1. Introduction
1.1. Motivation
Given non-zero complex numbers
$\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_n \in {\mathbb{C}}^*$
, we say that they are multiplicatively dependent if there exist integers
$k_1,\ldots,k_n \in {\mathbb{Z}}$
, not all zero, such that

and we say that they are multiplicatively dependent modulo G, where G is a subset of
, if there exist integers
$k_1,\ldots,k_n \in {\mathbb{Z}}$
, not all zero, such that

Multiplicative dependence of algebraic numbers has been studied for a long time and still very actively; see, for instance, [Reference Barroero, Capuano, Mérai, Ostafe and Sha4, Reference Barroero and Sha5, Reference Bombieri, Masser and Zannier12, Reference Dubickas and Sha14, Reference Konyagin, Sha, Shparlinski and Stewart19, Reference Loxton and van der Poorten22, Reference Ostafe, Sha, Shparlinski and Zannier27, Reference Ostafe, Sha, Shparlinski and Zannier28, Reference Pappalardi, Sha, Shparlinski and Stewart31, Reference van der Poorten and Loxton35, Reference Stewart41] and the references therein. The authors in [Reference Ostafe, Sha, Shparlinski and Zannier28] have studied the multiplicative dependenc of elements in an orbit of an algebraic dynamical system, and recently in [Reference Bérczes, Ostafe, Shparlinski and Silverman9] this has been extended to the more general setting of multiplicative dependence modulo a finitely generated multiplicative group.
In this paper, we want to study multiplicative dependence among values of rational functions modulo sets which can be roughly described as approximate division groups of finitely generated groups
, denoted by
(which is defined in the next section), that is, sets which are not far with respect to the Weil height from the division group of a finitely generated multiplicative group of a number field.
The motivation also partly comes from the study of points on subvarieties of tori. Let
be the multiplicative algebraic group over the complex numbers
, that is
${\mathbb{G}_{\textrm{m}}} = {\mathbb{C}}^*$
endowed with the multiplicative group law. Intersection of varieties in
with sets of the type
falls within two conjectures, the Mordell–Lang conjecture on intersection of varieties with finitely generated subgroups and the Bogomolov conjecture which is about the discreteness of the set of points of bounded height in a variety. This direction has been extensively studied over several decades, see [Reference Aliev and Smyth1, Reference Amoroso and Viada3, Reference Bérczes, Evertse, Győry and Pontreau8, Reference Beukers and Smyth10, Reference Bombieri and Zannier13, Reference Evertse16, Reference Laurent20, Reference Liardet21, Reference Martinez23, Reference Mazur26, Reference Pontreau32, Reference Poonen33, Reference Rémond36, Reference Schmidt39] and references therein, which in particular give precise quantitative results about the intersection of varieties with
Here, in some sense, instead of assuming each coordinate of a point is from
, we impose that the coordinates of a point multiplicatively generate an element in
1.2. Notation
Throughout the paper, we use the following notation:
(i) K is a number field;
$\overline{K}$ is an algebraic closure of K;
(iii) S is a finite set of places of K containing all the infinite places;
$O_S$ is the ring of S-integers of K;
$R^*$ is the unit group of a ring R;
$\Gamma$ is a finitely generated subgroup of
$K^*$ ;
(vii) For
$A \subseteq K^*$ ,
$$A^{{\textrm{div}}}\,:\!=\,\{\alpha \in \overline{K} \,:\, \alpha^m \in A \text{ for some integer } m \ge 1\}.$$
$\varepsilon \gt 0$

stands for the absolute logarithmic Weil height function. The set
is called the division group of
In addition, let
be the set of places of K,
the set of infinite places of K, and
$M_K^0 = M_K \setminus M_K^\infty$
1.3. Main results
In this section we state the main results proved in this paper. Informally, our results can be summarised as follows: given
$f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n \in K[X]$
satisfying some natural conditions (some results hold for rational functions as well), we prove finiteness of the sets of:
$\alpha\in K$ such that
$f_1(\alpha), \ldots, f_n(\alpha)$ are multiplicatively dependent modulo
$\Gamma^{{\textrm{div}}}_\varepsilon$ ;
$\alpha\in\Gamma^{{\textrm{div}}}_\varepsilon$ such that
$f_1(\alpha), \ldots, f_n(\alpha)$ are multiplicatively dependent modulo
$\Gamma^{{\textrm{div}}}_\varepsilon$ .
We would like to unify these results and have a finiteness result for the set of
$\alpha\in K(\Gamma^{\textrm{div}})$
satisfying the conclusion above, and thus we conclude this section with an open problem in this direction.
We now formally state our results.
Theorem 1·1.
$f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n \in K[X]$
be pairwise coprime polynomials. Assume that each of them has at least two distinct roots. Then, for every
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
there are only finitely many elements
$\alpha \in K$
such that
$f_1(\alpha), \ldots, f_n(\alpha)$
are multiplicatively dependent modulo
We first remark that in Theorem 1·1, since
$\alpha \in K$
and the polynomials
$f_1, \ldots, f_n$
are in K[X], by Lemma 2·1 below we know that “modulo
” can be reduced to modulo a subset of
which is somehow “close” to
We also remark that in Theorem 1·1 the two conditions of the polynomials being “pairwise coprime” and “each of them has at least two distinct roots” somehow cannot be removed. For example, choosing
$f_1 = X(X+2)$
$f_2 = (X+1)(X+2)$
, and
arbitrary, for any
$\alpha = 1/(\beta -1)$
$\beta \in \Gamma$
$\beta \ne 1, 1/2$
$f_3(\alpha) \cdots f_n(\alpha) \ne 0$
, we have

