Palbociclib (DrugBank No DB09073) is a piperazine pyridopyrimidine used to treat HER2-negative and HR-positive advanced or metastatic breast cancer (Ibrahim et al., Reference Ibrahim, Mullarney, Shanker, Spong and Wang2016). It is a second-generation cyclin-dependent inhibitor of the CDK4 and CDK6 kinases (Finn et al., Reference Finn, Dering, Conklin, Kalous, Cohen, Desai, Ginther, Atefi, Chen, Fowst, Los and Slamon2009; Rocca et al., Reference Rocca, Farolfi, Bravaccini, Schirone and Amadori2014). The systematic name is 6-acetyl-8-cyclopentyl-5-methyl-2-{[5-(piperazin-1-yl)pyridin-2-yl]amino}-7H,8H-pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidin-7-one (C24H29N7O2). Figure 1 shows a two-dimensional molecular diagram of palbociclib.

Figure 1. The molecular structure of palbociclib.
Crystal structures of several palbociclib salts and a cocrystal are reported (Katiyar et al., Reference Katiyar, Ahamad, Dash, Tripathi, Arora and Thakur2021; Zhou et al., Reference Zhou, Duan, Qin, Huang, Hou, Chen, Zhu, Xu, Jin and Zhuang2023; Allu et al., Reference Allu, An, Park and Kim2024). Patents US10329290B2 and US10766895B2 also contain information about the characteristic peaks in the X-ray powder diffraction patterns (PXRDs) for two crystal forms of palbociclib free base (Fan et al., Reference Fan, Guo, Huang and Gu2019, Reference Fan, Guo, Huang and Gu2020). However, the patterns have not been indexed, neither have the crystal structures of a free base palbociclib been solved and reported to date. Herein, we report on the crystal structure of form A of palbociclib as obtained using synchrotron radiation. This work is part of a project for determination of crystal structures of pharmaceutical ingredients from powder diffraction patterns (Goloveshkin et al., Reference Goloveshkin, Korlyukov and Vologzhanina2021, Reference Goloveshkin, Kulikova, Novikov, Vologzhanina and Korlyukov2024; Buikin et al., Reference Buikin, Vologzhanina, Novikov and Korlyukov2024a, Reference Buikin, Korlyukov, Kulikova, Novikov and Vologzhanina2024b).
Palbociclib substance was purchased from Clearsynth (CAS No. 571190-30-2) and used without any purification. The synchrotron PXRD data were recorded at X-ray structural analysis beamline (Belok/XSA) of Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source (Svetogorov et al., Reference Svetogorov, Dorovatovskii and Lazarenko2020). Monochromatic radiation of wavelength 0.7500 Å was used to measure the pattern and then to determine the θ angles. The sample was placed in a cryoloop of 200 μm in size and rotated around the horizontal axis during the measurement, which made it possible to average the diffraction patterns according to the orientations of the sample. The diffraction pattern was collected by the 2D Rayonix SX165 detector, which was located at a distance of 250 mm with 18° tilt angle. Debye–Scherrer (transmission) geometry was used with a 400 μm beam size. The 2θ range was 0.32–38.125° with a step size of 0.005°. The total exposure time was 10 min. The two-dimensional powder diffraction pattern obtained on the detector was further integrated to the standard form of the dependence of the intensity on the scattering angle I(2θ) using Dionis software (Svetogorov, Reference Svetogorov2018). To calibrate the sample–detector distance, the polycrystalline LaB6 (NIST SRM 660a, Morris et al., Reference Morris, McMurdie, Evans, Paretzkin, Parker, Pyrros and Hubbard1984) was used as a standard with the known positions of the diffraction lines. The diffraction peaks were approximated by fundamental parameters with Gaussian 1/cos(θ) convolution as described at ‘Bruker TOPAS 5 User Manual’ (2014).
The powder pattern was indexed in the P-centered monoclinic unit cell with the Topas 5.0 software (Coelho, Reference Coelho2003; ‘Bruker TOPAS 5 User Manual’, 2014). The systematic absences suggested the space group P21/c, which was confirmed by successful solution and refinement of the structure. A molecular model of palbociclib was taken from bis(palbociclib) oxalate dihydrate crystal structure (Katiyar et al., Reference Katiyar, Ahamad, Dash, Tripathi, Arora and Thakur2021) and converted into a Fenske–Hall Z-matrix file using OpenBabel (O'Boyle et al., Reference O'Boyle, Banck, James, Morley, Vandermeersch and Hutchison2011). A simulated annealing algorithm of Topas 5.0 was applied to find the positions of non-hydrogen atoms of palbociclib in an asymmetric unit. The solution result was used as a starting geometry for the periodic density functional theory (DFT) calculations at the Perdew-Baron-Erzenhopf (PBE) exchange–correlation functional level with a fixed unit cell using VASP 5.4.1 (Kresse and Hafner, Reference Kresse and Hafner1993, Reference Kresse and Hafner1994; Kresse and Furthmüller, Reference Kresse and Furthmüller1996a, Reference Kresse and Furthmüller1996b). Atomic cores were described using PAW potentials (Blöchl, Reference Blöchl1994; Joubert, Reference Joubert1999). Valence electrons were described in terms of a plane-wave basis set.
Optimization result with the fixed unit cell was used as the starting geometry and the sources of bond and angle restraints in the Rietveld refinement (Rietveld, Reference Rietveld1967) for synchrotron powder XRD data. Atomic coordinates were taken from the PBE-PAW optimized model and refined with the Topas 5.0 software. Isotropic displacement parameters were constrained to be equal for all carbon atoms, all oxygen, and all nitrogen atoms. The positions of the hydrogen atoms were calculated geometrically and refined in the riding model with U iso(H) = 1.2U iso(X). The final R-values are listed in Table I along with the corresponding values of Rietveld refinement results. The Rietveld plot is given in Figure 2.
TABLE I. Crystal data and structure refinement for palbociclib.

