1 Introduction
It is well-known that optical satellite multi-band images have a high resolution and can be easily captured by low-cost cameras. However, they are often corrupted because of poor weather conditions, such as rain, clouds, fog and dust conditions. Moreover, it is a typical situation that the measure of degradation of optical images is such that it cannot even rely one brightness value being available inside the damaged regions. As a result, some subdomains of such images become absolutely invisible. Thus, in spite of the fact that in the literature there are many approaches to the reconstruction of images when information of the colours is not everywhere available (see, for instance, [Reference Irony, Cohen-Or and Lischinski23, Reference Levin, Lischinski and Weiss31, Reference Sapiro37, Reference Sapiro and Yatziv38, Reference Sýkora, Buriánek and Zára40]), the traditional approaches to the exact restoration of damaged optical images are no longer applicable in this case and it makes this problem challenging.
However, in contrast to optical observations, radar images do not depend on reflected sunlight and they can be used at night and under poor weather conditions. In the vegetation case, instead of giving an indication on biophysical processes in the plant, the radar backscatter rather contains information on the structure and moisture content of vegetation and the underlying soil. Therefore, the fusion of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical images is very important for classification of land cover [Reference Muller, Shepherd and Dymond34] and estimation of soil moisture to remove vegetation cover effects from radar backscattering coefficient [Reference Garkusha, Hnatushenko and Vasyliev19, Reference Garkusha, Hnatushenko and Vasyliev20, Reference Saradjian and Hosseini36]. At the same time, because of the distinct natures of SAR and optical images, there exist a huge radiometric difference between optical and synthetic aperture of radar images.
It is well-known that different wavelengths encode different object properties, therefore leading to significant intensity differences between SAR and optical satellite images for the same object. Because of this, it would be naive to suppose that the intensities in all spectral channels of cloud contaminated optical images can be successfully recovered inside the damaged regions at high level of accuracy through the corresponding intensities of the SAR images of this region. At the same time, when dealing with optical and SAR images of some agricultural areas of various shapes or/and farmland, it can be observed that the textures of such images have many common features (see, for instance, [Reference Hnatushenko, Kogut and Uvarow22]). Mainly inspired by this observation, we propose a new variational model for exact restoration of the damaged multi-band optical satellite images using results of their co-registration with SAR images of the same regions.
be a bounded image domain with Lipschitz boundary
, and let
be a Borel set with non-empty interior and sufficiently regular boundary and such that
$|\Omega\setminus D|>0$
. We call D the damage region of a given multi-band image
$\vec{u}_0=\left[u_{1,0}, u_{2,0},\dots,u_{M,0}\right]^t\in L^2(\Omega\setminus D;\mathbb{R}^M)$
where the optical image
is corrupted by clouds. As it was mentioned before, we deal with the case where we have no information about the original image
inside D. Instead of this, we assume that a SAR image
of the same region is given, and this image is well co-registered with
$\Omega\setminus D$
. The problem is to reconstruct the intensities
, of the original multi-band image
through a variational model starting from the knowledge of SAR image on the subset D (the damaged region) together with the exact information of
$\Omega\setminus D$
(the undamaged region).
Mostly motivated by the recent studies in this field [Reference Antil and Rautenberg4] (see also [Reference Blomgren6, Reference Blomgren, Chan, Mulet and Wong7, Reference Bungert, Coomes, Ehrhardt, Rasch, Reisenhofer and Schönlieb8, Reference Bungert and Ehrhardt9, Reference Chen, Levine and Rao11] for comparison), we propose a new strategy for the restoration problem of cloud contaminated multi-band optical images through their fusion with the corresponding SAR images of the same territory. The variational approach we consider is inspired, in some sense, by the recent paper [Reference Antil and Rautenberg4], where the authors consider the minimisation of the following energy functional

, where
$\left(-\Delta \right)^s$
denotes the fractional power of the Laplacian with zero Neumann boundary conditions. Then, the first necessary and sufficient optimality condition determines the unique minimiser u via

which is a linear elliptic partial differential equation that can be efficiently solved using, for instance, the Fourier spectral method [Reference Antil and Bartels3] or the Stinga-Torrea extension [Reference Roncal and Stinga35]. Since, from the reconstruction point of view, it is desirable that the regularity of the solution to (1.1) is low in places in
where edges or discontinuities are present in u, and that is high in places where u is smooth or contains homogeneous features, it is of interest to consider (1.1) where
$s :\Omega \to [0, 1]$
is not a constant. So, the choice of parameter s has a direct influence on the global regularity of the solution to problem (1.1). However, the definition of the fractional Laplacian in terms of the Caffarelli–Silvestre [Reference Caffarelli and Silvestre10] or the Stinga–Torrea [Reference Stinga and Torrea39] extension is well-known only for a constant
, whereas such a result remains open when
$s(x)\in (0,1)$
. So, there is no obvious way how to correctly define the operator
$\left(-\Delta \right)^{s(x)}$
and for nowadays it looks as an open question. For the details, we refer to [Reference Antil and Rautenberg4].
In contrast to the standard setting of restoring colour damaged images where the starting point is either the knowledge of the grey level of the original colour image
on a given open subset D of
(the damaged region) together with the exact information of
$\Omega\setminus D$
(the undamaged region) or the grey level information in the damage region
$D\subset \Omega$
is modelled as a nonlinear distortion of the colours, in this paper we deal with the case where we do not have any information about
inside D but instead we assume that a SAR image
of the same region is given. So, the purpose of this paper is to study the faithfulness of the reconstruction following the proposed variational model and supply this approach by the rigorous mathematical substantiation.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 contains some preliminaries and auxiliary results. For other details related to Orlicz and variable exponent Sobolev spaces, we refer to Appendices A–C. In Section 3, we begin with some key assumptions and after that we give a precise statement of the restoration problem in the form of some constrained minimisation problems with nonstandard growth energy functionals. We discuss the consistency issues of the proposed minimisation problems and the existence of the corresponding minimisers in Section 4. To prove the existence result, mainly because of the specific form of the objective functional, we follow the technique that was recently developed by the authors in [Reference D’Apice, De Maio and Kogut14, Reference D’Apice, De Maio and Kogut15, Reference Kogut24].
In spite of the fact that the proposed minimisation problems are well-posed and possess good approximating properties, their practical implementation to the restoration of real satellite images is a tricky matter because of the non-convexity and complicated structure of the corresponding optimality conditions. Therefore, our main intention in Section 5 is to present ‘an approximation approach’, which is based on the concept of relaxation of extremal problems and their variational convergence. With that in mind, we propose to pass to some relaxation of the original problem using a special iterative algorithm. We show that at each step of the iteration procedure, we obtain a strictly convex optimisation problem which admits a unique solution. It is established that the so-defined sequence of approximations is precompact in some Hausdorff topology, and each convergent subsequence leads to a weak solution of the original problem. Optimality conditions for the relaxed version of a given restoration problem and their substantiation are studied in Section 6. The experiments undertaken in this study (see Section 7) confirmed the efficacy of the proposed method and revealed that it can acquire plausible visual performance and satisfactory quantitative accuracy for agro scenes with rather complicated texture of background surface.
2 Preliminaries and some auxiliary results
We begin with some notation. For vectors
denotes the standard vector inner product in
, where
denotes the transpose operator. The norm
is the Euclidean norm given by
be a bounded open set with a Lipschitz boundary
. For any subset
we denote by
its 2-dimensional Lebesgue measure
. Let
denote the closure of E, and
$\partial E$
stands for its boundary. We define the characteristic function
of E by