In addition, choosing pairwise coprime polynomials
$f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n \in K[X]$
$f_1=X - a$
for some
$a \in K$
, for any
$\alpha \in \Gamma$
$f_2(\alpha+a) \cdots f_n(\alpha+a) \ne 0$
, we have

Using Theorem 1·1, we establish the following result, which holds for rational functions. For this, we say that non-zero rational functions
$f_1,\ldots, f_n \in K(X)$
are multiplicatively independent modulo constants if they are multiplicatively independent modulo
, that is, there is no non-zero integer vector
such that

In addition, for any rational function
$f \in K(X)$
, the numerator and denominator of f are meant to be two polynomials
$g, h \in K[X]$
, respectively, such that
$f= g / h$
Theorem 1·2.
$f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n \in K(X)$
be non-constant rational functions such that they are multiplicatively independent modulo constants. Assume that for each
$f_i, i =1, 2, \ldots, n$
, its numerator either has no linear factor or has at least two distinct linear factors over K, and so does its denominator. Assume further that
$f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n$
have distinct linear factors over K (if they have). Then, for every
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
there are only finitely many elements
$\alpha \in K$
such that
$f_1(\alpha), \ldots, f_n(\alpha)$
are multiplicatively dependent modulo
Remark 1·3. If
$f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n \in K(X)$
in Theorem 1·2 are all monic (that is, both numerator and denominator are monic), then the assumption “they are multiplicatively independent modulo constants” can be replaced by “they are multiplicatively independent”.
The following corollary is about multiplicative dependence in orbits of a rational function, which somehow can be viewed as an extension of [Reference Bérczes, Ostafe, Shparlinski and Silverman9, theorem 1·7]. For a rational function
$f \in K(X)$
and a positive integer
$n \ge 1$
, let
be the nth compositional iterate of f. In addition, for any rational function
$f \in K(X)$
, if both its numerator and denominator have no linear factor over K, we say that f has no linear factor.
Corollary 1·4.
$f \in K(X)$
be a non-constant rational function satisfying one of the following two conditions:
$f \in K[X]$ , f has at least two distinct roots, and 0 is not a periodic point of f;
(ii) f has no linear factor.
Then, for any
and any integer
$n \ge 1$
, there are only finitely many elements
$\alpha \in K$
such that
$\ldots, f^{(m+n)}(\alpha)$
are multiplicatively dependent modulo
for some integer
$m \ge 0$
in Theorem 1·1, we can relax the condition of coprimality on the polynomials
We say that
multiplicatively generate a rational function g if there exist integers
$k_1,\ldots,k_n \in {\mathbb{Z}}$
, not all zero, such that

We have the following result:
Theorem 1·5.
$f_1,f_2 \in K[X]$
be polynomials of degree at least 2, each having at least two distinct roots. Assume that they cannot multiplicatively generate a power of a linear fractional function. Then, for any
there are only finitely many elements
$\alpha \in K$
such that
are multiplicatively dependent modulo
In Theorem 1·5, the condition related to linear fractional function cannot be removed. See the example below Theorem 1·1. Here, we view non-zero constants as linear fractional functions.
We remark that in Theorem 1·5 we can replace the condition related to linear fractional function with the total number of distinct roots of
which are not common roots being at least three.
We also remark that the results in Theorems 1·1 and 1·5 are both not effective, due to Lemma 2·2.
As a direct consequence of Maurin’s theorem [Reference Maurin24, théorème 1·2] (see [Reference Bombieri, Habegger, Masser and Zannier11] for an effective version), if
$f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n \in K(X)$
are such that
$X,f_1,\ldots, f_n$
are multiplicatively independent modulo
, then the set

