The author regrets the inclusion of six errors in the above article. The six errors concern the removal of subheadings from the English abstract and the capitalisation of ‘March’:
In the English abstract, on page 1, line 1, the bold subheading ‘Background’ should be removed.
In the English abstract, on page 1, line 3, the bold subheading ‘Objective’ should be removed.
In the English abstract, on page 1, line 5, the bold subheading ‘Methods’ should be removed.
In the English abstract, on page 1, line 5, ‘March’ should be capitalised.
In the English abstract, on page 1, line 7, the bold subheading ‘Findings’ should be removed.
In the English abstract, on page 1, line 12, the bold subheading ‘Discussion’ should be removed.
The author apologises for these errors and wishes to correct them through this notice.