic system in his Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (Frege Reference Frege1893/1903) yields paradoxes. Later mathematical investigations into APs have aimed to strike a balance between consistency and mathematical strength. In particular, authors have focused on second-order Peano Arithmetic PA2 (especially, Scottish Neologicists such as Crispin Wright and Bob Hale – Section 2.4); real analysis (e.g. Bob Hale and Stewart Shapiro – Section 2.5); set theory (particularly, George Boolos, Roy Cook, and Øystein Linnebo – Section 2.6).Footnote 4 All (or most) of such mathematical abstractionist theories are formulated in a language whose background logic is at least second-order – and usually classical. Hence, before presenting those theories, we provide an outline of second-order logic (Section 2.2), and of the inconsistency of Frege’s Grundgesetze (Section 2.3). Sections 2.7 and 2.8 examine two major topics in abstractionism: the invariance of abstraction and the so-called Bad Company problem.
2.2 Second-Order Logic
The language of second-order logic (SOL) contains, besides the language of first-order logic (FOL), an infinite list of
-adic second-order variables
varying over a second-order domain containing appropriate entities – that is,
-adic relations between first-order individuals; Fregean concepts and relations; or sets of (
-tuples of) first-order individuals – and existential and universal quantifiers binding second-order variables. The main logical principle of SOL is the Comprehension Axiom schema (CA):
where is any formula of
not containing
free. Every instance of CA, obtained by substituting
by any formula of the language of SOL, is an axiom of SOL – that is, CA is an axiom schema.
CA states that there is a relation (or set) such that all the individuals
are in the relation
(or are members of the
-tuples in the set
) if and only if
. Note that, if
is monadic, that is, it applies to just one individual at a time,
stands for a property, a Fregean concept, or a set of individuals. That
is any formula of
implies that CA is unrestricted.
An interpretation of consists in appropriate domains, and an assignment function. Let
be a nonempty domain of individuals, which first-order variables vary over, and
a nonempty domain containing
-adic relations between the individuals in
, which second-order variables vary over, for any positive integer
. In terms of sets,
contains: sets of individuals of
; sets of pairs of individuals of
is dyadic); sets of triples of individuals of
is ternary); and so on. In case
contains all such relations (sets),
is the so-called powerset of
.Footnote 5 An interpretation of
that verifies every instance of CA is a model of
In the standard semantics for , and therefore in the standard models of SOL, domain
is the powerset of
. Once
is fixed,
will also be fixed without further specification. This is not necessarily so in nonstandard models of
– namely Henkin models. In Henkin models,
may not contain all
-adic relations among individuals of
(all subsets of
), since
is just a nonempty set of subsets of
. Therefore, in Henkin models, it is necessary to fix both
The model-theoretic properties of SOL may vary depending on whether the models considered are standard or not. A difference between standard and nonstandard models of SOL that is significant for the debate on abstraction (see Section 2.3 below) regards the cardinality of , in case the first-order domain
is infinite. Such a difference is more easily appreciated in terms of Cantor’s theorem, proving that, for any set
, the cardinality of its powerset
is larger than the cardinality of
. In particular, if
has cardinality
), then
.Footnote 6 Since in the standard models of SOL
is the powerset of
, if
has cardinality
, then
has cardinality
by Cantor’s theorem. Nonstandard models of SOL, on the other hand, are such that, if
has infinite cardinality
may have cardinality that is less than
.Footnote 7
2.3 Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
In Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, Frege relied on an AP embedded in a logical system that, for the sake of simplicity, can be assimilated to a higher-order logic,Footnote 8 with the aim of deriving substantial mathematical theories, such as arithmetic, real analysis and, possibly, complex analysis. The infamous AP Basic Law V (BLV) states that the extension of concept is identical with the extension of concept
if, and only if, every individual falling under
falls under
and vice versa:
,Footnote 9
where is the abstraction operator “the extension of.”
The axiomatic system consisting in unrestricted SOL and BLV is inconsistent. This is easily seen by proving so-called Russell’s paradox – in a Fregean spirit, we will talk of concepts and extensions, but the same applies to properties and sets. First of all, the existence of the “Russellian” concept “being the extension of a concept under which that very extension does not fall” is guaranteed by the following instance of (unrestricted) CA:
Call such a concept “”. Since it is a theorem of Frege (Reference Frege1893/1903) that for every concept there is the corresponding extension, the extension
must exist.
Let us assume that falls under
. Then,
satisfies the formula defining
Equation (2.2) implies , for
. By instantiating the left-to-right direction of BLV with
it must hold that , stating that every object
falls under
if, and only if, it falls under
. The latter, along with
, implies that
does not fall under
, namely
. Therefore,
Let us now assume that does not fall under
. By the definition of
, the latter implies
By the usual transformations of logical connectives and quantifiers, it follows that
Equation (2.6) implies by universal instantiation. Since by identity
, it must hold that
. So,
Finally, since if , then
, and if
, then
, it must be the case that
Both unrestricted CA and BLV are involved in the derivation of Russell’s paradox in Frege (Reference Frege1893/1903).Footnote 10 A famous debate between Boolos (Reference Boolos1993) and Dummett (Reference Dummett1994) concerns its origin.
On the one hand, Boolos blamed it on BLV and its inconsistent requirement that for every concept, there is exactly one extension corresponding to it, which violates Cantor’s theorem.Footnote 11
On the other hand, Dummett (Reference Dummett1991, Reference Dummett1994) blames the contradiction on the impredicativity of CA: Since CA is unrestricted, second-order variables may appear on its right-hand side in the scope of a second-order quantifier, that is, they are bound. The logic underlying Frege (Reference Frege1893/1903) is classical, so it requires that the (first- or second-order) domain be a “definite totality,” given once and for all. Still, by quantifying over the second-order domain, more and more Fregean concepts (properties or sets) can be defined. Hence, the second-order domain grows larger and larger, deeming it no definite totality after all.
Consider for instance the concept “being an extension,” formally introduced by the instance of CA – in a language containing the abstraction operator
– and call it “
”. Concept
must have an extension (
), but then also
must fall under
. But if concepts are “identical” just in case exactly the same objects fall under them, then the concept “being an extension” we started from is different from the concept “being an extension” we ended up with. This process never ends, that is, as Dummett argues, there are indefinitely extensible concepts, which are such that “if we can form a definite conception of a totality all of whose members fall under that concept, we can, by reference to that totality, characterize a larger totality all of whose members fall under it.”Footnote 12
To some extent, both Boolos and Dummett are right: there are consistent axiomatic systems of unrestricted SOL with restricted BLV;Footnote 13 but also unrestricted BLV plus restricted (classical) SOL may have models. So, in general, a philosophically meaningful question concerns what the best way out of the paradox is. Broadly speaking, two solutions can be envisaged, each of which modify either SOL or BLV, one way or another.Footnote 14 However, such solutions to the inconsistency may affect the mathematical strength of the resulting theory. In what follows, we will focus on the fragments of mathematics that can be interpreted by consistent APs, but connections to the solutions to the inconsistency of Frege’s system will emerge.
2.4 Arithmetical Abstraction
Scottish Neologicism (Hale and Wright Reference Hale and Wright2001a, Wright Reference Wright1983) is a radical and very influential solution to the inconsistency of Frege (Reference Frege1893/1903) substituting BLV by a consistent AP strong enough to interpret second-order Peano Arithmetic PA2,Footnote 15 namely Hume’s Principle
while keeping SOL unrestricted. HP reads informally, “The number of the s is identical with the number of the
s if, and only if,
are equinumerous” – where # is the cardinality operator “the number of.” Precisely, the formula “
” abbreviates the (purely second-order) statement that there is a relation
such that every object falling under
-related to a unique object falling under
, and for every object falling under
there’s a unique object falling under
that is
-related to it:
- (
In unrestricted SOL with HP as its sole nonlogical axiom, a formulation of Frege’s definitions of the arithmetical notions necessary to derive PA2 can be provided without the need for BLV. The resulting axiomatic system is Frege Arithmetic (FA). Frege Arithmetic has a model in the natural numbers (Boolos Reference Boolos and Thomson1987a) and interprets PA2 (Boolos and Heck Reference Boolos, Heck and Schirn1998). The latter result is now known as Frege’s Theorem.
The language of FA consists in the language of SOL augmented by the primitive term-forming operator #, which applies to second-order variables (or constants) – the resulting expressions are singular terms. Of course, every (appropriate) complex formula of such a language corresponds to a concept, since CA is unrestricted. By adopting the notational convention that a concept defined by a formula is denoted by “
” Frege’s definitions can be formulated in the language of SOL plus HP:
- (Zero)
- (Predecessor)
- (Hereditary)
- (Ancestral)
- (Weak Ancestral)
- (Natural Number)
By the underlying SOL, HP, and previous definitions, (appropriate formulations of) second-order Peano axioms are derivable.
Is there any consistent formulation of (SOL plus) BLV that, analogously to HP, interprets arithmetic? The answer may depend upon how large a fragment of arithmetic is at stake. A first group of theories (Table 1; for an explanation of the axioms in Table 1, see Table 2) interprets at most Robinson Arithmetic , which is weaker than first-order Peano Arithmetic PA:Footnote 17
Table 1 Consistent subsystems of SOL plus BLV: Robinson Arithmetic
Background logic | Formulation of BLV | |
FOL | (BLVS) ![]() ![]() | Schroeder-Heister (Reference Schroeder-Heister1987); Parsons (Reference Parsons1987); Burgess (Reference Burgess1998) |
(CAP) ![]() | BLV or BLVS | Heck (Reference Heck1996) |
(![]() ![]() ![]() | BLV or BLVS | Wehmeier (Reference Wehmeier1999); Ferreira and Wehmeier (Reference Ferreira and Wehmeier2002) |
Table 2 Axioms in Table 1
BLVS | Since FOL lacks second-order quantification, BLV must be schematic – hence the subscript ![]() ![]() |
CAP | ![]() ![]() |
If so restricted, CA is predicative – hence the subscript ![]() | |
![]() | A formula is ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
In general, if CA is restricted to - or
-formulæ, CA plus BLV in either form is inconsistent. It is not known whether there are intermediate consistent
-CA and
Though not at all trivial, Robinson’s is still a rather small fragment of arithmetic, especially compared to Frege’s original goal. In order to interpret larger parts of arithmetic by BLV, the theories in Table 1 have to be revised.
In Antonelli and May (Reference Antonelli and May2005), an axiom system containing unrestricted CA and restricted BLV that interprets PA is presented, where numbers are conceived of as concepts of objects. In order to define cardinals as equivalence classes of equinumerous concepts, extensions (value-ranges) are needed: (concept) is a number if, and only if, there is a concept
such that an object
falls under
if, and only if,
is the value-range of a concept equinumerous to
. Such an object is called a witness of
. A conditional formulation of BLV is provided:
where means “
is the value-range of
.” (2.9) does not guarantee that value-ranges exist. To correct this, Antonelli and May’s (Reference Antonelli and May2005) system contains also a further axiom:
where is the predicate “being a natural number,” and
is the relation of
being a witness of
. This axiom guarantees that, for any formula
applying exclusively to witnesses of natural numbers, there is a value-range.Footnote 18
Consistent systems as the ones in Ferreira (Reference Ferreira and Tahiri2018), Boccuni (Reference Boccuni2010, Reference Boccuni2013) in Table 3 (for an explanation of the axioms in Table 3, see Table 4) interpret PA2 by adding a further round of higher-order variables (and comprehension axioms thereof) to SOL, and calibrating the restrictions on BLV or BLVS. The language of the axiomatic theory in Ferreira (Reference Ferreira and Tahiri2018) consists in: impredicative second-order variables varying over impredicative concepts; predicative second-order variables
varying over predicatively definable concepts; and the variable-binding operator
. The language of the axiomatic theory in Boccuni (Reference Boccuni2010, Reference Boccuni2013) adds to regular second-order quantification quantifiers binding plural variables
governed by (unrestricted) plural logic,Footnote 19 and the functional operator
Table 3 Consistent subsystems of SOL plus BLV: PA2
Background logic | Formulation of BLV | |
(CAImp) ![]() | (BLVS) ![]() | Ferreira (Reference Ferreira and Tahiri2018) |
(CAP) ![]() | ![]() | |
(CAPL) ![]() | (BLV) ![]() | Boccuni (Reference Boccuni2010, Reference Boccuni2013) |
(CAP) ![]() | ![]() |
Table 4 Axioms in Table 3
CAImp | ![]() |
CAP | ![]() ![]() |
BLVS | No formula in the scope of ![]() |
CAPL | ![]() |
CAP | ![]() ![]() |
BLV | ![]() |
Ferreira’s (Reference Ferreira and Tahiri2018) system not only interprets PA2, but it does so by FA. Boccuni (Reference Boccuni2010, Reference Boccuni2013) interprets PA2, but because of the restrictions imposed on BLV, it falls short of providing the definitions needed to recover FA.Footnote 20
2.5 Real Number Abstraction
A further mathematical theory abstractionists have been interested in interpreting via abstraction is real analysis.Footnote 21 Frege himself devoted Part III of the second volume of Grundgesetze to a theory of ratios of magnitudes, which was Frege’s way of conceiving of real numbers and which he left unfinished in the wake of Russell’s paradox.Footnote 22
More recently, further attempts to recover real analysis by abstraction are investigated in, for example, Shapiro (Reference Shapiro2000), Hale (Reference Hale2000), Roeper (Reference Roeper2020), and Boccuni and Panza (Reference Boccuni and Panza2022). We will consider Hale’s and Shapiro’s proposals.
