Ackley, SF 303
Summer and early-fall Sea-ice concentration in the Ross Sea: comparison of in Situ ASPeCt observations and Satellite passive microwave estimates
Ådlandsvik, B 73
Fine-scale Sea-ice modelling of the Storfjorden polynya, Svalbard
Alexandrov, DV 118
Solidification of leads: approximate Solutions of non-linear problem
Alexandrova, IV 118
Solidification of leads: approximate Solutions of non-linear problem
Allison, I 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Alt, B 329
A case Study of old-ice import and export through Peary and Sverdrup Channels in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: 1998–2005
Alt, B 391
Climatic analysis of Sea-ice variability in the Canadian Arctic from operational charts, 1980–2004
Arbetter, TE 357
Data assimilation of Sea-ice motion vectors: Sensitivity to the parameterization of Sea-ice Strength
Banks, CJ 211
Measurement of Sea-ice draft using upward-looking Adcp on an autonomous underwater vehicle
Barber, DG 23
Surface albedo observations of Hudson Bay (Canada) landfast Sea ice during the Spring melt
Bareiss, J 147
A model Study of differences of Snow thinning on Arctic and Antarctic first-year Sea ice during Spring and Summer
Bareiss, J 297
The importance of diurnal processes for the Seasonal cycle of Sea-ice microwave brightness temperatures during early Summer in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Baskaran, E 113
Molecular dynamics Simulation of ice growth from Supercooled pure water and from Salt Solution
Bishop, JR 217
In Situ measurements of the direct-current conductivity of Antarctic Sea ice: implications for airborne electromagnetic Sounding of Sea-ice thickness
Brandon, MA 211
Measurement of Sea-ice draft using upward-looking Adcp on an autonomous underwater vehicle
Brunt, KM 183
Observations of unusual fast-ice conditions in the Southwest Ross Sea, Antarctica: preliminary analysis of iceberg and Storminess effects
Budgell, WP 73
Fine-scale Sea-ice modelling of the Storfjorden polynya, Svalbard
Carignano, MA 113
Molecular dynamics Simulation of ice growth from Supercooled pure water and from Salt Solution
CarriÈRES, T 329
A case Study of old-ice import and export through Peary and Sverdrup Channels in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: 1998–2005
Cavalieri, DJ 53
Interannual and regional variability of Southern Ocean Snow on Sea ice
Chen, Y 30
The Sea-ice compactness in the Greenland and Barents Seas during 1979–2003: changes and links to the Surface air flow
Cheng, B 7
Surface albedo measurements over Sea ice in the Baltic Sea during the Spring Snowmelt period
Cheng, B 139
Modelling of Superimposed ice formation during the Spring Snowmelt period in the Baltic Sea
Claffey, K 205
Ice mass-balance buoys: a tool for measuring and attributing changes in the thickness of the Arctic Sea-ice cover
Comiso, JC 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Comiso, JC 375
Impacts of the variability of Second-year ice types on the decline of the Arctic perennial Sea-ice cover
Curran, MAJ 429
Covariation of Sea ice and methanesulphonic acid in Wilhelm II Land, East Antarctica
Dai, M 352
High-resolution Sea-ice motions from Amsr-E imagery
Dai, M 357
Data assimilation of Sea-ice motion vectors: Sensitivity to the parameterization of Sea-ice Strength
Deal, CJ 63
Controls of the landfast ice–ocean ecosystem offshore Barrow, Alaska
Dethleff, D 58
The role of Langmuir circulation in Suspension freezing
Dierking, W 224
Parameterization of Arctic Sea-ice Surface roughness for application in ice type classification
Doble, M 247
Comparison of the Sea-ice thickness distribution in the Lincoln Sea and adjacent Arctic Ocean in 2004 and 2005
Doble, MJ 108
Wave measurements on Sea ice: developments in instrumentation
Ehn, JK 23
Surface albedo observations of Hudson Bay (Canada) landfast Sea ice during the Spring melt
Ehn, JK 42
Direct measurements of turbulent momentum, heat and Salt fluxes under landfast ice in the Baltic Sea
Eicken, H 129
A network model for fluid transport through Sea ice
Eicken, H 193
Energy- and mass-balance observations of the land–ice–ocean–atmosphere System near Barrow, Alaska, USA, November 1999–July 2002
Elder, BC 205
