Soon after publication, the authors realised that Table 3 of this manuscript is not correct and must be changed. Unfortunately, during the review process a duplicate of Table 2, in a different format, replaced their original Table 3 and they overlooked this technical error. Thus, Table 3 must be replaced with the original one (below), which reflects the results as reported in both abstract and main text. They sincerely apologise for this error.
Table 3. Recovery rates for patients with and without psychotic experiences across three services delivering the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme.

CAPE-positive, scored ≥1.30 on the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE-P15); CAPE-negative, scored <1.30 on the CAPE-P15; CPFT, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust; NSFT, Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust; SPFT, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
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