Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 June 2017
Green kyllinga is a relatively new weed species in well-irrigated turfs in the southwest US. To understand the germination requirements of green kyllinga, the effects of planting depth, temperature, pH, and osmotic potential were determined. Green kyllinga emergence was sensitive to planting depth. At 21 days after planting (DAP), emergence of green kyllinga was 60% when planted at the soil surface but only 20% at 0.5 cm and less than 5% at 1 cm. Germination occurred at temperatures between 17 and 30 C but was notably better between 20 and 24 C. Germination was uniform from pH 5.5 to 9.5. Germination decreased between the water potentials −0.1 to −0.6 MPa, although germination was high at water potentials found in irrigated turf. The environmental conditions found in nonstressed turf areas in Arizona will likely support the establishment of green kyllinga. The efficacy of herbicides for the control of green kyllinga was also determined. Control of kyllinga (95% or greater) was obtained with preemergence applications of oxadiazon, dithiopyr, and metolachlor, and with postemergence applications of DSMA, halosulfuron-methyl, and imazaquin.