1. Introduction
There are two distinguished compact groups associated to a general topological group G. A Bohr compactification (respectively, a profinite completion) of G is a pair consisting of a compact (respectively, profinite) group K and a continuous homomorphism
$\beta\,:\, G \to K $
with dense image satisfying the following universal property: for every compact group (respectively, profinite group) L and every continuous homomorphism
$\alpha\,:\, G \to L$
, there exists a continuous homomorphism
$\alpha'\,:\, K\to L$
such that the diagram

commutes. Bohr compactifications and profinite completions
$(K, \beta) $
of G are unique in the following sense: if
$(K', \beta')$
is a pair consisting of a compact (respectively, profinite) group K’ and a continuous homomorphism
$\beta'\,:\, G \to K'$
with dense image satisfying the same universal property, then there exists an isomorphism
$f\,:\, K \to K'$
of topological groups such that
$\beta' = f \circ \beta$
. Concerning existence, we give below (Proposition 4) models of Bohr compactifications and profinite completions. For more on Bohr compactifications, see [
Reference DixmierDix77
, section 16], [
Reference Bekka and de la HarpeBdlH
, 4·C] or [
Reference WeilWei40
, chapter VII]; for more details on profinite completions, see [
Reference Ribes and ZalesskiiRZ00
We will often denote by
$({\rm Bohr}(G), \beta_G)$
$({\rm Prof}(G), \alpha_G)$
a Bohr compactification and a profinite completion of G. In the sequel, for two topological groups H and L, we write
$H\cong L$
if H and L are topologically isomorphic.
The universal property of
${\rm Bohr}(G)$
gives rise to a continuous surjective homomorphism
$\alpha\,:\, {\rm Bohr}(G) \to {\rm Prof}(G)$
such that
$\alpha_G = \alpha \circ \beta_G$
. It is easy to see (see [
Reference BekkaBek23
, proposition 7]) that the kernel of
${\rm Bohr}(G)_0$
, the connected component of
${\rm Bohr}(G),$
and so

Every continuous homomorphism
$G_1 \xrightarrow{f} G_2$
of topological groups induces continuous homomorphisms

such that
$\beta_{G_2} \circ f= {\rm Bohr}(\,f)\circ\beta_{G_1}$
$\alpha_{G_2} \circ f= {\rm Prof}(\,f)\circ\alpha_{G_1}.$
Consider the category TGrp of topological groups, with objects the topological groups and morphisms the continuous homomorphisms between topological groups. The Bohr compactification and the profinite completion are covariant functors

from TGrp to the subcategory CGrp of compact groups and the subcategory PGrp of profinite groups.
Assume that we are given an extension

of topological groups. The functors
${\rm Bohr}$
${\rm Prof}$
are right exact and so the diagrams


are exact; this means that

denotes the closure of a subset A; these facts are well known and easy to prove (see, e.g., [
Reference Hart and KunenHK01
, lemma 2·2] and [
Reference Ribes and ZalesskiiRZ00
, proposition 3·2·5]; see also Proposition 7 below). However, the functors
${\rm Bohr}$
${\rm Prof}$
are not left exact, that is,
${\rm Bohr}(i)\,:\, {\rm Bohr}(N) \to {\rm Bohr}(G)$
${\rm Prof}(i)\,:\, {\rm Prof}(N) \to {\rm Prof}(G)$
are in general not injective (see e.g. the examples given by Corollaries F and G below).
For now on, we will deal only with locally compact groups. and with split extensions. So, we will consider locally compact groups
$G=N\rtimes H$
which are a semi-direct product of a normal closed subgroup N and a closed subgroup H. It is easy to see that
${\rm Bohr}(G)$
, respectively
${\rm Prof}(G)$
, is a semi-direct product of
, respectively of
(see [
Reference JunghennJun78
Reference Grunewald and ZalesskiiGZ11
]). Our results give a precise description of the structure of these semi-direct products.
Denote by
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm fd}$
the set of equivalence classes (modulo unitary equivalence) of irreducible finite dimensional unitary representations of N. Every such representation
$\sigma\,:\, N\to U(n)$
gives rise to the unitary representation
${\rm Bohr}({\sigma})\,:\,{\rm Bohr}(N)\to U(n) $
${\rm Bohr}(N)$
; here (and elsewhere) we identify
${\rm Bohr}(U(n))$
Observe that H acts on
$ \widehat{N}_{\rm fd}$
: for
$\sigma\in \widehat{N}_{\rm fd}$
$h\in H,$
the conjugate representation
$\sigma^h \in \widehat{N}_{\rm fd}$
is defined by
$\sigma^ h(n)=\sigma( h^{-1} n h)$
for all
$n\in N.$
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm fd}^{H-{\rm per}}$
as the set of
$\sigma\in \widehat{N}_{ \rm fd}$
with finite H-orbit.
Observe that, due to the universal property of
${\rm Bohr}(N)$
, the group H acts by automorphisms on
${\rm Bohr}(N)$
. However, this action does not extend in general to an action of
${\rm Bohr}(H)$
${\rm Bohr}(N).$
Our first result shows that
${\rm Bohr}(G)$
is a split extension of
${\rm Bohr}(H)$
by an appropriate quotient of
${\rm Bohr}(N).$
Theorem A.
$G=N\rtimes H$
be a semi-direct product of locally compact groups. Let
$\varphi_N\,:\, {\rm Bohr}(N)\to \overline{\beta_G(N)}$
$\varphi_H\,:\, {\rm Bohr}(H)\to \overline{\beta_G(H)}$
be the maps such that
$\varphi_N\circ \beta_N= \beta_G|_N$
$\varphi_H\circ \beta_H= \beta_G|_H$

(i) We have
${\rm {Ker}} \varphi_N =C$ and so
$\varphi_N$ induces a topological isomorphism
$\overline{\varphi_N}\,:\, {\rm Bohr}(N)/C \to \overline{\beta_G(N)}.$
$\varphi_H\,:\, {\rm Bohr}(H)\to \overline{\beta_G(H)}$ is a topological isomorphism.
(iii) The action of H by automorphisms on
${\rm Bohr}(N)$ induces an action of
${\rm Bohr}(H)$ by automorphisms on
${\rm Bohr}(N)/C$ and the maps
$\overline{\varphi_N}$ and
$\varphi_H$ give rise to an isomorphism
\begin{equation*} {\rm Bohr}(G)\cong ({\rm Bohr}(N)/C) \rtimes {\rm Bohr}(H).\end{equation*}
We turn to the description of
${\rm Prof}(G).$
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite} $
be the set of equivalence classes of irreducible unitary representations
of N with finite image
Observe that the action of H on
$ \widehat{N}_{\rm fd}$
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}.$
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}^{H-{\rm per}}$
be the subset of
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}$
of representations with finite H-orbit. Every
$\sigma\in \widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}$
gives rise to the unitary representation
${\rm Prof}({\sigma}) $
${\rm Prof}(N)$
A result completely similar to Theorem A holds for
${\rm Prof}(G)$
Theorem B.
$G=N\rtimes H$
be a semi-direct product of locally compact groups. Let
$\psi_N\,:\, {\rm Prof}(N)\to \overline{\alpha_G(N)}$
$\psi_H\,:\, {\rm Prof}(H)\to \overline{\alpha_G(H)}$
be the maps such that
$\psi_N\circ \alpha_N= \alpha_G|_N$
$\psi_H\circ \alpha_H= \alpha_G|_H$