Shapiro (Reference Shapiro2000) provides a piecemeal reconstruction of abstractionist real analysis, starting from natural numbers as introduced by HP, and proceeding by several APs. First, integers as abstract objects are defined over differences between pairs of natural numbers :
.Footnote 23
Addition and multiplication for integers can be defined by the underlying unrestricted SOL.
Secondly, quotients of pairs of integers are introduced by the AP
Rational numbers are quotients for
.Footnote 24
Finally, by defining addition and multiplication for rationals, and the relation “less than” (), an AP for cuts is introduced:
where holds between a concept
of rationals and a rational
if, and only if,
is an upper bound of
. Say that
is bounded, if
holds. A real number is a cut
, for
bounded and nonempty. Shapiro’s (Reference Shapiro2000) reconstruction delivers nondenumerably many cuts forming a totally ordered and Dedekind-complete field – that is, real analysis is recovered. Still, such a construction has a “decidedly structural feel” – Ebert and Rossberg (Reference Ebert, Rossberg, Ebert and Rossberg2016, p. 14, italics in the original).
Hale (Reference Hale2000, Reference Hale2002, Reference Hale2005) provides a reconstruction of real analysis, which is more Fregean in spirit, since Hale’s proposal is to define real numbers as abstract objects defined over pairs of magnitudes.Footnote 25 The AP
where is an abstraction operator mapping ordered pairs of magnitudes
to objects (ratios of quantities, i.e. reals), and
are positive integers, states that the ratio of
is the same as that of
if, and only if, any positive integer multiple of
is equal to, greater than, or less than any positive integer multiple of
if, and only if, the same holds of the corresponding multiples of
A few issues arise from Hale’s reconstruction: For example, does the resulting theory imply the existence of nondenumerably many magnitudes, in order to deliver the existence of nondenumerably many reals?Footnote 26 Is the equivalence relation on the right-hand side of RATIO definable in purely logical terms?
We mentioned Shapiro’s abstractionist reconstruction of reals is taken to have a “structural feel,” as opposed to Hale’s, which is more Fregean in spirit. In order to adjudicate between such different conceptions of real numbers, the so-called Frege’s (applicability) Constraint (FC) has been invoked. According to FC:
a satisfactory foundation for a mathematical theory must somehow build its applications, actual and potential, into its core – into the content it ascribes to the statements of the theory – rather than merely “patch them on from the outside”.Footnote 27
A structural conception of the reals such as Shapiro’s is based on Dedekind’s cuts,Footnote 28 as opposed to an abstractionist construction according to which reals are ratios of magnitudes. But, if the main applications of real numbers are for measuring quantities, such as, for example, masses, temperatures, or lengths, reals as Dedekind’s cuts fail FC, whereas abstractionist definitions such as the one provided by RATIO satisfy applicability, since RATIO has the applications to magnitudes built in its right-hand side.Footnote 29, Footnote 30
2.6 Set Abstraction
So far, we have seen how much arithmetic and real analysis can be recovered via different APs and some formulation of SOL. It is time we address a further worry, which was not in Frege’s purview, but is indeed a concern for many current abstractionist programs: How much of contemporary set theory, that is, Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory augmented with the axiom of choice (ZFC), can be interpreted by abstraction?
ZFC is an axiomatic set theory usually expressed in FOL with identity, augmented by the primitive nonlogical constant (for set membership), and whose intended interpretation is a nonempty collection of sets.
ZFC is taken to capture the iterative conception of sets: roughly, by axiomatically postulating the existence of some basic sets, more and more sets are formed through stages by the iterated application of operations among sets available in the set-theoretic universe. This procedure gives rise to a cumulative hierarchy of sets that is open-ended: there is no final stage of set formation. It is now customary to call such a hierarchy “.”Footnote 31
The axioms of ZFC are:
stating that any sets are identical just in case they contain exactly the same members;
where does not contain
free, stating that, for any given set
, there is a set
containing all individuals
that are members of
and satisfy the formula
(Empty Set)
stating the existence of the empty set. Since Extensionality guarantees that there is a unique empty set, the individual constant “” can be explicitly defined in the language of ZFC;
stating that there is a set containing two elements;Footnote 32
stating that every nonempty set contains an individual
sharing no elements with
;Footnote 33
stating that, for every set of sets
, there is a set
containing the members of the members of
;Footnote 34
stating that, for every set , there is a set
containing all the subsets of
, where the notion of subset is explicitly definable as
. The powerset
can be defined as:
stating the existence of at least a set containing denumerably many members;Footnote 35
stating that, if a formula relates each set
to a unique
, then starting from any set
in the hierarchy, another set
can be formed by replacing all members of
by other individuals according to
stating that, for every set of pairwise-disjoint nonempty sets
, there exists a set
containing exactly one element from each set in
Possibly, the most renowned (consistent) AP interpreting at least some of ZFC is the restriction of BLV Boolos calls “New V” – see Boolos (Reference Boolos1989, Reference Boolos1987b):
(New V)
where is the property of concepts “being equinumerous with the universal concept
.” Boolos’s suggestion is based on the set-theoretic conception of the limitation of size, according to which in order to avoid contradiction, sets in the set-theoretic universe cannot be too large. The limitation of size view, along with the iterative conception, is taken to be incorporated in ZFC.
The violation of the limitation of size constraint is provided as a possible explanation of set-theoretic paradoxes in Cantor’s naїve set theory.Footnote 36 Besides Extensionality, the latter amounts to the axiom schema:
(Naїve Comprehension)
does not contain
stating the existence of a set corresponding to any formula .
Naїve Comprehension is inconsistent. By plugging the condition in the right-hand side of Naїve Comprehension, there must exist the universal set
, that is, the set containing every individual – including itself, since also
is self-identical. Now, recall Cantor’s theorem: For any set
, the cardinality of its powerset
is larger than the cardinality of
. The theorem is proved by showing that there is no injective function mapping each subset of
to the elements of
. The universal set
will contain every set, including all of its subsets. Hence,
must contain enough elements for each of its subsets to be mapped into. If so, the cardinality of
) cannot be larger than
’s, which contradicts Cantor’s theorem. So, the universal set
does not exist. This is the so-called Cantor’s paradox.
The latter (as well as other paradoxes such as that of Russell, the Burali–Forti paradox concerning the nonexistence of the largest ordinal number, and the contradiction ensuing from the assumption of the existence of the largest cardinal number) is (at least partially) blamed on the fact that Naїve Comprehension allows for the existence of sets that are “too big,” Limiting the size of the existing sets is one of the strategies (and philosophical underpinnings) of contemporary set theory.
Besides having models, Boolos’s New V implies that “small” concepts have the same extension just in case they are co-extensional; but in case concepts are Big, their extensions are identical, even if
are not co-extensional.Footnote 37 Interestingly, PA2 and some amount of ZFC are derivable from New V. The notion of set can be explicitly defined in Boolos’s setting:
meaning that is a set just in case there’s a concept
whose extension is
is small. Set membership can also be explicitly defined:
. By such definitions, New V proves Extensionality, Empty Set, Pairing, Separation, and Replacement. It also proves restricted versions of Union and Foundation.Footnote 38 New V entails neither Powerset nor Infinity. The latter result means that by New V and unrestricted SOL, it cannot be determined whether the concept of being a natural number is big. Finally, in general, New V and similar APs have very different models, that is, both well-founded and non-well-founded.Footnote 39
Boolos’s result falls short of interpreting all of ZFC in a consistent system of BLV. Cook (Reference Cook2003) proposes an extension of New V, starting from an AP for ordinal numbers, namely the Size-Restricted Ordinal Abstraction Principle (SOAP),Footnote 40 so that all of ZFC is interpretable in a consistent system of BLV.
Recently, an alternative view concerning APs that interprets set theory, that is, dynamic abstraction in Linnebo (Reference Linnebo2010, Reference Linnebo2013, Reference Linnebo, Ebert and Rossberg2016, Reference Linnebo2018), has been proposed. Its philosophical underpinning is as follows. Suppose APs are philosophically conceived of primarily as principles determining identity and distinctness facts about abstracts. If so, first-order quantification on the right-hand side of APs should presuppose the identity of the individuals it varies over, but those are exactly the objects APs are supposed to individuate in the first place. In this respect, such APs are first-orderly impredicative – see, for example, Linnebo (Reference Linnebo, Ebert and Rossberg2016).
Dummett (Reference Dummett1991) argued that only first-orderly predicative APs do not presuppose that the objects introduced on the left are already available for quantification, and thus that there is philosophical motivation to prefer first-orderly predicative APs over first-orderly impredicative ones. However, predicative APs are typically mathematically weak.Footnote 41 According to Dummett, abstractionists are therefore left with the dilemma of choosing between mathematically fruitful but philosophically unsound impredicative abstraction, and philosophically motivated but mathematically dry predicative abstraction.
The aforementioned concern can motivate alternative conceptions of abstraction. In this regard, Linnebo (Reference Linnebo2010, Reference Linnebo2013, Reference Linnebo, Ebert and Rossberg2016, Reference Linnebo2018) provides the philosophical motivation and formal tools for such an alternative framework – which we will further investigate in Section 4: In Linnebo’s dynamic abstraction, the individuation of BLV-extensions proceeds in stages (via stepwise extensions of the interpretation of first-order quantifiers), starting from an ontology of “old” objects, whose identities are already established and which the equivalence relation of BLV applies to, and providing individuation conditions for “new” objects (i.e. extensions) whose identity is dependent on the objects in the previous interpretation. In such a dynamic setting, predicative abstraction is iterated over larger and larger domains. On the one hand, this approach retains the philosophical motivation for first-order predicativity. On the other, it restores the mathematical strength of (predicative) APs.
The formal setting is constituted by a (modal) plural logic and a plural formulation of BLV. In this setting, the interaction between old and new objects is cashed out in terms of the modal operators and
– which nevertheless are not conceived of as expressing metaphysical modality, but rather as “no matter how the domain of abstract objects is extended, it will remain the case that
,” and “the domain of abstract objects can be extended so that it is the case that
,” respectively. In order to spell out exactly how modality and abstraction interact, Linnebo factorizes abstraction in an existence principle and an extensionality principle. The former is
(Potential Collapse)
which postulates that, no matter how the domain is extended, for every plurality , the domain can be extended so that there is the extension of
. Furthermore,
posits that if are the extensions of
respectively, they are identical just in case
are coextensive, no matter how the domain is extended. At the same time, the underlying plural logic is also modalized:
where is the “potentialist translation” of
, that is, the result of replacing each ordinary quantifier in
with the corresponding modalized quantifier. Still, given the background assumption that pluralities are modally rigid (pluralities cannot gain members and, if
, then necessarily so), the modal plural comprehension axiom has to be restricted – hence, for example, the alleged plurality corresponding to the formula “
” would not be admitted since it would not be modally rigid, provided the expansion of the domain.Footnote 42 Notably, all (potentialist translations of) axioms of ZFC except Infinity and Replacement follow. For Infinity and Replacement to follow as well, further assumptions are needed.Footnote 43
On the philosophical side, Linnebo’s approach shares Aristotle’s two fundamental insights in the philosophy of mathematics: First, the mathematical universe is never complete and it is always possible to individuate new mathematical objects (Linnebo and Shapiro Reference Linnebo and Shapiro2017); second, these objects depend for their existence and their properties on nonmathematical entities – see Section 4.2.3.
