Bentonites are frequently volcanic ash beds transformed to clayey sedimentary layers that are typically rich in dioctahedral smectites (e.g. montmorillonite). In alkaline and evaporitic depositional conditions such as salt lakes, brine springs, and sabkhas, however, bentonites tend to be rich in trioctahedral smectites that are frequently associated with the sepiolite-palygorskite minerals (Christidis and Huff, Reference Christidis and Huff2015; Pozo and Calvo, Reference Pozo and Calvo2018; Andrić-Tomašević et al., Reference Andrić-Tomašević, Simić, Mandic, Životić, Suárez and García-Romero2021; Lei et al., Reference Lei, Huang, Jiang and Luo2022). Trioctahedral smectites, excluding hectorite and griffithite, are Mg-rich smectites. Mg-smectites can also be related to interstratified chlorite/smectite (April, Reference April1981; Bettison-Varga and Mackinnon, Reference Bettison-Varga and Mackinnon1997). Mg-smectites have also been documented in salt lakes, brine springs, and sabkhas (Singer and Galán, Reference Singer and Galán1984; Chamley, Reference Chamley1989; Calvo et al., Reference Calvo, Blanc-Valleron, Rodríguez-Arandía, Rouchy, Sanz, Thiry and Simon-Coinçon2009; Galán and Singer, Reference Galán and Singer2011; Pozo and Galán, Reference Pozo, Galán, Pozo and Galán2015, among others), in salars (Bentz and Peterson, Reference Bentz and Peterson2020), in hydrothermal deposits (Chamley, Reference Chamley1989; Meunier, Reference Meunier2005; Abd Elmola et al., Reference Abd Elmola, Asaad, Patrier, Beaufort, Ballini and Descostes2020) and submarine chimneys (Gutiérrez-Ariza et al., Reference Gutiérrez‑Ariza, Barge, Ding, Cardoso, McGlynn, Nakamura, Giovanelli, Price, Lee, Huertas, Sainz‑Díaz and Cartwright2024), and on the surface of Mars (Tirsch et al., Reference Tirsch, Bishop, Voigt, Tornabene, Erkeling and Jaumann2018; Pascuzzo et al., Reference Pascuzzo, Mustard, Kremer and Ebinger2019; Singh et al., Reference Singh, Singh, Roy and Mukherjee2021). It is also important to emphasize that Mg-smectites may form in many settings by transformation from other phyllosilicates (García-Romero and Suárez, Reference García-Romero and Suárez2022).
The genetical relationships of Mg-rich smectites with minerals from the sepiolite-palygorskite series (Suárez and García-Romero, Reference Suárez and García-Romero2013) are similar. This is because of the close stability fields of these minerals when they form by precipitation from solutions in ambient conditions (Birsoy, Reference Birsoy2002). According to Jones (Reference Jones1986), a sequence exists in a typical playa lake environment, from the lake edge, where detrital minerals such as illite, kaolinite, and dioctahedral smectite are abundant, towards the center of the lake where sepiolite and Mg-rich minerals (stevensite and kerolite) are the most abundant components neoformed by direct precipitation. In between, palygorskite and saponite are dominant.
Mg-rich bentonites are relatively scarce. They appear in magnesian basins, such as the Tajo Basin in Spain (García-Romero et al., Reference García-Romero, Manchado, Suárez and García Rivas2019; García-Rivas et al., Reference García-Rivas, Suárez, Torres, Sánchez-Palencia, García-Romero and Ortiz2018; García-Romero and Suárez, Reference García-Romero and Suárez2022; Herranz and Pozo, Reference Herranz and Pozo2022), Amargosa Desert in the USA (Papke, Reference Papke1972; Khoury et al., Reference Khoury, Eberl and Jones1982; Miles, Reference Miles2011), Santos Basin that is located offshore eastern Brazil (Carramal et al., Reference Carramal, Oliveira, Cacela, Cuglieri, Rocha, Viana, Toledo, Pedrinha and De Ros2022; Herlinger et al., Reference Herlinger, De Ros, Surmas and Vidal2023), and several areas in Anatolian Peninsula (Turkey). Turkey has numerous bentonite deposits in the Biga and Gelibolu peninsulas and in the Eskisehir-Ankara, Çankırı-Tokat, Ordu-Trabzon, Kayseri-Nevsehir-Nigde, and Malatya-Elazıg regions (İnan and Hiçsönmez, Reference İnan and Hiçsönmez2022). Most of them consist of dioctahedral smectites, mainly montmorillonite (Abdioǧlu et al., Reference Abdioǧlu, Arslan, Kolayli and Kadir2004; Abdioǧlu and Arslan, Reference Abdioǧlu and Arslan2005; Arslan et al., Reference Arslan, Abdioǧlu and Kadir2010; Kadir et al., Reference Kadir, Külah, Erkoyun, Uyanık, Eren and Elliott2021, among others). However, deposits of trioctahedral smectites also exist, such as those where saponite appears together with sepiolite-palygorskite in the Neogene lacustrine sediments of the Serinhisar-Acipayam basin, Deṅizli, SW Turkey (Akbulut and Kadir, Reference Akbulut and Kadir2003). Saponite also occurs with these fibrous clays in E and SW Eskişehir (Yeniyol, Reference Yeniyol2007; Yeniyol, Reference Yeniyol2012), in the Hekimhan basin (Yalçin and Bozkaya, Reference Yalçin and Bozkaya1995), and in the Polatli region (Karakaya and Karakaya, Reference Karakaya and Karakaya2008). Additionally, stevensite has been reported in the Yenidogan area together with sepiolite (Yeniyol, Reference Yeniyol2014) and in the Bigadiç, Emet, and Kirka lacustrine basins associated with zeolites (Gündogdu et al., Reference Gündogdu, Yalçin, Temel and Clauer1996). Furthermore, saponite has been discovered in lacustrine deposits intercalated with volcanic rocks (Das Gupta, Reference Das Gupta1996; Gündogdu et al., Reference Gündogdu, Yalçin, Temel and Clauer1996; Abdioğlu, Reference Abdioğlu2018).
