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The Common Room

The Transactions welcomes submissions for The Common Room that differ from Research Articles. This section has been created to give a space for diverse contributions that speak to concerns and discussions pertinent to History.  We encourage shorter pieces that might focus on historiographical issues, methodological problems, intellectual debates or engagement with the latest scholarship. 

While the Editors do not have specific requirements for the form of contributions to this section an individual submission could be between 5000-8000 words, while a round table might have up to four pieces of at least 2000 words each.  We will not publish conference proceedings or reports.   

If you have an idea for a submission to The Common Room, please contact the Editors with a brief proposal of the potential form and outline of the piece(s).  If the Editors accept the proposal the submission will undergo a rigorous process of internal peer review, which may involve other Editors and/or Editorial Board Members. The decision to accept a proposal for The Common Room does not commit the journal to publishing the final manuscript.  Submissions must conform to the style requirements of Transactions.



The Common Room

The Common Room – Round table

The Common Room

The Common Room – Round table

The Common Room