2.7 Invariance
Famously, Frege conjectured BLV to be a logical principle.Footnote 44 After all, one of his main aims was to derive the basic laws of arithmetic from logic and definitions alone. Of course, given Russell’s paradox, BLV is not logical at all. But the mere consistency of an AP is not sufficient for its logicality: Even consistent APs such as, for example, HP seem hardly logical, since they may imply the existence of denumerably many individuals.Footnote 45
What the logicality criteria are supposed to be is a complex issue.Footnote 46 Still, there’s agreement that one of the (necessary) conditions for logicality is topic neutrality:
[a] logical principle is valid in any kind of discourse, no matter what kind of objects this discourse is concerned with.Footnote 47
Topic neutrality is often formally cashed out in terms of invariance under permutations of the logical expressions, namely their insensitivity to the particular identities of the objects they vary over – where, generally, a permutation is a one-one function mapping a domain onto itself.Footnote 48
Starting from Fine (Reference Fine2002), the notion of invariance has been investigated as concerns APs. As Antonelli (Reference Antonelli2010b) points out, there are three senses in which invariance may be investigated in this respect: the invariance of the abstraction operator; the invariance of the equivalence relation; the invariance of the overall principle. There are very few invariant abstraction operators, and they are rather uninteresting mathematically. Furthermore, the invariance of the overall AP follows from the invariance of its equivalence relation; therefore, Antonelli (Reference Antonelli2010b) focuses on the latter: Given a relation on a second-order domain that is closed under permutations,
is internally invariant if, and only if, for any permutation
if, and only if,
is doubly invariant if, for any pair
of permutations,
if, and only if,
is (simply) invariant if, and only if,
holds for any permutation
Double and simple invariance are logically equivalent; simple invariance implies internal invariance.
The equinumerosity relation appearing on the right-hand side of HP is simply invariant. According to Antonelli (Reference Antonelli2010b), what the simple invariance of equinumerosity shows is that the very notion of cardinality can be deemed logical by those supporting the view that invariance is a necessary condition for logicality, or at the very least the invariance of equinumerosity can play a role in the acceptability of APs (e.g. Fine Reference Fine2002) and thus in the debate on the so-called Bad Company problem – see Section 2.8. The alleged logicality of equinumerosity does not imply the logical nature of cardinal numbers. In this sense, the logicality of cardinality supports a deflationist view of cardinal numbers: Since HP is (simply) invariant, it is insensitive to the underlying nature of the objects in the domains it permutes over; so “[a]nything at all – even ordinary objects – can play the role of these abstracta, as long as the choice respects the equivalence relation.”Footnote 49 Later, Cook (Reference Cook2017) refines the notions of invariance presented in Antonelli (Reference Antonelli2010b) and Fine (Reference Fine2002) by investigating doubly internal invariance,Footnote 50 and shows that HP is the most fine-grained AP satisfying it.Footnote 51
Neologicists claim that HP is analytic albeit not a logical truth. In §3 of Grundlagen, Frege famously claims that a sentence is analytic if “in carrying out [its proof] we come only on general logical laws and definitions.” Frege’s notion of analyticity must be distinguished from Kant’s, according to which a judgment is analytic if the predicate is already contained in the subject.
These two senses of analyticity must moreover be distinguished from the contemporary notions of metaphysical and epistemic analyticity (Boghossian Reference Boghossian1996):
a statement is metaphysically analytic if it is true purely in virtue of the meaning of some of its component expressions;
a statement is epistemically analytic if grasping its meaning is sufficient to have a justified belief that the content expressed by that statement is true.
Hale and Wright (Reference Hale and Wright2001a) claim that even though HP is analytic neither in Kant’s nor in Frege’s sense,Footnote 52 it can still be deemed analytic in the sense that it is “determinative of the concept it thereby serves to explain” (p. 14).
It is worth noting that a statement can be analytic in Hale and Wright’s sense without being metaphysically or epistemically analytic. In particular, a statement can be analytic in the Neologicist sense (that is, the implicit definition of a concept) without being metaphysically analytic (that is, true in virtue of meaning).
Hale and Wright (Reference Hale, Wright, Boghossian and Peacocke2000) argue that HP is epistemically analytic, that is, can be known a priori (see Section 5.3). Neologicists claim moreover that PA2 is analytic in Frege’s sense, that is, its axioms can be derived by an implicit definition and SOL (see Section 5.3.2). In the most recent iterations of the abstractionist program, analyticity has been dropped (Linnebo Reference Linnebo2018, p. 3) even though the claim that APs can provide implicit definitions is retained (Rayo Reference Rayo2013, p. 187; Linnebo Reference Linnebo2018, p. xiii).
2.8 The Bad Company Problem
Many APs, even those that are consistent, are unacceptable because they are incompatible with other principles with the same form (Dummett Reference Dummett1991, Reference Dummett and Schirn1998; Boolos Reference Boolos and Heck1998a; Weir Reference Weir2003).Footnote 53
An example is Wright’s (Reference Wright and Schirn1998) Nuisance Principle (NP), which states that two concepts have the same “nuisance” if their difference is finite:Footnote 54
NP has only finite models. Therefore, it cannot be satisfied jointly with HP, which, to the contrary, has models that are at least denumerable.Footnote 55 As remarked by Linnebo (Reference Linnebo2009b, p. 324), “attractive principles like Hume’s Principle are surrounded by bad companions.” The Bad Company problem consists in sorting out acceptable principles from unacceptable ones.
Unacceptable principles seem easy to come by. Many pairwise inconsistent abstractions take the form of “Distraction principles” (Weir Reference Weir2003, p. 17), namely, APs whose abstraction function behaves like the function characterized by BLV unless both and
satisfy some second-order formula
At the same time, New V and other mathematically promising principles are instances of (D). The problem consists in selecting all and only the acceptable Distractions while leaving out the principles that are incompatible with them.
Over the years, several authors have formulated a plethora of increasingly strong criteria for acceptable abstraction (cf. e.g. Cook (Reference Cook2021a, Reference Cook, Boccuni and Sereni2021b), and Cook and Linnebo (Reference Cook and Linnebo2018) for recent overviews of the criteria and their rationale). Here, we will simply list the main ones.
Criterion 1 (Consistency) An AP is acceptable only if it is consistent (CON).
Criterion 2 (Unboundedness) An AP is acceptable only if it is unbound (UNB), that is, for any cardinal there is some cardinal
s.t. AP is
-satisfiable, that is, satisfiable in a model of cardinality
Criterion 3 (Semantic Field-Conservativeness) An AP is acceptable only if it is semantically Field-conservative (FCON), that is, for any theory to which AP can be consistently added and for any sentence
where is the result of restricting the quantifiers of
to objects that satisfy the formula
, that is, are not abstracts of AP.Footnote 56
Criterion 4 (Irenicity) An AP is acceptable only if it is irenic (IRN), that is, only if AP is (i) Field-conservative, and (ii) compatible with any other Field-conservative APs.
Criterion 5 (Strong Stability) An AP is acceptable only if it is strongly stable (SSTB), that is, there is a cardinal such that AP is
-satisfiable if, and only if,
The mutual relations between UNB, FCON, IRN, and SSTB are proved in Cook and Linnebo (Reference Cook and Linnebo2018). Cook and Linnebo also argue that a solution to the Bad Company problem requires the combination of strong stability with two other criteria:
Criterion 6 (Heck Stability) An AP is acceptable only if it is Heck-stable (HSTB), that is, (i) strongly stable and (ii) critically full. AP is critically full if for each critical point of AP, any model of AP of size
abstracts of the sort characterized by AP.
is a critical point of AP if AP is
-satisfiable and there is some
s.t. AP is not
-satisfiable for any
Criterion 7 (Monotonicity) An AP is acceptable only if it is monotonic (MONO), that is, its equivalence relation is intrinsic, that is, for any
where is the result of restricting all the quantifiers of
to objects that fall under either
The relations among combinations of SSTB, HSTB, and MONO are proved in Cook (Reference Cook, Boccuni and Sereni2021b). Both Fine (Reference Fine, Gendler and Hawthorne2005) and Cook (Reference Cook2017) explore invariance as a condition on acceptable abstraction.
The Bad Company problem gets worse, however, when we consider the mathematical strength of acceptable APs: The APs that would be most suited for recovering mathematical theories other than arithmetic are often unacceptable. An example is George Boolos’s New V. New V is sufficient to recover a remarkable portion of ZFC; however, it is not conservative, since it implies that the universe is well-ordered (Shapiro and Weir Reference Shapiro and Weir2000, pp. 304–309). In general, Uzquiano (Reference Uzquiano2009) shows that no AP that complies with SSTB can recover ZFC. As noted by Studd (Reference Studd2016, pp. 595–596), philosophical abstractionism seems to face a dilemma: Either the criteria introduced are permissive enough to include promising cases of abstraction such as New V, but, then, the Bad Company problem resurfaces, or those criteria are restrictive enough to avoid it, but, then, New V and other promising principles are ruled out.
3 Philosophical Abstractionism I: Semantics
3.1 Introduction
According to Frege and Scottish Neologicists (Section 2.4), expressions of the form “” are singular terms. There is no general agreement, however, on whether expressions appearing on the left-hand side of APs are indeed such. These considerations often rely on the analysis of natural language. For instance, in the natural language, number words like, for example, “four” can take on different roles. In this section, we will focus particularly on numerical expressions, since most of the relevant literature concerns number words. Specifically, we will survey the main positions concerning their semantic role: the substantival view, ascribing singulartermhood to number words (Frege; Scottish Neologicism; Rayo; Linnebo – Section 3.2); the adjectival reading, which regards number words as modifiers of nouns (Hofweber; Moltmann – Section 3.3.1); the quantificational perspective, conceiving of number words as numerical quantifiers (Hodes – Section 3.3.2). Other things being equal, similar considerations may apply to expressions of the form “
” appearing on the left-hand side of APs in a more general abstractionist perspective.
3.2 The Substantival View
Consider the following statement:
(1) Jupiter has four moons.
Statement (1) can be provided with a reading that Frege subscribed to and Dummett (Reference Dummett1991, p. 99) calls substantival. According to this reading, (1) can be paraphrased as
(2) The number of Jupiter’s moons is four,
whose logical form is that of an identity statement between the referent of the singular term “the number of Jupiter’s moons” and the referent of the singular term “four.”Footnote 57
It is fair to say that Frege’s reading of expressions of the form “the number of Jupiter’s moons,” “4,” and more in general abstract terms of the form “” is tightly connected to his view concerning the basic logical categories of function and argument – see, for example, Frege (Reference Frege, Bauer-Mengelberg and van Heijenoort1879, Reference Frege and by P. Geach in Geach1891, Reference Frege1893/1903), and Cook (Reference Cook, Zalta and Nodelman2023) for an overview.
In Frege’s intentions, a logically perfect language, like the one exposed in Frege (Reference Frege, Bauer-Mengelberg and van Heijenoort1879, Reference Frege1893/1903), was to be devoted to several aims, among which was formulating the axioms and inference rules of logic, in order to provide explicit definitions of the mathematical notions necessary to derive the basic laws of arithmetic from logical principles and definitions alone – as well as the basic laws of real and, possibly, complex analysis. At its core, such a language relied on the fundamental logical distinction between function and argument, with which Frege replaced Aristotle’s dichotomy between subject and predicate in the logical analysis of language.
Slightly oversimplifying, we can take Frege’s functions to be denoted by predicates with at least a free variable (in a contemporary notation), and Frege’s arguments to be placeholders for names of objects (e.g. individual constants in contemporary formal logic). According to Frege, a function is “unsaturated” (i.e. it has to take names as arguments in order to have a (truth-)value), whereas names of objects are “saturated” (i.e. nothing is required for them to have values, if any). Therefore, when asking what logical categories expressions in
belong to, and considering the expression “2,” either “2” stands for a function that has to be saturated in order to have a value, or no saturation is needed at all. Both logico-linguistic analysis and cautionary anti-empiricist views (such as J. S. Mill’s, which Frege disputed in e.g. Frege Reference Frege1884) prompted Frege to argue that “2” is a name of a (self-subsistent) object.
In this respect, Frege’s substantival reading of (1) as (2) is coherent both with his distinction between function and argument, and his view of numbers as objects. Given his foundational aims, equations like (3) were of the utmost importance to Frege, and his substantival reading accounts for them: The logical form of (3) consists in the application of a function symbol (“+”) to two singular terms (“2” and “3”), so that the number “2 + 3” denotes is the same number (=) as the number denoted by “5.”