(i) We have
${\rm {Ker}} \psi_N =D$ and so
$\psi_N$ induces a topological isomorphism
$\overline{\psi_N}\,:\, {\rm Prof}(N)/D \to \overline{\alpha_G(N)}.$
$\psi_H\,:\, {\rm Prof}(H)\to \overline{\alpha_G(H)}$ is a topological isomorphism.
(iii) The action of H by automorphisms on
${\rm Prof}(N)$ induces an action of
${\rm Prof}(H)$ by automorphisms on
${\rm Prof}(N)/D$ and the maps
$\overline{\psi_N}$ and
$\psi_H$ give rise to an isomorphism
\begin{equation*}{\rm Prof}(G) \cong ({\rm Prof}(N)/D) \rtimes {\rm Prof}(H) .\end{equation*}
When N is a finitely generated (discrete) group, we obtain the following well known result (see [ Reference Grunewald and ZalesskiiGZ11 , proposition 2·6]).
Corollary C.
Assume that N is finitely generated. Then
${\rm Prof}(G) \cong {\rm Prof}(N) \rtimes {\rm Prof}(H) .$
In the case where N is abelian, we can give a more explicit description of the quotients
${\rm Bohr}(N)/C$
${\rm Prof}(N)/D$
appearing in Theorems A and B. Recall that, in this case, the dual group
is the group of continuous homomorphisms from N to the circle group
. We will also consider the subgroup
$\widehat{N}_{\rm fin}$
$\chi\in \widehat{N}$
with finite image
, that is, with values in the subgroup of m-th roots of unity in
for some integer
$m\geq 1.$
Observe also that
$\widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}$
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}^{H-{\rm per}}$
are subgroups of
Corollary D.
Assume that N is an abelian locally compact group. Let
$\widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}$
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}^{H-{\rm per}}$
be equipped with the discrete topology. Let A and B be their respective dual groups. Then

Recall that G is maximally almost periodic, or MAP, if
$\widehat{G}_{ \rm fd}$
separates its points (equivalently, if
$\beta_G\,:\, G\to {\rm Bohr}(G)$
is injective); recall also that G is residually finite, or RF, if
$\widehat{G}_{ \rm finite}$
separates its points (equivalently, if
$\alpha_G\,:\, G\to {\rm Prof}(G)$
is injective).
Corollary E.
$G=N\rtimes H$
be a semi-direct product of locally compact groups.
(i) G is MAP if and only if H is MAP and
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm fd}^{H-{\rm per}}$ separates the points of N.
(ii) G is RF if and only if H is RF and
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}^{H-{\rm per}}$ separates the points of N.
We give an application of our results to wreath products. Let
$H, \Lambda$
be groups, X a non empty set, and
$H \curvearrowright X$
an action of H on X. Then H acts on the direct sum
$\oplus_{x\in X} \Lambda,$
by shifting the indices. The (permutational) wreath product, denoted
$\Lambda\wr_{X} H,$
is the semidirect product

