1 Introduction
be a triangulated category with suspension
. Given a cohomological functor
$H:\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Mod}\,k$
into the category of modules over some (not necessarily commutative) ring
such that
has finite length for each object
, we consider the function

and ask the following questions.
- –
What are the characteristic properties of such a function
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{C}\longrightarrow \mathbb{N}$ ?
- –
Can we recover
$H$ from
${\it\chi}$ ?
Somewhat surprisingly, we can offer fairly complete answers to both questions.
It should be noted that similar questions arise in Boij–Söderberg theory when cohomology tables are studied; recent progress [Reference Eisenbud and Ermann8, Reference Eisenbud and Schreyer9] provides some motivation for our work. Further motivation comes from the quest (initiated by Paul Balmer, for instance) for points in the context of triangulated categories.
Typical examples of cohomological functors are the representable functors of the form
for some object
. We begin with a result that takes care of this case; its proof is based on a theorem of Bongartz [Reference Bongartz4].
Theorem 1.1. (Jensen–Su–Zimmerman [Reference Jensen, Su and Zimmermann19])
be a commutative ring, and let
be a
-linear triangulated category such that each morphism set in
has finite length as a
-module. Suppose also for each pair of objects
for some
$n\in \mathbb{Z}$
. Then, two objects
are isomorphic if and only if the lengths of
coincide for all
Examples of triangulated categories satisfying the assumptions in this theorem arise from bounded derived categories. To be precise, if
is a
-linear exact category such that each extension group in
has finite length as a
-module, then its bounded derived category
satisfies the above assumptions, since for all objects
(viewed as complexes concentrated in degree zero)

On the other hand, Auslander and Reiten provided in [Reference Auslander and Reiten2, Section 4.4] simple examples of triangulated categories that do not have the property that objects are determined by the lengths of their morphism spaces (see also [Reference Benson and Parker3]).
Now, let
be an essentially small triangulated category. Thus, the isomorphism classes of objects in
form a set. Given any additive functor
$H:\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
into the category of abelian groups, we denote by
the endomorphism ring formed by all natural transformations
$H\rightarrow H$
. It should be noted that
acts on
for all objects
. Moreover, if a ring
acts on
for all objects
in a way that commutes with all morphisms in
, then this action factors through that of
via a ring homomorphism
$k\rightarrow \mathsf{End}(H)$
. In particular, when
has finite length over
, then it also has finite length over
. This observation motivates the following definition.
Definition 1.2. A cohomological functor
$H:\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
is called endofinite
provided that for each object
$H(C)$ has finite length as a module over the ring
$\mathsf{End}(H)$ , and
$H({\rm\Sigma}^{n}C)=0$ for some
$n\in \mathbb{Z}$ .
$(H_{i})_{i\in I}$
are cohomological functors, then the direct sum
$\bigoplus _{i\in I}H_{i}$
is cohomological. A non-zero cohomological functor
$H:\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
is indecomposable if it cannot be written as a direct sum of two non-zero cohomological functors.
An endofinite cohomological functor
$H:\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
gives rise to a function

which is cohomological in the following sense (see Lemma 2.4).
Definition 1.3. A function
${\it\chi}:\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
is called cohomological provided that
${\it\chi}(C\oplus C^{\prime })={\it\chi}(C)+{\it\chi}(C^{\prime })$ for each pair of objects
$C$ and
$C^{\prime }$ ,
(2) for each object
$C$ there is some
$n\in \mathbb{Z}$ such that
${\it\chi}({\rm\Sigma}^{n}C)=0$ , and
(3) for each exact triangle
$A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow$ in
$\mathsf{C}$ and each labeling
$$\begin{eqnarray}\cdots \rightarrow X_{-2}\rightarrow X_{-1}\rightarrow X_{0}\rightarrow X_{1}\rightarrow X_{2}\rightarrow \cdots\end{eqnarray}$$
$$\begin{eqnarray}\cdots \rightarrow {\rm\Sigma}^{-1}B\rightarrow {\rm\Sigma}^{-1}C\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow {\rm\Sigma}A\rightarrow {\rm\Sigma}B\rightarrow \cdots\end{eqnarray}$$
${\it\chi}(X_{0})=0$ we have
$$\begin{eqnarray}\mathop{\sum }_{i=0}^{n}(-1)^{i+n}{\it\chi}(X_{i})\geqslant 0\quad \text{for all }n\in \mathbb{Z},\end{eqnarray}$$
${\it\chi}(X_{n})=0$ .
$({\it\chi}_{i})_{i\in I}$
are cohomological functions, and for any
the set
$\{i\in I\mid {\it\chi}_{i}(C)\neq 0\}$
is finite, then we can define the locally finite sum
$\sum _{i\in I}{\it\chi}_{i}$
. A non-zero cohomological function is irreducible if it cannot be written as a sum of two non-zero cohomological functions.
The following theorem is the main result of this paper; it is proved in Section 2 and builds on work of Crawley-Boevey on finite endolength objects (see [Reference Crawley-Boevey6, Reference Crawley-Boevey7]).
Theorem 1.4. Let
be an essentially small triangulated category.
(1) Every endofinite cohomological functor
$\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$ decomposes essentially uniquely into a direct sum of indecomposable endofinite cohomological functors with local endomorphism rings.
(2) Every cohomological function
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ can be written uniquely as a locally finite sum of irreducible cohomological functions.
(3) The assignment
$H\mapsto {\it\chi}_{H}$ induces a bijection between the isomorphism classes of indecomposable endofinite cohomological functors
$\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$ and the irreducible cohomological functions
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ .
Examples of endofinite cohomological functors arise from representable functors of the form
is a Hom-finite
-linear category. Thus, Theorem 1.1 can be deduced from Theorem 1.4. The following remark shows that in some appropriate setting each endofinite cohomological functor is representable.
Remark 1.5. Let
be a compactly generated triangulated category, and let
be the full subcategory formed by all compact objects. Then, each endofinite cohomological functor
$H:\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
is isomorphic to
for some object
, which is unique up to an isomorphism and represents the functorFootnote

