APSA is pleased to include here the names of individuals who have completed their doctoral dissertations at political science departments during the 2023 calendar year. In order to provide the most accurate information possible, this list is based on data reported directly from individuals and departments.
Nadia Abdel Hamid El Dakroury, Alexandria University: The Impact of the Dimensions of Economic Development on the Process of Democratization: A Comparative Study between Taiwan and Singapore During the Period 1981-2020
Weining Ai, Arizona State University: Network Dynamics and Coercion in International Relations
Samuel Goldenberg, Arizona State University: Industrialized Martyrdom: Group Development, State Military Capability, and the Modern Proliferation of Suicide Terror
Jihye Jung, Arizona State University: International and Domestic Sources of Religious Movements: Korean Missionaries in High-Risk Countries
William Rector, Arizona State University: A Theory of Operational Disintegration: An Analysis of Clandestine Repressive Methods Used by the State Security Service of the German Democratic Republic
Alexandra Williams, Arizona State University: Running as a Feminist: How Voters Respond to Feminist Candidates
Xi Chen, Auburn University: Examining the Causes of Variation between States Safe Drinking Water Act Violations
Mac-Jane Crayton, Auburn University: Why Do Some Local Governments Offer Job Training or Other Services to Immigrants While Others Do Not?
Brian Ezeonu, Auburn University: The Impact of Public-Nonprofit Collaboration on the Capacity of Public Institutions in Nigeria
Jonathan Farley, Auburn University: A Comparative Study of Variations in State Water Policy in Response to Recurring Droughts
Ryan Hankins, Auburn University: The Role and Reputation of Government Research Organizations in State Policymaking
Jalonta Jackson, Auburn University: Influencing the Spread of Prison Menstrual Laws: A Three Essay Analysis of Prison Menstrual Legislation
Kara Newby, Auburn University: Home is Where the Politics Are: An Exploration of Place-based Politics
Javier Perez, Auburn University: The Total Fiscal Effects Index (T.F.E.I.). Building a Dependent Variable to Gauge the Long-Term Fiscal Consequences of Using Economic Discretionary Incentives Packages to Lure Businesses: The Auburn, Huntsville, Montgomery, and Mobile Cases
Eugene Riley, Auburn University: Vice-presidential Selection: Ticket-balancing or More?
Shaniqua Williams, Auburn University: The Backbone of Democracy: A Study Examining the Impact of Black Women in Politics
Mert Can Bayar, Binghamton University: The Politics of Good and Evil: Conspiracy Theories’ Role in Democratic Erosion
Tara Riggs, Binghamton University: Candidate Gender, Stereotypes, and Sexism across Executive Office in the United States
Huei-Jyun Ye, Binghamton University: Deals to be Determined: Domestic Political Uncertainties and Trade Negotiations
Sarah Yuan He, Boston College: Creditor Government Intervention in Sovereign Debt Crises
Courtney Kaminski, Boston College: From a Duty to a Right: The Political Development of the Second Amendment
Tyler Parker, Boston College: Securing Status: Why Gulf Governments Support US Policies in the Middle East
Mehmet Hecan, Boston University: Three Essays on the Distributional Politics of Green Energy Transition in Europe
Jaewook Lee, Boston University: Politics Navigating Macroeconomic Transformations: Labor Migrations and Automation in Western Europe
Yaechan Lee, Boston University: Three Papers on the Politics of Financial Cooperation and Statecraft
Erik Olsson, Boston University: Designing Money: Culture and the Political Construction of Modern Monetary Regimes
Clyde Wang, Boston University: When the Party Starts Partying: Structure, Logic, and the Contradictions of Propaganda in China’s New Era
Kehan Wang, Boston University: Mobilizing the Inca Heartland: A Study of Conflicts over Mining in Southern Peru
Hannah McClure Baron, Brown University: In Pursuit of Justice: Vigilantism, Policing & Rights in Mexico
Megean M. Bourgeois, Brown University: Those Who Cook Also Build Fires: A Theory of Insurgent Care
Kristen Emily Essel, Brown University: American Contention: An Exchange Theory of Social Movements
Shishav Parajuli, Brown University: Environmentalism in Other Wor(l)ds: Becoming-with in an Entangled World
Daniel R. Post, Brown University: On the Prospects of Escalating to Deescalate and Limiting Nuclear War, with a Focus on the US Perspective
Daniel Joseph Schulte, Brown University: Morality Politics and Electoral Authoritarianism in Turkey, Russia, and Poland
Daniel Ebanks, California Institute of Technology: Unexpected Partisan Unity Among Congressional Leaders and Legislators Using New Latent Variable Estimation Techniques and Frameworks
Lindsey Gailmard, California Institute of Technology: Reputation and Accountability
Melissa Fryer, Colorado State University: Hydraulic Fracturing and the Corporate Colonization of the Subsurface
Rudy McCormack, Colorado State University: Towards a Dialectical Account of Eco-Neurosis: Developing a Framework on the Unconscious in an Age of Ecological Degradation
Morgann Means, Colorado State University: Pillars of Stone or Pillars of Sand? An Analysis of Sustainability Discourse in US Cities
Mary Witlacil, Colorado State University: Pessimism and the Anthropocene
Mark Kwakye Frimpong, Concordia University: The Political Dynamics of Electricity Sector Performance in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire
William Cameron, Cornell University: Vanguardism and Vigilance: Revolutionary Socialism and Representative Democracy
Ani Chen, Cornell University: Voices of Authority: On Staging The Politics of Exclusion from Sophocles to Simone De Beauvoir
Julie George, Cornell University: Emerging Technologies: Implications and Prospects of their Proliferation
Thalia Gerzso, Cornell University: Judicial Resistance: The Role of Courts during Electoral Disputes
Lin Le, Cornell University: Elite Politics and Populism in Authoritarian China
Paul Lushenko, Cornell University: Drone Warfare and Public Perceptions of Legitimacy
Cameron Mailhot, Cornell University: Programmatic Peacebuilding: International Missions, Domestic Commitments, and Post-Conflict Reforms
Vincent Mauro, Cornell University: Party Systems and Democratic Redistribution
