1.4Correlations between GP indexes and Gini coefficients, 1990–2015
1.5GDP-weighted average annual growth rates in GDP per capita, 1990–2015
2.1Evolution of patenting and scientific publishing, by selected countries
2.2Top innovation-dense Asian agglomerations and national concentration of S&T outputs, 1991–1995 and 2011–2015, selected economies
3.1Indicators on intellectual property and related developments in 2020
3.2Other science, technology, and education indicators in 2020
3.3Volume of invention patent applications and grants on mainland China in 2021
7.1Patents by size and gender of team in Mexico, Brazil, and India
7.2Women’s participation according to innovation nature variables (%)
7.5Empirical model outcomes: Factors affecting the propensity of women to invent
7A.1Women inventors from developed countries and scientific women in Brazil, India, and Mexico
7A.3Number of researchers by gender and scientific field, 1996–2000 vis-à-vis 2011–2015