Figure 2. The Rietveld plot for the refinement of palbociclib. The blue and red lines represent the observed data points and the calculated pattern, respectively. The difference curve is gray.
A. Computational methods
The plane wave calculations were carried out in the VASP 5.4.1 program package (Kresse and Hafner, Reference Kresse and Hafner1993, Reference Kresse and Hafner1994; Kresse and Furthmüller, Reference Kresse and Furthmüller1996a, Reference Kresse and Furthmüller1996b) The PBE method (Perdew et al., Reference Perdew, Kurth, Zupan and Blaha1999) and projected augmented waves (PAW) (Kresse and Joubert, Reference Kresse and Joubert1999; Kresse and Hafner, Reference Kresse and Hafner2000) were used. Valence electrons (2s and 2p for O, N, and C atoms; 1s for H) were described in terms of a plane-wave basis set. The kinetic energy cutoff for the wave functions was set to 800 eV. Automatic k-point sampling was used. The total energy and force convergence thresholds were set to 10−6 and 10−4 eV, respectively. The crystal structures from the powder X-ray diffraction experiment were used as the starting geometry for the calculations. The geometry optimizations were carried out with the lattice parameters fixed at their refined crystallographic values. The output files with the relaxed geometries were converted to a res-file using VESTA (Momma and Izumi, Reference Momma and Izumi2011).
The asymmetric unit of palbociclib contains one molecule (Figure 3). The root-mean-square Cartesian displacement of the non-H atoms in the Rietveld-refined model and VASP-optimized structures is 0.070 Å (Figure 4); the maximum deviation of non-H atoms are 0.133 and 0.153 Å at O2 and C9 atoms of the acetyl group. Besides, positions of hydrogen atoms of methyl groups also differ. The atomic displacement is within the typical range for correct structures (van de Streek and Neumann, Reference van de Streek and Neumann2014). Almost all of the bond distances and bond angles in the experimental model fall within the normal ranges indicated by a Mercury/Mogul Geometry check (Macrae et al., Reference Macrae, Sovago, Cottrell, Galek, McCabe, Pidcock, Platings, Shields, Stevens, Towler and Wood2020). The C6–N1, C15–N3, and C12–C13 distances of 1.422, 1.379, and 1.432 Å are flagged as unusual; however, these correspond well with the distances from the VASP model (1.429, 1.375, and 1.426 Å).

Figure 3. Asymmetric unit of palbociclib, with the atom numbering.

Figure 4. Comparison of the Rietveld-refined (red) and VASP-optimized (blue) structures of palbociclib.
Piperazinyl realizes the chair conformation (Figure 3). The plane-to-plane twist angle between the pyridine and pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidine is 16.7(1)°. The cyclopentyl ring is in the twist conformation with C4 and C5 shift from the C1–C2–C3 mean plane of 0.241(6) and −0.463(6) Å. Palbociclib conformations in free base and previously reported single-crystal salts and cocrystals are visualized in Figure 5. The pyridine and pyridopyrimidine heterocycles are nearly coplanar, while the positions of acetyl, cyclopentyl, and piperazinyl groups strongly differ in different solids. Nevertheless, the piperazinyl ring is always in the chair conformation, and the cyclopentyl ring demonstrates lability both through different conformations, and prominent thermal motion.