Erik Petrie, Cornell University: Mirror Reflections: Reading Nietzsche Dangerously
Lindsey Pruett, Cornell University: Soldiers and the Colonial State: Perspectives on Military Recruitment and State Formation
Jose Sanchez-Gomez, Cornell University: “Re-Founding” the Constitutional Order: The Politics of Radical Constitutional Rewrites in South America’s Turn to the Left
Adrienne Scott, Cornell University: An Intersectional Approach to American Citizenship
Laura Tamman, CUNY Graduate Center: Does Political Advertising Persuade? A Quantitative Assessment of the Effects of Campaign Contact in the Context of Race, Ethnicity, and Immigrant Origin in New York City Council Primary Elections from 2001 through 2017
Asher Wyckoff, CUNY Graduate Center: Numbered, Weighed, Divided: Revolution and/as Apocalypse in the Modern Liberal Tradition
Curtis Bram, Duke University: The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime
Rebecca Dudley, Duke University: The Use of US Diplomatic Foreign Policy for Conflict Resolution
Xiaoshu Gui, Duke University: Effective Bureaucracy Under Pressure: Strategic Bureaucratic Control and Policy Implementation in China
Kendrick Hardison, Duke University: Essays on the Application of Game Theory in International Relations and Law
Kelly Hunter, Duke University: The Political Economy of Gender in Global Health: How International Actors Shape Women’s Outcomes
Arvind Krishnamurthy, Duke University: The Democratic Deficit in American Policing
Gabriella Levy, Duke University: Variation in Individuals’ Responses to Violence Against Civilians
Charles Nathan, Duke University: The Good Old Days: The Concept of the Golden Age in Greek Political Thought
Songkhun Nillasithanukroh, Duke University: On the Prospects of Escalating to Deescalate and Limiting Nuclear War, with a Focus on the US Perspective
Griffin Riddler, Duke University: Rulers and Producers: How State Interventions Shape the Political Economy of Production
Viola Rothschild, Duke University: Refocusing on Repression: Institutions of Everyday Social Control in China
Harunobu Saijo, Duke University: Three Essays on Challenges for State-Builders
Brian Spisiak, Duke University: Isaiah Berlin’s Liberal Humanism
Priscilla Torres, Duke University: Community Dispute Resolution and International Peacebuilding: Competitors or Complementary Actors? Evidence from Liberia
Pei-Yu Wei, Duke University: Strategic Third-Party Actors in Economic Sanctions
Albena Dzhurova, Florida Atlantic University: Can Narrative Inquiry Account for the Political Impasse of Immigration Policy Reform? Bringing Together the Multiple Streams Framework and the Narrative Policy Analysis to Explore the DREAM Act Legislation
Justin Crofoot, Florida State University: How Protests Affect Policy Change: Analysis of Anti-Protest Legislation
Juan David Irigoyen Borunda, Florida State University: Extrinsic Incentives, Voting Behavior, and Public Opinion: Three Studies of the Influence of Extrinsic Incentives Over Voting Choices, Turnout, and Attitudes Toward Clientelism
Kenneth Mackie, Florida State University: The Politics of Climate Change: On the Interplay of Parties and Public Attitudes on the Climate
Sultan Alamer, George Washington University: Minorities Without Majorities: The Origins of the Territorial State and Sectarianism in the Arab Middle East
Josiah Augustine, George Washington University: Sowing Dues, Reaping Ballots: Cultivating Opposition in Hybrid Regimes
Joseph Cerrone, George Washington University: Who Cares About Immigration? Frames, Emotions, and the Social Construction of Immigration Salience
Amoz Hor, George Washington University: Making the World Safe for White Democracy: Racialized Liberalism and the Post-War International Order
Adam Lenton, George Washington University: The Symbolic Politics of Nationalism: Identity Creation and Contestation in Supranational Unions
Elizabeth Meehan, George Washington University: The Political Origins of Corporate Transparency: Limiting Business Power by Locking in Strange Coalitions
Dylan Royce, George Washington University: Universalistic Ideology and State Behavior
Rosalie Rubio, George Washington University: Agents, Interests, and Backlash in Counter-terrorism Policy Enforcement
Dickson Su, George Washington University: The Thermostatic Public: Explaining Partisan and Policy Influence of American State Publics
Marko Zilovic, George Washington University: The Counterrevolutions of 1989: Right Wing Politics in Eastern Europe after Communism
Deborah Groen, Georgetown University: Legitimacy and Power: Framing in US Supreme Court Justices’ Opinions and Off-Bench Discourse
Tranae Hardy, Georgetown University: Managing the Brand: Party Responses to Scandal
Rabea Kirmani, Georgetown University: Minority Responses to Discrimination: Muslim American Responses to Discrimination in the United States
Erin Lemons, Georgetown University: The Effect of Foreign Military Education Competition on Foreign Policy Influence in Postcolonial Africa
Qi Zhang, Georgetown University: Financial Globalization Between State Coercion and Commitment
Micayla Clark, Georgia State University: Progress and Congress: Gender and Career Progression Among Congressional Staff
Lestina Dongo, Georgia State University: Does the Injustice Move You? A Comparative Study of Population Support for Black Social Movements
Adrien Halliez, Georgia State University: The Automaticity of Partisanship: Expression and Expressiveness in an Age of Polarization
Chanel Harley, Georgia State University: The Reciprocal Relationship of Political Communication: How Governors Use Social Media to Influence Election Outcomes
Justin Kingsland, Georgia State University: The Perils and Promises of Using Online Survey Experiments to Study (Visual) Frames in Science Communication
Alban Lauka, Georgia State University: Inequality and Democratization: A Power-Centered Approach to Democratic Transitions
Dexter Lensing, Georgia State University: China’s Military Strategy Under Chairman Xi: More Steel, More Gas, and Harder Bones
Morgan Smith, Georgia State University: Strategically Using the National Mall: Communication Cycles in the Formation of Political Narratives
Kevin DeLuca, Harvard University: Newspaper Endorsements, Candidate Quality, and Election Outcomes in the United States
Briana Hyman, Howard University: What to the Puerto Rican is American Citizenship?