The crystal-chemistry of trioctahedral smectites is not as well-known as that of dioctahedral smectites. Comparative and detailed studies have been conducted on the structural formula and layer charge of dioctahedral smectites; for example, Kaufhold (Reference Kaufhold2006), Christidis and Eberl (Reference Christidis and Eberl2003), Emmerich et al. (Reference Emmerich, Wolters, Kahr and Lagaly2009), Kaufhold et al. (Reference Kaufhold, Kremleva, Krüger, Rösch, Emmerich and Dohrmann2017), and Christidis et al. (Reference Christidis, Chryssikos, Derkowski, Dohrmann, Eberl, Joussein and Kaufhold2023). However, few studies have focused on the crystal chemistry of trioctahedral smectites. Probably, the most-researched trioctahedral smectites are from the Tajus Basin (Spain) where industrial clays have been mined since the second half of the 20th century. There exist several studies with relevant crystal-chemical information – for example, Galán et al. (Reference Galán, Álvarez and Esteban1986), Martín de Vidales et al. (Reference Martín de Vidales, Pozo, Alia, García Navarro and Rull1991), Pozo and Casas (Reference Pozo and Casas1999), Cuevas et al. (Reference Cuevas, Pelayo, Rivas and Leguey1993), De Santiago et al. (Reference De Santiago, Suárez, GarciaRomero, Domínguez Díaz and Doval1998), Cuevas et al. (Reference Cuevas, Vigil de La Villa, Ramírez, Petit, Meunier and Leguey2003), Steudel et al. (Reference Steudel, Friedrich, Schuhmann, Ruf, Sohling and Emmerich2017), and García-Romero et al. (Reference García-Romero, Manchado, Suárez and García Rivas2019, Reference García-Romero, Lorenzo, García-Vicente, Morales, García Rivas and Suárez2021). In these studies, smectites of the same bentonitic deposit have been classified as kerolite, kerolite-stevensite mixed-layers, stevensite, an interstratification of turbostratic talc and saponite, and as low-charge saponite. Meanwhile, García-Romero and Suárez (Reference García-Romero and Suárez2022) demonstrated the mineralogical and crystal-chemical complexity of these smectites and their narrow relationship with sepiolite.
The aim of the present study was to contribute to the knowledge of the crystal-chemistry of trioctahedral smectites through a detailed study of a group of bentonites sampled from Turkey from sites with different geological origins and complex clay mineralogy.
Materials and methods
Four bentonitic samples from Turkey, labelled as C5, YA3, KT4, and YD28 were studied. YA3, YD28, and KT4 were sampled in different locations of Pliocene lacustrine sediments from the Eskisehir- Sivrihisar Basin. They derive from a dolomite-rich sedimentary Neogene sequence, where authigenetic Mg-clay minerals are abundant. The basement rocks in this area consist of metamorphic (Paleozoic blueschist) and serpentinized ultramafic rocks (Mesozoic). Neogene lacustrine sediments cover a large area stretching to the east and southeast from Eskisehir City. YD28 was sampled near the Yenidoğan village, in the upper part of the Pliocene sequence where two levels of sepiolite appear (Yeniyol, Reference Yeniyol2014). The sample corresponds to a level of dolomitic clay that appears between clayey dolomite and dolomite levels at the top of the lacustrine sequence. KT4 and YA3 samples were found close to Kepeztepe and Yörükakçayır villages (SW Eskişehir), where a sepiolite-palygorskite deposit is found (Yeniyol, Reference Yeniyol2012). KT4 corresponds to smectitic materials that occur as two separate layers (~0.1 m) at the bottom of the massive dolomites that constitutes the top of a lacustrine sequence in which dolomitic marls and dolomite beds, Pliocene in age, alternate and rest upon Upper Miocene conglomerates (Yeniyol, Reference Yeniyol2007).
C5 derives from a vein-type magnesite deposit in south Konya, where Mg-smectites were locally found with sepiolite. Mg-smectite was formed by replacement from magnesite (Yeniyol, Reference Yeniyol2020). C5 was collected at western Çayırbağı village, ~20 km from Konya City. The Mg-clay minerals were formed from pre-existing magnesite. In this area there are ophilitic complexes that consist of pyroxenite altered to serpentinite and of gabbro dykes. They were emplaced as large overthrust slabs over the older lithologies during the Upper Cretaceous and they were covered by Neogene lacustrine sediments containing clayey limestone, conglomerate, and limestone. The Çayırbağı ophiolite contains magnesite deposits formed by the interaction of CO2-rich surface waters with serpentinite during the ophiolite emplacement. Magnesite appears as veins and stockworks in the uppermost parts. Sepiolite and Mg-smectite appear as veins intersecting each other and displaying a stockwork structure inherited from the pre-existing magnesite. These clay minerals were formed in late-stage phases under supergene conditions. Further details regarding the geology of the deposits are available in Yeniyol (Reference Yeniyol1992, Reference Yeniyol2014, and Reference Yeniyol2020).