Thus, cohomological functions are “represented” by objects in this setting. For specific examples, see [Reference Krause and Reichenbach25].
Next, we consider the set of irreducible cohomological functions
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
and endow it with the Ziegler topology (see Proposition B.5). The quotient

with respect to the action of the suspension is by definition the space of cohomological functions on
. Thus, the points of
are equivalence classes of the form
$[{\it\chi}]=\{{\it\chi}\circ {\rm\Sigma}^{n}\mid n\in \mathbb{Z}\}$
Take as an example the category of perfect complexes
over a commutative ring
. A prime ideal
$\mathfrak{p}\in \mathsf{Spec}\,A$
with residue field
yields an irreducible cohomological function

is viewed as a complex concentrated in degree zero.
Theorem 1.6. The map
$\mathsf{Spec}\,A\rightarrow \mathsf{Sp}\,\mathsf{D}^{b}(\mathsf{proj}\,A)$
is injective and closed with respect to the Hochster dual of the Zariski topology on
We prove this result in Section 4 by analyzing the Ziegler spectrum [Reference Krause24, Reference Ziegler34] of the category of perfect complexes. A general method for computing the space
of cohomological functions is to compute the Krull–Gabriel filtration [Reference Gabriel11, Reference Gruson and Jensen15] of the abelianization
(see [Reference Freyd10, Reference Verdier31] or Section 2).
A specific example is the algebra
of dual numbers over a field
. Each complex

of length
corresponds to an isolated point in
, and their closure yields exactly one extra point corresponding to the residue field. Thus,

This example is of particular interest because the derived category
is discrete in the sense of Vossieck [Reference Vossieck32]; that is, there are no continuous families of indecomposable objects. On the other hand, there are infinitely many indecomposable objects, even up to shift. The Krull–Gabriel dimension explains this behavior because it measures how far an abelian category is away from being a length category. For instance, a triangulated category
is locally finite (see [Reference Krause26] or Section 4) if and only if the Krull–Gabriel dimension of
equals at most
Proposition 1.7. The abelianization
has Krull–Gabriel dimension equal to
It should be noted that the Krull–Gabriel dimension of the free abelian category
over an Artin algebra
[Reference Gruson14] behaves differently; it equals
if and only if
is of finite representation type by a result of Auslander [Reference Auslander1], and is greater than
otherwise (see [Reference Herzog17, Reference Krause21]).
As a final example, let us describe the cohomological functions for the category
of coherent sheaves on the projective line over a field
Proposition 1.8. The abelianization
has Krull–Gabriel dimension equal to
, and

These examples illustrate in the triangulated context the following representation theoretic paradigm:

2 Cohomological functors and functions
In this section, Theorem 1.4 is proved. We deduce it from work of Crawley-Boevey on endofinite objects in locally finitely presented abelian categories (see [Reference Crawley-Boevey6, Reference Crawley-Boevey7]). We begin with some preparations.
be an essentially small triangulated category.
The abelianization. Following Freyd [Reference Freyd10, Section 3] and Verdier [Reference Verdier31, II.3], we consider the abelianization
, which is the abelian category of additive functors
$F:\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
into the category
of abelian groups that admit a copresentation

The suspension
extends to an equivalence
${\rm\Sigma}F:=F\circ {\rm\Sigma}^{-1}$
In addition, we work in the category
of additive functors
$\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
. This is a locally finitely presented abelian category, and the abelianization
identifies with the full subcategory of finitely presented objects of
(see [Reference Crawley-Boevey6] for details).
Additive functions. Let us introduce the analogue of a cohomological function for the abelianization of
Definition 2.1. A function
${\it\chi}:\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
is called additive
provided that
${\it\chi}(F)={\it\chi}(F^{\prime })+{\it\chi}(F^{\prime \prime })$ if
$0\rightarrow F^{\prime }\rightarrow F\rightarrow F^{\prime \prime }\rightarrow 0$ is an exact sequence, and
(2) for each object
$F$ there is some
$n\in \mathbb{Z}$ such that
${\it\chi}({\rm\Sigma}^{n}F)=0$ .
We show that additive and cohomological functions are closely related.
Lemma 2.2. Restricting a function
${\it\chi}:\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
by setting
gives a natural bijection between
- –
the additive functions
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ and
- –
the cohomological functions
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ .
Proof. Let
${\it\chi}:\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
be an additive function. An exact triangle
$A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow$
yields in
an exact sequence

Using this sequence, it is easily checked that the restriction of
is a cohomological function.
Conversely, given a cohomological function
${\it\chi}:\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
, we extend it to a function
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
, which again we denote by
. We fix
with copresentation as above induced by an exact triangle
$A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow$
, and choose
$n\in \mathbb{Z}$
such that
${\it\chi}({\rm\Sigma}^{n}(A\oplus B\oplus C))=0$
. Then, we define