Sabrina Axster, Johns Hopkins University: Making Migrant Illegality: Vagrancy, Indentured Labor, and the Policing of Mobility in Germany
Bryan Carter, Johns Hopkins University: The Arrogant Autonomy of the Police: How the “Thin Blue Line” Protects the Police from Democracy
Valerie De Koeijer, Johns Hopkins University: The Contestation after the Storm: International Organization-Host Government Relationships and Disaster Recovery
Nandini Dey, Johns Hopkins University: (Un)Making Citizens: Bordering Regimes, Colonialism, and Security in South Asia
Thomas Mann, Johns Hopkins University: Freedom in a World of Catastrophe: Political Existentialism Reconsidered
Blaz Skerjanec, Johns Hopkins University: The Politics of Touchability: Beyond Identity and Difference
Darko Vinketa, Johns Hopkins University: Staging Labor: On Theatricality as Mode of Production
Tvrtko Vrdoljak, Johns Hopkins University: The Metaphysics of Politics: Nietzsche and His Interlocutors
Muhammad Hassan Bin Afzal, Kent State University: The Legislative Politics and Public Attitude on Immigrants and Immigration Policies Amid Health Crises
Simeon Burns, Louisiana State University: Plato’s Republics: A Dramatic Interpretation of the Early Cities in Plato’s Republic
Moriah Harman, Louisiana State University: Economic Perceptions in the American Public
Cana Kim, Louisiana State University: Foreign State Images and Popular Foreign Policy Constraints
Kwadwo Poku-Agyemang, Louisiana State University: Voting in the Mall: Understanding Political Consumerism in the United States and Europe
Elisa D’Amico, Loyola University Chicago: The Climate-Conflict Nexus: Urban Migration and Methodological Innovations
Isadora Borges Monroy, McGill University: Immobilized or Petrified? Explaining Privacy Concerns and the (De)mobilization against Mass Online Surveillance in 21st-century Advanced Democracies
Michel Fournier-Simard, McGill University: Policing, Sensemaking and the Politics of Artificial Intelligence in Canada
Ryan Griffiths, McGill University: Adam Smith’s ’Coarse Clay’ Political Realism
Mathieu Lavigne, McGill University: Resilient? Perceptions, Spread, and Impacts of Misinformation in the New Political Information Environment
Pechsiree Pechvijitra, McGill University: Consenting to Dictatorship? Explaining Voter Behavior and Authoritarian Power Institutionalization in Thailand’s 2019 Elections
Zarlasht Muhammad Razeq, McGill University: Trading up for Development: The Effect of Deep Trade Liberalization on Participation in Global Value Chains (GVCs)
Kesicia Dickinson, Michigan State University: A Collection of Studies Examining Black Women’s Experiences as Candidates and Latent Candidates
Nikolaos Frantzeskakis, Michigan State University: Speaking of Home: Local Representation and Reelection in Africa
Jonathan King, Michigan State University: The Evolving Process: Nominations, Confirmations, and Public Opinion
Mircea Lazar, Michigan State University: Somewhere Over the Rainbow: LGBTQ+ Policy Advancements in Southern Africa
Aliyah Mcilwain, Michigan State University: Determinants and Influence of Expectations of Government Performance
Justin Haner, Northeastern University: Organizing Peace: An Algorithmic Analysis of Four Centuries of International Law on the Decline of War
Limeng Ong, Northern Illinois University: Patterns of Co-optation and Repression in Autocracies: Lessons from Cambodia and Beyond
Chase Bloch, Pennsylvania State University: Putting Implausible Denials: The Role of Revealed Covert Actions in Foreign Policy
Muhammed Cifci, Pennsylvania State University: The Large Language Models and the Political Economy of Globalization
Ishita Gopal, Pennsylvania State University: Political Activism and Social Media
Nguyen Huynh, Pennsylvania State University: The Political Economy of Right-wing Populism, Its Emergence, and Consequences for Globalization in Developing Democracies
Sangyeon Kim, Pennsylvania State University: Networks in Political Communication, Advocacy, and Conflict
Jia Li, Pennsylvania State University: Mark Dictators’ Calendars: An Informational Theory of Election Schedules in Autocracies
Kellan Ritter, Pennsylvania State University: The Drawing of Subnational Borders: Clarity, Conflict, and Consequences
Caner Simsek, Pennsylvania State University: And I Took that Personally: Explaining the Differing Routes to Personalist Dictatorships
Seth Warner, Pennsylvania State University: The Politics of Polarized Places
Christopher Willis, Pennsylvania State University: Constraining Sexual Violence: The Impact of Institutions, Norms, and Legitimacy
Amber Brittain-Hale, Pepperdine University: Slava Ukraini: A Psychobiographical Case Study of Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Public Diplomacy Discourse
Russell H. Hall, Purdue University: Social Movements, Technological Solutions to Problems, and Political Conflict: The Case of Alternative Proteins
Jieyeon Kim, Purdue University: Understanding Middle Powers Participation in United Nations Peacekeeping: Case Studies of Canada and the Republic of Korea