be a Borel set with non-empty interior and sufficiently regular boundary and such that
$|\Omega\setminus D|>0$
. Let
$\vec{u}_0=\left[u_{1,0}, u_{2,0},\dots,u_{M,0}\right]^t\in L^2(\Omega\setminus D;\mathbb{R}^M)$
be an image of interest, where each coordinate represents the intensity of the corresponding spectral channel. We associate with
the panchromatic image u (the so-called total spectral energy of

In particular, if we take into account in (2.1) just the weight coefficients for the RGB-channels with

then u can be interpreted as the luma component of
and it represents the perceptual brightness of the multispectral image
$\vec{u}:\Omega\setminus D\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^M$
We assume that the multi-band image
is corrupted by clouds, and D is the zone of missing information. We call D the damage region. Since we have no information about the original image
inside D, we assume that a SAR image
of the same region is given, and this image is well co-registered with
$u_0\in L^2(\Omega\setminus D;\mathbb{R}^M)$
$\Omega\setminus D$
. This means that there exists an affine transformation
$\mathcal{F}: \mathbb{R}^2\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2$
of the form


such that the SAR image after the affine transformation
and panchromatic image
could be successfully matched in
$\Omega\setminus D$
(see [Reference Hnatushenko, Kogut and Uvarow21] for the details).
We assume that the SAR image
is a function of bounded variation, that is,
$u_{SAR}\in BV(\Omega)$
. Then,
$u_{SAR}\in L^2(\Omega)$
and almost all level sets
$\left\{x\in\Omega: u_{SAR}(x)\ge \lambda\right\}$
are sets of finite perimeter. Hence, at almost all points of almost all level sets of
$u_{SAR}\in BV(\Omega)$
we can define a normal vector
. This vector field of normals
can be also defined as the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the measure
$\nabla u_{SAR}$
with respect to
$|\nabla u_{SAR}|$
, that is, it formally satisfies the following relations

In the sequel, we will refer to the vector field
as the vector field of unit normals to the topographic map of the image
Remark 2.1 In practice, at the discrete level,
can be defined by the rule
$\theta(x_i,y_j)=\frac{\nabla u_{SAR}(x_i,y_j)}{|\nabla u_{SAR}(x_i,y_j)|} $
$\nabla u_{SAR}(x_i,y_j)\ne 0$
, and
$\nabla u_{SAR}(x_i,y_j)=0$
. However, as was mentioned in [Reference Ballester, Caselles, Igual, Verdera and Rougé5], a better choice for
would be to compute it as
for some small value of
$t > 0$
, where
$\xi(t)=\frac{\nabla U(t,\cdot)}{|\nabla U(t,\cdot)|}$
and U(t,x,y) is a solution of the following initial-boundary value problem with 1-Laplacian in the right hand side

As a result, for any
, there can be found a vector field

such that

$ U_t(t,x,y)={div}\, \xi(t,x,y)$
in the sense of distributions on
for a.a.
We notice that following this procedure, for small value of
$t > 0$
, we do not distort the geometry of the function
in an essential way. Moreover, it can be shown that this regularisation of the vector field
satisfies condition
${div}\,\theta \in L^2(\Omega)$
Since the main problem we are going to consider in this article is to reconstruct the original multi-band image
$\vec{u}_0\in L^2(\Omega\setminus D;\mathbb{R}^M)$
in the damage region D using the knowledge of geometrical texture of the SAR image
$u_{SAR}\in BV(\Omega)$
on the subset D together with the exact information about this image in
$\Omega\setminus D$
(the undamaged region), we associate with each spectral channel of the restored optical image
$\vec{u}=\left[u_1, u_2,\dots,u_M\right]^t:\Omega\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^M$
the so-called texture index
following the rule

$g{:}[0,\infty)\rightarrow (0,\infty)$
is an edge-stopping function which we take in the form of the Cauchy law
with an appropriate
$\left(\nabla G_{\sigma}\ast u_i\right) (x)$
denotes the convolution of function
with the two-dimensional Gaussian filter kernel

