1 Introduction
Three natural numbers a, b, c are said to be an
triple if they do not share a common factor and satisfy the equation

Informally, the
conjecture says that large
triples cannot be “very composite,” in the sense of
having a prime factorization containing large powers of small primes. The radical of
is defined to be the product of the primes in the prime factorization of
, i.e.,

conjecture then states that
triples satisfy

for every
, where the implied big-O constant may depend on
$\epsilon $
Presently, the conjecture is far from being proved; not a single
$\epsilon $
is known for which (1.1) holds.Footnote
The best-known upper bound is due to Stewart and Yu [Reference Stewart and Yu10] and says that
triples satisfy

On the other hand, Stewart and Tijdeman [Reference Stewart and Tijdeman9] proved in 1986 that there are infinitely many
triples with

for all
$\kappa <4$
. Such
triples are exceptional in the sense that their radical is relatively small in comparison to c and they provide a lower bound on the best possible form of (1.1). In 1997, van Frankenhuysen [Reference van Frankenhuysen3] improved this lower bound by showing that (1.2) holds for
$\kappa =4\sqrt {2}$
, and in 1999, he improved this to
$\kappa =6.068$
using a sphere-packing idea credited to H. W. Lenstra, Jr. We improve this further by showing that there are infinitely many
triples satisfying (1.2) with
$\kappa =6.563$
2 Preliminaries
Let S be a set of prime numbers. An S-unit is defined to be a rational number whose numerator and denominator in lowest terms are divisible by only the primes in S. That is, one has

This generalizes the notion of units of
$\mathbb {Z}$
; in particular, the
$\emptyset $
-units are
$\pm 1$
. The height of a rational number
in lowest terms is

. This provides a convenient way of measuring the “size” of an S-unit. Finally, if

is a vector in
$\mathbb {R}^n$
, we let

be its standard
$\ell _k$
-norm. The existence of exceptional
triples follows from some basic results in the geometry of numbers along with estimates for prime numbers provided by the prime number theorem. In particular, we rely on a result of Rankin [Reference Rankin6] guaranteeing the existence of a short nonzero vector in a suitably chosen lattice.
2.1 The odd prime number lattice
The result involves in an essential way the odd prime number lattice
generated by the rows

$\dotsc $

of the matrix

denotes the ith odd prime number. This lattice has a number of interesting applications. For example, it is used in Schnorr’s factoring algorithm [Reference Schnorr7] and Micciancio’s proof that approximating the shortest vector to within a constant factor is NP-hard under a randomized reduction [Reference Micciancio5]. There is an obvious isomorphism between the points of
and the positive
$ \left \lbrace {p_1,\dotsc ,p_n} \right \rbrace $
-units given by

Furthermore, this relationship works well with a natural notion of size, as shown in the following lemma.
Lemma 2.1
$p/q=\prod _{i=1}^n p_i^{e_i}$
is expressed in lowest terms.
Proof Without loss of generality, suppose
$p\geq q$
. Then

as required, since
by assumption.
2.2 The kernel sublattice
Let P be the set of positive
$ \left \lbrace {p_1,\dotsc ,p_n} \right \rbrace $
-units, and consider the map
$\phi $
reducing the elements of P modulo
. Since each
$\dotsc $
is odd,
$\phi \colon P\to (\mathbb {Z}/2^m\mathbb {Z})^*$
is well defined. The odd prime number lattice
has an important sublattice that we call the kernel sublattice
. It consists of those vectors whose associated
$ \left \lbrace {p_1,\dotsc ,p_n} \right \rbrace $
-units lie in the kernel of
$\phi $
. Formally, we define

Figure 1 plots the first two coordinates of vectors in the kernel sublattice for varying m.