Eliza Maria Osorio Castro, Purdue University: Partisanship and Satisfaction with Democracy: An Examination of Different Shades of Negative Partisans
Sharonda D. Woodford, Purdue University: News Coverage of Housing Matters: Examining Housing Crises During the Great Recession and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Qian Zhang, Purdue University: The Confucian Road to Totalitarianism
Nicholas Coulombe, Rice University: Promises of Future Cooperation and Alliance Credibility
Allegra Hernandez, Rice University: The Role of Affective Attachments in American Politics
Colin Jones, Rice University: The Social Context of Voting
Santiago Lopez Alvarez, Rice University: The Impacts of Violence on the Electoral and Political Behavior of Civilians: Evidence from Colombia
Cayden McDonald, Rice University: Disgust and Social Attitudes: Exploring Why Disgust Underlies Conservatism and Prejudice
Alex Pugh, Rice University: Designed to Favor: The Effects of Appointing Ad Hoc Judges in International Courts
Enrique Quezada, Rice University: The Effect of Religious Language and Commitments on Americans’ Political Behavior
Aiganym Valikhanova, Rice University: Target Governments’ Domestic and Foreign Policy Responses to Economic Sanctions
Marques Zárate, Rice University: How Citizens Form Perceptions of Political Pandering
Feyaad Allie, Stanford University: Power, Exclusion, and Identity: The Politics of Muslim Marginalization in India
Jonathan David Bate, Stanford University: Does International Security Assistance Make an Impact? Evaluating the Strategic Effectiveness of Military Aid
Ellen Jean Chapin, Stanford University: Weaponized Whiteness: The Causes and Consequences of White Identity Politics at the Extremes
Mohammad Zuhad Hai, Stanford University: Essays on the Politics of Scientific and Technological Change
Jamal Roy Johnson, Stanford University: Racial Misinformation: How Americans Misperceive Racial Inequality
Jiwon Lee Kim, Stanford University: Voting Across Divisions: How Ethnicity and Conflict Shape Political Preferences in Myanmar and Beyond
Apoorva Lal, Stanford University: Essays in Political Methodology
Soyoung Lee, Stanford University: National Interest in International Relations: Domestic Distributional Consequences and Constraints to Conflict
Rachel Kathryn Lienesch, Stanford University: Racial Politics of the White Left and Beyond
Leah Katherine Matchett, Stanford University: The Domestic Politics of Defense in the US Congress
Charles Creed Napier, Stanford University: At Arm’s Distance: How States Manage Escalation with Proxies and Denials
Robert Warne Nelson, Stanford University: Autocrats, Alignment, and American Values: Democracy Promotion Under Great Power Competition
Tobias Nowacki, Stanford University: Essays in Political Economy
Brett Oliver Parker, Stanford University: Essays on Judicial Selection and Judicial Behavior
Austin Peters, Stanford University: Essays on Machine Learning and Empirical Legal Studies
Philip Petrov, Stanford University: Moral Cognition in Law and Policy
Christina Luise Toenshoff, Stanford University: Hiding in the Crowd: Corporate Climate Lobbying under Investor and Consumer Pressure
Aliz Barbara Toth, Stanford University: Of Land and Leviathan: How State-Society Bargaining Shapes Infrastructure in India
Cesar Daniel Vargas Nunez, Stanford University: Borders of Solidarity - Politics, Immigration, and Health
Pei-Hsun Hsieh, Stony Brook University: Freedom to Freeride? Collective Action, Coercive Policies, and Social Trust
Samuel Jens, Stony Brook University: Three Chapters on Risk Aversion in the US House of Representatives
Alecia Nepaul, Stony Brook University: An Expectancy-Value Model of Goal-Directed Political Engagement
Payel Sen, Stony Brook University: Motivating Collective Efficacy in Climate Action: Examining the Role of Goal-directed Frames
Victoria Smith, Stony Brook University: Three Papers on Perceptions vs Reality: The Challenges of Women in Politics
Hillary Style, Stony Brook University: How do Voters Communicate and Respond to Expectations? Three Papers on Political Cynicism, Social Desirability, and Political Information
Sevdenur Koru, Temple University: Understanding Persistent Interventions in Civil Wars
Pablo Hernandez Borges, Texas Tech University: Venezuela’s Infinite Crises: Legislative Politics and Representation in a Context of Democratic Backsliding
Timothy Holland, Texas Tech University: Primary Election Reform and Congressional Elections
Lisa Holz, Texas Tech University: The Effects of Women’s Political Power on Economic and Maternal Wellbeing on Women in Sanctioned States
David Pena, Texas Tech University: Femininity and Masculinity in Candidate Facial Structure and the Effects on Candidate Evaluations
Danie Vaughn, Texas Tech University: We Didn’t Start This Fire: Extreme Weather, Vulnerable Communities, and the Injustice of Disaster
Nicholas Dominic Hamisevicz III, The Catholic University of America: The Effectiveness of Strategic Partnerships
Enrique Pallares, The Catholic University of America: The Tension of Time and Eternity: Intrahistoria Miguel de Unamuno
