Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 June 2017
Texas panicum (Panicum texanum Buckl. # PANTE) is a native of the Southwest, now increasing as a weed throughout the southern United States, whereas wild proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L. # PANMI) is an introduced weed currently increasing in importance in the northern Midwest. In controlled-environment chambers, both species produced more tillers, greater leaf area, and more total dry weight at 30/24 C day/night (simulated growing season temperature in Georgia) than at 24/18 C (simulated growing season temperature in Minnesota). Texas panicum accumulated more dry matter at 30/24 C than did wild proso millet, while wild proso millet accumulated more dry matter at 24/18 C than did Texas panicum. When the two species were grown together, Texas panicum was the superior competitor at 30/24 C while wild proso millet was superior at 24/18 C. Exposure to short photoperiods at an intermediate temperature of 27/21 C accelerated flowering and limited vegetative growth in both species. In the range of photoperiods (10 to 16 h) examined, wild proso millet always flowered earlier and, consequently, produced less vegetative growth than Texas panicum. Its responses to temperature and photoperiod indicate that wild proso millet probably would be competitively inferior to Texas panicum and other adapted grass weeds in the southern United States.