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Published online by Cambridge University Press:  12 December 2024

Sverker Sörlin
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Eric Paglia
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Print publication year: 2024
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Page numbers in italic refers to figures.

350 advertisement, 217, 218, 220
350-ppm planetary boundary, 217, 256
Abisko, Sweden, 30
acid rain, 123124, 126129, 142, 148149, 176
adaptive management, 246
Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases (AGGG), 191192, 194, 197, 198, 200201
Aeronautical Meteorology, 9596
Aga Khan IV, 188
Agenda 2030 decade, 16, 20, 289
aggregative expertise, 242
Ahlmann, Hans W., 86, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110111, 112
air pollution, 29, 101, 176
Air Research and Development Command, 116
Alfredson, Hans, 70, 71
Alfvén, Hannes, 85, 115, 168
Allen, Myles, 256
Ambio journal, 39, 90, 164, 163167, 170, 178, 179, 209, 228
Amsterdam Declaration on Earth System Science, 209, 227
Andersson, Magdalena, 294, 292295
Anér, Kerstin, 74
Ångström, Anders, 119
Anker, Peder, 42
Annan, Kofi, 29
Antarctic Treaty, 86
Anthropocene, 5, 38, 42, 43, 164, 224, 226227, 228
Anthropocene Review journal, 223
as hot zone in Cold War, 86, 110
warming of, 110
Arrhenius Laboratory, University of Stockholm, 118
Arrhenius, Svante, 93, 94, 101, 243
artificial intelligence, 285
arts, contribution to widening the social space of the environment, 6870, 72, 125
Askö workshops, 215, 247, 248
Åström, Sverker, 134
call for scientific report to support UN initiative, 138
diplomatic strategy at UN, 134135, 136138
on national sovereignty, 30
preparations for Stockholm Conference, 14345
speech to UNGA, 35, 122, 123, 140, 142
speeches to ECOSOC, 138, 139140, 142
atmospheric chemistry, 128, 148
Atomic Energy Commission, 96
Bali Road Map, 220
Baltic Sea Declaration, 166
Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Programme, 166
Baltic Sea Prime Ministers Conference, Ronneby 1990, 165
Banduri, Tariq, 222
Bastida, Xiye, 288
Baumol, William, 248
Beijer Foundation, 214
Beijer Institute, 39, 154, 165, 167169, 180, 185, 186189, 190, 191, 195, 197, 212
Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, 167, 210, 213216, 247, 248
Beijer, Kjell, 167168, 305
Bengtsson, Ingemund, 155
Bennet, Carl, 311
Bergen School, 105, 113
Bergeron, Tor, 105, 109
Berkner, Lloyd V., 84, 86
Bernhard, Carl Gustaf, 168, 186
BESK (Binär Elektronisk Sekvenskalkylator) computer, 97100, 114, 117
Biermann, Frank, 16
Big World, Small Planet: Abundance within Planetary Boundaries (Rockström & Klum), 265
Bildt, Carl, 60
Billner, Börje, 135, 138, 145
biogeochemistry, 271
biosphere, 87
Bjerknes, Jacob, 109
Bjerknes, Vilhelm, 91, 105, 109
Blavatsky, Anna Helena, 272
Blix, Hans, 28, 155
Board of Computing Machinery, 107
Bohn, Viveka, 74
Bolin, Bert, 99, 219
acid rain case study, 148
and AGGG, 192
approach to climate change, 220
atmospheric chemistry, 102
as authority on biogeochemistry, 206207
on carbon tax, 64
career, 89, 121122
on computer modelling, 170
conference reports, 182
death, 249
early years and education, 119120
formation of climate governance institutions, 183
and IGBP, 207210
and IMI, 8889, 90, 119
and IPCC, 35, 200, 202, 203204
legacy, 94
as meta-expert, 243
organization of conferences, 169, 179
and politicization of climate change, 188
reputation, 105, 119120, 121, 169
as research student, 9899, 100
as science diplomat, 121, 202, 220
SCOPE reports, 207
and SEI, 211, 214
and Villach-Bellagio conference 1987, 192
Bolin, Richard, 119
Borgström, Georg, 166, 238, 243
Brand, Stewart, 299
Brazil, 138
Bretherton Diagram, 204
Broadgate, Wendy, 268
Brodin, Gunnar, 213
Brohult, Sven, 129
Bruce, Jim, 192, 196
Brundtland Commission, 184, 189, 190, 196, 279
Brundtland Report, 156, 184185, 196, 279
Brundtland, Gro Harlem, 184, 196
Buch, Kurt, 102
Budyko, Mikhail, 150
Bush, Vannevar, 111
Byers, Horace, 105
Caldwell, Lynton, 6
Callendar, Guy Stewart, 101
carbon dioxide
