The information given here is provided by the IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification for comparative purposes and as a service to mineralogists working on new species.
Each mineral is described in the following format:
Mineral name, if the authors agree on its release prior to the full description appearing in press
Chemical formula (ideal formula)
Mineral symbol
Type locality
Full authorship of proposal
E-mail address of corresponding author
Relationship to other minerals
Crystal system, Space group; Structure determined, yes or no
Unit-cell parameters
Strongest lines in the powder X-ray diffraction pattern
Type specimen repository and specimen number
Citation details for the mineral prior to publication of full description
Citation details concern the fact that this information will be published in the Mineralogical Magazine on a routine basis, as well as being added month by month to the Commission's web site.
It is still a requirement for the authors to publish a full description of the new mineral.
IMA No. 2021-076a
Sanguozhuang Village, Tangdan Town, Dongchuan District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China (26°07’36” N, 103°00’19” E)
Hongtao Shen, Jinhua Hao, Ningyue Sun, Guowu Li*, Yuan Xue and Liqun Luo
*E-mail: [email protected]
The As analogue of veszelyite
Monoclinic: P21/c; structure determined
a = 7.5852(4), b = 10.3877(5), c = 9.8714(5) Å, β = 102.984(5)°
7.129(95), 4.391(40), 3.698(100), 3.521(45), 3.000(50), 2.811(35), 2.511(40), 2.388(20)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Geological Museum of China, No. 15, Yangrou Hutong, Xisi, Beijing 100083, People's Republic of China, catalogue number M16126 (holotype), and the Crystal Structure Laboratory, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, People's Republic of China, catalogue number DC-3 (cotype)
How to cite: Shen, H., Hao, J., Sun, N., Li, G., Xue, Y. and Luo, L. (2022) Arsenoveszelyite, IMA 2021-076a. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA No. 2021-099
Ozernovskoe gold deposit, Orebody No. 5, 115 km N of the town of Klyuchi, Kamchatka peninsula, Far-Eastern Region, Russia (57°35’31” N, 160°38’13” E)
Igor V. Pekov*, Sergey N. Britvin, Petr A. Pletnev, Vasiliy O. Yapaskurt, Dmitry I. Belakovskiy, Nikita V. Chukanov, Marina F. Vigasina and Aleksandr P. Ponomarev
*E-mail: [email protected]
Closely related to the minerals of the zemannite group
Hexagonal: P63/m; structure determined
a = 9.2490(5), c = 7.5688(6) Å
8.01(100), 4.005(53), 3.775(15), 3.027(13), 2.925(17), 2.809(27), 2.747(45), 1.707(17)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiy Prospekt 18-2, Moscow 119071, Russia, registration number 5761/1
How to cite: Pekov, I.V., Britvin, S.N., Pletnev, P.A., Yapaskurt, V.O., Belakovskiy, D.I., Chukanov, N.V., Vigasina, M.F. and Ponomarev, A.P. (2022) Rudolfhermannite, IMA 2021-099. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA No. 2021-100
Boluokenu island arc belt, West Tianshan, Xinjiang, China (44°05’25” N, 82°43’26” E)
Yongmei Zhang, Xuexiang Gu*, Ting Li, Guang Fan, Yingshuai Zhang and Jialin Wang
*E-mail: [email protected]
Amphibole supergroup
Monoclinic: C2/m; structure determined
a = 9.8620(3), b = 18.1060(5), c = 5.3081(1) Å, β =104.848(1)°
8.397(52), 3.383(41), 2.717(100), 2.597(84), 2.545(61), 1.854(49), 1.585(39), 1.519(62)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Geological Museum of China, No. 16, Yangrou Hutong, Xisi, Beijing 100031, People's Republic of China, catalogue number M16131
How to cite: Zhang, Y., Gu, X., Li, T., Fan, G., Zhang, Y. and Wang, J. (2022) Magnesio-ferri-hornblende, IMA 2021-100. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA No. 2021-103
Torrecillas mine, Salar Grande, Iquique Province, Tarapacá Region, Chile (20°58’13” S, 70°08’17” W)
Anthony R. Kampf*, Jochen Schlüter, Thomas Malcherek, Bianca Paulenz, Dieter Pohl, Chi Ma, Maurizio Dini and Arturo A. Molina Donoso
*E-mail: [email protected]
New structure type