This gives a non-negative integer, and does not depend on
is a cohomological function. Moreover,
does not depend on the choice of the exact triangle that presents
by a variant of Schanuel’s lemma (see Lemma A.1). It should be noted that
for each
. Standard arguments involving resolutions in
show that
is additive.
Clearly, restricting from
and extending from
are mutually inverse operations.◻
There is a parallel between functions and functors. The analogue of Lemma 2.2 for functors is due to Freyd.
Lemma 2.3. (Freyd [Reference Freyd10])
Restricting a functor
$F:(\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{C})^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
by setting
gives a natural bijection between
- –
the exact functors
$(\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{C})^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$ and
- –
the cohomological functors
$\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$ .
Proof. The inverse map sends a cohomological functor
$H:\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
to the exact functor
$\mathsf{Hom}(-,H):(\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{C})^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
An endofinite cohomological functor
$H:\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
induces two functions:

Lemma 2.4. The function
is cohomological, and
is additive.
Proof. The functor
$\mathsf{Hom}(-,H):(\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{C})^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
is exact since
is cohomological. It follows that
is additive. The restriction of
. Thus,
is cohomological by Lemma 2.2.◻
Proof of the main theorem. The proof of our main result is based on work of Crawley-Boevey, but we provide some complementary material in Appendix B.
Proof of Theorem 1.4.
An endofinite cohomological functor
$H:\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
is a finite endolength injective object in
, as defined in [Reference Crawley-Boevey6]. The term “finite endolength” refers to the fact that
has finite length as
-module for each
(see Lemma 2.4). The injectivity follows from the proof of [Reference Krause23, Theorem 1.2], using that
vanishes on
for any cohomological functor
In [Reference Crawley-Boevey6, Theorem 3.5.2], it is shown that each finite endolength object decomposes into a direct sum of indecomposable objects with local endomorphism rings. (See [Reference Krause23, Theorem 1.2] for an alternative proof.) This yields part (1).
In [Reference Crawley-Boevey7], additive functions on locally finitely presented abelian categories are studied. In particular, there it is shown that every additive function on
can be written uniquely as a locally finite sum of irreducible additive functions. This proves part (2), in view of Lemma 2.2. For an alternative proof, see Proposition B.1.
Finally, part (3) follows from the main theorem in [Reference Crawley-Boevey7], which establishes the bijection between isomorphism classes of indecomposable finite endolength injective objects in
and irreducible additive functions
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
. For an alternative proof, see Proposition B.2, using the bijection between cohomological and exact functors from Lemma 2.3.◻
3 Properties of cohomological functions
The correspondence between functors and functions. The assignment
$H\mapsto {\it\chi}_{H}$
between endofinite cohomological functors and cohomological functions satisfies some weighted additivity. For instance,
${\it\chi}_{H\oplus H^{\prime }}={\it\chi}_{H}+{\it\chi}_{H^{\prime }}$
provided that
$H^{\prime }$
have no common indecomposable summand, but
${\it\chi}_{H\oplus H}={\it\chi}_{H}$
. We have the following concise formula.
Proposition 3.1. Let
$H=\bigoplus _{i\in I}H_{i}$
be the decomposition of an endofinite cohomological functor
$\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
into indecomposables. If
$J\subseteq I$
is a subset such that
$(H_{i})_{i\in J}$
contains each isomorphism class from
$(H_{i})_{i\in I}$
exactly once, then
${\it\chi}_{H}=\sum _{i\in J}{\it\chi}_{H_{i}}$
Proof. We adapt the proofs of [Reference Krause and Reichenbach25, Propositions 4.5 and 4.6]. Alternatively, we use Remark B.4. ◻
Remark 3.2. Let
be a
-linear category such that each morphism set in
has finite length as a
-module. Then, we have two maps
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{C}\times \mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
, taking
either to
or to
. While the first map preserves sums in both arguments, the second one does not in the second argument, but it satisfies the above “weighted additivity”.
Duality. The correspondence in Theorem 1.4 yields a remarkable duality between cohomological functors
$\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
and cohomological functors
$\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
. This follows from the fact that the definition of a cohomological function
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
is self-dual; it is an analogue of the elementary duality between left and right modules over a ring studied by Herzog [Reference Herzog16].
The duality links indecomposable endofinite cohomological functors
$H:\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
$H^{\prime }:\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
${\it\chi}_{H}={\it\chi}_{H^{\prime }}$
. In that case,

denotes the Jacobson radical of a ring
. This follows from Remark B.3.
The duality specializes to Serre duality when
is a Hom-finite
-linear category with
a field. More precisely, if
$F:\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathsf{C}$
is a Serre functor [Reference Reiten and Van den Bergh29] and
, then

for each object
, and therefore
The space of cohomological functions. Consider the set of irreducible cohomological functions
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
, and identify this via Lemma 2.2 with a subspace of
, endowed with the Ziegler topology, as explained in Proposition B.5. The quotient

with respect to the action of the suspension is by definition the space of cohomological functions on
. Thus, the points of
are equivalence classes of the form
$[{\it\chi}]=\{{\it\chi}\circ {\rm\Sigma}^{n}\mid n\in \mathbb{Z}\}$
The construction of this space is functorial with respect to certain functors. Let
$f:\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathsf{D}$
be an exact functor between triangulated categories. Given
, the composite
${\it\chi}\circ f$
is cohomological but need not be irreducible. Thus,
induces a continuous map
$\mathsf{Sp}\,\mathsf{D}\rightarrow \mathsf{Sp}\,\mathsf{C}$
provided that irreducibility is preserved. For instance, a quotient functor
$\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathsf{C}/\mathsf{B}$
with respect to a triangulated subcategory
$\mathsf{B}\subseteq \mathsf{C}$
has this property; it induces a homeomorphism

