As the part-time librarian of the College is about to take maternity leave and will require cover for 6 months or so, and as I shall very shortly be at a loose end myself, I thought that I would apply for the position. I quite enjoy running psychiatric libraries and have some experience of doing so. I also know that it is very hard to get good part-time locum staff and I am always happy to help out. I was distressed to discover, however, that the College has a strict policy of retiring its staff at the age of 60 and of not recruiting any staff over that age.
I am sure that the College's new locum librarian will be able to dig out plenty of references to support the contention that enforced idleness has a deleterious effect on the mental health of older people. If the College had refused to consider me for a locum post on the grounds of my skin colour or of my gender there would have been public outrage. I see no reason why ageism of this sort should not be regarded with equal distaste. The only criteria when recruiting a locum should be the applicant's ability to do the job properly.
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