is finite (see [Reference Ostafe and Shparlinski30, lemma 3·2] for more details). This is an effective generalisation of Liardet’s theorem [Reference Liardet21, théorème 1] on division points on curves; see also [Reference Bérczes, Evertse, Győry and Pontreau8, theorem 2·2] for an effective version of Liardet’s result.
We remark that by definition, multiplicative dependence modulo
is equivalent to multiplicative dependence modulo
Using [Reference Maurin25, théorème 1·10], which improves [Reference Maurin24, théorème 1·7], we are able to extend this conclusion by enlarging
for certain
$\varepsilon \gt0$
(but in a non-effective manner).
Theorem 1·6.
$f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n \in K(X)$
be such that
$X,f_1, \ldots, f_n$
are multiplicatively independent modulo
. Then, there exists a real number
$\varepsilon \gt0$
for which there are only finitely many elements
$\alpha \in \Gamma^{\textrm{div}}_\varepsilon$
such that
$f_1(\alpha), \ldots, f_n(\alpha)$
are multiplicatively dependent modulo
We end this section with an open problem. We would like to combine Theorem 1·1 with the finiteness of the set (1·1), and ask the following question:
Problem 1·7. Let
$f_1,\ldots,f_n \in K(X)$
be non-zero rational functions. Under what conditions is the following set

, then
is the set of all roots of unity, and
is the cyclotomic closure of K. In this case, it has been proven in [Reference Ostafe, Sha, Shparlinski and Zannier28, theorem 4·2] that if
do not multiplicatively generate a power of a linear fractional function, then the set (1·2) is finite (in fact, the result holds more generally for the abelian closure of K).
, Problem 1·7 becomes that for a non-zero rational function
$f \in K(X)$
, under which condition the set
$\{\alpha \in K(\Gamma^{\textrm{div}}) \,:\, \ f(\alpha) \in \Gamma^{\textrm{div}}\}$
is finite. This would extend the cyclotomic version of the Hilbert Irreducibility Theorem proved by Dvornicich and Zannier [Reference Dvornicich and Zannier15, corollary 1] in the case when
. Recall also that a special case of a general conjecture of Rémond (see [Reference Rémond37, conjecture 3·4]) asserts that there exists a constant
such that for any
$\alpha \in K(\Gamma^{\textrm{div}}) \setminus \Gamma^{\textrm{div}}$
${\textrm{h}}(\alpha) \ge c_\Gamma$
(see [Reference Pottmeyer34, conjecture 1·1 (c)], and see [Reference Amoroso2, theorem 1·3] for a non-trivial example). Clearly, under this conjecture, the finiteness of the set
$\{\alpha \in K(\Gamma^{\textrm{div}}) \,:\, \ f(\alpha) \in \Gamma^{\textrm{div}}\}$
implies the finiteness of the set
$\{\alpha \in K(\Gamma^{\textrm{div}}) \,:\, \ {\textrm{h}}(f(\alpha)) \lt \varepsilon\}$
for any
$\varepsilon \lt c_\Gamma$
2. Preliminaries
2.1. On some intersections with approximate groups and algebraic subgroups
We define the set
as the set of nonzero elements in the algebraic number field K of height at most H, that is,

We note that by Northcott’s Theorem the set
$ {\mathscr{A}}(K, H)$
is a finite set.
We need the following result from [Reference Ostafe, Shparlinski, Elsholtz and Grabner29, theorem 2·1].
Lemma 2·1.
$\{g_1, \ldots, g_r\}$
be a set of generators of
, which minimises
$H = \max_{i=1, \ldots, r} {\textrm{h}}( g_i)$
. Then, for every
$\varepsilon\gt 0$
, we have

As usual, for any non-constant rational function
$f \in K(X)$
, the degree of f is defined to be the maximum of the degrees of its numerator and denominator.
The following result is [Reference Bérczes, Ostafe, Shparlinski and Silverman9, theorem 1·2 (a)].
Lemma 2·2.
$f \in K(X)$
be a rational function of degree
$d \ge 2$
. Assume that f is not of the form
$a(X-b)^d / (X-c)^d$
$a,b,c \in K$
, and
$d \in {\mathbb{Z}}$
. Then, the set
$\{\alpha \in K\,:\, f(\alpha) \in \Gamma \}$
is finite.
We remark that the result in Lemma 2·2 is not effective, due to the use of the Faltings theorem [Reference Faltings17] about finiteness of rational points on a curve. See also [Reference Ostafe, Shparlinski, Elsholtz and Grabner29, corollary 2·2] and references therein.
We conclude this section with a result of Maurin [Reference Maurin25, théorème 1·10], which we present in our setting of parametric curves by noticing [Reference Maurin25, remarque 1·3].
For this we introduce the following notation: we define
to be the union of all algebraic subgroups in
of codimension at least 2. For
, we let
be defined similarly as in Section 1.2, that is,

