Dr. Phil. h. c. Otto Lütschg died in 1947 in his seventy-fifth year. A civil engineer by profession, he worked for the Swiss Federal Department of Hydraulics from an early age until 1924. For the next ten years he was head of the hydrological department of the Swiss Central Meteorological Office in Zürich. In 1935 the Hydrological Institute of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology was founded on Lütschg’s initiative and he became its chief until his retirement in 1941.
Lütschg supported or directed many societies and institutes. He was a member of the Swiss IIydrobiological Commission and of the Commission for Snow and Avalanche Research. He was Vice-President of the Swiss Glacier Commission. In 1933 he became President of the International Association of Hydrology, a post which he held until near the end of his life.
His many publications were characterized by immense thoroughness and were detailed most minutely. As a man Lütschg was gentle and kindly and many of us miss a good and faithful friend.
G. S.