Here, the parameter
determines the spatial size of the image details which are removed by this 2D filter. By default, we assume that the functions
are extended by zero outside of domain
As follows from (2.7), the magnitude
$g\left(\left|\left(\nabla G_\sigma\ast u_i\right) (x)\right|\right)$
is close to one at those points, where the spectral intensity
is slowly varying, and this value is close to zero at the edges of
. In view of this, the function
can be interpreted as a characteristic of texture of the image
in its i-th spectral channel. The following result plays a crucial role in the sequel.
Lemma 2.1 Let
$\left\{v_k\right\}_{k\in\mathbb{N}}\subset L^\infty(\Omega)$
be a sequence of measurable non-negative functions such that
$v_k \rightarrow v $
for some
$v\in L^\infty(\Omega)$
, and each element of this sequence is extended by zero outside of
. Let
$\left\{p_k=1+g\left(\left|\left(\nabla G_\sigma\ast v_k\right)\right|\right)\right\}_{k\in\mathbb{N}}$
be the corresponding sequence of texture indices. Then,

Proof. In view of the initial assumptions, the sequence
is uniformly bounded in
. Hence, by smoothness of the Gaussian filter kernel
, it follows that

$\|G_{\sigma}\|_{C^1(\overline{\Omega-\Omega})}=\max\limits_{z=x-y\atop x\in\overline{\Omega}, y\in\overline{\Omega}} \left[|G_\sigma(z)|+|\nabla G_\sigma(z)|\right]$
. Then,
-boundedness of
guarantees the existence of a positive value
$\delta\in (0,1)$
(see (2.11)) such that estimate (2.10) holds true for all
Moreover, as follows from the relations

and smoothness of the function
$\nabla G_\sigma(\cdot)$
, there exists a positive constant
independent of k such that


we see that

and each element of the sequence
has the same modulus of continuity, it follows that this sequence is uniformly bounded and equi-continuous. Hence, by Arzelà–Ascoli Theorem the sequence
$\left\{p_{k}\right\}_{k\in \mathbb{N}}$
is relatively compact with respect to the strong topology of
. Taking into account the estimate (2.12) and the fact that the set
is closed with respect to the uniform convergence and

by definition of the weak-
convergence in
, we deduce:
$p_{k}(\cdot)\rightarrow p(\cdot)$
uniformly in
, where
$p(x)=1+g\left(\left|\left(\nabla G_\sigma\ast v\right)(x)\right|\right)$
. The proof is complete.
3 Problem statement
The problem of restoration of cloud contaminated optical images is to reconstruct the original multi-band image
in the damage region D using the exact information about this image in
$\Omega\setminus D$
(the undamaged region) and the texture (geometry) of the corresponding SAR image on the subset D. We begin with the following key assumptions.
Assumption 1. The cloud contaminated optical image
$\vec{u}_0\in L^2(\Omega\setminus D;\mathbb{R}^M)$
and the corresponding SAR image
$u_{SAR}\in BV(\Omega)$
are rigidly co-registered.
Assumption 2. The intensities
of all spectral channels for the retrieved image
are subjected to the constraints
$\gamma_{0,i}\le u_i(x)\le \gamma_{1,i}$
a.a. in
, where

Assumption 3. The topographic maps for all spectral channels
of the retrieved image
$\vec{u}=\left[u_1, u_2,\dots,u_M\right]^t:\Omega\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^M$
have a similar geometrical structure to the topographic map of the SAR image
$u_{SAR}\in BV(\Omega)$
albeit these images can have very different intensities.
As follows from Assumption 3, all spectral channels of the retrieved image should share the geometry of the panchromatic SAR image
in D. It means that, due to the property
$u_{SAR}\in BV(\Omega)$
, for almost all points of almost all level sets of
we can define a vector field
$\theta\in L^\infty(\Omega,\mathbb{R}^2)$
such that
has the direction of the normal to the level lines of
(see Remark 2.1 for the details). Therefore, the counterclockwise rotation of angle
, denoted by
, represents the tangent vector to the level lines of
. In this case, if the spectral channels of
share the geometry of the panchromatic image
, we have

We say that a function
$\vec{u}=\left[u_1, u_2,\dots,u_M\right]^t:\Omega\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^M$
is the result of restoration of a cloud-corrupted image
$\vec{u}_0: D\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^M$
if for given regularisation parameters
, and
, each spectral component
is the solution of the following constrained minimisation problem with the nonstandard growth energy functional

$\Xi_i$ stands for the set of feasible solutions to the problem (3.3) which we define as follows
\begin{equation*} \Xi_i=\left\{(v,p)\ \left| \begin{array}{l} v\in W^{1,p(\cdot)}(\Omega),\ p\in C(\overline{\Omega}),\\ \\[-7pt] 1\le \gamma_{0,i}\le v(x)\le \gamma_{1,i}\ \text{a.a. in}\ \Omega,\\ \\[-7pt] p(x)=\mathfrak{F}(v(x))\ \text{ in $\Omega$.} \end{array} \right. \right\} \end{equation*}
$W^{1,p(\cdot)}(\Omega)$ is the Sobolev-Orlicz space (for the details we refer to Appendix B),
\begin{equation*} \mathfrak{F}(v(x))=1+g\left(\left|\left(\nabla G_\sigma\ast v\right) (x)\right|\right), \end{equation*}
$g{:}[0,\infty)\rightarrow (0,\infty)$ is the edge-stopping function which we take it in the form
$g(t)=\frac{1}{1+(t/a)^2}$ ;
$\theta\in L^\infty(D,\mathbb{R}^2)$ is a vector field such that
\begin{equation*} |\theta(x)|\le 1\ \text{ and }\ \left(\theta(x),\nabla u_{SAR}(x)\right)_{\mathbb{R}^2}=| \nabla u_{SAR}(x)| \quad\text{a.e. in {D};} \end{equation*}
$R_\eta\nabla v:=\nabla v-\eta^2\chi_D \left(\theta,\nabla v\right) \theta$ stands for the so-called directional gradient (see [Reference Bungert, Coomes, Ehrhardt, Rasch, Reisenhofer and Schönlieb8, Reference Bungert and Ehrhardt9]), and
$\eta\in (0,1)$ is a given threshold;
$\left(G_{\sigma}\ast v\right) (x)$ denotes the convolution of function v with the two-dimensional Gaussian filter kernel
$G_\sigma$ .
Let us give a short motivation to the choice of the energy functional in the form (3.3). Since