Ice mass-balance buoys: a tool for measuring and attributing changes in the thickness of the Arctic Sea-ice cover
Enomoto, H 240
Standardization of electromagnetic–induction measurements of Sea-ice thickness in polar and Subpolar Seas
Enomoto, H 269
Estimation of thin Sea-ice thickness from Noaa Avhrr data in a polynya off the Wilkes Land coast, East Antarctica
Enomoto, H 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Fisher, DA 383
Calibration of an ice-core glaciochemical (sea-salt) record with Sea-ice variability in the Canadian Arctic
Fisher, DA 391
Climatic analysis of Sea-ice variability in the Canadian Arctic from operational charts, 1980–2004
Forsberg, R 321
Satellite-based estimates of Sea-ice volume flux through Fram Strait
Foster, AFM 429
Covariation of Sea ice and methanesulphonic acid in Wilhelm II Land, East Antarctica
Fowler, CW 361
Antarctic Sea-ice velocity as derived from SSM/I imagery
Gade, M 275
Retrieval of thin-ice thickness using the L-band polarization ratio measured by the helicopter-borne Scatterometer Heliscat
Galley, R 23
Surface albedo observations of Hudson Bay (Canada) landfast Sea ice during the Spring melt
Garthwaite, PH 211
Measurement of Sea-ice draft using upward-looking Adcp on an autonomous underwater vehicle
Gearheard, S 433
Bridging perspectives from remote Sensing and Inuit communities on changing Sea-ice cover in the Baffin Bay region
Gerland, S 231
Variability of fast-ice thickness in Spitsbergen fjords
Giles, B 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Golden, KM 129
A network model for fluid transport through Sea ice
Gradinger, RR 63
Controls of the landfast ice–ocean ecosystem offshore Barrow, Alaska
Granskog, MA 7
Surface albedo measurements over Sea ice in the Baltic Sea during the Spring Snowmelt period
Granskog, MA 23
Surface albedo observations of Hudson Bay (Canada) landfast Sea ice during the Spring melt
Granskog, MA 42
Direct measurements of turbulent momentum, heat and Salt fluxes under landfast ice in the Baltic Sea
Granskog, MA 80
Spatial variation of biogeochemical properties of landfast Sea ice in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea
Granskog, MA 134
Relation of ice growth rate to Salt Segregation during freezing of low-salinity Sea water (Bothnian Bay, Baltic Sea)
Granskog, MA 139
Modelling of Superimposed ice formation during the Spring Snowmelt period in the Baltic Sea
Grenfell, TC 1
Spectral transmission and implications for the partitioning of Shortwave radiation in arctic Sea ice
Grenfell, TC 193
Energy- and mass-balance observations of the land–ice–ocean–atmosphere System near Barrow, Alaska, USA, November 1999–July 2002
Haarpaintner, J 321
Satellite-based estimates of Sea-ice volume flux through Fram Strait
Haas, C 147
A model Study of differences of Snow thinning on Arctic and Antarctic first-year Sea ice during Spring and Summer
Haas, C 224
Parameterization of Arctic Sea-ice Surface roughness for application in ice type classification
Haas, C 247
Comparison of the Sea-ice thickness distribution in the Lincoln Sea and adjacent Arctic Ocean in 2004 and 2005
Haas, C 275
Retrieval of thin-ice thickness using the L-band polarization ratio measured by the helicopter-borne Scatterometer Heliscat
Haas, C 297
The importance of diurnal processes for the Seasonal cycle of Sea-ice microwave brightness temperatures during early Summer in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Hall, R 231
Variability of fast-ice thickness in Spitsbergen fjords
Haran, T 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Haran, TM 345
Validation of Avhrr and Modis ice Surface temperature products using in Situ radiometers
Harbeck, J 193
Energy- and mass-balance observations of the land–ice–ocean–atmosphere System near Barrow, Alaska, USA, November 1999–July 2002
Haskell, TG 170
Growth of first-year landfast Antarctic Sea ice determined from winter temperature measurements
Heil, P 361
Antarctic Sea-ice velocity as derived from SSM/I imagery
Heil, P 418 Modeling M2 tidal variability in Arctic Sea-ice drift and deformation
Hendricks, S 247
Comparison of the Sea-ice thickness distribution in the Lincoln Sea and adjacent Arctic Ocean in 2004 and 2005
Hibler, WD, III 339
Sea-ice arching and multiple flow States of Arctic pack ice