Figure 1 Plots of
$\{\ (x,y) : (x,y,z)\in L_{2,m}\ \}$
$1\leq m\leq 8$
Lemma 2.2
is a sublattice of
of index
$n\geq 2$
Proof Note that
is discrete and closed under addition and subtraction.
also contains the n linearly independent vectors
$1\leq i\leq n$
, so this demonstrates that
is a full-rank sublattice of
$(\mathbb {Z}/2^m\mathbb {Z})^*$
, when
$n\geq 2$
, we have
$\phi (P)=(\mathbb {Z}/2^m\mathbb {Z})^*$
. Since
$L_n\cong P$
$L_{n,m}\cong \ker \phi $
, it follows that
$L_n/L_{n,m} \cong (\mathbb {Z}/2^m\mathbb {Z})^*$
by the first isomorphism theorem. Thus, the index of
$ \left \lvert {(\mathbb {Z}/2^m\mathbb {Z})^*} \right \rvert =2^{m-1}$
2.3 Hermite’s constant
The Hermite constant
$\gamma _n$
is defined to be the smallest positive number such that every lattice of dimension n and volume
$\det (L)$
contains a nonzero vector


We are interested in the “Manhattan distance”
$\ell _1$
-norm instead of the usual Euclidean norm, so we define the related constants
$\delta _n$
by the smallest positive number such that every full-rank lattice of dimension n contains a nonzero vector


By Minkowski’s theorem [Reference Cassels2] applied to a generalized octahedron (a “sphere” in the
$\ell _1$
-norm), every full-rank lattice of dimension n contains a nonzero lattice point


. It follows that
$\delta _n \leq (n!)^{1/n} \sim n/e$
, but better bounds on
$\delta _n$
are known. Blichfeldt [Reference Blichfeldt1] showed that


. Improving this, Rankin [Reference Rankin6] showed the following.
Lemma 2.3 For all integer n and real
$x\in [1/2,1]$
, we have

Corollary 2.4 Let
$\delta $
be a constant such that
$\delta _n\leq n/\delta +O(\log n)$
. Then a permissible value for
$\delta $
$\max \limits _{1/2\leq x\leq 1}\big( {\frac {1-x}{2-x}}\big)^{x-1}\big( {\frac {e}{x}}\big)^x x!\approx 3.65931$
Proof Note that
$((1+xn)/x)^{1/n}=1+O((\log n)/n)$

Then, by Lemma 2.3, it follows that

and the function
$x\mapsto \big( {\frac {1-x}{2-x}}\big)^{x-1} \big( {\frac {e}{x}}\big)^x x!$
$1/2\leq x\leq 1$
reaches a maximum of approximately
$x\approx 0.645467$
The best possible value
$\delta $
can achieve in Corollary 2.4 is unknown, but the Minkowski–Hlawka theorem [Reference Cassels2] applied to a generalized octahedron shows that in any dimension n, there is always a full-rank lattice L with all of its nonzero lattice points
; here,
$\zeta $
is the Riemann zeta function. It follows that
$\delta _n>(\zeta (n)\mspace {1.5mu}n!)^{1/n}\mspace {-1.5mu}/2\sim n/(2e)$
, so we must have
$\delta \leq 2e$
2.4 A full-rank kernel sublattice
$L_{n,m}\in \mathbb {R}^{n+1}$
is of dimension n (i.e., not full-rank), it is awkward to use Rankin’s result on
directly. The basis matrix of
cannot simply be rotated to embed it in
$\mathbb {R}^n$
, since rotation does not preserve the
$\ell _1$
-norm. To circumvent this and work with a full-rank lattice, we adjoin the new basis vector
to form a full-rank lattice
$\overline {L}_n$
(and similarly a full-rank lattice
$\overline {L}_{n,m}$
Lemma 2.5 The volume of
$\overline {L}_{n,m}$
$2^{m-1}n^3\prod _{i=1}^n\log p_i$
$n\geq 2$
Proof The basis matrix of
adjoined with
is an upper-triangular matrix, so
$\det (\overline {L}_n)=n^3\prod _{i=1}^n\log p_i$
. The index of
$\overline {L}_{n,m}$
$\overline {L}_n$
$n\geq 2$
by the same argument as in Lemma 2.2, so
$\det (\overline {L}_{n,m})=2^{m-1}\det (\overline {L}_n)$
Our choice of m will ultimately be asymptotic to
$n\log _2 n$
, and in this case,
$\det (\overline {L}_{n,m})^{1/(n+1)}$
grows slightly more than linearly in n.
Lemma 2.6 If
$m\sim n\log _2 n$
, then
$\det (\overline {L}_{n,m})^{1/(n+1)}=O(n^{1+\epsilon })$
for all
Proof Lemma 2.5 implies
$\det (\overline {L}_{n,m})^{1/(n+1)} < 2^{m/n} n^{3/n} \big( {\prod _{i=1}^n\log p_i}\big)^{1/n}$
. Note that
$m/n=\log _2 n + o(\log _2 n)<(1+\epsilon )\log _2 n$
for all
and sufficiently large n. Thus,
$2^{m/n}<n^{1+\epsilon }$
for sufficiently large n, and the remaining factors are
$O(n^\epsilon )$
$\big( {\prod _{i=1}^n\log p_i}\big)^{1/n}<\log p_n = O(\log n)$
Finally, we will require the fact that any vector in
$\overline {L}_n$
including a nontrivial coefficient on
must be sufficiently large (have length at least
in the
$\ell _1$
Lemma 2.7 If
, then
Proof We have
Without loss of generality, suppose that
, and for contradiction, suppose
. Then