We have the following result, which is a special case of [Reference Maurin25, thàreme 1·10].
Lemma 2·3.
$g_1,\ldots,g_r\in K^*$
$f_1,\ldots,f_n\in K(X)$
be such that
are multiplicatively independent. Let

Then there exists a real number
such that
${\mathcal{C}}\cap {\mathcal{H}}^{[2]}_\varepsilon$
is finite.
2.2. On some functional properties of rational functions
We need the following special case of the result of Young [Reference Young42, corollary 1·2], which generalises the previous result of Gao [Reference Gao18, theorem 1·4] to multiplicative independence of consecutive iterations of rational functions over fields of characteristic zero.
Lemma 2·4.
Let F be an arbitrary field of characteristic zero, and let
$f \in F(X)$
be a rational function of degree
$d \ge 2$
which is not of the form
$aX^{\pm d}$
. Then, for any integer
$n\ge 1$
, the iterates
$f^{(1)}(X), \ldots,f^{(n)}(X)$
are multiplicatively independent modulo constants.
We also need the following simple lemma.
Lemma 2·5.
$f \in K(X)$
be a rational function such that it has no linear factor. Then, for any non-constant rational function
$g \in K(X)$
, the rational function
$f \circ g$
has no linear factor.
Proof. First, we note that it suffices to prove that for any monic irreducible factor, say p(X), of either the numerator or the denominator of f, the rational function
$p \circ g$
has no linear factor.
By contradiction, suppose that the rational function
$p \circ g$
has a linear factor. Then, there is an element, say
, in K such that
$p \circ g (\alpha) = 0$
is well-defined, then
$g(\alpha) \in K$
, which means that the polynomial p has a root (that is,
) in K. However, by assumption p is an irreducible polynomial over K of degree at least 2. So, we get a contradiction.
Now, if
is not well-defined, then
is a pole of g. Write
$p = X^d + a_{1}X^{d-1} + \cdots + a_{d-1} X + a_d$
$g = u/w$
$u, w \in K[X]$
. Since
is a pole of g, we have
$w(\alpha) = 0$
. Note that
$p \circ g = p(u/w) = {1}/{w^d}(u^d + a_1 u^{d-1}w + \cdots + a_{d-1}uw^{d-1} + a_d w^d)$
. Then, since
$p \circ g (\alpha) = 0$
, we obtain
$u(\alpha) = 0$
. So,
is a common root of u and w, which contradicts with
$\gcd(u, w)=1$
Therefore, the rational function
$f \circ g$
has no linear factor.
2.3. Generalised Schinzel–Tijdeman theorem
Another important tool for our results is the following general version, established in [Reference Bérczes, Bugeaud, Győry, Mello, Ostafe and Sha6], of the Schinzel–Tijdeman theorem [Reference Schinzel and Tijdeman38], which extends [Reference Bérczes, Evertse and Győry7, theorem 2·3] and [Reference Bérczes, Ostafe, Shparlinski and Silverman9, lemma 2·8]. We present it in a simplified form, which is sufficient for our purposes.
Let K be a number field and S a finite subset of
containing all the infinite places. The following theorem is proved in [Reference Bérczes, Bugeaud, Győry, Mello, Ostafe and Sha6, theorem 2·2].
Lemma 2·6.
$f(X)=a_0X^n + \cdots +a_n\in O_S[X]$
be a polynomial of degree n and with at least two distinct roots. There is an effectively computable constant C(f,K,S), depending only on f, K and S, so that the following holds: if
$b\in O_S^*$
and if the equation

has a solution (x, y) with
$y\ne 0$
$y \notin O_S^*$
, then

We remark that, when f has only simple roots, the result in Lemma 2·6 has been established in [Reference Bérczes, Ostafe, Shparlinski and Silverman9, lemma 2·8], In addition, when S only consists of infinite places, the result in Lemma 2·6 has been given in [Reference Shorey and Tijdeman40, theorem 10·3] (choosing
$\tau = 0, z=1, \gamma =1, \varepsilon=b$
3. Proofs of the main results
3.1 Preliminary discussion
be the following set of places of K:

where, as usual,
means the additive valuation of v at
. Note that the set
is finite, since
is finitely generated.
As usual, we say that a polynomial

has bad reduction at
$v\in M_{K}^0$
if either
for some
$i \ge 1$
; otherwise we say it has good reduction at v.

