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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 23 January 2009
At the beginning of October 1777, Sumarokov, dramatist and first director of the first Russian professional theatre, died in Moscow alone, poverty-stricken and deserted by all. A few actors carried the deceased to the cemetery of the Donskoy Monastery and buried him at their own expense. A week later Catherine II received a communication from Prince Volkonsky: ‘In the last few days Aleksandr Sumarokov, being afflicted with a violent illness, has died, but otherwise all here goes well; having nothing more at present worthy of report to Your Imperial Majesty, I commit myself to Your Imperial Grace’.
1. Gosudarstvennaya Publichnaya biblioteka im. M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrina. St Petersburg. Rukopisny otdel, fond 227 (Grot), ed. khr. 69.
2. Letopis' russkoy literatury i drevnosti. Moscow, 1862, vol. 4, p. 34
3. Istoriya russkogo teatra, Kallash, V. V. and Efros, N. E. (eds.), vol. 1, Moscow, 1914, p. 119.Google Scholar
4. Russkaya beseda, St Petersburg, 1860. vol. 2, book 20, p. 240.
5. Imennoy spisok vsem byvshim i nyne nakhodyash-chimsya v Sukhoputnom Shlyakhetskom Korpuse shtab-ofitseram i kadetam, St Petersburg, 1761, No. 593.
6. Quoted from Drizen, Baron N. V., ‘Ivan Perfil'evich Elagin’, Russkaya starina, 1893, No. 10, p. 134.Google Scholar
7. Loginov, M., ‘Russkie pisateli 18 veka. I. P. Elagin’, Russkaya starina, 1870, vol. 2, p. 197.Google Scholar
8. Bibliograficheskie zapiski, St Petersburg 1858, No. 14, stolbets 428.
9. Arkhiv Direktsii Imperatorskikh teatrov Rossii, part 1 (1746–1801), 3 sections, St Petersburg, 1892, section 2, pp. 90–91.
10. Zhurnal Kamer-fur'ersky (undated) p. 211. The music and choreography for this work were by Gasparo Angiolini.
11. Quoted from Starikova, L., Teatial'naya zhizn' starinoy, Moskvy, 1998. p. 253.Google Scholar
12. Lotman, Yu. M., Besedy o russkoy kul'ture, St Petersburg, 1994, p. 183.Google Scholar
13. Quoted from Lotman, Yu. M., Izbrannye stat'i, 3 vols., Tallin, 1992, vol. 1, p. 271.Google Scholar
14. Quoted from Lyubov' Gurevich, Istoriya russkogo teatral'nogo byta, Moscow-Leningrad, 1939, p. 97.
15. Arkhiv Direktsii Imperatorskikh teatrov Rossii, section 2, p. 84.
16. Ibid., p. 85.
17. Poroshin, S. A., ‘Dnevnik’, Russkaya starina, St Petersburg, 1900, p. 47.Google Scholar
18. Novikov, N. A., Oput istoricheskogo slovarya o ros-siyskikh pisatelyakh, St Petersburg, 1772, p. 65.Google Scholar
19. Rossiysky Gosudarstvenny istorichesky arkhiv, fond 468, opis' 36, ed. khr. 37.
20. Intimny dnevnik Sheval'e de—Korberona, frantsuzs-kogo diplomata pri russkom dvore Ekateriny vtoroy, St Petersburg, 1907, pp. 170–1.
21. On the conflicts between Elagin and Catherine 11, see Russkaya starina, 1898, vol. LXXX, pp. 127–9, ‘Pis'ma zar-ubezhnykh myzykantov’ Iz russkikh Arkhivov, Leningrad, 1967, pp. 28–30; and Baron N. V. Drizen, ‘Ivan Perfil'evich Elagin’, Russkaya starina, 1893, No. 10, p. 128.