Before we discuss specific examples, let us give one general result. Let
be a field, and let
be a
-linear triangulated category such that for each pair of objects
we have
for some
$n\in \mathbb{Z}$
. Suppose that all morphism spaces are finite dimensional, and that
is idempotent complete. Suppose also that
admits a Serre functor [Reference Reiten and Van den Bergh29]. Denote for each object
the cohomological function corresponding to
Proposition 3.3. A point in
is isolated if and only if it equals
for some indecomposable object
. Moreover, the isolated points form a dense subset of
Proof. Each indecomposable object
fits into an Auslander–Reiten triangle
$X\rightarrow Y\rightarrow Z\rightarrow$
, by [Reference Reiten and Van den Bergh29, Theorem I.2.4]. Such a triangle provides in
the following copresentation of a simple object

is a basic open set for each indecomposable object
Now, let
be a non-empty basic open set with
$F\in \mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{C}$
. The functor
admits a copresentation

with an indecomposable direct summand
$X^{\prime }\subseteq X$
such that

${\it\chi}_{X^{\prime }}$
belongs to
. It follows that each non-empty open subset of
contains a point of the form
The space of cohomological functions may be empty, as the following example shows.
Example 3.4. Let
be a ring without invariant basis number, for example the endomorphism ring of an infinite dimensional vector space. Then, there is no non-zero endofinite cohomological functor
$H:\mathsf{D}^{b}(\mathsf{proj}\,A)^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
. To see this, observe that
is a finite endolength
-module for all
$n\in \mathbb{Z}$
, and therefore the zero module (see [Reference Crawley-Boevey5, Section 4.7]).
4 Examples: perfect complexes
We compute the space
of cohomological functions in some examples, for instance when
is the triangulated category of perfect complexes over some ring. It is convenient to view
as a subspace of the spectrum
, as defined in Appendix C.
The problem of computing the space of cohomological functions is reduced to the study of the Krull–Gabriel filtration of the abelianization
. This filtration yields a dimension. For an abelian category
, the Krull–Gabriel dimension
is an invariant, which measures how far
is away from being a length category (see Appendix C).
Modules. Let
be a ring. We write
for the category of
for the full subcategory of finitely presented ones, and
for the full subcategory of finitely generated projectives.
Following [Reference Gruson14], we consider the free abelian category
, and denote it by
. Thus, the category of
-modules identifies with the category of exact functors
$(\mathsf{Ab}\,A)^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
We consider the derived category
, and write
for the full subcategory
of perfect complexes.
The Ziegler spectrum
is by definition the set of isomorphism classes of indecomposable pure-injective
-modules with the topology introduced by Ziegler [Reference Prest28, Reference Ziegler34]. We identify
with the spectrum
of the abelian category
(see Appendix C).
It should be noted that the spectrum
identifies with a quotient of the Ziegler spectrum of the compactly generated triangulated category
introduced in [Reference Krause24] and further investigated in [Reference Garkusha and Prest12]. The identification takes an object
Let us compare
. We consider the natural inclusion
$i:A\rightarrow \mathsf{per}\,A$
, which extends to an exact functor
$i^{\ast }:\mathsf{Ab}\,A\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{per}\,A$
by the universal property of
Lemma 4.1. Let
$\mathsf{S}_{0}\subseteq \mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{per}\,A$
be the Serre subcategory generated by the representable functors
$n\neq 0$
. Then, the composite

is an equivalence.
Proof. The cohomological functors
$H:(\mathsf{per}\,A)^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
for all
$n\neq 0$
identify with
, by taking
. Thus, the exact functors
$(\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{per}\,A)^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
identify with
, by Lemma 2.3. It remains to observe that an exact functor
$f:\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathsf{D}$
between abelian categories is an equivalence if precomposition with
induces an equivalence between the categories of exact functors
$\mathsf{D}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
$\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
We view an
as a complex concentrated in degree zero, and denote by
the corresponding cohomological functor
$\mathsf{Hom}(-,X):(\mathsf{per}\,A)^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
. It is convenient to identify
with the exact functor

Proposition 4.2. The assignment
$X\mapsto [H_{X}]$
induces an injective and continuous map
${\it\phi}:\mathsf{Zsp}\,A\rightarrow \mathsf{Zsp}\,\mathsf{per}\,A$
; its image is a closed subset.
Proof. We apply Lemma 4.1. The composite

with a closed subset of
, which we denote by
. Viewing an
as an exact functor
$(\mathsf{Ab}\,A)^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
, we have
$X\circ f=H_{X}$
. It should be noted that the subsets
$n\in \mathbb{Z}$
, are pairwise disjoint. It follows that
is injective.
Next, we observe that

runs through all pairs of integers
$r\neq s$
, and

Thus, the image of
is closed.
Now, let
$\mathsf{V}\subseteq \mathsf{Zsp}\,\mathsf{per}\,A$
be a closed subset, which corresponds to a Serre subcategory
$\mathsf{S}\subseteq \mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{per}\,A$
(see Lemma C.1). Thus,
consists of all functors in
that vanish on
. Then,
consists of all functors vanishing on
. It follows that
is continuous.◻
Hereditary rings. A complex of
-modules can be written as a direct sum of stalk complexes when
is hereditary. This has some useful consequences, which are collected in the following proposition.
Proposition 4.3. For a hereditary ring
, the following holds.
(1) The map
${\it\phi}:\mathsf{Zsp}\,A\rightarrow \mathsf{Zsp}\,\mathsf{per}\,A$ taking
$X$ to
$[H_{X}]$ is a homeomorphism.
$\mathsf{KGdim}\,\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{per}\,A=\mathsf{KGdim}\,\mathsf{Ab}\,A$ .
Proof. (1) We apply Proposition 4.2. Each indecomposable complex of
-modules is concentrated in a single degree since
is hereditary. This observation yields a disjoint union

and each
is homeomorphic to
. An open subset
$\mathsf{V}\subseteq \mathsf{Zsp}\,A$
identifies with an open subset
$\mathsf{V}_{n}\subseteq \mathsf{U}_{n}$
, and therefore with an open subset of
. It follows that
is open and therefore a homeomorphism by Proposition 4.2.
(2) We apply Lemma C.4 and use the family of quotient functors

from Lemma 4.1, where
is by definition the Serre subcategory generated by the representable functors
$p\neq n$
Commutative rings. Let
be a commutative ring, and let
be the set of prime ideals. We endow
with the dual of the Zariski topology in the sense of Hochster [Reference Hochster18]. A prime ideal
with residue field
yields an irreducible cohomological function