Mineralogical characterization of whole rock and <2 μm fraction was performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD). Whole-rock samples were powdered using an agate manual mortar. The <2 μm fraction was obtained after suspension in water and decantation and studied as oriented aggregates under ambient conditions, after solvation with ethylene glycol and heating at 550°C. A Bruker D-8 advance XRD diffractometer using CuKα radiation and a graphite monochromator was employed, with a step size of 0.05°2θ and counting time of 1 s per step. The quantification of the crystalline phase was performed using the Full Pattern Summation method (Butler and Hillier, Reference Butler and Hillier2021a), implemented with the powdR package (Butler and Hillier, Reference Butler and Hillier2021b) in RStudio. Prior to the analysis, the samples were prepared using the spray drying procedure (Hillier, Reference Hillier1999). Whitney and Evans (Reference Whitney and Evans2010) was followed for abbreviations of minerals.
Chemical analyses of major and trace elements were performed on the bulk samples using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) (with aqua regia digestion) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) by ACTLABS laboratories in Canada. The 4Lithoresh package was used. Information on the analytical procedures and detection limits for each element is available at:
Thermal analysis and Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy were performed at the Unidad de Técnicas Geológicas, at the Universidad Complutense (Madrid). The FT-IR spectrometer used was a Nicolet Nexus that works in the middle IR between 400 and 4000 cm–1 on KBr pellets. Thermal analysis consisted of simultaneous differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). They were obtained with a TA Instrument SDT-Q600, which enables working from room temperature (~25°C) to 1300°C with a heating rate of 10°C min–1 in an atmosphere of synthetic air.
The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study was performed optimizing the experimental conditions to avoid structural modifications using a low beam intensity (<500 counts on the CCD camera). The chemical composition of the samples was obtained using analytical electron microscopy (AEM) with TEM, both in natural and homoionized with Ca2+ samples, to ascertain the structural formula of smectites and the interlaminar cations (García-Romero et al., Reference García-Romero, Lorenzo, García-Vicente, Morales, García Rivas and Suárez2021). For the homoionization of the smectites, powdered samples were immersed in a 1 M CaCl2 solution at room temperature for three successive 24 h baths. Thereafter, the chloride solutions were removed until the chloride was completely removed, washing the samples with successive distilled water and centrifugation baths. The absence of chloride was confirmed with dilute AgNO3. Homoionized samples were labelled as C5-Ca, YA3-Ca, KT4-Ca, and YD28-Ca. The samples for TEM were prepared by depositing a drop of diluted clay suspension onto copper grids with a holey carbon film. The analyses were conducted at the Centro de Instrumentación Científica (CIC), University of Granada, Spain, with a HAADF Thermo Fisher Scientific TALOS F200X microscope. Structural formulas were calculated for 2:1 phyllosilicates – that is, for O20(OH)4. All Fe present in the samples was considered as Fe3+ (owing to the limitation of the technique); however, the possible existence of scarce Fe2+ cannot be excluded.
The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for samples labelled as C5 was performed using the FEI Quanta FEG 450 SEM apparatus at the Istanbul University–Cerrahpaşa, Department of Chemical Engineering. The sample analyses of YD28, KT4, and YA3 were conducted at the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye, Marmara Research Center (TÜBİTAK-MAM) using a Jeol JSM-6335F field emission SEM equipped with an Oxford Inca energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). For analyses, gold-coated chips were used.
Results and Discussion
X-ray diffraction
XRD patterns of raw powdered samples showed high purity of smectites. C5 was the purest sample, with 89% smectite and a small amount of palygorskite as impurity. Dolomite was the major non-clay mineral identified in three of the studied samples, except for C5, in which this carbonate was absent (Fig. 1; Table 1). The sample YA3 had the smallest smectite content (≈43%). The purest sample was C5; its XRD pattern showed the characteristic asymmetric and broad bands corresponding to the hk0 reflections of smectites together with a broad basal 001 reflection. This sample presented a shoulder in the broad 001 reflection located at 8.26°2θ (10.69 Å) that could correspond to 110 of palygorskite. KT4 and YA3 were similar; both had dolomite impurities, which were more abundant in the YA3 sample (15% and 19%, respectively). In both samples, there was a minor reflection of palygorskite – more intense and better defined in the YA3 sample, minor quantities of quartz (26.6°2θ, 3.34 Å), and a small peak at 12.11°2θ (7.30 Å) corresponding to serpentine. Additionally, quartz, feldspar, chlorite, and illite were identified. These minerals represent the detrital components, whereas smectite and palygorskite were neoformed (Yeniyol, Reference Yeniyol2012). Finally, YD28 presented only minor quantities of dolomite. It stood out with the broad band at small angles, between 4.08°2θ and 8.03°2θ, indicating the small number of layers per coherent scattering domain (CSD) in the smectite (Yeniyol, Reference Yeniyol2014; Yeniyol, Reference Yeniyol2020).