be a vector of non-constant polynomials

and we define

Note that
is a finite set. Moreover, each
$f_i \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma}}[X]$
, and in fact for any
$v\not\in S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma}$
we have


is a vector of non-constant rational functions, we will use the same notation
for the set including
and all the places
$v\in M_K^0$
such that at least one of the numerators or denominators of
has bad reduction at v.
By definition, we have

Note that
is also a finitely generated subgroup of
. Hence, it suffices to prove the main results by replacing
. Then, in the sequel we will prove the main results by replacing
, where
is some finite set of places containing
and depending also on
3.2. Proof of Theorem 1·1
$\alpha \in K$
be such that there exist integers
$k_1,\ldots, k_n$
, not all zero such that

By Lemma 2·1 there exists
$\beta \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma}}^*$
$\eta \in K^*$
${\textrm{h}}(\eta)\ll_{\varepsilon,\Gamma} 1$
such that

$\eta \in K^*$
is of bounded height depending only on
, by Northcott’s theorem there are only finitely many such
. Thus we can enlarge the set
to include all prime ideals that divide the finitely many elements
. We also include in this larger set the prime ideals outside
that divide the product
$\displaystyle\prod_{1\le i \neq j\le n}$
of all the resultants of
$i\ne j$
(we recall that all
${\textrm{Res}} (f_i,f_j)$
-integers), which are only finitely many. We denote the new set by
and we note that
is still a finite set.
By the construction of the set
$S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma, \varepsilon}$
, we have

Thus, it suffices to prove the desired result by replacing
Now, we write

$n = 1$
, since
is a polynomial having at least two distinct roots and
is a finitely generated subgroup, we see that applying Lemma 2·2 to
gives the desired finiteness result. We thus suppose that
$n \geq 2$
, and that the result is valid for
, in order to apply an induction.
We note that if some
, then the desired finiteness of
$\alpha \in K$
satisfying (3·2) follows directly from the induction hypothesis. Hence, we can assume from now on that
$k_1 \cdots$
$k_n \ne 0$
We now complete the proof case by case.
Case I:
$\alpha \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}$
In this case, since
$\alpha \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}$
$f_i\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}[X]$
for any
, we have

We note that if
$f_i(\alpha)\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$
for some
$i \in \{1,\ldots,n\}$
, then Lemma 2·2 implies the finiteness of such
$\alpha \in K$
satisfying (3·2).
Thus, we now assume that
$f_1(\alpha),\ldots, f_n(\alpha)\not\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$
. This implies that there exists a prime ideal
${\mathfrak{p}} \not\in S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}$
in K such that
. Moreover, since
$f_i(\alpha)\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}$
, we have
$v_{\mathfrak{p}}(f_i(\alpha))\ge 0$
for each
$i=2, \ldots, n$
$k_1k_i \gt 0$
for each
$i =2,\ldots, n$
, without loss of generality we can assume that
$k_1,k_2,\ldots, k_n \gt 0$
. Then, equation (3·2) implies

$v_{\mathfrak{p}}(f_i(\alpha))\ge 0$
for each
$i =2, \ldots, n$
, we obtain a contradiction.
We now assume
$k_1k_i \lt 0$
for some
$i \in \{2,\ldots, n\}$
. In this case, without loss of generality, we assume
$k_1\gt0, \ldots, k_m \gt0$
$k_{m+1} \lt0 , \ldots, k_n \lt 0$
for some positive integer m. So, equation (3·2) becomes

Then, since
$v_{\mathfrak{p}}(f_1(\alpha)) \gt 0$
$v_{\mathfrak{p}}(f_i(\alpha))\ge 0$
for each
$i=2,\ldots, n$
, there must exist some
$j \in \{m+1, \ldots, n\}$
such that
$v_{\mathfrak{p}}(f_j(\alpha)) \gt 0$
. In other words, we have

This allows us to conclude that
$v_{\mathfrak{p}}({\textrm{Res}} (f_1,f_j))\gt0$
(notice that, since
$f_1,f_{j} \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}[X]$
do not have common roots, we have
${\textrm{Res}} (f_1,f_j)\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}$
${\textrm{Res}} (f_1,f_j) \ne 0$
). By our construction of the set
, this implies that
${\mathfrak{p}} \in S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}$
, which is a contradiction with the choice of
above. This completes the proof of Case I.
Case II:
$\alpha \not\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}$
In this case, there exists a prime ideal
of the ring of integers of K such that

$d_i = \deg f_i, i =1, \ldots,n$
. Then, using the ultrametric inequality of non-Archimedean valuations and noticing (3.1), we directly have