Since number words (and numerals) are singular terms standing for self-subsistent (abstract) objects (i.e. the numbers), and since we have no direct access to abstract objects, an issue may arise as to how the reference of number words (and numerals) is fixed. In this respect, Frege attributes a crucial role to his Context Principle, which cautions, against psychologistic inclinations, to “never ask for the meaning of a word in isolation, but only in the context of a proposition.”Footnote 58 Particularly relevant to the aim of reference fixing of number words in general are identity statements like (2) and (3). Still, as Frege (Reference Frege1884, §62) famously points out:
[i]f we are to use a symbol to signify an object, we must have a criterion for deciding in all cases whether
is the same as
In particular, the meaning of identities such as (2) has to be established, with no use of the expressions “the number of Jupiter’s moons” or “four” at all. Therefore,
[w]hen we have thus acquired a means of arriving at a determinate number and of recognizing it again as the same, we can assign it a number word as its proper name.Footnote 59
In this respect, the truth-conditions of an AP for numbers (and Fregean abstract objects in general) are expected to deliver contextually the reference of the singular terms on its left-hand side.Footnote 60 At this point, Frege discusses what later would be known as HP, if only to discard it because of the so-called Caesar Problem,Footnote 61 and provide an explicit definition of numbers as equivalence classes closed under the equinumerosity relation – which was doomed to failure due to Russell’s paradox.Footnote 62
In a rather Fregean vein, Wright (Reference Wright1983) and Hale and Wright (Reference Hale and Wright2001a) rely on the Context Principle in order to bestow meaning upon expressions like “.” In particular, in Hale and Wright’s view, the proposition supposed to contextually fix the reference of “
” is HP.
That is not enough, though, to guarantee that expressions like “” are indeed singular terms to begin with. In order to establish this, Scottish Neologicists rely on several claims.
First, they propose syntactic criteria to distinguish singular terms from other expressions. In particular, those criteria amount to an inferential test and an Aristotelian test, both tracing back to Dummett (Reference Dummett1973), according to which genuine singular terms display different inferential behavior than other expressions (especially, quantifiers), and singular terms, unlike predicates, have no contradictory expressions (i.e. it makes no sense to use “not (Mary)” in a sentence, but it does to use “not (smart)”), respectively.Footnote 63
Second, once these criteria are in place, Scottish Neologicists rely on the Syntactic Priority Thesis (SPT) and HP. According to SPT, the truth of claims involving numerical terms in singular term position suffices to guarantee that they refer to objects. Hence, since HP contains expressions of the form “” that are singular terms by the syntactic criteria aforementioned and because they appear in singular term position (e.g. they flank the identity symbol), its truth is sufficient to justify the attribution of objectual reference to the singular terms on its left-hand side.
Precisely, by its surface syntax and the criteria for singulartermhood, “” is indeed a singular term. Moreover, the right-hand side of HP is a truth of pure SOL (see Definition 2.4 in Section 2.4). Since HP is a material biconditional, from the truth of HP and its right-hand side, the identity statements on its left-hand side are also true. Since the latter are true claims containing numerical terms in singular term position, those terms are singular terms that do refer to objects (SPT).Footnote 64
A similar reliance on the syntactic role of abstract terms and their appearance in (atomic) true sentences for their referentiality to be secured is in Rayo’s (Reference Rayo2013) compositionalism. Consider an uninterpreted first-order language , and the assignment of truth-conditions to
’s sentences. Of course, such an assignment has to satisfy logical entailment,Footnote 65 but otherwise we can pick any assignment. According to compositionalism, if the sentences of
are interpreted in this way, for a singular term
to be referential (i.e. to refer to an object in the world), all that is needed is that the world satisfies “the truth-conditions that were assigned to ⌜
⌝ (or some inferential analogue).”Footnote 66
Linnebo (Reference Linnebo2018) labels both the Neologicist metasemantic view of reference fixing and Rayo’s compositionalism ultra-thin conceptions, by which in general “an expression refers provided that, first, it has all the appropriate syntactic and inferential characteristics of a singular term, and second, the expression figures in appropriate true sentences.”Footnote 67 He then contrasts both views with his thin conception, according to which, for the reference of (singular) abstract terms such as “” to be fixed, APs as identity criteria for appropriate kinds of objects are sufficient. The process of reference fixing proceeds in stages. We start from a domain of “old” objects, reference to which is already accomplished. Then, an AP is introduced: Its right-hand side contains first-order quantifiers restricted to the old objects; and singular terms on its left-hand side refer to “new” objects.Footnote 68 Reference to the latter is accomplished via identity and distinctness facts based on an old ontology of individuals – which Linnebo (Reference Linnebo2018, p. 141) labels semantic nonreductionism.Footnote 69, Footnote 70
3.3 Nonsubstantival Views
In this section, we will present two main alternatives to the substantival view: the view by which (most) number words are adjectives, and consequently stand for a varied landscape of higher-order entities (Section 3.3.1); and the view according to which number words are quantificational expressions (Section 3.3.2).
3.3.1 The Adjectival View
The adjectival view interprets statements like (1) in Section 3.2 as capturing the primary usage of number words in natural language as adjectives – or determiners, namely expressions that modify nouns. On this reading, in (1) “four” appears in adjectival position as a modifier of “moons.” In particular, “four” stands for a numerical property predicated of the semantic value of “moons” – the latter being a plurality or a property. Several authors subscribe to this view, though with crucial differences.
According to Hofweber (Reference Hofweber2005), (most occurrences of) number words in natural language are determiners, which have semantic values (i.e. properties) contributing to the truth-conditions of the statements in which they occur, but are not referential (in the way singular terms are, if at all). A clear example of this is statement (1).Footnote 71
In Hofweber (Reference Hofweber2005), number words can be treated as determiners even in statements in which the nouns they modify do not occur explicitly, like e.g. “After dinner, I will have one, too,” and in statements in which number words are not supposed to modify any noun, such as e.g. “Two are more than none.” In these cases, number words are bare determiners.
Admittedly, this view is not straightforwardly applicable to genuinely arithmetical statements such as (3). In order to accommodate those kinds of statements also, according to Hofweber (Reference Hofweber2005, p. 195), we have to consider how “arithmetical symbols are first introduced to us and what meaning is given to them.” Children have to accomplish several tasks when they learn basic arithmetic, among which are: learning number words and putting them in the right order; using them to count collections of things; mastering formal symbols such as Arabic numerals, and symbols for arithmetical operations. This seems to indicate that basic arithmetical statements like (3) are first learnt in one of their most ordinary uses, that is, counting things in collections. In this sense, “2,” “3,” and “5” are (bare) determiners that in time were abstracted away from simple operations of counting collections of ordinary things. As arithmetic gets more and more complex, cognitive difficulties kick in. In order to minimize them, we operate a process of cognitive type coercion: “[i]n reasoning our minds favor representations about objects” (Hofweber Reference Hofweber2005, p. 200). In order to simplify the task of understanding and calculating (more and more complex) arithmetical equations, a cognitive shift takes place from the type of (3), in which “2,” “3,” and “5” are bare determiners, to the type in which “2,” “3,” and “5” stand for objects of sorts.
This view does not straightforwardly account for statements such as (2), but according to Hofweber (Reference Hofweber2005, p. 210), in order to understand the relationship between statements (1) and (2), we have to consider their usage in communication. In particular, the difference between them is that (1) seems a subject-predicate sentence, whereas (2) seems to be a so-called clefted or specificational sentence, in which, unlike (1), information is not communicated neutrally but is conveyed via (2)’s structural focus. Still, it can be argued that the change in focus does not impact which syntactic category “four” belongs to. For instance, as Hofweber (Reference Hofweber2005) but also, for example, Moltmann (Reference Moltmann2013) and Felka (Reference Felka2014) argue, it would be odd to answer a question like “How many moons has Jupiter?” by (2): We’d rather expect the answer to come in the form of (1) – or something along its lines.Footnote 72 So, in (2), “four” is a determiner that has been moved to a different syntactic position for communication purposes via structural focus.Footnote 73
Other authors follow Hofweber’s (Reference Hofweber2005) strategy, but with significant differences. For instance, on the basis of linguistic evidence, Moltmann (Reference Moltmann2013, Reference Moltmann, Ebert and Rossberg2016) proposes to divide the semantic role of number words in natural language in three categories. While subscribing to Hofweber’s adjectival view as for numerals like “four” (even though numerals may behave syntactically like nouns), Moltmann argues that, on the one hand, prima facie singular terms such as “the number of Jupiter’s moons” are not singular terms at all, but rather referential expressions standing for number tropes, that is, instantiated numerical properties (“the number of”) of pluralities (“Jupiter’s moons”).Footnote 74 On the other hand, genuine numerical singular terms like “the number four” do refer to numbers as objects, and their genuine referentiality as full-fledged singular terms is brought about by the application of the function number to the determiner “four.”Footnote 75
3.3.2 The Quantificational View
Consider a consistent AP. Generally, the models of AP must contain at least as many individuals as needed in order to satisfy it. But those individuals need not be the one and only AP-objects – for example, cardinal numbers with respect to HP. For that matter, even models containing at least the appropriate cardinality of copies of Caesar can satisfy AP – provided the model is structured in the right way (e.g. as for HP, its models have to satisfy, e.g. the predecessor relation). Still, if reference of singular terms like “” permutes over domains (modulo APs being satisfied), then it is indeterminate which particular objects AP-terms refer to. Therefore, it might be questioned that AP-terms are singular terms at all. This is the so-called permutation argument, which, as far as HP is concerned, can be used to propose yet another possible reading of number words.Footnote 76
Whereas the adjectival strategy relies on linguistic data, giving priority to natural language over formal languages for arithmetic, Hodes (Reference Hodes1984, Reference Hodes and Boolos1990) takes a hint from Frege’s well-known examples in Frege (Reference Frege1884) on the number of Jupiter’s moons, in order to revert to formal theories of arithmetic, and provide the logical form of Fregean alleged identity statements like (2) in terms of numerical quantifiers.
Hodes’s analysis is prompted by the rejection of what he calls the mathematical-object theory, according to which, in short, numerical terms are object-designating singular terms. Hodes (Reference Hodes1984, Reference Hodes and Boolos1990) highlights some issues the mathematical-object theorist must address. In a nutshell, the mathematical-object theorist must provide an adequate answer to the issue concerning the “microstructure of reference to, e.g., cardinal numbers.”Footnote 77 But here is the hitch. In clear-cut cases of referential efficacy to medium-sized objects, as well as natural and artificial kinds and even theoretical entities like positrons, causal relations seem to be problematically crucial. Such a philosophical difficulty becomes even more severe in the case of abstract, causally inert objects such as cardinal numbers, since as for the latter the kind of reference required seems to be “so pure, so unsustained by the cement of the universe, that reference to them and their ilk seems quite sui generis.”Footnote 78
Here is where Frege may come unwillingly to the rescue. Consider again statement (1). Even if just to discard it, Frege entertained briefly the possibility that its logical form is along the following lines:Footnote 79
(4) There are exactly four moons of Jupiter.
In Hodes’s view, though, the “linguistic apparatus of a branch of mathematics is a package built to allow certain higher-order statements to be encoded ‘down’ into a more familiar and tractable first-order form.”Footnote 80 So, instead of reading statement (2) as the logical form of (4), as Frege suggested, Hodes proceeds the other way around: Identity statements between the referents (objects) of singular terms like (2) really are quantificational statements like (4), whose demi-formal form is
is a moon of Jupiter),
where is a first-orderly definable numerical quantifier,Footnote 81 and “4” is syncategorematic, that is, it is not referential.
On the basis of the latter analysis, then, numbers can be obtained as objects. In particular, a numberer is a higher-order function taking concepts as arguments and having objects as values: The standard numberer (i.e. “the number of”) assigns to a concept the number of objects falling under that concept. A representor is a higher-order function taking numerical objects-quantifiers to objects.Footnote 82 The standard representor assigns a numerical quantifier to a “special sort of object intrinsically, internally, and just plain specially related to that quantifier.”Footnote 83 These special objects are the numbers: a number is “an object that canonically represents a cardinality quantifier,” and it is “the nature of a cardinal number to be intimately related to a particular cardinality object-quantifier.”Footnote 84 For instance, the number 4 is an object whose nature consists in its representing the numerical quantifier .Footnote 85 Thus, the logical form of statement (2) is a statement about numerical quantifiers: “what appears to be a first-order theory about objects of a distinctive sort really is an encoding of a fragment of third-order logic,”Footnote 86 which is first-orderized for the sake of mathematical tractability.