Table 1. Mineralogical composition (in percentages) from XRD

Sme = smectite, Plg = palygorskite, Qz = quartz, Dol = dolomite, Ilt = illite, K-Fsp = potassic felspar, Srp = serpentine; Dol (Ch. A.) is the content in dolomite calculated from the content in CaO of the chemical analysis.

Figure 1. X-ray diffraction patterns of raw samples. Black: C5; blue: KT4; green: YA3; and red: YD28. Sm = smectite, Plg = palygorskite, Qz = quartz, Do = dolomite, Srp = serpentine. Detailed area (inset) contains the smectite 060 d-spacings.
Oriented aggregates and their treatments (Fig. 2) confirmed smectite as the majority component and the presence of minor amounts of palygorskite in the KT4 and YA3 samples and illite, together with scarce chlorite. Palygorskite in the KT4 and YA3 samples had a 110 reflection at 10.6 Å, which corresponds to a Mg-rich palygorskite (Statopoulou et al., Reference Statopoulou, Suárez, García-Romero, Sánchez del Río, Kacandes, Gionis and Chryssikos2011). This implied that they had some sepiolite polysomes (Suárez and García-Romero, Reference Suárez and García-Romero2011).

Figure 2. X-ray diffraction patterns of the oriented aggregates of the <2 μm fraction. Black: C5; blue: KT4; green: YA3; and red: YD28. (a) Normal environment, (b) ethylene glycol, and (c) heated at 550°C for 2 h.
The Biscaye index of smectites (Biscaye, Reference Biscaye1965) ranges between –0.2 (YD28) and 0.4 (KT4). This implies the presence of smectites with low crystallinity, especially in the YD28 sample, in which, as previously indicated, there was no ordering in the [001] direction, even though the hk0 reflection was explicit (Fig. 1). In that sample, a wide band appeared from 12 Å in oriented aggregates that moved toward smaller angles (~17 Å) in EG as corresponding to smectites. These XRD patterns of YD28 appeared like Pink Clays from Tajo (García-Romero et al., Reference García-Romero, Lorenzo, García-Vicente, Morales, García Rivas and Suárez2021; García-Romero and Suárez, Reference García-Romero and Suárez2022), where saponite appeared as tiny crystals with few 2:1 stacked layers.
The 060 reflection appeared mainly at approximately 1.52 Å in all samples, which implies that all smectites were trioctahedral. Minor differences were observed in this reflection (Fig. 1). C5 and YD28 were explicitly trioctahedral, whereas YA3 and KT4 showed a more dioctahedral component, as could be deduced from the double peak. The d-spacing was not so low as 1.49 Å; however, two maxima were present at 1.528 Å and 1.503 Å (Fig. 1). The major dioctahedral component in the YA3 and KT4 samples was palygorskite, and a minor proportion of illite was also present as revealed by the oriented aggregate patterns. These two samples had chlorite as traces as revealed by the small peak at approximately 14 Å after heating at 550°C and serpentine appearing at 7.28 Å. The presence of the 110 reflection of the palygorskite was visible in the C5 and KT4 raw samples as a shoulder and as a peak in EG patterns, while it appeared as a peak in the YA3 sample.
The mineralogical assemblages found in these samples, formed by trioctahedral smectite with carbonates and sepiolite-palygorskite, are common (Christidis and Huff, Reference Christidis and Huff2015). The neoformation of dolomite and saponite in lacustrine environments, similar to the formation environments of YA3, KT4, and YD28 (Yeniyol, Reference Yeniyol2012; Yeniyol, Reference Yeniyol2014), is frequently encountered in the Mediterranean area. Most of them are considered as Miocene or Pliocene in terms of age (Kadir et al., Reference Kadir, Baş and Karakaş2002; Akbulut and Kadir, Reference Akbulut and Kadir2003; Karakaya and Karakaya, Reference Karakaya and Karakaya2008); however, Holocene sediments with this mineralogical composition have also been identified (Abdelwahab et al., Reference Abdelwahab, Hassan and El-Sabagh2022). The studied samples correspond to a Mg-rich clay paragenesis in which saponite is a major mineral together with fibrous minerals of the sepiolite-palygorskite polysomatic series. In the sample with the greatest palygorskite content, the values for IVAl and octahedral vacancies, calculated from the d 002 spacing and the equations proposed by Suárez et al. (Reference Suárez, García-Romero, Sánchez del Río, Martinetto and Dooryhée2007) were 0.95 per half unit cell (p.h.u.c.) and 0.65 p.h.u.c., respectively. These corresponded to Mg-palygorskite, which contained a large percentage of sepiolite polysomes (Suárez and García-Romero, Reference Suárez and García-Romero2011; Suárez and García-Romero, Reference Suárez and García-Romero2013).
