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Yuesheng Shengnian 樂生聲年 / Those Days @ THE Confucius Temple. Directed and edited by Chuang Min Tsy 壯敏慈 (2019), 45 minutes. Taipei: M. F. A. graduation film, Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology, National Taiwan Normal University.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 11 January 2022
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- Film/Video Reviews
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- © International Council for Traditional Music 2021
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Taibei Shi Kongmiao Guanli Weiyuanhui 臺北市孔廟管理委員會 / Taipei Confucius Temple Governing Board. 2020. Taibei Shi Jinian Dacheng Zhisheng Xianshi Kongzi Danchen-2570-Zhounian Shidian Dianli 臺北市紀念大成至聖先師孔子誕辰 2570週年釋典典禮 [The 2570th anniversary of Confucius Ceremony held at Taipei City in commemoration of the great sage Confucius]. YouTube Video. 53:23. (added by Taibei Shi Kongmiao Guanli Weiyuanhui, 10 November 2020; accessed 28 June 2021).Google Scholar