When the action of H on X is simply transitive, we obtain the standard wreath product denoted
$\Lambda\wr H.$
Observe that
$\Lambda^{\rm Ab}\wr_X H$
is a quotient of
$\Lambda\wr_X H,$
$\Lambda^{\rm Ab}$
is the abelianization
$\Lambda/[\Lambda, \Lambda]$
Initially, we formulated the next two corollaries only for standard wreath products; the extension of these results to more general wreath products was suggested to us by the referee.
Corollary F.
$H, \Lambda$
be groups, and let
$H \curvearrowright X$
be a transitive action of H on a set X. Let
$\Lambda\wr_{X} H$
be equipped with the discrete topology.
(i) When X is finite, we have
\[\begin{aligned}&{\rm Bohr}(\Lambda\wr_X H)\cong \left( \oplus_{x\in X}{\rm Bohr}(\Lambda)\right) \rtimes {\rm Bohr}(H) \ \text{and}\\&{\rm Prof}(\Lambda\wr_X H)\cong \left( \oplus_{x\in X}{\rm Prof}(\Lambda)\right) \rtimes {\rm Prof}(H).\end{aligned}\]
(ii) When X is infinite, the quotient map
$\Lambda\wr_X H\to \Lambda^{\rm Ab}\wr_X H$ induces isomorphisms
\begin{equation*}{\rm Bohr}(\Lambda\wr_X H)\cong {\rm Bohr}( \Lambda^{\rm Ab}\wr_X H) \ \text{and}\ {\rm Prof}(\Lambda\wr_X H)\cong {\rm Prof}( \Lambda^{\rm Ab}\wr_X H)\end{equation*}
$\Lambda$ is perfect (that is,
$\Lambda=[\Lambda, \Lambda]$ ), the quotient map
$\Lambda\wr_X H\to H$ induces isomorphisms
\begin{equation*}{\rm Bohr}(\Lambda\wr_X H)\cong {\rm Bohr}(H) \ \text{and}\ {\rm Prof}(\Lambda\wr_X H)\cong {\rm Prof}( H).\end{equation*}
The following definition was suggested to us by the referee.
Definition 1. An action
$H \curvearrowright X$
of a group H on a set X is residually finite or RF, if, for any pair
$x_1, x_2$
of distinct elements of X, there exists a finite index subgroup L of H such that
$L x_1\neq L x_2.$
Observe that
$H \curvearrowright X$
is RF if and only if
$H \curvearrowright Y$
is RF for every H-orbit
$Y\subset X.$
Observe also that, when
$H \curvearrowright X$
is simply transitive, the action
$H \curvearrowright X$
is RF if and only if the group H is RF.
Item (ii) of the following result was proved, with different methods, in [ Reference GruenbergGru57 , theorem 3·2] for standard wreath products and in [ Reference CornulierCor14 , proposition 1·7] for permutational wreath products.
Corollary G.
$\Lambda, H$
be groups, and let
$H \curvearrowright X$
be an action of H on a set X. Let
$\Lambda\wr_{X} H$
be equipped with the discrete topology.
Assume that
has at least two elements.
(i) The group
$\Lambda\wr_X H$ is MAP if and only if
$\Lambda$ and H are MAP, and either
$\Lambda$ is abelian and
$H \curvearrowright X$ is RF, or
– X is finite.
(ii) ([ Reference GruenbergGru57 ], [ Reference CornulierCor14 ]) The group
$\Lambda\wr_X H$ is RF if and only if
$\Lambda$ and H are RF, and either
$\Lambda$ is abelian and
$H \curvearrowright X$ is RF, or
– X is finite.
Remark 2.
(i) The Bohr compactification of an abelian locally compact group A is easy to describe:
${\rm Bohr}(A)$ can be identified with
$\widehat{\Gamma},$ where
$\Gamma= \widehat{A}$ is viewed as discrete group; in case A is finitely generated, a more precise description of
${\rm Bohr}(A)$ is available (see [ Reference BekkaBek23 , proposition 11]).
(ii) Provided
${\rm Bohr}(H)$ and
${\rm Prof}(H)$ are known, Corollary F together with Corollary D give, in view of (i), a complete description of the Bohr compactification and the profinite completion of any wreath product
$\Lambda\wr_X H$ in case X is infinite.
(iii) Bohr compactifications of group and semigroup extensions have been studied by several authors, in a more abstract and less explicit setting ([ Reference Dangello and LindahlDL83 , Reference Junghenn and LernerJL81 , Reference JunghennJun78 , Reference Junghenn and MilnesJM02 , Reference LandstadLan72 , Reference MilnesMil83 ]); profinite completions of group extensions appear at numerous places in the literature ([ Reference Grunewald and ZalesskiiGZ11 , Reference Ribes and ZalesskiiRZ00 ]).
This paper is organised as follows. Section 2 contains some general facts about Bohr compactifications and profinite completions as well as some reminders on projective representations. In Section 3, we give the proof of Theorems A and B. Section 4 contains the proof of the corollaries. Section 5 is devoted to the explicit computation of the Bohr compactification and profinite completions for two groups: the lamplighter group
$(\textbf{Z}/n\textbf{Z}) \wr \textbf{Z}$
and the Heisenberg group H(R) over an arbitrary commutative ring R.
2. Preliminaries
2·1. Models for Bohr compactifications and profinite completions
Let G be a topological group. We give well known models for
${\rm Bohr}(G)$
${\rm Prof}(G).$
For this, we use finite dimensional unitary representations of G, that is, continuous homomorphisms
$\pi\,:\, G\to U(n)$
for some integer
$n\geq 1.$
We denote by
$\widehat{G}_{\rm fd}$
the set of equivalence classes of irreducible finite dimensional unitary representations of G. Let
$\widehat{G}_{\rm finite}$
be the subset of
$\widehat{G}_{\rm fd}$
consisting of representations
with finite image
For a compact (respectively, profinite) group K, the set
$\widehat{K}_{\rm fd}$
$\widehat{K}_{\rm finite}$
) coincides with the dual space
, that is, the set of equivalence classes of unitary representations of K.
A useful tool for the identification of
${\rm Bohr}(G)$
${\rm Prof}(G)$
is given by the following proposition; for the easy proof, see [
Reference BekkaBek23
, propositions 5 and 6].
Proposition 3
(i) Let K be a compact group and
$\beta\,:\, G\to K$ a continuous homomorphism with dense image; then
$(K, \beta)$ is a Bohr compactification of G if and only if the map
$\widehat{\beta}\,:\,\widehat{K}\to \widehat{G}_{\rm fd},$ given by
$\widehat{\beta}(\pi)= \pi\circ \beta,$ is surjective.
(ii) Let L a be profinite group and
$\alpha\,:\, G\to L$ a continuous homomorphism with dense image; then
$(L, \alpha)$ is a profinite completion of G if and only if the map
$\widehat{\beta}\,:\,\widehat{L}\to \widehat{G}_{\rm finite},$ given by
$\widehat{\beta}(\pi)= \pi\circ \beta,$ is surjective.
The following proposition is an immediate consequence of Proposition 3.
Proposition 4. Choose families

of representatives for the sets
$\widehat{G}_{\rm fd}$
$\widehat{G}_{\rm finite},$
(i) Let
$\beta\,:\, G \to \prod_{i \in I} U(n_i)$ be given by
$\beta(g)= \bigoplus_{i \in I} \pi_i(g) $ and let K be the closure of
$\beta(G)$ . Then
$(K, \beta)$ is a Bohr compactification of G.
(ii) Let
$\alpha\,:\, G \to \prod_{j \in J} U(n_j)$ be given by
$\alpha(g)= \bigoplus_{j \in J} \sigma_j(g) $ and let L be the closure of
$\alpha(G)$ . Then
$(L, \alpha)$ is a profinite completion of G.
We observe that a more common model for the profinite completion of G is the projective limit
$\varprojlim G/H$
, where H runs over the family of the normal subgroups of finite index of G, together with the natural homomorphism
$G \to \varprojlim G/H$
(see e.g. [
Reference Ribes and ZalesskiiRZ00
, 2·1·6])
2·2. Extension of representations
We will also use the notion of a projective representation. Let G be a locally compact group. A map
$\pi\,:\, G \to U(n)$
is a projective representation of G if the following holds:
for all
$g_1,g_2\in G,$
there exists
$c(g_1 , g_2 )\in \textbf{S}^1 $
such that

is Borel measurable.
The map
$c\,:\,G \times G \to \textbf{S}^1$
is a 2-cocycle with values in the unit circle
The conjugate representation
$\overline{\pi}\,:\, G\to U(n)$
is another projective representation defined by
$\overline{\pi}(g)= J\pi(g) J,$
$J\,:\, \textbf{C}^n\to \textbf{C}^n$
is the anti-linear map given by conjugation of the coordinates,
The proof of the following lemma is straightforward.
Lemma 5.
$\pi\,:\, G\to U(n)$
be a projective representation of G, with associated cocycle
$c\,:\,G \times G \to \textbf{S}^1$
. Let
$\pi'\,:\, G\to U(m)$
be another projective representation of G with associated cocycle 2-cocycle
$c'\,:\,G \times G \to \textbf{S}^1$
$\overline{\pi}\,:\, G\to U(n)$ is a projective representation of G with
$\overline{c}$ as associated cocycle.
(ii) The tensor product
\begin{equation*}\pi\otimes \pi'\,:\, G\to U(nm), \qquad g\mapsto \pi(g)\otimes \pi'(g)\end{equation*}
Let N be a closed normal subgroup of G. Recall that the stabiliser
in G of an irreducible unitary representation
of N is the set of
$g\in G$
such that
is equivalent to
Observe that
contains N.
The following proposition is a well known fact from the Clifford–Mackey theory of unitary representations of group extensions (see [ Reference Curtis and ReinerCR62 , chapter 1, section 11] and [ Reference MackeyMac58 ]).
Proposition 6.
$G= N\rtimes H$
be the semi-direct product of the locally compact groups H and N. Let
$\pi\,:\, N\to U(m)$
be an irreducible unitary representation of N and assume that
$G= G_\pi.$
There exists a projective representation
$\widetilde\pi\,:\, G\to U(m)$
with the following properties:
$\widetilde\pi$ extends
$\pi$ , that is,
$\widetilde\pi(n)= \pi(n)$ for every
$n\in N;$
(ii) the 2-cocycle
$\widetilde{c}\,:\,G \times G\to \textbf{S}^1$ associated to
$\widetilde\pi$ has the form
$\widetilde{c}=c\circ (p\times p),$ for a map
$c\,:\, H\times H\to \textbf{S}^1$ , where
$p\,:\, G \to H$ is the canonical homomorphism.
Proof. Let
$S\subset U(m)$
be a Borel transversal for the quotient space
$PU(m)= U(m)/\textbf{S}^1$
$I_m\in S.$
$h\in H$
. Since
and since
is irreducible, there exists a unique matrix
$\widetilde\pi(h)\in S$
such that