$\sum _{i=1}^n (e_i+ \left \lvert {e_i} \right \rvert ) \log p_i < 0$
, and this is nonsensical since the left-hand side is nonnegative.
2.5 Asymptotic formulae
, and let
$\pi (x)$
be the prime counting function, so that
$n=\pi (x)-1$
. The prime number theorem [Reference Ingham4] states that
$\pi (x)\sim \operatorname {\mathrm {li}}(x)$
$\operatorname {\mathrm {li}}(x)$
is the logarithmic integral
$\int _0^x\frac {{\,\mathrm {d}} t}{\log t}$
with asymptotic expansion

In fact, the error term
$\pi (x)-\operatorname {\mathrm {li}}(x)$
$O(x/\exp (C\log ^{1/2} x))$
for some constant
. The following estimates are consequences of this (cf. [Reference Stewart and Tijdeman9, Lemma 2]). For the convenience of the reader, proofs are given in the Appendix.
Lemma 2.8
$\sum _{i=1}^n\log p_i = n\log p_n - n - p_n/\log ^2 p_n + O(p_n/\log ^3 p_n)$
Lemma 2.9
$\sum _{i=1}^n\log \log p_i = n\log \log p_n - p_n/\log ^2 p_n + O(p_n/\log ^3 p_n)$
3 Exceptional
For our purposes, the importance of the kernel sublattice is that it lets us show the existence of
triples in which c is large relative to
$\operatorname {\mathrm {rad}}(abc)$
. The following lemma shows how this may be done.
Lemma 3.1 For all
$m\lesssim n\log _2 n$
and sufficiently large n, there exists an
triple satisfying

Proof By the definition of
$\delta $
from Corollary 2.4, for all sufficiently large n, there exists a nonzero

. For sufficiently large n, we must have
, since by Lemma 2.7, if
$e_{n+1}\neq 0$
, then
. This would contradict (3.1) since by Lemma 2.6 the right-hand side is
$O(n^{2+\epsilon })$
$\prod _{i=1}^n p_i^{e_i}=p/q$
be expressed in lowest terms. By construction of the kernel sublattice, we have that
$p/q \equiv 1\ \ \pmod {2^m}$
. Let
, and
, so that a, b, c form an
triple. Furthermore, we see that