effect on global warming, 97, 101104, 142
tracking of atmospheric concentrations, 89
carbon taxes, 31, 64
Carl Gustaf XVI, King, 142, 174175, 187, 294
Carson, Rachel, 243
Center Party, Sweden, 32
Chadwick, Michael, 187
Chakrabarty, Dipesh, 22
Challenges of a Changing Earth Conference, Amsterdam 2001, 209, 227, 252
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 281
Charney, Jule, 97, 105, 120, 121
Childs, Marquis, 5, 30, 61
Christian Democrats, Sweden, 60
Christian, David, 230
CIA, Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI), 113
competition between, 323
global cities, 911
global green capitals, 9
green cities, 82, 324
role in policy, 323
why they matter, 2226
Clark, William, 192, 215, 250, 251, 252
climate change
2 degree temperature target, 198199, 257
anthropogenic climate change, 97, 104
carbon dioxide and global warming, 97, 104, 142
and climate crisis discourse, 220
drivers of, 170
as IGY topic of concern, 88
intertwined science and politics of, 122
mitigation and adaptation policies, 180
polar climate change, 110
policy implications of, 182
politicization of, 179184, 190, 191
promotion as issue of global political relevance, 151
transnational climate change, 9497
climate science
advancing through scientific activism, 191201
cutting-edge research at Stockholm University, 120
institutional foundations, 8990
institutionalization, 119, 121122, 124
Club of Rome, 175
Earth3 report, 282
Limits to Growth report, 147, 235, 273, 278, 279, 282
Cold War, Arctic as hot zone, 86, 110
Committee for Research and Factual Issues (Kommittén for forskning och andra sakfrågor, CRF), 145, 147, 152
Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, 120
Commoner, Barry, 159, 160, 162, 166, 243
conceptualizing work, 38, 309310
connecting with others, 3839, 306307, 317318
connection, concept of, 3741
contributary expertise, 38
convening power, 39, 107, 192, 197, 252253, 254, 307308, 317318
Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, 29, 176
con-words, 3741, 306310
COP15, 256
Copenhagen Accord, 199, 257
Cornell, Sarah, 267
Croll, James, 223
Crosby, Alfred W., 228229
Crumley, Carole, 254
Crutzen, Paul, 63, 90, 163, 164, 194, 199, 224, 257258, 268
cryosphere, 87
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, 39
Dahl, Birgitta, 74, 202, 210, 212
Dahlem Conference, 2005, 224, 226, 230
Dalai Lama, 288
Daléus, Lennart, 32
Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics, 9596
Danielsson, Tage, 70, 71
Dasgupta, Partha, 210, 214, 215, 247, 248
Davos Man, 265, 287
Davos, Switzerland, 265
Dawkins, Richard, 271
Declaration on the Human Environment (Stockholm Declaration), 28, 35, 125, 145, 154155
Degefa, Worknesh, 192
Denmark, 87, 114, 313
Developing Policies for Responding to Climate Change report, 198
Development Dialogue journal 32
Diamandis, Peter, 270
Döös, Bo, 183
Doughnut Economics, 263, 276, 282
Dryzek, John, 41
Dubos, René, 27, 156, 158
Earth System science. See also Planetary Boundaries
enduring links to Stockholm, 5, 164
establishing international hub in Stockholm, 206210
institutionalization, 107, 204205
integrative approach, 224
meetings, 224
policy relevance of global change research, 205
rise of, 40, 68
understanding of human-earth relationship, 229, 231
Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP), 209, 210
Earth System trends, 226
Earthwatch, 154
Easterbrook, Gregg, 62
ecocide, 157, 293
ecological economics, 247
Ecological Economics journal, 214
ecological modernization, 277
Ecological Research Committee, 153
ecological resilience, 215, 216
eco-modernism, 5758, 273
Edberg, Rolf, 125, 168
Egnér, Hans, 127
Ehrlich, Paul, 159, 166, 214, 215, 243, 248
Ekman, Bo, 220, 237
Engelke, Peter, 226
Engfeldt, Lars-Göran, 35, 141, 142, 145, 146, 174
Engström, Arne, 145
ENIAC computer, 99
concept of human environment, 14, 136, 160, 162, 296
and development, 160, 178
history of concepts of, 124125, 228, 272
integrative aspect, 3738
as issue of social change, 66
neoliberalization of, 277279
as problematic and challenging, 1011
US armed forces understanding of the, 109