$\widetilde\pi\,:\, G\to U(n)$

It is clear that
$\widetilde{\pi}|_N= \pi$
and that

It can be shown (see [
Reference MackeyMac58
, proof of theorem 8·2]) that
is a measurable map.
$g_1,g_2\in G$
. For every
$n\in N,$
we have, on the one hand,

and on the other hand

is irreducible, it follows that

for some scalar
$\widetilde{c}(g_1, g_2)\in \textbf{S}^1$
Moreover, for
$g_1= n_1h_1, g_2= n_2 h_2,$
we have, on the one hand,

and, on the other hand,

this shows that
$\widetilde{c}(n_1 h_1, n_2 h_2)=\widetilde{c}(h_1, h_2).$
2·3. Bohr compactification and profinite completion of quotients
Let G be a topological group and N a closed normal subgroup of G. Let
$({\rm Bohr}(G), \beta_G)$
$({\rm Prof}(G), \alpha_G)$
be a Bohr compactification and a profinite completion of G. Let
${\rm Bohr}(p)\,:\, {\rm Bohr}(G)\to {\rm Bohr}(G/N)$
${\rm Prof}(p)\,:\, {\rm Bohr}(G)\to {\rm Bohr}(G/N)$
be the morphisms induced by the canonical epimorphism
$p\,:\, G\to G/N$
. The following proposition is well known (see [
Reference Hart and KunenHK01
, lemma 2·2] or [
Reference BekkaBek23
, proposition 10] for (i) and [
Reference Ribes and ZalesskiiRZ00
, proposition 3·2·5] for (ii)). For the convenience of the reader, we give for (ii) a proof which is different from the one in [
Reference Ribes and ZalesskiiRZ00
Proposition 7
$\mathrm{Bohr}(p)$ is surjective and its kernel is
$\overline{\beta_G(N)}$ .
$\mathrm{Prof}(p)$ is surjective and its kernel is
$\overline{\alpha_G(N)}$ .
Proof. To show (ii), set
. Let
$({\rm Prof}(G/N),\overline{\alpha})$
be a profinite completion of
We have a commutative diagram

It follows that
and hence K is contained in
${{\rm Ker}}({\rm Prof}(p)).$
So, we have induced homomorphisms
$\beta\,:\, G/N\to {\rm Prof}(G)/K$
$\beta'\,:\, {\rm Prof}(G)/K\to {\rm Prof}(G/N),$
giving rise to a commutative diagram

It follows that
$({\rm Prof}(G)/K, \beta)$
has the same universal property for
$({\rm Prof}(G/N),\overline{\alpha})$
; it is therefore a profinite completion of
3. Proof of Theorems A and B
3·1. Proof of Theorem A
$K\,:\!=\, \overline{\beta_G(N)},$
is the canonical map from the locally compact group
$G= N\rtimes H$
${\rm Bohr}(G).$
(i) First step. We claim that
\begin{equation*} \left\{\widehat{\sigma}\circ (\beta_G|_N)\,:\, \widehat{\sigma} \in \widehat{K}\right\} \subset \widehat{N}_{ \rm fd}^{H-{\rm per}}. \end{equation*}
Indeed, let
$\widehat{\sigma} \in \widehat{K}$
. Then
$\sigma\,:\!=\, \widehat{\sigma}\circ (\beta_G|_N)\in \widehat{N}_{ \rm fd}.$
$ \widehat{\rho}\in \widehat{{\rm Bohr}(G)}$
be an irreducible subrepresentation of the induced representation
${\rm Ind}_{K}^{{\rm Bohr}(G)} \widehat{\sigma}.$
Then, by Frobenius reciprocity,
is equivalent to a subrepresentation of
is equivalent to a subrepresentation of
$(\widehat{\rho} \circ \beta_G)|N.$
The decomposition of the finite dimensional representation
$(\widehat{\rho} \circ \beta_G)|_N$
into isotypical components shows that
has a finite H-orbit (see [
Reference BekkaBek23
, proposition 12]).
(ii) Second step. We claim that
\begin{equation*} \widehat{N}_{ \rm fd}^{H-{\rm per}} \subset \left\{\widehat{\sigma} \circ (\beta_G|_N)\,:\, \widehat{\sigma} \in \widehat{K}\right\}. \end{equation*}
Indeed, let
$\sigma\,:\, N\to U(m)$
be a representation of N with finite H-orbit. By Proposition 6, there exists a projective representation
which extends
and the associated cocycle
$c\,:\, G_\sigma\times G_\sigma\to \textbf{S}^1$
, factorises through
$H_\sigma\times H_\sigma$
Define a projective representation
$\tau\,:\, G_\sigma\to U(m)$

Observe that
is trivial on N and that its associated cocycle is
Consider the tensor product representation
$\widetilde{\sigma}\otimes \tau$
Lemma 5 shows that
$\widetilde{\sigma}\otimes \tau$
is a projective representation for the cocyle
$\widetilde{\sigma}\otimes \tau$
is a measurable homomorphism from
This implies that
$\widetilde{\sigma}\otimes \tau$
is continuous (see [
Reference Bekka, de la Harpe and ValetteBHV08
, lemma A·6·2]) and so
$\widetilde{\sigma}\otimes \tau$
is an ordinary representation of
It is clear that
$\widetilde{\sigma}\otimes \tau$
is finite dimensional. Observe that the restriction
$(\widetilde{\sigma}\otimes \tau)|_N$
$\widetilde{\sigma}\otimes \tau$
to N is a multiple of

