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The Works of Giovanni di Conversino da Ravenna: A Catalogue of Manuscripts and Editions
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 29 July 2016

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- Bibliographical Studies
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- Copyright © Fordham University Press
1 Salutati, Salutati, Epistolario (ed. Novati, F., 4 vols.; Rome 1891–1911) (cited as Salutati, Epistolario). Google Scholar
2 da Verona, Guarino, Epistolario (ed. Sabbadini, R., 3 vols.; Venice 1915–1919).Google Scholar
3 Baron, H., Leonardo Bruni, Humanistisch-philosophische Schriften (Berlin and Leipzig 1928).Google Scholar
4 Vergerio, , Epistolario (ed. Smith, L.; Rome 1934) (cited as Vergerio, , Epistolario).Google Scholar
5 Salutati, , De laboribus Herculis (ed. Ullman, B. L., 2 vols.; Zürich 1951 ); De seculo et religione (ed. Ullman, B. L.; Florence 1957).Google Scholar
6 Salutati, , De nobilitate legum et medicinae, De verecundia (ed. Garin, E.; Florence 1947).Google Scholar
7 Esp. the Editrice Antenore in Padua under Billanovich, and the Nuova collezione di testi umanistici inediti o rari headed by Martellotti, G. et al. (published by Editrice Olschki, Florence).Google Scholar
8 (2 vols. Leiden and London 1965–1967) (cited as Kristeller, Iter).Google Scholar
9 Klette, T., Beitrag zur Geschichte und Litteratur der italienischen Gelehrtenrenaissance I (Griefswald 1888) (cited as Klette); Sabbadini, R., Giovanni da Ravenna, insigne figura d'umanista (Como 1924) (cited as Sabbadini).Google Scholar
10 See Baron, H., Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance (2 vols.; Princeton 1955) I 109–120.Google Scholar
11 Kniewald, D., ‘Ioannes Conversini de Ravenna dubrovacki notar, 1384–1387,' Glas srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti 229, Odeljenje literature i jezike 3 (Belgrade 1957) 39–160 (cited as Kniewald).Google Scholar
12 Gargan, L., ‘Giovanni Conversini e la cultura letteraria a Treviso nella seconda metà del Trecento,' Italia Medioevale e Umanistica 8 (1965) 85–159 (cited as Gargan).Google Scholar
13 Zaccaria, V., ‘Il Memorandarum rerum liber di Giovanni di Conversino da Ravenna,’ Atti del R. Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. classe di sc. mor. e lett. 106, 2 (1947–1948) 231–250 (cited as Zaccaria).Google Scholar
14 Ed. and trans. Eaker, H. L. with introd. and notes Kohl, B. G. (Text Series, Renaissance Society of America; Lewisburg, Pa. 1975).Google Scholar
15 Gargan, L. of the Università del Sacro Cuore, Milan, is currently editing Giovanni's autobiography, the Rationarium vite, while Kohl, B. G. and J. Day of Vassar College, are preparing an edition of three of Giovanni's treatises: De primo eius introitu ad aulam, De fortuna aulica, and De dilectione regnantium. In a recent article, ‘Un immediata ripercussione del movimento dei Bianchi del 1399,’ Rivista di storia delta Chiesa in Italia 26 (1972) 256n, Giuseppina De Sandre Gasparini has promised a complete edition of De lustro Alborum in urbe Padua. All other previously announced projects to edit Giovanni's work appear to have come to naught.Google Scholar
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