Ian Tuttle, The Catholic University of America: The Hint Half Guessed, the Gift Half Understood: The Disclosure of the Person in T.S. Eliot
Soohyun Cho, The Ohio State University: Three Essays on the Political Economy of International Trade and the Domestic Labor Market
Vinicius de Melo Justo, The Ohio State University: Varieties of Partisan Dominance in Sub-Saharan Africa
Kaitlin Engelbrecht, The Ohio State University: Efficacy and Participation in Political Communities
Kara Hooser, The Ohio State University: Violence as Peace: Masculine Discourses and Everyday Violence in Post-Conflict Spaces
Minseon Ku, The Ohio State University: Seeing is Believing: Summit Diplomacy and Public Perception of Security
Mariana Miguelez Gomez, The Ohio State University: The ’Ethnic card’ and the Commodities Boom in Mexico: How Conflicts for Natural Resources Shape Ethnic Identity
Laura Moses, The Ohio State University: Groups in Public Spaces: Interest Groups on Social Platforms
David Peterson, The Ohio State University: Coming Together, Staying Apart: History, Expectations, and Institutional Emergence
Sean Trende, The Ohio State University: Spatial Modeling in Political Science: 3 Papers
Alan van Beek, The Ohio State University: Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Decision-making
Mackenzie Weiler, The Ohio State University: Intraparty Conflict and Interparty Cooperation: Factions and Age
David Ferkaluk, University at Albany, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy: A Broader and Deeper Foundation: The Alternative Vision of James Wilson’s Political Philosophy
Esra Gules-Guctas, University at Albany, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy: Naming and Blaming Automated Decision-Making Systems: Analysis of Contesting Algorithmic Injustice
Ryan Thomas Pettibone, University at Albany, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy: Ascriptive Entrepreneurs and the Rise of the Illiberal Tradition: How Benjamin Tillman, George Wallace, and Donald Trump Exploited Ascriptive Americanism
David Andrew Siracuse, University at Albany, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy: The Role of Sexual Scandal in Politics & Policy
Charmaine Noelle Willis, University at Albany, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy: Right Frame, Right Time: A Study of Anti-American Military Base Protests in East Asia
Min Woo Ahn, University of Arizona: Managing Uncertainty in Collaborative Governance: Multi-method Evidence
Logan Blair, University of Arizona: 3 Essays in Natural Disaster Adaptation
Xiran Chen, University of Arizona: Chiefs, Elections, and Violence: Mobilization and Demobilization of African Voters
Rachel Van Nostrand, University of Arizona: Cruelty Confined: Locating Concentration Camps in Governments’ Repertoires of Repression
Stefano Burzo, University of British Columbia: The Impact of Investor-State Arbitrations on Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Public Opinion: Evidence from FDI Flows, Elite Interviews and a Survey Experiment
Ai En Isabel Chew, University of British Columbia: Essays on Ethnic Identity, Attitude Formation and Political Behavior in Contemporary Southeast Asia
Camille Desmares, University of British Columbia: Discrimination in Post-World War II Naturalization Policy: France and Switzerland
Kaleigh Heard, University of British Columbia: The Price of a Life: The Confluence of Justice, Strategy, and Legitimacy in Collateral Damage Compensation
Veronica Hurtado Lozada, University of British Columbia: Competing without Parties: Voter Mobilization in Peru
Lilit Anna Klein, University of British Columbia: Moral Intuition and International Order: On Change, Progress, and Threat
Antonin Lacelle-Webster, University of British Columbia: A Democratic Theory of Hope: Collective Agency in Uncertain Times
Alicia Elaine Luedke, University of British Columbia: Negotiating Gender in Crisis: Global Norms and State Power in South Sudan
Benjamin Adu Gyamfi, University of Calgary: Public Policy Making and Policy Change: Ghana’s Local Governance, Education, and Health Policies in Perspective
Sara Winger, University of Calgary: The Ontology of Violence: United Nations Peacekeeping Response to Mass Atrocity Violence in Sudan and South Sudan
Konrad Posch, University of California, Berkeley: More than Mere Deadweight: The Variety of Regulatory Imaginaries that Shape How Regulators, Innovators, and Entrepreneurs Coproduce Disruptive Technological Innovation
Chelsea Jones, University of California, Los Angeles: Taking Back the Ballot: Black Socio-cultural Institutions and the Contemporary Fight Against Voter Suppression
Ozgur Kayaalp, University of Central Florida: Exploring Regional Dynamics: States, International Civil Society, and Regional Interstate Cooperation
Augustine Larmin, University of Central Florida: Violence Against Civilians During Armed Conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa
Santosh Sapkota, University of Central Florida: Peacekeeping for Peace: Effectiveness and Impacts
Lawrence Skelly, University of Central Florida: Leadership and Military Power: Can a Leadership Approach Provide a Competitive Advantage?