Considering valuations in (3·2) and using (3·3) we obtain (since
due to
$\gamma\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$

We view the above identity as a linear Diophantine equation with unknowns
$k_1, \ldots, k_n$
. Then, we have a basis of the integer solutions
$(k_1, k_2, \ldots, k_n)$
of the equation (3·4), say,

$k_1, k_2, \ldots, k_n$
can be expressed as

for some integers
$s_1, \ldots, s_{n-1}$
. Substituting this into the equation (3·2), we obtain

Now, we let

where the exponent vector
$(t_{1,1}, \ldots, t_{1,n})$
is non-zero by its choice above.
For any prime
${\mathfrak{q}} \not\in S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}$
, if
$v_{\mathfrak{q}}(\alpha) \lt 0$
, then (3·3) holds and we have

$(t_{1,1}, t_{1,2}, \ldots, t_{1,n})$
is a solution to (3·4).
For any prime
${\mathfrak{q}} \not\in S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}$
, if
$v_{\mathfrak{q}}(\alpha) \ge 0$
, then by (3·1) we have
$v_{\mathfrak{q}}(f_i(\alpha)) \ge 0$
for each
$i = 1, \ldots, n$
If there exists some prime
${\mathfrak{q}} \not\in S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}$
such that
$v_{\mathfrak{q}}(\alpha) \ge 0$
and moreover
$v_{\mathfrak{q}}(f_i(\alpha)) \gt 0$
$v_{\mathfrak{q}}(f_j(\alpha)) \gt 0$
for some
$i \ne j$
, then by the same discussion as in the last part of Case I we arrive to a contradiction.
If there exists some prime
${\mathfrak{q}} \not\in S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}$
such that
$v_{\mathfrak{q}}(\alpha) \ge 0$
and moreover
$v_{\mathfrak{q}}(f_i(\alpha)) \gt 0$
for exactly one i for
$i=1, \ldots, n$
, say
$v_{\mathfrak{q}}(f_1(\alpha)) \gt 0$
$v_{\mathfrak{q}}(f_i(\alpha)) = 0$
for each
$i = 2, \ldots, n$
, then by (3·5) we obtain

which however contradicts with
$k_1 \ne 0$
$k_1 = s_1 t_{1,1} + \cdots + s_{n-1} t_{n-1, 1}$
Hence, we may assume that for any prime
${\mathfrak{q}} \not\in S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}$
, if
$v_{\mathfrak{q}}(\alpha) \ge 0$
, then
$v_{\mathfrak{q}}(f_i(\alpha)) = 0$
for each
$i = 1, \ldots, n$
. In this case, we have
$v_{\mathfrak{q}}(F(\alpha)) = 0$
. Combining this with (3·6), we have
$v_{\mathfrak{q}}(F(\alpha)) = 0$
for any prime
${\mathfrak{q}} \not\in S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}$
, and thus
$F(\alpha) \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$
. Now, the desired result follows directly from Lemma 2·2 (which we can apply, since
, has at least two distinct roots and they are pairwise coprime, and therefore, F has at least two distinct roots or two distinct poles). This completes the proof.
3.3. Proof of Theorem 1·2
First, we assume that the rational functions
$f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n$
all have no linear factor.
$g_1, \ldots, g_m$
be all the distinct monic irreducible factors (over K) in the numerators and denominators of the rational functions
$f_{1}, f_{2}, \ldots, f_{n}$
. So, by assumption, the irreducible polynomials
$g_1, \ldots, g_m$
are all of degree at least two. Then, for each
$f_i, 1\le i \le n$
, we can write

for some integers
$e_{i1}, \ldots, e_{im}$
$\alpha \in K$
be such that there exist integers
$k_1,\ldots, k_n$
, not all zero such that

As in (3·2), we can write

where the set
is defined as in the proof of Theorem 1·1, however without including the prime ideals outside
that divide the product
$\displaystyle\prod_{1\le i \neq j\le n}$
of all the resultants of
$i\ne j$
, because
might not be polynomials.
By the discussion in Section 3.1, we know that
$a_i \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$
for each
. Hence, combining (3·8) with (3·7), we get that for some
$\gamma^{\prime} \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$

If for each
$1\le j \le m$
$k_1e_{1j} + \cdots + k_ne_{nj} = 0$
, then this means that
$f_1^{k_1} \cdots f_n^{k_n}$
is a constant, which contradicts with the assumption that
$f_1, \ldots, f_n$
are multiplicatively independent modulo constants.
So, we must have that
$k_1e_{1j} + \cdots + k_ne_{nj} \ne 0$
for some
$1 \le j \le m$
. Then, in view of (3·9) and noticing that
$g_1, \ldots, g_m$
are pairwise distinct irreducible polynomials of degree at least 2, we obtain directly the desired finiteness result by applying Theorem 1·1 to the polynomials
$g_1, \ldots, g_m$
. This completes the proof of the case when
$f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n$
all have no linear factor.
Now, without loss of generality, we assume that for each
$f_i, i =1, 2, \ldots, n$
, both its numerator and denominator have linear factors.
Then, for each
$f_i, i=1,2,\ldots, n$
, we write