Monoclinic: C2; structure determined
a = 18.688(2), b = 8.6769(7), c = 14.810(1) Å, β = 105.238(5)°
9.04(20), 7.23(89), 4.33(30), 3.127(100), 3.085(33), 2.809(15), 2.518(15), 1.417(16)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the Mineralogisches Museum Hamburg, Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels, Grindelallee 48, 20146 Hamburg, Germany, catalogue number MD760 (holotype), and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA, catalogue numbers 76193 (piece of the holotype) and 76194 (cotype)
How to cite: Kampf, A.R., Schlüter, J., Malcherek, T., Paulenz, B., Pohl, D., Ma, C., Dini, M. and Molina Donoso, A.A. (2022) Nafeasite, IMA 2021-103. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA No. 2021-104
In the upstream of Khokhoy creek, right tributary of Amga River, 120 km W of Aldan town, Aldanskiy region, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Eastern Siberia, Russia (59°06’36” N, 123°14’42” E)
Anatoly V. Kasatkin*, Galina S. Anisimova, Fabrizio Nestola, Jakub Plášil, Jiří Sejkora, Radek Škoda, Evgeniy P. Sokolov, Larisa A. Kondratieva and Veronika N. Kardashevskaia
*E-mail: [email protected]
Known synthetic analogue
Trigonal: P321; structure determined
a = 9.0600(9), c = 4.9913(11) Å
3.352(100), 3.063(15), 2.619(49), 2.541(7), 2.065(18), 1.804(28), 1.697(8), 1.625(9)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiy Prospekt 18-2, Moscow 119071, Russia, registration number 5773/1
How to cite: Kasatkin, A.V., Anisimova, G.S., Nestola, F., Plášil, J., Sejkora, J., Škoda, R., Sokolov, E.P., Kondratieva, L.A. and Kardashevskaia, V.N. (2022) Amgaite, IMA 2021-104. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA No. 2021-105
Scenic mine, Fry Mesa, White Canyon district, San Juan Co., Utah, USA (37°38’43” N, 110°07’10” W)
Anthony R. Kampf*, Jakub Plášil, Travis A. Olds, Chi Ma and Joe Marty
*E-mail: [email protected]
Compositionally and structurally very similar to leydetite
Monoclinic: P21/c; structure determined
a = 21.055(1), b = 6.8708(3), c = 12.9106(5) Å, β = 96.678(7)°
10.37(100), 6.39(26), 5.73(43), 5.20(70), 4.983(23), 4.698(31), 3.380(24), 3.326(30)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA, catalogue numbers 76199 (holotype), 76200, 76201 and 76102 (cotypes)
How to cite: Kampf, A.R., Plášil, J., Olds, T.A., Ma, C. and Marty, J. (2022) Shinarumpite, IMA 2021-105. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA No. 2021-106
Ca. 2 km SE of the Hatrurim Junction (road #31), Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel
Sergey N. Britvin*, Mikhail N. Murashko, Yevgeny Vapnik, Maria G. Krzhizhanovskaya, Natalia S. Vlasenko and Oleg S. Vereshchagin
*E-mail: [email protected]
Hydrotalcite supergroup
Trigonal: R $\bar{3}$
c; structure determined
a = 5.7646(1), c = 49.409(1) Å
8.27(100), 4.120(23), 3.888(29), 2.886(33), 2.723(11), 2.554(18), 2.449(30), 2.362(17)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiy Prospekt 18-2, Moscow 119071, Russia, registration number 5736/1
How to cite: Britvin, S.N., Murashko, M.N., Vapnik, Y., Krzhizhanovskaya, M.G., Vlasenko, N.S. and Vereshchagin. O.S. (2022) Carbocalumite, IMA 2021-106. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA No. 2020-101
Solfatara di Pozzuoli, Phlegraean Fields, Napoli, Campania, Italy (40°49’41”N, 14°08’30”E)
Italo Campostrini, Carlo Castellano, Francesco Demartin*, Ivano Rocchetti, Pietro Vignola and Massimo Russo
*E-mail: [email protected]
A dimorph of dimorphite
Orthorhombic: Pnma; structure determined
a = 9.1577(7), b = 8.0332(6), c = 10.2005(8) Å
6.299(48), 5.186(100), 4.174(31), 3.889(21), 3.152(34), 2.980(41), 1.846(27), 1.808(23)
Type material is deposited in the reference collections of the Dipartimento di Chimica, University of Milano, Via Golgi 19, 20133 Milano, Italy, sample numbers 2020-03/6121 (holotype) and 2020-04/4226 (cotype)
How to cite: Campostrini, I., Castellano, C., Demartin, F., Rocchetti, I., Vignola, P. and Russo, M. (2022) Paradimorphite, IMA 2020-101. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA No. 2021-107