is finite dimensional, since
$\widetilde{\sigma}\otimes \tau$
is finite dimensional and
has finite index in G. As
is open in G,
$\widetilde{\sigma}\otimes \tau$
is equivalent to a subrepresentation of the restriction
(see e.g. [
Reference Bekka and de la HarpeBdlH
, 1·F]); consequently,
is equivalent to a subrepresentation of
. Since
is a finite dimensional unitary representation of G, there exists a unitary representation
${\rm Bohr}(G)$
such that
$\widehat{\rho}\circ \beta_G= \rho.$
is equivalent to a subrepresentation of
$(\widehat{\rho}\circ \beta_G)|_N$
, that is, there exists a subspace V of the space of
which is invariant under
and defining a representation of N which is equivalent to
Then V is invariant under
and defines therefore an irreducible representation
of K for which
$\widehat{\sigma}\circ (\beta_G|_N)= \sigma$
$\varphi_N\,:\, {\rm Bohr}(N)\to K=\overline{\beta_G(N)}$
be the homomorphism such that
$\varphi_N\circ \beta_N= \beta_G|_N$
(iii) Third step. We claim that
\begin{equation*}{{\rm Ker}} \varphi_N =\bigcap_{\sigma \in \widehat{N}_{ \rm fd}^{H-{\rm per}}} {{\rm Ker}} ({\rm Bohr}({\sigma})),\end{equation*}
${\rm Bohr}({\sigma})$ is the representation of
${\rm Bohr}(N)$ such that
${\rm Bohr}({\sigma})\circ \beta_N= \sigma.$
Indeed, by the first and second steps, we have

since obviously
$\widehat{\sigma} \circ \varphi_N= {\rm Bohr}({\sigma})$
$\sigma= (\widehat{\sigma} \circ \varphi_N) \circ \beta_N,$
it follows that

$\varphi_N({\rm Bohr}(N))=K$
separates the points of K, we have
$\bigcap_{\widehat{\sigma} \in \widehat{K}} {{\rm Ker}} (\widehat{\sigma} \circ \varphi_N)={{\rm Ker}} \varphi_N$
and the claim is proved.
$L\,:\!=\, \overline{\beta_G(H)}.$
(iv) Fourth step. We claim that the map
$\varphi_H\,:\, {\rm Bohr}(H)\to L,$ defined by the relation
$\varphi_H\circ \beta_H= \beta_G|_H,$ is an isomorphism. Indeed, the canonical isomorphism
$H\to G/N$ induces an isomorphism
${\rm Bohr}(H) \to {\rm Bohr}(G/N)$ . Using Proposition 7 (i), we obtain a continuous epimorphism
\begin{equation*}f\,:\,L\to {\rm Bohr}(H)\end{equation*}
$f(\beta_G(h))= \beta_H(h)$ for all
$h\in H.$ Then
$\varphi_H\circ f$ is the identity on
$\beta_G(H)$ and hence on L, by density. This implies that
$\varphi_H$ is an isomorphism.
Observe that, by the universal property of
${\rm Bohr}(N),$
every element
$h\in H$
defines a continuous automorphism
${\rm Bohr}(N) $
such that

The corresponding homomorphism
$\theta_b\,:\,H\to {{\rm Aut}}({\rm Bohr}(N))$
defines an action of H on the compact group
${\rm Bohr}(N).$
By duality, we have an action, still denoted by
of H on
$\widehat{{\rm Bohr}(N)}$
and we have

This implies that the normal subgroup

${\rm Bohr}(N)$
is H-invariant. We have therefore an induced action
of H on
${\rm Bohr}(N)/{{\rm Ker}}\varphi_N.$
Observe that the isomorphism

induced by
is H-equivariant for
and the action of H on K given by conjugation with
$h\in H.$
(v) Fifth step. We claim that the action
$\overline{\theta_b}$ induces an action of
${\rm Bohr}(H)$ by automorphisms on
${\rm Bohr}(N)/{{\rm Ker}} \varphi_N$ and that the map
\begin{equation*}({\rm Bohr}(N)/{{\rm Ker}}\varphi_N) \rtimes {\rm Bohr}(H)\to {\rm Bohr}(G), (x {{\rm Ker}}\varphi_N, y) \mapsto \varphi_N(x)\varphi_H(y)\end{equation*}
is a normal subgroup of
${\rm Bohr}(G)$
and so
acts by conjugation on K. By the third and the fourth step, the maps


are isomorphisms. We define an action


$x\in {\rm Bohr}(N)$
$y\in {\rm Bohr}(H).$
The claim follows.
3·2. Proof of Theorem B
The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem A. The role of
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm fd}$
is now played by the space
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}$
of finite dimensional irreducible representations of N with finite image. We will go quickly through the steps of the proof of Theorem A; at some places (especially the second step) there will be a few crucial changes and new arguments which we will emphasise.
$L\,:\!=\, \overline{\alpha_G(N)},$
$\alpha_G\,:\,G \to {\rm Prof}(G)$
is the canonical map. Observe that L is profinite.
(i) First step. We claim that
$ \left\{\widehat{\sigma}\circ (\alpha_G|_N)\,:\,\widehat{\sigma} \in \widehat{L}\right\} \subset \widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}^{H-{\rm per}}. $ Indeed, let
$\widehat{\sigma} \in \widehat{L}$ . Then
$\sigma\,:\!=\, \widehat{\sigma}\circ (\alpha_G|_N)\in \widehat{N}_{ \rm finite},$ since L is profinite. Let
$ \widehat{\rho}$ be an irreducible subrepresentation of
${\rm Ind}_{L}^{{\rm Prof}(G)} \widehat{\sigma}.$ Since
${\rm Prof}(G)$ is compact,
$\widehat{\rho}$ is finite dimensional. Since
$\sigma$ is equivalent to a subrepresentation of
$\widehat{\rho} \circ (\alpha_G)|N)$ , it has therefore a finite H-orbit.
(ii) Second step. We claim that
$ \widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}^{H-{\rm per}} \subset \left\{\widehat{\sigma} \circ (\alpha_G|_N)\,:\,\widehat{\sigma} \in \widehat{L}\right\}. $ Indeed, let
$\sigma\,:\,N\to U(m)$ be an irreducible representation with finite image. By Proposition 6, there exists a projective representation
$\widetilde{\sigma}$ of
$G_\sigma=NH_\sigma$ which extends
$\sigma$ and the associated cocycle
$c\,:\,G_\sigma\times G_\sigma\to \textbf{S}^1$ , factorises through
$H_\sigma\times H_\sigma$ . We need to show that we can choose
$\widetilde{\sigma}$ so that
$\widetilde{\sigma}(G_\sigma)$ is finite.
Choose a projective representation
$\widetilde{\sigma}\,:\,G_\sigma \to U(m)$
as above and modify
as follows: define

is again a projective representation of
which extends
and the associated cocycle
$c\,:\,G_\sigma\times G_\sigma\to \textbf{S}^1$
factorises through
$H_\sigma\times H_\sigma$
; moreover,
$\widetilde{\sigma}_1(h)\in SU(m)$
for every
$h\in H_\sigma.$
$h\in H_\sigma$
induces a bijection
given by