environmental expertise, 7172
environmental governance. See also global environmental governance (GEG)
adaptive management, 246
human dimension of its history, 34
place of ‘governance’ in, 276
planetary framing of challenges facing humanity, 288
environmental issues, public awareness in 1960s, 124125
environmental journalism, 70, 74
environmental movement, co-existence of Swedish state with, 59
environmental politics, globalisation of, 141
environmental problems, transboundary nature of, 123, 126, 139, 149, 166, 172, 304
environmental protection
concerns of developing countries over, 147
measures derived from economics, 276
critiques of, 66
early contributions in Sweden, 54
feminism and, 74, 131, 133
of the rich, 321324
and science in Sweden, 3235
Eriksson, Erik, 127, 128, 150, 153, 207, 208
Erlander, Tage, 109, 134, 317
European Air Chemistry Network (EACN), 127128
European Union, climate policy, 199
Fagerberg, Sven, 66
Falkenmark, Malin, 5, 74, 166
Faucheux, Sylvie, 251
Febvre, Lucien, 272
Fehrm, Martin, 71
feminism and environmentalism, 74, 131, 133
Ferguson, Howard, 192, 196
Finland, 87
Flohn, Hermann, 150
Folke, Carl, 233, 234, 236, 237, 248, 249, 288
Forsse, Anders, 153
Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), 284
France, 138
Francis, Pope, 262
Fridays for Future movement, 290
Friends of the Earth, 202
friluftsliv (out of doors), 5152
Future Earth research program, 39, 210
Future Earth Secretariat Stockholm, 208, 210
future studies, 65
Gaffney, Owen, 223, 232, 269270, 285
Gaia, 271273
Gandhi, Indira, 160, 161
Gapminder Foundation, 5
Garcia, Rolando V., 120
GARP. See Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP)
gender diversity, and environmental progress, 7275
geoengineering, 257258, 260261
geophysical research, Swedish reputation for, 8788
George, Henry, 133
Gerholm, Tor Ragnar, 66
German Marshall Fund, 195
Gillberg, Björn, 32
Gleick, Peter, 198
Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP), 120, 121
1967 conference, 119, 121122
1974 conference, 169171
Global Change magazine, 209
global change movement, 215
global cities, 911
global environmental diplomacy, 162
global environmental governance (GEG)
conceptual developments, 38
contibutions of Stockholm, 315318
contributions of Stockholm to, 179, 297298
convening of meetings, 39
fundamental principle, 238
in the future, 324326
history of advances in, 1518
international networks, 38
key arenas, 19, 21
legacy of Stockholm Conference, 2
literature on history of, 4144
periods in evolution of, 3537
primary method of, 300
progress towards sustainable environment, 299300, 301
role of key ‘architects’, 3741
role of Stockholm in evolution of, 300306
studying historically, 1822
Sweden’s role in, 31
global environmental monitoring, 151154, 162
global green capitals, 9
Global Network of Environmental Monitoring (GNEM), 153154
global warming, 97, 101104, 110, 142
Goldsmith, Edward, 235
Goodman, Gordon
and Beijer Institute, 169, 184187, 189, 212
and Brundtland Commission, 189, 190, 191
death, 249
at Rättvik Conference, 188
and SCOPE report 1, 153
and SEI, 198, 201, 212
and Villach-Bellagio conference 1987, 192, 194, 197
Gordon, Line, 254
Gore, Al, 103, 122, 217, 220, 288
Gothenburg Protocol, 29
Gothenburg University, 281
Granat, Lennart, 148
Great Acceleration
coining of term, 226
emergence of idea, 224
Keeling curve and, 104
natural resource extractivism during, 273
tipping points and, 238, 285
Great Acceleration graphs, 226, 268
green cities, 82
Green Folkhem, 6063, 244245
Green Party, Sweden, 32, 60, 63, 75, 211
Greenhouse effect, 63, 101
greenhouse gas emissions, 180
greenhouse gases, research into, 103104
Greenpeace Nordic, 32, 319
Gren, Ing-Marie, 248
Guhu, Ramachandra, 6, 42
Gustafson, Torsten, 109
Guterres, António, 294
Hajer, Maarten, 57, 62, 277279
Halbwachs, Maurice, 21
Hambraeus, Birgitta, 74
Hamilton, Clive, 258259, 260261
Hammarskjöld, Dag, 309, 315
Hansen, Jim, 217, 221, 222
Hansson, Per Albin, 61
Haraway, Donna, 56
Hardin, Garrett, 243
Hare, Ken, 192
Hayashi, Y., 188
Heidenstam, Verner von, 49