Michael Yekple, University of Central Florida: Drones, Peacekeeping, and Civilian Protection in Armed Conflict
Michelle Benedum, University of Colorado, Boulder: Hand Over the Resources: Community–based Subsistence fishing areas (CBSFA’s) Hawai’i and Community Forestry in Nepal
Owen Fite, University of Colorado, Boulder: Performative Citizenship and the Continuation of Ethnocentrism in Ethnoblind Citizenship
Matt Harvey, University of Colorado, Boulder: The Sublime and a Dying Earth: Cultivating an Environmentally Conscious Political Imagination
Courtney Jean Nava, University of Colorado, Boulder: God, Guns, and Guts: The Effect of Racial Priming on White Support of Black Civil Liberty Expression
Imge Akaslan, University of Connecticut: Brokering Labor Rights in Global Supply Chains: Buying Agents and the Challenges of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Sercan Canbolat, University of Connecticut: Leadership Types and Organizational Formation of Violent Non-State Actors in the Middle East and North Africa: An Arabic Operational Code Approach
Hoeun Lee, University of Connecticut: Partisan Perceptions at Critical Moments: Evidence from South Korea
Stavros Papadopoulos, University of Connecticut: Confronting the Sixth Mass Extinction: Political Responses to Climate Change in the US
Deng Yinghao, University of Connecticut: Between Hua-Yi Distinction and Racial Consciousness: A Critical Study of Liu Shipei Sun Zhongshans Han Nationalism
Daniel Abankwa, University of Delaware: Receptivity, Viability, and Implications of China’s State Capitalist Development Model: A Ghana Case Study
Thomas Benson, University of Delaware: Urban Governance Mechanisms to Combat the Climate Crisis: The Tale of Smart Cities
Yunus Ozturk, University of Delaware: Droughts in the Midst of Conflicts: A Mixed-Method Analysis of Water Insecurity; Civil War Duration and Outcomes
Mariliz Kastberg-Leonard, University of Georgia: Why Change What Works? Explaining Changes to State Judicial Selection Methods and Judicial Codes of Conduct
Vivian Kalu, University of Houston: Constitutional Socio-Economic Rights and Inequalities in Africa
Henrietta MacPepple, University of Houston: The Green Generation? Millennials and the Future of Environmental Policy: Evidence from the US House of Representatives
Myriam Shiran, University of Houston: Exploring Backlash After Quota: Elites Use Moral Panic as Soft Repression Against Women Politicians
Jamie Wright, University of Houston: Political Socialization by Celebrity: Exploring the Influence of Celebrity Activism on Youth Political Attitudes and Behavior
Kristin Bail, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: More Complicated Than We Thought: An Examination of Political Knowledge, Efficacy, and Engagement in the Comparative Context
Jaeseok Cho, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: Lasting Peace: The Effects of Amnesty Accompanied by Power-Sharing Agreements
Yuan-Ning Chu, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: Socialization and National Identity in East Asia
Tolgahan Dilgin, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: An Analysis of Pre-Election Violence Through Decision Theory, Experimental Design and Spatial Econometrics
Seyoung Jung, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: Understanding Social Influence on Political Tolerance
Sarah Leffingwell, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: New Democracies and Multilateral Agreements: Exploring the Effects of Regime Legitimacy on International Behavior
Lu (Lucie) Lu, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: Revising Perceptions: China’s Quests for Support from Domestic Social Media, the U.N. Human Rights Regime, and Overseas Public
Justin Pierce, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: Trilogues in EU Legislation
Matthew Pryor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: Chronic Illness, Poor Health, the Electorate and Mass Politics in the United States and United Kingdom
Hyo-Won Shin, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: The Impact of Outgroup Trust on Voting Behavior in Ethnically Salient Contexts
Balkissa Daouda Diallo, University of Massachusetts: Governing National and Global Migration Nexuses: The Case of the Niger ‘transit’ Region
Nadezhda (Nadia) Filimonova, University of Massachusetts: The Practice of Climate Change Adaptation Governance in Arctic Cities: Understanding Local Policymaking Interactions in Norway and Russia
Negusu Aklilu Woldemedhin, University of Massachusetts: What Explains the Behavior of Chinese Companies in Africa?
