1 Introduction
Hilbert’s tenth problem for
$\mathbb {Z}$
states that there is no Turing machine that takes as input polynomial equations over
$\mathbb {Z}$
and decides whether they have nontrivial solutions. Matiyasevich [Reference Matiyasevich10] resolved Hilbert’s tenth problem over
$\mathbb {Z}$
. It is well known that if
$\mathbb {Z}$
is Diophantine as a subset of
$\mathcal {O}_K$
, then the analogue of Hilbert’s tenth problem has a negative solution over
$\mathcal {O}_K$
. The following conjecture is due to Denef and Lipschitz [Reference Denef and Lipshitz3].
Conjecture 1.1 (Denef–Lipshitz).
For every number field K,
$\mathbb {Z}$
is a Diophantine subset of
$\mathcal {O}_K$
There are various special cases in which the above conjecture has been resolved. Conjecture 1.1 is known to be true for all number fields K such that:
• K is either totally real or a quadratic extension of a totally real number field (see [Reference Denef2, Reference Denef and Lipshitz3]);
• K has exactly one complex place (see [Reference Pheidas14, Reference Shlapentokh18, Reference Videla21]);
$K/\mathbb {Q}$ is abelian (see [Reference Shapiro and Shlapentokh17]).
It is natural to study the validity of Conjecture 1.1 for naturally occurring families of number fields K. For instance, Garcia-Fritz and Pasten [Reference Garcia-Fritz and Pasten4] proved the conjecture for number fields of the form
$\mathbb {Q}(p^{1/3} , \sqrt {-q})$
, where p and q range through certain explicit sets of primes of positive Dirichlet density. In this paper, we study Conjecture 1.1 for certain towers of number field extensions of a fixed number field K. More precisely, let K be a number field and p be an odd prime number. Let
$K_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
denote the cyclotomic
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extension of K. The unique subfield of
$K_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
that is of degree
over K is denoted by
and is called the nth layer.
Iwasawa studied the growth of the p-primary part of the class group of
as a function of n (see [Reference Iwasawa7]). In Section 3, we prove that
$\mathcal {O}_K$
is a Diophantine subset of
$\mathcal {O}_{K_n}$
for all n, provided there exists an elliptic curve
satisfying certain specific additional conditions (see Theorem 3.6). It follows from this that if Conjecture 1.1 is satisfied for K, then it is satisfied for
for all n.
In Section 4, we fix an elliptic curve
$E_{/\mathbb {Q}}$
of positive Mordell–Weil rank and also fix a number field K. We provide circumstantial evidence to show that there is a set of primes p of positive lower density for which the conditions of Theorem 3.6 are satisfied. This expectation (Conjecture 4.1) is based on computational evidence for the behaviour of the p-adic regulator of an elliptic curve.
2 Preliminaries and notation
The contents of this section are preliminary in nature. In Section 2.1, we introduce the notion of an integrally Diophantine extension of number rings and its applications to Hilbert’s tenth problem for number fields. In Section 2.2, we recall basic concepts from the Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves.
2.1 Integrally Diophantine extensions
Let A be a commutative ring and
be an integer. Let
be a free A-module of rank n consisting of elements of the form
$a=(a_1, \dots , a_n)$
, with entries
$a_i\in A$
. For
$m\geq 0$
$a=(a_1,\dots , a_n)\in A^n$
$b=(b_1, \dots , b_m)\in A^m$
, the element
$(a,b)\in A^{n+m}$
is given by
$(a_1, \dots , a_n, b_1, \dots , b_m)$
. Given a set of polynomials
$F_1, \dots , F_k\in A[x_1,\dots , x_n, y_1, \dots , y_m]$
$a\in A^n$
, set

Given a number field K, denote by
$\mathcal {O}_K$
its ring of integers.
Definition 2.1. Let S be a subset of
. The set S is Diophantine in
if for some
$m\geq 0$
, there are polynomials
$F_1, \dots , F_k\in A[x_1,\dots , x_n, y_1, \dots , y_m]$
such that