Heimat movement, 60
Helsinki Convention 1974, 166
Heyerdahl, Thor, 158
Higgins, Polly, 157
and memory, 21
timescales of human history, 230
Hofsten, Angelica von, 71
Holdren, John, 166
Hollander, Jack, 165, 188
Holling, C.S., 215, 246, 248, 253, 254
Holocene stability, 231
homeostasis, 272
Hultqvist, Bengt, 85, 115
human environment
dimensions of, 296
history of concept, 14, 136, 228
history of disasters, decline and decay, 1115
humanities, contribution to widening the social space of the environment, 72
hydropower dams, 69
India, 138
Ingelstam, Lars, 147, 148
Integrated History and Future of People on Earth (IHOPE network), 224
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 5, 23, 35, 121, 170, 200
first assessment report, 200, 201204
second assessment report, 203
Sundsvall meeting 1990, 201204
International Biological Program (IBP), 153, 205
International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), 39, 120, 121, 170, 171, 183, 206, 253
International Federation of the Institutes of Advanced Studies (IFIAS), 177179
International Geophysical Year (IGY) programme 1957/58, 8487, 102, 104, 205, 207
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), 5, 39, 207210, 224
International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change, 209
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), 9, 30, 169, 193
International Institute for Energy, Resources and the Human Environment, 167
International Institute of Environmental Affairs, 158
International Meteorological Institute (IMI), 39, 88, 89, 90, 97, 119, 180
International Polar Year (IPY) program, 84
International Population Institute, 158
International Society for Ecological Economics, 214
International Study Conference on the Physical Basis of Climate and Climate Modelling, 170
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 120
Jaeger, Jill, 183, 192, 193194, 193, 198, 199, 201, 212, 251
Jagger, Bianca, 217
Jansson, Ann-Mari, 214, 215, 248
Jansson, Bengt-Owe, 214, 248
Jenkins, Dale, 153
Johnson, Keith, 156
Journal of Meteorology, 97
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 97
Joyce, J. Wallace, 85
Karolinska Institute, 85, 117
Kassas, Mohamed, 158
Keeling, Charles David, 103
Keeling curve, 89, 103104
Kellogg, William, 150
Kenya Academy of Science, 189
Kenya Ministry of Energy, 189
Kenyatta, Uhuru, 294
King, Alexander, 176
Kiruna Geophysical Observatory (KGO), 8486, 87, 115, 116
Kjellén, Bo, 219
Klum, Mattias, 265
environmental expertise, 7172
environmental knowledge stimulated by media controversies, 6566
history of, 64
role in Sweden’s environmental turn, 6468
situated nature of, 23, 24
knowledge clusters, 77
Koch, Karin, 132
Kristoferson, Lars, 167, 168, 212, 214
Kropotkin, Peter, 133
KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory, 282, 311
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 117
Kurzweil, Ray, 270
Kyoto Protocol, 77, 203, 220
Lachmund, Jens, 25
Lagerlöf, Selma, 4548
Latour, Bruno, 23
Lee, James, 152
Lenton, Tim, 237, 271
Levin, Simon, 247, 248
Liberal Party, Sweden, 63
Lie, Trygve, 309
Limits to Growth report, 234, 273, 278, 282
Lindahl-Kiessling, Kerstin, 214
Lindh, Anna, 28, 29, 74
Lindhagen, Anna, 73
Linköping University, 282
Linnaeus, 58
Liverman, Diana, 221, 222
Lönnroth, Ami, 74
Lönnroth, Måns, 199
Lovelock, James, 217, 271, 272
Lovins, Amory, 166
Lubchenco, Jane, 251
Lund University, 282
Lundholm, Bengt, 123, 129, 152154, 162163, 186
Lynas, Mark, 217, 237, 258260, 261262
Mabogunje, Akin, 251
MacNeill, Jim, 178, 190, 191, 199
Mäler, Karl-Göran, 64, 210, 214, 215, 247, 248
Malone, Thomas, 120, 206, 207
Manabe, Syukuro, 150
Margulis, Lynn, 271, 272
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 149
Mathews, Jessica, 199
McCormick, John, 6, 42, 123
McKibben, Bill, 217, 243
McNeill, John R., 164, 225, 226, 268
Mead, Margaret, 137, 158
memory and history, 21
meta-expertise, 242246
Meteorological Institute of Stockholm University (MISU), 97, 113, 114, 120
Mistra foundation, 175, 232, 240, 249, 250, 311
Moberg, Åsa, 74
Moderate Party, Sweden, 60