As before, we identify
. In particular,
is irreducible since
is indecomposable.
Theorem 4.4. The map
${\it\rho}:\mathsf{Spec}\,A\rightarrow \mathsf{Sp}\,\mathsf{per}\,A$
is injective and closed with respect to the Hochster dual of the Zariski topology on
Proof. The injectivity is clear since different primes
yield non-isomorphic functors
To show that the image
is closed, observe first that

is closed by Proposition 4.2. Moreover,

is closed by Lemma B.6. The indecomposable
$\mathsf{length}_{\mathsf{End}(X)}\,X\leqslant 1$
are precisely the residue fields
(see [Reference Crawley-Boevey5, Section 4.7]). Thus,
$\mathsf{Im}\,{\it\rho}=\mathsf{U}\cap \mathsf{U}_{1}$
is closed.
Given a closed subset
$\mathsf{V}\subseteq \mathsf{Spec}\,A$
, we need to show that
is closed. It follows from Thomason’s classification of thick subcategories [Reference Thomason30, Theorem 3.15] that there is a thick subcategory
$\mathfrak{p}\in \mathsf{V}$
if and only if
for all
$X\in \mathsf{C}$
. Here, one uses that
$X^{\ast }\otimes _{A}^{\mathbf{L}}k(\mathfrak{p})\cong \mathsf{RHom}_{A}(X,k(\mathfrak{p}))$
is perfect.
The latter condition means that
for all
$X\in \mathsf{C}$
. Thus,
$\{[{\it\chi}_{k(\mathfrak{p})}]\mid \mathfrak{p}\in \mathsf{V}\}$
is Ziegler closed.◻
Remark 4.5. This result generalizes to schemes that are quasi-compact and quasi-separated.
Krull–Gabriel dimension zero. Following [Reference Krause26], a triangulated category
is locally finite if its abelianization
is a length category, which means that
$\mathsf{KGdim}\,\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{C}\leqslant 0$
. We set
$X\in \mathsf{C}$
is endofinite.
Proposition 4.6. Let
be a locally finite and idempotent complete triangulated category. Suppose for each pair of objects
for some
$n\in \mathbb{Z}$
. Then,

Proof. Let
be an object in
. Then, we have for each object

by [Reference Auslander1, Theorem 2.12] (see also Remark B.4). Thus,
is endofinite.
${\it\chi}:\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
be an irreducible cohomological function, and let
$\hat{{\it\chi}}:\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
be its extension to
. Then,
$\hat{{\it\chi}}(S)\neq 0$
for some simple object
. There is an indecomposable object
$\mathsf{Hom}(S,\mathsf{Hom}(-,X))\neq 0$
, and it follows that
is an injective envelope. Thus,
Example 4.7. Let
be a field, and let
be a quiver with underlying diagram of Dynkin type. Denote by
the category of finite dimensional
-linear representations of
. The indecomposable endofinite cohomological functors
$\mathsf{D}^{b}(\mathsf{rep}({\rm\Gamma},k))^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
are precisely (up to isomorphism) the representable functors
, with
an indecomposable object in
(viewed as complex concentrated in degree zero) and
$n\in \mathbb{Z}$
Examples of triangulated categories
show that the description of
in Proposition 4.6 does not hold more generally.
Krull–Gabriel dimension one. Let
be a field. We give an example of a finite dimensional
such that the Krull–Gabriel dimension of
. This gives some evidence for the following conjecture.
Conjecture 4.8. Let
be a finite dimensional
-algebra. Then, the Krull–Gabriel dimension of
if and only if
is a discrete derived category in the sense of [Reference Vossieck32].
Proposition 4.9. Let
be the algebra of dual numbers. Then,

Proof. Set
, and write
for each
. The indecomposable objects are the complexes

concentrated in degrees
$n,n+1,\cdots \,,n+r$
and parametrized by pairs
$\mathbb{Z}\times \mathbb{N}$
. We denote by
$\tilde{{\it\varepsilon}}:X_{n,r}\rightarrow X_{n,r}$
the endomorphism given by
in degree
, and zero in all other degrees. The Auslander–Reiten triangles are of the form