with a given
$\eta\in (0,1)$
, it follows that this term can be considered as the regularisation in the Sobolev-Orlicz space
. On the other side, this term plays the role of a spacial data fidelity. Indeed, the main goal, we are going to follow in the restoration problem, is to preserve the following property: the geometry of each spectral channels in the damage zone of the retrieved image should be as close as possible to the geometry of the SAR image. Formally, it means that relations (3.2) have to be satisfied. Hence, the magnitude
$\int_{D}\Big|\left(\theta^{\perp},\nabla v\right)\Big|^\alpha\,dx$
must be small enough for each spectral channel, where
stands for the vector field of unit normals to the topographic map of the SAR image
. In fact, we impose it in the energy functional (3.3) in the form of the last term. However, in order to enforce this property, we observe that the expression
$R_\eta\nabla v$
can be reduced to
$(1-\eta^2)\nabla v$
in those places of the damage region D where v is collinear to the unit normal
and to
$\nabla v$
$\nabla v$
is orthogonal to
. Thus, gradients of the spectral intensities that are aligned/collinear
are favoured as long as
. Moreover, this property is enforced by the exponent p(x). In fact, the third term basically has a similar effect as the first one, so, in some practical implementations it can be omitted.
$p(x)\approx 1$
in places in
where edges or discontinuities are present in the spectral channel v, and
$p(x)\approx 2$
in places where v(x) is smooth or contains homogeneous features, the main benefit of the model (3.3) is the manner in which it accommodates the local image information. For the places where the spectral gradient is sufficiently large (i.e. likely edges), we deal with the so-called directional TV-based diffusion [Reference Bungert, Coomes, Ehrhardt, Rasch, Reisenhofer and Schönlieb8, Reference Bungert and Ehrhardt9], whereas the places where the gradient is close to zero (i.e. homogeneous regions), the model becomes isotropic. Specifically, the type of anisotropy at these ambiguous regions varies according to the strength of the gradient. This enables the model to have a much lower dependence on the approximation schemes for the variable exponent p(x) and other thresholds. Apparently, the idea to involve a fractional norm of
with a variable exponent p(x) was firstly proposed in [Reference Blomgren, Chan, Mulet and Wong7] in order to reduce the staircasing effect in the TV image restoration problem.
As for the second term in (3.3), it is the so-called data fidelity and it forces the minimiser v in domain
$\Omega\setminus D$
to stay as close as possible to the spectral intensity of the cloud corrupted image
$\vec{u}_0: D\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^M$
Thus, the proposed model (3.3) provides a completely new approach to restoration of non-smooth multi-band optical images
with the gap in damage region. The main characteristic feature of this model is that we involve into consideration the energy functional with nonstandard growth where the edge information for restoration of
$\vec{u}_0\in L^2(\Omega\setminus D;\mathbb{R}^M)$
in D is accumulated in the variable exponent p(x) and in the directional gradients
which we derive from the SAR data. However, in contrast to [Reference Antil and Rautenberg4, Reference Chen, Levine and Rao11], we do not apply any selection procedure for approximation of the variable exponent p(x) in (3.3).
We are now in a position to define what we mean by the solution of the restoration problem. Taking into account Assumptions (1)–(3) that we imposed above and the structure of the energy functionals
$\mathcal{J}_i:\Xi_i\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$
, we say that a multi-band image
$\vec{u}^{\,0}=\left[u^0_1, u^0_2,\dots,u^0_M\right]^t:\Omega\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^M$
is the result of restoration of the cloud contaminated optical image
$\vec{u}_0\in L^2(\Omega\setminus D;\mathbb{R}^M)$
if, for each index
, the pair
$\left(u_i^0, p_i^0\right)$
, where
$p_i^0=1+g\left(\left|\left(\nabla G_\sigma\ast u_i^0\right)\right|\right)$
, is a solution of the constrained minimisation problem (3.3), that is,

4 Existence results
Our main intention in this section is to show that constrained minimisation problem (3.3) is consistent and admits at least one solution. Because of the specific form of the energy functional
, the minimisation problem (3.3) is rather challenging (we can refer to [Reference Blomgren6, Reference Blomgren, Chan, Mulet and Wong7, Reference Bungert, Coomes, Ehrhardt, Rasch, Reisenhofer and Schönlieb8, Reference Chen, Levine and Rao11] for some specific details).
Following in many aspects the recent studies [Reference D’Apice, De Maio and Kogut15, Reference Kogut24], we give the following existence result.
Theorem 4.1 For each
and given
$\eta\in (0,1)$
$\theta\in L^\infty(D,\mathbb{R}^2)$
, and
$\vec{u}_0\in L^2(\Omega\setminus D;\mathbb{R}^M)$
, the minimisation problem (3.3) admits at least one solution
$(u^{rec}_i,p^{rec}_i)\in \Xi_i$
Proof. Since
$0\le J_i(v,p)<+\infty$
for all
$(v,p)\in \Xi_i$
, it follows that there exists a non-negative value
$\zeta\ge 0$
such that
$\zeta=\inf\limits_{(v,p)\in \Xi_i}J_i(v,p)$
. Let
$\left\{(v_k,p_k)\right\}_{k\in \mathbb{N}}\subset \Xi_i$
be a minimising sequence to the problem (3.3), that is,

So, without lost of generality, we can suppose that
$J_i\left(v_k,p_k\right)\le \zeta+1$
for all
$k\in \mathbb{N}$
. From this and the initial assumptions, we deduce

$\sup_{k\in \mathbb{N}}\left[ \sup_{x\in\Omega} p_k(x)\right]\le 2$
Utilising the fact that
$v_k(x)\le \gamma_{1,i}$
for almost all
, we infer the following estimate

