Part IHuman–Robot Interactions and Substantive Law
1The Challenges of Human–Robot Interaction for Substantive Criminal Law: Mapping the Field
2Are Programmers in or out of Control? The Individual Criminal Responsibility of Programmers of Autonomous Weapons and Self-Driving Cars
3Trusting Robots: Limiting Due Diligence Obligations in Robot-Assisted Surgery under Swiss Criminal Law
4Forms of Robot Liability: Criminal Robots and Corporate Criminal Responsibility
Part IIHuman–Robot Interactions and Procedural Law
5Introduction to Human–Robot Interaction and Procedural Issues in Criminal Justice
6Human Psychology and Robot Evidence in the Courtroom, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Agency Proceedings
7Principles to Govern Regulation of Digital and Machine Evidence
8Robot Testimony? A Taxonomy and Standardized Approach to the Use of Evaluative Data in Criminal Proceedings
9Digital Evidence Generated by Consumer Products: The Defense Perspective
10Data as Evidence in Criminal Courts: Comparing Legal Frameworks and Actual Practices
11Reconsidering Two US Constitutional Doctrines: Fourth Amendment Standing and the State Agency Requirement in a World of Robots