Hibler, WD, III 418
Modeling M2 tidal variability in Arctic Sea-ice drift and deformation
Hughes NE 200
Measurement of Arctic Sea-ice thickness by Submarine 5 years after Scicex
Hutchings, JK 339
Sea-ice arching and multiple flow States of Arctic pack ice
Hyland, G 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Inoue, J 37
Effect of Summertime wind conditions on lateral and bottom melting in the central Arctic
Ip, CF 339
Sea-ice arching and multiple flow States of Arctic pack ice
Jabini, A 129
A network model for fluid transport through Sea ice
Jenkins, AD 73
Fine-scale Sea-ice modelling of the Storfjorden polynya, Svalbard
Jin, M 63
Controls of the landfast ice–ocean ecosystem offshore Barrow, Alaska
Johnston, M 154
A comparison of physical properties and Strength of decaying first-year ice in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic
Kaartokallio, H 80
Spatial variation of biogeochemical properties of landfast Sea ice in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea
Kanagaratnam, P 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Kawamura, T 163
Growth, properties and relation to radar backscatter coefficient of Sea ice in Lützow-Holm Bay, Antarctica
Kawamura, T 240
Standardization of electromagnetic–induction measurements of Sea-ice thickness in polar and Subpolar Seas
Kempema, EW 58
The role of Langmuir circulation in Suspension freezing
Kern, S 30
The Sea-ice compactness in the Greenland and Barents Seas during 1979–2003: changes and links to the Surface air flow
Kern, S 275
Retrieval of thin-ice thickness using the L-band polarization ratio measured by the helicopter-borne Scatterometer
Kern, S 321
Satellite-based estimates of Sea-ice volume flux through Fram Strait
Key, E 15
Implications of Shortwave cloud forcing and feedbacks in the Southern Ocean
Key, E 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Kikuchi, T 37
Effect of Summertime wind conditions on lateral and bottom melting in the central Arctic
Kinnard, C 383
Calibration of an ice-core glaciochemical (sea-salt) record with Sea-ice variability in the Canadian Arctic
Kinnard, C 391
Climatic analysis of Sea-ice variability in the Canadian Arctic from operational charts, 1980–2004
Knuth, MA 303
Summer and early-fall Sea-ice concentration in the Ross Sea: comparison of in Situ ASPeCt observations and Satellite passive microwave estimates
Kohout, AL 101
A model for wave Scattering in the marginal ice zone based on a two-dimensional floating-elastic-plate Solution
Kuosa, H 80
Spatial variation of biogeochemical properties of landfast Sea ice in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea
Lake, SE 361
Antarctic Sea-ice velocity as derived from SSM/I imagery
Langhorne, PJ 170
Growth of first-year landfast Antarctic Sea ice determined from winter temperature measurements
Lee, SH 63
Controls of the landfast ice–ocean ecosystem offshore Barrow, Alaska
Leonard, GH 170
Growth of first-year landfast Antarctic Sea ice determined from winter temperature measurements
Light, B 1
Spectral transmission and implications for the partitioning of Shortwave radiation in arctic Sea ice
Light, B 193
Energy- and mass-balance observations of the land–ice–ocean–atmosphere System near Barrow, Alaska, USA, November 1999–July 2002
Lovick, J 418
Modeling M2 tidal variability in Arctic Sea-ice drift and
Luodekari, K 80
Spatial variation of biogeochemical properties of landfast Sea ice in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea
Lytle, V 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Macayeal, DR 183
Observations of unusual fast-ice conditions in the Southwest Ross Sea, Antarctica: preliminary analysis of iceberg and Storminess effects
Mahoney, A 193
Energy- and mass-balance observations of the land–ice–ocean–atmosphere System near Barrow, Alaska, USA, November 1999–July 2002
Malygin, AP 118
Solidification of leads: approximate Solutions of non-linear problem
Markus, T 53
Interannual and regional variability of Southern Ocean Snow on Sea ice
Markus, T 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Markus, T 367
Recent changes in the Arctic melt Season
Martin, T 310
Anomalies of Sea-ice transports in the Arctic
Martin, T 403
