Alley, R B: Preliminary study of laminated, silt-rich debris bands: Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. 261
Alley, R B: Seasonal variability in hydrologic-system response to intense rain events, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. 267
Baldwin, DJ: Thermo mechanical modelling of the Scandinavian ice sheet: implications for ice-stream formation 83
Bartek, L R: Multi-scale analyses of subglacial and glaciomarine deposits from the Ross Sea continental shelf, Antarctica 247
Bauder, A: Estimating rates of basal motion and internal ice deformation from continuous tilt measurements 195
Bednarski, J: Glacial landform—sediment assemblages in the Canadian High Arctic and their implications for late Quaternary glaciation 181
Bierman, P R: Cosmogenic analysis of glacial terrains in the eastern Canadian Arctic: a test for inherited nuclides and the effectiveness of glacial erosion 40
Blake, W, Jr: Glaciated landscapes along Smith Sound, Ellesmere Island, Canada and Greenland
Boerboom, T J: The significance of pre-existing, deeply weathered crystalline rock in interpreting the effects of glaciation in the Minnesota River valley, U.S.A. 53
Borgstrom, I: Basal ice temperatures during late Weischselian deglaciation: a comparison of land- form assemblages in west-central Sweden 9
Bouzette, A: Katabatic wind influence on meltwater supply to fuel glacier—substrate interactions at grounding line, Terra Nova Bay, East Antarctica 272
Braun, J A: new surface-processes model combining glacial and fluvial erosion 282
Caffee, M W: Cosmogenic analysis of glacial terrains in the eastern Canadian Arctic: a test for inherited nuclides and the effectiveness of glacial erosion 181
ClarhÄll, A: Distribution and glaciological implications of relict surfaces on the Ultevis plateau, northwestern Sweden 202
ClarhÄll, A: Zooming in on frozen-bed patches: scale-dependent controls on Fennoscandian ice sheet basal thermal zonation 189
Clark, C D: Geomorphological criteria for identifying Pleistocene ice streams 67
Clark, C D: Glaciodynamic context of subglacial bedform generation and preservation 23
Davis, P T: Cosmogenic analysis of glacial terrains in the eastern Canadian Arctic: a test for inherited nuclides and the effectiveness of glacial erosion 181
Denner, J S: Seasonal variability in hydrologic-system response to intense rain events, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. 267
Dixon, T S: Plateau icefields as contributing areas to valley glaciers and the potential impact on reconstructed ELAs: a case study from the Lyngen Alps, North Norway 97
Eisenhauer, A: Deglaciation of the Northern Hemisphere at the onset of the Eemian and Holocene 1
Ensminger, S L: Preliminary study of laminated, silt-rich debris bands: Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. 261
Evans DJA: Geomorphology and sedimentology of surging glaciers: a land-systems approach 75
Evans, DJA: Glacial landform—sediment assemblages in the Canadian High Arctic and their implications for late Quaternary glaciation 195
Evans, I S: Was the cirque glaciation of Wales time-transgressive, or not? 33
Evenson, E B: Preliminary study of laminated, silt-rich debris bands: Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. 261
Evenson, E B: Seasonal variability in hydrologic-system response to intense rain events, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. 267
Fabel, D: The use of in-situ produced cosmogenic radionuclides in glaciology and glacial geomorphology 103
Fischer, U H: Estimating rates of basal motion and internal ice deformation from continuous tilt measurements 247
Fischer, U H: Subglacial sediment textures: character and evolution at Haut Glacier d’Arolla, Switzerland 241
Fitzsimons, SJ: Ice composition evidence for the formation of basal ice from lake water beneath a cold-based Antarctic glacier 277
Fitzsimons, SJ: Structure and strength of basal ice and substrate of a dry-based glacier: evidence for substrate deformation at sub-freezing temperatures 236
Funk, M: Estimating rates of basal motion and internal ice deformation from continuous tilt measurements 247
Goodwillie, D: Size distribution of two cross-cutting drumlin systems in northern Sweden: a meas- ure of selective erosion and formation time length 146
Gordon, JE: Plateau icefields as contributing areas to valley glaciers and the potential impact on reconstructed ELAs: a case study from the Lyngen Alps, North Norway 97
Greve, R: Deglaciation of the Northern Hemisphere at the onset of the Eemian and Holocene 1
Gudmundsson, G H: Estimating rates of basal motion and internal ice deformation from continuous tilt measurements 247