Wondwossen Wondemagegnehu, University of Massachusetts: Complexity at the Science-Policy Interface in Ethiopia’s Policy Spaces
Paul Atwell, University of Michigan: Enduring Disappointment: How Voters’ Affective Attachments Sustain Partisan Support in Young Democracies
Jade Burt, University of Michigan: Understanding Elected Officeholder Endorsements in Presidential Primaries
Sydney Carr, University of Michigan: The Right to Bare Arms: Public Opinion, News Media, and Black Women in Politics
Erin Cikanek, University of Michigan: The Emotional Landscape of American Television News: 2000-2020
Marty Davidson, University of Michigan: Coproducing Surveillance: How 911 Callers Influence Policing in the Polity
Janice Feng, University of Michigan: Towards a Decolonial Account of Desire: The Cultivation of Desire and Indigenous Women’s Self-Making and Resistance in Early Modern French North America
Yuequan Guo, University of Michigan: Collective Action in Autocracies: The Case of Workers and Strikes in China
Justin Heck, University of Michigan: Essays on the Role of Government in Shaping Racial Segregation in School and Work
Hilary Izatt, University of Michigan: The Political Psychology of Electoral Suppression: Institutional Manipulation, Emotion, and Mobilization
Timothy Jones, University of Michigan: Unraveling Rebel Strategies: Exploring Patterns of Violence in Civil War
Byung Koo Kim, University of Michigan: Global Value Chains and Trade Policy Making in the 21st Century: A Three-paper Dissertation
Amanda Mauri, University of Michigan: Newtown, Parkland, and Uvalde; Why (Some) Mass Shootings Transform Community Mental Health
Sara Morell, University of Michigan: The Role of Organizations in Candidate Emergence: How Women’s Candidate Training Organizations Shape Women’s Ambition and Representation
Taha Rauf, University of Michigan: Political Economy Impacts of Muslim Religious Institutions: The Case of Sufi Khanaqahs in India
Sarah Rozenblum, University of Michigan: Why do Governments Ignore their Own Experts? The Role of Scientific Advice in Covid-19 Vaccine Policy in France and the United States
Hwayong Shin, University of Michigan: Building Credibility in Polarized Environments: Evidence from Fact Checking
Michael Thompson-Brusstar, University of Michigan: Building a Supervision Science: Bureaucratic Control in China from Mao to Xi
Htet Thiha Zaw, University of Michigan: Building States within Societies: Repression and Education in British Burma
Pedro Accorsi Amaral, University of Minnesota: A “See You Soon” to Arms: A Study on Post-War Military Reforms
Aphisith Matthew Eichinger, University of Minnesota: Fact, Fiction, or Fragile: The Globalization and Populism Hypothesis
Seo Nyeong Jo, University of Minnesota: Gender Matters in the Judiciary: Adjudicating Sexual Assault in Korea
Emily Marielle Mitamura, University of Minnesota: Plots of Violence: Knowledge Production and the Cambodian Genocide
Ashley Marie Sorensen, University of Minnesota: How Aspects of Social Class Influence Partisan Choice
Yakasah Otis Wehyee, University of Minnesota: The Fallen Whig: The Durability of Dominant Party Rule in Liberia
Ezekiel Wright, University of Minnesota: The Alienated American
Julián Acevedo Pardo, University of Mississippi: A Demand-Side Theory of Labor Informality: Workers’ Trust and States’ Credible Commitment
Giorgi Khatiashvili, University of Mississippi: International Forum Shopping: An Instrument of Domestic Signaling
Bethany Behrhorst, University of Missouri-St. Louis: Restricted Powers, Special-Purpose Districts, and Path Dependence: Economic Graveyards in Downstate Illinois
Elizabeth Deichmann, University of Missouri-St. Louis: The Public Muse in Congress: The Punctuation of American Federal Arts Policy
Leesa Rasp, University of Missouri-St. Louis: Student Movements, Politics, and Policy in Chile, 2001-2012
William Warren, University of Missouri-St. Louis: The Crisis of Missouri’s Polity: How Privileged Interest Groups Influenced the Development of Missouri’s 2014 Tax Reform Law
Silviya Nitsova, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Oligarchs, Politicians, and the Public: Examining Oligarchic Networks of Influence and Public Attitudes towards the Superrich in Post-Euromaidan Ukraine
Makito Takei, University of North Texas: In Search of Audience Costs in International Relations: The Media, Personality, and Public Threats
Samuel Ritholtz, University of Oxford: Civil War & the Politics of Difference: Paramilitary Violence against LGBT People in Colombia
Xin Han, University of Pittsburgh: Interacting for Development: State Mobilization and Social Embeddedness in China
Alessio Albarello, University of Rochester: Three Essays on Voting and Representation
Peng Gui, University of Rochester: Member’s Legislative Performance: Staffing and Lobbying
Agabek Kabdullin, University of Rochester: Information and Authoritarian Politics
Amna Salam, University of Rochester: Essays on the Legal System
Justin Rose, University of Tennessee: The New Media Frontier
Jack Schwartz, University of Tennessee: The Impact of Rebel Group Structure on Foreign Fighter Civilian Victimization
Awais Mashkoor, University of the West of Scotland: The Role of Local Political Leaders in the Planning and Implementation of Health and Social Care Integration (H&Sci): Case Study from Scotlan
Seth Wright, University of Utah: Transparency as a Politics of Experience: An Interpretive Conceptual Analysis of City Mangers’ Ordinary Language
Anne-Marie Houde, University of Warwick: An Ever-Closer Union? Citizens’ Everyday Emotions and Perspectives on the European Union and its Future
Kenya Amano, University of Washington: Three Essays on Political Regime and Economic Development
Jennifer Driscoll, University of Washington: Friends, Enemies, Firearms: American Gun Rights and the Economy of Racial Harm
Inhwan Ko, University of Washington: Landscape Disruption and Perceived Urban Bias: Sources of Opposition to Renewable Energy in South Korea
Nela Mrchkovska, University of Washington: Religion in Contentious Times: Climate Change, Abortion Rights, and War
Yusri Supiyan, University of Washington: Essays on the Demand for and Supply of Cash Waqfs in the Muslim World