This view of mathematical discourse supports Hodes’s coding fictionalism: Whenever a number term is used as in, for example, (2), we pretend to posit objects that represent numerical quantifiers, for example, . In this respect, numbers are “fictions ‘created’ with a special purpose, to encode numerical object-quantifiers and thereby enable us to ‘pull down’ a fragment of third-order logic, dressing it in first-order clothing.”Footnote 87
3.4 The Caesar Problem
As mentioned in Section 3.2, Frege discarded HP as a contextual definition of the natural numbers because of the so-called Caesar Problem (CP). In §67, Frege quickly raises an objection to his own attempt to define directions using an AP:
Th[e definition] does not provide for all cases. It will not, for instance, decide for us whether England is the same as the direction of the Earth’s axis . Naturally no one is going to confuse England with the direction of Earth’s axis; but that is no thanks to our definition of direction.Footnote 88
HP is similarly incapable of establishing the truth-value of statements like, for example, “Caesar = .”Footnote 89
CP generalizes over APs. As Cook and Ebert (Reference Cook and Ebert2005, p. 122) point out, APs “fix the truth conditions for identity statements regarding abstracts (i.e. the truth conditions of the identity on the left-hand side of the abstraction principle) in virtue of the equivalence relation on the right-hand side.” However, generally APs stay silent as for the truth-conditions of “mixed” identity statements of the form
where “” is not a term of the form “
.”Footnote 90
CP is particularly worrisome for Neologicism. If CP is not solved, Neologicists cannot argue that HP’s truth contextually bestows reference upon number-terms appearing on its left-hand side, and therefore, by SPT and the criteria for singulartermhood, HP-terms are singular terms denoting objects. As Wright (Reference Wright and Miller2020, p. 306) puts it,
[t]o solve the Caesar problem is not to show that terms introduced by good abstractions refer. But it is – or so I have suggested – to meet a necessary condition for showing that.
In Section 4.3, we’ll see how Neologicists propose to solve CP by metaphysical principles. For the remainder of this section, let us focus on two other solutions to CP: conventionalism and deflationism.
The guiding idea of the former is that, like the truth of APs is putatively fixed by stipulation (see Section 5.3), further stipulations can determine the truth or falsehood of “mixed” identities. Conventionalism is a “piecemeal” approach (Studd Reference Studd2023, p. 237): At any given moment, linguistic stipulation can determine some, but possibly not all, cross-sortal identities left open by APs. Versions of conventionalism are defended also by Rayo (Reference Rayo2013, pp. 80–81) and Linnebo (Reference Linnebo2018, p. 160).
According to deflationism, as in, for example, Antonelli (Reference Antonelli2010a,Reference Antonellib), the role of APs is to provide an “inflationary thrust” on the first-order domain by “giv[ing] a lower bound on the cardinality of the domain of objects, relative to the size of the class of all concepts, taken modulo a given equivalence relation.”Footnote 91 According to Antonelli, APs do not provide information about the nature of these objects; by contrast, anything can be an abstract object, provided that it belongs to a domain with the appropriate cardinality. This proves to be a dissolution of CP, since, for example, is identical to Caesar in some models of HP and distinct from Caesar in other models.Footnote 92
4 Philosophical Abstractionism II: Ontology
4.1 Introduction
Traditionally, APs are defended along with realist ontologies (in particular, Platonism). Platonism is typically characterized by two claims:Footnote 93 There exists a realm of abstract objects to which mathematical language refers and that is described by our mathematical theories; and these objects exist and have their properties independently of mathematicians and their thoughts, language, and practices. We will first show how abstractionists defend the existence claim (Sections 4.2–4.2.2). We will then consider various ways in which the independence claim can be cashed out (Section 4.2.3).Footnote 94 Finally, in Section 4.3, we consider the view that APs characterize the intrinsic nature of the objects that these principles introduce.
4.2 The Existence of Mathematical Objects
As seen in Section 3.2, the Neologicist defense of Platonism is based on three premisses.Footnote 95 The first premise concerns the logical form of the left-hand side of APs:
(1) The numerical terms that appear on the left of APs are singular terms.
Premise (1) is syntactic because abstractionists claim that it is possible to identify singular terms independently of any consideration of the semantic role of these expressions – see Section 3.2.
The second premise expresses a sufficient condition for singular terms to refer:
(2) A singular term
refers, and hence the object to which it refers exists, if
appears in a true (extensional) sentential context, and specifically in true identity statements.
Premise (2) should be uncontroversial: Given the standard semantic clauses for first-order logic, “” is satisfied by a structure
if, and only if,
.Footnote 96
Finally, the third premise asserts that there are true instances of the right-hand side of HP:
(3) There are true instances of the right-hand side of APs.
These instances include, for example, statements of the equinumerosity of a concept with itself.Footnote 97
Since there are true instances of its right-hand side, and HP is a material biconditional, then there are also true instances of the left-hand side of HP. Combined with (1), it follows that there are true identity statements between singular terms. And since the left-hand side meets the condition specified in (2) for ensuring that a singular term refers to an object that exists, then numerical terms refer to objects, and so there are numbers.Footnote 98
The logical assumptions of this argument consist in the second-order comprehension schema CA, which states that there is a concept corresponding to any formula
that occurs free in
). For example, to show that
exists, Neologicists consider a concept whose extension is (necessarily) empty, say, the concept of being not self-identical. The argument also assumes classical logic.Footnote 99 The only nonlogical assumption of the argument is Hume’s Principle. HP states that statements that feature numerical terms are materially equivalent to statements that do not feature these terms.Footnote 100
The abstractionist ontology of mathematics faces, however, the following problem of the origin. Assume that APs can be stipulated without presupposing the existence of mathematical objects. Let’s also assume that pure higher-order logic is ontologically neutral, as Neologicists do (Wright Reference Wright, Leng, Paseau and Potter2007; Hale Reference Hale2019), rather than “set theory in sheep’s clothing” (Quine Reference Quine1970, chapter 5). Abstractionists must explain how the ontological commitment of mathematical theories originates if both SOL and AP are not committed to the existence of objects of a particular sort. For example, if the right-hand side of HP is not committed to the existence of numbers, then its left-hand side is not committed to the existence of numbers either. Vice versa, if the left of HP does carry a commitment to numbers, then by contrapositive reasoning, the right-hand side carries the exact same commitment. But since some true instances of the right of HP are purely second-order logical truths, then SOL is not ontologically innocent.
The different responses to this problem are tabled in Figure 1. First, we can distinguish between asymmetric and symmetric conceptions of abstraction (see Linnebo Reference Linnebo2018, §1.7). According to the symmetric conception, the two sides of APs have the same ontological commitments. Among these positions, we can distinguish between those that adopt the Quinean criterion according to which the ontological commitment of a theory consists in what must lie in the range of its (first-order) quantifiers in order for the statements of that theory to be true, and those that reject this criterion.Footnote 101 According to the asymmetric conceptions, by contrast, the commitments of the left of an AP exceeds those of its right.Footnote 102 We will consider these positions proceeding from the bottom to the top of Figure 1.
Figure 1 Responses to the origin problem.
4.2.1 Quinean Criterion: Hidden Reference and Nominalism
It is natural to assume that the left-hand side of APs can commit to the existence of abstract objects only if the right-hand side carries the same commitment. For example, Wright claims that “the existence of numbers is [not] a further fact, something which the (mere) equinumerosity of concepts may leave unresolved” (Wright Reference Wright1999, in Hale and Wright Reference Hale and Wright2001a, p. 312, italic in the original). By adopting the Quinean criterion, either both sides are ontologically committed to mathematical objects or neither side is.Footnote 103
The first view was briefly entertained by Neologicists under the label of “hidden reference.” According to this view, the right-hand side of APs “achieves a reference to [abstract objects] without containing any particular part which so refers” (Wright Reference Wright1983, p. 33; see also Hale and Wright Reference Hale and Wright2001a, pp. 205–207).
Versions of mathematical nominalism, that is, the view that there are no abstract objects, were proposed by Florio and Leach-Krouse (Reference Florio and Leach-Krouse2017), Schindler (Reference Schindler2021), and Urbaniak (Reference Urbaniak2010). According to these accounts, neither of the two sides of APs refers to abstract objects; on the contrary, the function of APs would be purely expressive. In particular, sentences that feature terms for abstract objects would allow us to convey, in a concise way, equivalent higher-order logical contents.Footnote 104 Let’s give an example. Schindler presents a position, akin to alethic deflationism, according to which the concept Number is exhausted by the Numerical Equivalence Schema:
where abbreviates “there are
’s.”Footnote 105 The right of NES features the “numerically definite quantifiers” “
,” “
,” and so on, whereas its left features singular numerical terms “0” and “1.” First-order quantification over
is possible on the left but not on the right; therefore, the purpose of number talk is “to quantify (indirectly) into a position that our ordinary quantifiers are incapable of” (p. 868; for a similar view, see Hodes in Section 3.3.2).
4.2.2 Content Recarving
The non-Quinean criterion of ontological commitment is based on the idea that the two sides of APs share the same content.
A version of this idea was introduced by Frege himself, who in §64 of Grundlagen (p. 71) claimed that the concept Direction can be introduced by taking the right-hand side of the corresponding AP “as an identity”:
The judgment “line is parallel to line
”, or, using symbols, “
”, can be taken as an identity. If we do this, we obtain the concept of direction, and say: “the direction of line
is identical with the direction of line
”. Thus we replace the symbol
by the more generic symbol =, through removing what is specific in the content of the former and dividing it between
. We carve up the content in a way different from the original way, and this yields us a new concept.Footnote 106
Frege’s metaphor was followed, most notably, by Hale and Wright, who claim that the left-hand side of an instance of HP corresponds to a “reconceptualization” of its right-hand side (Wright Reference Wright1999, p. 312). This proposal has been criticized by Fine (Reference Fine2002) and by Potter and Smiley (Reference Potter and Smiley2001, Reference Potter and Smiley2002).Footnote 107 More recently, Fregean semantics has been defended by Rayo (Reference Rayo2013).Footnote 108
Rayo calls his position trivialism. Specifically, Trivialist Platonism (about finite cardinals) is the view that all the instances of the following schema are (trivially)Footnote 109 true:
Numbers: For the number of the ’s to be
just is for there to be
HP entails that for any finite ,
. Under plausible assumptions about the logic of the “just is”-operator, Numbers follows from this version of HP (where
is the “just is”-operator):
Rayo claims that “just is”-statements such as Numbers are “no difference” statements: For example, there is no difference between the number of the dinosaurs being zero and there being no dinosaurs (Rayo Reference Rayo2013 p. 4).
The nondifference claim is understood in terms of sameness of facts: Rayo claims that the two sides of Numbers provide “[a] full and accurate description of the same feature of reality” (Rayo Reference Rayo2013, p. 6). Rayo regiments his claim in terms of (sameness of) truth-conditions. This notion is explicated, in turn, in terms of (the identical) demands that the truth of two sentences make on the world (Rayo Reference Rayo2013, p. 52). Finally, Rayo claims that the sentence has the same ontological commitment as
. This notion of ontological commitment differs from the Quinean one in that sentences with different logical forms can nonetheless make the same demands on the world (Rayo Reference Rayo2007).
Let’s give an example. Suppose that we do accept that the two sides of the direction principle have the same ontological commitment (in Rayo’s sense). Now consider a particular line . Since we accept this “just is”-statement, we accept also that for the direction of
to be self-identical, and hence for that direction to exist, just is for
to be parallel to itself. Therefore, the direction of
exists, and so there are directions; however, the existence of directions does not require more from the world than what is required for two lines to be parallel.Footnote 110
4.2.3 Lightweight Platonism
Linnebo (Reference Linnebo2018) recently put forward a version of the asymmetric conception. Linnebo claims that abstract objects are thin “in the sense that very little is required for their existence” (p. 3). More specifically, the truth of the right-hand side of an AP would be sufficient (in a technical sense) for the truth of its left-hand side. He calls this view minimalism.Footnote 111
To set the stage, let’s consider an example. The assertibility conditions for statements that involve direction-terms can plausibly be given by stating that “” is assertible of lines
if, and only if,
, and “
” is assertible of
if, and only if,
, where
are variables for lines,
stands for an n-ary relation among directions, and
is an n-ary relation that is a congruence with respect to parallelism.
In first approximation, Linnebo defines sufficiency as follows: suffices for
if, and only if,
is a ground for asserting
.Footnote 112 Given the assertibility aforementioned conditions, the AP for direction corresponds to the following sufficiency claims:
Suppose that lines and
are parallel.
is a sufficient ground to assert that
. Given the nonreductive interpretation of the extended language that Linnebo favors, direction-terms actually refer to directions.