Moi, Daniel arap, 174
Montreal Protocol, 12, 31, 63, 196
Munro, Robert, 178
Museum of National History, Stockholm, 117
Myrdal, Alva, 73, 133, 135, 306, 316, 317
Myrdal, Gunnar, 158
Nairobi, Kenya, 161
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United States), 204
Nash, Roderick, 13
national parks, 46, 280
National Science Foundation (NSF), 84, 85
Natural Science Research Council Ecological Research Committee, 152
connections with welfare, 5153, 54
political arithmetic’s portrayal of, 58
race and biology, 5456
nature conservation
in German Nazi ideology, 55
as Swedish national issue of highest order, 4850
neoliberalism, 62, 276
Neumann, John von, 96, 97, 98, 100, 270
Nilsson, Sam, 176
nitrogen and eutrophication, 101
Nobel Foundation, 76, 288, 310311
Nobel Institute, 107
Nobel Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, 117
Nobel prizes, 76, 168
Noone, Kevin, 233, 236, 241
Nordic Conference on Soil and Water Pollution, 1966, 125
Nordic Defense Union, 114
Nordic Environmental Protection Convention, 125
Nordic exceptionalism, 312
Nordic model, 312, 313
Nordström, Ludvig, 70
Norinder, Harald, 106, 108, 109
Norway, 87, 114, 313
Norwegian-British-Swedish Antarctic Expedition (NBSX), 111
nuclear weapons testing
need for scientific intelligence, 111, 116
need for weather predictions, 96
Nykvist, Björn, 241
O’Riordan, Tim, 251
Observation Hill, Stockholm, 106
Odén, Birgitta, 71, 74
Odén, Svante, 71, 124, 127, 126129, 148
Odum, Howard T., 167
on acid rain, 129
International Conference on Environment and Economics, 1984, 278
Office of Naval Research (ONR), 112
Only One Earth (Stockholm Conference report), 2728, 156
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 96
Oppenheimer, Michael, 192
Örn, Torsten, 142
Oslo, Norway, 82, 117
Ostrom, Elinor, 254
Our Future in the Anthropocene Biosphere report, 288289
Our Planet, Our Future summit, 2021, 288289
Owens, Susan, 44, 240
ozone depletion, 6263, 90, 181
Paglia, Eric, 297
Palme, Olof, 34, 58, 62, 134, 143, 157, 158, 293, 295, 303, 317
Palmstierna, Hans, 122, 126, 130, 129131, 133, 138139, 140, 145, 163, 295
papal encyclical on the environment, 262
Paris Agreement, 257
Peccei, Aurelio, 158, 176
Pekeris, Chaim, 102
Persson, Åsa, 232, 233, 236, 237, 241
Persson, Göran (Swedish government administrator of environmental issues), 123
Persson, Göran (Swedish Prime Minister, 1995–2006), 61, 62, 217, 244
Petri, Lennart, 142
Phillips, Norman, 99
Pisharoty, Pisharoth Rama, 150
Planet Under Pressure Conference, London 2012, 210, 263
Planetary Boundaries 2.0, 262264, 265, 268
Planetary Boundaries concept, 222225, 231238, 239, 240242, 245246, 273, 289
Planetary Boundaries debate
lack of level playing field, 274
politics of boundary concept, 274
roots of, 272273
Planetary Boundaries diagram, 241242, 241, 282
Planetary Boundaries framework, 5, 38, 222, 223, 239, 241, 245, 255, 256, 262264, 268, 276
Planetary Boundaries project, 254257
Planetary Boundaries research, 267
planetary metaphysics, 267271
Plass, Gilbert, 97
Plunder, Famine, Poisoning (Palmstierna), 122, 126, 129131, 140
polar climate change, 110
populist politics, 298
Princeton Computer Project, 96, 98, 99, 100, 113, 114
public intellecturals, contribution to widening the social space of the environment, 7071
Ramel, Stig, 168
Randers, Jörgen, 282
Raskin, Paul, 188
Rättvik Conference on Environmental Research and Management Priorities for the 1980s, 177179, 188
Raworth, Kate, 263, 276, 282, 283
realist sustainability, 5660
regime shifts, 234, 238
Reichelderfer, Francis W., 95
resilience, 215, 216, 246248
Resilience 2008 Conference, 253254
Resilience Alliance, 246, 247, 248, 253
Revelle, Roger, 97, 103
Richet, Charles, 234
Right Livelihood Award, 311
Rio Earth Summit, 175, 203, 212
Rio+20 summit, 210
Ripert, Jean, 203
Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF), 190191, 195, 201
Rockefeller Foundations, 310
Rockström, Johan, 222, 242, 266
Big World, Small Planet, 265
Breaking Boundaries, 285
as meta-scientist, 243
on Planetary Boundaries, 223, 232, 242, 245