Morgan Wack, University of Washington: Technology and Elections in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities for Democratic Consolidation
Kirstin Anderson, University of Wisconsin-Madison: The Second Citizenship
Levi Bankston, University of Wisconsin-Madison: Campaign Strategy in an Age of Information Abundance: Data-Driven Campaigning for Congress
Lotem Bassan-Nygate, University of Wisconsin-Madison: Who Is Watching? The Consequences of Foreign Criticism
Philip Bunn, University of Wisconsin-Madison: The Heart of a Machine: Technological Threats to Liberty in Liberal Political Thought
Kyler Hudson, University of Wisconsin-Madison: The Spatial Variation of Geographic Polarization
Jiaqi Lu, University of Wisconsin-Madison: Decarbonizing the Dragon: Policy Community and the Power of Networks
Andrew McWard, University of Wisconsin-Madison: Allies of Convenience: How NGOs and the United States Cooperate to Control Intergovernmental Organizations
Molly Minden, University of Wisconsin-Madison: Political Participation after Civil War: Social Mobilizations against Dams and Corruption in Guatemala
Yumi Park, University of Wisconsin-Madison: Varieties of Globalization: Trade Openness, Bank Lobbying, and the Political Economy of Financial Liberalization
Juan Qian, University of Wisconsin-Madison: Statebuilding by Campaign: Regime Consolidation, Bureaucratic Compliance, and Political Control in Modern China
Marcy Shieh, University of Wisconsin-Madison: The Impact of Campaigns and Elections on the Behavior of State Supreme Court Justices and Their Voters
Matthew Shor, University of Wisconsin-Madison: We Report, We Decide: Pre-Primary Presidential Campaigns in the New Media Landscape
Carisa Bergner, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: The Biological Bases of Political Attachment: Neurobiological Correlates of Ideology and Partisanship
Taraleigh Davis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: The Supreme Court’s Third Shift: Policy, Precedent, and Public Opinion Via the Shadow Docket
Samantha Hagle, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Determinants of Indigenous Rights Adoption in Latin America: Political Implications and Incrementalism 1960-2016
Anthony Calacino, University of Texas at Austin: Three Essays on the State, Public Opinion, and Environmental Politics in Latin America
Nicholas Bednar, Vanderbilt University: Maintaining the American State
Lauren Chojnacki, Vanderbilt University: When Sexual Assault is Political: Variations in Reactions and Political Behavior Among Women Sexual Assault Survivors
Lucas Helms, Vanderbilt University: Formation, Function, and Output of Committees in the Modern US House of Representatives
Colin Henry, Vanderbilt University: Governance, Competition, Extremism: How the Structure of Social Media Platforms Radicalizes Communities
Meredith McLain, Vanderbilt University: Strategic Presidential Unilateralism in the Face of Institutional and Public Sanctioning
Christopher Piper, Vanderbilt University: Strategy and Consequences of the ”Broken" Appointments Process
Facundo Salles Kobilanski, Vanderbilt University: Out of Office, Out in Office: LGBTQ+s in Brazil’s Candidate Entry Process
Katerina Traut, Vanderbilt University: Poisonous Insecurity: the Roots of Racism in the Architecture of Colonialism
Furkan Cakmak, Washington State University: When Losing Matters: An Analysis into the Dynamics of Affective Polarization Through Emotions and Media Choice in Politics
Steffanie Chritz, Washington State University: Understanding Policy Changes in the US States: Vaccine Exemptions During the US 2019 Measles Outbreak
Fidaa Jabbouri, Washington State University: The Role of Corrupt Leaders in Fueling Ethnic Divisions: The Case of Iraq
Chase Riddle, Washington State University: How Genocide Works: The Language, Psychology and Understanding Behind Mass Atrocity
Helary Yakub, Washington State University: Violent Extremism and the Social Ecology of Trauma
Orion Yoesle, Washington State University: “I’m a Human Being, Dammit!” Identity, Online Partisan Media, Emotional Arousal, and Incivility-Seeking Behavior
Anthony Sclafani, Wayne State University: The Price of Peace: Military Aid as a Foreign Policy Tool
Leila Ben Abdallah, Yale University: The Limits of Shame: Indigenous Political Critiques of US Settler Colonialism
Julia Bleckner, Yale University: “The Hands that Would be Raised against Us Have to be Broken”: Violent Spectacle and the Law Under Aspiring Autocracy
Chris Chambers, Yale University: Specters of Degradation: Poverty and Uplift in Modern Political Thought
Sophia Dawkins, Yale University: Essays on Civilian Protection: Risk and Safety During Peace Negotiations
Matthew Denney, Yale University: The Fragmented Gateway to Collective Repentance: Race, Policing, and the Black Church in America
Alejandro Fajardo Arboleda, Yale University: The Persistence of Failing Authoritarian Regimes. Ordinary People in the 21st Century Venezuela
Morgan Galloway, Yale University: ”Topographies of Memory": Understanding State Violence Through Memorialization Practices
Ramon Garibaldo, Yale University: La Lucha De Cada Dia: Immigrant Justice Organizing and the Political Remaking of Illegality in the US
Michael Goldfien, Yale University: Essays on Leadership, Domestic Politics, and Diplomacy
Daniel Hirschel-Burns, Yale University: The Ideological Socialization of Civilians During Civil War
Annabelle Hutchinson, Yale University: Three Essays on the Political Economy of Gender
Alexander Kolokotronis, Yale University: Who Governs Schools?: Alienation and Participatory Democracy in New Haven Public Education
William Kwok, Yale University: The Banality of Organization: Mass Killings as a Coordination Problem in the Shadow of War
Cleo O’Brien-Udry, Yale University: Essays on the Political Economy of Foreign Aid
Radha Sarkar, Yale University: Religion and the Politics of Gender
Joy Wang, Yale University: Contested Developments: Regime and Social Theory in the Age of Decolonization
Jennifer Wu, Yale University: The Politics of Asian-ness: Understanding the Importance of National Origin and Group Membership on the Political Representation