doi:10.1017/S000712341400026X, Published by Cambridge University Press, 10 September 2014.
There is a minor error in the column titling of the first table in the published article. During the editing process, the titles of the first and second columns (models 1 & 2) were transposed. This may create confusion about the hypotheses being tested in these two models. The column labels (“Public Goods” and “Club Goods”) are in the proper places in the corrected table below. All other information in Table 1, including coefficients and variable labels, remains the same.
Table 1 Ordered logit model of individual level determinants of attitudes toward taxation

Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses; ***p<0.01, **p<0.05, *p=<0.10. Models include city fixed effects and all control variables. The dependent variable takes higher values for higher tax morale (unconditioned support for a citizen obligation to pay tax). Bold text indicates it is jointly statistically significant in an F test.
This update does not affect any of the results reported in the article.