Sound and Movie examples from issue 14(1) can be found online at the journal’s website: Examples for the whole volume will be supplied on DVD with issue 14(3).
Owen Chapman
The Icebreaker: Soundscape work as everyday sound art
2 Movie examples and 1 Sound example
Movie examples
Movie example 1: The Icebreaker (Frozen Puddle) – 2′36″ (excerpt from a work lasting 30′00″)
movie example 2: The Icebreaker (The Ice Xylophone) – 3′07″ (excerpt from a work lasting 30′00”)
Sound example
Sound example 1: O. Chapman, S. Binet Audet, K. Audet, D. Madden, Improvisation with Ice Xylophone, Ondes Martenot, Laptop and Guitar – 7′35″
Virginia Madsen
Cantata of Fire: Son et lumière in Waco Texas, auscultation for a shadow play
5 Sound examples from Cantata of Fire
Sound example 1: ‘The Lament for King David’ – 1′13″ (Singer – Mina Kanaridis)
Sound example 2: ‘A Sign from God’ – 1′13″
Sound example 3: ‘The Prophecy’ – 2′21″
Sound example 4: ‘Possessed’ – 3′31″
Sound example 5: ‘The Final Movement: The Mystery’ – 6′44″
Technical production – John Jacobs, Sound Direction – Tony MacGregor and Virginia Madson, Voice direction and Executive producer – Tony MacGregor ABCRadio, Australia. Voices – Jenny Vuletic, Lucy Bell, Deborah Pollard, Richard Moore, Peter Carroll.
Georg Klein
Site-Sounds: On strategies of sound art in public space
3 Movie examples (all excerpts from the DVD georg klein – works on sound and video, 2007)
Movie example 1: Site-Sound Marl Midtown (Ortsklang Marl Mitte) – 2′17″
Movie example 2: meta.stases (meta.stasen) – 2′51″
Movie example 3: towersounds.2: Watch Tower (turmlaute.2: Wachturm) – 6′31″