So, we have a map

${\rm Sym}(\sigma(N))$
is the set of bijections of
$h_1, h_2\in H_\sigma,$
we have
$\varphi_{h_1}= \varphi_{h_2}$
if and only if
$\widetilde{\sigma}_1(h_2)= \lambda \widetilde{\sigma}_1(h_1)$
for some scalar
$ \lambda \in \textbf{S}^1,$
by irreducibility of
. Since
$\det (\widetilde{\sigma}_1(h_2))=1,$
it follows that
is a mth root of unity. This shows that the fibers of the map
are finite. Since
is finite,
${\rm Sym}(\sigma(N))$
and hence
is finite. It follows that
$\widetilde{\sigma}_1(G_\sigma)= \widetilde{\sigma}_1(H_\sigma)\sigma(N)$
is finite.
$\tau\,:\,G_\sigma\to U(m)$
be the projective representation of
given by

$\widetilde{\sigma}_1\otimes \tau$
is a ordinary representation of
and has finite image. The induced representation
$\rho\,:\!=\,{\rm Ind}_{G_\sigma}^G (\widetilde{\sigma}_1\otimes \tau)$
has finite image, since
has finite index in G. As
$\widetilde{\sigma}_1\otimes \tau$
is equivalent to a subrepresentation of the restriction
the representation
is equivalent to a subrepresentation of
. Since
has finite image, there exists a unitary representation
${\rm Prof}(G)$
such that
$\widehat{\rho}\circ \alpha_G= \rho.$
So, there exists a subspace V of the space of
which is invariant under
and defining a representation of N which is equivalent to
Then V defines an irreducible representation
of L for which
$\widehat{\sigma}\circ (\alpha_G|_N)= \sigma$
$\psi_N\,:\,{\rm Prof}(N)\to L$
be the homomorphism such that
$\psi_N\circ \alpha_N= \alpha_G|_N$
(iii) Third step. We claim that
\begin{equation*}{{\rm Ker}} \psi_N =\bigcap_{\sigma \in \widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}^{H-{\rm per}}} {{\rm Ker}} ({\rm Prof}(\sigma)).\end{equation*}
(iv) Fourth step. We claim that the map
$\psi_H\,:\,{\rm Prof}(H)\to \overline{\alpha_G(H)},$ defined by the relation
$\varphi_H\circ \alpha_H= \alpha_G|_H,$ is an isomorphism. Indeed, the proof is similar to the proof of the fourth step of Theorem A.
Every element
$h\in H$
defines a continuous automorphism
${\rm Prof}(N).$

be the corresponding homomorphism; as in Theorem A, we have an induced action
of H on
${\rm Prof}(N)/{{\rm Ker}}\psi_N.$
• Fifth step. We claim that the action
$\overline{\theta_p}$ of H induces an action of
${\rm Prof}(H)$ by automorphisms on
${\rm Prof}(N)/{{\rm Ker}} \psi_N$ and that the map
\begin{equation*}\left({\rm Prof}(N)/{{\rm Ker}}\psi_N\right) \rtimes {\rm Prof}(H)\to {\rm Prof}(G), (x {{\rm Ker}}\psi_N, y) \mapsto \psi_N(x)\psi_H(y)\end{equation*}
Indeed, the proof is similar to the proof of the fifth step of Theorem A.
4. Proof of the Corollaries
4·1. Proof of Corollary C
Assume that N is finitely generated. In view of Theorem B, we have to show that
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}^{H-{\rm per}}= \widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}.$
It is well known that, for every integer
there are only finitely many subgroups of index n in N. Indeed, since N is finitely generated, there are only finitely many actions of N on the set
$\{1, \dots, n\}.$
Every subgroup M of index n defines an action of N on
and hence on
$\{1, \dots, n\}$
for which the stabiliser of, say, 1 is M. So, there are only finitely many such subgroups M.
$\sigma \in \widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}$
and set
$n\,:\!=\, |\sigma(N)|.$
$N_\sigma= \cap_{ M} M,$
where M runs over the subgroups of N of index n. Then
is a normal subgroup of N of finite index and, for every
$h\in H,$
the representation
factorises to a representation of
is a finite group, it has only finitely many non equivalent irreducible representations and the claim is proved.
4·2. Proof of Corollary D
We assume that N is abelian. The dual group of
${\rm Bohr}(N)$
and the dual of
${\rm Prof}(N)$
$\widehat{N}_{\rm finite}$
, viewed as discrete groups. With the notation as in Theorems A and B, the subgroups C and D are respectively the annihilators in
${\rm Bohr}(N)$
and in
${\rm Prof}(N)$
of the closed subgroups
$\widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}$
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}^{H-{\rm per}}$
. Hence,
${\rm Bohr}(N)/C$
${\rm Prof}(N)/D$
are the dual groups of
$\widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}$
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}^{H-{\rm per}}$
, viewed as discrete groups. So, the claim follows from Theorems A and B.
4·3 Proof of Corollary E
In view of Theorems A and B, G is MAP, respectively RF, if and only if


So, G is MAP, respectively RF, if and only if


This exactly means that G is MAP, respectively RF, if and only if
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm fd}^{H-{\rm per}}$
separates the points of N and H is MAP, respectively
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}^{H-{\rm per}}$
separates the points of N and H is RF.
4·4. Proof of Corollary F
We assume that
$G= \Lambda\wr_X H$
is the wreath product of the groups
and H given by a transitive action
$H\curvearrowright X;$
$N\,:\!=\,\oplus_{x\in X}\Lambda.$
(a) Assume that X is finite. Then, of course,
$\widehat{N}_{\rm fd}^{H-{\rm per}}=\widehat{N}_{\rm fd}$ and
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}^{H-{\rm per}}=\widehat{N}_{\rm finite};$ so, the subgroups C and D from Theorems A and B are trivial. Since
${\rm Bohr}(N)=\oplus_{x\in X}{\rm Bohr}(\Lambda)$ and
$ {\rm Prof}(N)= \oplus_{x\in X}{\rm Prof}(\Lambda),$ we have
\[\begin{aligned}&{\rm Bohr}(\Lambda\wr_X H)\cong \left( \oplus_{x\in X}{\rm Bohr}(\Lambda)\right) \rtimes {\rm Bohr}(H) \ \text{and}\\&{\rm Prof}(\Lambda\wr_X H)\cong \left( \oplus_{x\in X}{\rm Prof}(\Lambda)\right) \rtimes {\rm Prof}(H).\end{aligned}\]
(b) Assume that X is infinite.
(i) First step. We claim that, for every
$\sigma \in \widehat{N}_{\rm fd}^{H-{\rm per}},$ we have
$\dim \sigma =1$ , that is,
$\sigma (N)\subset U(1)=\textbf{S}^1.$
Indeed, assume by contradiction that
$\dim \sigma >1$
. Let
be the family of finite subsets of X. For every
$F\in \mathcal{F},$
let N(F) be the normal subgroup of N given by