Then arguing as in Lemma 2.1, it can be shown that
$p_k\in C^{0,1}(\overline{\Omega})$

Taking this fact into account, we deduce from (4.1), (4.2) and (B5) that

uniformly with respect to
. Therefore, there exists a subsequence of
$\left\{v_{k}\right\}_{k\in \mathbb{N}}$
, still denoted by the same index, and a function
$u^{rec}_i\in W^{1,\alpha}(\Omega)$
such that

where, by Sobolev embedding theorem,
Moreover, passing to a subsequence if necessary, we have (see Proposition B.2 and Lemma 2.1):

$u^{rec}_i\in W^{1,p^{rec}(\cdot)}(\Omega)$
$p^{rec}(x)=1+g\left(\left|\left(\nabla G_\sigma\ast u^{rec}_i\right) (x)\right|\right)$
$\gamma_{0,i}\le v_k(x)\le \gamma_{1,i}$
a.a. in
for all
, it follows from (4.5) that the limit function
is also subjected to the same restriction. Thus,
is a feasible solution to minimisation problem (3.3).
Let us show that
$(u^{rec}_i, p^{rec}_i)$
is a minimiser of this problem. With that in mind, we note that in view of the obvious inequality

and the fact that
$u_{0,i}\in L^2(\Omega\setminus D)$
, we have: the sequence
$\left\{v_k(x)-u_{0,i}(x)\right\}_{k\in \mathbb{N}}$
is bounded in
$L^{\alpha}(\Omega\setminus D)$
and converges weakly in
$L^{\alpha}(\Omega\setminus D)$
. Hence, by Proposition B.2 (see (B17)),
$u^{rec}_i-u_{0,i}\in L^{p^{rec}(\cdot)}(\Omega\setminus D)$

As for the last terms in (3.3), in view of the weak convergence
$v_{k}\rightarrow u^{rec}_i$
(see (4.4)), we have

It remains to notice that due to the properties (4.1), (4.4) and the fact that
$\theta\in L^\infty(D,\mathbb{R}^2)$
, the sequence
$\left\{|R_\eta\nabla v_k|\in L^{p_k(\cdot)}(\Omega)\right\}_{k\in \mathbb{N}}$
is bounded and weakly convergence to
$|R_\eta\nabla u^{rec}_i|$
. Hence, by Proposition B.2, the following lower semicontinuous property

holds true.
As a result, utilising relations (4.6), (4.7) and (4.8), we finally obtain

is a minimiser to the problem (3.3), whereas its uniqueness remains as an open question.
5 Iterative algorithm based on the variational convergence of extremal problems
It is clear that because of the nonstandard energy functional and its non-convexity, constrained minimisation problem (3.3) is not trivial in its practical implementation. The main difficulty in its study comes from the state constraints

that we impose on the set of feasible solutions
. This motivates us to pass to some relaxation (we refer to [Reference De Maio, Kogut and Manzo16, Reference Kogut, Kupenko and Manzo28, Reference Manzo33] where the similar approach has been utilised). In view of this, we propose the following iteration procedure which is based on the concept of relaxation of extremal problems and their variational convergence [Reference Kogut25, Reference Kogut26, Reference Kogut27, Reference Kogut and Leugering30].
At the first step, we set up

$\mathcal{B}_{i,p(\cdot)}=\big\{v\in W^{1,{p(\cdot)}}(\Omega): 1{\le} \gamma_{0,i}\le v(x)\le \gamma_{1,i}$
a.a. in
$ \Omega\big\}$
Then, for each
$k\ge 1$
, we set

Before proceeding further, we set

are defined by (2.13) and (4.3), respectively.
Arguing as in the proof of Theorem 4.1 and using the convexity arguments, it can be shown that, for each
$p(\cdot)\in \mathfrak{S}$
, there exists a unique element
$u^{0,p(\cdot)}_i\in \mathcal{B}_{i,p(\cdot)}$
such that
$u^{0,p(\cdot)}_i=\mathop{Argmin}_{v\in \mathcal{B}_{i,p(\cdot)}} J_i(v,p(\cdot))$
. Moreover, it can be shown that, for given
$\eta\in (0,1)$
$u_{SAR}\in BV(\Omega)$
, and
$\vec{u}_0\in L^2(\Omega\setminus D,\mathbb{R}^M)$
, the sequence
$\left\{ u^{k}\in W^{1,{p_k(\cdot)}}(\Omega)\right\}_{k\in\mathbb{N}}$
is compact with respect to the weak topology of
, whereas the exponents
$\left\{ p_k\right\}_{k\in\mathbb{N}}$
are compact with respect to the strong topology of
We say that a pair
is a weak solution to the original problem (3.3) if

Remark 5.1 The relation between a weak solution and a solution to the problem (3.3) is very intricate. Since the uniqueness of solutions to (3.3) is a rather questionable option, it follows that, in principle, these definitions can lead to the different pairs in
. As immediately follows from (5.5), a weak solution is a merely feasible one to the original problem. However, if the problem (3.3) admits a unique solution
$(u_i^0,p_i^0)\in \Xi_i$
, then (5.5) implies that this pair is a weak solution. On the other hand, if
$(u_i^\ast,p_i^\ast)\in \Xi_i$
is some solution to (3.3), then setting in (5.1)
for all
, we immediately arrive at the conclusion:
for all
and, therefore,
is a weak solution to the above problem.
Our main goal in this section is to establish the existence of a weak solution to the original problem (3.3) and show that it can be attained by some iterative algorithm.
We begin with some technical results.
Lemma 5.1 For given
$\eta\in (0,1)$
$u_{SAR}{\in} BV(\Omega)$
$\vec{u}_0{\in} L^2(\Omega{\setminus} D,\mathbb{R}^M)$
, the sequence
$\left\{ u^{k}\in W^{1,{p_k(\cdot)}}(\Omega)\right\}_{k\in\mathbb{N}}$
is compact with respect to the weak topology of
Proof. To begin with, let us show that the sequence of minimisers
$\left\{ u^{k} \right\}_{k\in\mathbb{N}}$
is bounded in the sense of condition (B10). Let
$\widehat{u}\in C^1(\overline{\Omega})$
be an arbitrary function such that
$\gamma_{0,i}\le \widehat{u}(x)\le \gamma_{1,i}$
. Since


