Learning Objectives: Descriptive studies are needed to define good comparative studies on the most important issues in a clinical disorder. The findings in this large pilot study can direct future prospective studies on how to treat acute mastoiditis in an era with efficient antibiotics and in a possible post-antibiotic era.
Introduction: Since the year 2007, the largest study on acute mastoiditis, so far, has been performed in Sweden. The main reason for performing it was to evaluate how reduced antibiotic treatment of acute otitis media affected its most common complication.
Methods: Most of the published results in the study “Mastoiditis in Sweden” were based on interpretation of medical records. This poses special challenges regarding definition and interpretation of the results and if antibiotic resistance has affected the results.
Results: More than 1300 cases have been included but still the findings are mainly descriptive. The typical patient with acute mastoiditis has been well defined, an otherwise healthy toddler without previous ear problems.
Conclusions: Some patients are difficult to fit into a preformed definition which might lead to an unfortunate exclusion of “odd cases” that should be part of the diversified group of patients suffering from complications of AOM.