The restriction
to N(F) has a decomposition into isotypical components:

is a (finite) subset of
$ \widehat{N(F)}_{\rm fd}$
and the
’s some positive integers. As is well known (see, e.g., [
Reference WeilWei40
, section 17]), every representation in
$\widehat{N(F)}_{\rm fd}$
is a tensor product
$\otimes_{h\in F}\rho_h$
of irreducible representations
; so, we can view
as subset of
$\prod_{x\in F}\widehat{\Lambda}_{\rm fd}.$
$F\subset F',$
then the obvious map
$\prod_{x\in F'}\widehat{\Lambda}_{\rm fd}\to \prod_{x\in F}\widehat{\Lambda}_{\rm fd}$
restricts to a surjective map
$\Sigma_{F^{\prime}} \to \Sigma_F$
$\dim \sigma$
is finite, it follows that there exists
$F_0\in \mathcal{F}$
such that


$h\in H$
$F\in \mathcal{F},$
observe that for the decomposition of
$\sigma^h|_{N( h^{-1}F)}$
into isotypical components, we have

are not equivalent if
$h^{-1}F_0\cap F_0=\emptyset.$
Since X is infinite, we can choose inductively a sequence
$(h_n)_{n\geq 0}$
of elements in H by

’s are then pairwise not equivalent. This is a contradiction, since
$\sigma \in \widehat{N}_{\rm fd}^{H-{\rm per}}.$
$p:\Lambda\wr_X H\to \Lambda^{\rm Ab}\wr_X H$
be the quotient map, which is given by

(ii) Second step. We claim that the induced maps
\begin{equation*}{\rm Bohr}(p)\,:\, {\rm Bohr}(\Lambda\wr_X H)\to {\rm Bohr}( \Lambda^{\rm Ab}\wr_X H)\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} {\rm Prof}(p)\,:\,{\rm Prof}(\Lambda\wr_X H)\to {\rm Prof}( \Lambda^{\rm Ab}\wr_X H) \end{equation*}
Indeed, by the first step, every
$\sigma \in \widehat{N}_{\rm fd}^{H-{\rm per}}$
factorises through
$ N^{\rm Ab}.$
Hence, by Theorems A and B, [N, N] is contained in
$C=\ker \varphi_N$
and [N, N] is contained in
$D=\ker \psi_N$
. This means that
$\beta_G(\ker p)= \{e\}$
$\alpha_G(\ker p)= \{e\}$
. The claim follows then from Proposition 7.
4·5. Proof of Corollary G
We assume that
$G= \Lambda\wr_X H$
is the wreath product of the groups
and H given by an action
$H\curvearrowright X.$
We assume that
has at least two elements and, as before, we set
$N=\oplus_{x\in X}\Lambda .$
(a) Assume that X is finite. Then G is MAP (respectively RF) if and only if
$\Lambda$ and H are MAP (respectively RF).
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm fd}^{H-{\rm per}}= \widehat{N}_{ \rm fd}$
separates the points of N if and only if
is MAP and
$\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}^{H-{\rm per}}=\widehat{N}_{ \rm finite}$
separates the points of N if and only if
is RF. The claim follows then from Corollary E.
(b) Assume that X is infinite.
Assume that G is MAP. Then, for every H-orbit Y in X, the wreath product
$\Lambda\wr_{Y} H,$
which embeds as subgroup of G, is MAP. Since some Y is infinite, Corollary F implies that
is abelian. So, we may and will from now assume that
(and hence N) is abelian.
(i) First step. We claim that, if
$\widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}$ separates the points of N, then
$H\curvearrowright X$ is RF.
Indeed, recall that the dual group
equipped with the topology of pointwise convergence, is a compact group. The dual group
of N can be identified, as topological group, with the product group
$\prod_{x\in X}\widehat{\Lambda},$
endowed with the product topology, by means of the duality

(Observe that the product on the right hand side is well-defined since
for all but finitely many
$x\in X.$
) The dual action of H on
is given by

$\Phi\,:\!=\,\prod_{x\in X}\chi_x \in \widehat{N}$
, we have that
$\Phi\in \widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}$
if and only if there exists a finite index subgroup
of H such that

$x_0, x_1$
be two distinct points from X. By assumption,
$\widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}$
separates the points of N; equivalently,
$\widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}$
is dense in
. Since
has at least two elements, we can find
$\chi^0\in \widehat{\Lambda}$
$\lambda_0\in \Lambda$
$\chi^0(\lambda_0)\neq 1.$
$\Phi_0= \prod_{x\in X}\chi_x\in \widehat{N}$
$\chi_{x_0}= \chi^0$
$\chi_x= 1_{\Lambda}$
$x\neq x_0.$

$\widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}$
is dense in
, we can find
$\Phi'= \prod_{x\in X}\chi_x^{\prime}\in \widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}$
such that

We claim that
$H_{\Phi^{\prime}} x_0\neq H_{\Phi^{\prime}} x_1$
, where
is the stabiliser of
Indeed, assume by contradiction that
$ x_0\in H_{\Phi^{\prime}} x_1.$
$\chi_{x_0}^{\prime}= \chi_{x_1}^{\prime}$
and hence

and this is a contradiction. Since
has finite index, we have proved that
$H\curvearrowright X$
is RF.
(ii) Second step. We claim that, if
$H\curvearrowright X$ is RF, then
$\widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}$ separates the points of N.
Indeed, let
$\oplus_{x\in X}\lambda_x\in N\setminus\{e\}.$
$F=\{x\in X \,:\,\lambda_x\neq e\}$
is a finite and non-empty subset of X. Let
$(\chi^0_x)_{x\in F}$
be a sequence in
$ \widehat{\Lambda}$
such that
$\prod_{x\in F} \chi^0_x(\lambda_x) \neq 1$
(this is possible, since abelian groups are MAP). Since
$H\curvearrowright X$
is RF, we can find a subgroup of finite index L of H so that
$Lx \neq Lx^{\prime}$
for all
$x, x^{\prime}\in F$
$x\neq x^{\prime}.$
$\Phi= \prod_{x^{\prime}\in X}\chi_{x^{\prime}}\in \widehat{N}$

It is clear that
$L\subset H_{\Phi}$
and hence that
$\Phi\in \widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}$
; moreover,