Comparison of different ridge formation models of Arctic Sea ice with observations from laser profiling
Massom, RA 269
Estimation of thin Sea-ice thickness from Noaa Avhrr data in a polynya off the Wilkes Land coast, East Antarctica
Massom, RA 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Massom, RA 345
Validation of Avhrr and Modis ice Surface temperature products using in Situ radiometers
Mccourt, S 391
Climatic analysis of Sea-ice variability in the Canadian Arctic from operational charts, 1980–2004
Meier, WN 352
High-resolution Sea-ice motions from Amsr-E imagery
Meier, WN 357
Data assimilation of Sea-ice motion vectors: Sensitivity to the parameterization of Sea-ice Strength
Meier, WN 367
Recent changes in the Arctic melt Season
Meier, WN 433
Bridging perspectives from remote Sensing and Inuit communities on changing Sea-ice cover in the Baffin Bay region
Meldrum, DT 108
Wave measurements on Sea ice: developments in instrumentation
Mercer, DJL 108
Wave measurements on Sea ice: developments in instrumentation
Meylan, MH 101
A model for wave Scattering in the marginal ice zone based on a two-dimensional floating-elastic-plate Solution
Miller, J 367
Recent changes in the Arctic melt Season
Minnett, PJ 15
Implications of Shortwave cloud forcing and feedbacks in the Southern Ocean
Morgan, VI 429
Covariation of Sea ice and methanesulphonic acid in Wilhelm II Land, East Antarctica
Morris, M 129
A network model for fluid transport through Sea ice
Muto, A 269
Estimation of thin Sea-ice thickness from Noaa Avhrr data in a polynya off the Wilkes Land coast, East Antarctica
Muto, A 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Nakamura, K 261
Sea-ice thickness retrieval in the Sea of Okhotsk using dual-polarization SAR data
Naoki, K 261
Sea-ice thickness retrieval in the Sea of Okhotsk using dual-polarization SAR data
Nicolaus, M 147
A model Study of differences of Snow thinning on Arctic and Antarctic first-year Sea ice during Spring and Summer
Nicolaus, M 297
The importance of diurnal processes for the Seasonal cycle of Sea-ice microwave brightness temperatures during early Summer in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Nishio, F 261
Sea-ice thickness retrieval in the Sea of Okhotsk using dual-polarization SAR data
Notz, D 123
A one-dimensional enthalpy model of Sea ice
Ogasawara, T 95
Numerical analysis of the characteristics of waves propagating in arbitrary ice-covered Sea
Ohshima, KI 269
Estimation of thin Sea-ice thickness from Noaa Avhrr data in a polynya off the Wilkes Land coast, East Antarctica
Ortmeyer, M 205
Ice mass-balance buoys: a tool for measuring and attributing changes in the thickness of the Arctic Sea-ice cover
Papadimitriou, S 80
Spatial variation of biogeochemical properties of landfast Sea ice in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea
Papakyriakou, T 23
Surface albedo observations of Hudson Bay (Canada) landfast Sea ice during the Spring melt
Peppe, OC 108
Wave measurements on Sea ice: developments in instrumentation
Perovich, DK 1
Spectral transmission and implications for the partitioning of Shortwave radiation in arctic Sea ice
Perovich, DK 47
The interaction of ultraviolet light with Arctic Sea ice during
Perovich, DK 188
From points to Poles: extrapolating point measurements of Sea-ice mass balance
Perovich, DK 193
Energy- and mass-balance observations of the land–ice–ocean–atmosphere System near Barrow, Alaska, USA, November 1999–July 2002
Perovich, DK 205
Ice mass-balance buoys: a tool for measuring and attributing changes in the thickness of the Arctic Sea-ice cover
Peterson, IK 411
Ice ridging and ice drift in Southern Gulf of St Lawrence, Canada, during winter Storms
Pfaffling, A 217
In Situ measurements of the direct-current conductivity of Antarctic Sea ice: implications for airborne electromagnetic Sounding of Sea-ice thickness
Pfaffling, A 275
Retrieval of thin-ice thickness using the L-band polarization ratio measured by the helicopter-borne Scatterometer
Pfaffling, A 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Pirazzini, R 7
Surface albedo measurements over Sea ice in the Baltic Sea during the Spring Snowmelt period
Pirazzini, R 139
Modelling of Superimposed ice formation during the Spring Snowmelt period in the Baltic Sea