Chemical analysis
The chemical composition was in accordance with the mineralogical content (Tables 1 and 2), as the logical and most abundant elements included Si, Mg, and Ca, ranging in the case of SiO2 between 27.6 and 50.65%, MgO between 16.68 and 23.52%, and CaO between 0.34 and 4.68%. The loss on ignition value ranged between 20.16% (C5) and 28.2% (YA3), and its variation was related to both clay minerals and dolomite content (except C5, which does not contain dolomite). The C5 sample was the richest in Fe, being Fe3+-majority in comparison with other samples, because FeO was under 1%, even under the limit of detection in the YA3 sample. The sample with a smaller amount of Al2O3 was YD28. The contents of minor and trace elements are presented in Table 3. C5 and YD28 showed smaller values than that in KT4 and YA3, with notable exceptions. Cr had concentrations >200 ppm, except in sample YD28, which was also depleted in Co and Ni. Sample C5 stood out for its small values of Sr and Cs on the one hand and a significantly greater value of Ni on the other. Sample KT4 had the greatest concentration of elements belonging to the REE group, followed by sample YA3. The abundance of As is notable, except in sample C5 with <5 ppm, as it appears trioctahedral smectites tend to contain greater quantities of As than dioctahedral smectites (Lorenzo et al., Reference Lorenzo, Sánchez-Santos, Rivas, García-Romero and Suárez2024).
Table 2. Content of major elements in percentage of oxides

LOI = loss on ignition.
Table 3. Content of minor and trace elements in ppm

Data with < symbol indicate that the element was under the detection limit.
VNIR-SWIR spectroscopy
The reflectance spectra of the samples were similar (Fig. 3), without appreciable bands in the visible wavenumber range with two large absorption bands in the NIR region; the first at approximately 1400 nm and the second at 1900 nm, both corresponding to smectites. This is because of the overtones of fundamental stretching vibrations and combinations of stretching and bending modes of the structural OH– groups bonded to octahedral cations and H2O present in both the interlayer of smectites and adsorbed on the surface (Bishop et al., Reference Bishop, Madejová, Komadel and Fröschl2002; Madejová et al., Reference Madejová, Gates and Petit2017). Smaller bands owing to M-OH– vibrations appeared between 2200 and 2400 nm, which depend on the octahedral content. Therefore, the spectra were explicitly marked by the smectites and the major absorption features corresponding to dolomite could not be observed. In dolomite, the characteristic absorption features of carbonates were due to vibrational modes of the CO32– anion with a diagnostic absorption feature in the approximately 2300 nm region and a reflectance decline from 2400 nm (Cloutis et al., Reference Cloutis, Grasby, Last, Léveillé, Osinski and Sherriff2010; Gaffey, Reference Gaffey1986). Additionally, dolomite had small absorption features at approximately 1860, 1980, and 2140 nm. The diagnostic band at 2300 nm could be overlapped with that of trioctahedral smectite; however, the reflectance decline at larger wavenumber was the same in the samples with dolomite (KT4, YA3, and YD28) as in C5, which did not have dolomite. This implies that dolomite impurities did not affect the interpretation of the smectite signal in the spectra. This agrees with Santamaría et al. (Reference Santamaría-López, Suárez and García-Romero2024), who suggested that kaolinite–dolomite mixtures should contain at least 65% dolomite to enable the identification of its characteristic spectral features.

Figure 3. VNIR-SWIR spectra of the studied samples.
In fact, owing to the mineralogical similarities, the spectra of C5 and YD28 constituted one couple whereas KT4 and YA3 constituted another. An extremely wide absorption was observed in the visible region at approximately 536 nm for sample C5; this could be related to the presence of minor quantities of hematite or Fe3+ as octahedral cation (Báscones et al., Reference Báscones, Suárez, Ferrer-Juliá, García-Meléndez, Colmenero-Hidalgo and Quirós2020). Focusing on the region between 1000 and 2500 nm, two areas of special interest were present in these samples. First, the band at approximately 1400 nm owing to OH– vibrations appeared in all samples with two shoulders (Fig. 3), which is the characteristic of trioctahedral smectites and sepiolite. The shoulder at 1390 nm became a peak in the YD28 sample (Fig. 3), which is characteristic of trioctahedral smectites. In the samples with greater impurity content (YA3 and KT4), this effect manifested itself as a shoulder. Another conspicuous region was 2200 to 2400 nm, where various bands (in position and/or intensity) or shoulders were identified – all related to the stretching and bending combinations involving various octahedral cations in clay minerals (Madejová et al., Reference Madejová, Gates and Petit2017). The absorptions (Fig. 3) located at approximately 2350 and 2388 nm were related to trioctahedral 3Mg-OH bonds. Minor effects at 2220 and 2250 nm were due to the presence of octahedral Al and Fe3+ cations. These were more intense in YA3 and KT4, whereas those at 2350 and 2388 nm were more intense in C5 and YD28. This is in good agreement with the mineralogy of these two samples, because YA3 and KT4 have more palygorskite and illite in the clay fraction, whereas C5 and YD28 are richer in Mg-smectite.