Haeberli, W: Occurrence of rocky and sedimentary glacier beds in the Swiss Alps as estimated from glacier-inventory data 231
Hagen, JO: 20th century mass balance and thermal regime change at Scott Turnerbreen, Svalbard 216
Hamran, S-E: 20th century mass balance and thermal regime change at Scott Turnerbreen, Svalbard 216
Harbor, J: The use of in-situ produced cosmogenic radionuclides in glaciology and glacial geomorphology 103
Hart, J K: Grain textural analysis across a range of glacial facies 111
Hart, J K: Identifying fast ice flow from landform assemblages in the geological record: a discussion 59
Hättestrand, C: Size distribution of two cross-cutting drumlin systems in northern Sweden: a measure of selective erosion and formation time length 146
Hättestrand, C: Zooming in on frozen-bed patches: scale-dependent controls on Fennoscandian ice sheet basal thermal zonation 189
Hindmarsh, RCA: Coupled ice—till dynamics and the seeding of drumlins and bedrock forms 221
Hock, R: Tracer experiments in moulins and boreholes observations in the overdeepening of Aletschgletscher, Switzerland 253
Hodgkins, R: 20th century mass balance and thermal regime change at Scott Turnerbreen, Svalbard 216
Hoelzle, M: Occurrence of rocky and sedimentary glacier beds in the Swiss Alps as estimated from glacier-inventory data 231
Hubbard, B: Subglacial sediment textures: character and evolution at Haut Glacier d’Arolla, Switzerland 241
Iken, A: Tracer experiments in moulins and boreholes observations in the overdeepening of Aletschgletscher, Switzerland 253
Ivy-ochs, S: Paleoclimatic interpretation of the early Late-glacial glacier in the Gschnitz valley, central Alps, Austria 135
Jansson, P: Assessment of requirements for cirque formation in northern Sweden 16
Jansson, K: The horned crag-and-tails of the Ungava Bay landform swarm, Quebec—Labrador, Canada 168
Jonsson, S: Assessment of requirements for cirque formation in northern Sweden 16
Kehew, A E: Palimpsest tunnel valleys: evidence for relative timing of advances in an interlobate area of the Laurentide ice sheet 47
Kerschner, H: Equilibrium-line altitudes and rock glaciers during the Younger Dryas cooling event, Ferwall Group, western Tyrol, Austria 141
Kerschner, H: Paleoclimatic interpretation of the early Late-glacial glacier in the Gschnitz valley, central Alps, Austria 135
Khatwa, A: Grain textural analysis across a range of glacial facies 111
Kleman, J: Distribution and glaciological implications of relict surfaces on the Ultevis plateau, northwestern Sweden 202
Kleman, J: The horned crag-and-tails of the Ungava Bay landform swarm, Quebec—Labrador, Canada 168
Kleman, J: Size distribution of two cross-cutting drumlin systems in northern Sweden: a measure of selective erosion and formation time length 146
Kleman, J: Zooming in on frozen-bed patches: scale-dependent controls on Fennoscandian ice sheet basal thermal zonation 189
Kluiving, SJ: Multi-scale analyses of subglacial and glaciomarine deposits from the Ross Sea continental shelf, Antarctica 90
Knight, J: Landform modification by palaeo-ice streams in east-central Ireland 161
Kopczynski, S: Seasonal variability in hydrologic-system response to intense rain events, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. 267
Larson, GJ: Preliminary study of laminated, silt-rich debris bands: Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. 261
Larson, GJ: Seasonal variability in hydrologic-system response to intense rain events, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. 267
Lawson, D E: Preliminary study of laminated, silt-rich debris bands: Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. 261
Lawson, D E: Seasonal variability in hydrologic-system response to intense rain events, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. 267
Lemmen, D S: Glacial landform—sediment assemblages in the Canadian High Arctic and their implications for late Quaternary glaciation 195
Lidmar-Bergstrom, K: The glacial impact on an exhumed sub-Mesozoic etch surface in southwestern Sweden 153
Lindberg, G: The glacial impact on an exhumed sub-Mesozoic etch surface in southwestern Sweden 153
Lorrain, R D: Ice composition evidence for the formation of basal ice from lake water beneath a cold-based Antarctic glacier 277
Lorrain, R D: Structure and strength of basal ice and substrate of a dry-based glacier: evidence for substrate deformation at sub-freezing temperatures 236
Luthi, M: Estimating rates of basal motion and internal ice deformation from continuous tilt measurements 247
Maisch, M: Occurrence of rocky and sedimentary glacier beds in the Swiss Alps as estimated from glacier-inventory data 231