$f_{i1} \in K(X)$
is monic and only has linear factors, and
$f_{i2} \in K(X)$
is monic and only has irredicible factors of degree at least two; and moreover, we write

By assumption, for each
$i=1,2, \ldots, n$
, both
have at least two distinct linear factors and they only have linear factors. Moreover, since we have assumed that
$f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n$
have distinct linear factors, we know that
$h_{11}, h_{12}, \ldots, h_{n1}, h_{n2}$
are pairwise coprime.
$g_1, \ldots, g_m$
$m \ge 1$
) be all the distinct monic irreducible factors (over K) in the numerators and denominators of the rational functions
$f_{12}, \ldots, f_{n2}$
By assumption, the irreducible polynomials
$g_1, \ldots, g_m$
are all of degree at least two. So, the polynomials
$h_{11}, h_{12}, \ldots, h_{n1}, h_{n2}$
$g_1, \ldots, g_m$
are pairwise coprime.
Then, for each
$f_i, 1\le i \le n$
, we can write

for some integers
$e_{i1}, \ldots, e_{im}$
As in (3·9), combining (3·8) with (3·10) we can get that for some
$\gamma^{\prime} \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$

Then, in view of (3·11) and noticing that the integers
$k_1, \ldots, k_n$
are not all zero, we obtain directly the desired finiteness result by applying Theorem 1·1 to the polynomials
$h_{11}, h_{12}, \ldots, h_{n1}, h_{n2}$
$g_1, \ldots, g_m$
. This completes the proof.
3.4. Proof of Corollary 1·4
First, we assume that
$f \in K[X]$
and 0 is not a periodic point of f. Since 0 is not a periodic point of f, we have that for any integer
$n \ge 1$
$f^{(n)}(0) \ne 0$
, which means that
has non-zero constant term. So, all the iterates of f are pairwise coprime. In addition, since f has at least two distinct roots, it is easy to see that each iterate of f also has at least two distinct roots. Hence, by Theorem 1·1 we know that there are only finitely many elements
$\beta \in K$
such that
$f^{(1)}(\beta), \ldots, f^{(n)}(\beta)$
are multiplicatively dependent modulo
Now, we assume that f has no linear factor. Then, by Lemma 2·5, the iterates
$f^{(1)}, \ldots, f^{(n)}$
all have no linear factor. Moreover, it follows directly from Lemma 2·4 that the iterates
$f^{(1)}, \ldots, f^{(n)}$
are multiplicatively independent modulo constants. So, using Theorem 1·2 we get that there are only finitely many elements
$\beta \in K$
such that
$f^{(1)}(\beta), \ldots, f^{(n)}(\beta)$
are multiplicatively dependent modulo
So, for proving the desired result, it suffices to fix such an element
and show that there are only finitely many
$\alpha \in K$
such that
$f^{(m)}(\alpha) = \beta$
for some integer
$m \ge 0$
. Indeed, this follows directly from [Reference Bérczes, Ostafe, Shparlinski and Silverman9, lemma 2·3] and the well-known fact that f has only finitely many preperiodic points lying in K.
3.5 Proof of Theorem 1·5
The proof follows similar ideas as in the proof of [Reference Bérczes, Ostafe, Shparlinski and Silverman9, theorem 1·7].
$\alpha \in K$
be such that there exist integers
, not both zero, such that

As in the proof of Theorem 1·1, we enlarge the set
(in this case
) to a larger set
such that

Also, as in the proof of Theorem 1·1 we can assume that
$k_1 k_2 \ne 0$
. From (3·12) and the power saturation of
, we see that

This allows us to take the
$\gcd(k_1, k_2)$
-root of (3·12), so without loss of generality we can assume that

