The objective has been to provide a clear and readable version of these manuscripts to render them accessible to a wide audience. Therefore, throughout the text and appendices, capitals, spelling, and punctuation have been modernized, with abbreviations silently expanded. Footnotes have been utilized to provide context to events and objects discussed in the text. A biographical appendix identifies many of the individuals mentioned in the text. Words crossed out within the text are marked with strikethrough and insertions with asterisks *…*. Where the accuracy of transcription is uncertain it is embraced by question marks ?…?
Dates are given in the form 20 August 1640 and in ‘old style’ but new years are taken to commence on 1 January. In the manuscripts, all monetary sums in the right-hand columns are given in pounds, shillings and pence in the form 00-00-00. For monetary sums mentioned in the text of the left-hand column, to improve clarity, the original superscript of li, s, and d has been retained. Where the term ‘ex’ appears after a sum of money in the accounts, we believe this is to denote that the sum of expenditure has been examined or checked. Original spelling for place names and surnames has been retained, although Christian names have been modernized. Festival days such as Christ-tide, Lady Day, Midsummer and Michaelmas have been capitalized.
The transcriptions of the household accounts have been arranged in chronological order. These were ordered annually, and after 1643, began each year on the anniversary of Lord Brooke's death at the siege of Lichfield Cathedral Close on 2 March 1643. Foliation and pagination numbering have been reproduced as in the original, or within square brackets where we have imposed it onto pages that were unnumbered in the original.