it follows that

with some constant
From this and estimate (3.4), we deduce

Then estimate (B5) implies that the sequence
$\left\{ u^{k} \right\}_{k\in\mathbb{N}}$
is bounded in
. So, its weak compactness is a direct consequence of the reflexivity of
We notice that boundedness of the sequence
$\left\{ u^{k} \right\}_{k\in\mathbb{N}}$
and compactness of the embedding
$W^{1,\alpha}(\Omega)\hookrightarrow L^q(\Omega)$
$q\in \left[1,\frac{2\alpha}{2-\alpha}\right)$
imply the existence of element
$u^\ast\in W^{1,\alpha}(\Omega)$
such that, up to a subsequence,

Then using (5.9) and passing to the limit in two-side inequality
$\gamma_{0,i}\le u^k(x)\le \gamma_{1,i}$
, we obtain

Utilising this fact together with the pointwise convergence (5.9), by the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, we have

Since, by Arzelà–Ascoli theorem, the set
$\left\{p_k=1+g\left(\left|\left(\nabla G_\sigma\ast u^{k-1}\right)(x)\right|\right)\right\}_{k\in\mathbb{N}}$
is compact with respect to the strong topology of
, it follows from (5.12) (see also the proof of Lemma 2.1) that

Then properties (5.9)–(5.13) and Proposition B.2 imply:

$(u^\ast,p^\ast)\in \mathcal{B}_{i,p^\ast(\cdot)}\times \mathfrak{S}$
is a cluster point of iterative procedure (5.3) with respect to the convergence (5.9)–(5.10), (5.13).
The main result of this section can be stated as follows:
Theorem 5.1 Let
$\eta\in (0,1)$
$u_{SAR}{\in} BV(\Omega)$
$\vec{u}_0{\in} L^2(\Omega{\setminus} D,\mathbb{R}^M)$
be given data. Then, for each
, the sequence of approximated solutions
possesses the following asymptotic properties:

is a weak solution to the original problem (3.3), that is,

and, in addition, the following variational property holds true

Proof. Let
be a cluster point of the sequence
with respect to the convergence (5.15)–(5.17). The existence of such pair immediately follows from Lemma 5.1 and reasoning given above. Let’s assume the converse – namely, there is a function
$z\in \mathcal{B}_{i,\widetilde{p}_i(\cdot)}$
such that

Using the procedure of the direct smoothing, we set

${\varepsilon} >0$
is a small parameter, K is a positive compactly supported smooth function with properties

$\ \widetilde{z}\ $
is zero extension of z outside of
$z\in W^{1,\widetilde{p}(\cdot)}(\Omega)$
$\widetilde{p}(x)\ge \alpha=1+\delta$
, it follows that
$z\in W^{1,\alpha}(\Omega)$
. Then,

by the classical properties of smoothing operators (see [Reference Evans and Gariepy18]). From this, we deduce that

Moreover, taking into account the estimates

we see that each element
is subjected to the pointwise constraints

Since, for each
$u_{\varepsilon}\in W^{1,p_k(\cdot)}(\Omega)$
for all
, it follows that
$u_{\varepsilon}\in \mathcal{B}_{i,p_k(\cdot)}$
, that is, each element of the sequence
is a feasible solution to all approximating problems
$\big\langle\inf_{v\in \mathcal{B}_{i,p_k(\cdot)}} J_i(v,p_k(\cdot)) \big\rangle$
. Hence,

Further we notice that

by Proposition B.2 and Fatou’s lemma, and


it follows from the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem and (5.24) that

As a result, passing to the limit in (5.22) and utilising properties (5.23)–(5.25), we obtain

for all
. Taking into account the pointwise convergence (see (5.21) and property (5.20))

${\varepsilon}\to 0$
, and the fact that, for
small enough,

we can pass to the limit in (5.26) as
${\varepsilon}\to 0$
by the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem. This yields

Combining this inequality with (5.26) and (5.19), we finally get

that leads us into conflict with the initial assumption. Thus,

and, therefore,
is a weak solution to the original problem (3.3). As for the variational property (5.18), it is a direct consequence of (5.27) and (5.25).
6 Optimality conditions
To characterise the solution
$u^{0,p(\cdot)}\in \mathcal{B}_{i,p(\cdot)}$
of the approximating optimisation problem
$\langle\inf_{v\in \mathcal{B}_{i,p(\cdot)}}J_i(v,p(\cdot))\rangle$
, we check that the functional
is Gâteaux differentiable with respect to v, that is,

To this end, we note that

almost everywhere in
. Since, by convexity,

it follows that

Taking into account that

$\int_\Omega |\nabla v(x)|^{p(x)}\,dx\stackrel{\text{by (B5)}}{\le} \|\nabla v\|^2_{L^{p(\cdot)}(\Omega,\mathbb{R}^2)}+1,$
we see that the right hand side of inequality (6.2) is an
function. Therefore,

by the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem.
Utilising similar arguments to the rest terms in (3.3), we deduce that the representation (6.1) for the Gâteaux differential of
at the point
$u^{0,p(\cdot)}\in \mathcal{B}_{i,p(\cdot)}$
is valid.
Thus, in order to derive some optimality conditions for the minimising element
$u^{0,p(\cdot)}\in \mathcal{B}_{i,p(\cdot)}$
to the problem
$\inf\limits_{v\in \mathcal{B}_{p(\cdot)}} J_i(v,p(\cdot))$
, we note that
is a non-empty convex subset of
and the objective functional
$J_i(\cdot,p(\cdot)): \mathcal{B}_{i,p(\cdot)}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$
is strictly convex. Hence, the well-known classical result (see [Reference Lions32, Theorem 1.1.3]) and representation (6.1) lead us to the following conclusion.
Theorem 6.1. Let
$p_k(\cdot)\in \mathfrak{S}$
be an exponent given by the iterative rule (5.3). Then, the unique minimiser
$u^{k}\in \mathcal{B}_{i,p_k(\cdot)}$
to the approximating problem
$\inf\limits_{v\in \mathcal{B}_{i,p_k(\cdot)}}J_i(v,p_k(\cdot))$
is characterised by