and SEI, 221, 232, 249
and SRC, 240, 249
and Tällberg Forum, 233
and Villa Brevik meeting, 237
Rodhe, Henning, 63, 148
Roosevelt, Theodore, 56
Rosling, Hans, 5, 301
Rossby, Åke, 99
Rossby, Carl-Gustaf, 35, 92
career, 9497, 98, 100, 101103, 127
death, 88, 104
legacy, 91, 94
reputation, 91, 96, 243
as research director, 105
return to Stockholm, 105106, 108114
as visionary, 104, 106108
Rosswall, Thomas, 208, 214, 253
Rotschild, Emma, 213
Royal Carl XVI Gustav professorship, 175, 240
Royal Colloquium, 175
Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm, 98
Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, 149, 165
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Ambio journal, 90, 163
as authority on nature protection, 46
and Beijer Institute, 168, 187, 319
conferences organized by, 63, 149, 166, 177
Future Earth Secretariat Stockholm, 39, 210, 263, 269, 319
Rydbeck, Olof, 142
Saltsjöbaden symposium 1982, 214
Saltsjöbaden Workshops, 29
Samfundet för hembygdsvård (SfH) (Society for Heimat), 60
Sami people, 33, 55, 59, 84, 295
San Francisco Bay Area, environmental history, 24, 82
Sápmi, 84
Sassen, Saskia, 9
Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, 239, 257, 258, 262
Schneider, Stephen, 150, 166, 215
Schragger, Mike, 232, 233
Schumacher, E. F., 167
and environmentalism in Sweden, 3235
history of, 64
situated nature of, 23, 24
scientific activism, advancing climate science, 191201
Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), 168
Commission on Monitoring, 153
report on global environmental monitoring, 151154, 186
report on greenhouse effect, climate change, and ecosystems, 183
report series, 152, 208
Second World Climate Conference, Geneva 1990, 196, 201
Seeds of a Good Anthropocene project, 263
de Seynes, Phillipe, 133
Sievert, Rolf, 85, 117
Silent Spring (Carson), 122, 124
Singularity University, 270
Social Democratic Party, Sweden, 34, 5758, 60, 211, 295
Social nature protection, 5152
social-ecological systems, 246, 247
Söder, Karin, 213
solar radiation management, 257258
Soller, Barbro, 7071
Solow, Robert, 188
Sörlin, Sverker, 233, 234, 236, 237, 254, 297
Soviet Academy of Sciences, 165
Soviet-Swedish Symposium on the Pollution of the Baltic, 165
Soviet-Swedish Working Group on Problems of the Human Environment, 165
Speth, James Gustave, 178, 190
Stafford-Smith, Mark, 275
Steffen, Will, 164, 221, 222, 223224, 225, 236, 237, 241, 268, 269, 274
Stemme, Erik, 98
Stockholm accelerator, 107
Stockholm Conference. See United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 1972 (Stockholm Conference)
Stockholm Conference on the Acidification of the Environment, 1982, 176
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, 29
Stockholm Declaration. See Declaration on the Human Environment (Stockholm Declaration)
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), 5, 39, 107, 167, 187, 188, 198, 201, 210213, 232, 248, 319
Stockholm exhibition, 1930, 52, 53
Stockholm Högskola. See Stockholm University
Stockholm International Institute of Environmentally Sound Technologies Assessment (SIIESTA), 212
Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), 318
Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC), 5, 39, 107, 167, 216, 222, 232, 233, 248, 252, 255, 265, 267, 281, 282, 319
Stockholm University
as central node in evolution of climate science, 89, 94
Department of Meteorology, 109, 148, 163, 183, 194
location, 117
Stockholm, Sweden
as a centre of knowledge production, 7681
contributions to evolution of GEG, 34, 297298
Elm Conflict, 26, 320
as global hub for Earth System science, 206210
as global hub for GEG, 811, 179, 244, 315318
as Green Capital of Europe, 82, 324
as place of environmental memory, 1618
research and higher education institutions, 7881
rise as global environmental hub, 117118
role in evolution of GEG, 2, 300306
significance for GEG, 47
in summer of 1972, 18
as ultimate smart and creative city, 8183
Vallhallavägen, 80
Stockholm+10 Conference, Nairobi, 173174
Stockholm+25, 28
Stockholm+40, 28
Stockholm+50, 28, 292295, 298
Stråth, Bo, 61