An extension of number fields
is said to be integrally Diophantine if
$\mathcal {O}_K$
is a Diophantine subset of
$\mathcal {O}_L$
It follows from standard arguments that if
$L/\mathbb {Q}$
is an integrally Diophantine extension of number fields, then Hilbert’s tenth problem has a negative answer for
$\mathcal {O}_L$
(see [Reference Denef and Lipshitz3, page 385]). Moreover, if
are integrally Diophantine extensions of number fields, then so is
We recall Shlapentokh’s criterion for an extension of number fields to be integrally Diophantine.
Theorem 2.2 (Shlapentokh [Reference Shlapentokh19]).
be an extension of number fields. Suppose there is an elliptic curve
such that
$\operatorname {rank} E(L)=\operatorname {rank} E(K)>0$
. Then,
is an integrally Diophantine extension.
2.2 Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves
Fix an algebraic closure
$\bar {\mathbb {Q}}$
$\mathbb {Q}$
. Let p be an odd prime number and K be a number field. Throughout,
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
is the ring of p-adic integers. Let E be an elliptic curve defined over K with good ordinary reduction at the primes above p. Denote by
$\mu _{p^n}$
the group of
th roots of unity in
$\bar {\mathbb {Q}}$
, and set
$\mu _{p^\infty } = \bigcup _n \mu _{p^n}$
. We denote by
$K(\,\mu _{p^n})$
$K(\,\mu _{p^\infty })$
) the cyclotomic extension of K in
$\bar {\mathbb {Q}}$
generated by
$\mu _{p^n}$
$\mu _{p^\infty }$
). The cyclotomic
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extension of K is the unique
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extension of K which is contained in
$K(\,\mu _{p^\infty })$
and is denoted by
$K_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
. Given a number field extension
$\mathcal {F}$
of K, let
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/\mathcal {F})$
denote the p-primary Selmer group of E over
$\mathcal {F}$
(see [Reference Coates and Sujatha1, page 9] for the definition).
We let
denote the Tate–Shafarevich group of E over K and
its p-primary part. The p-primary Selmer group fits into a short exact sequence:

Note that
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/\mathcal {F})$
is a module over
$\mathbb {Z}_p[G]$
, when
$\mathcal {F}$
is a finite Galois extension of K with Galois group
$G=\operatorname {Gal}(\mathcal {F}/K)$
. For
$n\geq 0$
, let
be the unique extension of K in
$K_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
such that
$\operatorname {Gal}(K_n/K)\simeq \mathbb {Z}/p^n\mathbb {Z}$
. The Selmer group of E over
$K_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
is taken to be the natural direct limit with respect to restriction maps

$\Gamma :=\operatorname {Gal}(K_{\operatorname {cyc}}/K)$
, note that
$\Gamma ^{p^n}\!=\operatorname {Gal}(K_{\operatorname {cyc}}/K_n)$
. The Iwasawa algebra is the completed group ring

denote the formal power series ring over
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
in the variable T. Fix a topological generator
$\gamma $
$\Gamma $
and consider the isomorphism
$\gamma -1$
to the formal variable T. The Selmer group
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/K_{\operatorname {cyc}})$
is naturally a module over the Iwasawa algebra
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$
Given a module M over
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$
, let
$M^{\vee } = \operatorname {Hom}_{\mathbb {Z}_p}(M, \mathbb {Q}_p/\mathbb {Z}_p)$
be its Pontryagin dual. It is conjectured by Mazur that the dual Selmer group
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/K_{\operatorname {cyc}})^{\vee }$
is a finitely generated and torsion module over
$\Lambda $
. This is known to be true in the following special cases:
(1) the p-primary Selmer group
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/K)$ (over K) is finite (see [Reference Coates and Sujatha1, Theorem 2.8]);
(2) K is an abelian extension of
$\mathbb {Q}$ . (This is a result of Kato [Reference Kato8] and [Reference Hachimori and Matsuno6, Theorem 2.2]. Rubin proved the result for CM elliptic curves.)
We say that a polynomial in

is distinguished if it is monic and all its nonleading coefficients are divisible by p. A map of

$M_1\rightarrow M_2$
is said to be a pseudo-isomorphism if the kernel and cokernel have finite cardinality. One associates a characteristic element and Iwasawa invariants to a finitely generated and torsion module M over
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$
as follows. By the structure theorem of finitely generated and torsion

-modules (see [Reference Washington22, Ch. 13]), there is a pseudo-isomorphism

$f_1, \dots , f_t$
are nonzero elements of

. The characteristic element is the product
$\prod _j f_j$
and is denoted by
. It is well defined up to multiplication by a unit in

. According to the Weierstrass preparation theorem, we may factor
$p^{\mu }P(T)u(T)$
, where
$\mu \geq 0$
is a distinguished polynomial and
is a unit in