Thermal analysis
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were also conducted (see Figs S1–S3 in the Supplementary material). The derivative of the TGA curves (DTG) was obtained for each sample (Fig. 4). Thermogravimetric curves showed progressive loss of weight, although with notable differences among the samples. These losses were related to the peaks in DTG and the endothermic effects in DTA and DSC curves, with only an exothermic effect at high temperature (approximately 810°C). Trioctahedral smectites constitute the major component in the samples together with dolomite. Smectites had only three signals in the range of temperature studied: (1) at low temperature, dehydration of adsorbed and interlayer water occurred, which implies endothermic effect and a loss of weight; (2) dehydroxylation occurred at >700°C, and is related to an endothermic effect and loss of weight; and (3) the transformation into an anhydrous phase at >800°C, which was shown as an exothermic effect. Scarce references are available on the thermal behavior of trioctahedral smectites that differ from dioctahedral smectites, in which cis and trans vacants affect the dehydroxylation temperature (Drits et al., Reference Drits, Lindgreen, Salyn, Ylagan and McCarty1998). Dehydroxylation of the octahedral sheet of trioctahedral smectites occurred just before phase transformation at highest temperatures, usually at >700°C. These smectites had no other endothermic or exothermic effect in the region between 100 and 700°C owing to the lack of octahedral vacancies (Steudel et al., Reference Steudel, Friedrich, Schuhmann, Ruf, Sohling and Emmerich2017; Derkowski and Kuligiewicz, Reference Derkowski and Kuligiewicz2023).

Figure 4. DTG of the studied samples.
Conversely, the major impurity present in three samples was dolomite, which had a characteristic endothermic peak due to: (1) thermal decomposition into calcite + MgO (periclase) and (2) the thermal decomposition of calcite at temperatures that depends on CO2 pressure. The first effect appears as a shoulder or change of inflexion of the second endothermic peak in the DTG curve (Resio, Reference Resio2023). According to Li and Messing (Reference Li and Messing1983), the notable variability in decomposition temperatures of dolomite and differences may be due to experimental factors, such as sample size, grain size, heating rate, atmospheric conditions, and the influence of other minerals, which can affect dolomite decomposition extensively. In the studied samples, the endothermic peak related to dolomite, with an associated loss of weight, is approximately 700°C in the three samples containing dolomite. Dolomite can show an effect under 700°C when ground for several hours (Ozao et al., Reference Ozao, Ochiai, Yamazaki and Otsuka1991). However, the samples studied here were ground within a few minutes. The low temperature for dolomite decomposition is probably related to the influence of clay minerals. The intensity of the major peak (between 650 and 700°C) in the DTG in the three samples with dolomite was in accordance with the proportion of dolomite calculated via both XRD and chemical analysis (Tables 1 and 2). A large correlation was observed between the calculated quantity of dolomite and the intensity of the peak at 700°C in the DTG curve (see Fig. S4 in the Supplementary material). The more intense effect was observed in sample YA3 = 46% dolomite, followed by KT4 = 22% dolomite, and YD28 = 16% dolomite.
In the samples studied, the major effect at the lowest temperature was an endothermic peak at <100°C due to the dehydration of adsorbed and interlayer water, with a loss of weight between 9.77% (YA3) and 12.44% (YD28). This was in good agreement with the content in smectite because these samples contain 43% and 85% smectite, respectively. C5 and YA3 showed a small shoulder in the DTG and ADT at approximately 80°C (Fig. 4; Fig. S1), probably because of the presence of different interlayer cations in the smectite (El-Barawy et al., Reference El-Barawy, Girgis and Felix1986). The YA3 sample and KT4 and C5 with extremely small intensity, also showed a peak or shoulder at approximately 175°C in DTG (Fig. 3), which corresponded to palygorskite dehydration because of the release of zeolitic water in the fibrous mineral (Frost and Ding, Reference Frost and Ding2003). The presence of Mg-palygorskite, identified via XRD, also influenced the region between 200 and 500°C because this mineral has a wide endothermic effect due to the partial dehydration and folding of the structure between 350 and 450°C (Frost and Ding, Reference Frost and Ding2003).
At the highest temperatures, dehydroxylation and phase transformation of smectite occurred, as previously mentioned, and a small exothermic peak appeared in the DTA and DSC curves with the loss of weight in the TGA (Figs S1 and S3; Fig. 3), although the loss of weight is smaller than expected according to the mineralogical content of the samples, which could indicate a progressive dehydroxylation of the samples from lower temperatures. On the other hand, the exothermic effect due to the recrystallization of a new phase was present in all samples with small differences in the temperature. In KT4 and YA3, recrystallization appeared at 778°C whereas C5 and YD28 made another couple displaying recrystallization effect at 823°C. DTG curves also displayed structural similarities between KT4 and YA3 on the one hand, and between C5 and YD28 on the other hand (Fig. 4). According to Vogels et al. (Reference Vogels, Kloprogge, Geus and Beers2005), after an initial amorphization, pyroxene- and olivine-like structures could form. The temperature difference required for the phase transformation in these samples could be related to crystal-chemical differences, size of crystals, or the influence of other minerals. According to Drits et al. (Reference Drits, Lindgreen, Salyn, Ylagan and McCarty1998), the more heterogeneous the octahedral composition, the wider the range of smectite dehydroxylation temperature. In this case, the range in dehydroxylation temperatures indicated that the samples are not completely trioctahedral.