Marsella, K A: Cosmogenic analysis of glacial terrains in the eastern Canadian Arctic: a test for inherited nuclides and the effectiveness of glacial erosion 181
McCabe, A M: Landform modification by palaeo-ice streams in east-central Ireland 161
McCarron, S G: Landform modification by palaeo-ice streams in east-central Ireland 161
McManus, KJ: Structure and strength of basal ice and substrate of a dry-based glacier: evidence for substrate deformation at sub-freezing temperatures 236
Munro-Stasiuk, MJ: Evidence for water storage and drainage at the base of the Laurentide ice sheet, south-central Alberta, Canada 175
Nakawo, M: Characteristics of Khumbu Glacier, Nepal Himalaya: recent changes in the debris- covered area 118
Nicks, L P: Palimpsest tunnel valleys: evidence for relative timing of advances in an interlobate area of the Laurentide ice sheet 47
O Cofaigh, C: Glacial landform—sediment assemblages in the Canadian High Arctic and their implications for late Quaternary glaciation 195
Olvmo, M: The glacial impact on an exhumed sub-Mesozoic etch surface in southwestern Sweden 153
Patterson, CJ: The significance of pre-existing, deeply weathered crystalline rock in interpreting the effects of glaciation in the Minnesota River valley, U.S.A. 53
Payne, AJ Grain textural analysis across a range of glacial facies 111
Payne, AJ: Thermomechanical modelling of the Scandinavian ice sheet: implications for ice- stream formation 83
Pelfini, M: Assessing area and volume changes from deglaciated areas, Valle d’Aoste, Italy 129
Pelfini, M: Dendrogeomorphological study of glacier fluctuations in the Italian Alps during the Little Ice Age 123
Rea, B R: Geomorphology and sedimentology of surging glaciers: a land-systems approach 75
Rea, B R: Plateau icefields as contributing areas to valley glaciers and the potential impact on reconstructed ELAs: a case study from the Lyngen Alps, North Norway 97
Richardson, C: Assessment of requirements for cirque formation in northern Sweden 16
Sailer, R: Equilibrium-line altitudes and rock glaciers during theYounger Dryas cooling event, Ferwall Group, westernTyrol, Austria 141
Sakai, A: Characteristics of Khumbu Glacier, Nepal Himalaya: recent changes in the debris- covered area 118
Schluchter, C: Paleoclimatic interpretation of the early Late-glacial glacier in the Gschnitz valley, central Alps, Austria 135
Sharp, M: Drainage system behaviour of a High-Arctic polythermal glacier 209
Skidmore, M: Drainage system behaviour of a High-Arctic polythermal glacier 209
Souchez, R: Katabatic wind influence on meltwater supply to fuel glacier—substrate interactions at grounding line, Terra Nova Bay, East Antarctica 272
Southon, J R: Cosmogenic analysis of glacial terrains in the eastern Canadian Arctic: a test for inherited nuclides and the effectiveness of glacial erosion 181
Stievenard, M: Ice composition evidence for the formation of basal ice from lake water beneath a cold-based Antarctic glacier 277
Stokes, C R: Geomorphological criteria for identifying Pleistocene ice streams 67
Strasser, J C: Preliminary study of laminated, silt-rich debris bands: Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. 261
Strasser, J C: Seasonal variability in hydrologic-system response to intense rain events, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. 267
Straw, W T: Palimpsest tunnel valleys: evidence for relative timing of advances in an interlobate area of the Laurentide ice sheet 47
Tomkin, J H: A new surface-processes model combining glacial and fluvial erosion 282
Van Derwateren, F M: Multi-scale analyses of subglacial and glaciomarine deposits from the Ross Sea continental shelf, Antarctica 90
Vandergoes, MJ: Ice composition evidence for the formation of basal ice from lake water beneath a cold-based Antarctic glacier 277
Vanuzzo, C: Assessing area and volume changes from deglaciated areas, Valle d’Aoste, Italy 129
Wangler, A: Tracer experiments in moulins and boreholes observations in the overdeepening of Aletschgletscher, Switzerland 253
Wenzel, J: Occurrence of rocky and sedimentary glacier beds in the Swiss Alps as estimated from glacier-inventory data 231
Whalley, W B: Plateau icefields as contributing areas to valley glaciers and the potential impact on reconstructed ELAs: a case study from the Lyngen Alps, North Norway 97
Wyrwoll, K-H: Deglaciation of the Northern Hemisphere at the onset of the Eemian and Holocene 1
Yabuki, H: Characteristics of Khumbu Glacier, Nepal Himalaya: recent changes in the debris-covered area 118
Zwartz, D: A new surface-processes model combining glacial and fluvial erosion 282