A new structural model of shear-thickening “dilatancy” is
proposed for (strongly) stabilized disperse systems. This model
is based on the effective volume fraction (EVF) concept, developed
in Part I of this series and previously used for the rheological
modeling of complex fluids. In such a description, the latter
are considered as concentrated dispersions of basic structural
units (SUs) — either small, compact clusters or primary particles —,
forming large structures at low shear. As shear rate increases,
rupturing of these large structures leads to the shear thinning
observed prior to dilatancy. The novelty of this model lies in
assuming that, beyond the onset of dilatancy, hydrodynamic forces
promote, at the expense of basic-SUs, the formation of hydrodynamic
clusters as both rheo-optical experiments and numerical simulations
recently demonstrated, in contradiction with the (classical)
theory based on a shear induced disruption of particle layering.
Dilatancy directly results from the increase of the EVF of the
dispersion, closely related to the increasing volume of continuous
phase imprisoned inside hydroclusters whose size grows as the
shear rate increases. Predictions of the model are discussed in
comparison with the Mayn features observed in a large number of
dilatant dispersions, especially the volume fraction dependences
of viscosity and critical shear rates (onset of dilatancy, maximum
and discontinuity in viscosity) also the effects of particle size,
polydispersity and suspending fluid viscosity.