. Such a triangle induces in
an exact sequence

with simple end terms.
We fix
$n\in \mathbb{Z}$
. We claim that the Hasse diagram of the lattice of subobjects of
has the following form:
To prove this, consider the sequence of morphisms

given by the Auslander–Reiten triangles. For each
$t\geqslant 0$
, the composite
${\it\phi}_{n,t}:X_{n,t}\rightarrow X_{n,0}$
induces a morphism
, and its image is the unique subobject
$U\subseteq H_{X_{n,0}}$
such that
has length
. This explains the upper half of the Hasse diagram. The form of the lower half then follows by Serre duality. More precisely, Serre duality yields an equivalence
, which is the identity on objects. It extends to an equivalence
, which induces a bijection between subobjects and quotient objects of
. It remains to show that
has no further subobjects. To see this, let
$V\subseteq H_{X_{n,0}}$
be a subobject; it is the image of some morphism
$H_{{\it\phi}}:H_{X}\rightarrow H_{X_{n,0}}$
. We may assume that
${\it\phi}\neq 0$
, and that
is indecomposable. The property of the Auslander–Reiten triangle for
implies that the endomorphism
$\tilde{{\it\varepsilon}}:X_{n,0}\rightarrow X_{n,0}$
factors through
via a morphism
${\it\phi}^{\prime }:X_{n,0}\rightarrow X$
, since
$X_{n,0}\rightarrow \mathsf{cone}\,{\it\phi}$
factors through the left almost split morphism
$X_{n,0}\rightarrow X_{n,1}$
. Thus,
${\it\phi}^{\prime }$
yield in degree
endomorphisms of
, and exactly one of them is an isomorphism. If
is an isomorphism, then
has finite length; otherwise
is of finite length.
The form of the lattice of subobjects implies that
is a simple object in
. Using induction on
, the sequence (4.1) shows that
has length
. Thus,
Corollary 4.10. We have
$\mathsf{Sp}\,\mathsf{per}\,k[{\it\varepsilon}]=\{[{\it\chi}_{X_{0,r}}]\mid r\in \mathbb{N}\}\cup \{[{\it\chi}_{k}]\}$
Proof. Set
. The Krull–Gabriel filtration of
yields a filtration of
by Proposition C.2. Thus, the points of
correspond to the simple objects in
. These simple objects are described in the proof of Proposition 4.9. The simples in
correspond to the indecomposable objects in
, and yield isolated points (see also Proposition 3.3 and its proof). The simples in
correspond to the complexes with
concentrated in a single degree. Thus, all points in
are endofinite, and this yields the description of
Remark 4.11. It should be noted that
$\mathsf{KGdim}\,\mathsf{Ab}\,A\neq 1$
for any Artin algebra
(see [Reference Herzog17, Reference Krause21]).
Krull–Gabriel dimension two. Let
be a field, and consider the Kronecker algebra
$A=\left[\!\begin{smallmatrix}k & k^{2}\\ 0 & k\end{smallmatrix}\!\right]$
. Work of Geigle [Reference Geigle13] shows that the Krull–Gabriel dimension of
. Thus,
by Proposition 4.3, since
is hereditary.
Now, let
be the category of coherent sheaves on the projective line over
. There is a well-known derived equivalence

given by
$T={\mathcal{O}}(0)\oplus {\mathcal{O}}(1)$
, and we use this to establish the description of the cohomological functions on
stated in the introduction.
Proof of Proposition 1.8.
We have

by Proposition 4.3 and [Reference Geigle13, Theorem 4.3]. This yields an explicit description of the points in
, which is parallel to that given in Corollary 4.10. More explicitly, the indecomposable endofinite cohomological functors
$\mathsf{D}^{b}(\mathsf{coh}\,\mathbb{P}_{k}^{1})^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
are precisely the representable functors
, with
an indecomposable object in
the function field, and
$n\in \mathbb{Z}$
Added in proof. Further material on Conjecture 4.8 can be found in the following subsequent publication: G. Bobiski and H. Krause, The Krull-Gabriel dimension of discrete derived categories, Bull. Sci. Math. 139 (2015), 269–282.
This work was inspired by lectures of David Eisenbud (Guanajuato, May 2012) and Peter Webb (Seattle, August 2012) (see also [Reference Webb33]). I wish to thank Peter Webb for various helpful comments. Moreover, I am grateful to two anonymous referees for suggesting improvements to the presentation.
Appendix A. Schanuel’s lemma for triangulated categories
be a triangulated category. An exact triangle
$A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow$
induces a presentation of a functor
$F:\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
provided that there exists an exact sequence

Two exact triangles are called homotopy equivalent Footnote 5 if they induce presentations of the same functor.
Lemma A.1. Let
$A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow$
$A^{\prime }\rightarrow B^{\prime }\rightarrow C^{\prime }\rightarrow$
be two homotopy equivalent exact triangles. Then,
$A\oplus B^{\prime }\oplus C\cong A^{\prime }\oplus B\oplus C^{\prime }$
Proof. The triangles induce exact sequences


which represent the same class in
, since the presentations induce a morphism between the two triangles. Now, we apply the variant of Schanuel’s lemma, which is given below.◻
Lemma A.2. Let


be exact sequences in some abelian category, which represent the same class in
. If all
are projective, then

Proof. We use induction on
. The case
is clear, and we suppose that
. The pullback of
${\it\eta}:P_{0}\rightarrow N$
${\it\theta}:Q_{0}\rightarrow N$
induces an exact sequence

$Q_{0}\oplus \mathsf{Ker}\,{\it\eta}\cong K\cong P_{0}\oplus \mathsf{Ker}\,{\it\theta}$
, by Schanuel’s lemma. Adding complexes of the form
yields two exact sequences


which represent the same class in
, since multiplication with the class corresponding to
induces an isomorphism
. Now, the assertion follows from the induction hypothesis.◻
Appendix B. Additive functions
be an abelian category. A function
${\it\chi}:\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{A}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
is called additive if
${\it\chi}(X)={\it\chi}(X^{\prime })+{\it\chi}(X^{\prime \prime })$
for each exact sequence
$0\rightarrow X^{\prime }\rightarrow X\rightarrow X^{\prime \prime }\rightarrow 0$
We give a quick proof of the following result using the localization theory for abelian categories [Reference Gabriel11].
Proposition B.1. (Crawley-Boevey [Reference Crawley-Boevey7])
Every additive function
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{A}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
can be written uniquely as a locally finite sum of irreducible additive functions.
Proof. Fix an additive function
${\it\chi}:\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{A}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
. The objects
form a Serre subcategory of
, which we denote by
. The quotient category
is an abelian length category since the length of each object
is bounded by
. Let
(the spectrum of
) denote a representative set of simple objects in
. For each
, let
denote the Serre subcategory of
formed by all objects
such that a composition series of
has no factor isomorphic to
. Define
${\it\chi}_{S}:\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{A}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
by sending
to the length of
. From the construction, it follows that