Linnebo claims APs satisfy the following Ontological Expansiveness Constraint: There are sufficiency statements such that the ontological commitments of
exceed those of
(Linnebo Reference Linnebo2018: pp. 13–17). In particular, the left-hand side of an AP can carry more commitment than its right-hand side, even if the truth of the latter is sufficient for the truth of the former. Linnebo’s view amounts, therefore, to an asymmetric conception of abstraction. At the same time, Linnebo emphasizes that his view yields a form of lightweight Platonism, according to which mathematical objects, unlike ordinary ones, require little from the world in order to exist.Footnote 113
Linnebo suggests that his notion of sufficiency can be explicated by the notion of metaphysical explanation or grounding (Clark and Liggins Reference Clark and Liggins2012; Fine Reference Fine, Correia and Schnieder2012).Footnote 114 Linnebo claims that “the sufficiency statements can be seen as recording grounding potentials” (Linnebo Reference Linnebo2018, p. 43, footnote 41). Linnebo’s talk of “grounding potentials” can be clarified as follows. Suppose that the right-hand side of an AP indeed suffices for the truth of its left-hand side. Then, if it is the case that the right-hand side is true, then the right-hand side grounds the left-hand side. This view has been proposed by Rosen (Reference Rosen, Hale and Hoffmann2010) and Schwartzkopff (Reference Schwartzkopff2011) and developed by Donaldson (Reference Donaldson2017). It yields a version of lightweight Platonism.Footnote 115
To formulate APs as claims of grounding, let’s introduce the sentential operator for full,Footnote 116 immediate,Footnote 117 and strictFootnote 118 ground.Footnote 119 A natural proposal to state a “metaphysical” version of an AP is claiming that
fully, immediately, and strictly grounds
. However, grounding is a factive notion: If
(metaphysically) explains
, then both
are the case. The principle would therefore entail that
for any
. Moreover, since the principle entails that
, this principle would also “prejudge” the existence of abstract objects (Schwartzkopff Reference Schwartzkopff2011, p. 362, footnote 18).
Both problems can be solved by adopting conditionalized versions of ground-theoretic APs similar to Linnebo’s. These principles provide an account of what grounds identities between abstract objects. However, it is silent about inequalities, that is, each case in which the two items have different abstracts. At the same time, an AP states that is sufficient and necessary for
to be identical. Therefore, it is natural to extend the principle by adding that not only if
, then
, but also if
, then
– see Donaldson (Reference Donaldson2017 pp. 785–786, Linnebo (Reference Linnebo2023b), and deRosset and Linnebo (Reference deRosset and Linnebo2023).
For example, suppose that there are as many cities in Wales as species of Flamingo.Footnote 120 It is natural to think that the fact that the numbers of the cities of Wales and the species of Flamingo are identical is grounded by the fact that these cities and these species can be paired one-to-one, but this latter fact is not grounded by the fact that their number is the same.
According to its proponents, the ground-theoretic formulation of HP, or variants thereof, vindicates a form of Aristotelianism in the philosophy of mathematics (Rosen Reference Rosen and Polkinghorne2011, Reference Rosen and Clark2016; Donaldson Reference Donaldson2017, p. 776). Aristotle claimed that mathematical objects are not separate substances, but rather exist “in” physical entities, and are reached by abstraction of some of the characteristic properties of these entities. According to Aristotelianism, mathematical objects are therefore dependent entities (Schwartzkopff Reference Schwartzkopff2011). Unlike in Aristotle’s view, however, these objects do not exist “in” physical ones, but their existence is grounded in empirical facts (Horsten and Leitgeb Reference Horsten, Leitgeb, Hieke and Leitgeb2009).
4.3 Real Definitions
Another claim that characterizes some abstractionist positions is that APs provide real definitions, that is, definitions of the essence of the objects introduced by these principles.
Real definitions have the form, “What is for something to be an is to be a
.” We will adopt Fine’s notation “
” to assert that a truth
belongs to the essence of
(Fine Reference Fine1995a).Footnote 121 We can now distinguish between three different claims, even though these are often intertwined with each other (cf. Hale Reference Hale2013, Reference Hale2019).
The first, and relatively uncontroversial, claim is that if an AP is consistent, then the function is essentially governed by AP:
The second claim, which is also relatively uncontroversial,Footnote 122 is that to be a -abstract, which we denote by “
,” is for something to be the value of
for some
Finally, the third and more controversial claim is that -abstracts are essentially the values of
– that is, if
is a
-abstract, then being a
-abstract is part of
’s essence:
This final claim entails that abstraction functions are generative in Rosen and Yablo’s (Reference Rosen, Yablo and Miller2020) sense, that is, its values are essentially values of that function. As noted by Rosen and Yablo, claiming that the cardinality function is generative is sufficient to settle “mixed” identities and therefore to provide a solution to the Caesar problem (Section 3.4): Since it does not belong to the nature of Julius Caesar to be the number of some concept, then Caesar cannot be a number.
The Caesar Problem could indeed be solved by adding application conditions to HP. Neologicists claim, however, that such an extension is not necessary (Wright Reference Wright1983, p. 116; Hale and Wright Reference Hale and Wright2001b). They argue that such conditions can be derived indirectly from the identity conditions that HP does provide.Footnote 123 To this aim, Neologicists rely on the principle Nd:
Nd: is a sortal concept under which numbers fall (if? and) only if there could be singular terms “
” and “
” denoting instances of
such that the truth-conditions of “
” are the same as those of some statement of equinumerosity between a pair of concepts.Footnote 124
In general, provided that the truth-conditions of identity criteria for persons are not given in terms of one-to-one correspondence, from Nd it follows that no cardinals are persons. Nd follows, in its turn, from HP together with a yet more general Principle of Sortal Inclusion (SIP) that Neologicists deem as independently plausible:Footnote 125
SIP: A sort of objects is included within a sort
only if the content of a suitable range of identity statements about
s – those linking terms denoting
s that are candidates to be
s – is the same as that of statements asserting satisfaction of the criterion of identity for the corresponding
s.Footnote 126
SIP entails that Caesar is not a cardinal number if he is a person. This line of reasoning can be generalized to any sortal concept under which objects that are not cardinals fall.Footnote 127
Hale’s and Wright’s solution to CP yields a form of mathematical Platonism according to which mathematical objects are conceived as sui generis entities. However, Hale (Reference Hale2018) highlights a possible tension between essentialism and the Neologicist epistemology of mathematics, according to which the truth of APs can be stipulated (cf. Section 5.3.1), whereas it plausibly cannot be stipulated that some objects have a certain essence.Footnote 128
Finally, the claim that cardinal numbers are sui generis objects distinguishes the brands of abstractionism that endorse it from other positions in the philosophy of mathematics. For example, Neologicists claim that the natural numbers are fundamentally cardinal numbers, whereas structuralists claim that natural numbers are essentially ordinals (Assadian and Buijsman Reference Assadian and Buijsman2018). We will return to the interplay between abstractionism and structuralism in Section 6.
5 Philosophical Abstractionism III: Epistemology
5.1 Introduction
This section surveys the main epistemological theses in the literature on abstractionism. We consider two epistemic puzzlesFootnote 129: How epistemic access to abstract objects can be attained through abstraction over equivalence relations (Section 5.2), and how APs themselves can be known, or at least blamelessly believed, as a result of their stipulation. This second challenge figures prominently in the Neologicist project. As we will see, the Neologicist epistemology of mathematics is centered around three notions: arrogance, presupposition, and entitlement (Section 5.3). We will finally consider some objections (Section 5.4).
5.2 Puzzle 1: Epistemic Access
The access problem is a traditional objection to Platonism (Panza and Sereni Reference Panza and Sereni2013, pp. 1–9). Platonism is the view that mathematical theories describe a realm of self-standing objects that exist and have their properties independently of mathematicians and their thoughts, language, and practices. However, Platonists must explain how mathematical knowledge is possible if these objects are abstract entities, not located in space and time and causally isolated from us (Linnebo Reference Linnebo2009b, §4.2). A contemporary formulation of the problem is due to Benacerraf (Reference Benacerraf1973). Benacerraf claims that a satisfactory account of mathematical truth must satisfy two conditions: a semantic constraint that requires that the semantic clauses for mathematical statements must be similar to the clauses for nonmathematical ones,Footnote 130 and an epistemological constraint that requires that this account must be compatible with the possibility of having mathematical knowledge. Benacerraf claims that mathematical Platonism cannot satisfy both these criteria (pp. 674–675; see Hale and Wright (Reference Hale and Wright2002) for an assessment of Benacerraf’s challenge). Assuming Platonism (see Section 4), this puzzle applies to abstractionism in mathematics in general.
Specifically in the case of finite cardinals, Neologicists claim that Frege’s question – “How, then, are numbers given to us, if we cannot have any ideas or intuitions of them?” (Frege Reference Frege1884, §62) – can be answered by an appeal to Hume’s Principle. To illustrate their point, consider again Frege’s example concerning directions, that is, direction of line equals direction of line
if, and only if,
are parallel. Imagine three segments
, and
, such that
and parallel, and
is orthogonal to
. These latter facts can be ascertained by looking at the lines only. However, the AP for direction implies that two lines have the same direction if they are parallel. Therefore, if the AP for directions is interpreted in the way suggested by Neologicists, it seems possible to acquire inferential justification for our beliefs that concern abstract objects on the basis of our perceptual acquaintance with particular concrete objects.Footnote 131
The Neologicist epistemology of mathematical objects rests on two considerations. (i) First, at least for some and
, knowing that
can be paired one-to-one does not require knowing that their number is identical – or, indeed, that any number exists Hale and Wright (Reference Hale and Wright2001a, p. 10). For example, Wright (Reference Wright and Schirn1998) calls two concepts
unproblematic if knowledge of whether they are instantiated by some numbers is not needed to determine whether these concepts can be put into one-to-one correspondence.Footnote 132 An example of unproblematic concept is Conqueror of Gaul. An example of a problematic concept is, by contrast, identical to either one or two. Nonproblematic concepts ensure that epistemic justification can be transmitted from the right to the left of an AP. (ii) The epistemology of Hume’s Principle must be similarly unproblematic, as is clarified in Section 5.3.
As regards abstractionism in general, a version of the epistemic access problem was formulated in Field (Reference Field1989). According to Field, the challenge is to explain how (the justification for) our mathematical beliefs can be reliable, that is, how it is responsive to the truth of those beliefs if we can have no access to the mathematical domain (p. 26). This epistemological challenge targets the view that the mathematical domain is insulated from the physical domain (Rosen Reference Rosen1993, pp. 151–153). In Field’s words, “our belief in a theory should be undermined if the theory requires that it would be a huge coincidence if what we believed about its subject matter were correct” (Field Reference Field, Gendler and Hawthorne2005, p. 77). However, abstractionism has the means to answer this challenge, as explained in what follows.
Linnebo (Reference Linnebo2018) offers the following account of how APs determine the truth of mathematical statements, and, at the same time, they explain the reliability of mathematicians’ beliefs (pp. 201–204). First, he shows that APs meet an epistemic constraint. This constraint requires that, if suffices for
, then it must be possible to know the corresponding conditional
(p. 16). In Linnebo’s account (see Sections 2.6 and 4.2.3 in this volume), these conditionals correspond to language extensions, such that the left-hand side of APs is assertible if the right-hand side is. If such language extension is carried out, one obtains the relevant conditional “for free” (p. 202).Footnote 133 According to Linnebo, the truth of the right-hand side is then sufficient (in a technical sense) for the truth of the left-hand side, and so for abstract objects to exists. As he points out, “the less of a demand the existence of mathematical objects makes on the world, the easier it will be to know that the demand is satisfied” (p. 10).
The model proposed by Rayo (Reference Rayo2013) is as follows. Suppose that an AP is stipulated as a contextual definition of the cardinality operator. In this case, a justification for (an instance of) the right-hand side of this AP will itself count as a justification for (the corresponding instance of) its left-hand side, since these sides are, by stipulation, materially equivalent (p. 98). More generally, Rayo claims that mathematical statements have trivial truth-conditions, that is, that nothing in the world is required for these statements to be true (Section 4.2.2). As he points out, “this means, in particular, that there is no need to go to the world to check whether any requirements have been met in order to determine whether the truth-conditions of a truth of pure mathematics are satisfied” (p. 98).
5.3 Puzzle 2: Knowledge by Abstraction
The most distinctive claim of the abstractionist tradition is that APs allow claiming the aprioricity of the mathematical theories that can be derived from them:Footnote 134 “The abstractionist program of foundations for classical mathematical theories is, like its traditional logicist ancestors, first and foremost an epistemological project. Its official aim is to demonstrate the possibility of a certain uniform mode of a priori knowledge of the basic laws of arithmetic, real and complex analysis, and set theory” (Wright Reference Wright, Ebert and Rossberg2016, p. 161).
In the case of arithmetic, the defense of this view rests on three claims:
(i) HP can be known a priori, or at least blamelessly believed, as a result of its stipulation as an implicit definition.
