It is but fitting that we should receive in a joyful and loving spirit you, the Dominican brethren, who are celebrating at Rome the duly appointed assembly of your religious family, or General Chapter, the proceedings and labours of which we are following with close attention. Nor have we any doubt but that it will bring forth the good results and consequences that are desired of it, so that, with its discipline strengthened and its powers increased, your Order may more and more contribute to the saving triumphs of the Gospel.
That this expectation may indeed be realised the new Master General, chosen by your votes, inspires us to hope. It gives us joy, therefore, to greet him now present here; it gives us joy, also, to recognise publicly the abundant merits which our beloved son Martin Gillet has earned for himself during his long term of office as your supreme moderator.
While we were considering and weighing in our mind what matters we might most fittingly and usefully touch upon in our address to you, our eyes lighted upon certain words, contained in your constitutions, which seemed worthy indeed of meditation: ‘Resolute in peace, assiduous in study, fervent in preaching’ (No. 452). Brief in statement, but big with meaning; a narrow compass of words, but a weighty mass of precept; for therein is emblazoned the form of those special virtues which will be the promise, the goal, the guiding star of the glorious path that lies before the chosen and beloved family of Saint Dominic.