Figure 5. Palbociclib conformations in free base palbociclib (red), kaempferol palbociclib (orange, Zhou et al., Reference Zhou, Duan, Qin, Huang, Hou, Chen, Zhu, Xu, Jin and Zhuang2023), bis(palbociclib) oxalate dihydrate (green, Katiyar et al., Reference Katiyar, Ahamad, Dash, Tripathi, Arora and Thakur2021), palbociclib methanesulfonate monohydrate (blue, Allu et al., Reference Allu, An, Park and Kim2024), palbociclib benzenesulfonate hemihydrate (purple, Allu et al., Reference Allu, An, Park and Kim2024), and palbociclib ethanesulfonate (magenta, Allu et al., Reference Allu, An, Park and Kim2024) structures. H atoms are omitted for clarity.
Each molecule takes part in strong N–H⋯N-bonding. Parameters of these bonds for the theoretical model are listed in Table II. Neighboring molecules of palbociclib are connected to dimers through an inversion center by means of two N4–H4⋯N2 bonds supported by two C5–H5⋯N5 interactions. The dimers are further connected by N7–H7a⋯N7 hydrogen bonds into infinite layers parallel with (001) planes (Figure 6). Besides, the molecules are involved in weak C–H⋯O bonding which connects the layers into a 3D framework.
TABLE II. Hydrogen bonds (VASP 5.4.1) of palbociclib.

Figure 6. Fragment of N–H⋯N bonded layers in palbociclib. H-bonds are depicted with dotted lines.
Patent US10329290B2 publishes the characteristic peaks for palbociclib free base crystal form A at 2θ angles of 8.0° ± 0.2°, 10.1° ± 0.2°, 10.3° ± 0.2°, 11.5° ± 0.2° (for Cu Kα radiation). The crystal form B has the characteristic peaks at 2θ angles of 6.0° ± 0.2°, 10.9° ± 0.2°, 12.8° ± 0.2°, 16.4° ± 0.2°, and 19.8° ± 0.2° for Cu Kα radiation. The calculated pattern for our model for Cu Kα radiation comprises the characteristic peaks at 2θ = 5.02°, 7.98°, 10.02°, 10.24°, 11.52°, etc. (Supplementary Figure S1) which correspond to the anhydrous form A of palbociclib.
The volume per palbociclib molecule is equal to its molecular Voronoi polyhedron V VP = 554.7 Å3. The molecular Voronoi polyhedron is expected to be constant for a molecule in a different environment (Baburin and Blatov, Reference Baburin and Blatov2004; Prokaeva et al., Reference Prokaeva, Baburin and Serezhkin2009). Indeed, for palbociclib molecule in a cocrystal with kaempferol V VP obtained using ToposPro package (Blatov et al., Reference Blatov, Shevchenko and Proserpio2014) is equal to 560.3 Å3 (Zhou et al., Reference Zhou, Duan, Qin, Huang, Hou, Chen, Zhu, Xu, Jin and Zhuang2023). The V VP value of palbociclib cations in bis(palbociclib) oxalate dihydrate (565.0 Å3 (Katiyar et al., Reference Katiyar, Ahamad, Dash, Tripathi, Arora and Thakur2021)) and palbociclib ethanesulfonate (567.9 Å3 (Allu et al., Reference Allu, An, Park and Kim2024)) is also close to the value of free base palbociclib, while in palbociclib methanesulfonate monohydrate (580.2 Å3 (Allu et al., Reference Allu, An, Park and Kim2024)) and palbociclib benzenesulfonate hemihydrate (590.1 Å3 (Allu et al., Reference Allu, An, Park and Kim2024)), it is higher.
The powder pattern of the title compound from this synchrotron data set has been submitted to ICDD for inclusion in the Powder Diffraction File. The CIF files containing the results of the Rietveld refinement (including the raw data) and the DFT geometry optimization were deposited with the ICDD and the CSD (CCDC 2363921) The data can be requested at [email protected] and www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/structures, respectively.
The supplementary material for this article can be found at https://doi.org/10.1017/S0885715624000411.
This research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation, Grant No. 23-73-00027.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.