Prinsenberg, SJ 411
Ice ridging and ice drift in Southern Gulf of St Lawrence, Canada, during winter Storms
Proshutinsky, AY 418
Modeling M2 tidal variability in Arctic Sea-ice drift and deformation
Purdie, CR 170
Growth of first-year landfast Antarctic Sea ice determined from winter temperature measurements
Reid, JE 217
In Situ measurements of the direct-current conductivity of Antarctic Sea ice: implications for airborne electromagnetic Sounding of Sea-ice thickness
Richter-Menge, JA 188
From points to Poles: extrapolating point measurements of Sea-ice mass balance
Richter-Menge, JA 205
Ice mass-balance buoys: a tool for measuring and attributing changes in the thickness of the Arctic Sea-ice cover
Rigor, I 205
Ice mass-balance buoys: a tool for measuring and attributing changes in the thickness of the Arctic Sea-ice cover
Roberts, A 418
Modeling M2 tidal variability in Arctic Sea-ice drift and deformation
Sakai, S 95
Numerical analysis of the characteristics of waves propagating in arbitrary ice-covered Sea
Scambos, T 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Scambos, T 345
Validation of Avhrr and Modis ice Surface temperature products using in Situ radiometers
Sequeiros, AB 134
Relation of ice growth rate to Salt Segregation during freezing of low-salinity Sea water (Bothnian Bay, Baltic Sea)
Sergienko, O 183
Observations of unusual fast-ice conditions in the Southwest Ross Sea, Antarctica: preliminary analysis of iceberg and Storminess effects
Shepson, PB 113
Molecular dynamics Simulation of ice growth from Supercooled pure water and from Salt Solution
Shimoda, H 253
Ship-borne electromagnetic induction Sounding of Sea-ice thickness in the Southern Sea of Okhotsk
Shimoda, H 281
Characteristics of Sea-ice thickness and Snow-depth distributions of the Summer landfast ice in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica
Shin, K-H 63
Controls of the landfast ice–ocean ecosystem offshore Barrow, Alaska
Shirasawa, K 240
Standardization of electromagnetic–induction measurements of Sea-ice thickness in polar and Subpolar Seas
Shirasawa, K 253
Ship-borne electromagnetic induction Sounding of Sea-ice thickness in the Southern Sea of Okhotsk
Simmons, HL 418
Modeling M2 tidal variability in Arctic Sea-ice drift and deformation
Smedsrud, LH 73
Fine-scale Sea-ice modelling of the Storfjorden polynya, Svalbard
Smith, BT 429
Covariation of Sea ice and methanesulphonic acid in Wilhelm II Land, East Antarctica
Sonninen, E 134
Relation of ice growth rate to Salt Segregation during freezing of low-salinity Sea water (Bothnian Bay, Baltic Sea)
Spreen, G 30
The Sea-ice compactness in the Greenland and Barents Seas during 1979–2003: changes and links to the Surface air flow
Spreen, G 321
Satellite-based estimates of Sea-ice volume flux through Fram Strait
Squire, VA 88
Scattering of ice-coupled waves by variable Sea-ice terrain
Stammer, D 30
The Sea-ice compactness in the Greenland and Barents Seas during 1979–2003: changes and links to the Surface air flow
Stammer, D 321
Satellite-based estimates of Sea-ice volume flux through Fram Strait
Steffens, M 80
Spatial variation of biogeochemical properties of landfast Sea ice in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea
Stroeve, J 367
Recent changes in the Arctic melt Season
Stroeve, J 433
Bridging perspectives from remote Sensing and Inuit communities on changing Sea-ice cover in the Baffin Bay region
Szleifer, I 113
Molecular dynamics Simulation of ice growth from Supercooled pure water and from Salt Solution
Tamura, T 269
Estimation of thin Sea-ice thickness from Noaa Avhrr data in a polynya off the Wilkes Land coast, East Antarctica
Tamura, T 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Tanaka, N 63
Controls of the landfast ice–ocean ecosystem offshore Barrow, Alaska
Tateyama, K 240
Standardization of electromagnetic–induction measurements of Sea-ice thickness in polar and Subpolar Seas
Tateyama, K 253
Ship-borne electromagnetic induction Sounding of Sea-ice thickness in the Southern Sea of Okhotsk
Tateyama, K 269
Estimation of thin Sea-ice thickness from Noaa Avhrr data in a polynya off the Wilkes Land coast, East Antarctica