(ii) (i) guarantees that the translations of the axioms of PA2 in the language of FA – call these translations PA2# – can be known a priori.
(iii) The concept of cardinal number introduced by HP is the (ordinary) concept of cardinal number; moreover, the concepts of
, successor and natural numbers defined in terms of
are the ordinary arithmetical concepts.
If (i) and (ii) hold, then PA2# are a priori. But, given (iii), PA2# are the axioms of PA2 – rather than a set of sentences with the same form. Therefore, PA2 is a priori (e.g. Hale and Wright Reference Hale and Wright2001a, pp. 11–13).Footnote 135
Let’s consider (i), (ii), and (iii) in their turn.
5.3.1 Arrogance, Presuppositions, and Entitlement
One of the central claims of Neologicism is that Hume’s Principle and other abstractions are a priori. Traditionally, Neologicists mean what Field (Reference Field, Gendler and Hawthorne2005) calls strong aprioricity or empirical indefeasibility: Hume’s Principle is a priori in the sense that it admits no empirical evidence against it.Footnote 136 The Neologicist epistemology of abstraction rests on a triad: arrogance, presupposition, and entitlement.
The argument for the aprioricity of Hume’s Principle rests on what Wright and Hale calls the “traditional connection” between analyticity and aprioricity: “if the stipulation has the effect that [‘ ’] and hence [HP] are fully understood – … then nothing will stand in the way of an intelligent disquotation: the knowledge that ‘[HP] is true’ will extend to knowledge that [HP]” (Hale and Wright Reference Hale, Wright, Boghossian and Peacocke2000, pp. 126–127, modified). This connection requires not only that HP does provide a successful implicit definition (hence, the Neologicist semantic claim) but also that HP is – in their terms – nonarrogant, that is, its truth can be stipulated without “collateral (a posteriori) epistemic work” (Hale and Wright Reference Hale, Wright, Boghossian and Peacocke2000, p. 128).
Wright later distinguishes between two genres of presuppositions (Wright Reference Wright2004a, pp. 189–191; Wright Reference Wright2004b, p. 161; Wright Reference Wright and Miller2020).Footnote 137 Presuppositions of the first type can obstruct the “traditional connection” between analyticity and aprioricity. The chief example given by Neologicists is the stipulation that Jack the Ripper is responsible for the London killings of 1888 as a means to bestow meaning on the name “Jack the Ripper” (Hale and Wright Reference Hale, Wright, Boghossian and Peacocke2000, pp. 121–123). This statement is plausibly analytic (in the definitional sense); however, a subject could not achieve a priori knowledge that a single individual was responsible for those killings simply by inferring it from the stipulation, as this stipulation is “hostage” of the truth of the presupposition that the killings had a single perpetrator (Hale and Wright Reference Hale, Wright, Boghossian and Peacocke2000, p. 121).Footnote 138
Neologicists claim that Hume’s Principle can be stipulated without presupposing that there are numbers (e.g. Wright Reference Wright1999, pp. 309–312). They argue that, even though the truth of the left of HP requires that there are numbers, HP is a biconditional that states necessary and sufficient conditions for cardinal numbers to be identical. HP entails that there are numbers only “by appropriate input into (instances of) its right-hand side” (Wright Reference Wright1999, p. 309), that is, in conjunction with the additional premise that and
are equinumerous. However, this premise is not made true by the stipulation of HP but is available independently from second-order logic. HP, by contrast, can be considered as a purely stipulative truth, and “the existence of numbers, and indeed their satisfaction of the Peano axioms, [is] a congenial discovery” (Wright Reference Wright and Irvine1990, p. 163) rather than a presupposition.Footnote 139
The second kind of presuppositions are inevitable and, for this reason, compatible with a default epistemic warrant. Wright labels these propositions cornerstones. He claims that any kind of cognitive project involves some presuppositions of this kind. In this case, there is “a rational ground to accept a proposition that consists neither in the possession of evidence for its truth, nor in the occurrence of any kind of cognitive achievement that would normally be regarded as apt to constitute knowledge of it” (Wright Reference Wright, Dodd and Zardini2014, p. 213). Wright calls this kind of epistemic warrant absent defeaters entitlement. In Wright’s view, a proposition is an epistemic entitlement (EE) if the following three conditions are satisfied:
(i) p is a presupposition with respect to a cognitive project, i.e. to doubt p (in advance) would rationally commit one to doubt of the significance or competence of the project;
has no sufficient reasons to believe that p is untrue;
(iii) the attempt to justify p would involve further presuppositions in turn of no more secure prior standing, and so without limit.
According to Wright, EES that satisfy these conditions are both relative to a cognitive project and defeasible. Wright distinguishes between different cases of entitlements of cognitive projects, in particular, entitlement to the epistemic cooperativeness of the environment and entitlement to trust one’s cognitive faculties (Wright Reference Wright2004a, Reference Wright2004b). He also claims that “we are in general entitled to take it that the concepts in terms of which we formulate a project and its findings are in good standing” (Wright Reference Wright, Ebert and Rossberg2016, p. 168, italic in the original). Wright finally argues that an entitlement to Hume’s Principle falls in this last category.
Specifically, condition (i) of Wright’s EE is connected to the idea that entitlements are “authenticity conditions,” that is, that anyone doubting them cannot rationally embark on the relevant project (Wright Reference Wright and Miller2020, p. 292). HP can be seen as an arithmetical presupposition as long as doubting HP leads, via Frege’s Theorem, to questioning the axioms of PA2 (Pedersen Reference Pedersen, Ebert and Rossberg2016, p. 191). Moreover, HP is equi-consistent with PA2, so there are no good reasons to think that HP is not consistent. Besides, proving the consistency of HP would require a theory at least as strong as PA2 itself. So it cannot be required that a subject is already in a position to prove that HP is “in good standing” because they can trust its stipulation – see Section 5.4. HP seems therefore to satisfy conditions (ii) and (iii) as well.
Wright (Reference Wright, Ebert and Rossberg2016) recants his former views and claims that Hume’s Principle is a case of EE. The main difference between Wright’s view and the Neologicist position is that HP is no longer deemed as known a priori (Reference Wright, Ebert and Rossberg2016, p. 163).Footnote 140 He suggests, by contrast, that “the epistemology of good abstraction principles should be assimilated to that of basic principles of logical inference” (Reference Wright, Ebert and Rossberg2016, p. 180) such as modus ponens (MPP). By that, Wright means that (i) the justification for both logical principles and APs is “beneath knowledge,” if knowledge requires a form of inferential justification,Footnote 141 and that (ii) we have nonetheless a rational entitlement to take both logical principles and APs to be valid or true (Wright Reference Wright2004a; Wright Reference Wright2004b, pp. 167–169; Wright Reference Wright, Ebert and Rossberg2016, pp. 169–171). However, Wright argues that an entitlement to HP is sufficient to warrant a priori knowledge of the axioms of PA2, as we will now see.
5.3.2 FA is A Priori
As regards (iii) – HP guarantees that the truths of Frege Arithmetic are a priori – this claim immediately follows if (a) HP is justified a priori and (b) a priori justification is closed under (known) second-order entailment. Neologicists claim that all the (second-order) logical consequences of HP are a priori. Frege’s Theorem then shows that PA2# is a priori.Footnote 142
Wright (Reference Wright, Ebert and Rossberg2016) claims, moreover, that an EE to HP is sufficient to claim knowledge of its logical consequences and in particular of the Peano axioms (p. 179). To do this, Wright argues that HP can be compared to basic logical laws such as MPP. As seen, Wright thinks that MPP is an EE, that is, that there is an epistemic warrant, falling short of a priori justification, to trust the validity of this rule. According to Wright, this is compatible with the view that we can achieve inferential justification by deploying MPP. Suppose, for example, that a subject knows that and that
. Wright argues that the subject can be credited with knowledge of
even though the subject is only entitled to MPP. The guiding thought is that since it is not possible to achieve full-fledged justification for MPP, it would be unreasonable to ask that a subject is justified in believing that MPP is valid before that subject can achieve justification by the means of MPP itself (Wright Reference Wright2004b, pp. 166–169). To make the analogy between MPP and HP precise, Wright notices that the latter can be construed as a pair of introduction and elimination rules for the cardinality operator. Wright concludes that the consequences of HP, and the axioms of PA2 proved in FA, can be known a priori even if the subject has only an entitlement to HP (Wright Reference Wright, Ebert and Rossberg2016, p. 175 ff.).
Let’s see an example. Consider the translation in FA of the claim that zero is a natural number. “” is defined in FA as being either identical to 0 or standing in the (weak) ancestral of the predecessor with 0 (see Section 2.4). Therefore, a subject can arguably claim knowledge of
if this subject can claim knowledge of 0 = 0. This identity can be inferred by applying the right-to-left direction of HP to
. This last formula is a consequence of SOL. According to Wright, there is an entitlement to both the rules of SOL and to the pair of introduction and elimination rules for the cardinality operator
corresponding to the right-to-left and to the left-to-right directions of HP respectively, and no further premise is needed to derive the FA-translation of 0 = 0. One also needs to assume the unrestricted comprehension schema CA. This use of CA has been criticized by Shapiro and Weir (Reference Shapiro and Weir2000). They formulate an “Aristotelian logic” in which comprehension is not allowed if the concept is empty. Neologicists defend CA on the basis of an abundant conception of properties, according to which there exists a property for any well-defined predicate (Hale Reference Hale2019). It is unclear if Neologicists can claim EE also to that conception.Footnote 143 If so, then no other premises are needed, and, crucially, no other premise must be known a priori, to claim a priori knowledge that zero is a natural number.
5.3.3 Hermeneutic and Reconstructive Abstractionism
Let’s turn to the third and final claim – the definitions in FA track “ordinary” arithmetical concepts. We can distinguish between hermeneutic and reconstructive (or modal) interpretations of abstractionism (MacBride Reference MacBride2003, pp. 130–132). As a hermeneutical project, by contrast, the aim of Neologicism is to show that HP grounds our actual mathematical thinking, that is, that Hume’s Principle is “what we had in mind all along when we reasoned arithmetically” (MacBride Reference MacBride2003, p. 157). As a reconstructive project, the aim of abstractionism is to provide a rational reconstruction of arithmetical knowledge, that is, to show how this knowledge could in principle be attained on the basis of HP, regardless of whether this reconstruction mirrors the way in which mathematical truths are actually apprehended by ordinary thinkers.
Richard Kimberly Heck (Heck Reference Heck and Heck1997b; see Postscript, in Heck Reference Heck2011a, pp. 631–643) formulates an objection against hermeneutic abstractionism. Heck argues that (1) in order for abstractionism to succeed, “it must be possible to recognize the truth of HP by reflecting on fundamental features of arithmetical reasoning” (Heck Reference Heck2011a, p. 589): HP, including the criterion for assigning cardinalities to infinite concepts that it embodies, must be implicit in ordinary arithmetical reasoning. However, (2) the possibility of a different assignment of cardinal numbers to infinite concepts would show that “it is conceptually possible that HP is false” (Heck Reference Heck2011a, p. 641), namely, it is possible that another principle, instead of HP, underlies our actual concept of cardinal number. Heck mentions theories of non-Cantorian cardinalities that preserve part–whole intuitions in support of their argument.
A recent version of Heck’s objection is proposed by Mancosu (Reference Mancosu2016, chapter 3). Mancosu notices that there are infinitely many principles of the same form as HP that differ from this latter on the assignment of cardinal numbers to infinite concepts. An example is what Mancosu calls Peano’s Principle (PP). This principle assigns one and the same cardinal number to every infinite concept and cardinal numbers to finite concepts in the same way as HP:
PP is consistent with HP.Footnote 144 However, these principles cannot both be analytic of the same concept of cardinal number. PP entails that , since both
are infinite, whereas HP entails that
, since they cannot be put into one-to-one correspondence. The question is whether the (hermeneutical) abstractionist has reasons to prefer HP over its good company of cardinality principles. Mancosu calls this the Good Company problem.Footnote 145
Mancosu anticipates three responses to this problem. (a.) A conservative Neologicist will argue for HP being the only correct AP; however, the conservative needs to explain why only HP is correct, given that all other principles are both acceptable and sufficient to derive the axioms of PA2. (b.) A moderate Neologicist might turn to a weaker and finite version of HP, namely Finite Hume (HPF), which states that if the cardinalities of and
are governed by HP if both concepts are finite, but is silent on the cardinality of infinite concepts. (c.) Finally, a liberal Neologicist claims that any AP sufficient to derive the axioms of PA2 is acceptable for the purpose of reconstructing arithmetical knowledge.
