We are tremendously grateful to all members of the SURE-Farm consortium for their dedicated participation and collaboration throughout the duration of the SURE-Farm project. They conducted a broad range of research with multiple qualitative and quantitative methods in many different locations and contributed their analyses and interpretations. These diverse empirical engagements brought the SURE-Farm concept to life and enabled its further development.
We also sincerely thank the many participants in the interactive SURE-Farm methods, from the farmers and farming families to the wide set of stakeholders within and outside the farming systems. Bringing together multiple perspectives on historic trajectories and future scenarios is a necessary – and enjoyable and illuminating – part of understanding resilience.
We also express our gratitude to the scientific board of the SURE-Farm project. Their high-level reviews and constructive feedback contributed to the quality of project outcomes. Gratitude also goes to the co-creation group. Discussions through the online platform and during project meetings sharpened our thinking about practical implications.
Acknowledgements are also attributed to the external reviewers of the book outline and drafts of the chapters. Their fresh and critical look at our findings strengthened the coherence and conclusions of the chapters.
We also thank the European Commission for having financed the SURE-Farm project under the Horizon 2020 programme (grant 727520) and for the fruitful seminars and discussions on the resilience of European farming systems. We hope that these discussions will proceed and continue to inform the efforts of European policymakers to enhance the resilience of Europe’s diverse farming systems.
We also record our thanks to the editorial team at Cambridge University Press for their expert guidance and recommendations.