7 Numerical experiments
In order to illustrate the proposed algorithm for the restoration of the cloud-corrupted satellite multispectral optical images, we have provided some numerical experiments. As input data, we have used a series of optical images and a radar image that were delivered from two twin satellites, Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B. Each of the optical image is corrupted by clouds with a different level of degradation (see Figures 1, 2, 3, 4). The corresponding SAR image is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 1. Optical image from 2021/040.

Figure 2. Optical image from 2021/032.

Figure 3. Optical image from 2021/041.

Figure 4. Optical image from 2021/0406.

Figure 5. The SAR image of the same territory.
The results of restoration after 5 iterations of the proposed algorithm are shown in Figures 6, 7, 8, 9 for
, and
. As for the exponent
, we define it following the rule (2.10) with
$\delta={a^2}\left[a^2+\|G_{\sigma}\|^2_{C^1(\overline{\Omega-\Omega})} 255^2|\Omega|^2\right]^{-1}$

Figure 6. Result of its restoration.

Figure 7. Result of its restoration.

Figure 8. Result of its restoration.

Figure 9. Result of its restoration.
Comparing the restored images and the contaminated ones, we could see that the texture of original images is well preserved. However, some details in the damage zones are blurred. This problem will be addressed in the following research.
8 Conclusion
This paper proposes a novel restoration model for the satellite optical images that is based on their co-registration with SAR images of the same region and the solution of a special variational problem with nonstandard growth objective functional. The characteristic feature of the restoration problem is the fact that the optical images are supposed to be corrupted and there is a subdomain (the so-called damage region) where we do not have any information about the brightness of such images. Instead, we propose to make use of the structure of the SAR images of the same regions. The novelty of our approach is that we involve into consideration the objective functional with nonstandard growth p(x), where the variable exponent is unknown a priori and it directly depends on the texture of an image that has to be restored. In order to study the consistency of the proposed non-convex minimisation problem, we develop a special technique and supply this approach by the rigorous mathematical substantiation.
However, this problem is not trivial from its practical implementation and has limited performance from numerical point of view. With that in mind, we propose an alternating minimisation procedure which is based on the concept of relaxation of extremal problems with the state constraints and their variational convergence. We show that at each step of the iteration procedure, we obtain a strictly convex optimisation problem which admits a unique solution. It is established that the so-defined sequence of approximations is precompact and each convergent subsequence leads to the so-called weak solutions of the original problem. So, following this way some weak solutions of the restoration problem can be attained in the suitable topology by a special iterative algorithm.
As for the numerical scheme for practical implementation of the proposed procedure, we use the straightforward finite difference method (see [Reference Chen, Levine and Stanich12] for some details) and it will be described in the forthcoming paper. Besides of that, in the second part of this paper we mainly focus on the solvability issues of variational inequality (6.3), its qualitative analysis and the study of its asymptotic behaviour as k tends to
The authors would like to express their deep gratitude to the reviewers for their valuable comments which led to a significant improvement of this manuscript.
Funding information
This research was partially supported by the EOS Data Analytics Company (Ukraine) (https://eos.com/).
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare that all of them have contributed to the submission. Moreover, they declare that they have no known competing financial interest or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
Appendix A. BV-Space
be the infinitely differentiable functions with a compact support in
. By
we denote the space of all functions
$u\in L^1(\Omega)$
for which their distributional derivatives are representable by finite Borel measures in
, that is,

for some
-valued measure
$Du=(D_1u,D_2u)\in \mathcal{M}^2(\Omega)$
. It can be shown that
, endowed with the norm

is a Banach space, where

stands for the total variation of u in
. It is clear that
$|Du|(\Omega)=\int_{\Omega}|\nabla u|\,dx$
if u is continuously differentiable in
The following embedding results for BV-function play a crucial role for qualitative analysis of variational problems that we study in this paper.
Proposition A.1 [Reference Attouch, Buttazzo and Michaille2, p. 378] Let
be an open bounded Lipschitz subset of
. Then, the embedding
$BV(\Omega;\mathbb{R}^M)\hookrightarrow L^2(\Omega;\mathbb{R}^M)$
is continuous and the embeddings
$BV(\Omega;\mathbb{R}^M)\hookrightarrow L^p(\Omega;\mathbb{R}^M)$
are compact for all p such that
$1\le p<2$
. Moreover, there exists a constant
which depends only on
and p such that for all u in

Further information on BV-functions and their properties can be found in [Reference Ambrosio, Fusco and Pallara1, Reference Attouch, Buttazzo and Michaille2].
Appendix B. On Orlicz Spaces
be a measurable exponent function on
such that
$1<\alpha\le p(x)\le\beta<\infty$
a.e. in
, where
are given constants. Let
be the corresponding conjugate exponent. It is clear that

stand for the conjugates of constant exponents. Denote by
the set of all measurable functions f(x) on
such that
$\int_\Omega |f(x)|^{p(x)}\,dx<\infty$
. Then,
is a reflexive separable Banach space with respect to the Luxemburg norm (see [Reference Cruz-Uribe and Fiorenza13, Reference Diening, Harjulehto, Hästö and Ruzicka17] for the details)

$\rho_p(f):=\int_\Omega |f(x)|^{p(x)}\,dx$
It is well-known that
is reflexive provided
, and its dual is
, that is, any continuous functional
has the form (see [Reference Zhikov42, Lemma 13.2])