Strindberg, August, 48
Strong, Maurice, 144
and Beijer Institute, 188
keynote address at Rättvik Conference, 178
and Stockholm Conference, 143, 153, 156, 158
and Stockholm Declaration, 155
and Stockholm+25, 28
and UNEP, 161, 162
UNEP Gold Medal award, 174
Study of Man’s Impact on Climate (SMIC), 149151, 170
Sundberg, Kaj, 142
Sundsvall, Sweden, 202
Suomi, Verner, 120
sustainability science, 250252
Sustainability Science Workshop, Friibergh Manor 2020, 251252
sustainable development, 62, 156, 184
Suzuki, David, 243
Svalbard, Norway, 117
Svedin, Uno, 237, 251, 254
Svensson, Göte, 183, 211
Svensson, Sören, 153, 186
Sverdrup, Harald Ulrik, 112
Sweden. See also Stockholm, Sweden
carbon tax, 31, 64
deferring from state to society, 318321
as democratic template, 30
devolution, 321324
environment and climate policy, 4, 28, 33, 277279, 296
environmental politics, 64, 6668
environmental reawakening, 211
environmental turn, 64, 6668, 71, 124, 125, 131
and evolution of GEG, 30
foreign policy, 30, 188, 303, 304, 321
gender diversity and envrionmental progress, 7275
Green Folkhem, 6063, 244245
hollowing out of green state, 289291, 322
industrialization and emigration, 48
internationalism, 30, 33, 76, 316317
military strength, 87, 309
neutrality, 65, 75, 87, 114, 309, 312
public awareness of environmental issues in 1960s, 124125
research funding, 311312
role in GEG, 31
science and environmentalism, 3235
science and scholarship policy, 3
science diplomacy at UN, 131137
scientific excellence, 76, 113
security policy collaboration with the US, 106, 114
self-conception as a progressive pioneering country, 75
solidarity, 303304, 312
state of nature in early twentieth century, 4748
Torekov Compromise, 7980
as world conscience, 302
Sweden–America Foundation, 95
Swedish Air Force, 98, 100, 106, 107, 114
Swedish Board of Computing Machinery, 99
Swedish environmental exceptionalism, 312315
Swedish Environmental Research Institute, 125
Swedish exceptionalism, 5354
Swedish Folkhem, 244
Swedish identity, 50
Swedish Institute for Space Physics, 115
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), 302, 316
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), 93, 106, 119
Swedish model, 61, 75
Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA), 99
Swedish National Environmental Protection Agency, 125, 165
Swedish nationalism, role of nature in, 4956
Swedish Research Council, 30, 251
Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC), 46, 51, 60, 64, 318, 319
Switzerland, seminar in Founex, 156157
Talbot, Lee, 152
Tällberg Forum gatherings, 220
2006, 232
2007, 232, 244
2008, 221222, 233, 237238, 239, 244
Tällberg Foundation, 220, 232
Tällberg, Sweden, 220, 221
Tamm, Elisabeth, 71
Targets and Indicators of Climate Change report, 198
Taube, Evert, 71
Tellus journal, 39, 89, 97, 104, 107, 128, 271
Tepper, Morris, 120
Thomas, Julia Adeney, 43
Thompson, Philip D., 113
Thorsson, Inga, 73, 132, 131137, 163, 166, 316
Thunberg, Greta, 5, 72, 104, 243, 245, 284, 286, 285287, 290, 319
tipping points, 139, 221, 233, 237, 238
Tiselius, Arne, 175
Tolba, Mostafa, 174, 180, 181, 183, 192, 196, 211
transformation, 288289
Transition Town movement, 324
Ulriksdal Palace, Stockholm, 175
Umeå University, 282
UN Climate Action Summit, New York 2019, 287
UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 163
UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), 133, 135, 140
UN Economic Commission for Europe, 133
UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 89
UN Secretariat Office for Science and Technology, 146
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 20, 210, 276, 288, 289
UN World Population Conference 1974, 166
United Kingdom, 138
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 1972 (Stockholm Conference)
Action Plan, 151, 154, 170, 174
big picture brainstorming event, 158
boycott by most Eastern Bloc countries, 155
Declaration on the Human Environment, 28
delegates and attendendees, 155
demonstrations near venues by activists, 160
Distinguished Lecture Series for Conference delegates, 158