. The Iwasawa
$\mu $
$\mu (M)$
is the quantity
$\mu $
that appears in this factorisation. The
$\lambda $
$\lambda (M)$
is the degree of the polynomial
Assume that Mazur’s conjecture is satisfied for the Selmer group of E over
$K^{\operatorname {cyc}}$
, that is,
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/K^{\operatorname {cyc}})^\vee $
is finitely generated and torsion as a
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$
-module. Then, we denote by
$\mu _p(E/K)$
$\lambda _p(E/K)$
the associated
$\mu $
$\lambda $
-invariants for the dual Selmer group
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/K^{\operatorname {cyc}})^{\vee }$
Proposition 2.3. Let E be an elliptic curve over a number field K and let p be an odd prime number. Assume that:
(1) E has good ordinary reduction at all primes
$v \mid p$ of K;
(2) the dual Selmer group
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/K^{\operatorname {cyc}})^{\vee }$ is a finitely generated and torsion module over
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$ .
$\operatorname {rank} E(K_n)\leq \lambda _p(E/K)$
for all
$n\geq 0$
. In particular,
$\operatorname {rank} E(K_n)$
is bounded as
${n\rightarrow \infty }$
Proof. From (2.1), we arrive at

According to [Reference Greenberg and Viola5, Theorem 1.9],

$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/K^{\operatorname {cyc}})^{\vee }$
is finitely generated and torsion as a module over
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$
. The result follows.
3 Hilbert’s tenth problem in the cyclotomic
${\mathbb {Z}}_p$
-extension of a number field
3.1 Rank constancy in cyclotomic towers
We shall study the following property in the context of the cyclotomic
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extension of a number field K.
Definition 3.1. Let K be a number field and p be a prime number. Let
$K_\infty $
be an infinite pro-p extension of K. We say that K is integrally Diophantine in
$K_\infty $
if for all intermediate number fields L such that
$K\subseteq L\subseteq K_\infty $
, the extension
is integrally Diophantine.
We specialise the above notion to
$K_\infty =K_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
. Thus, K is integrally Diophantine in
$K_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
precisely when
is an integrally Diophantine extension for all
$n\geq 0$
. Thus, if
$K/\mathbb {Q}$
is integrally Diophantine and
$K_{\operatorname {cyc}}/K$
is integrally Diophantine, then it will follow that
$K_n/\mathbb {Q}$
is intergrally Diophantine for all n. In particular, this shall imply that Hilbert’s tenth problem has a negative solution for the ring of integers of all number fields
in the infinite cyclotomic tower.
We shall use methods from the Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves to derive conditions for a number field K to be integrally Diophantine in
$K^{\operatorname {cyc}}$
Proposition 3.2. Let E be an elliptic curve over a number field K and let p be an odd prime number. Assume that:
$\operatorname {rank} E(K)>0$ ;
(2) E has good ordinary reduction at all primes
$v \mid p$ of K;
(3) the dual Selmer group
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/K^{\operatorname {cyc}})^{\vee }$ is a finitely generated and torsion module over
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$ .
Then, there is a value
$n_0\geq 0$
such that for all
$n\geq n_0$
is an integral Diophantine extension. Thus, the extension
$K_{\operatorname {cyc}}/K_{n_0}$
is integrally Diophantine in the sense of Definition 3.1 and, if Conjecture 1.1 is satisfied for
, then it is satisfied for
for all
$n\geq n_0$
Proof. According to Proposition 2.3, we find that
$\operatorname {rank} E(K_n)$
is bounded as a function of n. Therefore, there exists
$n_0\geq 0$
such that
$\operatorname {rank} E(K_n)=\operatorname {rank} E(K_{n_0})$
for all
$n\geq n_0$
. The result follows from Theorem 2.2.
Theorem 3.3. Let p be an odd prime and E an elliptic curve over a number field K with good ordinary reduction at all primes
$v \mid p$
. Assume that
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/K_{\operatorname {cyc}})^\vee $
is finitely generated and torsion as a module over
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$
as conjectured by Mazur. Suppose that