Grand Central mine, Tombstone district, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA (31°42’09” N, 110°03’43” W)
Hexiong Yang*, Xiangping Gu, Ronald B. Gibbs and Michael M. Scott
*E-mail: [email protected]
The Te6+ analogue of raspite
Orthorhombic: P21/a; structure determined
a = 13.6089(3), b = 5.0175(1), c = 5.5767(2) Å, β = 107.928(1)°
3.655(100), 3.604(43), 3.513(69), 3.235(34), 2.768(51), 2.718(57), 2.515(48), 1.857(55)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the University of Arizona Alfie Norville Gem and Mineral Museum, 15 N Church Ave, Tucson, AZ 85701, USA, catalogue no. 22715 (holotype), and the RRUFF Project, deposition no. R210011 (cotype)
How to cite: Yang, H., Gu, X., Gibbs, R.B. and Scott, M.M. (2022) Murphyite, IMA 2021-107. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA No. 2021-108
Daba-Siwaqa complex, Transjordan Plateau, Jordan (31°22’01” N, 36°11’10” E)
Evgeny Galuskin*, Marcin Stachowicz, Irina O. Galuskina, Krzysztof Woźniak, Yevgeny Vapnik, Mikhail N. Murashko and Grzegorz Zieliński
*E-mail: [email protected]
Cerite supergroup
Trigonal: R3c; structure determined
a = 10.3516(3), c = 37.160(2) Å
6.451(51), 3.433(25), 3.183(64), 2.861(100), 2.737(24), 2.588(81), 1.919(24), 1.716(28)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiy Prospekt 18-2, Moscow 119071, Russia, registration number 5791/1
How to cite: Galuskin, E., Stachowicz, M., Galuskina, I.O., Woźniak, K., Vapnik, Y., Murashko, N.N. and Zieliński, G. (2022) Deynekoite, IMA 2021-108. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA No. 2021-109
Ca. 2 km SE of the Hatrurim Junction (road #31), Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel
Sergey N. Britvin*, Mikhail N. Murashko, Maria G. Krzhizhanovskaya, Yevgeny Vapnik, Oleg S. Vereshchagin and Natalia S. Vlasenko
*E-mail: [email protected]
Hydrotalcite supergroup
Trigonal: R $\bar{3}$
; structure determined
a = 9.9643(2), c = 30.2212(7) Å
10.12(100), 5.04(81), 4.47(23), 3.544(31), 2.877(33), 2.497(34), 2.418(22), 2.247(21)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiy Prospekt 18-2, Moscow 119071, Russia, registration number 5798/1
How to cite: Britvin, S.N., Murashko, M.N., Krzhizhanovskaya, M.G., Vapnik, Y., Vereshchagin, O.S. and Vlasenko, N.S. (2022) Poellmannite, IMA 2021-109. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA No. 2021-110
As inclusions within corundum xenocrysts from the Mount Carmel area, Israel
Chi Ma*, Luca Bindi, Fernando Cámara and Vered Toledo
*E-mail: [email protected]
The Al analogue of pseudobrookite
Orthorhombic: Cmcm
a = 3.58(2), b = 9.44(1), c = 9.65(1) Å
4.720(77), 3.347(100), 3.162(39), 2.658(90), 1.903(57), 1.790(55), 1.688(44), 1.485(32)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra “A. Desio”, Università di Milano, Via Mangiagalli 34, 20133 Milano, Italy, registration number MCMGPG-H2021-002
How to cite: Ma, C., Bindi, L., Cámara, F. and Toledo, V. (2022) Griffinite, IMA 2021-110. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA No. 2021-111
As inclusions within corundum xenocrysts from the Mount Carmel area, Israel
Chi Ma*, William L. Griffin, Luca Bindi, Fernando Cámara and Vered Toledo
*E-mail: [email protected]
Known synthetic analogue
Triclinic: P $\bar{1}$
a = 5.60(1), b = 7.13(1), c = 12.47(1) Å, α = 95.1(1), β = 95.2(1), γ = 108.7(1)°
4.277(73), 3.020(74), 2.818(100), 2.800(49), 2.523(57), 1.721(49), 1,718(50), 1.666(51)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra “A. Desio”, Università di Milano, Via Mangiagalli 34, 20133 Milano, Italy, registration number MCMGPG-H2021-001
How to cite: Ma, C., Griffin, W.L., Bindi, L., Cámara, F. and Toledo, V. (2022) Magnéliite, IMA 2021-111. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA No. 2021-112
Arsenatnaya fumarole, Second scoria cone of the Northern Breakthrough of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka peninsula, Far-Eastern Region, Russia (55°41’ N, 160°14’ E, 1200 m a.s.l.)