Environment Forum, 157, 158160
human environment concept, 1
Indira Gandhi address to plenary session, 160, 161
institutional legacy, 161
intellectual basis, 135
legacy, 28, 292, 298, 308
national environmental reports and case studies, 146147
objectives, 136, 137, 145, 146
opening speech, 157
overarching principle, 145
People’s Forum, 157158
place in evolution of GEG, 2, 8
plenary, 158
pre-conference regional seminars, 156
preparations for, 122, 129, 143147, 156
proposal for, 34, 122
report (Only One Earth), 2728, 156
Sweden’s case study on acid rain, 148149
transport options, 160
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 23, 35, 39, 63, 161162, 170, 171, 174, 183
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 198, 199, 200, 203
United Nations General Assembly
adoption of Stockholm Declaration, 35, 155
resolution 2398 Problems of the human environment, 35, 122, 141
resolution 45/212 Protection of global climate for present and future generations of mankind, 203
resolution to establish UNEP, 161
Swedish science diplomacy, 135137
United Nations Symposium on Population, Resources and Environment, Stockholm 1973, 166
United States, military funding for MISU, 113, 114
Uppsala University, 94, 120, 282
Uppsala, Sweden, 76, 78, 106, 109
US Air Force, 113, 115, 116
US Air Force Cambridge Research Center Space Group, 116
US Air Research and Development Command, 112
US Navy, 112
US Weather Bureau, 93, 95
van Allen, Abbie, 84
van Allen, James A., 84
Vellinga, Pier, 198, 199
Vernadsky, Vladimir, 272
Victoria, Crown Princess, 74, 175, 294
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, 181
Vienna, Austria, 9
Villa Brevik meeting, Lidingö 2008, 237
Villach Conference, 1985, 179184, 197
Villach, Austria, 9
Villach-Bellagio conference 1987, 191201
Vindelälven River, Sweden, 69
Vogt, William, 243
Volvo Environment Prize, 311
W. Alton Jones Foundation, 195, 201
Wägner, Elin, 6869, 71, 131, 132, 133
Wahman, Tom, 190, 196
Walker, Brian, 247
Walker, Richard, 24
Wall, Anders, 212
Wallén, Axel, 110
Wallén, C. C., 192, 199
Wallenberg Foundation, 214
Ward, Barbara, 27, 156, 158
warfare, weather forecasting and, 109
Warrick, Richard, 183
Water Stress Indicator, 5
welfare, connections with nature, 5153, 54
White, Gilbert, 188
Wijkman, Anders, 283
Wikström, Jan-Erik, 212
Wilson, Carroll, 150, 158, 169
women, role in environmental progress, 7275
The Wonderful Adventures of Nils (Lagerlöf), 4546
Woodwell, George, 192
World Climate Conference, Geneva 1979, 171
World Climate Programme, 39, 121, 171, 180, 197
World Climate Research Programme, 121, 207, 209
World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) (Brundtland Commission). See Brundtland Commission
World Conference on the Changing Atmosphere, Toronto 1988, 196
World Economic Forums (WEF), Davos, 265, 284, 287
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 23, 35, 121, 170, 171, 183
Wormbs, Nina, 254
World Resources Institute, 179, 190
WWF Sweden, 174, 175, 319
Yates, Dan, 111
Zuckerman, Solly, 124, 158

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  • Index
  • Sverker Sörlin, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Eric Paglia, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Book: Stockholm and the Rise of Global Environmental Governance
  • Online publication: 12 December 2024
  • Chapter DOI:
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  • Index
  • Sverker Sörlin, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Eric Paglia, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Book: Stockholm and the Rise of Global Environmental Governance
  • Online publication: 12 December 2024
  • Chapter DOI:
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  • Index
  • Sverker Sörlin, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Eric Paglia, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Book: Stockholm and the Rise of Global Environmental Governance
  • Online publication: 12 December 2024
  • Chapter DOI:
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