Then, for all
$n\geq 0$
is a Diophantine extension. Therefore, if Conjecture 1.1 is satisfied for K, then it is satisfied for
for all
$n\geq 0$
Proof. Suppose
is an integral Diophantine extension and
$K/\mathbb {Q}$
is an integral Diophantine extension. Then,
$K_n/\mathbb {Q}$
is an integral Diophantine extension and thus Hilbert’s tenth problem is negative for
$\mathcal {O}_{K_n}$
. We show that the above hypotheses imply that
is an integral Diophantine extension for all
$n\geq 0$
According to Proposition 2.3,
$\operatorname {rank} E(K_n)\leq \lambda _p(E/K)$
. Since it is assumed that
$\operatorname {rank} E(K) = \lambda _p(E/K)>0$
, it follows that

Therefore, by Theorem 2.2,
is an integral Diophantine extension for all
$n\geq 0$
3.2 An Euler characteristic formula
Let E be an elliptic curve over a number field K and let p be a prime number. Assume that E has good ordinary reduction at all primes of K that lie above p. Assume that the dual Selmer group
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/K_{\operatorname {cyc}})^{\vee }$
is a finitely generated torsion
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$
-module and denote by
its characteristic element. Note that
is well defined up to multiplication by a unit in
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$
. We may express
as a formal power series in T:

$a_r\neq 0$
. The quantity
$r\geq 0$
is the order of vanishing of
at zero, thus we may denote it by
$\operatorname {ord}_{T=0} f_{E,p}(T)$
. We call
the leading coefficient. Perrin-Riou [Reference Perrin-Riou13] and Schneider [Reference Schneider16] provide an explicit formula for the leading coefficient
. Note that
is well defined up to a unit in
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
. Given two elements
$a,b\in \mathbb {Q}_p$
, we write
$a\sim b$
to mean that
for a unit
$u\in \mathbb {Z}_p^\times $
. The p-adic regulator
$\mathcal {R}_p(E/K)$
is the determinant of the p-adic height pairing on the Mordell–Weil group of E (see [Reference Mazur, Tate and Teitelbaum11, Reference Schneider15, Reference Schneider16] for further details). Schneider has conjectured that the p-adic regulator
$\mathcal {R}_p(E/K)$
is always nonzero, that is, the p-adic height pairing is always nondegenerate. Let
be the normalised p-adic regulator, defined by
$R_p(E/K):=p^{-\operatorname {rank}E(K)}\mathcal {R}_p(E/K)$
. At each prime v of K, let
be the Tamagawa number of E at v (see [Reference Coates and Sujatha1, Ch. 3] for the definition). If v is a prime at which E has good reduction, then
. At any prime v of K, let
$\mathbb {F}_v$
denote the residue field of
$\mathcal {O}_v$
at v. For each prime
$v \mid p$
, let
$\widetilde {E}$
be the reduction of E to an elliptic curve over
$\mathbb {F}_v$
Theorem 3.4 (Perrin-Riou, Schneider).
Let E be an elliptic curve over a number field K and p an odd prime. Assume that the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) E has good ordinary reduction at all primes
$v \mid p$ of K;
is finite;
$\mathcal {R}_p(E/K)$ is nonzero;
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/K_{\operatorname {cyc}})^\vee $ is finitely generated and torsion as a
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$ -module.
Then, the following assertions hold:
$r:=\operatorname {ord}_{T=0} f_{E,p}(T)=\operatorname {rank} E(K)$ ;
(2) the leading coefficient is given up to a unit by
Proof. The above result is [Reference Schneider16, Theorem
${2}^{\prime }$
, page 342].
Lemma 3.5. Let E be an elliptic curve satisfying the conditions of Theorem 3.4 and set
$r:=\operatorname {ord}_{T=0}f_{E,p}(T)=\operatorname {rank} E(K)$
. The following conditions are equivalent:
$a_r$ is a unit in
$\mathbb {Z}_p$ ;
$\mu _p(E/K)=0$ and
$\lambda _p(E/K)=\operatorname {rank} E(K)$ .
Proof. We write
, where
$g(0)=a_r\neq 0$
. Suppose that
is a unit in
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
. Then,
is a unit in
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$
and the Weierstrass factorisation of
is given by
, where
is a distinguished polynomial and
is a unit in
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$
. Thus,
$\lambda _p(E/K)=\operatorname {deg}P(T)=\operatorname {deg}T^r=r$
$\mu _p(E/K)=0$
However, suppose that
$\mu _p(E/K)=0$
$\lambda _p(E/K)=r$
. Then, we may write
, where
is a distinguished polynomial of degree r and
is a unit in
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$
. Since
is divisible by
, this forces
. Therefore,
is a unit in
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$
, and hence
is unit in
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
Theorem 3.6. Let E be an elliptic curve over a number field K and p an odd prime. Assume that the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) E has good ordinary reduction at all primes
$v \mid p$ of K;
$\operatorname {rank} E(K)>0$ ;
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/K_{\operatorname {cyc}})^\vee $ is finitely generated and torsion as a
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$ -module;
$R_p(E/K)$ is a p-adic unit (in particular, nonzero);
$p\nmid c_v(E/K)$ for all primes v at which E has bad reduction;
$p\nmid \#\widetilde E(\mathbb {F}_v)$ for all primes
$v \mid p$ of K.
Then, for all
$n\geq 0$
is an integrally Diophantine extension. Therefore, if Conjecture 1.1 is satisfied for K, then it is satisfied for
for all
$n\geq 0$
Proof. Since it is assumed that
, in particular,
is finite, the conditions of Theorem 3.4 are satisfied. It follows from Theorem 3.4 that
is a unit, where
$r=\operatorname {rank} E(K)$
. Lemma 3.5 then asserts that
$\lambda _p(E/K)=\operatorname {rank} E(K)$
. Since
$\operatorname {rank} E(K)>0$
, the result follows from Theorem 3.3.
The above result shows that given a number field K, if there exists an elliptic curve
satisfying the conditions of Theorem 3.6, then,
is integrally Diophantine for all n. In the next section, we shall explain the conditions of Theorem 3.6.
4 Conditions for rank constancy in cyclotomic
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over
$\mathbb {Q}$
such that
$\operatorname {rank} E(\mathbb {Q})>0$
, and let
$K/\mathbb {Q}$
be a number field extension. We consider the base change of E to K. Note that
$\operatorname {rank} E(K)>0$
. The data
is fixed throughout and the results are of most interest in the case when K is neither totally real nor abelian. Assume that E does not have complex multiplication. Given any set of prime numbers
$\mathcal {P}$
, the upper (respectively lower) density of
$\mathcal {P}$
refers to its upper (respectively lower) Dirichlet density. When we say that
$\mathcal {P}$
has density
$\delta \in [0,1]$
, we mean that the Dirichlet density of
$\mathcal {P}$
exists and equals
$\delta $
. Note that the upper and lower densities always exist. Let
$\Omega $
be the set of odd prime numbers p such that E has good ordinary reduction at p, and the conditions of Theorem 3.6 are satisfied for
and the cyclotomic
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extension of K. In this section, we provide circumstantial evidence for the following conjecture.
Conjecture 4.1. The set of primes
$\Omega $
has positive lower density.
In this section, the prime p is allowed to vary over the prime numbers at which E has good ordinary reduction. A classical result of Serre shows that for a non-CM elliptic curve, the set of primes of good ordinary (respectively supersingular) reduction has density
). Since the prime p is not fixed in this section, it is pertinent that we do not suppress the role of p in the notation for cyclotomic extensions. Thus,
$K_{\operatorname {cyc}}^{(p)}$
denotes the cyclotomic
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extension of K and
denotes the subfield of
$K_{\operatorname {cyc}}^{(p)}$
Theorem 4.2. Let K be a number field and E a non-CM elliptic curve over
$\mathbb {Q}$
such that:
$\operatorname {rank} E(\mathbb {Q})>0$ ;
is finite.
Then there exists a set of odd prime numbers
$\Sigma $
of positive density satisfying the following conditions:
(1) E has good ordinary reduction at all prime numbers
$p\in \Sigma $ ;
(2) if for a prime
$p\in \Sigma $ ,
$R_p(E/K)$ is a p-adic unit,
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/K_{\operatorname {cyc}})^{\vee }$ is a finitely generated and torsion module over
$\Lambda (\Gamma )$ ,
$\operatorname {rank} E(K_n^{(p)})=\operatorname {rank} E(K)$ for all n and the conclusion of Theorem 3.6 holds.
Proof. By the aforementioned result of Serre, the set of primes p at which E has good ordinary reduction has density
. Let
$\widetilde {K}\subset \bar {\mathbb {Q}}$
be the Galois closure of K. By a standard application of the Chebotarev density theorem, the set of prime numbers p that split completely in
$\widetilde {K}$
has density
$[\widetilde {K}:\mathbb {Q}]^{-1}$
. Let
$\Sigma _0$
be the set of primes p at which E has good ordinary reduction and that split completely in K. Then
$\Sigma _0$
has density
$[\widetilde {K}:\mathbb {Q}]^{-1}$
Let the set of primes
$p\in \Sigma _0$
such that p divides
$\#\widetilde {E}(\mathbb {F}_p)$
be denoted by
$\Sigma _1$
. Primes p at which E has good reduction such that p divides
$\#\widetilde {E}(\mathbb {F}_p)$
are known as anomalous primes. If p is large enough, then a prime p is anomalous precisely when
$a_p(E):=p+1-\#\widetilde {E}(\mathbb {F}_p)$
is equal to
. As is well known, the set of anomalous primes has density
(see [Reference Murty and Motohashi12]). It follows that
$\Sigma _1$
has density
. Note that since any prime
$p\in \Sigma _0\backslash \Sigma _1$
is completely split in
$\widetilde {K}$
, for each prime v of K that lies above p, we find that
$\mathbb {F}_v=\mathbb {F}_p$
. Therefore, since p is not anomalous, p does not divide the product
$\prod _{v\mid p} \# \widetilde {E}(\mathbb {F}_v)$
for all primes
$p\in \Sigma _0\backslash \Sigma _1$
. The set of primes that divide any given natural number is clearly finite. Therefore, the set of primes
$p\in \Sigma _0$
such that
$p\mid \prod _v c_v(E/K)$
is finite. Denote this set by
$\Sigma _2$
. Finally, note that since it is assumed that
is finite, the set of primes p such that
is finite as well. Let
$\Sigma _3$
denote this set. Set
$\Sigma $
to be the set of primes
$\Sigma _0\backslash (\bigcup _{i=1}^3 \Sigma _i)$
. For
$p\in \Sigma $
, if
is a unit in
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
, then the conditions of Theorem 3.6 are satisfied and the result follows.
Remark 4.3. One would like to understand how often
is not a p-adic unit. Unfortunately, the p-adic regulator is a fairly complex invariant and computations involving the p-adic regulator over a number field K are challenging. There are built-in packages on the Sage computational system [Reference Stein20] to compute p-adic regulators over
$\mathbb {Q}$
; however, the author is not aware of any such packages written for number fields
$K\neq \mathbb {Q}$
that are readily usable.
Computations over
$\mathbb {Q}$
suggest the following conjecture over other number fields.
Conjecture 4.4. Let E be an elliptic curve over
$\mathbb {Q}$
and K be a number field. The set of primes p such that
is divisible by p has density
Given an elliptic curve
$E_{/\mathbb {Q}}$
, let
$\Pi ^{\leq N}$
be the set of primes
$p\leq N$
of good ordinary reduction such that
$p\mid R_p(E/\mathbb {Q})$
. We compute
$\Pi ^{\leq 1000}$
for the first ten elliptic curves of rank
ordered by conductor. The calculations in Table 1 are from [Reference Kundu and Ray9, page 7955] and were done on Sage. The data indicate that the
$p\mid R_p(E/K)$
should be a rare occurrence.
Table 1 Elliptic curves of rank 2.