Igor V. Pekov*, Natalia V. Zubkova, Atali A. Agakhanov, Natalia N. Koshlyakova, Nikita V. Chukanov, Vasiliy O. Yapaskurt, Sergey N. Britvin, Anna G. Turchkova, Maria A. Nazarova and Dmitry Y. Pushcharovsky
*E-mail: [email protected]
New structure type
Triclinic: P $\bar{1}$
; structure determined
a = 5.1813(7), b = 9.6427(11), c = 9.6834(11) Å, α = 82.07(1), β = 78.68(1), γ = 79.96(1)°
3.761(100), 3.540(46), 3.280(88), 3.204(62), 3.170(41), 2.989(51), 2.889(65), 2.510(64)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiy Prospekt 18-2, Moscow 119071, Russia, registration number 5799/1
How to cite: Pekov, I.V., Zubkova, N.V., Agakhanov, A.A., Koshlyakova, N.N., Chukanov, N.V., Yapaskurt, V.O., Britvin, S.N., Turchkova, A.G., Nazarova, M.A. and Pushcharovsky, D.Y. (2022) Magganasite, IMA 2021-112. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA No. 2021-113
Tom's quarry, Kapunda, South Australia, Australia (34°21’ S, 138°55’ E)
Ian E. Grey*, W. Gus Mumme, Colin M. MacRae, Anthony R. Kampf and Stuart J. Mills
*E-mail: [email protected]
A dimorph of penriceite
Monoclinic: C2/m; structure determined
a = 12.242(1), b = 7.0118(7), c = 11.2946(9) Å, β = 101.19(1)°
11.08(100), 6.059(9), 5.782(12), 5.532(10), 5.106(31), 3.346(6), 2.882(8), 2.852(17)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the South Australia Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia, catalogue number G35026 (holotype), and the Museums Victoria, GPO Box 666, Melbourne, Vic 3001, Australia, catalogue number M45575 (cotype)
How to cite: Grey, I.E., Mumme, W.G., MacRae, C.M., Kampf, A.R. and Mills, S.J. (2022) Elliottite, IMA 2021-113. CNMNC Newsletter 66; Mineralogical Magazine, 86,
IMA 22-A: Redefinition of montanite
Proposal 22-A is accepted, and the status of montanite is changed from ‘Q’ to ‘Rd’. The formula of montanite is modified from Bi2TeO6⋅2H2O to Bi2TeO6⋅nH2O (0 ≤ n ≤ ⅔), and two neotypes, preserved at the Natural History Museum in London, UK, are created. Type localities are Highland, Montana, USA (sample BM 85116) and David Beck's Mine, North Carolina, USA (sample BM 1985,Nev336).
IMA 22-B: Redefinition of moxuanxueite
Proposal 22-B is accepted, and the ideal end-member formula of moxuanxueite (IMA no. 2019-100) is modified from Na2Ca5Zr(Si2O7)2F4 to NaCa6Zr(Si2O7)2OF3.
IMA 22-C: Arrojadite group nomenclature: sigismundite reinstated
Proposal 22-C is accepted, and arrojadite-(BaFe) is renamed sigismundite, according to the rule for the preservation of historical names.