We claim that each
is irreducible, and that the above expression is unique. To see this, we write
${\it\chi}={\it\chi}^{\prime }+{\it\chi}^{\prime \prime }$
as a sum of two additive functions. This implies that
$\mathsf{S}_{{\it\chi}}\subseteq \mathsf{S}_{{\it\chi}^{\prime }}$
, and if
${\it\chi}^{\prime }\neq 0$
, then for some
$S\in \mathsf{Sp}\,{\it\chi}$
the object
is non-zero in
$\mathsf{A}/\mathsf{S}_{{\it\chi}^{\prime }}$
. In that case,
arises as a summand of
${\it\chi}^{\prime }$
with multiplicity
${\it\chi}^{\prime }(S)$
Now, suppose that
is essentially small. Thus, the isomorphism classes of objects in
form a set. An exact functor
$F:\mathsf{A}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
is called endofinite if
has finite length as
-module for each object
. An endofinite exact functor
induces an additive function

Proposition B.2. The assignment
$F\mapsto {\it\chi}_{F}$
induces a bijection between the isomorphism classes of indecomposable endofinite exact functors
$\mathsf{A}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
and the irreducible additive functions
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{A}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
Proof. We construct the inverse map. Let
${\it\chi}:\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{A}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
be an irreducible additive function. Following the proof of Proposition B.1, we consider the Serre subcategory
consisting of the objects
. The quotient category
is an abelian length category, and
equals the length of
for each object
, since
is irreducible. Now, consider the abelian category
of left exact functors
$\mathsf{B}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
(see [Reference Gabriel11] for details). The Yoneda functor

with the full subcategory of finite length objects. There is a unique simple object in
is irreducible, and we denote by
its injective envelope. It follows that
is indecomposable, and the injectivity implies that
is exact. For each
we have

since each finitely generated
-submodule of
is of the form
$\mathsf{Hom}(H_{X}/H_{X^{\prime }},F)$
for some subobject
$X^{\prime }\subseteq X$
. Let
$F^{\prime }:\mathsf{A}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
be the composite of
with the quotient functor
$\mathsf{A}\rightarrow \mathsf{B}$
, and observe that
$\mathsf{End}(F^{\prime })\cong \mathsf{End}(F)$
. Then
$F^{\prime }$
has the desired properties: it is indecomposable endofinite exact, and
${\it\chi}_{F^{\prime }}={\it\chi}$
It remains to show for an indecomposable endofinite exact functor
$F:\mathsf{A}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
that the function
is irreducible. Set
, and view
as an exact functor
$\mathsf{B}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
. It should be noted that
$\mathsf{Hom}(H_{S},F)=F(S)\neq 0$
for each simple object
. The indecomposability of
implies that all simple objects in
are isomorphic, and the equation (B.1) then implies that
is irreducible, since for each simple object

Remark B.3. Let
$F:\mathsf{A}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
be an indecomposable endofinite exact functor, and let
be the corresponding simple object in
. Then, the endomorphism ring
is local, and

identifies with an injective envelope of
. Here,
denotes the Jacobson radical of a ring
Remark B.4. Let
$F:\mathsf{A}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
be an exact functor, and let
, where
denotes the Serre subcategory of objects
. For each object
, we have

and this can be used to compute
$\sum _{i}{\it\chi}_{F_{i}}$
for any decomposition
$F=\bigoplus _{i}F_{i}$
into exact functors.
denote the set of irreducible additive functions
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{A}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
. Following [Reference Krause20, Section 4], we define on
the Ziegler topology. The basic open sets are of the form

Proposition B.5. The set
of irreducible additive functions
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{A}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
forms a topological space which satisfies the
-axiom; that is,
is closed for each
${\it\chi}\in \mathsf{Sp}\,\mathsf{A}$
Proof. We identify each irreducible additive function
$\mathsf{Ob}\,\mathsf{A}\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
with an indecomposable injective object in
as in Proposition B.2 and its proof. Thus, [Reference Krause20, Lemma 4.1] applies, and the argument given there shows that for two objects
, the set
$(X_{1})\cap (X_{2})$
can be written as a union of basic open sets.
A singleton
is closed since
is the only irreducible function satisfying
for all
$X\in \mathsf{S}_{{\it\chi}}$
The space
of additive functions identifies via Proposition B.2 with a subspace of
, which is discussed in the subsequent Appendix C.
Lemma B.6. Let
be an object in
, and let
$n\geqslant 0$
. Then,

is a closed subset of
Proof. For a chain of subobjects


and let
$\mathsf{U}=\bigcap _{{\it\phi}}\mathsf{U}_{{\it\phi}}$
, where
${\it\phi}=(X_{i})_{0\leqslant i\leqslant n+1}$
runs through all such chains. This set is closed by construction, and it follows from Remark B.4 that
Appendix C. The spectrum of an abelian category
be an essentially small abelian category. We consider the category of exact functors
$\mathsf{A}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
. This category inherits an exact structure from
, and we denote by
the set of isomorphism classes of indecomposable injective objects. It should be noted that
equals the spectrum of the Grothendieck abelian category
of left exact functors
$\mathsf{A}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
in the sense of [Reference Gabriel11, Chapter IV]. Following [Reference Krause20, Section 4], we define on
the Ziegler topology. The basic open sets are of the form