3.7 As for the infimum in (B1), we have the following result (for reader’s convenience, we furnish it with the proof).
Proposition B.1 The infimum in (B1) is attained if
. Moreover

Proof. Indeed, as follows from (B1),
if and only if
a.e. in
, i.e.
. Assume that
. We define a function
$\psi:[0,\infty)\to \mathbb{R}$

, and

it follows that
is a monotonically increasing function. Hence, there exists a positive value
such that


As a result, we deduce from (B3) and (B1) that
Taking this result and condition
$1\le\alpha\le p(x)\le \beta$
into account, we see that

Hence, (see [Reference Cruz-Uribe and Fiorenza13, Reference Diening, Harjulehto, Hästö and Ruzicka17, Reference Zhikov41] for the details)

and, therefore,

The following estimates are well-known (see, for instance, [Reference Cruz-Uribe and Fiorenza13, Reference Diening, Harjulehto, Hästö and Ruzicka17, Reference Zhikov41]): if
$f\in L^{p(\cdot)}(\Omega)$

$\left\{p_k\right\}_{k\in \mathbb{N}}\subset C^{0,\delta}(\overline{\Omega})$
, with some
, be a given sequence of exponents. Hereinafter in this subsection, we assume that

We associate with this sequence the following collection
$\left\{f_k\in L^{p_k(\cdot)}(\Omega)\right\}_{k\in \mathbb{N}}$
. The characteristic feature of this set of functions is that each element
lives in the corresponding Orlicz space
. We say that the sequence
$\left\{f_k\in L^{p_k(\cdot)}(\Omega)\right\}_{k\in \mathbb{N}}$
is bounded if (see [Reference Kogut and Leugering29, Section 6.2])

Definition B.1 A bounded sequence
$\left\{f_k\in L^{p_k(\cdot)}(\Omega)\right\}_{k\in \mathbb{N}}$
is weakly convergent in the variable Orlicz space
to a function
$f\in L^{p(\cdot)}(\Omega)$
, where
$p\in C^{0,\delta}(\overline{\Omega})$
is the limit of
$\left\{p_k\right\}_{k\in \mathbb{N}}\subset C^{0,\delta}(\overline{\Omega})$
in the uniform topology of
, if

We make use of the following result (we refer to [Reference Zhikov42, Lemma 13.3] for comparison) concerning the lower semicontinuity property of the variable
-norm with respect to the weak convergence in
Proposition B.2 If a bounded sequence
$\left\{f_k\in L^{p_k(\cdot)}(\Omega)\right\}_{k\in \mathbb{N}}$
converges weakly in
to f for some
, then
$f\in L^{p(\cdot)}(\Omega)$
$f_k\rightharpoonup f$
in variable
, and

Proof. In view of the fact that

we see that

Using the Young inequality
$ab\le |a|^p/p+|b|^{p^\prime}/p^\prime$
, we have

and any
$\varphi\in C^\infty_0(\mathbb{R}^2)$
Then passing to the limit in (B14) as
and utilising property (B9) and the fact that

we obtain

Since the last inequality is valid for all
$\varphi\in C^\infty_0(\mathbb{R}^2)$
is dense subset of
, it follows that this relation also holds true for
$\varphi\in L^{p^\prime(\cdot)}(\Omega)$
. So, taking
$\varphi=|f(x)|^{p(x)-2} f(x)$
, we arrive at the announced inequality (B12). So, as a consequence of (B12) and estimate (B5), we get:
$f\in L^{p(\cdot)}(\Omega)$
To end the proof, it remains to observe that relation (B15) holds true for
$\varphi\in C^\infty_0(\mathbb{R}^2)$
as well. From this the weak convergence
$f_k\rightharpoonup f$
in the variable Orlicz space
Remark B.1 Arguing in a similar manner and using, instead of (B14), the estimate

it can be shown that the lower semicontinuity property (B12) can be generalised as follows

The following result can be viewed as an analogous of the Hölder inequality in Lebesgue spaces with variable exponents (for the details we refer to [Reference Cruz-Uribe and Fiorenza13, Reference Diening, Harjulehto, Hästö and Ruzicka17]).
Proposition B.3 If
$f\in L^{p(\cdot)}(\Omega)^N$
$g\in L^{p^\prime(\cdot)}(\Omega)^N$
, then
$\left(f,g\right)\in L^1(\Omega)$

Appendix C. Sobolev Spaces with Variable Exponent
We recall here well-known facts concerning the Sobolev spaces with variable exponent. Let
be a measurable exponent function on
such that
$1<\alpha\le p(x)\le\beta<\infty$
a.e. in
, where
are given constants. We associate with it the so-called Sobolev-Orlicz space

and equip it with the norm
$\|u\|_{W^{1,p(\cdot)}_0(\Omega)}=\|u\|_{L^{p(\cdot)}(\Omega)}+\|\nabla u\|_{L^{p(\cdot)}(\Omega;\mathbb{R}^2)}$
It is well-known that, in general, unlike classical Sobolev spaces, smooth functions are not necessarily dense in
. Hence, with variable exponent
$1<\alpha\le p\le\beta$
) it can be associated another Sobolev space,

Since the identity
is not always valid, it makes sense to say that an exponent p(x) is regular if
is dense in
The following result reveals the important property that guarantees the regularity of exponent p(x).
Proposition C.1 Assume that there exists
$\delta\in (0,1]$
such that
$p\in C^{0,\delta}(\overline{\Omega})$
. Then the set
is dense in
, and, therefore,
Proof. Let
$p\in C^{0,\delta}(\overline{\Omega})$
be a given exponent. Since

it follows from the Hölder continuity of

, and
is some positive constant.
Then, property (C2) implies that
is a log-Hölder continuous function. So, to deduce the density of
it is enough to refer to Theorem 13.10 in [Reference Zhikov42].