Scanning electron microscopy
The samples were studied via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to observe their microstructure. C5 appeared a highly homogeneous material (Fig. 5a), with un-oriented small aggregates of laminar particles with pores of a few hundred nanometers. The samples KT4 and YA3 were mutually similar (Fig. 5b–e). The aggregates of laminar particles in these two samples showed a closer microstructure than in C5, and they surrounded dispersed dolomite crystals that occasionally attained the size of several microns (Fig. 5b). The YD28 sample was completely different, appearing like corrugated textile, where it was impossible to differentiate particles with the level of magnification used (Fig. 5f). This sample showed an open texture like that of the sepiolite shown by García-Romero and Suárez (2013), which were obtained after suspension in water and sedimentation of samples.

Figure 5. Representative images of the samples by SEM. (a) C5; (b) KT4; (c,d,e) YA3; (f) YD28. Dol = dolomite, Plg = palygorskite, Sep = sepiolite.
Furthermore, in C5, KT4, and YA3, isolated fibrous particles or tiny bundles were observed occasionally (Fig. 5b,d,e). However, a unique characteristic of these three samples was the presence of laminar particles that presented fibrous terminations at their edges. The fibers were well developed only in a few cases (Fig. 5e). In all cases, sepiolite-palygorskite fibers were not well developed, lacking the typical bundles that characterize these minerals. However, they appeared intimately related to smectites, exhibiting a narrow textural relationship, which suggested transformation reactions involving smectite and the fibrous mineral.
Transmission electron microscopy and point analyses
The morphology of single crystals of smectites was studied via TEM (Fig. 6). According to mineralogical characterization, the characteristic laminar morphology with diffuse edges were the most abundant in the samples. However, some fibrous crystals were also observed in all samples. The size of smectite crystals rarely exceeded 0.5 μm in their large dimension. KT4 and YA3 also showed scarce surrounded laminar particles of illite, 1–2 μm in size. This mineral was also identified via XRD in these samples.

Figure 6. Representative images of smectites under TEM. (a) C5, (b) C5-Ca, (c) KT4, (d) KT4Ca, (e) YA3, (f) YA3-Ca, (g) YD28, and (h) YD28-Ca.
The samples were analyzed under natural conditions after homoionization with Ca2+ to ascertain octahedral Mg2+ and interlayer contents (García-Romero et al., Reference García-Romero, Manchado, Suárez and García Rivas2019). No isolated fibers or mixed particles were analyzed. The major element contents in oxides of all smectitic particles analyzed before and after homoionization (Tables S1 and S2 in the Supplementary material) showed large variability. All data were fitted as 2:1 phyllosilicates, for O20(OH)4 (Table S3 in the Supplementary material). The mean structural formulae were obtained from the mean and standard deviation of the oxide contents and the structural formula fitted from the mean values of major elements contents for both natural and homoionized samples (Table 4).
Table 4. Major elements (% weight of oxides) from point analyses by AEM, mean values, and standard deviation (SD), and structural formula fitted for O22(OH)4 from these mean values

ΣIV = number of tetrahedral cations, ΣVI = number of octahedral cations, QIV = tetrahedral charge, QVI = octahedral charge, QL = layer charge, QIL = interlayer charge.
The content of CaO increased in the homoionic samples, confirming the successful exchange of cations. The differences among the samples before and after homoionization indicated that Mg was an interlayer cation in the natural samples, as expected. Therefore, the Ca-samples were suitable for studying the crystal-chemistry of these smectites. The contents in SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and MgO were plotted both for natural and Ca-homoionized smectites (Fig. 7). Greater modification occurred for the YA3 sample after homoionization. The proportion of mean values of these oxides varied in all samples after homoionization. SiO2 increased in all samples, except for C5, whereas the other oxides decreased, mainly MgO, logically. This indicates that Mg2+ was an interlayer cation in natural samples. The samples differed: C5 had the smallest SiO2 and greatest Fe2O3 content, whereas YD28 had the greatest SiO2 and MgO contents. KT4 and YA3 had the smallest MgO and greatest Al2O3 content among these samples. A certain proportion of K+ remained after homoionization, mainly in sample KT4 – and to a lesser extent, in YA3 and C5 (Fig. 7; Table S2). This K+ must be related to a minor proportion of interstratified mica-type layers in the smectite crystals (Hoang-Minh et al., Reference Hoang-Minh, Kasbohm, Nguyen-Thanh, Nga, Lai, Duong, Thanh, Thuyet, Anh, Pusch, Knutsson and Ferreiro-Mahlmann2019; García-Romero et al., Reference García-Romero, Lorenzo, García-Vicente, Morales, García Rivas and Suárez2021) – even in C5, in which mica had not been identified via XRD.

Figure 7. Chemical data of point analyses for both natural and Ca-homoionic samples. Key: Ca-SAP-HC = Ca-high charge saponite, Ca-SAP-LC = Ca-low charge saponite, Ca-STV-HC = Ca-high charge stevensite, Ca-STV-LC = Ca-low charge stevensite, PLG = palygorskite, SEPI = sepiolite.
The Fe2O3 content calculated via AEM was greater in C5, intermediate in KT4 and YA3, and smaller in YD28. This agreed with the depth of the wide absorption feature found at approximately 900 nm in the VNIR-SWIR spectra and with the background in the XRD-patterns that was greater with higher Fe content in the samples owing to the fluorescence of this element.