Relatedly, MacBride (Reference MacBride2000) argues that Neologicism must be understood as an (exclusively) reconstructive project. Precisely, MacBride claims that Heck’s claim (1) is false, since Neologicism “has no hermeneutic concern” and it is only meant to establish a modal claim inasmuch as “apriori truth could flow from a logical reconstruction of arithmetical practice” (MacBride Reference MacBride2000, p. 157). According to MacBride, the Good Company problem is dissolved if all the argument shows is that HP is not implicit in ordinary arithmetical reasoning since this is not required for the success of the project.Footnote 146
Summing up, we can distinguish between two claims that abstractionists can make: (i) HP is implicit in the ordinary concept of cardinal number, and, possibly, (ii) Frege’s Theorem reflects the way in which basic arithmetical truths are actually apprehended. As regards (ii), at least Wright claims that “no one actually gets their arithmetical knowledge by second-order reasoning from Hume’s Principle” (Wright Reference Wright and Miller2020, p. 327). However, (i) must be retained if “the conclusions at the end of Frege’s Theorem are indeed statements of the basic propositions of arithmetic, viz. arguing that the subject has not changed” (Shapiro Reference Shapiro, Lindström, Palmgren, Segerberg and Stoltenberg-Hansen2009, p. 81; cf. also Blanchette Reference Blanchette2012). Accepting (i) makes however the position vulnerable to the Good Company problem. As seen, abstractionists can respond by renouncing both (i) and (ii). In this case, however, the sentences of FA should be – as pointed out by Snyder et al. (Reference Snyder, Samuels and Shapiro2018) – “about the natural numbers as ordinarily understood, and not merely some isomorphic surrogate” (p. 58, italic in the original) in order for arithmetic to be a priori.
5.4 Epistemic Bad Company and Related Concerns
The question is now if the Neologicist account of arithmetical knowledge can be extended to other APs. As we saw in Section 2.8, abstractionism faces the Bad Company problem, which consists in distinguishing “good” principles, such as HP, from “bad” ones, such as BLV.Footnote 147 Over the years, a plethora of criteria for acceptable abstraction have been proposed to solve this problem.
However, the Bad Company problem becomes ugly once we consider the epistemology of abstraction (we borrow this term from Ebert and Shapiro (Reference Ebert and Shapiro2009); ugly is worse than bad, as will become clear) – cf. also Payne (Reference Payne2013b). Specifically, let ACC be the set of acceptability criteria. The question is what is the epistemic status of the relevant criteria – that is, if a subject must know that an AP satisfies ACC to be warranted to stipulate AP. More bluntly: Does the subject have to be able to tell the AP apart from the bad ones in order to gain epistemically from it?Footnote 148
Suppose that the answer is “yes.” Some of the criteria that have been proposed so far are syntactic, and require a theory of syntax that is often as strong as PA2 itself. These criteria may be, therefore, imponderable to the epistemic subject in the sense that the relevant criteria cannot be formulated prior to laying down some AP (Payne Reference Payne2013b, p. 62). Other criteria are model-theoretic. At least some of these criteria may be ineffable to the subject in the sense that they require more set-theoretic resources than can be recovered by (acceptable) abstraction (Ebert and Shapiro Reference Ebert and Shapiro2009; Shapiro and Uzquiano Reference Shapiro, Uzquiano, Ebert and Rossberg2016).Footnote 149
Another option is that the epistemic subject is justified in believing that AP satisfies ACC if the subject either has enough evidence that AP is acceptable or, weakly, (s)he has an epistemic warrant absent defeaters to assume that AP complies with ACC. Wright’s entitlement strategy is a version of this second claim. However, Ebert and Shapiro (Reference Ebert and Shapiro2009) formulate an objection against both strategies. They consider a cardinality AP whose right-hand side states that and
must be equinumerous, and, if sentence Q is false, then it must also be the case that every
is a
and vice versa, where Q is the ramsification of some complex mathematical truth, for example, Fermat’s Last Theorem:Footnote 150
Ebert and Shapiro argue that if the subject is justified in believing HP+Q because she has insufficient evidence against it, then “the Neologicist bypasses all the hard and ingenious work that Wiles did in establishing Fermat’s last theorem” (p. 430). In particular, the subject may easily conclude that Q from HP+Q.Footnote 151 The subject can then notice that both HP and HP+Q are true in the model of PA2, and therefore conclude that Q is true of the natural numbers. Claiming entitlement instead of a priori justification is not of much help: “Suppose that [the epistemic subject] stumbles across a complex AP that is deductively equivalent to HP+Q but he has no idea of this equivalence and he sees no reason to believe that any of the known paradoxes might apply to the principles […] this yields cheap knowledge that Q is true of the natural numbers” (p. 435).
Hale and Wright replied to this problem by claiming that HP+Q is not acceptable as long as one agrees that “the avoidance of arrogance is a crucial constraint on good abstractions and good implicit definitions generally” (Hale and Wright Reference Hale and Wright2009a, pp. 480–481, italic in the original). This reply can be glossed as follows.Footnote 152 Avoidance of arrogance bans stipulations that are not epistemically “responsible.” However, anyone who is aware of Russell’s paradox would also know that HP+Q is not true unless Q is true. The truth of Q can be proved in the standard way; at this point, however, the stipulation of Q would not improve the epistemic standing of the subject.
There are, however, two problems with this reply. First, as noticed by Ebert and Shapiro, “the more ‘ignorant’ a subject is, […] the less work she has to do to maintain the entitlement” (p. 435). Second, for the reply to work, the unacceptability of some APs, e.g. BLV, must work as higher-order evidence against the acceptability of other principles, e.g. HP+Q. However, this view needs to be fully worked out, otherwise the unacceptability of a single principle could counts against all APs – which seems to be the heart of the epistemic Bad Company problem.
6 New Directions in Philosophical Abstractionism
Let’s take stock. Abstractionism in the philosophy of mathematics can be spelled out as a mathematical and a philosophical project (Section 1).
Mathematical abstractionism relies on APs, that is, universally quantified biconditionals of this form:
with being an equivalence relation. Because of the threat of inconsistency (Section 2.3), APs must be handled carefully, and contemporary mathematical abstractionism has aimed to retain consistency without crippling their mathematical strength.
At the same time, APs show themselves to be rather flexible logico-mathematical tools. Different APs can be formulated as instances of schematic AP, which, modulo consistency, interpret (fragments of) arithmetic, real analysis, and set theory (Section 2).
Philosophical abstractionism, on the other hand, can be committed to an array of semantic, epistemological, and ontological views.
Semantically, expressions of the form “” may be conceived of as either singular terms standing for objects of some kind, as referring to properties of higher-order entities, or as quantifiers of sorts (Section 3).
The ontology of abstraction focuses on the existence and nature of the objects introduced on the left of APs (Section 4). As for their nature, we can distinguish between two general orientations, which we will refer to as inflationism and deflationism, standing at the opposite ends of the spectrum of philosophical abstractionism.
Inflationism is the view that APs should be interpreted as expressing a content that goes beyond the one of a material biconditional. Rayo’s (Reference Rayo2013) Trivialism, according to which APs are interpreted as “just-is”-statements, Linnebo’s (Reference Linnebo2018) Minimalism, according to which APs are interpreted in terms of sufficiency, and the ground-theoretic interpretation of APs can all be considered as forms of inflationism (cf. Section 4.2.3).
Deflationism, more generally, is any view that asserts that abstract objects have no intrinsic nature: Anything can be the semantic value of a term introduced by an AP, provided that it belongs to a large enough domain. As we saw, Antonelli (Reference Antonelli2010a, Reference Antonelli2010b), Boccuni and Woods (Reference Boccuni and Woods2020), and, more recently, Schindler (Reference Schindler2021) have all proposed versions of deflationism.
The most influential version of contemporary abstractionism, that is, Hale and Wright’s Neologicism, stands between inflationism and deflationism. On the one hand, Neologicists maintain that HP is a principle for the metaphysical individuation of cardinal numbers, which as such have no nature beyond the one that is given by HP itself (Hale and Wright Reference Hale and Wright2008). On the other hand, they also claim that the left of HP embodies a “reconceptualization” of the content expressed on its right and, therefore, that there is “no gap for metaphysics to plug” (Hale and Wright Reference Hale, Wright and Manley2009b, p. 193) between the equinumerosity of concepts and the identity and existence of their numbers.
From the epistemological point of view, abstractionists and especially Neologicists claim that APs can be known a priori, or at least blamelessly believed, as a result of their stipulation as implicit definitions (Section 5.3.1). They also claim that higher-order logic transmits this epistemic warrant to the consequences of APs (Section 5.3.2).
6.1 Abstractionist Structuralism
As emphasized by Boccuni and Woods (Reference Boccuni and Woods2020), the deflationist view is close to a form of structuralism in the philosophy of mathematics.Footnote 153
Traditionally, abstractionism and structuralism are conceived of as competing views. For instance, while (most) abstractionists focus on the nature of the objects introduced by the left of APs as self-subsistent objects, in general, structuralists focus on mathematical structures, so that the nature of mathematical objects is exhausted by the positions they occupy in these structures (Shapiro Reference Shapiro1997, p. 72).
However, structures can be introduced by abstraction from systems of objects and their properties (Linnebo and Pettigrew Reference Linnebo and Pettigrew2014, Schiemer and Wigglesworth Reference Schiemer and Wigglesworth2019).Footnote 154 Structuralists claim that two systems and
have the same structure if, and only if, they are isomorphic (Shapiro Reference Shapiro1997, pp. 91–93). This identity criterion for structures corresponds to an AP (where “
” stands for the structure of system
.Footnote 155
Positions in a structure can be introduced in the following way:Footnote 156
Definition 2 (Positions) Given two systems and
and elements
Finally, the domain of these positions can be defined as follows:
Definition 3 (Domain) Given a system ,
Structural abstraction seems to water down the differences between abstractionism and structuralism. The convergence between these two orientations in the philosophy of mathematics can be detected by considering two main features of structuralism and abstractionism respectively. Structuralists are in general committed to the thesis that mathematical objects have no nonstructural properties (Schiemer and Wigglesworth Reference Schiemer and Wigglesworth2019). Similarly, abstractionists and especially Neologicists claim that the nature of abstract objects is exhausted by what is entailed by APs (e.g. Hale and Wright Reference Hale and Wright2008; cf. also Section 4.3). One way to bring these conceptions together by abstraction is to develop a theory of mathematical structures as objects introduced by APs of the form (S), which, as Linnebo and Pettigrew (Reference Linnebo and Pettigrew2014, pp. 273–278) argue, entail the structuralist thesis.
Despite traditionally being opposed to one another (Hellman and Shapiro, Reference Hellman and Shapiro2018), abstractionism and structuralism can be effectively combined. At the time of writing this volume, the entanglement with structuralism is one of the most promising directions in abstractionism in the philosophy of mathematics, which further witnesses to its lasting fruitfulness both from a mathematical and a philosophical perspective.
This Element is the outcome of common and equally shared work. The individual responsibility for the sections is assigned as follows: Francesca Boccuni wrote Sections 2 and 3, Luca Zanetti wrote Sections 4 and 5, and both authors contributed equally to Sections 1 and 6.
We thank Stewart Shapiro for his interest in this Element and for his unwavering support. We are also grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments, which definitely improved both the style and the substance of this work. Øystein Linnebo provided generous feedback on Sections 2, 4 and 5. Pietro Lampronti read the final manuscript and pointed out several typos and infelicities.
Penelope Rush
University of Tasmania
From the time Penny Rush completed her thesis in the philosophy of mathematics (2005), she has worked continuously on themes around the realism/anti-realism divide and the nature of mathematics. Her edited collection, The Metaphysics of Logic (Cambridge University Press, 2014), and forthcoming essay ‘Metaphysical Optimism’ (Philosophy Supplement), highlight a particular interest in the idea of reality itself and curiosity and respect as important philosophical methodologies.
Stewart Shapiro
The Ohio State University
Stewart Shapiro is the O’Donnell Professor of Philosophy at The Ohio State University, a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Connecticut, and Professorial Fellow at the University of Oslo. His major works include Foundations without Foundationalism (1991), Philosophy of Mathematics: Structure and Ontology (1997), Vagueness in Context (2006), and Varieties of Logic (2014). He has taught courses in logic, philosophy of mathematics, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of religion, Jewish philosophy, social and political philosophy, and medical ethics.
About the Series
This Cambridge Elements series provides an extensive overview of the philosophy of mathematics in its many and varied forms. Distinguished authors will provide an up-to-date summary of the results of current research in their fields and give their own take on what they believe are the most significant debates influencing research, drawing original conclusions.