so that
for some positive integer
$k\leq c/2^m$
. Note that a is divisible by
and any other prime that divides it also divides k, so that
$\operatorname {\mathrm {rad}}(a)\leq 2k\leq c/2^{m-1}$
. Furthermore, by construction of b and c,
$\operatorname {\mathrm {rad}}(bc)\leq \prod _{i=1}^n p_i$
and the first bound follows. The second bound follows from (3.1) and Lemmas 2.1 and 2.5.
3.1 Optimal choice of m
The first bound in Lemma 3.1 allows us to show the existence of infinitely many
triples whose ratio of c to
$\operatorname {\mathrm {rad}}(abc)$
grows arbitrarily large. Using the second bound, we can even show that this ratio grows faster than a function of c. It is not immediately clear how to choose m optimally, i.e., to maximize the ratio
$c/\operatorname {\mathrm {rad}}(abc)$
For convenience, let R denote the right-hand side of the second inequality in Lemma 3.1 with
. Then
$2^{m-1}= \big( {\frac {\delta R}{n+l_n}}\big)^{n+1}/(n^3\prod _{i=1}^n\log p_i)$
, so the bounds of Lemma 3.1 can be rewritten in terms of R:

The question now becomes how to choose R in terms of n so that
$c/\operatorname {\mathrm {rad}}(abc)$
is maximized.
Taking the logarithm of the first inequality in (3.2) gives

Using the asymptotic formulae in Lemmas 2.8 and 2.9 with
$\log (n+l_n)=\log n+O(l_n/n)$
, this becomes

By the prime number theorem
$n=\operatorname {\mathrm {li}}(p_n)+O(p_n/\log ^2 p_n)$
and (2.1), the leftmost term becomes

and with
$\log (1+1/x)=1/x+O(1/x^2)$
$x\to \infty $
, this is

Using (2.1) again on the last two terms and putting this back into (3.3), we get

and our goal becomes to choose R as a function of n to maximize
$n\log (e\delta R/p_n^2)$
. Choosing R as asymptotically slow-growing as possible in terms of n will maximize this in terms of R. We must take
$R>p_n^2/(e\delta )$
for the logarithm to be positive, so we take
for some constant k. Note that with this choice
$m\sim n\log _2 n$
, so Lemma 3.1 applies. We have that
$n\log (e\delta R/p_n^2)$
simplifies to

For fixed R, this is maximized when
. Using
$R=ep_n^2/\delta $
in (3.4),

By the prime number theorem and (2.1) again,

Rewriting in terms of R,


$x\to \infty $
, this gives

Using that
$2\delta <e^4$
, the second term on the left is positive, and so for sufficiently large R, the middle two terms are necessarily positive. Therefore, for sufficiently large R, this can be simplified to

Using that
$2\log c\leq R$
from (3.2) and the increasing monotonicity of
$\sqrt {R}/\log (R/2)$
for sufficiently large R, we finally achieve that

Taking the exponential, this proves the following theorem.
Theorem 3.1 There are infinitely many
triples satisfying

Using the permissible value for
$\delta $
derived by Rankin’s bound in Corollary 2.4, the constant in the exponent becomes approximately
. As mentioned in Section 2.3, the best-known upper bound on
$\delta $
, meaning that the constant in the exponent would become
if this upper bound was shown to be tight.
Lemma 2.8
$\sum _{i=1}^n\log p_i = n\log p_n - n - p_n/\log ^2 p_n + O(p_n/\log ^3 p_n)$
Proof Let
, so the prime number theorem (with error term) gives
$n=\operatorname {\mathrm {li}}(x)+O(x/\log ^4 x)$
. Rearranging the asymptotic expansion of the logarithmic integral (2.1) gives

An alternate form of the prime number theorem is
$x=\sum _{p\leq x}\log p+O(x/\log ^3 x)$
, so the left-hand side may be replaced by
$\sum _{i=1}^n \log p_i$
from which the result follows.
Lemma 2.9
$\sum _{i=1}^n\log \log p_i = n\log \log p_n - p_n/\log ^2 p_n + O(p_n/\log ^3 p_n)$
Proof By Abel’s summation formula with


for k up to

, we have

We have
$\pi (t)-1=t/\log t+O(t/\log ^2 t)$
by the prime number theorem, so that

The first integral on the right works out to

by the asymptotic expansion of the logarithmic integral. The second integral on the right can split in two (around
$\sqrt x$
) and then estimated by

Putting everything together gives

The author would like to thank the reviewer for their detailed review and useful feedback they provided on the first draft of this paper.