Considering the Ca-homoionized samples only, the mean formulae obtained of individual point analyses did not fit properly for trioctahedral smectites, except for the C5-Ca sample. In this sample, both the mean formula and all particles analyzed fitted as a low-charge saponite (between –0.40 and –0.54 of layer charge per unit cell), with octahedral Al3+ and Fe3+, which led to an octahedral occupancy between 5.25 and 5.50 octahedral cations per unit cell (p.u.c.) (Table S4). Additionally, this sample showed the smallest standard deviation values for all structural parameters calculated. However, the point analysis of KT4, YA3, and YD28 did not fit properly as smectite. In the group of formulae obtained for smectites of the KT4 and YA3 samples (Table S4), most particles did not fit as smectites. This is because both the number of silicon atoms, the layer charge, and the number of occupied octahedral positions were not compatible with trioctahedral smectites, nor with any other 2:1 phyllosilicate.
In YA3-Ca, only 27.6% of the particles fitted as saponite. The other particles did not fit as 2:1 minerals because they had >8 Si atoms p.u.c. In fact, the number of tetrahedral positions reached 8.57 p.u.c. This occurred for the YD28 sample; however, in this case, all formulae contained >8 Si atoms p.u.c., with a mean value of 8.25 and a standard deviation of 0.08 (Table S4). After Ca-homoionization, both the values obtained for layer and interlayer charges increased and the number of octahedral cations decreased with respect to the values calculated in the non-homoionic samples (Tables S3 and S4), in accordance with García-Romero et al. (Reference García-Romero, Lorenzo, García-Vicente, Morales, García Rivas and Suárez2021). According to the number of octahedral cations, smectites in the C5-Ca and YD28-Ca samples were explicitly trioctahedral, in good agreement with the 060 reflection in XRD at 1.52 Å. However, the mean formulae fitted for KT4-Ca and YA3-Ca had dioctahedral properties because the numbers of octahedral cations were 4.65 and 4.22, respectively. These values are anomalous because, although they presented a double peak at 1.50–1.52 Å, the second was more intense, and therefore, the smectites – the majority phyllosilicates in those samples – must have been trioctahedral. However, the number of octahedral cations was not the only parameter that failed to fit properly in the mean structural formulae of KT4-Ca and YA3-Ca. These two samples and Y28-Ca had >8 Si atoms (p.u.c.). These structural formulae were obtained via point analysis. Contamination with other mineral particles could not be claimed to explain these anomalous compositions. This is because it occurred for all analyses in the YD28 sample and for most of them in KT4-Ca and YA3-Ca. Additionally, analysis locations were chosen on surfaces of smectitic particles.
Crystal-chemistry of clay minerals is complex. Clay crystals may contain minor quantities of substances adsorbed on their surfaces and frequently appear as interstratified with other clay minerals in such a manner that they are often structurally heterogeneous. The excess of Si could be related to the presence of amorphous silica adsorbed on the surface of the smectitic particles (Moore and Reynolds, Reference Moore and Reynolds1997) or the presence of intergrowth of other minerals with a larger ratio of Si/octahedral cations, such as sepiolite-palygorskite.
To visualize the variability of the composition of the smectitic particles, the results of the point analyses were plotted in two ternary plots together with the composition of ideal sepiolite, palygorskite, and saponite and stevensite of low and high charges (Fig. 7). This plot showed large variability of composition in natural and homoionic samples. The composition of these particles must lie in the region between palygorskite and most magnesian clays (sepiolite, stevensite, and low-charge saponite). Both the mean structural formula and all point analyses of KT4 and YA3 plotted between palygorskite and the region richest in Mg minerals, C5 plotted between high-charge saponite and palygorskite, and YD28 plotted closer to the sepiolite and stevensite. These projections show that the smectitic particles have intermediate composition between laminar and fibrous minerals, although only laminar particles were analyzed.
Final remarks
These samples can be described as bentonites, because their major minerals were trioctahedral smectites, with impurities of dolomite and minor quantities of minerals of the sepiolite-palygorskite series.
The most interesting features were related to the crystal-chemistry of the smectitic particles. All point analyses of smectites in these samples did not fit properly for Mg-smectites, having a composition intermediate between smectites and sepiolite-palygorskite. According to the XRD and the observations under TEM, all samples had a proportion of fibers intimately mixed with the small laminar particles. In a few cases, contamination may have occurred because of the mixture of particles in the analysis. However, the crystal-chemistry of these smectitic particles is complex and the results of the point analysis cannot be explained solely by the possible contamination of fibers. Conversely, it must be related to the structural complexity of these smectites in which intergrowths/interstratification could exist.
This study will contribute to the knowledge of the crystal-chemistry of Mg-smectites. It shows narrow relationships among Mg-smectites and sepiolite-palygorskite. However, more studies on the crystal-chemistry and structure of Mg-clays are needed in order to improve the knowledge of these relationships among Mg-clay minerals.
Supplementary material
The supplementary material for this article can be found at
Data availability statement
The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Author contributions
Mercedes Suárez and Adrian Lorenzo: conceptualization. Mercedes Suárez and Emilia García-Romero: funding acquisition. All authors contributed to the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data. All authors contributed to writing, review and editing original draft.
Financial support
Funded by Grant PID-2019-106504RB funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.130 39/501100011033.
Competing interests
The authors declare none.