We give one concrete example of an elliptic curve E over
$\mathbb {Q}$
for which Theorem 3.6 can be expected to apply. We do not obtain any new result by working over
$\mathbb {Q}$
, and the calculation below is only included to illustrate our technique.
Consider the elliptic curve E with Weierstrass equation
, Cremona label 37a1, and set
. Referring to the conditions of Theorem 3.6:
(1) E has good ordinary reduction at
$5$ ;
$\operatorname {rank}E(\mathbb {Q})=1$ , in particular,
$\operatorname {rank}E(\mathbb {Q})>0$ ;
(3) we assume that the dual Selmer group
$\operatorname {Sel}_{5^\infty }(E/\mathbb {Q}_{\operatorname {cyc}})^{\vee }$ is torsion over the Iwasawa algebra (recall that Mazur’s conjecture predicts this condition to hold for all elliptic curves with good ordinary reduction at p);
(4) the normalised
$5$ -adic regulator is a
$5$ -adic unit;
(5) the analytic order of
is exactly
$1$ ;
(6) all Tamagawa numbers
$c_v(E/\mathbb {Q})$ are equal to
$1$ ;
$\widetilde {E}(\mathbb {F}_5)=8$ , and hence
$\widetilde {E}(\mathbb {F}_5)$ is not divisible by
$5$ .
The calculations above were performed via Sage (see [Reference Stein20]).
The author would like to thank the anonymous referee for helpful suggestions.