Tateyama, K 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Thomas, DN 80
Spatial variation of biogeochemical properties of landfast Sea ice in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea
Toyota, T 240
Standardization of electromagnetic–induction measurements of Sea-ice thickness in polar and Subpolar Seas
Toyota, T 253
Ship-borne electromagnetic induction Sounding of Sea-ice thickness in the Southern Sea of Okhotsk
Uratsuka, S 261
Sea-ice thickness retrieval in the Sea of Okhotsk using dual-polarization SAR data
Ushio, S 163
Growth, properties and relation to radar backscatter coefficient of Sea ice in Lützow-Holm Bay, Antarctica
Ushio, S 177
Factors affecting fast-ice break-up frequency in Lützow-Holm Bay, Antarctica
Ushio, S 269
Estimation of thin Sea-ice thickness from Noaa Avhrr data in a polynya off the Wilkes Land coast, East Antarctica
Ushio, S 281
Characteristics of Sea-ice thickness and Snow-depth distributions of the Summer landfast ice in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica
Uto, S 240
Standardization of electromagnetic–induction measurements of Sea-ice thickness in polar and Subpolar Seas
Uto, S 253
Ship-borne electromagnetic induction Sounding of Sea-ice thickness in the Southern Sea of Okhotsk
Uto, S 261
Sea-ice thickness retrieval in the Sea of Okhotsk using dual-polarization SAR data
Uto, S 281
Characteristics of Sea-ice thickness and Snow-depth distributions of the Summer landfast ice in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica
Uusikivi, J 42
Direct measurements of turbulent momentum, heat and Salt fluxes under landfast ice in the Baltic Sea
Uusikivi, J 134
Relation of ice growth rate to Salt Segregation during freezing of low-salinity Sea water (Bothnian Bay, Baltic Sea)
Van DER Baaren, A 411
Ice ridging and ice drift in Southern Gulf of St Lawrence, Canada, during winter Storms
Van Ommen, TD 429
Covariation of Sea ice and methanesulphonic acid in Wilhelm II Land, East Antarctica
Vaughan, GL 88
Scattering of ice-coupled waves by variable Sea-ice terrain
Vihma, T 7
Surface albedo measurements over Sea ice in the Baltic Sea during the Spring Snowmelt period
Vihma, T 139
Modelling of Superimposed ice formation during the Spring Snowmelt period in the Baltic Sea
Von Saldern, C 224
Parameterization of Arctic Sea-ice Surface roughness for application in ice type classification
Wadhams, P 200
Measurement of Arctic Sea-ice thickness by Submarine 5 years after Scicex
Wakabayashi, H 163
Growth, properties and relation to radar backscatter coefficient of Sea ice in Lützow-Holm Bay, Antarctica
Wakabayashi, H 261
Sea-ice thickness retrieval in the Sea of Okhotsk using dual-polarization SAR data
Wake, CP 383
Calibration of an ice-core glaciochemical (sea-salt) record with Sea-ice variability in the Canadian Arctic
Wang, J 63
Controls of the landfast ice–ocean ecosystem offshore Barrow, Alaska
Wang, K 317
Pack ice as a two-dimensional granular plastic: a new constitutive law
Whitledge, TE 63
Controls of the landfast ice–ocean ecosystem offshore Barrow, Alaska
Willmes, S 147
A model Study of differences of Snow thinning on Arctic and Antarctic first-year Sea ice during Spring and Summer
Willmes, S 297
The importance of diurnal processes for the Seasonal cycle of Sea-ice microwave brightness temperatures during early Summer in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Wilson, K 329
A case Study of old-ice import and export through Peary and Sverdrup Channels in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: 1998–2005
Worby, A 217
In Situ measurements of the direct-current conductivity of Antarctic Sea ice: implications for airborne electromagnetic Sounding of Sea-ice thickness
Worby, A 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Worster, MG 123
A one-dimensional enthalpy model of Sea ice
Young, N 288
Arise (Antarctic Remote Ice Sensing Experiment) in the East 2003: validation of Satellite-derived Sea-ice data products
Zdanowicz, CM 383
Calibration of an ice-core glaciochemical (sea-salt) record with Sea-ice variability in the Canadian Arctic
Zdanowicz, CM 391
Climatic analysis of Sea-ice variability in the Canadian Arctic from operational charts, 1980–2004
Zhu, J 129
A network model for fluid transport through Sea ice