$\widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}$
separates the points of N.
(iii) Third step. We claim that, if
$H\curvearrowright X$ is RF and
$\Lambda$ is RF, then
$\widehat{N}_{\rm finite}^{H-{\rm per}}$ separates the points of N.
The proof is the same as the proof of the second step, with only one difference: one has to choose a sequence
$(\chi^0_x)_{x\in F}$
$ \widehat{\Lambda}_{\rm finite}$
such that
$\prod_{x\in F} \chi^0_x(\lambda_x) \neq 1$
; this is possible, since we are assuming that
is RF.
(iv) Fourth step. We claim that G is MAP if and only if H is RF and
$H\curvearrowright X$ is RF. Indeed, this follows from Corollary E, combined with the first and second steps.
(v) Fifth step. We claim that G is RF if and only if
$\Lambda,H$ are RF and
$H\curvearrowright X$ is RF. Indeed, this follows from Corollary E, combined with the first and third steps.
5. Examples
5·1. Lamplighter group
$m\geq 1,$
denote by
the finite cyclic group
Recall that

and that

is the ring of adeles of
(see [
Reference BekkaBek23
, proposition 11]).
For an integer
$n_0\geq 2,$
$G= C_{n_0} \wr \textbf{Z}$
be the lamplighter group. We claim that


Indeed, let
$N\,:\!=\,\oplus_{k\in \textbf{Z}}C_{n_0}.$
It will be convenient to describe N as the set of maps
$f\,:\,\textbf{Z}\to C_{n_0}$
such that
${\rm supp} (\,f)\,:\!=\,\{k\in \textbf{Z} \,:\,f(k)\neq 0\}$
is at most finite. The action of
$m\in \textbf{Z}$
$f\in N$
is given by translation:
$f^m(k)= f(k+m)$
for all
$k\in \textbf{Z}.$
We identify
$\widehat{C_{n_0} }$
with the group
-th roots of unity in
by means of the duality

can be identified with the set of maps
$\Phi\,:\,\textbf{Z}\to \mu_{n_0},$
with duality given by

Observe that
$\Phi(N) \subset \mu_{n_0}$
and so
$\widehat{N}=\widehat{N}_{\rm finite}.$
We have
$\widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}=\bigcup_{m\geq 1}\widehat{N}(m),$
is the subgroup

Observe that we have natural injections
$i_{m_2}^{m_1}\,:\,\widehat{N}(m_2) \to \widehat{N}(m_1)$
is a multiple of
The dual group A(m) of
can be identified with the set of maps
$\overline{f}\,:\,C_m\to C_{n_0}$
by means of the duality

is a multiple of
we have a projection
$p_{m_1}^{m_2}\,:\,A(m_1) \to A(m_2)$
given by

The dual group A of
$\widehat{N}^{H-{\rm per}}=\bigcup_{m\geq 1}\widehat{N}(m)$
can then be identified with the projective limit
$\varprojlim_{m} A(m)$
The action of
$ \textbf{Z}$
by automorphisms of A is given, for
$r\in \textbf{Z}$
$\overline{f}=(\overline{f}_m)_{m\geq 1}\in A$
$(\overline{f})^r= (\overline{g}_m)_{m\geq 1},$

This action extends to an action of
${{\rm Proj}}(\textbf{Z}) = {\varprojlim}_m C_m$
by automorphisms on A in an obvious way. By Corollary D, the group
${\rm Prof}(G)$
is isomorphic to the corresponding semi-direct product
$A \rtimes {\rm Prof} (\textbf{Z})$
and hence

By Corollary D again, the action of
on A extends to an action by automorphisms of
${\rm Bohr}(\textbf{Z}).$
${\rm Bohr}(\textbf{Z})_0$
is connected and A is totally disconnected,
${\rm Bohr}(\textbf{Z})_0$
acts as the identity on A. Since
${\rm Bohr}(\textbf{Z})\cong {\rm Bohr}(\textbf{Z})_0 \times {\rm Prof}(\textbf{Z}),$
it follows that

For another description of
${\rm Prof}(G),$
see [
Reference Grigorchuk and KravchenkoGK14
, lemma 3·24].
5·2. Heisenberg group
Let R be a commutative unital ring. The Heisenberg group is the group

We can and will identify H(R) with
, equipped with the group law

We will equip R with the discrete topology; in the sequel,
${\rm Bohr}(R), {\rm Prof}(R),$
will be the Bohr compactification, the profinite completion, and the dual group of
$(R, +)$
, the additive group of R.
$ {\mathcal I}_{\rm finite}$
be the family of ideals of the ring R with finite index (as subgroups of
). Every ideal I from
${\mathcal I}_{\rm finite}$
defines two compact groups
$H({\rm Bohr}(R), I)$
$H({\rm Prof}(R), I)$
of Heisenberg type as follows:

is equipped with the group law

$p_I\,:\,{\rm Bohr}(R)\to R/I$
is the group homomorphism induced by the canonical map
$R\to R/I;$
the group
$H({\rm Prof}(R),I)$
is defined in a similar way.
Observe that, for two ideals I and J in
${\mathcal I}_{\rm finite}$
$J\subset I,$
we have natural epimorphisms

We claim that the canonical maps
$H(R)\to H({\rm Bohr}(R),I)$
$H(R)\to H({\rm Prof}(R),I)$
induce isomorphisms


where I runs over
$ {\mathcal I}_{\rm finite}.$
Indeed, H(R) is a semi-direct product
$N\rtimes H$


$\chi\in \widehat{N}$
. Then
$\chi = \chi_{\beta, \psi}$
for a unique pair
$(\beta, \psi) \in (\widehat R)^2$
, where
$\chi_{\beta, \psi}$
is defined by

$h = (a,0,0) \in H$
, we have

$\psi^a \in \widehat R$
is defined by
$\psi^a(b) = \psi(a^{-1}b)$
$b \in R$
. It follows that the H-orbit of
$\chi_{\beta, \psi}$

and that the stabiliser of
$\chi_{\beta, \psi}$
, which only depends on
, is

is the ideal of R defined by

${\widehat R}_{\rm per}$
be the subgroup of all
$\psi \in\widehat R$
which factorises through a quotient
for an ideal
$I\in {\mathcal I}_{\rm finite}.$
It follows that

The dual group of
${\widehat R}_{\rm per}$
can be identified with
$ \varprojlim_{I} R/I$
, where I runs over
${\mathcal I}_{\rm finite}.$
So, the dual group A of
${\widehat N}^{H-{\rm per}}$
can be identified with
$ \varprojlim_{I} {\rm Bohr}(R) \times (R/I).$
The action of
${\rm Bohr}(H)\cong {\rm Bohr}(R)$
on every
${\rm Bohr}(R) \times (R/I)$
is given by

for the natural map
$p_I\,:\,{\rm Bohr}(R)\to R/I$
. This shows that

Similarly, the dual group B of
${\widehat N_{\rm finite}}^{H-{\rm per}}$
can be identified with
$ \varprojlim_{I} {\rm Prof}(R) \times (R/I)$
and we have

It is a pleasure to thank P. de la Harpe for helpful comments. Thanks are also due to the referee for useful suggestions.