Lemma C.1. The assignment

induces an inclusion reversing bijection between the closed subsets of
and the Serre subcategories of
. In particular,
is quasi-compact if and only if
admits a generator; that is, an object not contained in any proper Serre subcategory of
Proof. See [Reference Krause20, Theorem 4.2 and Corollary 4.5]. ◻
The construction of this space is functorial with respect to certain functors. Let
$f:\mathsf{A}\rightarrow \mathsf{B}$
be an exact functor between abelian categories. Given
, the composite
$F\circ f$
is injective, since the left adjoint of restriction along
is exact, and a right adjoint of an exact functor preserves injectivity. However,
$F\circ f$
need not be indecomposable. Thus,
induces a continuous map
$\mathsf{Zsp}\,\mathsf{B}\rightarrow \mathsf{Zsp}\,\mathsf{A}$
provided that indecomposability is preserved. For instance, a quotient functor
$\mathsf{A}\rightarrow \mathsf{A}/\mathsf{C}$
with respect to a Serre subcategory
$\mathsf{C}\subseteq \mathsf{A}$
has this property; it induces a homeomorphism

The Krull–Gabriel filtration. Following [Reference Gabriel11, Chapter IV] and [Reference Gruson and Jensen15, Section 6], we define a filtration of
recursively as follows.
- –
$\mathsf{A}_{-1}$ is the full subcategory containing only the zero object.
- –
$\mathsf{A}_{{\it\alpha}}$ is the full subcategory of objects of finite length in
$\mathsf{A}/\mathsf{A}_{{\it\beta}}$ , if
${\it\alpha}={\it\beta}+1$ .
- –
$\mathsf{A}_{{\it\alpha}}=\bigcup _{{\it\gamma}<{\it\alpha}}\mathsf{A}_{{\it\gamma}}$ , if
${\it\alpha}$ is a limit ordinal.
$\mathsf{A}=\bigcup _{{\it\alpha}}\mathsf{A}_{{\it\alpha}}$
, then the smallest ordinal
such that
is called the Krull–Gabriel dimension, and is denoted
. In that case, we say that
For each ordinal
, let
denote the set of functors
$F\in \mathsf{Zsp}\,\mathsf{A}$
such that
$F(X)\neq 0$
for some object
that is simple in
. This yields a bijection between the isomorphism classes of simple objects in
and the elements in
Proposition C.2. Suppose that
. Then,
equals the disjoint union
$\bigcup _{{\it\beta}<{\it\alpha}}\mathsf{Zsp}_{{\it\beta}}\,\mathsf{A}$
Proof. See [Reference Krause22, Theorem 12.7]. ◻
Removing successively from
the points in
yields the Cantor–Bendixson filtration of
, provided that
exists. This follows from the next lemma.
Lemma C.3. Let
$F\in \mathsf{Zsp}\,\mathsf{A}$
. If
$F(X)\neq 0$
for some finite length object
, then
is isolated; that is,
is open. The converse holds when
Proof. If
$F(X)\neq 0$
for some finite length object
, then we may assume that
is simple. Thus,
, since
is an injective envelope of
. For the converse, see [Reference Krause22, Lemma 12.11].◻
Lemma C.4. Let
$(f_{i}:\mathsf{A}\rightarrow \mathsf{A}_{i})_{i\in I}$
be a family of quotient functors, and set
$\mathsf{U}_{i}=\{F\in \mathsf{Zsp}\,\mathsf{A}\mid F\text{ factors through }f_{i}\}$
for each
. Suppose that
$\mathsf{Zsp}\,\mathsf{A}=\bigcup _{i}\mathsf{U}_{i}$
, and that each
is an open subset. If
exists, then
Proof. The assumption on each
to be open implies that
for all
and each ordinal
, by Lemma C.3. On the other hand,
for all
, since
$\mathsf{Zsp}\,\mathsf{A}=\bigcup _{i}\mathsf{U}_{i}$
. From this the assertion follows.◻
Triangulated categories. Let
be a group of automorphisms acting on
. Then, we denote by
the corresponding orbit space of
. Thus, the points in
are the equivalence classes of the form
$[F]=\{F\circ {\it\gamma}\mid {\it\gamma}\in G\}$
. The closed subsets correspond to Serre subcategories of
that are
be an essentially small triangulated category with suspension
. We identify cohomological functors
$\mathsf{C}^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
with exact functors
$(\mathsf{Ab}\,\mathsf{C})^{\text{op}}\rightarrow \mathsf{Ab}$
via Lemma 2.3, and denote by
the orbit space
with respect to the action of
Lemma C.5. The space
is quasi-compact if and only if
admits a generator; that is, an object not contained in any proper thick subcategory of
Proof. Suppose first that
has a generator, say
. Then, any
-invariant Serre subcategory of
. Thus,
is quasi-compact by Lemma C.1. To show the converse, consider for each
$X\in \mathsf{C}$
the closed subset

$\bigcap _{X\in \mathsf{C}}\mathsf{U}_{X}=\varnothing$
. If
is quasi-compact, then there are finitely many objects such that
$\mathsf{U}_{X_{1}}\cap \cdots \cap \mathsf{U}_{X_{r}}=\varnothing$
. This implies
$\mathsf{C}=\mathsf{Thick}(X_{1},\ldots ,X_{r})$