22. Ibid. pp. 125–6.
23. Arkhangel'sky, A. S.. ‘Russky teatr 18 veka’, Russkoe obozrenie, 1894, No. 6 pp. 731–2.Google Scholar
24. Tsentral'ny Gosudarstvenny istorichesky aichiv, fond 466, opis' 1, ed. khr. 106, list 122.
25. Lyubov' Gurevich, Istoriya russkogo teatral'nogo byta, Moscow- Leningrad, 1939. Krasovskaya, V. M., Russky baletny teatr ot vozniknoveniya do serediny 19 veka, Leningrad, 1958.Google ScholarStarikova, L. M., ‘Pervaya russkaya baletnaya truppa’, Pamyatniki kul'tury. Novye otkrytiya. Ezhegodnik. Moscow, 1985.Google Scholar
26. Pis'ma russkikh pisateley 18 veka, Leningrad, 1980, p. 86.
27. Higher payments to foreigners was general practice, and not confined to the arts. The system had its origin in the difference in qualifications of specialists from abroad and those of local cadres. Comparisons, especially in the eighteenth and the first half of the nineteenth century, were often not to the advantage of the Russians. Thus, for example, German and Dutch typesetters would be paid 200 to 250 roubles a year, whereas Russians received just 10 to 18 roubles.
28. Sochineniya, pis'ma, i izbrannye perevody Denisa Ivanovicha Fonvizina, St Petersburg, 1866, p. 388.
29. Lukin, V. I., Sochineniya i perevody Vladimira Lukina, 2 vols., St Petersburg, 1765, part 1, pp. XXV–XXVI.Google Scholar
30. Arkhiv Direktsii Imperatorskikh teatrov, section 2, pp. 86–7.
31. Quoted from Yurchenko, M. S., ‘Ital'ianskie pis'ma o Maksime Berezovskom’, Pamyatniki kul'tury, Moscow, 1988. p. 152.Google Scholar
32. Ibid. p. 153.
33. See Muzykal'naya Entsiklopediya, 6 vols., Moscow, 1973–82. vol. 1, p. 419. See also: Keldysh, Yu., ‘Neizvestnaya opera russkogo kompositora’, Sovetskaya muzyka, 1966, No. 12Google Scholar And Arkhiv Direktsii Imperatorskikh teatrov, Section 2, p. 92.
34. Personal note from Catherine II to I. P. Elagin, 22 April 1777, on the building work in Tsaritsyn. See Sbornik russkogo istoricheskogo obshchestva, 1860, vol. XXVII, p. 126.
35. Personal note from Catherine II to I. P. Elagin. Undated. See Sbornik russkogo istoricheskogo obshchestva, 1885, vol. XLII, p. 305.
36. On the role of Elagin in the building of Yamburg, see Tsentral'ny gosudarstvenny istorichesky arkhiv, fond 1339, opis' 1, No. 710, and Tsentral'ny gosudarstvenny arkhiv Voenno-Morskogo Flota, fond 3, opis' 23, No. 937, listy 65–66, No. 958, listy 53–54.
37. Quoted in Drizen, Baron N. V., ‘Ivan Perfil'evich Elagin’, Russkaya starina, 1893, No. 10, p. 129.Google Scholar
38. Sochineniya, pis'ma i perevody Denisa Ivanovicha Fonvizina, St Petersburg, 1866, p. 394.
39. Drizen, Baron N. V., ‘Ivan Perfil'evich Elagin’, Russkaya starina, 1893, No. 10, p. 129Google Scholar
40. Rossiysky Gosudarstvenny istorichesky arkhiv, fond 466, opis' 1, ed. khr. 106, list 122.
41. Arkhiv knyazya Vorontsova, kniga 30, Moscow, 1884, p. 366
42. M. P. Troyansky ‘K stsenicheskoy istorii komedy D. I. Fonvizina “Brigadir” v 18 veke’. Teatral'noe nasledstvo. Soobshchenniya. Publikatsii, Moscow, 1956, p. 7.
43. Gosudarstvenny istorichesky aikhiv, fond 468, opis' 36, ed. khr. 39
44. Sbornik Imperatorskogo russogo istoricheskogo obshchestva, St Petersburg, 1878.
45. Aikhiv Diiektsii Imperatoiskikh teatiov, section 2, p. 104.
46. Bibliograficheskie zapiski, St Petersburg, 1858, N 14, stolbets 425.
47. Russky arkhiv, St Petersburg, vol. 3, p. 208.
48. Krugly, A. R., ‘Ivan Perfil'evich Elagin. Biografichesky ocherk’. Otdel'ny ottisk iz Ezhegodnika Imperatorskikh Teatrov, sezon 1893–4, St Petersburg, 1895.Google Scholar