We now complete the proof case by case.
Case I:
$\alpha \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}$
In this case, we have
$f_1(\alpha),f_2(\alpha)\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}$
. We note that if
$f_1(\alpha)\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$
$f_2(\alpha)\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$
, then Lemma 2·2 implies the finiteness of such
$\alpha \in K$
satisfying (3·12).
Thus, we can assume that
$f_1(\alpha),f_2(\alpha)\not\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$
. This implies that there exists a prime ideal
of K such that the additive valuation
. Moreover, since
$f_2(\alpha)\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}$
, we have
$v_{\mathfrak{p}}(f_2(\alpha))\ge 0$
$k_1k_2 \gt 0$
, then we can assume that
$k_1, k_2 \gt 0$
. In this case, since equation (3·12) implies

we obtain a contradiction by noticing
$v_{\mathfrak{p}}(f_1(\alpha)) \gt 0$
$v_{\mathfrak{p}}(f_2(\alpha)) \ge 0$
We now assume
. Moreover, we can assume
(similar discussion applies for
). Since
, there exist integers s, t such that

Then, using (3·12), we have

We note that, since
$f_1(\alpha) \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}, \gamma \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$
, we have
$f_1(\alpha)^{-t}f_2(\alpha)^s \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}$
$f_1(\alpha)^{-t}f_2(\alpha)^s \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$
, then by (3·13) we obtain that
$f_1(\alpha)\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$
, which contradicts our assumption above. Thus,
$f_1(\alpha)^{-t}f_2(\alpha)^s \not\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$
. Then, by Lemma 2·6 (with
and noticing
$\gamma \in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$
), the exponent
is bounded above only in terms of
$f_1, f_2, K, \Gamma$
. Similarly, we obtain that the exponent
is also bounded above only in terms of
$f_1, f_2, K, \Gamma$
. Hence, in (3·12) there are only finitely many choices of the two exponents
$k_1, k_2$
. Then, fixing
$k_1, k_2$
and applying Lemma 2·2 to the rational function
, we obtain the desired finiteness result, where we need to use the assumption on
that they can not multiplicatively generate a power of a linear fractional function. This completes the proof of Case I.
Case II:
$\alpha \not\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}$
In this case, as in the proof of Theorem 1·1, we can choose a prime ideal
of the ring of integers of K such that

$d_i = \deg f_i, i =1, 2$
. Then, using the ultrametric inequality of non-Archimedean valuations and noticing (3·1), we directly have

Considering valuations in (3·12) and using (3.14) we obtain (since
due to
$\gamma\in O_{S_{{\textbf{f}},\Gamma,\varepsilon}}^*$

, this implies that
$k_1 \mid d_2$
$k_2 \mid d_1$
. Thus we can assume that both
are fixed. Then, as in Case I, the desired finiteness result follows from Lemma 2·2. This completes the proof.
3.6. Proof of Theorem 1·6
The proof follows directly from Maurin’s result (that is, Lemma 2·3). Indeed, let r be the rank of
modulo torsion and let
$g_1,\ldots,g_r \in \Gamma$
be its generators, and thus, they are multiplicatively independent elements. We define the parametric curve

We choose
to be half of the size of the real
from Lemma 2·3.
For an element
$\alpha \in \Gamma^{\textrm{div}}_\varepsilon$
, assume that
$f_1(\alpha), \ldots, f_n(\alpha)$
are multiplicatively dependent modulo
. Since
$\alpha \in \Gamma^{\textrm{div}}_\varepsilon$
, there exist a non-zero vector
$k_0 \ne 0$
, such that

for some
$\beta \in \overline{K}^*$
$ {\textrm{h}}(\beta) \leq \varepsilon$
, implying that

Moreover, since
$f_1(\alpha), \ldots, f_n(\alpha)$
are multiplicatively dependent modulo
, there exist some positive integer t and a non-zero vector
such that

for some
$\gamma \in \overline{K}^*$
${\textrm{h}}(\gamma) \leq \varepsilon$
, implying that (without loss of generality, we assume
$\ell_1 \cdots \ell_n \ne 0$

Therefore, the point

satisfies the multiplicative dependence relations (3.15) and (3.16), which have linearly independent vectors of exponents. Moreover,

is a point on

We also note that by assumption, the functions
$X, f_1,\ldots,f_n,g_1,\ldots,g_r$
are multiplicatively independent. Hence, the desired result follows directly from Lemma 2·3.
The authors are grateful to the referee for a careful reading of the manuscript and valuable comments. The research of Attila Bérczes was supported in part by grants K128088 and ANN130909 of the Hungarian National Foundation for Scientific Research and by the project EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00022 co-financed by the European Union and the European Social Fund. Kálmán Győry was supported in part by grants K128088 and ANN130909 of the Hungarian National Foundation for Scientific Research. Jorge Mello and Alina Ostafe were partially supported by the Australian Research Council Grants DP180100201 and DP200100355. Min Sha was supported by the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (No. 2022A1515012032) and also by the Australian Research Council Grant DE190100888. Alina Ostafe also gratefully acknowledges the generosity and hospitality of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics where parts of her work on this project were developed.